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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Huegyn the Master of the Glade
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36315, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Huegyn the Master of the Glade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Mar 26 04:00:24 2005

At 5 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 23rd of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Huegyn perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
36321, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Huegyn the Master of the Glade
Posted by Ferrewid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
WHAT THE HELL!? I was having a good day, then I look up and decide I was going to check the forums and look what I find. Well... thanks for all the help on the way up, wish we could have gotten to do more fighting together, I think we could have made a sick team. Drop me a line sometime if you want at xankarithan@hotmail.com. Lates.
36324, Huegyn's best friend
Posted by Huegyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I made a point to not be overly showing of it, because I wanted Huegyn to like you almost secretly. Even though I did tell Innis that Huegyn loved you. You were like the girl next door for Huegyn, on top of that, Man you really could stomache some owlbears.
Was great ranking with you, and I'm always happy when any of my characters get friends like you in game.

Far as dropping a line, I have to reinstall aol for whatever reason, but you can catch me with Rogue_7800@yahoo.com, or on the messenger. Was a lot of fun, and thanks for your friendship.
36317, Oops, posted goodbye didnt reply
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sleep deprivations a bitch eh? Ill save the heartache
an just repost.


Outlander is great, but man I've had my share. Coming back
after a break,(and already needing another one) rolled this up. Was going to try a scarab/outlander,
prayed for Cyradia few times never got nothing.

Lyristeon had made a comment that rubbed me odd, like I was going
to be looking for an uninduction If i'd even get inducted, following
that kind of religion. So I just sorta tried to shrug it off, since I mainly wanted the outlander persona. I'm sure the 'rogue' chars
are getting old anyhow. Your not nearly around as I remember, it's too bad though.

Innis.. Being a self proclaimed scarab beast and getting an invite from you was pretty odd. This was also after the 'shrugging off' part, I was just a little confused how to be able to use that type of relgion, which I wasnt really acting on in the first place, with outlanders w/o align change or uninduction. Just couldn't really put too much thought into it I suppose. Aerik was awol for a
pretty good bit, and with some free time I've had last few weeks,

im more than sure it wasnt playtimes, cause man.. I've been around a lot lately. 156hrs in about... a month? Anyhow, thanks for coming around with the interview, even though he did ironically show up right after.

I think I only went ooc via frustration once with this guy, and it was pretty low level. Getting better? I'm definately getting better with pk, but as before... I just get whomped on higher up,
there's nothing like spending 15+ hours gathering a set to just get
destroyed in a couple rounds. ah well.

Far as people I interacted with, I got to see some really good
rp all around. Very select few, ooc that I was just sitting there
wanting to reach through the screen an just punch em.

Anyhow, post and I'll reply I guess.

36319, RE: Oops, posted goodbye didnt reply
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see this. I think you took that comment the wrong way. When you started talking to me about trying to get inducted and hadn't been yet, Aerik had only been made Harbinger a few days before. So there was no real reason for me to do what he was probably going to do soon enough anyway. Another thing to remember is that Lyristeon carries an attitude of not caring about the woes of mortals. So, if anything sounds remotely like asking for something, chances are you are going to get the cold shoulder response. Without going into too much detail, the best way to approach me is with something that can lead to a conversation filled with banter.

As far as getting whomped, playing a ranger at higher level is hard. Most of the truly bad ass cloud giant rangers at high level go through that as part of the feeling out process. After about 10-20 whompings the light bulb goes off.

Good luck with your next.
36323, Guess I did take it the wrong way
Posted by Huegyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After all, previous interactions with you, honestly,
I could swear you were a neutral imp. Just never seemed
too evil, then again, Tjok kept you pretty pleased, and
you obviously had a lot more time on your hands.
I still wont forget the day you came to check my face, to see
if it really looked like the derogatory insult some low level had called me.

As far as rangers at high level.. from 35 on, all you have to look
foward to is snare. Then at 40, there really isnt too much reason
to rank, aside from being able to fight the hero characters.
I'm almost more than certain this has a to-do check on it, but I would love to see something sooner than later.

Trying my damndest to emulate Tjok, (your my hero) I was a lot more deathful lower levels. I would like to see more rewards though, for rangers who commit to playing in the higher levels, snare just isnt enough to compete.

I'm not great at ideas, but more skill/spells that are directed
to fashioning weapon types, a second, higher level trap skill,
similar to a beast call power.

I could totally see a ranger, being able to set an ambush in his home terrain, with creatures within the surrounding area. Something along the lines of a xanadu affect. Not impairing someone, but causing mv reduction coupled with area based mobs attacking on sight. Nothing too powerful, but enough to confuse, with trepidation type affects. Would give rangers more of a chance to get in combat without eating the brunt of a group aside from
sitting around trying to snare. I dunno, well see.

If anything, some new/creative resistances would be nice. It's just not rewarding enough to get the levels and play it out as it is now.

BTW, your pretty familiar with my slew of outlanders, and I hope, noticeably I have stepped up to the plate with RP/PK, but any and all feed back for improvement would be great. That is if you watched at all. Thanks again

Tarrin, Troe, Blyne, Psyrel, Maunsgut, Dhug, Farniby, some I cant remember, and now .....oh yeah, Huegyn. An thanks again thrice.
36327, RE: Guess I did take it the wrong way
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Huegyn was in line to do really well as an Outlander. Your rp was very strong. PK is important as well...but not nearly as much as the rp.

As far as Lyristeon seeming more neutral than evil...it really falls in line with how you deal with him. Order has deemed him evil more than anything else. The epitomy of chaotic type evil. Each evil imm has their own twist on what evil truly is. My type of evil comes more from the manipulation of emotion. If you haven't done anything by actions that I would see as worthy, I will toy with you emotionally if you try to speak with me. If you have done things that I see as worthy, you will get a piece of my favor which may seem more neutral-like in my ways.
36320, Damn and I was hoping you were to stick it out.
Posted by Viviarong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry about last time but I lag a great deal from my location. Still it ended well all in all I think.

Well I liked Huegyn to a point where I looked upon you as a head first think later kind of guy, thats what I was trying to get out with the interview part... Get you to open your eyes and see, hehe... Such characters can be quite fun to be with, but allso quite dangerous for your health :D

I just wish I had more time to the game, but work and familly life just drains time away. I hope you will find the guts to try again, if a few hardcore guys like yourself would take the time, outlanders would get strong again.

Aerik has connection probs i think i read on some board, so I guess he will be back soon. I hope so since I believe we have a few very cool applicants that is queuing/trucking around.

Well good luck with your next.

36322, I wanted to at first
Posted by Huegyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I swear this game can be unhealthy sometimes.

logging in when you wake up in the morning to mud all
day then realize its 6am the next day after a good
20 hours of playing, well, i'm sure you caught some of that.

Connection problems are just terrible, man I was pissed after
just exploring thar-acacia then falling in the spire. Getting mad,
then we go back later an get it all back an then some.

Either way though you were still a great help, and I appreciate
putting up with me. Much as I may hate to say it, I will probably
reincarnate another outlander, but I've really got to get passed
the whole hamsah prison anti-establishment deal, and find something a little more fresh. Thanks a gain for your words though.
36325, sorry to see you go
Posted by Reggie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess I don't understand exactly why your leaving, but man, I gave you that sweet axe cause I thought you had talent. Oh wel, I guess I'll find me another lowbie to give things to! Though, of course, you were getting older.

36326, Well that sucks
Posted by Gileanas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This definately wasn't what I was hoping to wake up to. Gileanas really did like you as a friend, as I'm sure you could tell. I was hoping we would get to romp around together at times and cause all kinds of mayhem, but it seems its not to be. In the hero range you just have to keep on trucking my friend, we all die (some of us damned often) and regearing isn't terrible, especially when you have others who are quite often willing to help. If you are having trouble in the hero range in general, like it seems your post was saying, you really do just have to stick some chars out and learn everything you can with them. Oh well, good luck with your next one, maybe you'll be seeing me around the Tree again even if I won't be seeing you! And if you couldn't tell, Gileanas often tried to simplify his speaking when with you just to make it easier for your char to understand, heh.
36329, RE: Well that sucks
Posted by Huegyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for your words and wisdom. Helped me out
quite a bit in game, and gathering stuff with someone
is always fun. If your not in line for the next
sunwarden, you should be.

Sorry I didnt stay around, you were a lot of fun
to run with. Thanks again
36328, What, no Love for the Beast?
Posted by Oawenisou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You left me at 800 tnl you bastid =P Had a great time comin up with you and Ferr. I was really lookin forward to our pack at hero cause damn we woulda been a team. Hope I came off as one of the better roleplayers you've interacted with and I look forward to whatever your next incarn is based on all your previous great chars.
36330, my prev chars are far from great
Posted by Huegyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But it's cool someone thinks that way.

Far as Thar-Acacia.. I had told viv that I was coming asap already
a good bit before I left, and just felt it wrong to keep
putting it off, even though I did go an lose my set soon as I
raided. Got it back though raiding again, so not too bad.

It was pretty late that night, and I had been playing the past
three days almost non stop, sleeping from 6am to 12pm then logging back in so, wasn't making the best decisions. You were fun,
and your roleplay was good as well. Im actually suprised you
werent an outlander. Should have been.

36331, Heh
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't interact with you too much with my current character, but what I saw seemed like a big improvement from the Rogue characters I remember earlier.

If you can keep your temper under control I think you'll do very well on this mud. You really do need to make a non-Outlander character though, if only to give you a better perspective for your next Outlander.
36332, Oh i am
Posted by Huegyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Temper temper temper. Tell me about it. Thanks for noticing the improvement though.
36359, RE: Oops, posted goodbye didnt reply
Posted by Trussar Chief on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man I liked you. I loved just sitting here and going through the hundreds of owlbears like we did. Thanks a tonne for the ranking you got me out of a rut that I was in. I wish you stuck around but it was not meant to be. Good luck with your next. Good Rp from what I saw, and a good ranger.
36366, RE: Oops, posted goodbye didnt reply
Posted by kallor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our time together. And yea, it was very difficult for you to get inducted, I felt bad cuz I was rooting for you. Even the Tribs thought you were technically an outlander (as evidience of their non flagging you on certain occasions). I liked your serious nodding...and....yea that's about it (cant think of anything else in particular). Enjoy life. =)