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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Brutgelyth Deahthial the Voice of An Immortal, Imperial Acolyte
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35666, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Brutgelyth Deahthial the Voice of An Immortal, Imperial Acolyte
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Mar 6 14:38:47 2005

At 12 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 11th of the Month of the Grand Struggle
on the Theran calendar Brutgelyth perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
35670, Role,Description,and Score.
Posted by Brutgelyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me know what you think of my role and stuff.


A large man-beast towers here before you. He glares seriously into the
distance.When he looks at you, it is with the same glare and frowned
eyebrows as if you did something wrong. Their is no smile,no smirk, no
facial expression from him.He wields his weapon in his right hand, his
shield in his left hand.He appears rugged and worn, yet he is very clean
for a minotaur.His horns appear clean and are adorned with silver horn
tips.His muscles buldge even when he is not flexing and look like they
could deal some damage in combat.His midsection is thick, yet built as
if he has undergone some training.On his back,very small in comparison
to him,is a large saddle bag.
As you look closer at his features you notice he has a large slash across
his left eye.From far away it is not visible, but as you get closer you see
it abit better.It runs from right above his left eyebrow to his stout nose.
As he turns from you to walk away you notice on his neck is a large
tattoo.It is massive and covers his large neck from side to side.Looking
closer you notice it is a tattoo of a skull swarmed by hornets.


Brutgelyth Deahthial the Voice of An Immortal, Imperial Acolyte
Level : 46 Sex : male Race : minotaur
Ethos : Orderly Align : Evil Class : shaman
Practices: 2 Trains : 0 Hometown : Seantryn Modan
Exp : 471287 To Level : 24013 Sphere : Death
Age : mature, 46 years old (154 hours)
Hit Point: 571 /571 Mana : 703 /703 Move : 643 /643
Str : 23(23) Int : 16(16) Wis : 22(22)
Dex : 19(19) Con : 13(13) Chr : 7 (7 )
Carry # : 18/32 Weight : 174 lb 3 oz (Max 515 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 0 Copper : 0
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 8 Damroll : 7
AC pierce: -31 Very well armored AC bash : -48 Very well armored
AC slash : -38 Very well armored AC magic : 36 Somewhat armored
vs Spell : Not protected vs Paralysis: Not protected
vs Breath: Barely protected vs Mental: Not protected
You are affected by:


Subject: The Beginning.
Added Tue Jan 25 13:46:46 2005 at level 5:
****You suddenly leave your mind as a scene unravels before you...****

You feel yourself floating over a small town.From what you can see it is a small town
located somewhere in a remote location in the mountains.It getting dark and appears
that everyone is inside or somewhere.Everything is quiet, except for loud screams of
pain coming from a nearby hut. As you approach the hut you see a group of people
moving about in the hut.A woman is lying on the floor, her stomach buldging as
if she is pregnant.Her legs are spread wide open and she is screaming in pain in
a language that is foreign to you. A young man all of a sudden rush in the room, strange
tools in his hands and crouches before the woman.He makes some motions for the
men to hold her arms down tightly and speaks to them harshly in thier language.
The men grab her as she jerks and jolts suddenly.She begins convusling and shaking
violently and the men try to hold her down even tighter...

Subject: The Beginning.(Part 2)
Added Tue Jan 25 13:46:46 2005 at level 5:
****You suddenly leave your mind as a scene unravels before you...****

You feel yourself floating over a small town.From what you can see it is a small town
located somewhere in a remote location in the mountains.It getting dark and appears
that everyone is inside or somewhere.Everything is quiet, except for loud screams of
pain coming from a nearby hut. As you approach the hut you see a group of people
moving about in the hut.A woman is lying on the floor, her stomach buldging as
if she is pregnant.Her legs are spread wide open and she is screaming in pain in
a language that is foreign to you. A young man all of a sudden rush in the room, strange
tools in his hands and crouches before the woman.He makes some motions for the
men to hold her arms down tightly and speaks to them harshly in thier language.
The men grab her as she jerks and jolts suddenly.She begins convusling and shaking
violently and the men try to hold her down even tighter...

Subject: The Beginning(Part 3)
Added Fri Jan 28 22:51:07 2005 at level 5:
The woman shrieks in pain again as a lump forms on her stomach.Her eyes roll back
in her head as she screams "OH GOD!". As you look at her stomach you see two
lumps form in her stomach.They go down and suddenly rise back up very quickly.
They go down again, but this time as they come up they pierce her stomach.She yells
"TREAT HIM, AS YOU WOULD YOUR OWN....". Blood trickles down the side of her
stomach as she stops moving suddenly.The horns rise again in her stomach and tear
away at it, mutilating her flesh and tossing it about.The people in the room dont
move as they appear to be stunned by the events before their eyes.The baby
minotaur rises out of her body, standing at about a foot and a half tall, walks two
feet and falls over.A man in the crowd of people, afraid of the beast before him
draws his weapon and attempts a downward slice on the creature.Just beginning to
stand up, the baby minotaur stumbles a step back just as the slice cuts across its
left eye and runs down its face.Blood trickling down its face it charges the man,only
three steps away and impales the mans left leg with his horn.The man topples over
in pain and agony...

Subject: The Name Given To The Beast
Added Fri Jan 28 23:15:10 2005 at level 5:
Another man rushes with his sword in hand toward the creature ready to strike, only
to be stopped by another man. "We will ask Yeiasn what to do".The man lowers his
sword and takes a step back. A messenger is sent to this Yeiasn you heard about.
Within a few minutes a strong man enters the hut,one sword on each side of his waist.He
enters quickly and looks at the strange beast, now sitting in the corner:bleeding around
the left side of his face.
"Yeiasn you must know what to do with this foul creature!Tell us what to do with it!",cried
the man who had withdrawn from striking it.
"What did my sister ask to do with it? Did she say anything before she died?", asked
"She said treat it as you would your own",came a voice from the crowd.
"Then that is what I will do",answered Yeiasn."I will not forget her dying wish...my
The people looked about themselves and some grumbled about Yeiasn's decision,while
others wondered why he would keep the beast among them.
"You will need a name", Yeiasn said sternly as he looked at the beast. "My sister wanted
to name you Gelyth, meaning chosen."
Yeiasn stared hard at the beast in the eyes and with an evern sterner voice,still looking
the beast dead in its eyes said, "But that will not be your name...You will be named
Brutgelyth for you will be like a brute warrior, but you will still be chosen.Chosen for
a special purpose."

Subject: Training of the Beast.
Added Fri Jan 28 23:39:47 2005 at level 5:
****With those final words you see a bright flash of light.As you cover your eyes
you realize you are not in the hut anymore.You realize the light is the sun and you are
in a field somewhere nearby where the hut is...****

You see Brutgelyth walking with a dozen other warriors.They all have wooden
practice weapons about them.They line up, two people partnering with each other and
begin to spar and practice their weapon techniques.Every hour they switch weapons
and practice until finaly they finish and go into a small hut for food.They all seem exausted
from all the training.After their meal they all get up and go back into the field and begin
again.That night you notice a group of warriors around Brutgelyth,wooden weapons in
their hands.They all begin to beat him suddenly as he stands their.They circle him,
beating him constantly with their weapons.To your surprise he doesnt move or flinch
much.Day in and day out you watch them do the same thing repeatedly.You learn that
they practice so much is so that they perfect everything. You learn that Yeiasn is the
village leader, and the woman that died was his sister.You also learn that they are
mercenaries who are paid to handle certain tasks.They try and perfect everything so
that they can fufill their task to the fullest with little mistake.

Subject: The Letter And The Misson
Added Sat Jan 29 00:17:32 2005 at level 5:
****Another blinding light flashes in your face as you appear in a large room full of
mercenaries and warriors...****

Yeiasn calls Brutgelyth foward to stand in front of all the warriors.
"I told you when you were a yung baby, thaa' you were chosen...", said Yeiasn." I
believed that, and now your time has come. I have chosen you for a special task
that must be handled. This task will take you places,you will meet people, and you
will have much to do and many to kill.We recieved a letter from the Empire,from an
unkown writer that things are not like they used to be.Not many people are joining and
many are rising up in opposition to Empire.They need a good mercenary to bring
people under the Empires power, but also to slay those who stand in the way.You,
my nephew have been chosen.You are the strongest warrior of us all.Your skin can
resist the power of weapons, and you are wise most of all.Use your wisdom to
your advantage and do as Lord Khasotholas orders you.You will help bring about a
new Order in Thera. If there be any warrior who feels they should go in Brutgelyth's
place,let him stand now and face him in a duel."
No warrior rose to opose him, but they did cheer for him,by hooting and yelling.
"I guess this is goodbye then nephew.Farewell and good travels.Remember your task
and never stray from the path.Maybe one day we will hear about the great things you
have done.

Brutgelyth looked about him and bowed deeply.He picked up his sword and his axe,placed
them on his back and proceeded towards the door.An man approached him, limping in
left leg."Here you might need this...I guess I owe you since I almost killed you back
when". Brutgelyth nodded slowly at him and took the sack from the mans hands.As he
looked in he saw food and drink that would last him until he reached the Modan.
Mounting his horse he reared it and shouted "Brutgelyth!!!" in a deep voice which
ecoed throughout the village. As soon as the horses feet hit the ground it took
off with lightning speed out of the village.

The Journey for Brutgelyth was just beginning to unravel.

Subject: The Keeper of Faith
Added Sat Feb 12 20:59:07 2005 at level 40:
***You see the minotaur, which was once young, now old and stronger looking...***

Death...more death. Training...more training. Killing...more killing.So has been the life of the minotaur
known as Brutgelyth.He has grown up in the land he was sent to long ago by Yeiasn.Mistakes
were made, things were learned.His wisdom has grown ten fold and he has learned many things.
Upon reaching his 40th title, the minotaur was delt a devastating blow in his soul,heart,and mind.He
got a letter that Yeiasn had been slain on his way to see him.Apparently he turned north at the large
crossroads and headed towards the Maran Fortress.
His body was found, stripped of all he had, lying in the river canal near the city of Hamsah.Enraged with
anger, he turned his anger into his mission. Being the mercenary he was trained to be, he was unable to show
his feelings by crying or showing sorrow.He built an altar for Yeiasn in the woods near the Seantryn Modan and
sacrificed his body there.In honor of Yeiasn he adapted his lastname as his own, to carry on the legacy of the
great mercenary.He wanted to people to know who he was, he was....he is...Brutgelyth Deahthial
35696, Good Role, sorta crummy description though.
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I attacked you as Gruurg a while back. I ran you off and you made it into a Trib infested Galadon, where I took time to look at you. I pegged you as a newbie at that point and decided to leave you alone.

Maybe, read help description for a few tips, as well as spend a considerable amount of time making it read well.

I tend to look at someone’s desc before I even look at what they are wearing. When I look at someone I'll run off and scroll back to it, for a number of reasons.

1: A really good desc is a sign that they care.
2: A really good desc gives me a reason to comment or make some superficial judgments. (Your hornet tat for instance)
3: A desc often give clues as to a player’s ability. ####ty desc's often equal ####ty RP and bad PK, and bad ranking partners.
4: I use the time to set up an alias to loot the pieces of gear I want from their corpse.

And since, your desc is what most people see when they look at you (Unless they are only worried about PK in which case they will glance) you should really use Word Perfect and Dio’s Wrap Chop.

Well it sounds like you had a good time, Hope there are more ahead of you.

35669, Im Gone.
Posted by Brutgelyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well this has been a roller coaster with this one.This was my first empowerment char, first char past 40, first lastname, and first real role.I had some fun with this char, until the end.I mean I never knew tactics for a shaman, until you all told me that time Vinson Anathemaed me.I was following Trepeq who I grouped with as Ulvicer.So many people came in Brutgelyths Life.He was supposed to be a fire giant at first, but when it said minotaur, I jumped on it.This is my second minotaur Ive had.I am a sucker for Empire and I always join it.At first I didnt know which way to go with a minotaur,Scions or Rager.I choose the sphere of death, and was like Empire again.I liked the divine sect and wanted to rank up to group with Trepeq, but he died shortly after.So I just decided to carry on and try and make this my first hero.Didnt happen.I have alot of schoolwork now and a life, so I dont have as much time to spend on him anymore.So I deleted.Now for goodbyes.


Khasotholas:You empowered me and you removed the anathema.I liked you and our talks we had.Too bad I couldnt hero and get my tattoo.Love you as an Immortal and keep doing your thing.You got the whole Empire saying your name everytime they get on and off.Thanks for the empowerment.

Vinson- Man when you anathemaed me I wanted to rank so bad so I could just hunt you and try and kill you whenever I can.After I got back in though we became abit friendlier and we didnt have anymore problems.Too bad you deleted, Empire needed you.Wanted you to become Emperor.Guess things didnt go your way.

Nabburak- Wasnt their when you got Emperor.I liked you abit and never had any problems with you.

Zheairth- You suck almost as much as me, but yet you did good.I never had any problems with you, fun times we had going against maran.

Asfas- Werent around you much, you kept me alive pretty well, cept that one time you healed the vindicator than me, and I died.I was pissed.

Khroax- We grouped up together for awhile, gues you stopped getting on or you just stopped ranking.I know its tough as a minotaur.Keep up fighting.

Tirnath-Too bad we never go to rank up.

Nievar- I called you shadow one time not realizing you were shadowlord.You got on me for it, and it never happened again.We did abit of running around.

Everyone else in Empire: It was fun running with you all and all the killing we had.


Jeha- You are the troublemaker of the village, but a good roleplayer.Liked our fights, someone else would always come and I would get the blame.

Other villagers- Didnt really know you, cept when ya was raiding.Vershelt talked the most trash,loved it.


Jezerael-You are the dumbest healer I ever knew.You always talked trash to me, but would never fight me.I would laugh when Vinson gated to you and killed you.

Iramath-Your gone and you always attacked me in the city, even when tribs were their.Hated you, but a good char you were.

Icthaen- You are a strong arial, dang was always watching for you and your stupid pincer.We had some good fights, sometimes with both of us fleeing and healing.

Alven/Firunsheim- To both of you, good fights when we had them.I liked both of your chars and always looked foward to a fight.

Quro- Know you werent part of maran, but still have to say goodbye.Best enemie I had.We would always fight and I would always ask where you were.

Other Marans- Goodbye and keep ganging and doing the things Empire does.Everyone gangs, so dont worry about it.


Tasild- Best friend in the game of Brutgelyth.We traveled everywhere and I was sad to see you hero before I got to 45.I was like he wont want to rank anymore.We would fight enemies all the time, everywhere.We died together, split armor together, you were their when I deleted.Fun times all around.Brut liked you the most out of anyone.Good char, stay strong.

Everyone else in Tribunal- We had minor times together and whatnot.Raiding Outlander, and fighting villagers. You all didnt bother me much and we had fun Fighting and taking armor from wanted people.


Anubris and Eleaza- You two have to be playing a perma group.Always on together, moved like a military unit and always found, summoned, and got me somehow.Damn I hated you both.Anubris and I had a few times where we talked civilized, but not many.Dont know where you two went.Both just left at the same time.

Chancellor-We fought a few times when you flew to me.Keep on trying to get more to join Scion,you need it.


Sunwarden-I loved fighting you the most,we had some of the best fights of bruts time in cf.Always looked foward to fighting you or running from you, or wither or whatnot.Was happy that one time I got that good rot off on you and you ran like a girl.

All rest of them: I hated and despised you all, but you did good protecting that refuge of yours,most of the time.We all had fights I think, even the stupid nightreaver with the name like mine.Fun times overall.

I had fun overall with this char, and maybe I'll hero one day.Learned some things about shamans and their power.Might make another one.Could have done some things better, well alot of them, but thanks everyone for the best cf expierence yet.If I forgot you in shoutouts, let me know.I have another char in the making maybe...see you all in the fields...
35671, RE: Im Gone.
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man the trials and tribulations you put me through. Brut was one of the most annoying mofos I knew. You were always saying something that made me roll my eyes. As a player I could kinda understand where you were coming from, but as a character I was hoping you'd go mute. I stand by my anatheming you because I think that's how Empire should be. I was so close to pushing the button on you again because of all the dying you did, but as a player I couldn't do it to you again even though as a character I pretty much wanted you gone. You weren't ever going to get elite though and it was just a matter of time before you were demoted back down to Divine Voice or worse. I get the feeling that maybe you have some learning to do still so I can respect the progress you made from the jackass I anathema'd to the jackass I wanted to anathema again :)
35688, Aww.... my favorite enemy
Posted by Carijisdun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't remember what rank I started fighting with you, but I think it started with you a couple of ranks above me in the 30s and went on from there. It was a lot of fun gunning for you because I knew you could maledict the heck out of me if I gave you the chance. So, when I was alone and facing you in a group (which seemed more often than our fights alone), I usually went for you first. One of my favorite fights was the fight in the mountains near the orc fort. I think you thought you had surprised me, but I was waiting for the two of you. I was unprepped, but pulled off all my skills and powers, and sent the two of you running. The fight I had to hit myself for was the group of you, Tasilid and Macumba catching me on the road outside Balator being tripped by sentries. Terribly ignominious. I'm rather sad you deleted because I enjoyed our tiffs and was looking forward to your hero ranks so we could tangle more on equal ground.
35743, Careful not to dislocate your shoulder as...
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you pst yourself on the back.

Sheesh tht was thinly veiled.
35744, Do you ever have anything useful to add?
Posted by Der_exal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean really, was this comment necessary? Its time to grow up.

35750, Imm's please edit.
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't use my full name any more.

And I did add something. read above.

I was just getting on him for saying how great he was.

This thread is for Brute, not him. And I gave Brute what I feel are good pointers.
35756, Umm.. confused...
Posted by Carijisdun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought I was fondly recalling the times when Brut and I fought, as the speech patterns of minotaurs are simply too hard to understand, thus the lack of memories where we conversed... To his credit, I think he got more PKs on me than I did of him, and I was trying to point out a time where he got one. I liked him. Where does the whole "patting yourself on the back" come into play?
35762, Your tone seems self aggrandizing to me.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You thought you had me but you didnt.

I got mad skills.

Full stop.

That's how I read it.
35697, RE: Im Gone.
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good job. You overcame a lot, being made anathema, having to get back in, etc, and you kept plugging away to make a memorable character.

35742, I think it's worth mentioning...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never interacted with you, but I really respect the way you stuck to your role after getting anath'd, and didn't jump on the "I'm suddenly chaotic and buddy buddy with Scions" bandwagon. Big big kudos for that.