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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectKarzalynn deleted
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=33250
33250, Karzalynn deleted
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The code counted me death to the furnace as a rage delete, so thread won't be showing up for another week. But I'm impatient, so I'll just write now.

Karz was my attempt at an insane person. That failed miserably. But I do think i managed to pull off a good chaotic neutral.
She started as an Arvite, but I never got into the religion. When Eshval came around, her role meshed so perfectly, it was hard to pass up. Later ditched her in favor of freedom and Heraldship. A.k.a, I was sick of writing and didn't have the time.

Arvam: What is it you have against characters who evolve? People change and develop skills, characters should too. And it wasn't like I promised anything to you and switched. I never intended to follow you in the first place. Next character, maybe, still love the religion.

Shazirah: Mommy Herald. We wub you. Seriously, thanks for all the guidance and support at the end of Karz's life.

Eshval: You've got a good thing going, I'd love to see more from you in the future. Maybe when I'm better prepared to handle that kind of perceived pressure. The pressure came at a bad time, anyway, what with schoolwork clamping down on my CF'ing schedule. It was better just to run away like the selfish little girl Karz was.

HERALDS: In a downtrend through the last half of Karzalynn's life, but it's starting to pick up now. Congrats to those of you who stuck it out; I know it's hard, and it takes someone who really cares about the cabal to do that. I was ready to delete Karz awhile ago, but convinced myself that I'd wait until I saw some improvement in applicants and membership to delete. In any case, you guys rock, same as ever, and always will. People rag on Heralds for their sissy roleplay, but there's so much more to them then that. And y'know, there really is only one way to change that image... isntead of complaining, role one up and change it yourself, and recruit the rest of your eastern road permagang buddies.

Rixljyn: You done good. Really. Karz thought you were a little inept at first, but in the end, you really pulled through. You've become an excellent leader.

Ansrtril/Dworlin: We've spoken.

Raik: Never quite knew what to think about you. Outsider, mostly.

Nialona: Need to shove some hot pepper down your throat. Spice it up a bit! I don't know what Rixljyn saw in you, but I didn't see but glimpses of it.

Takagaweh: Where'd you go? Wonderful character concept, but it must be a lot of work to play...

Scions: Great RP all around, well done being evil.
Muuloc: I like you. Have fun in Asgaard.

Furrderer: You were a lot of fun too, was always trying to look a little deeper into your role. Insulted that you wouldn't let Karzalynn go hunting with you that last time.

Iz.... whoever that lowbie drow was. There was no way you could've won that argument; Karz firmly believed that she was made of fire. The whole story behind that if anyone's interested.

I'll go more in-depth about the character as needed. Karz lived a long, interesting life. Never stagnant, and experienced a lot of everything. Thanks for helping make her life interesting! Cheers!
33332, In response
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought yourr ending was appropriate, as I hope it would be for all who come to the Gallery. I saw your previous characters in you, and I was hoping you would step out of the footprints you have trod into the repetitious nature of your characters. You have some quality rp skills that would shine if you allowed them.

Following Eshval is like following the insane...moods and desires vary, but bards, necromancers and some others are perfect for this goth-based religion. You had the basics down but the religion is not all about writing...I do require you do 'something' from time to time, and I will not support a follower who does nothing to support the Gallery.

Those who follow Eshval are said to be insane.

Good luck on what shows up next.
33336, RE: In response
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of the main reasons I deleted Karzalynn was that she too quickly became too much like Matthen, and I never took any steps to get out of that mud. I even used some of the same ideas regarding Beauty to support her following you. I am currently taking steps to get out of those footprints.

As for the Religion, Love it. I knew it wasn't all about writing... I did actually try to do more than just that. I got her to do a painting, I did that sanguinary work with Subira's corpse. And yes, we RP'ed that out, it wasn't just writing, if you weren't watching to notice that. I don't think Karzalynn really understood the seriousness of your religion, and the reality of everything until Subira. But in the end I couldn't keep up, and I had to seperate her from it. She wanted to seperate herself from it; couldn't deal with the Flames claiming everything she'd grown attached to. Karzalynn spent the rest of her life fearing that you would drive your hook into her and drag her into the furnace yourself, but you never did. That's the way it should be, and I loved every minute of it.
33298, :-D!
Posted by Aira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aw man. I like Lynn! You were right however- she and Aira could get along, but there was friction. Two completely different people yet alike in some odd, barely noticeable ways. Sorry you had to delete. Be back soon! Well... not that it would make any difference where I'm involved. I still haven't been able to get my computer fixed. Whatever. Love you! :-)

33267, Goodbye!
Posted by Fungor. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wouldn't call Karzalynn insane, but who would guess that the guy next to him is insane, if it doesn't show clearly. I liked what I saw of you with my two characters, ranking with you with one and some of the Herald interaction as Fungor. I remember your verbal fight on cb with Aira(which I witnessed as Fungor), with both of your personalities rising up nicely. And ranking with you as my other character, where your IC personality rose up too. Good luck and have fun with your next.

33263, A shame
Posted by Kohl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A shame to see her gone, really liked the character, liked the roleplay as well. A little stand offish I think but that was alright, Kohl liked everyone in the Heralds like a brother or sister. Well except those select few who he thought more of but that isn't the point. Good luck with school, hope you come back soon. Roll and find your fate, see ya in the fields.

33254, RE: Karzalynn deleted
Posted by Shazirah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shazirah: Mommy Herald. We wub you. Seriously, thanks for all
the guidance and support at the end of Karz's life.

Evolution is fine, but it tends to bug some people when it looks like you're jumping onto the bandwagon of a brand spankin' new religion. Just something to keep in mind in the future.

Aside from that, I think you started and ended on a strong note. You provided a presence when we didn't have one, and that helps a lot. I always wanted to give you a title, but never could come up with one (I'm notoriously bad at that). Although I still think you need to learn how to rank past 40, heh.


Looks like my crazy family
is down one crazy daughter cuz
I'm shipwrecked in a desert that
once was underwater just
looking for a swift turn of phrase
some colors to fly
as I float by
in the parade.

-Ani Difranco, Educated Guess
33255, Aww...I always had fun talking with you
Posted by Desmonn Kinnt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Just lately I never saw you and the Inn is desolate when Im around..

anyways..good char..and see you back there soon.


33264, The Balefile of menace.
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was a kick ass title you gave to my orc.

Don't be so hard on yourself!
33282, Wasn't me. (n/t)
Posted by Shazirah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So there.
33337, RE: Karzalynn deleted
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could never think of a last name for her, how could I expect you to find a title?

I lived for Herald at the end there. I felt IC responsibility as well an OOC responsibility and loyalty to the cabal to stick it out. Hope I made a difference. I expect to see some changes to South Daerien, in any case. 90 gold oughtta be enough to at least get them a swingset. It can buy a war barge, anyway.

As for ranking past 40... one of these days I'll figure out how to prioritize, and when to get into huge demanding projects and when not. Then I'll be able to rank.

And thanks for the Ani Difranco, she's a wonderful artist.

She went over to his apartment
clutching her decision
and he said did you come here to tell me goodbye?
so she built a skyscraper of procrastination
and then she leaned out the 25th floor window
her reply,
she felt like an actress
just reading her lines,
when she finally said
"yes, its really goodbye this time."

Ani Difranco, School Night
33345, RE: Karzalynn deleted
Posted by Shazirah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hope I made a difference. I expect to see some
changes to South Daerien, in any case. 90 gold oughtta be
enough to at least get them a swingset. It can buy a war
barge, anyway.

Heh, was hoping you weren't actually expecting me to do something here. I have a long list of other things to do first, and nary the time to do those let alone something else. Maybe in five years. That's the problem with holding those kinds of "benefit" type events. You have to rely on the immortals in question to "finish" the project, which ultimately is a lot harder than taking three hours of a night to auction stuff. Now if you wanna give me 90 large, I might be able to find some time. }(


33346, So that's a No for the swingset?
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nah, meant that as a joke really. I think the Lyceum is a MUCH more important project, and the auction was more of a project for my own purposes.
33252, Bah, you were the last person I inducted. My legacy is dead, dead I tell you! nt
Posted by Esfergref on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM