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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Nimelerion Ar'Dan Dengiliorthas the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=36700
36700, (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Nimelerion Ar'Dan Dengiliorthas the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Apr 4 13:43:32 2005

At 4 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 4th of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Nimelerion perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
36788, Nicely played.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have a soft spot for this kind of character, what can I say.
36805, Soft spot?
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*poke poke* Don't see any soft spot. :)

Thanks for the compliment though.
36717, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Nimelerion Ar'Dan Dengiliorthas the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Ghearden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Egads man, when you said your body couldn't take much more punishment like that when you died while ranking, I had no idea you were *that* close. One more MARAN I won't get to run around with.
36720, You shoulda have seen my face ...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
when I realized I was entwined. :) oh that was bad.
lots of mob deaths with this guy though.
36702, Just wow what a glutton for punishment.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't believe I did that.
Here are the firsts:
First elf warrior hero.
first time to make it to 51 with full con.
(for those of you who fought me omg right? can ya believe it?)
first time to get a last name.
first time to be made full maran.
first time to get a yes that's right third legacy.
(pretty sure this was from: I can't believe this guy didn't delete already. :) )

What else? fastest I EVER went down in con. not quite my worst pk'er but close. Can't even figure out parts of it. but I know alot of it was thinking over and over, I should log out. No this guy is sphere dedication, I can log out after getting the orb. *groan*
I only logged off for work and family issues. oh wait there was my one fit of major depression. Tanera you remember that right?

okay to all the imms: Thanks for all the ones who interacted with me.
special notes for

Innis (minor conversation but enjoyable to witness)

Aarn (I assume) for the maran thing and had you said wield those instead of use those, I'd have gotten it right away, I'm not in the habit of looking in the inventory while fighting or even seeing so and so gives you... maybe I need to work out some new highlights. :)
Never did make it to your shrine often enough. pumped the bellows for others though while I was there. Maybe next time. (really nice shrine by the way. i love the interacitve bits that I found)

Fortress. So many of you just were awesome. a few were frustrating.
I'm sure you know why on both counts.

Too many to list, those that went before me utterly awesome characters one and all.

for those still there, lets see. prophet and tan sorry about that whole south thing. I thought you were resting and I went south it just took a while to go in and well things happened.
I actually got fewer people killed who were friends with this character than many others I've played. :)

Jez, thanks for all the help, didn't know ya back when. but you are okay by me.
rill: well I understand your points, but I disagree with most of what you do about it.

Battle: I didn't meet a one of you I did not like. (well okay Nim had problems with a few, but playerwise I thought you were alright.)

Trib: pretty much never met.

Outlanders: most of you I got along well with.

Scion: Grrr. hehe some slick players there.

Empire. My bane. ouch. I purposely rolled the character when people complained of hordes of fort folks figuring by the time I got to hero it would be empty. I got there faster than normal, so there was a little time it was still heavy fort.. very little. :) My play times were also just.. death.

Good conversations with some of you.
I forget half my friends and enemies so I left out the names of most of you. No offense. It's not that I don't remember most, I just didn't want to leave anyone important to the character out. so I left em all out.

What did I last from full con to con dead? a couple of weeks? hehe.
This was a fun character to play. regardless of the poor pk performance I had. Even getting whipped all the time It was still okay. not great mind you... okay. :) never a dull moment though.
Thank the gods for outfit!!! :)

Well this is all too much got a pile of things in my head. post if you feel like it and I'll reply to one and all.

few things of note: Part of the role was to be kind of scared of being alone. I just figure dedication made him bull through the fear. he was alone most of the time after becoming squire. poor lil elf.

I think mace works just fine.. not when I wanted it to most. but just fine overall. spear is of course one of my classics.
the legacy choices were based off rp choices. the third fits in with the role well enough, I just incorporated that he 'knew' it back in his youth, but didn't understand the use of it until late in life.
note sure if whoever gave me that meant it to fit like that.

Well I need a cigarette. (a few of the Nim just going brain dead was that. Just needed one so bad had to go smoke. Sorry for everyone that inconvienienced.)
36704, RE: Just wow what a glutton for punishment.
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nim, heh, been a blast. Sorry to see you go. Good luck with your next charecter.
36705, :) thanks.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And thanks for being there at the end. Always a pleasure 'm'lady'
oh another first, first fort character who when dying we still had the orb.
one of the few who wasn't alone too. That's always nice.
36706, RE: Just wow what a glutton for punishment.
Posted by Gvan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, most of what i've seen was when I was too young to fight you. You was brave. Like an old Knight of thera (my favorite cabal, shame it's gone). And well, today I just learned enough to be able to fight you... and became the one who killed you forewer. Shame. I was preparing for a lot of battles. Shame. Shame. Goo luck with you next.
36707, No sweat, we'll meet again.. as other people. :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rot though. *cries* wanted to go out with a bang. not decomposing.
*rofl* best choice though. I'd probably have done the same.

Have fun man.
36708, RE: No sweat, we'll meet again.. as other people. :)
Posted by Gvan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ya. Rot was the only choise, we were too close to a city to fight you normally - one flee, and you're in a protected city. But after the previose fight, I knew you'll die quick. So. You had to get some con clothes *chuckle* You had a healer for healing sleep. I was going to check if he gates to you and put you into sleep, so I can hit him too. *smile*. Ya, we'll meet again. I'm sure we did it in past.
36709, RE: Just wow what a glutton for punishment.
Posted by Halhaer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nimelerion. Ha! My death buddy :) Now who's gonna do crazy suicides with me? :( I think I'll do that less, although I do have quite a bit of trains left after training my poor con max again. :) Oh well, enjoyed the company. All the best with your next!
36710, Rock on hal!
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You only need one person to do those anyway. :)
definitely going to miss my favorite singer.
(No offense intended to kristin hehe)
Some times I felt like I was dying do often
I may as well have been running and hitting
guardians as a ghost. Know what I mean?
but I really wasn't doing it like that.
Some things were just more important than
staying alive to ol' nim.

Best of luck with Hal!
36711, My "nemesis"
Posted by Faelria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry for sneaking up on you so often but, you know, elf warrior,
dark-elf invoker, that's an explosive combination. You should've
just cranialed my head off that last time outside the inn, those
mithril maces would've sent me packing quick especially since I
wasn't at all prepared to fight you right there, but hey, maybe
next time?

Good job, good luck with the next, all that jazz.
36712, Rofl
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I might have had I had ANY idea you were there before hand.
I was called over to talk to an applicant. just went strolling along 'assuming' he would have warned me of the presence of an enemy.
after 'you have been killed' He tells me you are near. hehe
reply I know.
but somehow sarcasm just doesn't come through well.
:) that time in ysigrath though was just.. ewww.
For a moment I thought the other guy had set it up, but then he went after you as well. Well see ya next time. :)
36713, Tons of heart.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While Outlanders should thank this character for fertilizing the fields of Thera with his plentiful corpses, this character brought the fight and helped keep the level of activity high when he was around. I wasn't the Immortal who gave you the third Legacy, but I remember encouraging it because it seemed very appropriate for a character who kept getting back on his feet. Hopefully you learned a lot, and your next character can combine this level of heart with a little less regearing. :)

36714, Hahaha
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I did learn quite a bit. under other circumstances, or had i been a teeeny bit more cowardly, well maybe not cowardly, but doing some basic gearing before striking, Oh and actually using the preps I was dragging along, dunno how many corpses I left filled with preps.
Too much leftover Dremkal I guess.
Some of the time it did no good in anycase, I remember going against scion with stoneskin,ironskin,armor, bless, frenzy, flying, haste and what else, not sure what the other was and still getting reamed bad.

I had never really tested out this kind of a combo before.
Were I to roll another one right at this moment, and focus on pk blowing off everything else, I am pretty sure I'd be relatively deadly. (relative to my characters not in general :) )

Thanks for the compliment, there were times there I was sure the players behind the enemies were wincing at the fact that I was right there again knowing I was going to die. I think one day they got so sick of beating on me or couldn't stand the thought of killing me AGAIN they all started to log out. (might have been timing.)
I know I would have just logged out after killing some guy a pile of times. I wouldn't have been able to stand it.

The 'heart' comes easy. combining it with survival... not sure I can do that. I can make guys who live, or I can make guys who will face any odds. Hard for me to combine the two. I'm working on it though.
36715, Hey man, dont be so hard on yourself
Posted by Judaao Britala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and I had alot of fights Most of which was one on one,which I didnt mind. Though that impale is a pain. The one that sticks out in my mind is when I chased you to the dark forest near Seantryn. Got down there and there stood Cyth with you. So I was thinking damn it to hell, healer already saved his as*. Strangly enough though she just stood there without sancin you or healing you and watched me beat you down. Never was sure as to why since she was not a ghost at the time. Either way though, you held your own well enough....for an elf;)
36721, Wither stinks! :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember that time, I had like 34 hp left
said 'Or you could send me home.'
and she had burned the last of her mana (I think)
on a couple of heals. Judaao has arrived.
Oh damn dead again.. sure enough....
another time:
After asking someone if they still fought I go back in
at chasm (I misinterpreted what he meant by sort of
so my own fault) I had no potions because I didn't quite have enough to buy return, and I headed down to help him because of the odds.
I got away even. ran all over the place, then out of moves.
oh that stunk. tons of times I died not having potions after a
pretty much full loot. Which the empire pretty much stopped doing to me, guess I had personally paid for the advancement of several elite blades so they figured I was financially supporting the empire.
I half expected a title to that effect *rofl*
Good fights with you though. Sadly careful was never my middle name.
:) have fun man. See you next time.
36716, Oh man was I pissed at some point,
Posted by Sdradiga on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
when I was desperately trying to hero. I had good groups, and we just got our asses hauled to kiadana or spirits when the Vanquisher started screaming. After you died usually 4-5 times, we just decided to stop defending and take the orb later. Gawd! Considering the number of times I managed to kill you, you probably can't imagine how much pain it was to fight you. I had to burn a ####load of cash healing mana when impaled. Had you used a bit more guerilla tactics vs. me solo, you probably would have worn me and the Vanquisher down faster, and burnt a lot less con. Oh, and you must have wrecked my gank ratio like mad. All those times with up to 4 imperials in the Palace, and you attack the Vanquisher. At some point I was like, are you f*cking kidding me?
36722, Hehe. well let's see
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I had not hit empty air near you so many times dang it.
and if your timing for taking the orb wasn't so terrible..
I was always getting money when you struck. and usually a long way off. come to think on it I was always in a place either hard to get out of or far away when you guys struck.

But about your ranking... tough :) Look at what I was facing.
I had to do what I could. It would have been MUCH easier had I known you were ranking. I could have done a whole slew of other things, and timed it all better. *grumble* some awesome fights though eh?
I cam pretty close that one time after killing the scion shifter guy.
and not sure why he was even there. and oh sooo close to getting you.
I'm going to have to try a bard one of these days.
See ya around. :)
36736, RE: Just wow what a glutton for punishment.
Posted by Kalumgar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done, chief. I wasn't really upset with you at the point you mentioned, just baffled beyone belief, hehe. You were a good guy and one I knew wouldnt stand around when there was something to be done. You'll be missed man, cause it was fun. Only piece of advice I would offer to you for the future is to look before you leap. You have loads of potential, all you need now is to make a solid plan and you will be amazing. Hope to see you back soon!


36738, Plans? we don' need no stinkin' er.. nevermind..
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
maybe we do. :) I always had a plan. There was plan A
which depended on how many people I could gather to
come with me. As other characters I have turned 'suicide
missions' into the victory of the day by convincing people
to come with me. No matter the level. With this character I may as
well have been a shifter, Didn't have much chance to talk I was always moving. Well plan A always turned into plan B which depended on how vigilant the other guys were. (Most people always said no for my plan A :) I really don't blame them.) Plan C was what happens if they were vigilant. (I only got to do this a few times toward the end as I never had time to prep or even get potions hehe)
I log in, they had the orb. If they didn't soon enough I find myself actually exploring/gearing, and they go for it when I am hell and gone from anywhere, sometimes dying on the way back.

after dying/being looted I only had two ways left. Unghost at the outer not worrying over dying because I had nothing but 1/3 con to lose. or spend forever dressing and then going. (which I did once, but that time I could be harmed by 5, it wasn't pretty. I might have escaped to use teleport, but was entwined. hehe)

Anyway I always had a plan, just rarely got to impliment it.
The basic things I felt I 'needed' for this particular character were at the four corners of the world, If I already had the vanquisher hurt and cents down. (A few of the times it was kill one cent, teleport, repeat until they couldn't place them for a while.)
Had I gone to get gear it would have begun and endless cycle never getting the vanquisher down. dying a few times would.
I'm thinking this was my youngest character (hours) to con die.
I was about 200 or so when I still had full con. (2 trains went to hp, but thinking on it, maybe I should have hung on to them hehe)

Did a number of stupid things too, like they hit maran, I'm in the vaults and three guesses where I step running back.
or dragging us into sleepiness. hehe.
Over all I did less purely 'stupid' things than normal Most of my stuff only harmed me and was by my own choice etc..
Well anyway have fun and all that. See ya around.

36740, Well done!
Posted by Alven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, knowing your previous characters, was hard to pass by this one :-) Anyway, you had spirit and heart. Though it was a bit annoying at times to see you die that often... I liked your character alot. Good luck with your next!

36749, Dude Alven rocks!
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just wow. all around good job.
Always impressed with you.
:) Keep on with this one.
36741, RE: Just wow what a glutton for punishment.
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Way to tough it out! Your persistence was amazing. If you can hold on to that, while developing your pk skills over time, it'll be impressive.

Also, don't die as much. :P

36751, But but but...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you go by my previous characters, dying is what I do best.
Sometimes I die with style and grace.
Sometimes I die giving a bloody battle that leaves the other
guy/gal staring at the computer screen panting.
Sometimes I just walk into a cuisinart(sp?) and explode into a cloud of fleshy particles and spray of blood.
But I always die. :)
It's a skill. *rofl*

Sometimes I really feel like that. So far as I have seen
few can die like I do. Even newbies.

Now I have to come up with another idea for a character.
It seems to work better if I come up with the role first,
once I get going I never have time to add to it. :)

Curious: I Just want to 'know' that Nim's last wish came true.
He just wanted to become a tara'bal to strike the enemies of the
fortress one more time. (The whole dedication BEYOND death concept.)

Next time I play a fortress character I'll try not to go in guns blazing in the face of impossible odds.... without at least a teleport potion. :)

See ya next time around, have to play around with some of the new changes before I find something to sink my teeth into.
(and a concept for the char of course)

Awesome game, and I regret almost nothing of this one's life.
I might draw up a pic for this one, but I have another drawing I promised myself I'd do of a svirf, but I never seem to get around to it.

Take care.
36750, RE: Just wow what a glutton for punishment.
Posted by Innis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree with what Valg said, you provided more fertilization for the wilds of Thera with your corpses than anyone in quite a while. Conversely, I felt you had a set of brass ones with the suicidal delight and wild abandon in which you attackey your foes. After watching you off and on, it was my opinion, you not having a last name was an oversight that was quickly corrected. I have seen a number of characters come and go...I just wished I could have given you a special skill for classy deaths. :P

I am glad you had fun...it eases the frustration a bit.
36752, Thanks.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because of the place I claimed to come from is (or may become) nothing like what is intended for it, I thought I probably wouldn't get the last name. It was quite the 'elvish' one though eh?

..."the suicidal delight and wild abandon in"...
I love that bit. so very true.
Honestly most of it I had so much fun, there wasn't any frustration.
There were times though that it got bad. When you just lost your second con in as many hours (apporox) and the guild won't give you another outfit because the last one was too soon... delete...
Nahh can't do it.. trudge on.

:) Got a few ideas in my head now. probably won't be as fun to watch
(sorry imms) but Another one of my 'charge forth into the enemy hoarde' characters coming soon to a decomposing corpse near you.

As to a special skill for classy deaths, Oh that would have been great especially for an automatic skill as I was so lagged half the time I couldn't get off a statement while fighting.
like answers to 'Why do you keep doing this?' 'You know you will die, yes?' and all the other things people said in and around fights.
Even a nifty emote of imapaling himself Nimelerion claws his way up your sword to spit in your face as he dies. (or the like) would have made it Sooooo worth while. :)
Make it an imm given prize or hell even a quest, if no one else does I'll find a way to earn That one! :)
okay enough dreaming. Gotta go look into some armor. Ran into a bunch of SCA people here, so I'm going to beat on people IRL wooo hoo.
(Bet I don't die there near as much. ) :)

36755, RE: Just wow what a glutton for punishment.
Posted by Sessha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Notice how everyone is starting their post with a 'wow'? Well deserved. Jeez, I remember watching you go in and out of pk range SIX times in one lunch break last week. I kept thinking that you were balls to the wall courageous or just insane! I always admired that about you, though. You were definitely going to fight, no matter what the odds. Glad you stuck it out, what a cool experience.
36757, Sessha, My favorite non fortress singer. :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could always count on you to have an uplifiting thing to
say/sing or be where I was going to check on gear.
Thanks for giving me that one potion. It saved my life long
enough to die later. dying later is one step closer to getting
the orb back.
:) After a million assaults against high odds, I really think I could do it with a little more careful character.

It was a blast running around with you.
Most of the time I did not ask you to come along because I felt dragging a herald into this would have been a bad scene. but later I thought, I'm an idiot, see if you can get a few songs, then go in.
36829, RE: Just wow what a glutton for punishment.
Posted by Tanera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahh... well... was hoping I would be able to run
with you again.... I knew you were running low..
all I can say I have been there before.. hehehe

Well I had a blast running with you...
Just wish we could run up and fight and die together
at the gates or.. what not.

I had to leave now or I would have, my Grandma died
a week ago so I went to the Funeral.. or I would have
been by your side...

Ahh.. well.. Ill try to post more when its my turn..
36839, Ouch
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My grandmother recently passed as well. I was raised by her, probably upped my hours to burn it off after that. Dealing with my family was always um... unfun. :)

Tan was one of the only applicants I ever really got to talk to.
and willing to walk into anything but 'certain' death. I.e. if there was the slightest chance to get to a forest herb and come back you'd go in with me. Which was pretty ballsy considering. Then I think (no names but the people who complained about the way I went in) got to you for a while, then you got right back into the 'swing' of it.

Anyway Keep on man, Don't let 'em have the orb! :)