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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Arrazn the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=33055
33055, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Arrazn the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Dec 3 03:58:43 2004

At 8 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 26th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Arrazn perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
33058, Farewell
Posted by Arrazn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I am not strong in English, but I will try it anyway.

Heh rolled Arrazn two mouth after Adgriz and Ildin and decided to back in village. Hells, cant stop playing berserkers, Yep I am doing
alote of mistakes as berserker, but damned we all do mistakes, and
sometimes we need second chance. Thank you Kastellyn for this..

Kastellyn: man, I realy like our interaction, damn my english horrible
but as giant speech think its normal :). Thank you for wise words, thank you for second chance. Hope you will back with your religion soon.

Iborenn: Eh, clever dark-elf commander, How old are you damn! *smile*
good work all around, and good leadership as Commander.

Acaga: Man.. I replyed already but I will repeat, like you char all around. An exelent berserker.

Glaurthran: We had alote of fun fights, you did a good work and back to village, and you are doing it good as Defender.


Romansur: ohh man HOW MANY TIMES YOU SAVED MY AR'ZE from that fire,
ranger/defender its awesome healing combo and with camp..

Jurt: hehe nice second name :) and nice work little one

Ackuol: eh we had different playing times but from what I saw, good work General.

Dremkal: Heh you did good work with you first rager man, hope you will back to village.

appologies if I missed somebody, reply and I will answer


Mummy: My nightmare, and with bard songs and preps - ohhh

Dzegef: Looks like you learned alote, and become deadly enemie

Mlyarir: My best shaman, liked you as enemie all around, we had alote fights, and think I got you only once..respect for not rotting me everytime.

Ceikalak: Hah, good luck on Emperor.

Illiet: one of Empire who never scared to reraid alone vs many opponents and defend.

Veulios: Dark elf ap. heh :) you did good job, and never scared face me alone, respect.


Muuloc: damned BASTARD stop rotting ragers! good to see you immed
no more rots :) Good luck on Imm staff.

Dreaa: lemur/mongoose bad combination, but you had deal with that.
My finest moment, that was your reraid :) oh I got you only once.

Taidyn: damned, you learned bad tactik with Dreaa - hide, lemur murder stupid Arrazn, wildcat shape lion, lion rake stupid Arrazn.. Arrazn hit lion, lion flee, shape wildcat hide, good work.

Hyldoin: another who never scared to defend and fight, good work

Akscerith: hehe :) I hate air forms, you can always flee from me.
clever sneaky magi. good work

Restraal: man, your gang squad is awesome :) but this not offencive
this what healer must do. good work

Gnashikt: sad to see you deleted, Felar hands/Polearm not bad combo
not many of warriors can face me alone even with preps.

Graanak: Oh I remember that time when Restraal saved your arze, that was awesome.

Hedda: eh how many times you rotted and worded me at the end? :)
but this working, God bless all shamans who rottin ragers *smile*

Troelnar: sad to see you deleted, Bastard, last time this trap with Muuloc in Galadon, man that was awesome. I was laughting how stupid
I am about 5 minutes. good work.

Zhaelrik: I hate stun too :)

Lyrathuriel: thanks for this fights, nice work with invoker, hope
you got much practice and learned alote how beat rager down :)

Tribunals: Klendalstak - you grow up, good luck on vindicator.
mages - stop hiddin in spire! :)

Eh, Too many people more, please reply and I will answer..And sorry for my english again.

See you on fields


33061, Massive Respect
Posted by Jurt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was always impressed with the way you'd always be on alone, fight huge odds, and never back down from a fight. I'm even more so impressed now that I know english isn't your first language, and I can't think of a better way to practice it.

Awesome character, and good luck with your next.
33067, Liked the char
Posted by Haamrl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked your rp, and the cat vs dog banter we had.

Hated your specs. Polespec was bad enough for a thief like me, but when you took hands as your second spec, it wrecked my best tactic against you. Bleh. And you were a zerker so could kill me if I grappled your weapon away. Nothing I could do against you after that.
33068, RE: Farewell
Posted by Ackuol on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your char and you seemed to have a good combo although we all make mistakes, your just seem to be at the wrong time =(. Good job and see you in the fields.

33072, Another time.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well it was fun. Dremkal woke up one day and
you just weren't in the village. Lots of notes.
blah blah blah. Wasn't sure what to do there.

That whole spec/legacy choice worked out well for ya.
And yeah I'll be back, probably not right away, but I'll
be back. It was too much fun to not go back.
33076, RE: Farewell
Posted by ordasen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At times it was fustrating watching you, since you would do something well and then take two steps back. You would fight really well and beat the hell out of someone, but then you would go and do something silly. But it seemed that you learned from it at least and in my eyes was trying to correct it.

The only thing that bugged me was how impaitent you could be. I personaly didn't mind you but after I constatnly told you that you needed the COmmander and Vets approval to get back in, you would still come to me. You screwed up and made them look bad and my reasoning was to make sure that you knew that your actions reflected upon all of the villatge. Not just me or just you.

Other then that chief, well done and keep plugging away.

33079, Cheers
Posted by Hipsin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had fun in our limited interactions, ciao.
33080, Awww, no mention :(
Posted by Lucrucien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed fighting you and never rotted you. You came to understand it was a mismatch and stopped coming after me but was fun while it lasted. Good rager.
33094, good job
Posted by Ceie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked your char, glad you stuck it through.
Sorry I didn't get to come that one day for the fight like I said I would later, talking to too many younger ones about the Empire kept me rather busy until I had to go, its a shame to see you died because I was rather looking forward to us setting at each other somewhere. Well another time and another life eh? Good luck with the next one man, way to ride the char through the good and bad times. I did feel bad about all that sh*t you got for killing, whatever his name the human warrior was. It didn't show so much, but I was trying to avoid the fight as you had told me right before he ran up to me that you were after him. I took it to mean he was running from you fighting him, and attacking me just so you would be restricted in still going after him. I think you got a real bad spin on the angle of how that one went, kudos for riding the good and bad times out. Well anyways, good luck in the fields, I'll see you there.
33102, RE: See ya buddy.
Posted by Romasurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Yeah...the fire. Ugh, you were taxing the giants mana reserves with that. I would go off somewhere, and have to come heal you. But, its no problem, thats what I am here for huh? Kinda wierd to watch you get immolated then engulfed. You are burning..but then get engulfed by water, bleh, was hoping the onslaught of water would cease the burning. Maybe it should. Who knows with the magic crapola. All in all it was fun to have you around, and I talked you out of leaving only to get you in that mess in the chasm. Oh well, the time had come I suppose. Good character buddy. Keep on rocking.
33118, RE: Farewell
Posted by Glaurthran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glaurthran went from liking you, to being pissed at you, to liking you again. I loved how you would go for any fight, no matter what. When we were both kicked out, I was doing my best to find out how we could both get back in. Great job sticking it out, and come one back.
33145, Funny you should...
Posted by Klendalstak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Funny you should tell someone to grow up when your warcry is 'rage of dragoons'....
33148, I didnt steal from you...much.
Posted by Desmonn Kinnt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only did when it counted. If you only knew how long I
sat at the giant only to find out that stupid black
stone was cursed and couldnt be stolen.

Anyways...I thought it was kind of funny that you thought
you could make the whole village hate me because of that.

Anyways...looks like you had fun...thats what its all about.

33154, RE: Farewell
Posted by Khard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dwarfie?!?!?!? BAH!

Anyway, kudos to another villager, and getting back into the village. Khard didn't really know what to think of you, except that you seemed child-like and impatient. But he did like your spirit in wanting to go though and taking the fight to anyone.

Also, liked how you seemed to always take a beating, and got right back up and went back at it again. Good thing to get used to if you want to be a villager.

33226, Heh,
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked Arrazn and the other chars too, you could always get me to crack a smile when I was right in the middle of something "serious" to iborenn.
Great fighting spirit, and not a half bad combo =D
See you again I imagine
33057, Goodbye!
Posted by Agantas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a monster, which is probably why you survived so long with an aggressive rager. Con loss, a warriors death for Arrazn. I enjoyed our conversations, and while Agantas was gathering courage to challenge Arrazn, nature took its course and removed the beast from the realm. Arrazn was a mighty beast, which is probably why many refused to fight him. Agantas almost dared to challenge you, but not quite.

33059, Heh
Posted by Agantas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not much shifter can do with me, but you tryed, great respect for this. Damn how many times I tryed to catch you :) flyto manacles
good tactic - good work
33063, And the previous was posted by Arrazn(this post contains text)
Posted by Agantas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had two plans to overcome you. One was roughly:sit in guild - wanted arrazn y(As you attack the guild. unless you were wanted, so getting you flagged part) - flyto arrazn;manacle arrazn;fly - land - shape cobra - guardcall - coil - strike arrazn(on your arrival);flee -healup while running - coil,strike arrazn(this part is too heavily dependent on you not being too good a chaser(also very vulnerable to potential triggers as well(though I didn't think you had those)), and it would likely have failed). The weakpoint in the plan was your deathblows, and because of them, I didn't have the guts to execute the plan fully.

33105, something you might not know
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can strike during combat, not just to open it.
33135, I know.
Posted by Agantas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I can strike only when I'm coiled. And I cannot coil in combat=>One strike/combat, if sufficiently time to get coiled(coil has lag). And, how long until Arrazn hurts me too bad to go and flee, strike has longer lag(2 rounds), so I'd open with it(if sufficient time to get coiled before battle), or use it as first move(unless situation would demand skipping it altogether), as I'd like to have the benefits of poison from the start(so maybe skip strike if he is already poisoned from the first time)..