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Topic subject(AUTO) [None] Hytelia the Grand Mistress of Changelings
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32699, (AUTO) [None] Hytelia the Grand Mistress of Changelings
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Nov 15 17:54:11 2004

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of the Sun, 20th of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Hytelia perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
32707, Goodbye for now
Posted by Jaded Ranger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I was talking to an old friend and heard that some imms took an extended vacation. See you around, you old buggers! I came to check that out only to find that Hytelia had autodeleted which wasn't a huge surprise. I don't have the time these days to play and I had lost alot of my motivation to play Hytelia anymore. What really did it was that I knew I wouldn't be playing much anymore and one of the only things I was enjoying with Hytelia was the exploration. I'll hit a farewell:

I liked being a Herald. For a few days, anyhow. Some people made it really good for me but a bunch of people made me slam my hand to my head on multiple occasions. People just weren't sure of what was going on with life, and it's relatively disturbing. Try not to give me #### for calling people 'dear' if you're calling everyone and their mother 'deary' 'dearess' 'ass-clown' or what-have-you. Then later when the empire was being evil... yea I know right, gasp, jesus christ, god forbid... I START GETTING #### FOR BEING FRIENDS WITH UROG. But that relationship was from before he was even a citizen, and I was even considering being a trouper. So basically, deal with it. He became emperor, which I knew would happen, and you could have USED that. But that's not something anyone wanted. They'd rather die over and over because why wouldn't you want to get manhandled? Then complain about it. The policy should be: Deal with it or complain. "We don't kill them but they kill us" is a policy that should have died with the old cabal system. You have no idea how frustrating it was to hear.

That said, there were still alot of people who made my time a bit more bearable and/or fun. I know I'm going to miss alot, but here goes...

Aldin: You always worried me and kept me on my toes. Having a golden eagle fly up to you, shift into a golden jaguar, and just plain rape the other person sitting there quietly unprepared is a scary moment. Not alot of people bothered me the way that that did. Kudos.

Tiahan: I really liked you. One more golden eagle to try to keep sorted out though. You also died an incredible amount and it bothered Hytelia. I wanted to just give you wands and gear and watch you destroy someone, but you just wouldn't have it. You were alot of fun to take out places and to talk to quietly. Well done.

Thalenor: I spent alot of time talking to you. Then for some reason, you out of the blue asked me if I was OUTLANDER. I'm not entirely sure how the arbiters "figured that one out" but it surprised the hell out of me. I lived in that guild talking to people for a good amount of time. Then someone else asked me after I joined TROUPE. I just don't get it. I really liked you though, then I stopped seeing you. I hope you do well in whatever you do now.

Egan: Good guy. A much better Herald than I was. I liked the group of shifters that we had going on in the inn and I really liked having you around. You made for good conversation.

Aira: That's really a shame. I liked you and felt that you showed the most potential of the upcoming troupers during my extended period in which I didn't play too much.

Grigglegorb: I'm pretty sure that without you, I wouldn't have ever heroed. You accelerated that process greatly. I also had a good amount of respect for you. I honestly wouldn't have lead once if you didn't want me to, because I felt you knew what you were doing. That's not entirely typical with the groups that I had been getting. I once took three defense shifters through organia as Hytelia and I was hitting my head the entire time. I got the level I was looking for, though, just not in the five minutes it'd have taken with Griggle. The shear amount of time that we spent together gave me a feeling of closeness with you. And as I said before, it all came together when Urog, pre-leadership, said "It is truly a crime that you don't serve the Empire."

Ioniyeh: We used to run together when we were young. Then as you joined Herald a long time before me, that stopped for a bit. Then when I caught up to you, our times changed drastically and I didn't see you ever again. I heard lots of good things from the Heralds, but our times never intersected after that. Good job being High Herald.

Kohl: I really really liked you and really really hated how often you died. You, like Tiahan, just would not learn or take advice or aid. I respect that, but it's very frustrating to watch your cabalmate run to his immediate death, re-form, fly off, and re-ghost. I'm glad you enjoyed what you were doing and hopefully you enjoy what you're doing now. A much better sport about death than me. I prefer not to die so as not to have to waste the time to regear.

Aytak: Oh what a weird relationship. I liked the strangeness between us. I mean, we met while both of us were checking on the same wand location and saw each other there alot. Obviously each knew what the other was doing and there was alot of deception that followed. I really enjoyed interacting with you. I feel like you were a friend until it truly would have suited one of us to change that, and I'm glad it never did.

Valkonian: I'm convinced that I never would have heroed if I hadn't met you and Griggle. We did alot together and traded information together and I loved it. People complain so much about not being able to find wands. Well I found plenty. I also traded you entirely in character the knowledge of some of them for the knowledge of others. Thank you for that interaction and for all of the rest. I enjoyed them all.

Alessa: Oh jesus christ stop dying. You were alot of fun to have around to talk to, and to go places with because we would do incredibly stupid things. However, you need to die less. How a healer even dies that much I don't know, but you seemed to do very well by it. I hope you found something you can succeed with, and I'm glad you kept a good humor about the fact that you died consistantly more than everyone else you were with. Which I guess could be seen as a good thing for a healer, but I prefer it when nobody dies.

Esfergref: I still don't know why you inducted me. I bet you just felt bad that I had applied twenty seven levels earlier and had just never seen you online. I liked having you around because you made fun of Cadothu more effectively than I did. Well done man.

Cadothu: I blame you primarily for my entrance into Herald. You were one of the ones that made me want to join and who kept me interested. The day that you dropped a ventriloquate of "The mortal voice of fate" I almost #### myself laughing. Griggle was so into it he was like GO THERE NOW. But I knew it was you. Somehow I usually did. The only thing I couldn't get a handle on was where you were while duo. It really shouldn't be allowed to 'emote leaves to the south.' or what-have-you.

Raja: I liked talking to you. Originally, I hated you. Then you started to really grow on me and I feel like you started to grow into your place in the game. I'm guessing that you're relatively new and just warming up to everything. Choosing a drow that later decides to turn is not easy. I would have done anything at the end to help you out. I often extended my play time to chat with you or take you out for a level. I wanted to see you succeed because you showed something that I've lost over my years with CF. You had the drive, the enjoyment, that sweetness that you can never have again once you've been jaded. I hope you don't lose those things and can keep enjoying the game as much as you currently do. I'm sorry that I've now left you too. You should send me a message, see information at the bottom.

Urog: Loved you. I ####ing hate your name, but I love the character. How a re-used name gets as far as you did level-wise or reward-wise, I do not know, except to say that you are truly amazing. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do well. Oh, and one quick piece of advice; Try not to blackjack a porcupine. If Hytelia were a hunter, you would have regretted it more than you did, but you rp'd it very well and so I never brought it up again.

Other Heralds:
I'm just going to bunch you all together. It's not fair to you but I need to get back to writing a report for this morning. If you respond I'll respond to that when I find the time.

Other People:
See "Other Heralds"

Soucivi: Was it that big of a deal that I didn't have a role written? I guess maybe it was. All of my more exciting characters lack written roles, and they just rest in my mind. Once I got something down for Hytelia, I started to have alot less fun, but it was hinted to me by a Herald that you would want to see it done. Yaay. That was my last interaction with you, too. ~I figure you just hated me~

Respond here or on aim to JadedRangerCF and I'll get back to you. Or don't, and I won't be offended. This character lasted a very long time over not a lot of hours. I don't even expect people to remember her. But some might. Now that I'm sufficiently pressed for time to finish my report, I'm going to go do that.

Signing out,

PS - See you guys when I see you. I make no promises about when I'll come back, but I figure at some point I'll get sick or something and have the free time to just roll something and poke around. And I _know_ that I'll get a chance to explore the new changes because they seem to be getting more frequent and much more impressive.
32710, RE: Goodbye for now
Posted by Fungor. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wasn't surprised to be in the 'other Heralds' lump, since Fungor didn't see Hytelia much. I guess I'm a bit 'out of the circles', since others tend to play different hours than I do. Apparently, the Imms kicked you out for being "dead wood", as other inactive ones have been booted before. But basically, you were a Herald and It was nice knowing Hytelia(at least I learned something about porcupine and anaconda to see them in action). Good luck for your next.

PS. I thought I was going to be the next Herald to die, but...

PPS. Fungor has kept the 'I'm old and will die soon'-rant effectively on for the last 150 hours now, so it is starting to lose some credibility. The rant has become periodical now(it increases when the next age gain in years is near(period of about 10 hours)) and it tends to ruin the mood of the other Heralds at times. But Fungor, I think the wily old bird is secretly enjoying his own ranting like some old people do.
32713, RE: Goodbye for now
Posted by Jaded Ranger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually liked Fungor. I couldn't remember exactly how to spell your name and I ran out of time to think about it earlier, so I gave up. My hours were completely random for the second half of Hytelia's lifetime. Basically, whenever I had time and felt like getting on. It was fun to go out and poke around a little with you, and it was somewhat amusing to let you beat up on my forms for practice. Why you didn't have dagger perfected at that point I can't imagine, but I was happy to help while I was bored.

Don't feel left out - I'm the one who got booted :P I wasn't selective about who I traveled with in herald either, I was just selective about who I traveled with _again_.... You were one of the ones that I liked going out with. You seemed to be enjoying yourself and that really made my time with you more enjoyable. Most people get with a defense shifter and stop talking, just becaused I'm in form, then they're telling me where to go while I'm still in form because they want this-piece or that-piece of shiny gear. I liked the time we got to interact.

I had a character once, by the way, where for about 200 hours I assumed I was nearing both con and age death. It was only really true about the con part :p You'll be fine. Then you'll drop. Then you'll roll and enjoy.

32736, About it..
Posted by Fungor. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Why you didn't have dagger perfected at that point I can't imagine.."

Still don't probably never will. Unless I'll choose to spend the last hours practicing dagger =P

"Most people get with a defense shifter and stop talking, just becaused I'm in form, then they're telling me where to go while I'm still in form because they want this-piece or that-piece of shiny gear."

Are these the same people who call you by your forms specie, not your chars name? :D