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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Tinfalan the Legend of the Battlefield
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31004, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Tinfalan the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Sep 15 03:34:02 2004

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 26th of the Month of the Ancient Darkness
on the Theran calendar Tinfalan perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
31007, It's been a fun ride.
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well what can I say. This was one of my most successful characters ever. I loved Kaz and Erinphalis, but not like I loved Tinfalan. Anyone can take a bard or a shifter with good forms and turn them into mean things. But I felt I did a lot with an elf warrior. Had the idea kicking around in my head for a dagger/mace balance char for a long long time, but it was originally a duergar. But then I heard about Jinroh and didn't want to copy anybody or be seen as doing so. This was the first character I truly played since Erinphalis in the summer of 2003. So there was a lot of things to relearn and the like. I decided to go with village because I hated them so much back in the day, always hated village and refused to ever play one. So I figured what better time to play one, than when I had no qualms about anyone in the game. As it turns out I had a ton of fun and respect Villagers to a point I never thought possible before. The death was coming for a long time, but I got scarce for the last two weeks cause I wanted to live to see a Rites first hand. And they cut my internet off this past week, had to play the rites from a friends house and didn't even have the same client. So I did horrible heh. Anyhow it took me a bit to get inducted, and when I did I just started having so much fun. I really felt like I accomplished a lot. I felt I played a Villager the best possible way for me, sure there are times I should have killed a mage even though he was fighting someone else, but that has just never been in me. This was my first elf warrior, first mace spec, first dagger spec, and first char in a year and a half, so I know i had to sound very very new at times. Balance of the Sisters was great, though that bug with dual wielding really messes people with this legacy over. Harmonious Equillibrum... GODLIKE. Anyhow, this is getting hella long so I'm going to move on to goodbyes and just reply to people with specific questions.

Kastellyn and Ordasen - I never really interacted with either of you.
I once got a well done from Kastellyn and just wasn't on similar playing times I fear.

Jinroh - I really tried to live up to you. Strength and Honor... you represented what Tinfalan wanted to become. Someone known throughout Thera for his courage and willingness to be honorable, although often stupid for doing so, heh. You were Tinfalan's hero more or less.

Sabiene - Always fun to just sit and discuss things with you, sorry for not taking your advice on balance of the sisters, but it's what I made the character for from the very beginning so it was very hard to turn away from.

Liurnya - I think I covered most everything in my note, Had I had longer to RP it out I really wanted to take you on as sort of a daughter figure, but I just didn't have the time so I sorta rushed those feeling out to you heh, keep trucking, just learn from your mistakes and enjoy the game.

Saresha - My first sister. You helped me out so often, always gearing me and just being there to answer questions and stuff. I really wished I had seen more of you here lately.

Acaga - Fricking BEAST. God you were just... wholly powerful. I loved standing behind you and making all four imperial council members bleed, so that I at least felt like I helped a little while you killed them all.

Iborenn - Well done on Commander, I think you'll do the Village well so long as you take care of the other stuff you and I discussed =P Always liked how you would show off your elf-skin gear and I would just sneer at you lol.

Tonri - Another one that I grew up with. I always loved asking you for bandages cause I never knew what kind of assinine comment you'd make about me asking for them heh, you play the part of defender very well (when your groupmate isn't sneaking =P)

On to my enemies for now, There are so many friends and enemies, if I didn't mention you it's for fear of getting too long, so respond and I'll respond.


Blitzenturt - The one with Courage. The one that made me shake in my boots and wonder if I was going to live this time. You were just... anti-tinfalan. too much damage too quick. it was too hard to stop. Tinfalan always respected you. Always looked forward to fighting you. I think you did well as Emperor and I hope you live your character to his fullest potential.

Urog - Crack me the hell up. You are the only person, and I mean the ONLY person, that I could die to in a gang, and just be like "I like that guy." Cause you gave me a chance, and your character responded just as I felt they should have. Like I was superior in combat, so you just made sure you could win. Well done man, well done.

Lothorectred - Never really interacted save for a few fights, and for the most part I think I did well in those.

Jhishesh, Shanta, 87 other thieves - Jhishes was the epitome of people I despised. You not once fought me one on one, and acted special when you killed me. Always pissed me off. Guess level 30 summon behind cent perv bs works at hero, and that just pissed me off to know end. Not dissing you, just saying that I hated that, and that's just how I felt.

Saayyasse (sp) - I respected you for coming back and fighting me in our mid-20's in chessmasters, just wanted you to know that.

Wojif/vandryn - as everyone else who's gone before me has said, you are quite possibly the worst warriors I've ever seen in my life. I have no idea how Wojif got War Master. I've got a log where I kill you without ever losing hp. Once again not trying to dis, but not once did you guys ever respond to me, except Vandryn declining duels.


Aytak - Crazy ass mage. Always talking to me like we were friends, reminds me of how I used to treat villagers as Kazahando heh. You're very scary, and it wasn't til I was halfway to con dying before I found out bloodthirst gave area effect spellbane. Once I found that out handling you was just a little (emphasis on little) bit easier.
Well done though, well done indeed.

Trotat - already said goodbye to you, but felt the need to do so again, I always liked you, thought you were one cool guy even when you were ganging heh. Nice job.

Vezran - Good job tonight, never really interacted, but I know you can be fearsome. keep up the good work.

Tribunal - I think I was lucky to go two sessions without getting wanted. Tinfalan hated it when Lawman would stand in town and a mage would too, so he would make sure the mages didn't think they were safe just cause a little old thing like a tribunal was in town.

Amtheia - I never liked you. The first time I ever met you, you basically told me to commit suicide. And that is just something I thought a paladin should never do. Turning myself in is one thing, but killing myself.... jeez. I did feel bad for killing you that time I was after Soriah, but you were standing in my way so I did what I had to.

Kap/odrirg - You both get the same spot, cause I loved fighting you both. Well played on both accounts.


Raja - Your'e the only one I'm going to list cause I'm getting really tired, I think I covered how tinfalan felt in the note I sent you, but I loved to interact with you. Originally I started talking to you to show how Tinfalan felt about race and align/ethos. That drow were just like elves to Tin, the world only had to shades. Magical and not. That's what I held to, and I really liked the RP that I got from the both of you.

One last shout out goes to Arvam, sorry I left so soon, I was really hoping to eventually try for your tattoo so this character could be my first tattoo as well.

Latez everyone.

Tibaloa, Lordren, Kazahando, Barendd, Erinphalis, and now Tinfalan
31008, I also really wanted to mention Calheil
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You.... confused me. I had no idea if you were friend or foe or who or what.... I mean. if you were on, I was either going to end up fighting you, fighting alongside you, or just running around near you wondering if it was going to be both.... I hear you're an awesome thief, and well done man.
31012, Goodbye bud
Posted by Tonri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man,
You were great, and I really wanted you to last longer. Stinkin elves and their vitality. Don't worry though, the Empire is making a point of coming after me in groups so I might not be too far behind in this con loss battle. (especially when it feels like 50% of the heros or more can see me in the shadows) You were awesome though, and I knew we would have fun together when we were hunting or the like.

31015, You forgot favourite annoying shifter.
Posted by Jaflekab on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know you hated the hell out of me, and think I am cheap most likely, and ####, but to be honest, I never ask people for help, they just happen to show up. I am in form 95% of the time, and only talk to mock villagers. So think what you want, but thats life. We had some good fights, You would land the dagger kills long before anyone other race dagger spec. so that was annoying.

- Jaflekab
31043, Annoying does not come close to my thoughts of you =P
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everytime I'd type who pk and you'd be at the top of the list, I'd just do the following... "cb I'm going to the Village to defend the giant." Then everyone would be like, but no one is attacking? And I'd just say to wait a moment. five seconds later, the giants screaming. I always enjoyed our fights honestly, just really frustrating fighting a lemur that can regen so well heh. Anyhow, farewell from this fallen soldier ya bloody bastid =P
31018, Nice work.
Posted by Derafhac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed fighting you (I learned some things, I hope you did too - fighting a dagger spec? Quaff haste - don't get quickening.) and enjoyed fighting alongside you after we figured out where we were standing - although as I remember our forays into imperial lands were never very successful.

Good luck with the next. I tend to agree with your perceptions of individual imperials.

I liked harmonious too.

I'm ranking up the new one.

31023, You'll be missed
Posted by Aytak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah there were two really close fights we had, though in both it involved me defending and you and a couple of others or so. That one time when I was lucky to escape with my life, when it was just villagers, I was stunned when you fell because you didn't realize how hurt you were. It went from me facing four to facing two, and you guys broke off the attempt at that point.

Tinfalan was gutsy, brave and showed honor. An excellent villager. When we did have our little twist about something that happened you were willing to fight one on one even though it probably wasn't the best thing considering the battleground.

As to why Aytak talks to villagers as he does there are a few reasons, same based on his perception of foes and some based on the player behind him. When I age die I'll let you know from the player viewpoint, from Aytak's, villagers are just misguided and though dangerous they are not as deadly in his eyes as are gangs of imperials or fortress people. Granted three warriors on you while you try to defend is brutal, but in general villagers aren't the mass gank squad(ers) most other cabals tend to sometimes be.

Good luck with the next and great character!
31029, Funny stuff
Posted by Jhisheshh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's pretty funny, but you just have a skewed view of things. I think I did fight you alone once or twice, but you seem to think that my killing you with others was somehow based on fear or a desire to gang you. It wasn't. Rather it was that your times online were virtually always when there were several empire folks on and why shouldn't I take advantage of that? If someone says to me let's go kill tinfalan, should I say no, I will fight him alone or not at all? Of course not.

You just had bad timing.

I have no idea what you mean about acting special when you died. I'd be quite surprised if I said anything to you different (or much different) than what is said to all the people who Jhishesh kills. Maybe you started talking trash and so I responded, but then you have only yourself to blame for that, no?

Also, I don't know who those 87 other thieves are, do you? You mentioned Urog and Shanta. That's all I know about. Please introduce me to the others, I could always use another good thief.

I thought you were a solid fighter, and from what is being said by others I was not alone in that belief. You did a good job being a villager, especially given it was your first villager and your first time with so many aspects of the warrior. Props to you for that.

Anyway, there will be more when I am gone. Stay tuned, boppers.
31042, Yeah...
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's why I said I wasn't trying to bitch or anything, that was your char and I respected that. It was just frustrating at times. I didn't want you to think I was attacking you as a player, and by acting special I just meant always telling me to take the bloodoath lol, anyhow I didn't want you to think I was targetting you, just the character. I think you did a good job RPing the way your char was, and always sticking to it. Just annoying as hell heh
31030, Elves, bleh
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, you never stopped amazing me with your willingness to just throw yourself in the battle even as a lowhp elf and even occassionaly come out on top too.
May your cranials never miss.
31032, RE: It's been a fun ride.
Posted by Nivek1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was always a pleasure fighting you.

31034, RE: It's been a fun ride.
Posted by Giantman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a fun ride, good job on the char, and good luck in the future. I enjoyed the relationship between me an Tin, and I'm sure I'll be seeing you in the graveyard soon.

31037, RE: It's been a fun ride.
Posted by Liurnya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmm....what can I say. Your notes about me were probably the main reason I ever got inducted...so Liurnya always was thankful and looked up at you for seeing potential in her. You also helped me get used to things at the start etc....anyway too bad our times didn't mesh at the end and you were running out of con. Last night was just.....ugly. I hate you Vezran for embarassing us like that. Anyway i hope you come back with another, I'm sure i'll enjoy it as much I did Tinfalan.
31039, Wow.
Posted by Dremkal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's what I thought when I first walked up to the
giant and did where.
(Had no idea you were a villager until then)
An elf, He must have steel ball-bearings for balls.
Then I find you are a dagger spec AND a berserker.
amend that to titanium balls.

I am truly sorry to not have gotten to know you better.
Personal life is cutting down on CF time for me for
a while so I'm not so sure I'll ever see the inside of
the village, but if I do, I'm sure it is a lesser place
without you in it.

(I figure revealing the wanna-be villager thing is no
big deal on here as anyone who doesn't know already
it doesn't affect, and Drem makes it pretty obvious
to begin with.)

31040, Nice job
Posted by Vezran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You managed to be a relatively tough bastard despite being an elf dagger/mace. I still wonder what was going through your head when you made that decision, but you made it pan out. Way to be.

That fight was pretty fun last night. I was looking forward to more of those; I just didn't know you were that close to con-death.

Good luck on your next.
31047, Thanks.
Posted by Gelcoa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This being my first rager you really helped me out alot. It was funny watching a elf kick so much ass, well see ya around.
31071, RE: It's been a fun ride.
Posted by Saayayse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Saayyasse (sp) - I respected you for coming back and fighting
>me in our mid-20's in chessmasters, just wanted you to know

Hey thanks. I will post more on Saayayse's attitude when I am gone... I always enjoy fighting ragers because I can count on the fight being interesting and usually one-on-one. That fight in the chessmaster's was quite pleasing :P Good luck with your next.

PS: No one seems to get my name right, I don't know why. I would think there are many others much more difficult! Saa, Yay!, Say. :P
31085, heh
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had a few fights (Zkatholef) which all ended up with me running iirc.

I do remember one funny moment though when you were attacking me and Raja, and I kept telling Raja to blackjack you. Only afterwards did it emerge that Raja hadn't bought a blackjack or practiced the skill. Or at least that's what she said. heh.

I also remember you separating me from a semi-strong zombie army, just after I assembled it, which was annoying. I always hoped protections would allow me to soak up damage long enough to use my wands, but they never did.

Thought you were gutsy. Well done.
31086, Heh
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure as to the reality of that, given Raja and I's relationship, but yeah I remember the fight. Down in Svirf city. As well your zombies... well I used them to perfect parting blow =P Couldn't get my credit card to work for my premium, so I guess I'll just hope someone had a good interest in my character heh
31168, Tinfalan
Posted by Xaden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know we didn't spend a whole lot of time together but at least you could have mentioned me, even if you didn't like me.
I watched you grow up from early twenties then eventully passing me in ranks it was rather impressive to see someone try so hard. It is something I love about battle and almost only battle has it. In any case I dont have alot to say at the moment time is always tight for me so I will just say good luck on your next I hope you enjoy another villager soon.
31185, Never really saw you....
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think out of the 260 hours I had you and I were logged on at the same time like 4 times. I thank you for inducting me, and the on-the-fly induction so I could kill Corilanth was great heh. Thanks for helping turn this into my favorite character by helping me with getting into Battle.
31208, RE: It's been a fun ride.
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kastellyn and Ordasen - I never really interacted with either of you. I once got a well done from Kastellyn and just wasn't on similar playing times I fear.

Considering the majority of your character's life was played out while I was gone, you did manage to impress me during the short, short period where we overlapped. You played (and did quite well with) the kind of character that is both memorable and challenging. And is also a great method for learning more of the nuances of the game. As you can see from the comments below, your choice of race/specs and legacy surprised a lot of people - but despite these 'handicaps', you easily held your own in a lot of situations. I thought your dedication to the Village and your adherance to the tenents in the War Room were worth mentioning as well.

Again, well done, and I hope you enjoy your next as much as you've enjoyed this one.

31251, That made my day...
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Always hoped I had done well in you and Ordasen's eyes, now if only the old Warlord would let me know his thoughs *wink wink*
31254, Well FINE...
Posted by ordasen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, have been meaning to respond to your thread for a bit now, but just get side track every time it comes up in my head. Anyway...

I watched you alot and was impressed with you and your actions. You took a combo not often done and in fact did well with it. You were never afraid to jump into a fight, and showed more balls then many. You would at times get your ass handed to you and you would get back up and keep trucking, which to me is the true spirit of a rager.

I really didn't want you to die in the rites, but as well did not want to limit you from being in them. And in the end, I did try to get you some con for it, but it didn't work out.

So well done, and good luck on the next char.
31253, Sheesh!
Posted by Khard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, one hell of an elf. Guess I did not make that great of an impression after all, but oh well, just keep trying. Didn't get to work with you much, but you seemed to know what you were doing. Good luck with your next.

31293, RE: It's been a fun ride.
Posted by Blitz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Blitzenturt - The one with Courage. The one that made me shake in my boots and wonder if I was going to live this time. You were just... anti-tinfalan. too much damage too quick. it was too hard to stop. Tinfalan always respected you. Always looked forward to fighting you. I think you did well as Emperor and I hope you live your character to his fullest potential.

I always thought very highly of Tinfalan, and it pinnacled when you killed me. When it happened, because you were the underdog in our fights, I had a recollection of that movie Little Giants. I remembered the quote by the little brother coach where he said something along the lines of "If we can beat them just one time out of the hundred times". There you go. I came back, got all my stuff, just like you got all your stuff in our fights. And there was the sign that we did respect each other. I even caballed the message somewhere near the time of the Rites, that you should be named Veteran. Now that is some major respect, for an Emperor to mention you in that regard IC, you deserved it.

P.S. The time you killed me, I am fairly certain was without Rager powers, even more the reason I give you props. Though I had just killed another Villager. :)
31334, Agreed.
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tin hated the Empire because they still had a sect that was built primarily of True Mages, and the Empire relied on that. But in his eyes you never represented that. You reminded me of the way I played Tin. The Village was my home, and if you ever ####ed with it, you were going to have to fight me for it. So I had a great deal of respect for you. And I just looked at my premium, and wow that was a lot of practice to get almost everything perfected. See ya in the fields.
31423, Khasotholas
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the comment on the premium, I'm very proud of that heh. I'm curious what fight spawned that however? If you feel the need to reply cool, if not, thanks once again.
31006, Much respect is due to the elf
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An elf... and a mace and dagger specialist to boot... and a BERSERKER! How is this going to work? After seeing it played I must say it worked out great. We first met at the gates where I and a good aligned immortal messed with you, and you took it all with stride. And then you grew up kicking ass, taking names, and then getting your name taken from big angry groups. But you kept your chin up, and continued to war. Then you joined in the Rites, and did great. All in all a good berserker walking the fine line goods must walk in the village. Its a lot tougher path than what most think. I'm glad I came about when I did and found out you were ghostly and about to fade. Hope I made it special. We had a strange relatinship, duergar defender somewhat friendly with an elf berserker. Will wonders never cease?

Good luck with your next.
31009, I thoroughly enjoyed the exit. Thank you. n/t
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM