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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Druszaal the Knight of the Apocalypse, Disciple of Zurcon
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=31195
31195, (CON LOSS) [None] Druszaal the Knight of the Apocalypse, Disciple of Zurcon
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Sep 18 21:47:09 2004

At 6 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 25th of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Druszaal perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
31198, Hell where to start...
Posted by Druszaal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This charecter was probably my most fun, even if I had absolutely NO success at PK...It was funny, because everyone seemed to think he WAS good at it. He changed COMPLETELY from the beginning, when I was actually going to go for a whole magical thing, and instead, ended up finding Zurcon and heading that direction instead. He was a merchant, though at the end of his life, he failed at that. He was going to try for the Chasm for a time, then I realized I would be dying soon, so he failed at that too...

In the end, he was just a broken elf, and ready for whatever Zurcon had in store for him, and rushing to his demise...

I tried to fight mostly alone, but had a couple of gangs, I'll admit it. And, I liked to keep an assassin or thief with me, since I couldn't see hidden...

But, onto the goodbyes. I met a LOT of people with this guy. So, if I forget to mention you...OOPS!

First off, friends:
Iyaiz - Probably my longest running ally, and even considered a friend...even if you DID assassinate me...:P Hell, we had some times, running around, but somehow you always managed to squirm away just before you croaked, and I got caught by the end, or from poison, or bleeding, or something else...*L* Hey, best of luck with the rest of your char's life...who you gonna get to summon Imperials outta their Palace now? :D

Kuraich - Another long-time ally. Thoguh, he had mixed feelings. You were useful, but tended to irritate him by trying to boss him around. But, you kept being useful, so he kept liking you. I know my use died quite a bit at the end, but when I was still on a roll, we did good together.

Ranyrnaril - Just possibly my most USEFUL ally, even if we only traveled a handful of times. Man...wish you could have been there at the end...would have had all sorts of fun with the Imperials...

Tredian - Well, we traveled, and except for a VERY bad druid incident, didn't hunt together. But, I enjoyed our talks, and he liked you.

Fribbie! - What a goofy assassin! Don't you know your supposed to be dark and humorless...however heard of an assassin named fribbie anyways...:P j/k You were a lotta fun, and I gotta say BIG thanks for getting me the last 500 xp to Unholy blessing, even if it ended up being my death in the end.

Dreaa - Damn...how come I didn't keep up with you. I'd have hero'd before I died! You ended up getting a lot of the things Druszaal wanted when we first met. Just turned out, i wasn't good enough yet...maybe next time. ;) Get those demons working good now...your the last disciple that I've seen around...btw, how many potions did I save you by summoning you all the time! *L*

Well...that's all the CLOSE people to me...so, now onto the enemies...he had a LOT

Liurnya - Probably my favorite enemy there was. Up until 5 con, I fought you everytime I saw ya, even though I knew I would die, even if I was next to naked. Don't know why, but you just struck me as a good person to die to, if I hadda die to someone. I was litterally at the altar, telling zurcon that I was going to have another take my final breath to pass me to him when you quit out...DAMMIT! Makes me wish I had just suicided on one of those deaths so we could have had our one last battle. You were the big reason why I ALWAYS faught villagers alone if I had any choice...Damn! I hated those impales though!

Bjai - Probably my next favorite(probably would have been right up there, had you not kicked the bucket so soon...) Man, how did I always manage to get away? Even plagued and poisoned up the arse, I would just happen to teleport to within 3 steps of a healer, or something...I loved how you fought me to the death in the tower that time, since I was starving to death. *L* Them grubs saved my life!

Dremkal - Man...how many times did you kill me? Hell, if I didn't have such a hard on for trying to put people to sleep and spelling them up, I might actually have stood half a chance at beting you when we were both dressed bad! And, the one time I DID try that, I ate the end of the polearm...that hurt...you were fun, but just keep in mind, DON'T BE SO NICE TO US ANTI-PALLYS!!! :D But, I enjoyed our talks...hope you have fun...

Friliwin - Out of the maybe 30 sleep spells, not ONE was successful...that pissed me off to no end. I even managed to sleep Liurnya once! And, once it failed, I knew I was toast...but just couldn't resist the temptation of making a spell stick to you, so I had to try every chance I had...

Mlyrarir - Hell, we fought a LOT. Towards the end I got really sloppy. I should have had you in the battlefields after I put your shapeshifter to sleep, but got so hopped up at it, that I goofed...oh well...such is life. Damn, not sure if I hated yoru plagues or Liurnya's impales worse...both had the tendency to cause me grief...but at least your plagues could b ehealed...

Preval - Been a LONG time...but way back when, I enjoyed our fights...

Etalia - Dang...wielding two heartseekers against a drow is just...wrong in so many ways...I thought I had you when I got it outta your hands with you blind, didn't notice you had the next until boom, was in my heart. I was surprised you never struck after that, but we had a bunch of nice talks...

Kiva - You know the really funny thing. My 14 year old niece has that name..spelled EXACTLY the same way! that's why I was so nice to you when you were still in the academy. If the rumor hadn't been that your weapon was strong, I never would have made you an enemy. But, dang...you smacked me around like a red-headed stepchild...that's why I grabbed help! I still can't believe you escaped that time...*L* with what, 5 people tripping you all at once? I never expected everyone to strike like that...I should have disarmed instead of tripping...that's what I was really after...

I know I've probably forgotten a bunch of people, but since I don't know how much I can put on here before it truncates...I'll end it here...

Oh, two last ones...
Scar - Thanks for the immteraction with a charecter all of what, two minutes old? *L* I doubt you would even remember it, but it stuck in my mind, and was why I started thinking about the Chasm...sorry I didn't make more of this char than I did.

Whoever played Zurcon for me to croak. That was cool thanks.

If you havn't played a Dark-Elf AP...try it! It's fun, even if it's harder to be good at than counting sand on a beach...If I was a better RP'er, I'd say that the RP was fun, but I did what I could, and got into my char...I think I might have to try another, less suicidal one... Until my next char! Have fun!
31204, Hey...
Posted by Ehlynn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Tredian - Well, we traveled, and except for a VERY bad druid

Hey....!! I resemble that remark. Bastid.

Good luck with your next.
31211, Ehlynn == Death for me
Posted by n8v_nerd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dang...you were the only person that I really and truely HATED to run into...because I knew as soon as I did, I'd be dead. No chance, no lucky shot that gets the kill, do not pass go, do not collect 1 druid soul.

YOU alone were the reason I stopped actively hunting your kind *L*. I just couldn't figure out a way to even stand half a chance, or even get away...darn hunt anyways...:P
31205, Much respect...
Posted by Liurnya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Players like you are the main reason I still play this crazy game. You were always up for a fight, even if death was probably coming your way. In that respect, we had something in common. Anyway I saw nothing but good things from you and I really wish you wouldn't have walked towards my side of eastern all those times. Out of character I really didn't want to kill you. Well you were certainly a great asset to the playerbase. Good luck with everything.
31212, Like I said, he's a bit suicidal...
Posted by n8v_nerd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly, I rushed headlong against ragers just for the small glimmer of hope I could get them asleep! :P But, hell, even that one time I got you asleep, you still managed it some how...my jaw literally dropped when you still pulled a pair of back-to-back MANGLES claw attacks on me...after that, I would just drain the rest of my mana on c plague...see what you caused! :D
31206, I was pulling for you
Posted by Fribby on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You don't really see a horde of Drow A-P's running around...so anything I could do to help you out was my pleasure.

As far as dark and humourless...well, I'm really sorry to dissapoint you...and while constantly talking in the third person pisses everyone off a bit(I would think), it is my personal mission in life to make them crack a smile behind the keyboard(even as you drive an axe into my side)...this is, after all, a game :P.
31210, *LOL* No doubt
Posted by n8v_nerd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, it was a blast. I really wish we had traveled some more, but such is life...

Had fun, and yeah, I cracked a few dozen of those smiles when we were talking :D
31207, Damn, I hated doing that.
Posted by Dremkal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The first time I killed you
I thought 'This guy has balls.'

After yesterday.. I just couldn't do it.
With anyone else I'd wait until I was dead for
a couple of these statements, but hell man
you were just cool. Something about throwing
yourself into the face of certain death, shrugging
it off and coming back for more just struck a chord
with me.

How the hell did I keep running into you?
I was trying to hunt anyone else ANYONE just so I
wouldn't have to do that again.
When you summoned me in the mountains I was frustrated and
killing you felt good. (I had the advantage in that my only
weapon I was carrying happened to be mithril :) )
Heh both of us thinking, Hrm, maybe if I kill him he'll have
something I can wear. *rofl*
in between my comp utterly locked up, had to reboot etc.
I come back and bam there you are, challenging me to a duel!
I went at you hard because I assumed you were prepped and ready
the way you stated it. Sick I know hoping for a death to you.
I figured the way you played you deserved it.
The third time I just happened to see you and gave chase, guessed each area you dissapeared at, hoping you would have gone another way.
So I could give up the chase and go after the people I was originally

After that I didn't have the heart for it. bad form for me.
I saw you on eastern stopped and sighed. waiting...
Then you got into it with another guy, whew.

I was given your position a couple of times and I just had
to say I killed you enough times today let someone else do it.

Glad you went to con death though. Always good to see a player who
does that. Eating mithril even when you get the first attack had to
suck for you. Demented that I was hoping to die to you, I felt you
earned it. As a player I would have looked on it as an honor to fall
to your blade.

With the kind of guts you had you'd make a great rager *hint hint*
get to rolling.. hehe.
Well enemy or ally see you next time around.
(Okay no more char stuff from me til I'm dead)
31209, Bah, was hunting anyone most the time
Posted by n8v_nerd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Most the time, I was hunting anyone, including you since it was during the time I was rushing along to con death(from about 7 con on). So don't feel bad. Was actually hoping to drop another AP for the blade so i'd have half a chance, but hey, ragers were always a thrill.

Yeah, mithril sucked, especially since I always managed to run into the big-hitter type of skills with someone wielding it, but hey, that's the name of the game!

As far as ragers go...I tried on once, but old player habits of potions of return just don't go away *L*
31197, aww man
Posted by Iyaiz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
we practically grew up toghther! and could tell you were kinda new at PK at least I went on vacation for two weeks, came back and you were the same rank, made me sad =(

anyway you were always upbeat no matter how bad you got rocked, I wanted to drag you through collecting souls but a drow ap, just made it to hard

anyway, come back as a fire axe and power to pincer

I may shoot you an email after I'm dead if you dont mind.

good job and good luck with the next.
31199, RE: aww man
Posted by n8v_nerd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*LOL* Naw, I'm not new...been playing forever, I just suck at PK with an AP!!! At least a drow one...

Man, I had the tendency to stay at the same rank for months on end...usually right before I got something big like sleep, or unholy...mostly because I would get close, then BOOM! bad teleport...or I'd just be stupid while walking around...

Hell, I was only frustrated once, and that was the first time I actually died to a PK, the guy was even going to give my things back, but then got blackjacked, and the thief stole it all from him! *LOL* At least the thief looted me in an original way! I think I typed delete, then cancelled it...decided to just ride it out. From there, I just figured, what the hell. Why stress the eq...I was almost as likely to land a kill in Diana gear as uberhero stuff...might have survived a little better if I grabbed more things thgouh...*L*

As far as the fire giant warrior goes...man, I hate suck at warriors worse than drow ap's! I LIKE the ability to teleport if something goes bad...just wish I had word on top...would save me tons of mob-deaths...It was cool having you there at the end...seemd "right" *L* Should have had you come down and assassinate me at the altar instead of letting the imm plague me to death! *L* But, I liked the way that turned out too...

But, like I said, best of luck with the rest of this guy, and Hunt them Imperial dogs into the ground! :P and, sure, pop me an email
31196, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Druszaal the Knight of the Apocalypse, Disciple of Zurcon
Posted by Krystia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow... big time ouch... Sorry to see you go. I liked you as an enemy. I remember the one fight we had in the Weald where you'd walk in and I kept throwing up blade barrier just as you cast a spell. Afterwards, you said something like "well done" and that was it. I always like to people who don't talk negatively afterwards. Good luck with your next! :)
31200, Ugh! That one irritated me...
Posted by n8v_nerd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*L* First time I ever fought a healer, believe it or not, and drows aren't known for being able to take too many ***DEVASTATES***...

I really didn't care if I died, since at the time, I would usually be able to return the kill. As it turned out, that was right at the turning point where I stopped being effective at ALL...had I known that, I might have ran instead of c sleep...*L* Wish we had spoken more, I liked fights with you and your buddies almost as much as those with the Villagers...