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Topic subjectAnother Maran down!
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35774, Another Maran down!
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what can I say? The time just felt right for me. With Iramath taking off,
and my pal Brynne seeming pretty scarce these days, I just didn't really have the
urge to keep up with Syd. I really felt like it was time I played something else
and the drive to continue was just shot all to hell. When he deleted though, I
told myself I'd stick it out to see if maybe I could nab his captain spot, though
there are probably better folks than me to take that one, but it was definitely
something I wanted to see. I figured I'd stick it out to see who they named, and
if it wasn't me, that would be the time to delete. I couldn't even do that man.
The number of evils lately has been dwindling it seems, I'm starting a new job
tomorrow, and to be honest, I just wasn't having all that much fun in the fort at
the moment. I left CF about 6-8 months ago in a really foul mood. I took some
time to myself and then I came back and found the fun again. Once that fun starts
to run dry though its time to move onto something else.

To anyone that knows me, Sydrian was my first character back to CF since about last
May. My first serious one that is rather. First one past level 10 or so. I was
really rusty in just about every aspect of the game. Raiding, PKing, roleplaying,
my area knowledge, all of it was really rusty. I took sword as my initial spec
mostly because of a rash of posts claiming there were no tanks in CF at the moment,
so I figured it was my chance to be one of them :). I regret taking sword now though.
I wish it had been spear, dagger, or even whip. Anything but sword. I also took axe
as my second spec because who really ever see's an elven axe spec? I figured it was
something somewhat newish(I can only remember two to date) and I figured I would see
for myself just why axe isn't a good spec for elves. Well, I can say in all honesty
that axe is an excellent spec for elves :P. They tank like monsters with them, and
they give out a nice bit of damage too. Trick is just finding low weight axes. It
was fun, overall I was very satisfied with what Syd could do and if I did it again?
The only thing I would have changed would have been that first spec.

Now on to the farewells.

First the Immortals.

Shokai - I saw you once with Sydrian, and it was fun. I tried to be a little
lighthearted maybe at the wrong time during the Aarn quest, and I think your
emotes and Iramaths emotes shut me right the hell up from going that route.
I was a little surprised to get Maran so early, especially with the Belantia
mess up so early on with Wungar. I actually thought I might never get it.
Thanks for giving me the chance.

Aarn - I too can now say I was part of a quest to bring a new Immortal into
the game, and that was definitely a highlight of this character. Also listening
to you over CB rant and rave about elves and being able to poke some light
fun back at you for being a dwarf was another highlight. I think your presence
at the fort was definitely needed and I think you are just the right guy to be
there. Thanks for the extra legacy. Not sure I really deserved it, but damn
if those dudes didn't catch me the second I logged in. :P.

Qaledus - Okay, since IRamath won't tell me the deal. Maybe you will? :D
I'm dying to know what I was supposed to get. Hook me up, Godfather!

Eshval - I had this whole little role thing going about my past and how much I
hated eshval and eshvalites, but it never seemed to stick on my end. I guess
it didn't help to have two eshvalites in the fort or so nearby. I kinda wish
I had played that part of my role a little more venemously(maybe spice it up
from my end) but I just couldn't do it for some reason. I really think I got
off role as far as that is concerned, I was still a pretty reclusive dude to
anyone except forties, but for the most part my eshval role entry was just..
ignored maybe by me? I don't know. I think I was scared of how you might
treat me if I was an ignorant bastard to you, so I just sorta grimaced and drove
on with my bad self. I hope this makes sense to you. Thanks for the few times
you did show me some love, it was great and I really appreciate your time.

Nepdragon - I found your infamous silent tower. I found that thing damnit!
That's a huge thing for me. I did it all on my own too! And all by accident.
Once I found one way in, I stumbled on two others and now I am totally going
to roll a character to con die there in exploration. I probably would have
done it more with this guy, but when I looked at myself after the first week
in that place and noticed 7 con points missing, I was like....maybe I better
devote the rest of what I got with this guy to the maran front instead of
being a con dead maran who died in the Silent tower. What a great place man.
Seriously. What an exciting and frustrating and super place that is. Once
I figured out how to move in and out of it without dying each time it got
a lot easier, and it really helped that I had a few IC friends that were
willing to share with me what they learned too. I fully intend like I said
to devote an entire character to that place. Thanks for such a great
addition to the game man.

My two main mort pals

Brynne - You were the first person who ever took interest in my character. My
goal was to get through CF seeing how many friends I could *not* have. You
definitely wouldn't let me get away with that. Always showing up with wine or
asking me those questions that nobody bothered to, I was pretty willing to let
you in close to me because you were just so freaking cool man. I mean that too.
Brynne always had something funny or witty to say, and you'd always hook me up
with preps I couldn't get, and you generally always seem so excited to see me.
You made my guy feel really good about himself and you made me as a player smile
and laugh and I'll never forget you for that. Thanks for all the good times, and
I hope you enjoyed all my little gifts and all the gold. I am the type of guy
that tries to use PKing as a tool for my Roleplay rather than just PK PK PK. In
doing that I was always willing to break from the grind of the Maran and come hang
out with you for a couple hours, whether it was sparring or just shooting the ####.
It was all a blast. Thanks for everything.

Iramath - My intentions were to delete before you even said anything. Then you just
happen to mention something IC about stepping down and I knew that you wouldn't last.
I know that feeling you describe, and in order to not look like I was trying to run
I stuck it out hoping that I would find something new to bring my character back to
life. For the longest time it was just you and me man. I loved the relationship we
had, and I loved fighting next to your side. It was always fun and I really think that
the two of us together could have destroyed anybody else in the game. Numbers didn't
matter man. We just clicked. At the end when I decided to delete? I made some crucial
errors in prepping to kill varun at the archmage and it caused my whole battleplan to
crumble. I went to a back up plan I had thought about and realized that my haste potions
were gone. Evaporated! Gone! Guh! So I'm fighting ragers and a fiend in the chasm with
no real preps :P, and I managed to get away but as soon as I hit the healer in Hamsah I died
to bleeding from a stab wound. I realized that warriors just aren't my thing. I suck with
them so badly. I absolutely hate collecting preps and the thought of continuing with all
that was just too much to bare. When asked at the end why I was leaving? I said I was
going to meet the Captain on the Reef. We had some unfinished friendship to talk about.
You truly were a brother and I've honestly never served under a better leader to date.
Thanks for everything.

Fort folks -

Heas - Thanks for giving me a fair shot at being a maran. I know my interview was pretty
weak, but you also gotta know that when you don't know heas it can be pretty intimidating
to interact with you at times. From that point on I made it a point to throw out some dwarf
insults whenever we ran together :P, and thinking back I don't think I ever lost in a fight
that was by your side. Solid dwarf, great RP even if it took me a day or two to get used
to it.

Martainn - We stuck through some deep #### together man and for that I'll never forget you.
We struck hard, fast, quiet, we did what had to be done and you're a pretty tough mofo man.
Heard you got most of my stuff :P. Go ahead and keep it. I think I'll opt for sandels or
barefeet on the reef while fishing with Iramath. Take care and good luck.

Kristin - enjoyed our fights in galadon against Onirakoth. If I'm right on who you are,
you taught me many years ago how to play this game for the most part. I can spot you a
mile away. Keep on keeping on or whatever, it was all good this time around.

Zakarius - I really liked you too man. You were always willing to throw down or give me
a hand in whatever I was wanting to do(aboleths). Always will to raid and just have a good
time. If I had one gripe about you dude, its that you walk around unshifter :P. I've never
had a shifter, but man you walk all the way up to the gates of the palace Unshifted! I'd
never do that :P. Its not a bad thing of course, its just not something I was used to with
most of the shifters I've played beside.

Aroyang - I really wish you hadn't deleted. seeing who you are now makes me realize that we
always seem to bump heads on this side of the coin. I know our characters would have been able
to do a lot of stuff together. It was a shame when you took off.

Ahelun - Like I told eshval up above, I had this whole role twist about hating eshval and eshvalites.
I even took a second when I was like level 30 and I was like, Yeah, I'm going to find a reason to PK
this guy because he's a hardcore eshval priest. Of course after meeting you I didn't have the heart
to do it simply because you were a pretty kick ass guy. Get past the stony exterior and you just had
and oozing heart of gold my friend. Okay, maybe it was black gold, but who's counting? Good priest,
solid fighter, reliable ally. Can't really ask for much more. We probably could have been closer,
but my role sorta dictated that I keep a little bit of distance from you.

Sienlios - Dude, what happened to you? I dug the character. A real elven blademaster but shortly
after I was inducted you stopped showing up. I don't remember seeing a delete thread either.

Ginharq - Hey there lady :). I really liked you and your laid back attitude. We never really
fought together all that much but you were willing to help me out whenever I needed it, and I
really dug that. I enjoyed our time spent together and those quests we were on together were
pretty fun as well. You have a real solid character, I hope you stick around for a while.

Icthaen - You pull out some amazing stuff man. I know you'll go places. That day with the 3 on 1
in Hamsah I was just like sitting there in amazement saying "That dude won that ####?!?". Made me
re-evaluate my own skill with a warrior :P. I was nothing! Good luck with everything.

Ghearden - The only squire I think I gave a written nod of approval on for squireship. You never let
me down either man. I love this character :). I see great things for you in the future if you keep
it up. You really made the interview process easy and fun. Thanks for everything.

Llyria - Man, you were really starting to buck up to the challenge. Seriously. It was fun watching
you grow into a pretty damn decent healer. You definitely saved my life a couple times. Too bad
you didn't stick around. I'd have like to see what you could have accomplished.

Jezerael - Welcome back to CF Amber, or is it Jesse?

Villagers -

Varun - You got lucky today dude :P. Lucky! Yeah, I died to bleeding from the dagger wounds. It was
fun fighting you regardless, and I think had it just been the two of us that I would have won that.

Gerylanst - Damn you and that fiend :P. It was just enough to give him the upperhand. Good job.

Iborenn - Killed you once with Heas, you sent me packing solo. You're tough, thats for sure, but I wouldn't
have minded another solo shot at you. To bad you're not around much anymore.

Ghrulkar - I got you once, but the next time you flat out smoked my ass. You really made me hate that iron vuln
on elves man. You're a tough warrior, well done.

The twin clouds - Liked you both. Spoke to you occasionally and you guys were always willing to let me fight
your badguys as long as it was an even fight. I'm glad any problems we had never came to blows because you
both made me feel a little weary about fighting. I'd have done it, but I'd have probably gotten my ass kicked.

Scion -

Akscereh - I absolutely love this character. Eeeeeevil is exactly what you are. You don't talk ####, you don't
fear anyone. You do your thing and you are good at doing it. Glad I got to talk to you at times, I really did
have faith you would come with me ;). Unfortunately it looks like my luck didn't last all that long man :P. You can
at least live well in knowing that much.

Restraal and Granaak - I put you two together because I never really spoke to either of you. I was on the Brutal end
of a couple of your gangs early on but you guys never managed to secure the kill on me so there's really nothing to
talk about. You both looked strong and looked to be quality people. Wish I had gotten the nerve to speak to either
of you, I'm sure it would have worked out nicely.

Giliian - Kinda torn on what to say here. Half the things you said to me could have been seen as borderline OOC. You
weren't overly tough and all you really did was talk. Too bad, we could have had an interesting relationship probably.

Kimberly - Hated your name :P. No offense of course. You taught me the importance of not fighting necro's when you
can't lag them :). Once I took the axe though I was pretty much gunning for you. I hate barrier man, I really do.
It felt like everytime we fought you had it too, so when I managed to catch you without and you'd die or whatever, I'd
loot the #### out of your wands. Sorry about that :). It was really the only thing I was going for. Wands.

Lyriaina - I liked you, though you seemed so far gone as to having fair one on one fights that its all you ever talked
about. No honor, can't fight me alone? etc. etc. etc. No offense man, but I played Syd as a hit and run type of fighter.
I wasn't afraid to fight anyone or anything but if I hit you and I was getting destroyed? I wasn't sticking around. A
fully prepped voker against a straight up warrior isn't a fair fight. You had the tools to negate my lag, you had the
tools to outdamage me, you had the tools to reduce the damage I did to you. So yeah, I'm going to run and grab sanctuary
to fight you. Sorry if you don't like that, but I'm not going to stick around when you're obliterating me every other
round dude. It just wasn't smart of me to do that :).

Imperials -

Vinson - I told you what I thought of you in your farewell. Losing a healer can devestate a cabal. Especially if that
healer is skilled like you were. I served once with your dwarf guy grunkenheim(sp?) in the Dawn. I think you hated me then,
but I'm a little better now, so if you want to come on over to the fort and run a decent healer I wouldn't mind it. ;)

Skolgrar - Detach yourself from Tribunal hip when you're the only imperial around. Its unbecoming of the Warmaster.

Uoukueal - Good fights, you toughed it out. Enjoyed your character. You really do get the short end of the stick when it
comes to fighting maran sometimes man, and I feel for that. I've fought some pretty mean duergar aps in the past and
the one thing I could hopefully offer to you that they had that you don't? Barrier. Find it, use it, live it, love it man.
Do that and you'll be tearing some fort ass in no time. Way to stick it out when #### was tough. Good luck.

Nabburak - I really dug your character :P. I don't know why. I just do. I wish I had been named Sydrian Ram. Thats a
pretty tight last name if I do say so myself. I like it a lot. I think you have guts, and you're way cautious. When you
do come to fight though, man you can lay a whalloping if you want to. Keep #### up and get empire back on their feet.
I definitely need some more baddies to fight when I make my return.

Nievar - You step out of the shadows way too much man. I think I got you quite a few times because of it too. Thieves
can make really menacing opponents when fighting groups, and you were the one I always aimed for usually. You did tough
it out though and I dig that. Keep up the good work, but try to lay off the whine a little dude. Just roll with the

Kcejjedi - I'll toss you in here even though you're anathema. Stopping ####ing around dude! That is all.

Tribs -

Tolchec - You tooled me. Flat out took me to warrior school :(. I was so out of it in the chasm. I totally wasn't
expecting you to come. I was just sitting there daydreaming and you made me pay for it. Were you hasted? Did the little
scion sell out my location? Guh, and another thing. I still hate you for that warrant you threw on me for killing skolgrar
in Hamsah. There really really were no witnesses. I don't see how it was justified.

Onirakoth - I had to listen to how the fort was handling you for a while before I had enough. The uppers wanted to take their
qualms to Marmaanth but I just wanted to ####ing wreck your world dude :). Its hard to kill a healer, I hope I at least provided
you with a little entertainment for a couple nights there with our assault on you in galadon. It was fun and we almost had you.
I don't really forsee many folks being able to take you down in the future. Some of your warrants were pretty freaking shady
too man. No offense but they were way shakey at best. Especially the straw that broke the camels back in the Kristin warrant.
That was so long after the fact and it was during a raid? How can you justify it. Good luck.

Melacarfina - Having you defend the palace was a joke. Nuff said. Hate your character. Wish you'd con die already.

Vargblot - You were a tough mofo. Enjoyed the few skirmishes we did have. Those shackles are brutal.

Tasild - You didn't stand a chance dude, but you still kept coming. Thats admirable. Hope things work out for you.

Outlander -

Reggie - Enjoyed our limited interactions, you're a pretty tough little dude when it comes down to it.

Aerik - I really wanted you to hit me. I was actually considering giving you coins just to see if you would.

Cari - I really really should have pushed in for further interaction with you. You have a lot of heart and I think you'd have made
a great friend to be able to hang out with at times. As it is our conversations were mostly in passing from that initial interaction
in Arkham and Hamsah. I really did like you, but you gotta know. No matter what Brynne says, she had my heart from the get go. She
just won't admit it to you :). She's a wimp like that.

The fire shaman nightreaver - Wish we coulda had it out some more :). I was really looking forward to breaking you down dude. You're
pretty damn tough though, and you definitely were willing to have it out. I enjoyed it all.

Drahke! - Is that how you spell it? Man I think I surprised you that first night when I broke your axe dude. I loved fighting with you,
and even though neither of us claimed a victory, it was always fun and I was willing to give you a little go at it. Iron definitely
sucks though man :(. Keep up your badassedness.

Anyhow, thats all I can remember for now. It was really fun and I found myself enjoying CF for the first time again in a long
time. Unfortunately though when the fun on one character dries up, its time to bust out with something new. I'll definitely
be back soon with something else and I look forward to fighting all of you with a class I'm more comfortable with.

As far as the duels are concerned that everyone threw such a hissy over? I looked at it like I'm a grown elf. I know the dangers.
I know what can happen in a bad duel, so does the other guy. Lets do it. I'm willing to buck up to the consequences. I really
didn't see it as such a huge deal, and my guy was definitely not a MARAN maran so I dunno. To each their own I guess. With as many
duels as we did do, its amazing that we escaped with such few deaths.

Good luck to everyone and I'll see you in the fields.

35866, A few forgotten farewells(yeah I'm dumb)
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Azidreth - I can't believe I forgot about you man. The timing on your induction was my idea I think :P. You were always there to help me out and you were counted on as a strong friend. I loved the play back and forth between us as far as the human/elf relationship went. We always seemed to be teasing eachother and then going off and breaking bad on some evil ass. I totally had a blast man, thanks for everything.

Tiburona - I can't believe I forgot you too. You were a really effective thief. A great maran, and you always seemed to turn up near me in one form or another :P. I know we didn't interact all that much but it was sorta roleish to be a loner and somewhat secretive. I'm glad you were always willing to play with me though, thanks for the good times.

Meeiupeueh - Man were you annoying. Annoying in a good sense though. I do believe you were the one who struck first, but its all good man. I enjoyed the fights, and a lion is a tough mofugga to fight off at times. You hit like a freaking truck dude.

Gnarugk - The one guy I totally wanted to destroy destroy destroy. Hehe, your taunting was pretty funny and I could totally tell you wanted to #### my world up man. I lost my super set that day in the village trying to pick you off :P. I kept walking by and scanning and waiting for your sanc to fall. When it did I sprang into action, its just too bad the imperials hadn't hit the inner guardian yet :P. It was fun overall, thanks for being a good foe.

35860, Clearly you hates us
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Darnit, I tried to steer you out of deleting, but once you're done, you're done. It's good to delete before a character gets boring and frustrating and starts dragging on your desire to play CF at all, let alone that character.

Sydrian was a good character, and for the record you were one up for discussion for leadership. Good luck with your next!


35859, That time with Onirakoth
Posted by Reggie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you missed a pincer I think it was or something, argh, we almost had him. Yeah, he is damn tough and I'm not sure how he is going to ever fall to outlanders, just because we don't have enough classes than can seriouly lag him. Oh well, great job from what I saw

35861, Hindsight man..
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish I would have just not gone for that last pincer and disemboweled him. Had I ever disemboweled in a PK I probably woulda killed more folks, but axe is sort of a new spec for me, so it wasn't second nature.

It was all gravy though.

35905, Outlanders have enough to lag him
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just that some of them won't log on until he logs off. Keep an eye open and you'll see what I mean. That's assuming people like Parantl are still around. (Parantl isn't one of those I'm talking about, by the way, he's just one that could help with lagging.)
35909, Personally...
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I see invokers going nuts with pebble to boulder, I feel like I played this enormous joke on all the players of that class that only I get.

I'm weird like that. Sorry, invokers.
35850, Hmm?
Posted by Melacarfina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Melacarfina - Having you defend the palace was a joke. Nuff said. Hate your character. Wish you'd con die already.

You know I'm not exactly sure when people decided that I did this? You're the joke bro for even saying this. Unless someone else has decided they would log on with Mela and go up to the Empire outer and kill people around there for Empire while they were being raided, I can't tell you when I've been defending the palace? I mean if you really want to just slam my chars face in the mud how about you show me a log? You know me attacking you while you're trying to raid? That would be nice. Has Mela been around the Palace? Yes. Attacked anyone in anyway. Nope. Unless I'm forgetting hunting a criminal at sometime. I do have quite a few hours invested.
35862, I don't have a log of it. I don't log.
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I do, however, remember vividly us fighting off skolgrar, and then him coming back with you and Onirakoth in tow. We had no criminals. I thought it was lame. Sorry. I think ahelun commented on something similiar, so it couldn't have been a chance encounter.
35843, Feeling the loss.
Posted by Firunsheim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Welp I didn't get the mention, but I'll say I am going to miss running around with you and Iramath. Started learning and owning up to my promise of fighting my battles alone because of the two of you. You could be an absolute beast and then lose some of the oddest fights that started in your favour, but you were always light-hearted about it. I'll miss having you around. I think Aarn might have been right, you and Iramath definately had some dwarf blood in you somewhere. ;)

35863, I can't believe I forgot you.
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seemed like a pretty tough dude, and yeah, I could make some boneheaded mistakes. Its all in good fun though. You look like you have a lot of promise ahead of you bro, keep up the good fight, I know you'll do well.

35838, Fun fights. Keep up the good work. NT
Posted by Drahke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
35837, Son of a biscuit!!!!
Posted by Heas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All the good fortees are deleting! Well, we didn't get as much of a chance to run together as I would have liked you seemed to have a very good area knowledge, coupled with the ability to make good choices in a PK. Our little foray into Organia was about as good as it gets. :) I really did like your character, and when I posted in Iramath's deletion thread that I was going to have to start hanging around you, I meant it.

I did gather that you weren't real fond of me when you got into the Fortress. I also noticed you start to get more friendly once you hung around Heas a bit more. What can I say? He grows on you.

Well, best of luck on your next. Here goes my email: gfgrillguy@yahoo.com
35872, Hehe.
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**and when I posted in Iramath's deletion thread that I was going to have to start hanging around you, I meant it.**

Maybe this is what drove me to deletion? :P.

Just kidding of course, we've talked in the past, I'll shoot you some mail pretty soon so we can link back up again. Organia was pretty tight too. You definitely hit hard even if you are only a dwarf.

35829, RE: Another Maran down!
Posted by Brynne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Another one I'll really miss. I'm sorry I wasn't around much, I really enjoyed every minute we had together (except the cheat a thief bit...bastage!) You had a really cool role and I was excited to meet someone who would take the time to interact on a personal level. I was really surprised by the constant GOLD giving and felt pretty smug about the elf in my pocket, I think you personally donated over 2k in gold coins to the "Queen a Brynne" fund. That was awesome, thanks. I also had so much fun sparring. I thought I was KICKING your tail until like the third time we did it and I realized you weren't wearing any weapons. HAH! That sort of made me feel like a wimp, but I had a ton of fun. I'm ***really*** going to miss you. If you wanna talk ever, I'll post my email after the Big B's gone.
35864, Hey there Kiddo..
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really wanted to see Brynne made Queenpin like we had always talked about. Your times seemed like few and far between, and the times I did catch you mostly felt like the occasional lunch hour from a job or something. I figured I'd save you the trouble and give myself something constructive to do during the times I played if there we no badguys :). As far as email goes, I'd love to talk sometime. My addy is Elvenstallion@gmail.com if you want to keep yours a secret for the boards or anything.

Loved every second of it.
35816, RE: Another Maran down!
Posted by Restraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Restraal and Granaak - I put you two together because I never really spoke to either of you. I was on the Brutal end
of a couple of your gangs early on but you guys never managed to secure the kill on me so there's really nothing to
talk about. You both looked strong and looked to be quality people. Wish I had gotten the nerve to speak to either
of you, I'm sure it would have worked out nicely.

Nope, you would have been wasting your time. We were both just useless gangers.
35871, I'd have been cool
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With you bringing your whole family to fight me. I don't care much about ganging and it doesn't really bother me. I know from the logs of you I read on dios and whatnot that it wouldn't have been a waste of time bro, and yeah, I know you were being sarcastic here. Still, I regret not trying to talk to you in one fashion or another.

35810, Another elf down!?
Posted by Ginharq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Geez. This really sucks. My times didn't overlap with yours all that much, but from what I've seen and heard, you're really good for the Fort! I enjoyed the little times we spent together as well, and thought you were a pretty cool char. Kristin and I were mucking around as usual and she betted 500 gold on Icthaen as next Captain ;) I do agree with you that he does kick ass.

As for me, I'll be sticking round in Fort as long as I can! ;) Captain needs some back-up when those young imperials rank up doesn't he. Wish there were more enemies in range the times I can play this game too. ;) I plan to age-die this maran mage as well. Hope to catch you nicely on the fields.
35805, Can't say I'm upset
Posted by Onirakoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, it was definately fun to have you running around Galadon aiming for me. I tried to stir the Maran nest as much as I could, it proved to produce the desired results. As for the flags, well, I'm still around, you know? This is me successfully skirting the subject. Go me! Glad you had fun with the character all around, I certainly enjoyed him.

35804, RE: Another Maran down!
Posted by varun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i had some severe head aches with ahelun, iramath and yourself. not to mention that rat bastard mountain runt wungar. all warriors are more than playable. axe elf is more tricky without maran weapons. still impressive enough and i am glad of the opportunity. for the answer to your jest, i will point out the desert skirmishes. the archmage was doing nasty things to me. i very much enjoyed the irony of a maran causing more hassle than any scion. now just a mountain runt to go...
35803, RE: Another Maran down!
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eshval - I had this whole little role thing going about my past and how much I hated eshval and eshvalites, but it never seemed to stick on my end.

You know, that really sucks...I like having enemies, especially one of your caliber. It would have been wonderful!

As a clue, yes if you poke at an immortal, you will likely get attention. There is a razor's edge you have to dance her, and I feel such goals/roles add to a character. Sure, you might get smacked a bit now and then, but if properly played by both side, it could not only be fun, but make for a better (if possible) character and immortal. I don't mind giving out plagues and being a Greek god, hands on kind of annoyance, but unless something goes wrong, or unexpected, you likely won't die from it.

Anyway, I watched and I waited for you. Good luck with whatever shows upi next.
35802, As I said on Dio's
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good job, nice to have real competition like you, Iramath
and Icthaen (but also nice that you're gone, heh - not to
say that you three warriors are the -only- competition in
the Fort, not at all)

- Runaktla
35869, It was so tough to kill you man.
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its always hard to kill a good muter. The only way I stood a chance of catching you off guard was to try and calculate your movements during ranking and wait in a nearby area :P. I did it a couple times. When you were prepped you were just nasty to fight and I know a couple of times too I'd be trying to pop somebody and you'd just show up outta nowhere trying to neuro my poor elven head off. Thanks for keeping things real, and thanks for the cool fights.

35799, RE: Another Maran down!
Posted by Ira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks man. All of that good stuff right back at ya! But still, I'm bummed that you up and deleted...and without even getting the "thing" from Qaledus! *cry* And to think what I almost lost trying to get it!

But yeah, for a long time it really was just us man. Everyone else, for a while there, seemed like they just had cameo appearances on the set of a movie in which we were the focus. That was pretty cool, and I'm glad my character never got tired or tedious for you to be around, and equally glad that the same is true for me.

I spilled my last incarnation to you (a thing I really had no intention of doing), so give me the scoop on you!
35800, Jaedren the Big Strong Avenger of the Righteous.
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thats who I had my fleeting interactions with Mekantos as.

Once a maran, always a maran.
35801, Oh, and one other question for you.
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you ever use that "flask" I gave you?

I've never actually used it, so I was wondering if you did and how it worked out.
35808, That's funny.
Posted by Nimelerion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jaedren didn't like who I was playing at the time much,
though we were on the same side. :)

Derexal was an enemy of mine.

It sucked to see you go. This current character
looked up to you. Doing pretty bad compared to my
last, but hell it's all fun anyway right?

Good luck with your next - Whenever that bug gets
ahold of you again and you get drawn back into it.

I left most of your things, barring a couple that I
just could not pass up.


35870, I'd be interested to hear who you were.
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you delete make sure you post a character list or something. I can't really remember Jaedren not liking anyone dude, but I'll take your word for it. Keep up the good fight, you are showing a lot of promise.

35891, After I'm dead I'm sure you'll know. :)
Posted by Nimelerion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As for the earlier character, It was just in the way you
acted towards me as opposed to the rest of the Fortress.
(Maybe it was my imagination)

As for the current character, Thanks.
I'm trying something different in the way
the character acts, but I seem to have lost
the 'groove' for pk'ing along the way. :)

We'll see how it all works out.
35892, I know exactly who you were now. n/t
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
35895, Should have ket my big mouth shut then. :) -nt
Posted by Nimelerion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
35794, Ack!
Posted by Carijisdun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had plans for you if I ever got around to it. I was dead set on making you my "mate". Though, to do that, I was going to try to beat you down a little, make you bleed some and drop all your weapons. Oh well. I liked our interactions and would have liked more. We were both always busy though. Good luck with the next, and I'm glad to see a successful elf axe spec. It made me want to try one.
35865, Hehe...it woulda been interesting.
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried to design myself so that I didn't drop weapons no matter what the strength loss was :P. It was role related from the patch over my eye. I figured had an elf with one eye lost his weapon he was toast, so Syd trained himself to always hold that thing no matter what. It woulda been nice to see the skirmish between us :). You have to know though that I probably woulda just fled a bunch and tried to talk you out of it. Eventually I probably woulda caved and given you your fight :P. Syd was pretty stubborn too, Admitting the "Mate" thing mighta been tough.

I know what you mean about being busy.
We should have made more time for eachother.

35793, Your friendly neighborhood crocagator
Posted by Zakarius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah this will probably mean Zak's retirement pretty quick here too. Most of those he came into the fortress with are gone now. Though he's quickly taking a liking to Icthaen. At any rate out of all the Fortress people Ahelun and Sydrian were Zak's closest friends. We pulled off some fun stuff, had some good battles against the imperials and scions. The reason I stayed unshifted approaching places is that for some odd reason my forms suck off massive amounts of movement with each step. I wanted to be fresh incase I had to move around alot. That and you move so damn slow that by the time I shifted at the northern entrance of baalator we were at the palace gates. Heh. I'm glad you liked Zak, as for the ready to throw down at any given time part, well.. what maran shouldnt be? Especially in defense of another. I had alot of fun man. I hope we meet up again sometime.
35785, RE: Another Maran down!
Posted by Kristin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Curious, what are the names of your past characters?
35787, You would know me as..
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Braiden or Derexal.

35790, The Artist formerly known as Derexal. nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
35791, Heh Braiden. Oh the memories. nt
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
35792, Hence my comment to Vinson :P.
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I still haven't forgiven myself for letting you get assassinated at the fort gates. It was my second hero *cough* give a brother a break.
35779, Damn
Posted by Icthaen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Icthaen - You pull out some amazing stuff man. I know you'll go places. That day with the 3 on 1
in Hamsah I was just like sitting there in amazement saying "That dude won that ####?!?". Made me
re-evaluate my own skill with a warrior :P. I was nothing! Good luck with everything.

We all have our moments, that was one of mine. But just like most of us I get my fair share of pkownage, mostly curtesy of the Emperor. Anyway, this sucks. Really...it really does. Maran's are pretty scarce, even when Fort is strong like it has been, and losing three of them in one week.....even if they're all elves :) .....well it's rough. The hero range does seem to be evening out though....so feel free to come on back to the Fort right away.
Sydrian seemed sort of a loner, but in a good way. Never complained about losing your elite set when you died, just got up and got back into it. Enjoyed the times together. Take care,
35867, It can't possibly suck dude..
Posted by Sydrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They have the alpha arial to lead them to victory. You'll be picking up the slack in no time man, I know you will. Just keep tearing #### up and post some more logs man, I love your logs.
