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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [HERALD] Ansrtril DwinMitore the Grand Master of Artistry, Inspired Artiste
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=31436
31436, (CON LOSS) [HERALD] Ansrtril DwinMitore the Grand Master of Artistry, Inspired Artiste
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Sep 29 02:25:36 2004

At 6 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 16th of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Ansrtril perished, never to return.
Cabal:HERALD, the Heralds of the Eternal Star
31482, Not much to say
Posted by Kohl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good way to go out I think, dying in battle and whatnot. Shame you can't see the rest of the drawings I'm going to do, should have finished them before now but things kept arising. Anyway not to get off subject but gonna miss ya, was fun while you were here. I'll see you around on the fields I hope.
31453, Gunna miss you!
Posted by Ryvyrblou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well shoot, I interacted with you with two chr, and I have to say you did a great job.
I was hoping to get you to train/teach my in story telling, and try and see the path you took with the Muse.

Luck and all
31865, I'll give you the story if you want.
Posted by Martoonie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
31448, No elves were harmed in the making of this character.
Posted by Martoonie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Someone really needs to stop letting me play goodies/elves as I always seem to get them into some sort of nasty predicament I cannot ever seem to get out of. Started off with him just wanting something to goof off with, thought about going Fortress, but Esfergref put a serious kink in that quickly. Probably for the best as I am still hopeless at PKing with a bard. Morally this character was a challenge for me. Killing other characters is easy. I was going for a male version of Jezebelle. How did I do? Using those around you those around you to further yourself, your desires and whims, for me at least, is much much more difficult. I was surprised the elf stayed good as long as he did. He did a lot that was way over the line. In his task to Vezran alone he should have probably been turned evil, so when he was made neutral I was not in the least bit surprised. What did irk me some was that though I expected it, I also expected some form of interaction with it. One moment the elf was waltzing along merrily singing, next he had no songs and an align change. I prayed, no one said a word, I tried to take things into my own hands and do the right thing (Too little too late I would imagine) still no one would say a word. I'm not really complaining so much as wondering why person/persons involved wouldn't take the time, even a couple of minutes, to play out the 'wrath of the gods' thing. Okay, i'll stop whining now. ;)

I appreciate everything you folks put in. Even when my characters are being throttled for being jerks you make it fun.

Eshval: My dark, sick, twisted, sadistic muse. Thank you for everything. I was proud the elf got to be your first. I am sure it was obvious I wasn't going to drop the coven thing easily, but you are hard to ignore. Your style of roleplay makes it easy to be drawn to you. You really give an all out effort to those who show that they will stick with it. I always wondered what would have happened had I let you down. Temptation thy name is Eshval. ;)

Amaranthe: I made this character with you in mind. I had no other plans than to be a covenite again. I wonder at how differently things might have been had you answered the elf's prayers first. Even the one minute or so of interaction we had together was wonderful for me. You always make me feel like I am doing something right. Thank you heaps.

Lyristeon: Loved the talk at the Inn with you and Selessya. Too bad the Imperials rampaged in and ended it abruptly. Was shocked to no end when I sang lies of the light and you proceded to punch me in the face repeatedly. Little Imp, BIG wallop. Ever find out what happened there?

Vynmylak: Thank you for not smiting me into a crouton when I had your prophets with me showing them the gallery. I loved every single one of your followers I interacted with. You attract fantastic people. Says a ton about you. Wish I had been able to talk with you more on your religion and one of your followers in paticular.

Arvam and Shazirah: Always a pleasure. I am sure you were around quite a bit, as I was, but never really saw or heard from either of you much. Hope I did alright by you both.


Esfergref: Thank you for giving me the opportunity. I hope I lived up to your expectations of me.

Alessa: You kept me completely motivated. Everytime I thought I had run out of ideas you threw a treat my way. Ansrtril would have never got off the ground fully had it not been for you to have as a sounding board. For any single idea I might have given you in the last hours of your character know that you gave me tenfold. I had things on deck that you and I came to together right up to Ansrtril's death. Thank you.

Miaree: Second Herald I heroed and got the pleasure of knowing you with. I used to love player killing and nothing else, then Troupe/Heralds gave me a love for roleplay. You have given me a love for exploration and discovery. You are certainly one of my favorite Heralds in memory and the Inn is going to hurt when you are gone. I was glad you started showing more.

Ioniyeh: I'm kicking myself I spent so little time getting to know this character better. I always had a good laugh at your reactions to things. (The twenty minute real time death throes for the zerbert was my favorite. Best death ever!) I found there is a depth to her that takes real time to get to know. I would love someday to read her role. You earn all the accolades you receive. I hope you stick around a long long time. I might even make another Herald just to interact with you more.

Raikorsai: Poetry writing machine. How the heck do you do you do it, man? I am sure there were at least twenty poems to one of my paintings. I hope you reach that final goal you set for yourself.

Karzalynn: Wow.

Two more I wish to mention and I will stop babbling.

Amtheia: The elf was a wretch in every sense of the word. He was horrible to Amtheia, but was crazy about her. I would stay on many nights very late to see if you showed just to have ten minutes of interaction time with her. You are an exceptional roleplayer. I am sorry you had such a lousy time with the spire. I felt it everytime you fell defending it and did my best to drag you away so that you would live longer. Yes for the elf's own selfish reasons, but as a player I hate seeing talent like this be eaten up by the pk goons. I hope I gave back to you some of the rewards of interaction you gave me.

Lulae: I cannot wait to see where you go with this. You are absolutely one of my favorites in a long time. Every single time I got to talk with you I was grinning. Well though out, well executed. Please stick with it.

Okay. I left out a ton of you. I'm sorry, but if I go on no one will even bother reading this. Post and I will answer you, I give you my word. Flames, praise and indifference all welcome.

31457, Figures...
Posted by Miaree on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... that you'd go and die before me, too.

You were a fun guy to hang around with, not to mention the more or less lucky excursions, whether it was Trothon or the Imperial Lands, heh. If I wasn't mostly content to explore places on my own to get to look and do stuff at my own pace, and weren't you often occupied by other people (you charmer you) I would've probably asked you to come along more often, which shifter wouldn't just love a bard for back-up? Even if it was a girly one.

Seriously though, a great char, and next time you roll one, make it a fire giant axe spec Herald, then you could afford to get into any kind of predicament you could think of. ;)

-- Mia
31461, RE: No elves were harmed in the making of this character.
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Eshval: My dark, sick, twisted, sadistic muse."

I take this as a compliment. You put some sertious time into this character, and while they often do not turn out as we had hoped and expected, they often present us with unique opportunities to be something and someone quite unique. Such was the case with Ansrtril.

I figured it was time for you to go a while back. As is the case of many artists, they burn out quickly. Next time you are around, drop by the Gallery, I can always use some meat.

31690, RE: No elves were harmed in the making of this character.
Posted by Matoonie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every moment with you was a joy. You made this character beginning to end. I wish I could have stuck around longer, but I pretty much dug myself into the final hole and there was not way to climb out. You can be sure I will make another follower of yours at some point and do my all to be better than the elf in it. It was a real let down that your weren't there for the end. I would have loved to act out those last minutes with you. Someday, I hope, you'll show me where I ended up in your grand masterpiece.
31463, Wow?
Posted by Karzalynn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thigodus and now Ansrtril. You're kicking ass and taking names boy, loving your characters.

As for being a male version of Jezebelle... that's ironic considering Karzalynn was meant to be an exaggerated version of her too. One of my past characters knew Jezebelle, and while I never would have drawn that connection, I can definately see the similarities. The crazy passion wasn't quite there, but he definately had the presence. I was a little disappointed in how you seemed to fade there in the end, he seemed to get sad, maybe jaded. Was that intentional?
Anyway, I love Ansrtril, Karzalynn loved him (though she'd never tie herself down with a marriage!). Beautiful art, loads of creativity, great slant on Eshval's religion. Too bad you had to go so soon, I've been having problems playing lately b/c of RL. You'll be missed! I can't stress how wonderful I thought Ansrtril was.

And what the heck is wow supposed to mean?
31465, Oh yeah
Posted by Karzalynn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And was Ansrtril as much of a pimp as he appeared to be?
31691, RE: Oh yeah
Posted by Martoonie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He was a user. Took as much as he could from as many as he could and tossed them aside. Unfortunately I was not consistant with that and only did so in few cases. The majority the elf catered to for selfish reasons, but I did not have the guts myself to hurt entirely. I'm soft from playing good guys. Oh well.

31688, RE: Wow?
Posted by Martoonie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everything about Karzalynn was fun. Every moment I spent with her was unpredictable. I love that when dealing with other players. Kept me on my toes a lot. You always had something new for me and I always looked forward to it. Thank you for making his life more eventful.

31467, Hmm.
Posted by Ioniyeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not quite sure what to say here at all. Perhaps commentary is better left for after I am dead. I will say this much, I thoroughly enjoyed all of our interactions (even the poopy ones) and now there's a big void in the Heralds where you used to be. Ansrtril was one of those characters that makes me sit back in my chair and go, "Yeah, that's awesome."

Well, I suppose that is all the savage has to say on the matter, for now.
31693, RE: Hmm.
Posted by Martoonie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ioniyeh is wonderful. I could spend real hours sitting with her and just talk about anything. You always had a great perspective on even the most mundane things. I cannot wait to see how she turns out. Unfortunately for me it will have to wait until I get out of the funny farm and back online. I will be there in one form or another to watch, my sweet savage.

31477, The Lady's Man.
Posted by Cadothu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You played Thigodus? Never in a million years would I have come to that conclusion. Good stuff.

I only really knew you for the first 1/4 of your life apparently, but I liked you. Not as much as I liked Thiggo, but it's whatever. I hope you have fun with whatever you play next man, Keep on keeping on. :)
31480, RE: No elves were harmed in the making of this character.
Posted by Raikorsai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ansrtril changed Raikorsai, a big change in his role. I'm thankful for that, 'cos I would probably have more fun this way, then sticking to his original role. Thanks.
31490, RE: No elves were harmed in the making of this character.
Posted by Aira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though Aira and I weren't able to get to know Ansrtril (my fault, I'm discovering I don't take time to get to know many of the characters I interact with), he was someone we both felt we could talk to. I thank you for being so kind and apologize for the nuisance I know I can be (the whining, the blunders... blah). I hope someday we'll meet again. Good luck with the next one ;-)
31499, Uh...
Posted by Thigodus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why do people think that you and Thigodus were played by the same person? Just so everyone is clear, we weren't. Two completely different players. Anyways, I didn't ever know this character, but I thought I'd clear that up and stuff...uh..yeah.

31502, RE: Uh...
Posted by EmeraldLady on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
People think that? Hmm... Ansrtril and Thigodus were two COMPLETELY different characters. Not even close to similiar....
31521, RE: Uh...
Posted by Matthen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Coulda sworn you responded to Thigo's death thread as Martoonie... or am I wrong... my memory's horrible. Sorry!
31692, RE: Uh...
Posted by Martoonie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was not Thigo. I was Ghroth.
31508, RE: No elves were harmed in the making of this character.
Posted by Fungor. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is a good thing that you did not harm real elves in the character making process, and chose to use the illusions made by your bard songs, with the help of a team of skilled magi to create the special effects(invokers are pretty good in that stuff, you know). But anyway, goodbye and good luck to your next. What can I say, Anstril sure got productive in his last years. I guess you were on at bit different hours so I didn't really interact with you much.


P.S. I would still have read it, had you gone on. :D
P.P.S. Everyone seems to put Fungor in the 'tons of you'. :D
31510, RE: No elves were harmed in the making of this character.
Posted by EmeraldLady on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That makes two of us, hun.

31446, RE: (CON LOSS) [HERALD] Ansrtril DwinMitore the Grand Master of Artistry, Inspired Artiste
Posted by Krystia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, never explained why I started attacking you in town. When I saw the adamantite statue over bardnotes, I made up in my mind to attack you on sight. I don't recall us ever exchanging words about it though. A con loss is always admirable. Good luck with your next! :)
31449, Statue
Posted by Martoonie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Should have looked closer. That was Muuloc's doing, not mine. ;) It was a fun fight though. Thank you for attacking me and saving me from the coils. I would have enjoyed a chat with you and Tjok though I never seemed to find the time. Perhaps next go. Luck.

31456, RE: Statue
Posted by Krystia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah.. my mistake. Though, I probably would have found excuse to attack you anyway for being the one to send the note. No one in CF really fears a lone attacking healer. Sure, I may get in a few blows, but for the most part, everyone rolls their eyes and flees. I still like to think I'm fierce, though.
31444, RE: (CON LOSS) [HERALD] Ansrtril DwinMitore the Grand Master of Artistry, Inspired Artiste
Posted by Selessya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well heck! There is a line of extremely good Heralds dieing off now! We need to stop making this a trend, really! Let's hope Miaree and Ioniyeh don't suffer the same fate anytime soon.

Anyways, I liked Ansrtril a lot. There were some very good times, some strange times, and some bad times. All of which I hope you enjoyed, because I know I did. I always thought from the beginning that your thing with Eshval was sort of..uhm..strange? But it was definately unique, and sort of set a pace for a lot of others that are around right now, actually. And I think that separated you from everyone else. Good job! You also helped me with a lot of learning, as far as exploring goes, which I cannot thank you enough. There are so few people who are willing to just explore. But I could always count on you wanting to go somewhere, and do something--a real go-getter you know. And that is what always attracted me to your company. I often found myself wondering if you were going to be on, which you always were, gosh. But yeah, you really helped me mold myself, in a lot of ways. Although, I changed the character more than I would have liked, which you could obviously see. But you changed too. Which had a lot of people concerned and wondering. All in all though, you always did a pretty good job of roleplaying, and coming up with some unique ideas. Hope you come visit soon! And good luck.
31451, Selessya
Posted by Martoonie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gah. You were a constant source of frustration to the elf. Hot, cold. Hot, cold. Everytime I thought I had you pegged you did a 180 on me. It made it interesting for certain. I always liked seeing you show because I knew I was going to get to go see something else that I never saw before. Miaree really got me going with that and you supported my wanderlust well. Sorry about the fiasco in Trothon, I really wanted you to see more of it. Hoped you liked your painting. Oddly it was the most difficult for me to do, probably because it was someone else's idea, but I enjoyed doing it nonetheless. Like I said, I may just make another Heralds soon just to be able to continue some form of interaction with the group I have come to know and love. Then again most of the time it is best to just let it go. Regardless I will be watching you to see where you go with Selessya. Best of luck.
