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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Shisi Stormdancer the Weaver of the Elements, Marshall of the Fortress
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33392, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Shisi Stormdancer the Weaver of the Elements, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Dec 15 20:09:20 2004

At 9 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 4th of the Month of Futility
on the Theran calendar Shisi perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
33395, I'm sailing away....
Posted by Shisi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Goodbyes are always the hardest thing to write, but I must say they are really one of the things I look foreward to in a character. I will say that I had every intention of age/con dying Shisi when I was playing him regularly, but I really hit a brick wall quite unexpectedly, and I'm unable to fufill that particular commitment. Alas, volumes could be written on the reasons we all quit, but screw it, I don't have the time.

This was only my second invoker, and the class is quite awesome. I chose my affinities in Lightning and Air, with an above average in fire, and the rest below average. This of course meant more work for me, seeing as those paths have the LEAST amount of spells to shielding. Role was more important in that decision, but I did predict that I wouldn't have all those spells spammed for a long time, if ever, especially since I was going Fortress. This of course resulted in the lack of quicksand for a very long time, and without quicksand it's REALLY hard to seal kills, as everyone flees after they get unspeaked once, and I don't blame them.

Fortress...Fortress is always fun. I've done other cabals, but Fortress really has the kinship and the most sense of collective desire to have fun(even if we need to work on our coherence in battle:P). Maranination was something I really didn't expect, but after I reasoned out the need, it wasn't a far stretch of the imagination to see a leader title with time. The timing however, was bad, but unforseeable is unforseeable, and believe you me I lost a lot of sleep, CON, and shinies getting to that spot, so I was pretty dissapointed when my time dropped drastically. I won't get into the powers and stuff, but as an Arial mage there really wasn't a HUGE benefit to them...except one of them, but we won't get into that.

K, goobyes now....
Shokai- Didn't see you around much(doesn't mean a thing), but thank you for going the extra mile and finally putting a mage in charge! Heh, I was very glad for the oppurtunity to finally get a leader character, and out of respect for that faith and the cabal I tried to stick around as long as I could. I profusely apologize for not being all I could be, but when you gotta go you gotta go.


Elsworth- Really man, playing at those times really hurt me, and finally to get into Fortress I told myself I would stay online until you showed up, and finally...finally you did. Thanks for the induction, though you seemed kinda desperate for an invoker at the time....

Kelin- Man, that interview was rough, playing with semantics and someone's poor, poor memory. I also don't work well under stress(and belive me that sucks when you have 40 spells at your hands and freeze up for a round with something unexpected happens). Anyway, once I was in whenever you were around was quite the good time. Another hero, and a Maran at that, to hang about with, 'specially since Scion hero squad was strong at this point. Good times, good times...and those doom needles just wouldn't go up until i finally just gave up on them and went to slaughter the archmage in my rage.

Agaeobab- Favoritest of favorites, I like the characters you play, I just do. Agaeobab in particular was fun to be around, because you were very Maranish and outgoing, purging this or purging that. You were also very dwarvish, drinking this and drinking that. Thanks for supplying me with the curses with which I could define my loathing of deafen, and I hoped you liked being Maran, as I remember as Gaf you really deserving it with Scharnz as well.

Naref- I have three words to say to you. HERO @#%$ YOU! Seriously...and congrats on Captain, hopefully you are doing a better job(and showing up more) than I am.

Wungar- You went so long out of the Fort, and for that I apologize, that's why it was my pleasure to make sure you got in as one of my first leader duties. Congrats on Maranination so soon, but with all your psychoness it wasn't too unbelievable. Yeah, we coulda torn some people up, but alas, it wasn't meant to be.

Urjun- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! All those times you dragged me off to train finally ensured that I got quicksand, which was a godsend. Thanks for that, and getting my stuff back from Teranoth that once, even though you didn't mean to. Fun character and such.

People that didn't like me-

Dralkoz- I didn't see the point in fighting you till I got shield of slime, since dagger/whip sucks much to fight as an invoker. That duel we had once was fun, though I was called off to Scions, so oh well.

Veulios- Deafen...sucks...a lot.

Restraal- Some fun but pointless fights with you, my favorite being when you were with that tribunal and his friend...my absolute worst hatred concerning you is you never wore any stone shinies! WHY?! Curse your intelligence!

Muuloc- Rot...well, rot used to stink...then I got a full set of con gear and my con didn't even lower by one. Then they revamped Rot, and then I really didn't worry too much about fighting you. Energy drain could still be annoying though. Mmm, can't think of any fights in particular, as the funnest were the defenses I put up against you and others.

Dreaa- Those hits and scratches start to add up when you can't damage the a/b/s'd lemur...pchaw

Izuaki- Thanks for not rotting, too much. Fighting duergs with shroud...using only magic...well...yeah...to much redux...again, lucky i didn't have quicksand!

The rest of you, post and I'll reply, took a lot of people to make this character playable, so I'm off, toodles.
33400, RE: I'm sailing away....
Posted by Lyra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hi. I played Elsworth, so if I *really* wanted an invoker in Fort I'd have put Lyra in it... =P

It's nice to see goodie invokers around, because at least they know how hard it is to be one. I'm not playing now because I'm bored of the game, and there are too many scions who hate me. Hmmph.

Thanks for telling me to go on with the spells. The moment shields are learned invokers become a lot more fun. Now I am sick of the class because warriors are two hundred times easier to play, even with the overpoweredness of invokers.
33414, RE: I'm sailing away....
Posted by Shisi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, warriors are 200 times easier to play...but for some reason an overpowering force draws me to mages.

Lyra was fun as well, though you were obviously a quicker thinker than me...all I have to say is sorry about saving against that imm NPC's sleep and ruining a potentially fun immteraction, too bad we didn't get to kill it either*sniffle*.

Was fun running around and all, tearing things up...*wave*

33401, Well Marshall we had a few good times.
Posted by Naref on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me first say that, as badly as others want me to hero, I want it just as bad if not more. But there was always fighting, retrieving, or interviewing to be done. (I'm nearly there now though) Well I really liked Shisi, I think my biggest disappointment is that we never got to work together as Captain and Marshall. Also we are hurting pretty good now without a single healer or invoker ugh. Anyway, I really liked your character, hope you find time to join our ranks again.
33417, RE: Well Marshall we had a few good times.
Posted by Shisi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Let me first say that, as badly as others want me to hero, I want it just as bad if not more. But there was always fighting, retrieving, or interviewing to be done.

This is exactly how I felt about spell spamming(bleh!) Why don't those Scions/Imperials understand?!

Shaman/Invoker combo would have been nice for PK, 'specially once I got quicksand, but I usually didn't end up doing too much ganking(it tended to be me who was fighting three or four all by my lonesome).

Yeah, Fort needed a healer...healers help a lot...and I believe I was the only invoker...something else that helps a lot, but oh well, we have enough warriors/paladins to steamroll most anything at the moment(once they all rank to hero) and a few trannies at that.

anyways, good luck, and hope you have fun running the show
33403, Awe, nothing for me?
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, had fun fighting you though I'd say you need more pratice, I'm not suppose to be able to kill invokers in one pass
See you again?
33415, RE: Awe, nothing for me?
Posted by Shisi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fought you again later and did a million times better, even without quicksand...but that one time I must have been stoned or something...cause I just wasn't paying attention to how your low damaged changed into capitals after that warcry...and that well timed crushing blow...right before my second pillar went in...grrrr.

Yeah, second fight was much more fun, and I didn't really interact with you other than that...but props to you for being a drow commander.. there aren't many who would eat that many disadvantages to do something different.
33409, RE: I'm sailing away....
Posted by Agaeobab on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a feeling I had known one of your previous character from your fun play style. I enjoyed Shisi and thought you deserved Marshall for sure. Too bad you couldn't hang on and had to bail like me. Three hundred hours is a lot anyway....uhh....Agaeobab would've been sick of Mortorn ale by then for sure. Good luck with everything, and maybe see you in the fields sometime.
33436, Damnit.
Posted by Ahelun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was a real blow to the Fortress, as I think you were the better of the current bunch of leaders in the Fortress.

Well what can I say? You inducted me. I KNOW I made you nervous during my interview, as I intended. You handled it really well though, and didn't let my creepiness outweigh my answers or dedication. I was really glad to be there with you at the end, and wish you hadn't deleted.

33438, Bleh
Posted by Restraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Almost better than a strong ally is a strong opponent. I liked having Shisi around, as all of a sudden Maran would grow big balls and start mixing it up. Sorry to see you go, and yes, as soon as I saw you on where pk: 'remove X remove Y remove Z' =P
