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Topic subject(DEL)Dralgarth the Scrying Machine!!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=33855
33855, (DEL)Dralgarth the Scrying Machine!!
Posted by Dralgarth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Went out to some Scions this evening. Dont even feel like playing this character another day. Its been pretty boring lately. No foes at all during my play times. I just gather gear for people all day long. Fortress members all play during morning hours for the most part. I would have to poison myself with coffee and stay up late to get a decent fight. Conjurers are kinda dull for cabals. Cant plan a defense when waiting for servitors all the time. Raiding though was alright. Evil Conjurers are much more deathfull, I miss nightgaunts. Clairaudience and Clairvoyance rocks. Evils at a real disadvantage cause its way harder to perfect playing one. I was the scry guy for the forttress. I can find anyone!!

Goodie conjurers are kinda overpowered I guess....just hard at times to nail kills. I died once to Glauthran, once to a fiend while wanted, once to Scion hoard (with my mighty winged angel at my side). ANy thing else was to my own doing, including my infamous Tesseract to Finish Restraal with Not enough Mana escapade. (Not that he was that hurt, I just call it that for reference...heh)

Fortress: Liked being a maran at times. Other times it was handicapping me. I would have liked to have abiltity to kill more neutrals and goodies. Having to wait for Maran powers kinda sucks. Why such a waiting period? I think I used cry of deliverance, once or twice. Lightforge is alright if you are naked and too lazy to get a better weapon. Mantle: Besides healing a bit of fire damage, I was always flying, protected from evil, and detecting evil. Zeal is not bad. Eyes was so slow...Dont join for the powers.

Wungar: Liked your char. You helped out young ones ranking, gathering, and all that. Found no point taking codex to have 4 or 5 rank 40’s reclaim it in a second, but you were consistant in that, so I back off. I was surprised at some of the kills you landed solo. I always think shield pally’s are wusses in general. You bounce back well and seem focused. Keep it up.
Kelin: Didnt like you at first. There were so many times when we were being outnumbered or attacked at fortress and you were off somewhere gathering gear and exploring silent tower. Even young squires were saying, “Kelin must be off gathering shinies again” over the body of Naref or one of the others. After traveling with you a bit, didnt mind you at all. You have been a maran tooooo long though and probably need a change.
Martainn: My morning bro. Liked all our hunts and now I dont have to locate spike-toed boots ever AGAIN!! Heh, it was fun.
Manuelli: Good job for a long time maran. You were funny to listen to and seemed pretty ballsy, hope you having fun.
Ginhurq: Hey bro! Your ghetto talk cracked me up, but you were also pretty deathfull, always nailing the kills with your spells. Keep it up, and I enjoyed the hunts.
Naref: Good job. You were overwhelmed but tried. Like I said on Dios other page, you did a great job. Wish we could have done more.
Heas: Liked the snort greetings. Funny roleplay, Ill see you again with a new char im sure.
Iramath: Cool elf. Prep more and you will be a force. Regret not showing you a few things, prep wise...but you will be a force. I can tell you know your #### and was it was fun knowing you.

So many others, I appologize for mssing, Ill respnd later when I think straight.

Tribunals/Heralds: Didnt really interact with you much. Got wanted once by accident looking into Spire to try to HELP out when you were being beaten on. I want to play a Trib but cant get past my bias for witnessing you all sit around so damn much doing nothing. I want some responses from Tribs telling me if they have fun or what...

Outlanders: Lame. I never interacted with any of the elites: Tjok, Arisnus, Karrel(briefly)....I was left with the lackeys. Always getting in the way when i was hunting or fighting. I would be fighting Imperials, Outlanders would jump me. I would be fighting Scion, Outlanders would jump me.

Karrel: Felt bad when you attacked me coming out of Imperial lands. I was fully prepped, and had Hanos, Martainn with me. You run up and start spamming away...I tried to get all your gear back to you cause you had a rep of a cool guy that treated folk fair.

Sxozzoh: You big wuss come fight me coward. So I go fight Sxozzoh, only to get stunned and spelled up by an Outlander tranny. I wake to find Sxozzoh dead after trying to beat a hasted transpledant, and kill trnny who is spamming something on me...after that defeat, you just ran and hid. Wait, you did send me tells calling me a #### and all that...I almost forgot. Did you like my deathtrap I arranged for you when you were In Organia? I did.

Jaeiinn: Can you please stop following my fights around and aiding them? How about just you and me fight without all your friends? Oh you will fight me? Cool...Ok...Im slept. Damn she called all of Outlander to join her. I escape of course. Nothing wrong with ganging, but dont be calling people weak when you cannot hold your own. Oh and sorry, a conjurer with servitors and a familiar does not consitute a group of 4. Sheesh. Isoooo enjoyed killing off Outlanders after that. Owned them. Owned I say.

Bird shifter: ABS is your friend. You have no chance of beating anyone without using some preps. Many newbs, but come on man, Prep!! You could actually kill someone.

Scions: Damn you guys are good roleplayers. I loved scrying you. You would fight and threaten each other. You even talk creepily. Even the ‘nice’ ones would talk nicely to someone then a moment later when said person walked off....revert to plotting their demise. Hell, I like scrying Scions. I think it was Granaak that once said these famous words to some felar warrior: “You better start rescuing felar. Your bones are gonna start getting cracked by my hands.” “Ill do what I wish, you are not my master” To which the chancellor responds..You will do what he asks or die horribly...something along those lines. This while fighting through dire wolves on the way to Octogonal tower.

Restraal: Liked our fights even though not really productive. You got me in that group fight, I got you with Kelin running in bashing. Other than that, was kinda yawn fest. But cool character. Keep it up.

Granaak: Times never overlapped and never got a crack at you. Either you had way too many folk with you or I was on my way to bed...Nice scrying you though. Was fun.

Vanzokh: Tried interacting with you, bu you dont even respond. Not much of a fight from my perspective, but I usually had angels and angels wreck necros. Seemed to be killing alot though. What was the bogeyman thing all about. I asked you in game but again no response. I cant recall killing you...maybe once, not even sure.

Akscereh: Dont like your forms, I you was me. But your not, so, you seem to enjoy them. We had some fun fights and you werent one to run and hide. Nice roleplay Chancellor. Wish we could have interacted more, but you never seemed to want to talk to me. I was borrrrreed alot.

Empire: Was a bad time to be playing Empire. Hardly any hero or near heros during my play times. I applogize for the few heros that logged on. I was not trying to be a prick. I was not trying to make life overly miserable. I tried to return gear all the time, and I actually felt bad sometimes after logging off, realizing I just pissed someone off...constant scying, tesseracting, attacks, chases....blah...I was bored.

Ceikelak: Our times didnt mesh, but I fought you once when you were prepped and you were tough mf. Other times villagers/outlanders would interfere or be camped out at either of our bases. Or there would be 200 marans on and just you. Peace.
Teili: Hang in there. another day and time, and Id be hunting with you.
Krackleshah: See Teili.
Brelinak: Enjoyed our fights. Yer crafy thief. I got the impression we were just having fun fights cause I didnt even want to kill you after all the raids and stuff we had every morning. It was like a given...Brelinak and I are gonna mix it up. My owl was getting tired following you.

Village: There were either really good villagers or really lame villagers:

Glauthran: Awesome. Good kill on me. Tried to give you some duels after that to keep you entertained. You never brought allies which was good. Keep it up. Remeber Llovansetgal, that was me....

Karashin: I wanna roll up a Karashin lackey character. Keep it up. Dont attack hasted archons as a duergar, especially Transplendants...hehe

Rest: Umm...Iborenn.....leader of village? Honor? You need a backpack to carry your pocket bard around in. Village dont have head? Guess its time to log off.... Sad to say, I have fought most of your village in good duels, and non of them pull the crap you do. Lame....

Anyhow: I am done with cabals. Being a maran is way too limiting with a dwindling playerbase. Ill be back soon. It was fun at times..Peace
33929, No! Who is going to find criminals for me now!
Posted by Melacarfina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will say the first time I saw you watching me, I almost peed my pants. Only because I knew you were wanted. I didn't know you were a maran or anything... didn' tknow anything about you. And here I am getting my gold, over and over and over again. I don't know why you would keep watching that. I was so upset over meeting you on that summit the first time, and nervous. I had no idea if you would attack me or not. I felt horrible. It's just one of those cabal things. I know every day after that, I would hope you would log so I could say... Can ye be seein' where this criminal be? Or something like that. I really liked your charcater, well done. Oh, and good luck with the next.

Oh, and about playing a trib. It just depends on what you like. I like it a lot. I know at lower levels it was great to sit in the Spire, spam songs and get paid for it. (nice for a mage/bard) I think playing a bard trib is one of the hardest things I've ever done, because I'm so limited, but I still like it. And ye don't just sit in your guild. I know, I do a lot of walking around judging every one in town... talking about the Spire stuff like that. Not to mention, you always get excited when someone commits a crime and you get to chase. That's the fun part. I always think raiding is great! Especially the ones when it's 6 on 6 hero and a few lowbies for support, those are fun. But of course, you can get that with any cabal. At hero... I do a lot of interviewing and things. Go find criminals. (not so easy without you watching them *pout*) Of course there is the bad side. EVERYONE complains. It is rare to have someone not say they shouldn't have their warrant. I get a LOT of people saying they've just died in this town, so I need to come right now. And I'm thinkin... hello off duty? You'll get a lot of people saying so so criminal is on imperial grounds, come kill them (or something like that). Not to mention, no powers out of town. So no joining for powers. Even with all that, I still enjoy it and would want to play another.
33924, Hey!
Posted by Manueli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were always kind to Manueli... will miss you. I was sure you were going to be the next Captain but hey... good luck with next
33901, RE: (DEL)Dralgarth the Scrying Machine!!
Posted by Glaurthran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Llovensetgal too, huh? Well, good job for both. I admired that you would always keep character, and seemed good natured about things. You played the part of an unwilling foe very well, showing me you had no wish to fight me, yet at the same time not backing down. Well done, and if you ever decide to give caballed life (or non-mage life) a try, come to the Village.
33908, RE: (DEL)Dralgarth the Scrying Machine!!
Posted by Dralgarth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How you guys get by without teleport or word or recall impresses me. SOme big hoard is raiding, and it can be a death sentence, which is prolly why most villagers con die...

Again good fights. Honorable rager you are.
33885, Hey, I liked you
Posted by Kelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did a good job.
You did not really stand out but it is not something you should gnaw your fingernails about. I bugged you a bit about some things I thought goodie should not do but this was minor.

I agree with your assessment Maran powers dont fit mage well.
But then again they never meant to be.

As for me not providing much support cabal wars... they are so loopsided right now.
It is 1-2 Fortress folk vs. 6 Scios. Or vice versa.
So if situation is desperate I would go explore some place I've never been in. Instead of sitting on my rear or quitting.
Also... Do you realise I cant hear ANYTHING while inside Silent Tower?
Cant even send a note.

Good luck with your next,

33887, RE: Hey, I liked you
Posted by Dralgarth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeh realized that, ( in reference to silent tower). Hey I came to like your character. My comments about you being off somewhere were from a long time ago. Naref and Wungar were getting slaughtered by Scions and I wasnt in range yet. No biggie. You gotta admit it gets boring at times with no one to fight. Exploring can only take me so far, once youve seen everything mostly...
33883, Uhuh
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe you shouldn't have constantly shown up with a dwarven paladin?
Or scryed linkdead people, or numerous other things... but this isn't about me, I didn't like your character you reminded me of alot of other .. nameless people.
Perhaps you shouldn't have been a panzy and actually shown up when I offered you a duel.
You came, You talked, You ran away.
33886, 4 times...4 friends....
Posted by Dralgarth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tried dueling you 4 times. Each time bard jumped in.

yes Dwarf attacked you ONCE when I was there, and he also yelled for me to back off...which I did. I even sent you a tell, saying leave the bard. You decided you didnt want to leave the bard, so i fought you both for a bit.

I fought almost all your villagers solo and you can read their replies as you cant seem to grasp that fact. You show no merit as a honorable warrior of battle. Guess you are a drow though so good work on all that. I wish I had CB logs of comments other marans were making of you. Duels the Devine? With friends.....

As for scrying you? Yeh of course I try to find you...without the head you are very hard to find. Link-dead? Perhaps you were. Probably another tactice when you dont have the head and wish to avoid a fight.....

Just age die or do something already....weak.
33950, Logs would be good man, I hate all talk, no proof n/t
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
34029, Sure post em if you got em...
Posted by Dralgarth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seems to be you are the only villager who is in disagreement that I fight all of you alone. That is strange, isnt it? I only save memorable logs....
34094, Um
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rest: Umm...Iborenn.....leader of village? Honor? You need a backpack to carry your pocket bard around in. Village dont have head? Guess its time to log off.... Sad to say, I have fought most of your village in good duels, and non of them pull the crap you do. Lame....

So, that wasn't you accusing me of logging off without the head *like you would know if I had it or not*
Or, that wasn't you saying I carry around a bard everywhere?
I say if you don't have logs of me with my pocket bard and logging off without the head, eat my shorts buddy.
34098, RE: Um
Posted by Dralgarth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So, that wasn't you accusing me of logging off without the head *like you would know if I had it or not*

Mages have a spell called locate object. Mages use it alot.

Again, I dont log who lists and then locate an item, then log another who list. Kinda lame doing that...but in future I will do so, so discussions like this can be verified.

You can keep responding to my posts, it aint changing anything...

What do you want from me? Oh Iborenn, I recant my recollection of you. You fought me with honor, and didnt have ally attacking my servitors. You the man!!

Not going to happen lad...suck it up.
33876, this funny
Posted by Bird Shifter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did alote :) many Conjurers..without any prep..
Timing is everything for Air/Off, dont be angry on this.

Good luck on your next..
33880, Angry?
Posted by Dralgarth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wasnt angry. In the least. My comments about you prepping were in regards to you attacking me constantly, and fleeing each time badly hurt. If you prepped you might have done better. I was offering you advice on how to win.

33875, HEH
Posted by Ceie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah, the numbers always did seem damned stacked against me, but I did enjoy our little battle and I was looking forward to us getting in a lot of them. I gotta say, every time I felt someone scrying me I just assumed you were around then :) heh damn you did that a lot. Anyways good luck on your next one, see you in the fields
33874, RE: (DEL)Dralgarth the Scrying Machine!!
Posted by Ginharq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man (freak it's starting to stick irl)..you were a great hunting partner, and I loved your scryings. Seems you got it perfected! I've tried a conjie not too long ago and I really hate the class. Too dependant on servitors, and not like you'll get good ones all the time (maybe for you yes). You did really well with the class though. Kaubris's anchor has more uses than it seems too, and better to get it practised up.

Anyway thanks for the help regearing and the wands. Hunting with you and Martainn both are lots of fun. We could work well and quick together. Good luck with the next.
33872, No love?
Posted by Hylondin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't care much for conjurer's. They can be a pain in the arse. I remember when you and the other conjurer came with the fortress possy to raid the Chasm, I think i ran through at least 100 gold healing and such to keep fighting you off. You seemed to know your stuff...and I thought it was funny to always see someone watching me..knowing it was you. ;-)
33879, RE: No love?
Posted by Dralgarth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry man...err woman. You were tough as hell.

"How long do you think you can hold what is mine?"

4 of us...1 of you. not long.

I hate fighting a skilled invoker. Keep it up.
33868, NO
Posted by wungar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
NO NO NO NO NO I need more allies like you! Thanks for all the gear you dumped on me and putting up with the stubbornest dwarf of all time :P hope you had fun and hope to see you again in the fields.
33899, Thanks for showing me Duergar city in detail. n.t
Posted by Dralgarth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
33860, oh well
Posted by Granaak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You heard that? That is great, I am pleased you had an insight to Scion. I cannot say I am sad I will not be see'ing you around..(I hate well played conjies)=)

Fortress is losing a skilled member with this delete.

good job,

ps One time, I had to flee from you and another conjuror at the chasm, afterwards you sent me a tell with "You sure are strong" or something along those lines. I really really wanted to respond and have a chat, but I was being chased around while near death. Anyway, not sure if you even remember, but I wanted to let you know I was not just blowing you off because you nearly killed me, but I was just trying to stay alive and did not get a chance to say anything back.
33859, Mixed emotions!
Posted by Karashin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have this overwhelming sadness to see you go, you were a pinnacle to me. *thinks to himself* if you can take him down, pat yourself on the back and do a dance once you sign off. It pains me to know such a great conjurer has bit the dust.

Contrarily, I have this overwhelming happiness that my con will not drop so bloody quickly! Not really, but you were an amazing conjurer. I see to have this lack of respect for conjies, conjure ####e and let it do all the work.

But no, what I was saw was talent. Loved all our fights, although most ended with my grabbing my arse and whimpering while the Destructor comforted me, telling me I won't feel pain in my arse come the afterlife ;) Great character. See you in the fields!
33864, Made some boring times fun...
Posted by Dralgarth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Once again, good fighting you. I hate large group on group fights and really liked the back and forths we could go at. I never got my re-match while using a lesser archangel....If you used axes instead of hands, id be a dead man more times than I can count. I almost dropped that time you stunned my archon, and I worded. I was bleeding and taking masssive damage...and the bloody archon was half way across the world sleeping from your stun. Heh. Of course in game I never let on how close I was...that would be counterproductive...*grin*
33856, You had me and my 350 hp petrified :) txt
Posted by Synnarlo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Synnarlo is a step into the unknowen for me. Its the first mage i've played since a long line of ragers going back years. Playing a mage ment I could use mage, moreso I could explore. I have probably died more than a dwarf. Leveling went straight into more con which disapeared faster than It came in.

I knew a few times that you were scrying me. And to be honest at first I was parinoid. But then It didnt really bother much I figured you knew I was a walking corpse and that you could kill me in a blink. The few times we did talk, which were not often were brief.. An acceptance that I had been run over (like a speed bump) by some duo or even a small hunt party. That I was just regearing.. boring stuff.

I will say tho. As a necro my two most feared things was the chessy maran eyes fire thing (auto attack before summon/entering room etc) and angels.

A few times I tried to fight conjurers with angels each time I got wiped hard. I actually slept a conjurer once , he had a angel. it killed my whole army (3z,1g,1f) and then wrathed/pillared me in two rounds. After me and a whole army failing to kill a single angel I knew it wasnt advisable to even attempt it.

Keep trucking, Hope I see you on the evil side of things.
33857, Heh
Posted by Dralgarth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked talked to you those times. The meat popsicle! Fought you briefly in Kiadana but was after one of your group mates. Yeh angels are bloody nasty. Even with ABS, a lesser archangel is going to eat a necromancer...and quickly.

Good luck.