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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectAlnons farewell note
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=31689
31689, Alnons farewell note
Posted by _NeveR_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First attempt at getting into Battle, first warrior getting past rank 30, first last name showed. This was just a character to "attempt" to get a grip on Battle history and rp, and thinking i got inducted it went well. My role i made up during my first interview, nothing i have documented or so, but in the whole he was a proud noble and bla bla. I like the cabal rp and its nice to see a cabal that tries its hardest not to gank people, getting rare these days. The donation thing Empire goes with, only makes the looting worse so it got kind of booring after a while to get fully looted after a gank of 3 to four people and then getting hunted when you regear. But i was used to that from my last character "Gwraxn". First i thought the battle powers were overpowered, and they sure are if you fight an unprepped warrior at rank 30-40, but when you get into the higher ranks you get to fight people prepped warriors with healers and the likes, and a shaman with "wither" aint that fun either. An arial sword spec was nice when meeting ganks and so on, always geared with +str and damroll, was the two important things, and when i had that eq i tried to balance it out with hp eq, well never got that far but in theory its probably nice. Main reason i like Battle was cause of all the nice pk i got into, and thats one of the big reasons i play carrionfields. Why i deleted? I was low on con already when i was an applicant, had alot of stupid mob deaths trying to get eq and see whats magical and not magical at low level, well that and alot of "someone has arrived" and then kaboom. Being an applicant is one of the hardest things. But with flourintine and alot of hit dam you get out of most situations. At level 40 i was down to 11 con or something, and with the ####ty hp arials got with maxed con, and going through 26-40 with an average con of 15 i wasnt the big hp machine, so ill probably do a new char and then after that ill try another "battle" attempt.

Now the farewell section:


Iborenn: Cranky grandpa Commander:) I liked your character but you sure werent the happiest fella......

Acaga: Yay thanks for the gifts, liked you a whole lot, and when you were online the werent many that would approach the village without a healer and the whole kit.

Liurnya: Gave me the last interview and i was very thankful for that, it took alot of waiting to see if you had time and so on. And it was always nice to have someone to beat those shamans around so i didnt have to worry about that.

Dremkal: Liked your char, was always nice to run around with you.

Ildin: My first interview with you didnt go that well, but i learned alot and after that i didnt see you that much.

Jerroa: The one that probably taught me most about Battle through your interview on how to act and so on, and it was funny just to be near you, liked your char alot.

Glauthran: yeah i think its spelled like that, not sure though. Was nice to have you around, though Alnon never admitted to you being brother and so on, he was very proud of his family etc. etc. So therefor he always replied your Greetings brother. well with a Greetings or welcome.

Ackuol: Didnt speak with you much, you were always doing something, or going somewhere.

Geenaver: Saw you for two days then you con-died, but we almost had a conversation:)

Applicants to battle:
To those that i gave interviews to, best of luck and so on.


Were alot of you thats probably quite new to carrionfields and wants to go with the flow, and there were some of you about 20% thats good players.

Tyranius: You always had that damn titanium spear, and a healing spear that uses a lightning attack, well your the main reason i started to practice spear.

Hervam: Had some fights with you, often ended with you fleeing, but you won that last fight in Udgaard at the healer, i was surprised that not more imperials arrived thinking we fought for a while.

Nellau: I dont think you ever got me, our fights often ended with me failing disarm on you five times and then i had to flee after those overheads, or me getting a disarm in and you running. For a polearm spec you sure didnt chicken out with the charge set tactic alot, only once if im not wrong.

Denower: First fight you had axe and whirl and a poisoned dagger and made me drop my weapon so i died quite fast, and then i geared up for strength and waited for you, and when i atlast got a duel from you, you had an assassin with you. And then when you didnt have an assassin with you, you were with Mlyarir that just had to use one wither on me and then you a bashelibash and i was ####ed, was fun the first time. But i think i got you the last time so i win ^^.

Cesidio: OOOoooh i wanted to kill you SO bad, was kind of fun when you started "dont enter MY city" and i went there and all you did was steal my bag with five pies and a canteen, and i was like, ooookay.

Mlyarir: You really didnt need to gank me with 3-4 people when you could have taken me alone with just one "wither" so that was quite annoying.

Well it was a ####load of you. A nice example is there is two people in range, i hit the vanquisher and fjoff there were five of you, so either im just unlucky or there were some nice ooc connections in there.



In the younger years i had a nice set, so it was kind of fun being summoned by you with a necromancer and an invoker and seeing you all flee. In the middle years you were prepped and had the bard Averlayna with you that healed you, and you teleported after a few fights, thank god for that last disarm.

Averlayna: When you dont see me.........


Lornael: Was fun to travel with you, G/L t you.

Lorax: Yeah you would´ve probably won that fight.

Probably forgot a whole lot of people as usual, but post away and i will answer

32098, heh
Posted by Mlyarir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are pretty wrong, i know none of current players, so twas just your luck. And yes, hands are pretty tough spec, stun at those levels would make with sure my aura, shield and flying to be down, and left me just easy pray.
31882, hehe
Posted by Azar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll write more about you when I delete, but know that I had a *bunch* of preps JUST to fight you.

See you on the fields.

and next time, play something hardcore like an ap.
31792, I liked Alnon
Posted by Haamrl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gave me a shock that time you healed up in the village when I expected you to be getting sicker from poison. Might want to try a wingsweep next time you are fighting someone in arial city and you've lost your weapons to maladictions though.
31796, And if you mean the time you died at the vanquisher
Posted by Haamrl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There were only two of us that could fight you. The others were lowbies trying to loot whoever died. It meant that I got nothing from the kill at all, which sucks when you need to get your donations up and lowbie adds to theirs when they didn't fight.
31800, RE: And if you mean the time you died at the vanquisher
Posted by Alnon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wasnt that time, it was the time i got ganked by four people between a couple of centurions in balator, and i could only harm one or two, and when i attacked the vanquisher atleast three people logged on. I dont have it logged, but its all behind me anyway.
31761, You better roll a new one headed for battle. :) j/k
Posted by Dremkal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Alnon from early on, long before
you got into battle, possibly before you even applied.

Oh from the time you ASKED for dragon gear off a corpse
instead of just looting whoever it was. I said they
had been a worthy foe or something and to leave it.
But I left gauntlets (They apparently had 2 sets or
something. can't remember)

What I do know, from that day on, if you asked it
(and it wasn't in direct opposition to his beliefs)
Dremkal was going to do his best to see it done.
You just never asked for anything :)

Pretty cool character, and yes it was fun running
around eh?

See ya next time around.

31751, Aw
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I said you were growing on me. A shame you had to go off and delete I was intending to have alot of fun using you to raid
Oh well, hope to see you again in the fields.
31731, PHooey
Posted by Jerroa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Alnon alot, having a strong fighter who is willing to throw himself at his enemies is always something I admire. Glad you enjoyed our interactions, good luck with your next.