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Topic subject(DELETED) Vezran Lehrazzur the Chancellor of the Night
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=31601
31601, (DELETED) Vezran Lehrazzur the Chancellor of the Night
Posted by Vezran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I ain't gonna wait a week, nor am I going to log Vez back in to undo my delete, which I planned to do tonight. So I'll get this over with.

I've been CFing for years on and off, and I'm not going to say I'm done this time, but I'm at least going to be on extended hiatus.
I got sick a week or so ago, stuff piled up. I got better, and realized just how little time I have.
I started thinking of CF as another chore, and while it's fun, I can't afford to feel obligated to it or fulfill the responsibilities of a leader character.
On top of that all, I just wasn't feeling the character anymore.

Transmuters are great, if given time/mana to prepare.

My goal in starting this character is to take this odd class and try to make it deadly solo. I'm probably not the first or the best, but in my own mind I was. Last I knew about trannies (after a three-month break before I started Vez), everyone thought they blew. Well, I promise they don't.

Gonna keep this brief...

Eshval: Sorry for wasting your interactions. You're a great interaction Imm with a great religion -- the best thing to happen to Scion since Valg went behind-the-scenes. Thanks for the attention and shot at leadership.

Beroxxus/Valg: Not sure I ever saw you, but I'll throw a "thanks" your way anyway.

I did try to go in a different direction, religion-wise, but I eventually gave up and tried to shape it into something slightly more conventional. Didn't work though. Thanks to whoever gave me the echo and experience upon induction.


Dreaa: I enjoyed leading alongside you. Bitch.

Muuloc and Kuraich: Your "punishment" was one of the highlights of this character, as sad as that may sound.

Azar: Hope I made your night. (no pun intended)

Aytak: I remember at least one of the times you mentioned. Problem was, transmuters are a tad more fragile than invokers and I needed to prepare. So, the time it took to prepare was longer than the raid lasted, or I was waiting for an opportunity.
I tried to go relatively balls-out with this character, and achieved some pretty wild stuff as a solo transmuter.

Tuk: Sorry you got deleted or banned or whatever. It was great fun running around with you in the mid-ranks.

Everyone else, I wasn't around much toward the end. I thought about how much it must suck to be an applicant trying to catch a duo'd leader who shows up for about an hour every other day, and that pushed me over the edge to deletion.

Ansrtril: Fun to interact with.

Transmuters hate ragers.

Acaga: Only one worth mentioning. Pretty damned tough.

Blitz: Had some good talks. I really enjoyed killing you and trying to get you to bend. But you didn't; that was pretty impressive.

Urog: Annoying, as you're supposed to be. Great job, though I suspected you, Jhishesh and Lothorectred to be a perma for a while.

Jhishesh: Found it hard to appreciate you as an enemy.

Lothorectred: See Jhishesh.

Lariya: Something's fishy about you

For some odd reason, I don't remember anyone else's name right now from the Fort. Oh well. Some of you were pretty cool.

Calheil: Great thief.

Anyone I forgot, reply and I'll try and get back to you.

Vezran, Dullameh, Sebastiano, etc.
31718, I'm going to excuse the "Acaga: Only one worth mentioning"...
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because I still claim you're just sore I'm the only one to kill Dullameh post lichdom =P Fear the Kaz!
31759, You and other people I forgot...
Posted by Vezran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can I say? It was late.

Tinfalan: You were the man. Or as close to the man as an elf dagger/mace can be. Impressively tough and gutsy.


Elsatruviel: Bards are a transmuter's worst enemy. You were a giant pain.

Elsworth: You were gutsy, too. Fun to fight, but that last one surprised me just as much as it surprised you.

Rouchevian: I had two uber-fancy PKs of fortress folk, and yours was one of them, when I cut off you and the elf warrior to the fortress after you took the Scepter, killed you, and took it back. I was seriously wondering what allowed that to happen, because I knew you were pretty tough.

K-something, a storm warrior: The other was yours, after your duel with Acaga outside the village. You impressively kill him, then I finish you off with one disrupt and get to take the Scepter back. It was clockwork, and it must have made you swear a lot.

I dealt with quite a few people with this character. If I forgot you again, I apologize.
31673, RE: (DELETED) Vezran Lehrazzur the Chancellor of the Night
Posted by Zargu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sebastiano - Damn that brings back memories... :)

Though i dont remember in what incarnation i was back then, perhaps it was Zharaluzar...

Zhenzar, Zargu, Zharaluzar, Talabrina and countless others shamans and healers
31657, Hey drop me an e-mail
Posted by Xaannix- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
wanted to tell you a couple things. Might answer some questions
you had with your char. I cant go into them here.

31655, wow.
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I personally consider arcanes to be one of the most lethal classes, if not the most lethal, and I've never seen Vezran.

As far as deadly ones of the past go, there was Priolith's (I think) one, who used to rape groups of three. He was the first to show what they can do, I think (despite my low personal opinion of him as a player).

Then there was the lightwalking uncaballed one who everyone whined about staying uncaballed because it made him more dangerous. He got me twice if I recall. Once with Lariya, and one with some conjie and his angel. But he could have done it alone just as easily.

Trannies are the one class that when you get the uber-lag by them, you are basically screwed, but until that point you think things are going pretty well. When someone is spamming neuro on them, and you get them down to gushing whilst you are still unhurt and unmaladicted, then get hit with the long duration neuro, it's pretty much all over.

Maybe I'm a little biased having played a couple of chars limited to level 47 and getting perma-neuroed by trannies no matter what I wore. And got forbid that that trannie was in a group. Ouch.

Compare trannies with vokers. Both able to get abs. Voker attacks, you can usually get away easily if you were not already hurt (unless you are too stubborn to dump your crap in the quicksand). Trannie attacks, and there is a good chance you will not be doing anything but watching yourself getting killed.

Nothing against your char, who as I said, I never knew, but trannies have been lethal for a long time, and are getting more lethal, not less, with the addition of new spells.
31638, RE: (DELETED) Vezran Lehrazzur the Chancellor of the Night
Posted by Dreaa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dreaa: I enjoyed leading alongside you. Bitch.

In the oddest way I take that as a compliment. I'm hoping it was meant that way, and with the role, I'm glad. Pleases me it works out right :P

Enjoyed everything we had done. I remember getting in and all that good stuff, talking to you when Corilanth was talking to me in Dale Cemetary. Didn't like you then, grew to like you later. Made it real hard that we weren't supposed to really agree much, but oddly enough we didn't agree often enough and we got through it like a rough marriage. Didn't agree but made it work. Our agreement on Kuraich and Muuloc was hilarious. I just had to laugh, and the good mood showed through a bit much at the time. I just wanted to boot Kuraich and make them join together and get back in. You wanted to keep Kuraich and make them join together and grow. Then I figured hell just bring Muuloc in and we can watch them. When Kuraich asked if we found it amusing I wanted to say well hell yea. Enjoyed the traveling and the like. You were smart and competant in many ways and that was nice. Our difference in position makes things intresting and not sure how you saw me...weither as an enemy or a friend or whatever...wouldn't mind knowing how you saw me and whatever else. Well good luck, I know what real life is like and it sucks. If only I could get payed to play CF, I'd just make Bill gates my lil slave girl, I'd have so much money. Glad I don't have a life ;) Good luck, maybe see you later.

31653, RE: (DELETED) Vezran Lehrazzur the Chancellor of the Night
Posted by Vezran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was totally meant as a compliment. Yeah, we both knew Kuraich was full of it, but my argument was that he had grown to be useful. It was the best though.
Dreaa I saw as a friend, for the most part. I didn't expect us to agree all the time, but we got stuff done right.

Keep it up. I hope the next Chancellor's decent, and judging by the makeup of Scion right now, I doubt that'd be a problem.
31659, RE: (DELETED) Vezran Lehrazzur the Chancellor of the Night
Posted by Domino on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey... HEY! Full of WHAT? LoL
31625, Personally,
Posted by Kak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I found my infiltration in the Fortress (while you were raiding with two others) and stealing some of your stuff pretty nice as well ;). Apart from that I don't think we had any encounters (f*** duo). See you around.
31618, RE: (DELETED) Vezran Lehrazzur the Chancellor of the Night
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Last we talked you mentioned being ill for which you have my sympathies. You had a pretty good run and seemed quite adaptable to all situations. It is unfortunate you became ill, as you had a good grasp on your position and Scion in general. When logging in becomes a chore, yes it is time to go. Good luck.

31608, RE: (DELETED) Vezran Lehrazzur the Chancellor of the Night
Posted by Elsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a comprehensive slaughter. I mean that time, after your neuro came in I was dead before my next input could come in.

Well done...
31606, RE: (DELETED) Vezran Lehrazzur the Chancellor of the Night
Posted by Domino on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I lied... and I lied my ass off... and I lied some more lol. I thought for sure ONE of us was gonna get kicked out. But noooo... you gt and attach us to the hip, we kill about a dozen people, and you look like a genius lol. Anyway man, I guess you were cool, though I didn't get to see much of you. I actually found you the ragged cloak the next day after you gave me that offer, but I deleted before I saw you again. LoL I was asking around like crazy! Anyway, that last raid when we were talking about it, I considered assassinating you. I had actually stalked you for about five hours before you went duo. I just snapped my fingers. Cool Char. Loved Dullameh as my first char. I think I knew Sebastiano as Raliyas too, and he was pretty cool. When you get time, come back as a Scion lol
31605, Man, always under the radar.
Posted by Nivek1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew it was going to be you. Hope you enjoyed all the trinkets, I lent you, even if I never did cash in on the favors I felt you owed me. To be fair to Aytak, yes, I did hook you up a bit more than him, but I think Corilanth got more than both of you combined. Just my little way of being a "valuable" ally.

Anyway, it was easy to see that you knew what you were doing and it was good to bring Scion back into power like we did. Considering the caliber of players we had in the cabal all at the same time, it's no wonder we were top of the food chain those rare times we had the numbers. A welcome relief from all those hours alone (post Kungkruk).

Now that I know who you are, consider the gifts a payback for all the nice gear you unloaded on my mid-bie Scion thief when you were a lich. Thanks.

Good luck on the next
