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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Noelani Verrin the Champion of Battlefields
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=36008
36008, (DELETED) [None] Noelani Verrin the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Mar 16 16:41:53 2005

At 12 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 14th of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Noelani perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
36076, Noelani
Posted by Otzo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Awww Noelani...
We travelled alot when we were younger and i was hoping you would go outlander with me. But then I saw an item you were wearing (orderly only) and that all went down the drain. Next I saw you, you were a tribbie. I had a water skin from you for a while, but that broke, that was Otzo's little revenge. Anyhow well done and good luck on the next character.
p.s You were always interesting to interact with.
Signing out...
36068, Well I can't say this doesn't upset me...
Posted by Melacarfina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only got to have a hint of your character but what I saw, I really enjoyed. Mela was extatic about you. You took up the list, made that map with directions. I was sad to hear Onirakoth was leading you towards the path of a Vindi when I was wanting just the opposit. Mela wants someone to train so badly, and I saw that in you. I guess now I'll need to start looking once again. *sigh* Yes, it's true you do well in pks, but I don't think that needs to automatically mean you must take the Vindi path. There's a lot of chars that do well in pks but there's not a lot that get really involved in Tribunal and down to the "finer" points of law and such. I know I miss discussing cases with Destripador when he was my mentor and now Mela needs someone to take that spot. So yes, well done. I hope you appriciated some of the notes I sent you and such. It's always nice to be able to correct someone and have them thank you for paying attention rather than go wild on the defense.

Oh, and I still have to laugh at my self that time we were standing above the corpse of the huntress and you were wanting to go in further and right as I said no, there's others here I get a damnable fiend on me. I wasn't about to just eat my pill and leave you there think where did she go? It's in Mela's ways to try to be the last man out so I was waiting for you to go first.

See you in the fields.
36017, RE: (DELETED) [None] Noelani Verrin the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Parantl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You bastard! Yeah you got me in market square...
Really it was my fault, I had you down to gushing then
3 of my shields fell and you pummeled me and had me like at
30 hps welp, I was lagged from an attack spell and I already
put another one in hoping to get you ;( well i didnt...

Regardless I remember you being to young to hit and coming to
retrieve... our small fights were fun..

like when me and brul were raiding, everytime I walked in to the
spire you hit me with a hurl and I had to go run to wait it out
;) very annoying.. anyways was fun, good char, and see
you in the fields!

36010, RE: (DELETED) [None] Noelani Verrin the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Noelani on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Good:

I kept messing up the small things. Eventually, all the little mistakes here and there built up within me (the character). While I had plans of my own, I realised that I didn't want this history of bad things following me. Noelani took responsibility very seriously. And she failed to uphold her own end of responsibility. Noelani was also very strict about wanting a good reputation for the Tribunal. Because we all know what everyone thinks about Tribunal. Corrupt, ganging, sly, low-down, dirty, good-for-nothing law rats, that (for the most part) have no genuine concern for the law, and mostly just want something to do and be part of something. Noelani tried to shed some light in a different direction, and hopefully that came thru at least a little bit.

The Bad:

Unfortunately, I think some of what I previously said is true. There *are* some greedy scoundrals in the Tribunal. Whoever thinks that Tribunal is solely for newer players is dead wrong. There is a whole caboodle of things that Magistrates can do wrong. Of course, if you don't play one, you'll just never know what exactly happens. I think I have also been looking for a reason to kick Noelani aside. I had so many ideas, all pertaining to roleplay, that I just couldn't arrange properly. That said, I also think there are some Tribunals in it for the ride, rather than the roleplay. Another turn off from the cabal. There is much more happening in the other cabals. And the handful of Tribunals that are driven OOC by greed, power, detect hidden/invis, etc., you *are* noticed.

P.S. Time as of very recently is unpermitting of any sort of steady gameplay. Just another reason I wanted to get out of this character commitment :-P


Onirakoth - Everyone picks on you! Aaargh! Believe me, I had some really good things in mind that I wanted you to be a part of. You gave my so many opportunities to do good things. Only thing is, you saw more than what could be dished out (you'll understand what I mean). Promotions came way too fast, and that doesn't only apply to myself. I think a lot of Magistrates are promoted unaccordingly (necessity)--myself included. I think the general consensus amoungst the Magistrates was, "don't piss off the Provost and don't screw up! He's a mean bastard". I never wanted to test that theory.

Regnor - A good "friend" to Noelani, from beginning to end! Noelani prefered not to let other people know she considered them friends. Duty was always first. Showing friendship meant showing weakness. But really, you are doing great. I hope those "fangs" work out for you. Step up to the plate for bigger and better things! You are already doing well, just keep the ball rolling.

Murcadin - Newly inducted, but not uneducated now! You had a ton of questions that I was always pleased IC to answer. Very respectful, kind and compassionate. Learn those laws well, and poke your nose into the library from time to time. I will leave it at that. Hope you enjoy everything.

Marmaanth - Very awesome! You keep your finger in the bowl just enough to let everyone know your the head honcho. I wanted to learn more about you. And what I did learn was very neat, which only continues my admitation. The only thing I despise is that you have no religion! After a previous character, I had contemplated making an empowerment class and follow you. I probably would have gotten smacked around of course, by that bony lichen hand of yours. Your consistency in the cabal keeps it very alive...and on the edge! As a side note, leaving was a bit of a personal choice. Hearing you talk about legendary armies, and being a great soldier really inspired Noelani (unexpectingly). Noelani just sort of let herself down. And to tell you the truth, the snake in her came out at the end. I did something wrong and tried to cover it up, and you knew it (I think?) That was the real, low-down and dirty reason I left. I can't stand lieing!

Enemies - and YES Tuggluk, you ARE on this list!:

Tuggluk, along with any other berserker in the village: You are the bane of dagger specialists. It went from me beating you up consistently to, Oh Hell!, he's a battle rager now! I couldn't do anything to you afterwards, unless I devised some sort of trap (which worked only once). You have been doing good things, very good things. From beginning to end you have stood out. I hope others notice this as much as I did, even though I despised you so much.

Aesrira - What I said about you has already been said. I tried time and time again to work the whole weapon switching (polearm to daggers) against your porcupine and alligator. Then those times you were in the Spire, and were convulsing and got away because of your raven really made me hate that combination! While I only witnessed you whittled down a small handful of times (I can count on one hand probably), you always managed to escape. Well played, in many aspects. Hope to see you again soon.

Reggie and the other handful of Outlander invokers: Muahahaha! You all REALLY hated hurl throat. Its unreliability though made it very difficult to ever win against you guys. I managed to get Parantl at Market Square. I think I actually did a little chair dance. Anyways, only thing I have against you guys, is I never heard any of you talk. Noelani tried to be as harsh against the Outlanders as possible, because she saw all of you as terrorists. And not a single one of you proved otherwise, except maybe Otzo. Keep on keeping on Otzo!

Yeven - Thought I would forget you, huh? You are persistant. The only reason why I never had a problem with killing you repeatedly, was because you are so darned immature! I think you beat me once, and gloated about it for literally days. I was just like, "whatevah". I will be certain to throw some logs of you up there. Feel free to show yours also. I didn't record any of my losses. Hell, I only died four times in PK fights...which is a direct tribute to dagger specialists. This was my first, and I was thoroughly impressed.

I am running out of fuel for now. When I think of more, I will be sure to put some more up here. I would consider Noelani a success and a failure. Regardless, I put the same compassion into her that I try to with all of my characters. So I will afford some of my time to those I interacted with.

Before I go though! Sidana!!! My goodness, I had nearly forgotten. We met very early on. Our friendship was mutual, and you were the only one that Noelani let in that circle. She even told you that at one point, which she never told anyone else that (that I can remember anyways). I wish you would get more involved. You seem to know quite a bit, and are very well played. You just seem directionless, which may only be my perception. I kept trying to talk to you and find out more, but you kept twisting my arm about the serpents! :-P I wanted to learn more so I could help push you in that direction, and let whatever it was you wanted to accomplish flourish. Good luck to you. Hope you like that harp--compliments of Thera's criminals.

36012, This was unexpected
Posted by Calrohir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for spending that whole evening interviewing me. I did not expect you to delete, though I noticed your times were coming down. I hope you didn't consider me as one of the greedy ones though I probally came on to you as that. Your roleplay was very interesting, maybe one of my favorites in Tribunal after Brumbalin. Hopefully I'll see you soon.
36065, RE: This was unexpected
Posted by Noelani on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Times were coming down to work related things. And I will agree, Brumbalin is very cool, from what little I saw/heard. A lot of people could learn something from him, very stellar. Build up your resolve, hopefully you will get that second specialization soon (because whips/flails for first is rough), and you will be on a good route. Good luck, and remain vigilant.
36069, Yes...always remain vigilant. n/t
Posted by Calrohir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
36013, Bloody worfless surface wretch
Posted by Grogtok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Har! Ahs donnae gives a bloody circle o' hells if yous gone or not. Always flappin' yehs worfless tongue and noddin yehs godsbedamned head.

As a player though it's always nice having somebody who's willing to do the grunt work. The Outlander list, for example.
36015, This sucks
Posted by Flixsotopeck on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had really high hopes for you after today. We didn't interact much, but what I saw of you I liked.

Have fun with your next one
36016, Damn!
Posted by Arech on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a player I'm really unhappy to see this happen. First, you are obviously skilled in both rp and pk. I never really saw the side of you that was more virtuous, but I think part of that is because your snake-like persona freaked me out and I couldn't see past it. I generally am not a big fan of 'odd' characters, but you pulled Noelani off very well.

Also, you had a huge impact on my character, though you don't know it you have your own chapter in my role. I'm really sad I haven't been around more and things couldn't have gotten more fleshed-out. Man, how I hated you. :)

One last thing. While I'm absolutely positive you wouldn't even dream of considering me as one of the handful of Tribs driven by OOC greed, etc., something to think about is that it may be a viable role, and also that even if it's not, it can cause conflict which can make the cabal more interesting. I mean, if everyone got along so well and lived up to the ideals of the cabal 100% it could be pretty boring, don't you think?
36066, Hard to imagine
Posted by Noelani on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Noelani kept to herself a lot when it came to other Tribunals. Surprising to hear I had an impact. But why did you hate me? <-- Save that for later if you want, I'm just curious.

You are right, I didn't ever think you were greedy. You never gave anyone a reason to think that. You put duty first, which is what I deal with on a day to day basis. That is why I am drawn to the Tribunal. So, when I see people influenced by other things other than duty... *bleh* But you're right, it is a viable option for role.
36019, Aww, fargin' ####e!
Posted by Tuggluk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously though, this is dissapointing. Your roleplay after killing (the emotes that is), very classy. But regardless, you are possibly one of very few enemies that for some time made me bash my head into my keyboard at my own stupidity. Tuggluk hated Noelani with a passion. I however, respected her greatly. A well played tribunal. Sad to see you go as well. Roll up another soon, I look forward to it. Well done indeed. See you in the fields!!
36022, Well txt....
Posted by Tolchec on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
about our little things, I was just trying to liven up the interaction between the two of us. I found your RP interesting and was looking forward to the agreement we came too. All in all, good luck on your next char.

36067, RE: Well txt....
Posted by Noelani on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was killing me that we had a disagreement. And to be honest, I can't even pinpoint its origin. But then we talked about it, and came to an understanding, which was good for both of us and the Spire.

One thing that killed me about you was that when you were out hunting, I would be just shy in level/experience to come out and help. So when you were getting beat up or vice versa, I'd just have to stand there like a cheerleader. Yay! Boo! Was hoping to get the chance to fight side by side. Would have been interesting, for so many reasons...

Good luck.
36025, Goodbyes.
Posted by Atohner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well.. I have little to say about your characters RP, since I was too damn tired to play when I interacted/fought with you. I looked through the logs and the fight where you killed me and there were lots of things that I had missed during the fight which got me killed there.

However, if your attack on me in Galadon was not against Tribunal law (meaning that I was wanted) could you post a log showing me that you did nothing wrong in that incident? I searched for the "x has made you wanted"-echo (with keyword 'you wanted') of me getting wanted and I didn't find any that would have had taken place after I died wanted in a duel to Flixsotopeck. (I found two earlier matches though, so the keyword seemed to be all right)

Atohner should have given you kudos for breaking the law, but I was too damn tired to RP it correctly. Since you deleted, I can ask you here, as I am curious about what you were thinking in this situation. If you think you acted correctly according to the Tribunal rules, a clarifying log would be appreaciated (I am more interested about it as a player). Was it this incident that got you booted?

I've seen people booted from Tribunal over such incidents (mainly when I played a Trib), though some came back through the process of re-induction. A route which you could have taken, though having a good RL reason to delete to give you more time to do what you need to do is always important and uninduction is an exellent excuse to delete.

Also, if you are a hardass about having clean service record while being the efficient super cop, it makes your life more miserable, because it will lead you thinking that you are a screw-up Trib that wants to be the efficient super cop with clean service record. The trick here is to accept that you are not perfect and forgive yourself your deficiency. (as a general advice to playing a Trib, not specifically Noelani).

Good luck with your next!
36034, For the record..
Posted by Marmaanth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

This was the incident.

She was not removed, only demoted from Provicial to Magistrate
of Galadon.

She resigned.

She then deleted.

Marmaanth, The Not So Mean

36036, Well done.
Posted by Atohner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A little demotion to show Noelani that Tribunal will punish misconduct and such behaviour isn't tolerated. After demoting him, you could have re-promoted her after a week or so if the character had remained interesting. Within less time if stellar. And to you this would have been simply another week more time to think about that Vindie promotion.. Would have worked well in my opinion.

Too bad that Noelani decided to use this as a perfect opportunity to resign and RP her deletion. This is exactly like the Mr/Miss perfect magistrate who resigns over tarnished record-behaviour I spoke about in my post. Many magistrates have gone that way, it seems. So, Noelani decided to end her service in Tribunal and became a housewife somewhere... :D
36062, I can't tell....
Posted by Pro-Man. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are you flaming her or not?

You seem to be gloating over her deletion, but it's hard to say.
36095, Answers.
Posted by Atohner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Are you flaming her or not?

No, I am not.

>You seem to be gloating over her deletion, but it's hard to

Nope, why would I? I didn't really know the character. Her deletion makes no difference to me, though the snake RP would have been fascinating if I hadn't been so tired when I interacted with her.

The only good part in the deletion is that if Noelani's player wanted time to do RL stuff and keeping the character would have caused him/her to neglegt his/hers RL duties. By deleting the character, the player got the time to do the more important stuff than CF.

Also, the well done was said to Marmaanth, who has very hands on approach to the Tribunal and keeps the Cabal well in check. If you break the rules, Marmaanth punishes you. If you do well, Marmaath rewards you. Marmaanth was watching Noelani to reward her, but had to punish her for breaking the law. And to all those people who complain about Tribunals getting away when they break the law: Marmaanth is out there and it is watching them. And it acts if it sees that they break the law. And it is active, so you can't count on it not seeing you.

Marmaanth's punishment (demotion to magistrate of Galadon) wasn't severe enough to make Noelani delete(which is a good thing, people shouldn't be made to delete over one such issue), so what caused Noelani to delete was the players will to get rid of the character, and the uninduction, which she asked for herself, served as a good excuse to do so. I didn't know the character well, but Noelani isn't the first Tribunal who has asked to be uninducted because he/she was too hard to herself/hiself, which is why I mentioned that subject. I shall discuss this issue no more.
36026, Yeven and my actions
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, when Yeven goes I'll explain in more detail, but I did like fighting you, I did stand no chance, and I'm sorry I threw myself at you with teeth bared again and again:P. But rest assured there is a role behind it alland nothing I did was OOC in anyway shape or form. You were very formidable and I was always impressed. Best of luck on the next
36064, Sure they were... :-P
Posted by Noelani on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No really, if you have IC reasons for doing what you did, then thats good. I constantly though you just hated me OOC. Anyways, good luck to you, lonewolf.
36029, RE: (DELETED) [None] Noelani Verrin the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Sidina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one sick warrior, I will say that. I enjoyed your weird role and play, even though I typically shy away from anything too outlandish. The Tribunal is difficult/can be difficult to play. It wears you down. I thought you did a good job.

Good luck!
36033, RE: (DELETED) [None] Noelani Verrin the Champion of Bat...
Posted by Marmaanth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Marmaanth - Very awesome! You keep your finger in the bowl just enough to let everyone know your the head honcho. I wanted to learn more about you. And what I did learn was very neat, which only continues my admitation.

As it stands, the only way to learn more about Marmaanth is to
speak to it. And then, you have to be someone it is willing to
speak to. Only two mortals have fit that bill. Both are dead

The only thing I despise is that you have no religion! After a previous character, I had contemplated making an empowerment class and follow you. I probably would have gotten smacked around of course, by that bony lichen hand of yours.

I have a religion. It's just not 'open' right now. Look for that
to change before too long.

Your consistency in the cabal keeps it very alive...and on the edge!

Ok, so I'm NOT chopped liver! Thanks!

As a side note, leaving was a bit of a personal choice. Hearing you talk about legendary armies, and being a great soldier really inspired Noelani (unexpectingly).


Noelani just sort of let herself down. And to tell you the truth, the snake in her came out at the end. I did something wrong and tried to cover it up, and you knew it (I think?) That was the real, low-down and dirty reason I left. I can't stand lieing!

Two things:

I wasn't even intending to demote you. But even YOU knew you were
wrong. Even then you wouldn't admit you were wrong.. what am I left
to do? This is the curse being being a cool character. There is
a higher than 50% chance an Imm is watching you, just to watch you
cause you're fun to watch. (In this case, I was watching you for
promotion to Vindie eventually, owell)

When you didn't want to stick it out, I figured you had gotten bored
with the character, or had real life stuff you'd rather be doing,
hence the deletion.

Anyways! Hope you had fun. You were fun to watch and interact with.


36060, Neat
Posted by Noelani on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Before I created Noelani, I had done some research on snakes and their "divinity". Which, if you ever saw me just sitting there doing much of nothing, I was probably reading more into it. Noelani believed in a Serpent Lord to whom she believed empowered her (it was really mostly in her head). In religous texts, snakes are perceived as wise. In other texts, they are considered treacherous and deceitful. Noelani tried to convey both of these, at appropriate times. When the deceit in her came out at the end towards you, she realised (wisdom) that the relationship between the Spire's lich and herself had likely diminished (loss of respect, not only for herself, but from you too).

But yes, I have some other things going on in life that need taken care of first. Another contibuting factor was I tried putting together rituals with emotes, which Onirakoth was going to help with. But every time I tried to construct something on a notepad, other things would happen, mostly Tribunal stuff. So I couldn't devote any time towards it really, and it just couldn't pan out right in my head when I could think of some things.

I never suspected being "watched". Although you hinted it a couple times. That was really motivating to go all out all the time, which made the character ten times more fun.

Alas, was that you who did the echo about the beast culling? Someone sent an echo, but it was a little messed up, because I saw the word cyan, instead of the color. I just thought there was going to be more, but that whoever mistyped it just stopped. It was cool. I had to look up culling in the dictionary!

Thanks again
36072, RE: Neat
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Echo was me. *shame*

I was watching Gna at the time, since he's an empoweree of mine.
Just wanted to throw you some xpadd for that cool fight. Figured
I'd follow up with an echo, and I screwed the pooch! Anyways.

Good luck.

36035, Snake-Cat!
Posted by Aesrira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Now is the time, cast off the chains of slavery to the spire stone! Roam wild and free. Let the beast within howl, my cub! :)

Come back kicking! and Good luck in your next, whatever it may be.
36040, I think to really make the comment you made
Posted by Reggie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You should have stuck it out and found out more. Hate to tell you, but you were always the annoying little tribunal who was always there with guards, you were barely in my range for what...less than a week? You seemed to have skill and its a shame we won't match up more often. I hate getting lumped into the "Outlander Invoker Group." For one thing, only two of us show up with regularity that I see...and thats saying, "what I see."

I looked forward to more fights with you, and though you had a rough past, is that really why you ditched?

36041, RE: (DELETED) [None] Noelani Verrin the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Regnor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Regnor - A good "friend" to Noelani, from beginning to end!
>Noelani prefered not to let other people know she considered
>them friends. Duty was always first. Showing friendship meant
>showing weakness. But really, you are doing great. I hope
>those "fangs" work out for you. Step up to the plate for
>bigger and better things! You are already doing well, just
>keep the ball rolling.

Well, so much for that. I just dropped my ball.. Came to see if I had been added to the Battlefield, and low and behold, you're here. I loved the char, I kind of felt that "half-friend" sort of thing come through. Though it's almost like it was a half-friend/half-half-older-sister weird relationship. Anyhow, I'll post more under my own thread.

36063, RE: (DELETED) [None] Noelani Verrin the Champion of Battlefields
Posted by Noelani on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey! Why'd you have to up an delete? You too were on a good path to success. But I if there is a lost in interest for a character, then by all means.. It was nice when you were around. Only thing is, you came and went so quickly all the time! One moment you were there wanting to get some experience...Next, you were gone. Ah well. Good luck.

P.S. How did you like daggers with a dwarf?
36049, Not cool
Posted by Onirakoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really, REALLY liked Noelani. I'm sure you know this and that is a feat that probably one or two others characters have measured up to (in Oni's eyes). I know you made some mistakes, but I really liked how you reacted to them and dealt with them, too bad it didn't pan out for whatever reason. I was really interested in seeing where things went with your serpent thing and was pumped about helping you out. It seemed questy and not many get my help, but you were definately one of the few exceptions. Now I'm...not so pumped. Great character, all around, too bad it didn't work out. I'm kinda at a loss for what else to say :(.

36061, At work now, but I'll post some emotes...
Posted by Noelani on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That I had planned for Noelani, which I wanted you to be part of. The rituals consisted of a blessing (the first ritual), an empowerment, and venom (she was human afterall, and didn't have any of her own venom. She wanted some)

Thanks again for taking an interest in Noelani. It meant a lot to her and me, because I know how you can be IC. Definately made for a more enjoyable experience. Hope you continue to do what you are doing. The Spire needs you.
36009, What went wrong? NT
Posted by Drahke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM