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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [OUTLANDER] Tiriundrun Thistlebane the Force of Nature, Disciple of the Harvest Moon
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34644, (RAGE DELETE) [OUTLANDER] Tiriundrun Thistlebane the Force of Nature, Disciple of the Harvest Moon
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Jan 26 17:42:54 2005

At 2 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 13th of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Tiriundrun perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
34656, Well Hmph...
Posted by Tiriundrun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okay fun fun fun times. Druids are seriously psycho powerful.
I learned a lot about them and how to fight then it is one
of the few classes that I think is not understood well by
most of the populace of cf. And in my 7 or 8 years of playing
I had never heroed one. I don't know I came into Outlander
right as it was on the upswing as it was psychotic. Got inducted
at level 25 after I killed two tribbies that were attempting
to retrieve. Amaranthe's religion is wonderful but she kinda
vanished for a while and I saw on her forum and understand
why no fault of hers. But I was a Disciple of her religion
since like level 30 or 31 and that was like at maybe 30 35 hours.
And I talked to her a LOT and I think there towards the end
she just didn't have time to do the whole thing about
getting tattooed maybe she didn't think I didn't deserve it
I don't know. But I preached her faith a lot and In my opinion
that was one of the best priests i've played(and i've played
a lot of them). On the subject of outlanders brilliant simply
brilliant. Much better than Sylvan well in a way, the purpose
is more vague than sylvans but much broader encompassing
a wide variety of types of chars.

First and Foremost Drahke: You were Tiri's best friend
i know it's odd to have a fire giant as a wood-elfs best friend
but we ranked from like level 15 or 20 up until hero. PKed
together RPed together. You are wonderfuly played seriously
I hope you enjoyed our time together because I did.

Aesrira: I'm glad your Harbinger now good job you and I had
a number of talks about the Cycle and Amaranthe and I tried
to explain her religion as well as I could(it's really
complex) We did a lot as well.

Tjok: Thanks for giving me a chance I told you i'd stick it out
and I did for quiet a while but just lost the will sorry
to disappoint you. Very well played by the way.

Thays: My furry little friend fun times you were missed.

Jaeiin: Quit giving norkie grass juice

Karashin: My Honorable "friend" our interactions were few and
far between somewhat but very memorable.

and to Amaranthe: You are great seriously I will be back one
day soon. I wish we had more time to Interact and whatnot
but I understand not to mention my playing hours and yours
did not mesh at all I had to log on at work to talk to you.
Which really isn't good no alias i'm using crappy G-Mud
and afk half the time. *mutter* But if I change jobs
where i can lot during your hours I will be back!

Anyone I forgot post and i'll talk about you :)

34661, Tiri
Posted by Drahke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you for the kind words. I assure you the pleasure was all mine :-)

I was kinda stuck at level 35 and going nowhere and I see this woodelf druid at level 26. Hey, it is worth talking to him. A possible group mate. Too bad we can't actually group. But we found a bridge and I immediately liked you. You had a lot of small neat touches going for you. I enjoyed all the groups up through the thirties to the early forties.

It was a shame that our playing times didn't mesh after I was actually inducted. We only saw each other one or two times. And Drahke never experienced that branch party ;-)

From what I have seen I agree with you that druids seem very well rounded. Perhaps one day I will try one myself, but so far the empowerment process has kept me away from priests in general.

Have fun.
34687, Brother Tiri!
Posted by Aesrira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was a hard goodbye to write, mainly because I liked Tiri so much. I thought you played a solid priest. I remember those talks on the Coven well. I really liked how you took the whole plant cycle and just ran with it. Aesrira likes to look at it from the beasts but seeing it from the opposite side of the coin was very interesting and particularly appropriate coming from a druid. I especially liked your treant story. Nicely done.

You know, your directly responsible for me getting my major forms. I was kinda in a rut and having a hard time getting a group together, then BAMN Tiri to the rescue! It made for a few long hunts but as a player I appreciated it. I especially liked our little guessing games each time I got near. Is she a goose? No, no, a snake! Wait, she's an Armadillo, thick-headed and all!

Then with the ranking came all the raiding and retieving. It was great having you at my side. I never worried at all. Your healing was always there just when I needed it.

Anyway, Great Character. Lota fun. Can't wait to see you in the fields again.


34688, Guessing shifter forms is fun
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked having these guessing debates, where Fungor "decided" what forms his Herald shifter friends Kohl and Rixljyn were going to get after guessing them. Other funny part was the "I told you so" when they got exactly the forms I had predicted for them. It was fun.

Anyway, Tiriundrun was not a looter, and won Agantas alone. Tried to talk Jaeiin or some other Outlander who said that honor was "city thing", and thus he could loot all he wanted when I quoted your words: "There is no honor in leaving someone naked in the cold." I hope you two had an interesting conversation about it, as the other Outlander spoke something in the lines that this would be something that would happen.

34691, RE: Guessing shifter forms is fun
Posted by Tiriundrun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was a follower of the Mother in Amaranthe's religion.
We were nurterors(however you spell that word) and
in my opinion arn't as zealoty as some of the other
outlanders. There were many times I helped people
who were lost or in need of food and water. In his view
you couldn't just watch someone starve when there
was food all about you.
34698, RE: Well Hmph...
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad you enjoyed the character and the cabal, and sorry we didn't get a chance to interact more in your character's later life. You're right.. our hours (and my recent schedule) did not mesh well, and your lack of getting tattooed really had nothing to do with my opinion of the character.. just circumstances. As it was I felt pretty bad about taking so long to tattoo a vocal and dedicated follower like Aesrira and I ended up altering the way I normally tattoo for her, and I may revisit changing, or at least being more flexible, about the way I approach tattoo seekers in the future, as I just don't have the consistent availablity I did in years past.

Hopefully we'll see you back in the 'Fields soon, perhaps even as an Outlander again. :)
34647, Awww, why damnit, I enjoyed your character...nt
Posted by Karashin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM