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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectBaldar and Kak deleted.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=31776
31776, Baldar and Kak deleted.
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There go two other characters, both about 400 hours. Where shall I start... Well, I had a 1000 offers from pretty much every mortal in the Fortress to join. There were two reasons I didn't. Obviously, there was Baldar and Elstratuviel. The other one is that I sometimes stole from goodly outlanders, or traded shinies with evils. So, no fortress. Now, indeed, I had three heroes, but never in any way did I cheat: never did I ask anyone to pass on eq to another character of mine, nor did I use any information in between; never did I log on with Baldar or Elstratuviel to see my pk-range clogged with evils and then log on with Kak, or otherwise; whatever the character, I logged on for at least an hour (I made that a kind of standard for myself; most of the times, all three had fixed 'log in-times' (Elstratuviel when I woke up, Baldar somewhere during the afternoon, and Kak in the evening; I tried to maintain those hours, but I'll admit I logged on with them at other moments)it that was too short, I didn't log on with other characters), and in between log ons with fortress and non-fortress characters I tried to keep half an hour and mostly longer; never was I ever reprimanded by the gods for any way of cheating; as you can see, all three characters are 'good', so I never jumped the good or evil bandwagon; it's also not true that I fled away from any confrontation because of the shinies I had, or sat in some remote area - I actively went out there to kill/steal; the only thing you can hold against me is that all three had, in the last month/two months at least some limited things. Still, in those months I never lost my things because of the hoarding code, I tried to log in with all three as much as possible - considering the about 1500 hours with all three characters, I think I did fairly well. I hope those of you that don't like me or my characters keep their flames to themselves. I didn't cheat, point finale. Now, so far for my defense.

Kak was really heavenly to play, even though this started of as a class try-out. I only planned to take her to about 30-40, but during the ranking, I discovered my own roleplay, and how fun it was. Although no written role, she was meant to be absolutely - goodly - childish: quickly hurt, sometimes disdainful, always wanting to please so that I would be pleased by them (although that happened seldomly ;)), always asking for attention, a bit cowardly unless she was with numbers (but considering certain moves I made, this failed somewhat to miserably). The only one that really talked with me and during which I was able to show of the RP was, strangely enough, an almost-enemy. So be it. Now, this was my first 'neo-thief', and I chose Kak to be hamsah-galadon. Apart from blindfold (which gets knocked off right away as soon as I started the fight in most cases), the secondary (i.e. hamsah binding) skills were absolutely of no help at all. If I had to redo it, I would have either gone Galadon or Dagdan solo, but no mix. Despite of having chosen wrongly, I deceided to continue with her. Oh, by the way, you guys have absolutely no idea how much money is spent in the shops of Thera. Really, 3/4ths of my 4.5 million donations to the guild were stolen from shopkeepers. One last thing, Kak is Dutch for 'sh*t'. I planned to execute this "luminous" idea because I didn't think I'd get so attached to her. After discovering how much fun she was, I regretted it and, thanks to being a child, it became 'Kakie' (like fatty, or shorty). My last name Wakie.. well.. what can I say ;). A fun moment to remember: stealing a bracelet of longevity that Liurnya had just given to Iborenn. Upon receiving, Iborenn said 'I wonder how long I am going to keep onto this', big was his amazement when he remove his current bracelet only to find the bracelet of longevity was already gone ;); There were also some moments where I lurked about and stole the (Maran) Orb, mostly from the scions, dumb asses ;). An honest piece of advise for those who haven't played thieves yet: roll one, and then go through all areas you know again, a new world will open. Another (perhaps unnecessary) piece of advise to existing thieves: blackjack isn't the solution to everything; not seldom can you accomplish far more by just stealing/eavesdropping/following,etc than wildly swinging with that blackjack.

Baldar was a two-handed storm paladin. Even though the hellish pk-ranges at low level, I tore through them rather easily from lvl 25 onwards (one on one that is), this went on till about lvl 40. Reasons: storm giant, strike of faith, templars defense, sanctuary and racial-weakness weapons (icy grip, shocking bite, acidic bite, wrath, flaming bit, searing cut; you name it, I had them - this also put some fear of me because of holding so many weapons, which is actually against the code; I realized that, and I did hand out weapons whenever anyone was without or needed it). I prefected 'wrath' at what, 300 hours? I hardly used it. Sphere honor then. What can I say. Hats of for all those who chose the sphere and tried to live by it. Thanks to the Imms for not jumping on me when I made my first mistake or two. Also thanks to Daurwyn and his tribunal necro for the talk about honor, you gave me decent enough insights to avoid certain mistakes in the future, even though we didn't agree on all points. Thanks for the virtues, they fitted me pretty well. Vynmylak, thanks again. Since you've returned your pretty much my favorite. I guess it was also you with that break in the clouds over the imperial lands when I got my last name.

Because of being goodly, most of my goodbyes are the same. Please leave any impression you had about the character(s). I had fun with both of them, but it's time for me to focus on important.. I mean, MORE important things (RL issues). Thanks to all of you who contributed in any way to my CF career. I really appreciated it, also because every single tidbit of information about whatever location of whatever item or whatever quest was solely gotten IC through exploration, trade and luck. Signing off now,

32035, RE: Baldar and Kak deleted.
Posted by Audriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kak made me laugh out loud several times. I could tell you were having fun, and everyone in the Fortress enjoyed having Kak around. She was a great answer to many of the problems that Scion or Empire create for Fortress. This character seemed the most different from all of your others.

Baldar was one of the hardest-hitting paladins I saw in the Fortress. She seemed to be the strong, silent type. I wonder why you didn't play her more.

Elstratuviel was, well, your trademark :). I learned a lot from observing and fighting Gorach/Tarn/Gwyth/Els. I am not sure if Audriel ever died to a bard, and most of that is based on experience facing or fighting alongside these characters. I am certain others can point out bards that might have been better, but as a whole I can't think of a set of bard characters that were as consistently tough. I could always be certain that a "Gorach-type" bard would turn up to defend the Fortress. Over the past three years, I think these characters are the most representative of the elf-bard class (at least, for me).

In retrospect, having all of these characters must have been time consuming. I wish you well in your RL issues. They certainly can creep up on you.
31854, Liked kak
Posted by Tonri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tonri liked Kakie a lot and talked with him about bad guys quite often. I think we interrupted a few Imperial plans together? Hard to remember with so many people I intereacted with, but I know i remember asking "Kakie" different things from time to time. anyway, good job, and I'm sure you will make another char some day.

31825, RE: Baldar and Kak deleted.
Posted by Blobqirt. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Damned, as if you were Els, Kak AND Baldar!?!

I remember when Golron wasn't even a squire yet, cruising around with Baldar tearing stuff up, I actually liked Baldar and was sad/worried that I didn't see her around as much as I would like. Kak, well, Kak was Kak. What more can be said? I really liked Kak too. I ALWAYS had a good time when you were on, and like I said, especially when I forgot I had keepreply on.

As I said for Elstratuviel, luck with whatever you do now.

31828, I hope you now understand
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
why Kak had to turn down your request to join the Fortress. Three characters in the Fortress would have caused suspition (sp) amongst the imms. I chose not to join because Kak also stole many things Elstratuviel and Baldar could use. Being part of the Fort, Kak'd have left those things in the chest. And thus, pass on things in between characters. Baldar's eq didn't really match Elstratuviel's, so there wasn't any problem there. I think you were my number one in wrong tells (blame keepreply, sure ;)). The various 'Ack!'s and 'Ick!'s were sometimes soooo funny. As for Baldar, after I found joy in playing Elstratuviel again, Baldar faded a bit. I do think both were actually rather good supports for the Fort, Elstratuviel for her songs, and Baldar for her sanctuaries.
31819, RE: Baldar and Kak deleted.
Posted by Lekerjey on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, I had the feeling when ranking with you and Syedani that I knew you..and then I thought Kak resembled Gwyythinniel. Both very funny chars..that ranking with Kak and Syedani was the most fun one I had with Lek. Baldar, I never thought she was you..didn't quite like Baldar hehe
31822, Apparently
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
People didn't like Baldar a lot. As I said, Baldar was a rather boring character (trying to be all paladinly and codish and honorish), but I had fun with her nonetheless. I couldn't play Baldar like the other characters before, it would just become boring to have yet another Gorach-clone, both for others and myself. As I said in Elsstratuviel's goodbye, you made a good Acolyte, and I was happy to be at your side with Kak.
31794, Heh. Kak
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I worried more about Kak than any other enemy, I think. Any other enemy, and I could get away. Vs Kak, I knew that there was a good chance I'd loose hours of prep gathering.

You got Baendra once in the most annoying way when I had abs up and was running to attempt a second shot at Adgrizn who whupped my ass through abs moments earlier but was stuck in a room. Then you jacked me coming back from the healer and he suicided whilst I was unconcious.

Liked Elstratuviel. You sacced the wrong unholy weapon though when you killed Sossaphrin. Not sure if you knew that or not. Had 0 charges in Drizzt's scimitar and 9 in my flaming bardiche.

Mixed feelings about Baldar. I knew you were about honor so I expect you to fight alone. Then I ended up fighting you plus druid. Didn't like that (although Baendra wasn't about honor btw; she just didn't like fanatical paladins and the morals they had but couldn't always live up to).

I always thought you were Elstratuviel. Never guessed about the other two.
31803, As I said
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After our talk (Baldar and Baendra), I started to look at the Honor sphere differently and tried to go deeper. Thank you for that, it was .. enlightening (if that word exists). I actually changed my behaviour in relation to the honor sphere after our talks. As far as Kak goes, I pretty much stole from every enemy (apart from a duergar here and there and Zkatolef :() I ever had in range, from uncaballed ones to cabal leaders (although some moves cost me dearly); you have no idea how much time I spent running around or waiting patiently at recall points.
As always, you play solid characters who are very hard to pin down. I'll be looking for you when I return :)
31823, As I said in my deletion thread...
Posted by Drezulok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I respected Baldar, and while I've never concluded why, IC, my char would do that, I know that I, as a player, respect what your character represented. There was only one time I was ever at a loss for words with Baldar (you, Gradaelus, another pally bringing me down) and even afterwords you stuck to your guns. Well done.
31824, umm, wrong spot in this thread nt
Posted by Drezulok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
31829, Thanks
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know I made mistakes (for instance first ranking and leaving autoassist on and then having to return to the fort for a raid, and forgetting about autoassist). This was my first attempt at a solo-ish character sphere honor. And although I very much respect those who can stick to it, it's not meant for me, I think: I always had problems with raids and defenses: for instance, what is the higher good, your principles (for instance, summoning an enemy to your groupmate, is that allowed? Because your groupmate can't get to the enemy alone) or that which you chose to defend with your life (the Orb, and the Fort in general). Also, it's very hard to see your friend(s) killed, and not being able to assist (which would probably have turned the tide). Ah well, one keeps trying eh.
31793, RE: Baldar and Kak deleted.
Posted by karun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah! You finaly gone! Kind of really liked you... In all your incarnations I knew.... as Karun and few others.... Good luck with your RL will miss you....
31804, Same here..
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Karun was cool to hang around with, never afraid of anything and all, very courageous. I was glad to have spent those last few moments at your side.
31790, RE: Baldar and Kak deleted.
Posted by Calheil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved Elstruviel, hated Kak. But then again, part of that's because I got along with one and not the other. Elstruviel and Calheil always did well at keeping out of each others' business, aside from a few times randomly fighting the same people. But then, you know Calheil's past when it comes to that sort. Now, as to Kak. Being Galadonian, Calheil of course had a strong distrust right off the bat, then with the wars, went to downright hating your guts. Mainly because given the skillsets, Galadon thieves just aren't able to handle much of a fight, and so rarely do more than steal, which can even piss off other thieves. Particularly when I see 90% of that sort who wouldn't move, and just wait to land the blackjack, then by the time you wake, they'd stolen all your stuff, and quit within 5-10 minutes. Nothing too particular against you, it was rare if ever with you that I even saw you, much less this to happen, so I expected it was just having to leave. That, and ya'll are just b*tches to kill.

>Now, this was my
>first 'neo-thief', and I chose Kak to be hamsah-galadon. Apart
>from blindfold (which gets knocked off right away as soon as I
>started the fight in most cases), the secondary (i.e. hamsah
>binding) skills were absolutely of no help at all. If I had to
>redo it, I would have either gone Galadon or Dagdan solo, but
>no mix.

Keep in mind, half of the Guilds' skills need to significantly build on each other to be truly effective. Do you really expect poisons to be very useful for you, if you can only make food poisoning? Despite that, I'll restate what I said on Trotat's goodbye. It takes working with the ropes, rather than trying to make binding work as you want it to, to really make binders effective.

>Despite of having chosen wrongly, I deceided to
>continue with her. Oh, by the way, you guys have absolutely no
>idea how much money is spent in the shops of Thera. Really,
>3/4ths of my 4.5 million donations to the guild were stolen
>from shopkeepers.

1) Deft touch.
2) Warning skill?
3) 3mil isn't THAT huge.

Keep in mind you were a Galadon thief. Those skills make it a *LOT* easier to steal from shopkeepers. Also, 3mil in...400ish hours? That's 7 gold an hour average. Now, take off maybe a hundred for levelling, but that's still only 10 gold an hour. Not really that big of a profit, actually. Good, but there's better ways if you have the chance.

>Another (perhaps unnecessary) piece of advise to existing thieves:
>blackjack isn't the solution to everything; not seldom can you
>accomplish far more by just stealing/eavesdropping/following,etc
>than wildly swinging with that blackjack.

Again, Galadon thief. For that sort? Yes, I'd have to say that's probably as, or more effective than anything else, because they never know you were there. You can steal reliably, and even relay information while eavesdropping. Galadon's really the only set of thief skills that are truly a thiefy thief. The others I think are much better termed "rogue", as they imply stealthiness, without thieving. Myself as a binder? I have a grand total four skills I can do without knocking someone out first. Yeah, *THAT* makes me useful.

Anyways, good show overall, but I'm glad Kak's dead. One less Galadonian for me to deal with!

Calheil en'Sariyah the Bandit King
31802, You're absolutely right
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The pieces of advise were meant for Galadon thieves. As for my donations, I somewhere on the top (I'm not going to reveal anything as to my exact place, though). Also, I didn't have fence, which probably would raise that amount. And you should also take into account that I GAVE AWAY almost every shinie I stole, except for the few times I traded with evils (who I completely ripped off by the way ;)). Finally, I spent more time robbing people than actually robbing shopkeepers. If I sold everything I had,I could probably have trippled the amount without a problem, considering the amount of things and their rarity. I had one incredibly good money source (more than 100 gold without much danger), but I only got to enjoy it but a couple times, because it got changed quickly.
This is also a good example of not 'confusing' roleplays: Elstratuviel wanted no harm to come over you and negotiated with the Fortress and yourself (and Lariya) after Celebrimbor's death, but Kak hated and despised you for intruding her guild. If I had had cheap shot from the Dagdan guild, I would have probably attacked you, but, as you said, Galadon thieves are real thieves. You're doing a good job as Bandit King, keep on trucking.
31784, Well, pants.
Posted by Kaerdil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shame to see you leave, you added a good bit of entertainment to the guild.

But seriously, Gorach? And it was -me- that took you new places? Please roll an excellently roleplayed explore character, sounds like it'll get you right back in there.

Kak was also cool, well played and Enjoy!

31785, My my.
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The whole 'down with the pants' stuff was actually because of you. Baldar used to be an old prume ;). But your rp just made her .. blossom again. Thanks, a little excitement in her life was exactly what she needed before going away. It's pretty true my (as a player) exploration interest has diminished a bit of late, but I guess I'll have a lot to do when I return. Bards are my trade, and with bards I explored the whole world. Look out for the elven bards in a year or so.
31779, RE: Baldar and Kak deleted.
Posted by Vahletharien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh. Kak was just great. Though we certainly didn't roleplay as much as I would have liked to (it always seemed like you were on the run, doing this or that) I definately sensed that there was an interesting story behind Kak. For example, a woman who talks like a two year old dwarf, but is breathtakingly beautiful...there's gotta be something there. See what people miss out on when they only look at gear and not the desc? I definately had a sense that Kakie knew what she was doing and she was good at it.

As for Baldar, I definately did NOT get that sense. :P
Don't ask me why, I don't think I saw Baldar as often either,
only in the very beginning...


31782, If you had only known
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kak was so in love with the mysterious, but fatherlike elf Vahletharien. Always friendly, always caring and helping. As I said, it was all in my head though, I didn't write anything of all that down. Like childs are, Kak was shy/afraid to show it though, and only very close to your end, I think even the moment I knew you were going to delete, made known her feelings. Thanks for remembering that in the description. Kak was designed to be beautiful because she came out of the sewers where she had survived after running away from home because she got beat upon every day. In trying to conceal her 'stupidity' and the fact that she didn't have any education whatsoever (she couldn't read or write), she used her beauty to try to get things done. Perhaps that's an element I didn't use not often enough in my RP. Hmm. If only I had taken the time to write that down in a role. Oh well.

As for Baldar, he came right after Glaubarsto and had to fill in his spot; I still didn't feel like logging in with Els much at that time. It's only when Kak came that that interest came back again, making Baldar fade to the background. It's only the last month that I started logging in with Baldar.

You know, that's the bad thing about playing different characters at a time (a thing I never did before I rolled Glaubarsto). Playin a couple hours a day (or exessively, days in a row) creates a certain bond (at least, it always happens in my case). Playing those three characters at the same time makes you lose .. touch, that feeling with the character. I can't really describe it. I know that when I deleted Gwyythinniel, and CERTAINLY Gorach, I was down, honestly, I was. So many emotions and feelings went into that character, I was one with it. I lost that feeling with all three (being Elstratuviel, Baldar and Kak - perhaps with Kak the least). That's why it was more mechanical 'roleplay' than emotional roleplay. Phooey, I hope you understand what I say. It's still hard to delete them, but not even close to the storm of feelings I sensed when deleting Gorach. Oh well. We live to learn.
31777, Damnit I knew you where most likely near by too
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was trying to type fast enough to keep her from removing it till I was ready, damn thieves!!!!
Enjoyed our limited interactions Iborenn was always amused with the goodie human who stole from his fellows *There are reasons..*
Though he's still waiting for that sword you promised *And you still owed him one from like two months ago too damnit*
Hope you had fun with your char's and hope to see you again *Play a battlerager!!!*
31786, RE: Damnit I knew you where most likely near by too
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That incident scores very high in my all time favorites. Others: repeatedly saying to my group of three 'I know this place (Organia) like my backyard','Trust me', 'Nothing can do wrong' yadda yadda and then quickly ending up in the no-escape room, causing death of the whole group. Or that one time with Lardovian in the elven vaults. It's a bit hard to explain, and doing so would revail IC knowledge, so I'll leave it at that. But it was hilarious. Anyways, I know from heresay that you're doing a good job, but more importantly, I don't think you have any idea how many fights I saw you fight, and judging from your skill you're a pretty solid leader. Well, for a drow then ;). You be well.