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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectGoodbyes while it's still fresh
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=33991
33991, Goodbyes while it's still fresh
Posted by Yintrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thread should come up soon but I have some time right now so no better time than the present.
Rolled Yintrik because after Liurnya I wanted to try a berserker because deathblowing all over the place seemed like lots of fun. And I suppose it is, but all in all, I believe defenders have it better. During some of my log ins, it seemed like a test in how well I could regear. Sure i'd always kill a few or take one down with me, but thirsting usually means death. But no regrets, I had some shining moments along with some horribly embarassing ones but that's what keeps things interesting. Was down to 8 con already after about 200 hours and I knew there was nowhere this character could go seeing as my role was mediocre at best and I picked the wrong sphere! Well a few people to thanks

Imms : Didn't interact with any of you....wish I would have seen Ordasen or Kastellyn a few times as I think the cabal would benefit buy a little guidance here and there. Thanks for all the time you guys put in.

Khard, Glaurthran, Jurt : Thanks for helping me hero. Couldn't of done it without you three. I tried to do the same when I heroed, but I ended up running out of time.

Iborenn : Liked your roleplay, but stop killing me in duels dammit. If your pk ratio is way too good for a drow, it's all my fault. Wish you could log on a bit more, or name a Captain. I can think of a few good options. Thanks for inducting me.

Huidnro and Draxi : I remember ranking in Barovia with you two when only Huidnro had hit hut. So it was redeeming when we got to rank together on Calaendryl. Dwarf ragers are ideal in my opinion, and you hold to that. Smacking down all those grubbers who attack the giant. And Huidnro keep taking some down with you. Wish we would've had some time to explore more, but for most of it we would've needed a defender. You were Yintrik's closest friend.

Gerylanst : Well played bard, fun to be around.

Karashin : Good defender, patching up even a stormie in need. Thanks for the talks about parity and stuff.

Scion : Lots of good players obviously, though Hylondin is my favourite. When we finally got you trying to retrieve it was gratifying after getting smacked down by you everytime I tried to raid. Granaak, Restraal.......you were a scary team together and got me several times and Granaak you got me alone a few times without the head. Would've like to fight you one on one with the head but I don't think we ever got the chance. Only thing i'll say is that if you're always with Restraal.....people get the impression that that's why you're doing well, even if you could do well alone. Your spec legacy combo is really frustrating to face and you do well with it so well done. Hedda, appreciated the fact you'd log on alone and stay on, even when your pk ratio must've been damn tough.

Tribunal : Some good fights although I wish some of you would get gutsier. Lora you seem to know your stuff pk wise but doing something like you did in the past and then not responding to any tells is well...I'll keep the choice words to myself. Then the first time you do respond is asking for gear back...Yintrik wasn't impressed. Good job on killing me though.
I must've been wanted 3/4 of Yintrik's life so I fought almost all of you. Good luck and get out of those cities and breathe some fresh air more often!

Empire : Fire giant elite blade (somehow your name slips me. It's not Growlow) Great fights, you got me a couple times, I got you. Lots of fun. Getting with that drum in Galadon must've sucked for you as i'm sure you were full looted by lowbies. But you should've seen the set I lost a few hours later in the same place :)

Second semester up in the frozen north is starting back up so hopefully I can stay away from my laptop for a while and get some work done. I'm sure i'll be back.

Yintrik and all those others in the past year.

34077, RE: Goodbyes while it's still fresh
Posted by Glaurthran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah! I thought you'd be around for a while, you had that kind of spirit. You'll definatly be missed, but I thought your RP and personality were strong, and you came across as verry stormish...which is good for a storm giant. Anyhow, good villager, and wish you'dve stuck it out more. Oh well, come on back.
34058, I wish you would have stayed just a bit longer...
Posted by Melacarfina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted another fight with just you. Man o man... when you told me to come down I was so nervous I couldn't even type. Here I am quaffing everything everyone has to give. And lora is yelling at the invoker to come. And I'm thinking, please don't come invoker that will just make the village even more angry with us. So I go down and fight you, didn't even call guards for a while... and you ended up fleeing. I wanted just one more fight to test against you. Not to mention I could have beat myself in the head for not being reduced. I'm just glad you didn't spam bash. I guess I'll have to find anothe berserker to fight... Good luck with the next.

Melacarfina Silverhammer, Justiciar of Thera (doesn't that sound nice)
34035, RE: Goodbyes while it's still fresh
Posted by Hylondin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our fights as well. I'm not afraid to go in with insane odds. If that hurl throat hadn't landed I'm quite confident the outcome would have been different. As it was, good strategy. I hope I kept you on your toes and I'm sure we'll meet again.
34025, RE: Goodbyes while it's still fresh
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't get to watch Yintrik much, but from the little I did, he seemed to have little or no reluctance to get in there and try to whip on people regardless of circumstances. I like to see that kind of spirit in Battle. Nice job.
34032, RE: Goodbyes while it's still fresh
Posted by Yintrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Although I make a point not to rely on immteraction, it's rewarding to know that an imm takes a look at you from time to time and enjoys the game with you. Thanks for the comment and thanks for the game.
34023, well.
Posted by Granaak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were a well RP'd villager and thought you were a true berserker. I honestly thought you would be next in line for Veteran, Captain (or however a promotion works in battle, I am not sure) after our initial talks.

As far as your comments for me specifically. I can address why I fight some of the villagers alone and why not others when I delete/age/con die (which wont be for some time, I hope)

Anyway good character and I hope to fight you again soon.


ps That day you were trying to retrieve solo and I kept killing you, I logged out because I just could not bring myself to take anymore of your con. I even tried to avoid the Scion area so you could have a chance but someone I was hunting kept running back towards there.
34033, Arg that was a bad day.
Posted by Yintrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe that day was frustrating. First fight was you, Restraal and Akscereh and I thirsted at the destructor and I died in a hurry. Then came our duels. First one i'm like alright....disarm after your flurry.....that doesn't work since your main wield is cursed and I die when the panther jumps on me. Next duel i'm thinking time for an offhand disarm after your flurry, next thing I know your offhands is cursed and i'm dead anyway a round later. After that I knew that I knew I was in trouble for future fights. No way I could get the head back with you on. Enjoy the rest of your time with Granaak.
34018, Yep, too bad.
Posted by Restraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Yintrik's no-nonsense attitude. However, if you think I as a healer am going to straight-up duel a berserker giant rager, you're out of your mind.

I'll give you credit for bringing the war, as your old boss used to say before he retired. I just prefer bringing the war in a more dastardly and underhanded way. }(
34012, RE: Goodbyes while it's still fresh
Posted by Draxidar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One hell of a character to me. Met early on when you and Hui needed another and we had a blast from there. Those early friendships with us three are what let me get in the Village and we always talked, even just for a couple of lines whenever we seen each other on. Really thought the world of your character and I know that Drax and Hui are gonna miss you dearly. Good job and glad you had fun. Good luck at school and get back soon. YE DAMNED ####EHOLE SISSY.
34016, RE: Goodbyes while it's still fresh
Posted by Yintrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had me laughing that time it was just me and you logged in, I took the scepter and then you proceeded to lay some beat downs. What got me laughing was you swearing because someone got away or because you got knocked out. Makes me want to play a dwarf again. Take care and thanks for the fun.
34009, RE: Goodbyes while it's still fresh
Posted by Kocet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Boo... knew all your other characters and liked Yintrik alot. Good luck with the next.
34006, RE: Goodbyes while it's still fresh
Posted by Huidnro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well what can I say. Yintrik was definately Huidnro's running buddy for most of his life. We did our share of running about regearing and such, and most of my learning was with you as well. I really enjoyed the time with Yintrik, and you showed me a few new things here and there in the game as well. All around a good character, and I wish you would have hung in a little longer. I had no idea your con was so low, but I guess thats the life of a berserker. Once again, a good character that I'll have more comments on later. Thanks for the times together, Huidnro will have trouble finding another to replace Yintrik. Good luck with classes, and hope to see another of your chars. soon.
34019, Thanks for the kind words. stxt
Posted by Yintrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you or Drax want to chat CF sometime my msn e-mail is dylancoady@hotmail.com . Keep it up you're doing well and ragers are the best to hone your pk skills with. Having to live with your mistakes and run around thirsting keeps you on your toes for sure. Take care.
33994, RE: Goodbyes while it's still fresh
Posted by Lora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am usually impressed with how much knowledge of the events which occur in this game. Honestly, I dont ever remember asking you for anything back except for when I took Huidnro's things, and you took mine. All we did was exchange things back--thats what Huidnro wanted too. I'll just leave it at that though.

Also, I try not to leave anything open ended when others are talking to me. Unless of course that person is persistant in their way, and of course I am going to be also :-)

Really, if I did it wasn't intentional, because I always try to exchange words when I can. But sometimes Tribunal events can have you real busy--or real, mmm, not busy?

We had our moments. You won some, I won some. All in all, I thought you were doing good--even from the little I could see in my point of view.

Good luck in the future, and hope you find something enjoyable again.

PS I liked what I saw from Liurnya too.
33995, No hard feelings
Posted by Yintrik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just from my point of view it looked like what you did was really ugly towards Huidnro who was my bro. Anyway it's a game, and some people fail to realize that at the end of the day.
Good luck
33993, 8 con....*snort*
Posted by Karashin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really liked Yintrik. Wasn't around you as much as I wish I had been, but playing times were sketching during christmas break and such. Anyway, great fighter, enjoyed the duels and the fun. Talk on Parity? Oh, well, I imagine you're welcome, but I have a big secret to reveal should this con finally go away. Anyway, come back to Village if you want, doesn't seem to matter where you go, you make great characters. See you in the fields.
33992, Bleh another one
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Yintrik, you didn't give up even when you got smacked down in the lower ranks. I have seen other storm giants play in battle and man it looks tougher than I've got it =P
And no my pk ratio isn't going to be good from you deaths, I've got a gazillion gangs to overcome. And blame the people I wanted titled as said positions, and Kastellyn *muhahahaha* *no really he's the ####*
Eh, and I've got to get a job currently so my times are a bit flaky *bleh work*