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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectAgaeobab died from alcohol poisoning
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=33081
33081, Agaeobab died from alcohol poisoning
Posted by Liurnya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll try to keep this real short. Rolled him up because the Fortress seemed really weak after I deleted Liurnya. Also wanted to play something to break my addiction to warriors.....which was ironic because once I reached hero I found myself wishing i was a dwarf warrior and not shaman. I had some great moments, making maran was very satisfying, my meeting with Marmaanth, and a few nice kills stand out. Anyway, deleted partly because I have exams starting next week and if I didn't delete, I just know I would find myself up at four in the morning raiding empire and scion alone :) . Also because I struggled with how to roleplay vinny's deletion and because I found cabal wars less entertaining than with my past few characters. Fewer even fights and the mass log-ins and log-outs that ALL cabals partake in sucks (This is obviously a mass generalization). Anyway, on to a few farewells.

Fortress :
Captain and Marshall : Good luck, wish our log in times matched a bit more. I usually found myself alone or with Ginharq.

Wungar : You deserve a maranation. Thanks for showing me a couple things

Ginharq : You were a savior so many times. Thanks for helping me regear time after time.

Kelin : I remeber you once frowned on my last fortie Scharnz for talking about gear, but you seemed rather wrapped up in it for my liking. But you seem to fight well so no hard feelings, good luck.

Other squires : Some of you seem to be doing well, don't be afraid to throw yourself in some bad situations. Dying is a lot funner than never dying...well that doesn't make sense, but well, you get the point I hope.

Empire : Nothing really sticks out. I saw the emperor maybe twice, Illiet and Dzegef you both had guts which Ageaobab liked. A couple fun fights. Especially the one where it was me against you two, and we were all naked and doing near no damage.

Scions : You guys are strong when Restraal is on, and well......less so without. Muuloc those two gangs you got me in were really frustrating when there truly is NO way i could have survived, or done anything different either than logging off. I talked a ridiculous amount of smack to you and other scion imms (Eshval definitely didn't like me) which had me laughing. Plaguing me was cruel when I had to defend, but of course i deserved it.
Restraal you must get bored never dying, I know I would. Not that you avoid fights, but I truly couldn't land anything on you......i mean i think I plagued you once and energy drained you once every 20 tries. You're way too well geared. Enjoyed the interactions with you and you deserve your spiffy title. Good luck.

Other :
Androkin : Thanks for the 'artifacts' you seem to have fun which always shines through good characters

Hrm......well i'm sure i'm forgetting a few things but well that's all I can come up with. Hope no one was offended by my dwarf's dirty mouth and alcoholic tendancies.

Thanks to the imms for keeping up such a detailed and well thought out addiction.
Take care.

33227, Talked a good talk
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To bad we never actually got to really fight
Heh, as I don't like to fight on your terms only mine =P
Oh well eh? See you in the fields...
33228, RE: Talked a good talk
Posted by Liurnya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Arg....that time we got you on eastern was rather disgusting. Too bad that was the only time we fought. I knew you were skilled from my experiences with you with Liurnya, and I was dying to see how I could do against you with Agaeobab. Oh well, another tim.
Take care.
33150, RE: Agaeobab died from alcohol poisoning
Posted by Restraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Too bad. Quite an interesting character, and one of the few that is willing to engage me in an actual discussion for more than a few sentences. I appreciate all the face time, conversation and fighting. I got the feeling you were a bit disheartened at the end, and was determined to find a way *not* to gang up on you for a while.

Regarding the lack of dying, what can I say? I'm playing a it conservatively at the moment for a few reasons, but I think as you're stated, I'm willing to mix it up a bit when the time comes.

Good luck with your next.

33137, Darn..
Posted by Ginharq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I thought you were gonna live a long time since you're dwarf *grumble* It was fun running around with you..now you're dead I'll be running alone for awhile then. You were around almost any time of day! All the best with your exams and I'll see you after.
33140, RE: Darn..
Posted by Liurnya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My sleeping routine is rather unorthodox so sometimes I would find myself playing at what is four, or five in the morning (In Canada where i'm from) and it would just be me, you and maybe two people in our pk. But enjoyed those times as we got to regear a bit and chat. Glad before I deleted I got to see you inducted. I really pushed for it. Good luck!
33136, Hm
Posted by Lyra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have no idea how much it warms my heart to see a shaman, a dwarf shaman, in fort... even though I'm not playing a fort char now, but I'm partial to fort. We need summoners! There are too many evil summoners! Oh, and sleepers. Summon, sleep, maledict, gank. Worst nightmare of practically every char I've played.

And I loved the dwarf and ale talk. It's so funny.

At first I wasn't used to your name but later I sort of learned to like it, it's got this roundish, cute and furry feel to it. Agaeobab!

BTW, I played Elsworth... pity you weren't around when I did.
33139, RE: Hm
Posted by Liurnya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, Agaeobab definitely had a thing for Lyra. Thanks for helping me that time in Kuo Tuo, and it would would have been too ridiculous the maladictions Agaeobab and Elsworth would have dished out. If there had been a goodie thief around EVER (tiburona you are great but I didn't see you around much sadly).......well it would have been rather scary. Good luck and see you around.
33128, Wish you had stayed.
Posted by Dralgarth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Grubber Dralgarth is going to miss the old dwarf. Like I said on Dios, cool character and I regret not being able to hunt with you. Enjoy a rest then come back with some freakish warrior. Fortress needs it. Take care.
33132, RE: Wish you had stayed.
Posted by Liurnya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were not a grubber, but your servitors certainly were seeing as they probably would have turned down beer :) . You seem very promising, and the Fort needs more strong pkers, which I was sometimes, though failed miserably in other occasions. I have trouble playing classes where I constantly need to be keeping up protections etc.....which is why I avoid mage classes for the most part. This led to a few embarassing death to thieves for not keeping fly up as a squire, or sanc for that matter. Good luck and keep at it, i'm sure Shokai is still keeping a pretty close eye when he can now that it's only him up there.
33124, RE: Agaeobab died from alcohol poisoning
Posted by Glaurthran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was fun running around with you these last few days. Thanks for the help, was looking foreward to mutual assistance and whatnot, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
Take care,
ps. I loved Liurnya, great job there
33131, RE: Agaeobab died from alcohol poisoning
Posted by Liurnya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed Glaurthran with both characters, you definitely have the rager spirit of heading into a fight knowing death was a real possibility. Agaeobab liked all non-evil ragers, because he figured dwarves started up the village, so it couldn't be too bad. Wish I could've stayed on too. Good luck.
33119, You are a grubber for deleting
Posted by Androkin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bahahaha. We only interacted a little bit but I really enjoyed it. I'm sorry you deleted because I had been thinking about some good plans for interacting with you in the future. *grumbles*. And we didn't even get to have your party. Good luck with next and come visit the shop.
33120, Ah, my main regret. No party.
Posted by Liurnya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I truly think it would have been rather funny if I could have gotten a lot of people to come to Arkat's Brewery (Maybe an imm or two?) to get liquored up and talk dwarf heritage. I had already thought of how i wanted you to pen the missive, but alas, some crappy deaths and a need to cut my playing times down led to this deletion. I enjoyed your character and i will certainly visit the shop next time I have a chance.
33111, This is really too bad.
Posted by Oyiginy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually really liked Agaeobab, and wish we could have had a few more even fights. Well good luck with your next, why don’t you give Orcs a try.

33114, Yeah Agaeobab placed you in the category of grubber....stxt
Posted by Liurnya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But OOC I liked you. Too bad we never really got an even duel.
Good luck, and as for orcs, who knows. I really have trouble playing evils.

33110, Farewell, Alemaster. I always counted on your Strength ...
Posted by Cassman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
33106, RE: Agaeobab died from alcohol poisoning
Posted by Shisi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Humor is very, very good to have in a fellow cabalmate. I take a particular liking to dwarvish humor, and I find it funny that this is a followup on Scharnz(as you will no doubt see when I delete). Anyway, you were always fun to be around, talking about drining and whatnot, and twas fun fighting alongside you(even though my playtime has been cut drastically due to those nasty exam things).
33108, RE: Agaeobab died from alcohol poisoning
Posted by Liurnya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shisi is a great character and most deserving of a leader position. I have no doubt you will do a great job leading the Fort once you find more time to play. I wished we could have run around some once I heroed, as I believe we would have been pretty scary, once you get quicksand that is :)

Good luck with all the squires.
33103, Hey hey!
Posted by Urjun Italith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Must I like every character you seem to make? Heck. Anyhow good job with Agaeobab. I knew your other characters also, I picked Liurnya was you somehow, but not Agaeobab. Good luck with the next character...
p.s you always miss me in your farewell posts.. *mutter*
33107, RE: Hey hey!
Posted by Liurnya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, when I wrote those few farewells, I was about as sober as Agaeobab usually was. As I already said in your farewell you made a huge impact on Agaeobab and changed his perceptions of elves and acolytes. IC and OOC I loved Urjun and yet something seemed very familiar so I knew that I had interacted with your past characters in some form.
If you want to give me a shout sometime, my e-mail adress is dylancoady@hotmail.com That's how you can find me on MSN if you have it.
Good luck with everything and hope we cross paths again
33087, RE: Agaeobab died from alcohol poisoning
Posted by Destripador on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very good work,dwarf. I always liked our fights, damn you for always escaping me. I think we never did kill each other eh?,but you made me run a lot of times.

You were always fun to fight,not because of all the things you carried in your inventory,hehehe,but because you were very consistent in your roleplay. You never backed down from a fight and you didnt care if you died or get wanted, actually you always got wanted...hahahaha,I got to know you so much that I knew sooner or later you would commit a crime so I just followed you till you did.

I dont think I ever heard you talk but from what I gather from the way you acted you roleplayed a very good stubborn and fierce dwarf.

This was quite a pity, I had wishes of continued fights with you.
Destripador Vergudo.