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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Slyphur the Malefic
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=33399
33399, (DELETED) [None] Slyphur the Malefic
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Dec 16 06:52:21 2004

At 8 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 19th of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Slyphur perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
33423, This is a shame.
Posted by Dristialan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were making quite a name for yourself. I can't remember ever seeing any rp from you.. but its been a while since you killed me. Its a real shame that people brought OOC IC but.. ah well, hazards of posting logs on an unofficial forum.

I had your pegged for the next mummy/lich but such is life.

Pleasure to be slept by you ;) (Hope I wasn't a bad sport in any way.. I don't think I ever was.)

See you in the fields after the new year.
33412, It was fun, for the most part..
Posted by Slyphur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just want to get a few things off my chest:

- I play CF for fun. I get enjoyment from PK'ing.
- I multi-killed on occasion, though who I multi-killed was very specific. I *could* have multi-killed a hell of a lot more, but I saw no need. If someone pissed me off sufficiently, I'd multi-kill them. I'd nearly always leave gear that I wouldn't use.
- I hate people who rely on OOC forums to try and *get even* with my characters. It's juvenile. If you don't like a character, log on and kill them, do not resort to OOC slander.
- I am not a 13 year old, abused child. I am just a guy that likes PK'ing. I never complained about being mown down by hero's and full looted. I'm glad the people that read Dioxide's enjoyed reading that log so much, but there is no need to try and get your own back by saying things like "Sucks to die like a bitch doesn't it?". That's just immature.
- 90% of the people that read Dioxide's forum are really quite pathetic.
- If you have something to say about Slyphur the character then fine, but don't post pointless notes about how much I sucked.
- I had no perma. I killed alone (check the Gank-O-Meter if you really want to fork out the dosh). I am allowed to group with people if I want to though, solo levelling a necro would be a bitch.
- I never claimed to be *the best PK'er EVA*. I'm just a guy who likes PK'ing. I get kills, I get killed, just like everyone.
- I never asked for any sympathy.
- The level of roleplay that I offered was far, far above the level of roleplay that I received ( ie "fu@k you for killing me asshole", "your dead for that b!tch" etc). I was especially disappointed at a certain elven paladin for some of the OOC things that he implied. If any of you really cared about my roleplay, you'd have asked and received. I offered it to most that did ask (though that number was few). Yes, I hated the Palace.

All of that being said, I enjoyed Slyphur. I especially enjoyed all the IMMteraction I received. Asking me to kill Daegghok was a very interesting twist, which I was happy to comply with. I suspect that greater things may have been planned for Slyphur however I found myself spending too much time on CF and not enough outside CF. So for the festive season it is in my best interests to curb the amount of time I spend on CF. When I play CF, I play hardcore, so cold turkey is the only way I can go. I'll be back in the New Year no doubt.

No hard feelings all. Have a good christmas and don't spend all of it playing CF.
33413, RE: It was fun, for the most part..
Posted by Rom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

- I hate people who rely on OOC forums to try and *get even* with my characters. It's juvenile. If you don't like a character, log on and kill them, do not resort to OOC slander.
- I am not a 13 year old, abused child. I am just a guy that likes PK'ing. I never complained about being mown down by hero's and full looted. I'm glad the people that read Dioxide's enjoyed reading that log so much, but there is no need to try and get your own back by saying things like "Sucks to die like a bitch doesn't it?". That's just immature.
- 90% of the people that read Dioxide's forum are really quite pathetic.
- If you have something to say about Slyphur the character then fine, but don't post pointless notes about how much I sucked.

I totally and completely agree with you. What happens in Los Vegas stays in Los Vegas, or whatever, the same should be true more or less for CF. If I could have one CF-Christmas wish, it would be that people would leave IC #### IC and not resort to OOC 'payback' for getting totally and utterly owned. Unfortunately, there will always be a fair few immature or otherwise deranged individuals who will take IC slights and turn it into OOC hatred, and to you I say, Grow the #### Up.

33428, RE: It was fun, for the most part..
Posted by The Death_Claw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, the whole thing is...he was the one posting his "pk tally sheet" on Dio's...I mean, those logs of people just dying solely exist to say to everyone "Check out how many pks I got". You can't really deny that, I think people were silly for getting all up in arms about it but you can't really deny thats a fairly valid reason to post a log like the conjurer's.
33418, 36 Necromancer is almost overpowered
Posted by Lothorectred on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but daaaaammmnnnn fun

Goodies get Paladins
Evils get Necros
Necros are good at doing some evil (valid) #### :)
33420, One of the guys you got a couple of times...
Posted by Ryaghort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been playing for a while, and I felt like a newbie each time you managed to sleep me.

"- I play CF for fun. I get enjoyment from PK'ing."

That's fine. A necromancer is a great class to play if you're looking for lots of pk fun.

"- I multi-killed on occasion, though who I multi-killed was very specific. I *could* have multi-killed a hell of a lot more, but I saw no need. If someone pissed me off sufficiently, I'd multi-kill them. I'd nearly always leave gear that I wouldn't use."

Just make sure that you're multi-killing the guys that piss your guy off IC and not the guys that piss you off OOC.

"- I hate people who rely on OOC forums to try and *get even* with my characters. It's juvenile. If you don't like a character, log on and kill them, do not resort to OOC slander."

Agreed. While I do make remarks about certain characters on Dioxides at times, I never include the name if they are active. Though I don't have a problem with unedited logs, as long as they don't include flame.

"- I am not a 13 year old, abused child. I am just a guy that likes PK'ing. I never complained about being mown down by hero's and full looted. I'm glad the people that read Dioxide's enjoyed reading that log so much, but there is no need to try and get your own back by saying things like "Sucks to die like a bitch doesn't it?". That's just immature."

Most of the reason I think people are jumping all over you is because you deleted shortly after popping into hero range... Or because they are tards. If you realized you were playing CF too much, that's a great reason to delete a char. I just hope that's why and that it wasn't a rage delete. Rage deletion is a bad thing. Trust me, I know.

"- 90% of the people that read Dioxide's forum are really quite pathetic."

Actually, I think it's more like... 50 percent of the people that READ dioxide's are pathetic, and 99 percent of the people that POST dioxide's are pathetic. Most of the guys with anything good to say don't bother, knowing it will just get the #### flamed out of it.

"- If you have something to say about Slyphur the character then fine, but don't post pointless notes about how much I sucked."

SLYPHUR SUCKED A BIG HAIRY DONG! There, I've vented my rage and getting owned by you. :)

"- I had no perma. I killed alone (check the Gank-O-Meter if you really want to fork out the dosh). I am allowed to group with people if I want to though, solo levelling a necro would be a bitch."

Eventually you'll just give up on trying to convince people you aren't in a perma. If you kill a lot of people, SOMEONE is going to eventually going to claim you are a perma.

"- I never claimed to be *the best PK'er EVA*. I'm just a guy who likes PK'ing. I get kills, I get killed, just like everyone."

Good stance. Anyone who claims to be the best at pk is an idiot and probably a 13 year old abused child.

"- I never asked for any sympathy."

You get none, just roll up a goodie next time.

"- The level of roleplay that I offered was far, far above the level of roleplay that I received ( ie "fu@k you for killing me asshole", "your dead for that b!tch" etc). I was especially disappointed at a certain elven paladin for some of the OOC things that he implied. If any of you really cared about my roleplay, you'd have asked and received. I offered it to most that did ask (though that number was few). Yes, I hated the Palace."

Dude, just forget about receiving roleplay from the ####ers that play this game these days. I'm just sorry I didn't take more time to talk with you after I died, but most of the time you went invis and I couldn't see you and was too busy trying to regear.

Ahh, and you DID get lucky I failed that bash when your wraithform fell! And all those dirt kicks I missed... *wince* Good going though.

33421, RE: It was fun, for the most part..
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My only gripe was that you called in Menoch to help you land the kill on me when, in all likelihood, it really wasn't necessary. When you've got someone fully spelled up, no weapons, at half health, and you've taken no damage whatsoever...oh, and you're decked...do you really need a warrior there to spam trip?
33437, RE: It was fun, for the most part..
Posted by DWML31 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because we knew it was you, we wanted to make sure you didn't escape.
Don't take it personally.

Happy Holidays.
33439, RE: It was fun, for the most part..
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I suspect you're just trying to provoke me, but I'll call #### anyway. As far as I can recall, I had told very few people I was playing that character.

I would have been satisfied with a, "I knew you were going to die anyway, but I didn't want to have to locate your corpse and walk somewhere to loot you."

Still, if it were me, I'd have wanted to get the kill solo. Especially since it was pretty much an assured kill, and an almost assured loot since my character was blind and couldn't locate his own corpse. But whatever.
33441, RE: It was fun, for the most part..
Posted by DWML31 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was kidding, but chances are you had a teleport potion in your inventory and maybe he wanted some of your equipment? Don't tell me the mighty Isildur didn't carry a teleport potion?

Happy Holidays.
33442, RE: It was fun, for the most part..
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not mighty, nor am I sure what I've done to merit the sarcasm.

Yes, I had a teleport potion. Slpyhur may have located it on me, though I'm not sure.

Menoch's presence allowed them to permalag me until death, making the potion fairly useless.

My point was that Slyphur could have gotten the kill -and- loot all by himself without ever using Menoch.
33444, Unfortunately.
Posted by DWML32 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wouldn't that sort of be the point of permalagging you? To render that potion useless?

Happy Holidays.
33455, RE: Unfortunately.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Uh, yeah. Never said otherwise. The issue is whether it was already rendered useless by the fact that I was weaponless, scourged, blind, and at half health. Maybe poisoned too- I forget. He could have chill touched, I would have fled and teleported, died to the maledictions in ~3 ticks, then he could gravesight, walk to the corpse, loot. Menoch was superfluous- that's all I'm saying.
33425, A shame
Posted by Arru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
- I multi-killed on occasion, though who I multi-killed was very specific. I *could* have multi-killed a hell of a lot more, but I saw no need. If someone pissed me off sufficiently, I'd multi-kill them. I'd nearly always leave gear that I wouldn't use

I wonder why you multikilled/full looted me than, I didn't bitch and moan about getting tooled. I came back for more (due to rp). Yes, I wasn't happy with it, but I kept it IC. If you think people shrug things like this off, saying it's all fun, you're wrong. It isn't fun.

- I never asked for any sympathy.
So don't be upset when you don't get any.

I wont miss you, I doubt I'll remember you, but if you had fun, cool. I do not think bad of you as a player, or even of Slyphur, you obviously know what you are doing.

I just don't like all-pk chars who do naught but clean their pk-range. It's cool if you do.

33426, You are lucky I wasn't around.
Posted by Nivek1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good PKer, enjoyed all the logs. Thanks.
33427, Eh man, don't sweat things on the forums.
Posted by The Death_Claw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You really don't need to offer explanations.

People who you killed and are whiny about it won't change their opinions.

People who are more experienced with CF and/or less emotional about it understand that its not really a big deal to PK people.

I think people's main beef was that you posted a quantity log (just the XXX is dead! portion of the logs) of pk'ing when it was fairly obvious that lowbie pk'ing isn't really that difficult. So, I guess in that light, you sorta came across like you were saying "Check out how good I am" by posting a tally of pks. I didn't think that, I always like having at least a couple of midbie pk'ers around. I tend to roll a midbie/lowbie pk'er here and there, or hang out around those ranks for fun fights with my other chars. Being a hero is boring at times but being a midbie is always exciting, so I thats pretty much why I backed you up. A lot of people don't understand that CF is meant to be fun, not a forum on which to judge ourselves against the opinions of others.

Anywho, keep on trucking on.
33429, I tried to rp with you and you blew me off. so i dont feel but so bad for you.
Posted by Kobaine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried, you told me "that is of my concern" and noreplyed
so you say you tried to rp, ive not seen it.
33435, uhmm..why was my reply removed? There was no flame. nt
Posted by Ahelun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
33450, RE: It was fun, for the most part..
Posted by Ahelunn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I just want to get a few things off my chest:
>- I play CF for fun. I get enjoyment from PK'ing.
>- I multi-killed on occasion, though who I multi-killed was
>very specific. I *could* have multi-killed a hell of a lot
>more, but I saw no need. If someone pissed me off
>sufficiently, I'd multi-kill them. I'd nearly always leave
>gear that I wouldn't use.

I think a lot of people saw the PKing, and not the RP. You probably wouldn't have run into this if you hadn't posted a big log of a lot of kills, a fair number of which were pretty lame. I tried to leave gear for you that time in Hamsah but that invoker grabbed it. I stood there trying to return as much as I could without breaking role.

>- I hate people who rely on OOC forums to try and *get even*
>with my characters. It's juvenile. If you don't like a
>character, log on and kill them, do not resort to OOC

You opened that can of worms by posting. What did you expect?

>- I am not a 13 year old, abused child. I am just a guy that
>likes PK'ing. I never complained about being mown down by
>hero's and full looted. I'm glad the people that read
>Dioxide's enjoyed reading that log so much, but there is no
>need to try and get your own back by saying things like "Sucks
>to die like a bitch doesn't it?". That's just immature.
>- 90% of the people that read Dioxide's forum are really quite

A lot of the resentment was because of not just how but who you killed. People tend not to look favorably on people who are proud of being a multi-newbie killer.

>- If you have something to say about Slyphur the character
>then fine, but don't post pointless notes about how much I

I don't think anyone really can say you sucked. You could have chosen more difficult targets frequently, and the ones you chose often lacked any reasonable chance of defending themselves, but you also had some really good skillful kills. Unfortunately you seemed to take equal pride in both.

>- I had no perma. I killed alone (check the Gank-O-Meter if
>you really want to fork out the dosh). I am allowed to group
>with people if I want to though, solo levelling a necro would
>be a bitch.

I was also under the impression a certain AP was your perma, and it's only a case made stronger by his level sitting with you, and new ranking since you deleted. If you say it wasn't so, then I'll take your word for it, but the perception of perma WAS there.

>- I never claimed to be *the best PK'er EVA*. I'm just a guy
>who likes PK'ing. I get kills, I get killed, just like

CF also requires RPing. You can't just run around killing without role or reason.

>- I never asked for any sympathy.
>- The level of roleplay that I offered was far, far above the
>level of roleplay that I received ( ie "fu@k you for killing
>me asshole", "your dead for that b!tch" etc). I was
>especially disappointed at a certain elven paladin for some of
>the OOC things that he implied. If any of you really cared
>about my roleplay, you'd have asked and received. I offered
>it to most that did ask (though that number was few). Yes, I
>hated the Palace.

If I'm the elf paladin you're talking about, I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about, but you're wrong. I wasn't going OOC with you at all. I was implying you surprised me by needing to have teo helpers to fight me, since you had only ever used at most one before. I always wondered at your response to me, but whatever. Take what I said however you want.

>All of that being said, I enjoyed Slyphur. I especially
>enjoyed all the IMMteraction I received. Asking me to kill
>Daegghok was a very interesting twist, which I was happy to
>comply with.

Sounds to me like the imms suspected the same thing other people did about you permaing, why else single him out? You may want to pay attention to perceptions of permaing in the future.

> I suspect that greater things may have been
>planned for Slyphur however I found myself spending too much
>time on CF and not enough outside CF. So for the festive
>season it is in my best interests to curb the amount of time I
>spend on CF. When I play CF, I play hardcore, so cold turkey
>is the only way I can go. I'll be back in the New Year no
>No hard feelings all. Have a good christmas and don't spend
>all of it playing CF.
33406, Oh the perils of dissention....
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry man, actual feel bad for that. (In a way) Not a whole lot you can do...

Though you did do some owning in the newbie ranks from logs ive seen on Dios. Peace.
33416, Don't feel bad..
Posted by Slyphur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
People who distend deserve to be challenged/owned by people 15 levels higher. I'd target a lvl 36 necro too :P

The first death I ate was because I lagged myself out with gravesight when Lorral tess'ed to me and lashed me.

The frustrating thing was that the second death was due to me losing link while in Hamsah, only to reconnect and find myself at the Altar. As the log shows, I did bugger all that fight except wimpy.
33430, Well here's my thoughts on distention.
Posted by Kobaine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IT sucked at lvl 36 and then again at 40 to be fighting hero human shifters and transmuters as a cloud giant rager. However i found that the joy of killing someone with 14 ranks on you was more than worth the couple deaths i had before i could get a rank to undistend. As for the conjie that killed you, he just had your number but then again had the situation been reversed, i can see a 36th conjie with a decent archon and elemental having a chance to kill a hero warrior or thief or even a necromancer if he did it right. Conjies and necros make for interesting fights, but i think the necro is always at a disadvantage. See ya in the fields, kick ass killing machine you had there.
33405, Damn i wanted to test my skill against you:( good killer, cya in da fields
Posted by Kobaine on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn shame
33402, Argh
Posted by Karashin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But why? You seemed to have some rather interesting roleplay. I was looking forward to talks with you. *sigh* Anyway, nice necromancer and good luck with your next. See you in the fields!
33407, Because someone gave him a taste of his own style of play.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can't do what he was doing endlessly, eventually someone will get pissed off and do just what was done, and pay you back in spades. Playing a character who is a jackass is fine, but don't be surprised when it comes back on you.

You were a skilled PKer, but you seemed to not have any role, and no reason to play other than to kill. That always brought my opinion of you down considerably.
33408, RE: Because someone gave him a taste of his own style of play.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually he seemed to have a particular chip on his shoulder about the Empire.
33410, Who doesn't these days? nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
33411, There were some good kills but
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ultimately, if he didn't go for cheap kills by doing stuff like following Outlanders around as ghosts, he wouldn't have distended and been whacked by a level 51 conjie's level 59 arch-angel.

So I find it hard to be that sympathetic.
33446, RE: There were some good kills but
Posted by Slyphur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I located ghosts a lot after I killed someone. The *only* times I actively tried to kill someone again was Ahelun, because he really got on my nerves towards the end and some fire giant outlander warrior, because I didn't actually get the kill on him. He teleported to sirine island and died to the lady there. That outlander fire warrior was a challenge to hunt down and I enjoyed that challenge. I just wanted to seal the kill on him, that is all. You seem to think I did this kind of thing on a regular basis.. far from it. Anyway, once someone unghosts, they are fair game. If you don't want to be PK'ed again, just quit out and log on your level 1-10. You really seem to have chip on your shoulder with regards to this. Why should dying once make you immune?
33449, Let me ask you this then.
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a player who enjoys the pk.

Do you :

A) Enjoy good fights and close calls?
B) Kill. Isn't that simple?

If, in my opinion, someone enjoys pk, it's about challanges and close calls and ''I'll try this even if it looks risky!''

You seem to be more ''Oh I'll kill him so I feel all good inside'' and that is why people were pissed off at you. Not because you were a pk guy who enjoy pk...but just someone who'll kill anyone just because you can and even if it means that it's the same you killed 2 minutes ago.