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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectZkatholef - betrayals
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=30965
30965, Zkatholef - betrayals
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Expect he'll autodelete in a couple of weeks.

Basically he viewed himself as a scholar. A seeker of forbidden secrets but unconcerned with the petty squabbles between rival factions. He pretty much took whatever was offered to him and gave as little as possible in return, as some people eventually worked out.

Just a few little tid-bits from his life that people might be interested in...

<693hp 1102m 581mv 19873tnl indoor 12 PM civilized>
Derafhac attempts a sweeping gut shot!
Derafhac +++DISEMBOWELS+++ Tiamat!
Tiamat is DEAD!
You hear Tiamat's death cry.
You receive 2580 experience points.
Derafhac gets 76 gold coins from the corpse of Tiamat.
Derafhac splits 76 gold coins. Your share is 25 gold coins.
Derafhac gets 31 silver coins from the corpse of Tiamat.
Derafhac splits 31 silver coins. Your share is 10 silver coins.
Derafhac gets 16 copper coins from the corpse of Tiamat.
Derafhac splits 16 copper coins. Your share is 5 copper coins.
You see no pendant here for you to take.
Aytak has some small but disgusting cuts.

<693hp 1102m 581mv 19873tnl indoor 12 PM civilized> You get an etched dragonscale pendant from the corpse of Tiamat.

Bazrak and Aytak also helped kill Tiamat, and we all wanted the pendant, so...

Aytak tells the group 'She just had the pendant or?'

Aytak tells you 'Let me identify it'

I pretend to misunderstand and give him something else to identify.

Aytak tells the group 'nay wanted to identify the pendant'

You tell your group 'Makes ye much stronger, and makes ye resist breath'

Aytak whispers to you 'Just so you know, I'm somewhat disappointed in you.'

You tell Aytak 'How so?'

You tell Aytak 'I intend to keep my word'

which was...

You tell Aytak 'We can find some way of gambling'
You tell Aytak 'We each pick three numbers'
You tell Aytak 'someone goes to the inn'
You tell Aytak 'and if one of us has more numbers come up than the other, they get the pendant'

I kind of liked this plan, which had one (intentional) flaw. I was wanted, so couldn't go myself. Therefore we would find someone mutually acceptable to do it.

Aytak tells you 'Untrusting enough that you wouldn't let me identify it.'

Damn right. Zkatholef fled to the surface after poisoning the mage that taught him, so betrayal is something to be expected. In fact, on the subject of betrayal, why not use the infighting amongst the scions, and get Sargataneous to help me? Doubly interesting since I'd wheedled his ingredients out of him and arranged for one to be counterfeited. However, he kept dying and losing them so I gave up on that and decided not to oppose him, but only give him info about his items that I knew he already had.

You tell Sargataneos 'Would ye be willing to do me a favor?'

You tell Sargataneos 'Much coin in it for thee'

Sargataneos tells you 'That depends on what the favor is.'

You tell Sargataneos 'Well... before we discuss that, can I assume that our understanding is stronger than that you have with the other scions?'

Sargataneos tells you 'Yes, you can assume that.'

You tell Sargataneos 'Very well'

<698hp 1107m 581mv 19873tnl indoor 9 AM wilderness>
Sargataneos tells you 'It is somewhat close to the truth as well.'

You tell Sargataneos 'We gained a pendant from Tiamat'

You tell Sargataneos 'I proposed we sent someone not wanted to gamble at the inn'

You tell Sargataneos 'We each picked numbers'

You tell Sargataneos 'And whoever's number comes up most gets it'

You tell Sargataneos '100 gold for you if you say the number I tell you has come
up twice'

Sargataneos tells you 'I can do that, yes.'

You tell Sargataneos 'And I will increase my efforts to locate this band'

Heh. Or not.

Sargataneos tells you 'Increase it to its limit.'

Sargataneos tells you 'I come to the Inn now.'

You tell Sargataneos 'Excellent. It now only remains to convince the others'

Meanwhile Bazrak tries to offer wand locations for it...

Bazrak tells you 'what think?'

You tell Bazrak 'I think I would prefer to gamble as agreed'

Bazrak tells you 'can gamble now then?'

Bazrak tells you 'come Inn?'

You tell Bazrak 'The scions are busy still'

Bazrak tells you 'not need other, do fair'

Bazrak tells you 'just make sure he not number us pick'

You tell Bazrak 'The others must be aware of what happens'

Bazrak tells you 'ok'

You tell Bazrak 'Besides, it is Aytak and I that cannot get in the inn'

Bazrak tells you 'have find other gamble then'

Bazrak tells you 'other time then'

Sargataneos tells you 'I await at the Inn.'

You tell Sargataneos 'Ye sure it is safe?'

Sargataneos tells you 'It seems to be.'

Aytak tells you 'Do we gamble?'

You tell Aytak 'Aye, as I have to leave soon'

You tell Aytak 'I suppose we pick two numbers each and Bazrak gets the two we do not pick'

Aytak tells you 'How are we doing this?'

You tell Aytak 'Whoever's numbers come up more than the others gets it'

You tell Aytak 'As soon as one number has'

Aytak tells you 'Who is the one who is checking the numbers for us?'

You tell Aytak 'so if we each get one, then we roll again'

You tell Aytak 'Sargataneos any good?'

You tell Aytak 'He doesn't know how I feel about him so if I ask he might'

You tell Sargataneos 'Just talking to Aytak now'

Aytak tells you 'Sure if you can convince him to do it'

You tell Aytak 'Alright. Let me ask'

You tell Sargataneos 'He has agreed that you can do it'

You tell Sargataneos 'Don't admit ye are in the inn just yet'

You tell Aytak 'So, do you want to pick numbers first, or shall I?'

You tell Sargataneos 'We can pass the coin by summoning'

Aytak tells you 'Feel free or I will I don't care really. '

You tell Aytak 'I pick 3 and 5 then'

Sargataneos tells you 'You mean the one hundred coins? You can simply hand me those after we are finished with the deception.'

Aytak tells you 'then I'll take 2 and 4'

You tell Sargataneos 'Aye, though I didn't want us to be seen together, but fine'

Sargataneos tells you 'As for the band, it would be most useful if you asked your allies about it as well.'

You tell Sargataneos 'I have asked a select few, but will continue to do so'

Actually I never bothered, that I recall.

You tell Sargataneos 'Very well. I have picked the numbers 3 and 5, so if ye could say 3 4 5 came up when you "spin"?'

Aytak tells you 'As I said though, if I win and try it and the healing is greatly reduced I'll let you use it till you are about to become.'

You tell Aytak 'and as I said, when I incubate, it is yours anyhow'

Actually I had no intention of handing it over.

Sargataneos tells you '"Spin"? I am unfamiliar with this gambling.'

Sargataneos tells you 'I am simply to tell them that your numbers were 3, 4, and 5- yes?'

You tell Sargataneos 'You have to give the gambler 3 gold'

You tell Sargataneos 'wait'

You tell Sargataneos 'no'

You tell Sargataneos 'You need to make sure you can gamble first'

Sargataneos tells you 'Ah, I see what you mean. I will be the one gambling.'

You tell Sargataneos 'east of the bar'

You tell Sargataneos 'is a gambler'

You tell Sargataneos 'give him 3 gold, and he should roll the dice'

Sargataneos tells you 'Yes, he rolled them after I told him a number.'

You tell Sargataneos 'try that, and I'll reimburse the gold'

You tell Sargataneos 'Aye'

You tell Sargataneos 'So, claim the numbers that came up were 3 5 4'

Sargataneos tells you 'Very well.'

You tell Sargataneos 'That wins it for me since two of those are mine, and one is Aytak's'

You tell Sargataneos 'let me know when ye tell him'

Sargataneos tells you 'I have told him.'

You tell Aytak 'apparently the numbers were 3 5 4, he says'

Aytak tells you 'Aye he just told me as well.'

You tell Aytak 'He wants three gold off me now, but I can live with that'

You tell Sargataneos 'It is done. I will bring thee the money'

You tell Sargataneos 'I can't come in the inn though'

Aytak tells you 'Aye, just let me know when you prepare to cross over.'

Sargataneos tells you 'Meet me at the altar north of the inn.'

You tell Aytak 'I imagine you will likely be there'

You tell Sargataneos 'River north of Tar Valon ok?'

Sargataneos tells you 'I await on the river.'

You tell Sargataneos 'Actually, outside the northeast gate of the ruined city'

You tell Sargataneos 'I teleported to the Temple of Loch Grymner'

You tell Sargataneos 'Can't walk past the guards to reach thee myself'

You tell Sargataneos 'Don't be alarmed by my barrier magic. I teleported near to Tinf
alin before'

You yell 'Hail'

Sargataneos tells you 'Really. Don't be alarmed by my shield then.'

<698hp 1107m 446mv 19873tnl outdoor 6 AM civilized>
A grove of shady trees

<698hp 1107m 443mv 19873tnl outdoor 7 AM wilderness>
Luagde Road

A sign points northeast towards Temple of Loch Grynmear
(Ghostly) Sargataneos is here.

<698hp 1107m 440mv 19873tnl outdoor 7 AM civilized>

Sargataneos utters the words, 'armor of living bone'.
Jointed spikes of bone erupt from the spine of Sargataneos!
Sargataneos's spinal eruption MUTILATES him!
The bones wrap themselves around Sargataneos in a protective casing.
You bow deeply.

<698hp 1107m 440mv 19873tnl outdoor 7 AM civilized>
You can no longer breathe in water.

<698hp 1107m 487mv 19873tnl outdoor 7 AM civilized>
Sargataneos nods.

<698hp 1107m 487mv 19873tnl outdoor 7 AM civilized>
Sargataneos looks at you.

<698hp 1107m 487mv 19873tnl outdoor 7 AM civilized>
You give Sargataneos 103 gold.

immediately teleport...

<698hp 1107m 487mv 19873tnl outdoor 7 AM civilized>

And it is done
31114, The pendant fiasco.
Posted by Shadowmaster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

1. I knew what you were doing by not giving the pendant up but I was not sure if you had already given it to Aytak.

2. If we all met up to gamble for it and you did not have wraithform up I had planned on bashing you right off since you were taking so long. Plus Aytak said you would never be a Scion so I was not worried about reprisals.

3. I had to go to frigging work! So therefore I had not the time or patience to argue about how best to go about finding out who got it. Well played on that end, you took just long enough to drop me out of the race!

4. Of course I was at like 106hp and no invoker shields when Tiamat died so I could not even be in the room spamming get all corpse, BAH!

Well done.
31119, Travels, pendants and what have you...
Posted by Aytak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well initially I liked Zkath and figured that he'd make both a solid ally/groupmate and we'd compliment eachother class-wise. I say initially but this was a long time really. The pendant fiasco I knew was a staged thing, but as one particular player said to Aytak a long while back, greed kills. I did actually believe you about the fact that you might hand it over when you incubated, purely because it would serve no purpose for you after that, my mistake. But in the end I saw the healer with it on and he mentioned you gave it to him and I knew we were through, though I still acted congenial towards you. The simple fact that you got Sargataneos or whatever his name was to do the footwork threw all chance of fairness out the window. I'm sure you could have gotten him down a bit in price based on just keeping it from me, you said too much by informing him of the whole sordid deal and who all was involved.

That time I died and you the shifter and Derafhac were unwilling to, either singly or together aid in defending even though my shields and so forth were (we thought) necessary for some of the item gathering for your quest, made me resent you all. After that I didn't really make an effort to aid you three or in some cases even acknowledge your existence unless there was something of use in it for Aytak.

Regardless, you knew the game well and were a potent necromancer. I'm still not absolutely certain why it was that Mekantos said that you'd never be Scion. But usually in such cases it's wise not to ask, considering the Imm's see more than we do. Anyway, good luck with whateve you've got on your plate and the good times were fun as were the bad.
30969, Well..
Posted by Kak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Somehow I knew it was you, well, somehow. Your "way of doing things", plus the fact that you 'used' ooc knowledge (in that you knew who I was; although you gave a good explanation IC for it) gave me a rather good hint. You were extremely slippery, and hardly showed on the places frequented by thieves. I could most likely have robbed you blind that one time in the steppes, but I chose to give blackjack a try. Bad luck/guess on my part. From what I've seen from you, well done.. as usual. I'll see you around.
30973, heh. actually I didn't
Posted by Zkat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
People moan about Kak a LOT. Believe me, any evil mage has heard of Kak.

I avoid thieves in general, but you were the thief that evil mages hated most because you always took wands and then left the mage unable to get his revenge.

That time in the Steppes was super-annoying because I was trying the explore the damn place.
30976, Oh, that reminds me too
Posted by Zkat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't know if you noticed but I was fogging quite a lot whilst in the steppes. Not trying to catch you, but rather because I search for hidden mobs when I explore a place, so had you just followed me around and robbed me, there is a small chance I'd have fogged you out.
30966, people
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A few words about the characters in Zkatholef's life...

Aytak - my main buddy from the early days, until he figured out that I wasn't going to get myself killed to help him, at which point we didn't travel again. You knew your stuff, and we did pretty well together when we were allies. Enjoyed your company, even though you probably hated me when you died to those two fortress guys and I said I didn't come to help because you never asked me to. That was just an excuse not to come, but one Zkatholef himself half believed, because he didn't like to admit he was afraid of anything.

Derafhac - you were pretty cool. Staunch ally, and as a svirf, not one that I feared betrayal from. Therefore I was happier to be allied with you than with the scions.

Mekantos - Zkatholef got sick of wasting his time with you, and came to the realisation that freedom of choice gave him more power than the scion magic ever would. Sadly, it took me this to make me realise it:

Spoke with Dralyth. Got a recommendation. Dralyth deletes two days later. Mekantos says because he's dead it doesn't count, and that I have to speak with Kung.

I speak with Kung. Get a task to kill some enemies of the chasm. Now, this is something I've already done on a few occasions, but for this purpose, all I need are the bodies. So I locate some imperial corpses and tell Kung that it was me that killed them. I get a recommendation out of it. Speak to Mekantos. He tells me to rank up (I'm about rank 22 at this stage). Kung deletes two days later. I rank up to about 35 before I see Mekantos again. Mekantos says that because Kung is now dead it doesn't count, and that I have to speak to Sargataneos.

I speak to Sargataneos. Basically offer to tell him where his items are if he gets me into scion, even though I only know where 2 of the 4 are from. He gives me a qualified recommendation but says there is something negative in it, but won't tell me what.

Mekantos then tells me I'll never be a scion. Now, ooc, I suspect that means that I need to persevere. Ic, however, Zkatholef decides that the scions can rot for all he cares, and he's not wasting any more time on them. Almost immediately after that, Aytak realises that I'm not really interested in helping them.

Tribs. Damn you guys were annoying. I'd have Velandir (of the fortress) repeatedly tessing to me with angels and archons, Tambar gating to me (which he learnt not to do), Thalenor and some other shifter flying to me (which I think they also learnt not to do). Taken all together, it was a full-time job fending off attacks and I had no time to do any exploring like I wanted.

Kaplanov: You seemed to think I feared you. Not really. We fought once in a group v group, my group of three killing one of your group of four, when you used your titanium spear against lightning shielded me. You had a thief in your group. Between you, stun and blackjack was the way to go, and you'd have torn us up. Yes, I did eventually break off that combat because when I summoned Althrsis no one on my group has hitting him, and meanwhile I was getting summoned into your group half the time and a disarm would have lost me a nice weapon since my dex was a bit crappy. Anyway, it is your job to catch criminals, not my job to fight you. I prefered to surprise tribs and I only killed a trib in town each time tribs attacked me out of town. Attacks on me stopped after a bit, so I stopped coming into town for tribs. Quite why I would feel the urge to fight you, I don't know. It might well have gone badly for me, given that if I summon you from your guards you can stun me, quaf a cure blind, get guards and come back to shackle me. However, I'm betting that you didn't carry good potions of cure blind, and that I could therefore have done ok in the places that I'd be willing to fight you.

Amtheia: Quite how a level 47 wanted necro coming into town to kill a level 48 paladin trib is somehow "picking an easy target" I don't know. You need to run into your guild next time to cure blindness, not stand in the spire trying to cure it. And also, get that curse off you as fast as you can so that I can't get you slept as easily. Velandir started saying that I could only kill "girls" after that. I'm sorry, but unless his rp is to be chauvenist, I'm not entirely sure how a girl can be viewed as a soft target when women in cf are as strong as men, and this particular woman wields the power of a god of light.

Althrsis: Props for logging back on after I slept you and the mud crashed. Shame you were last saved in an awake state. Enjoyed our fight. Not often I get to duke it out with a shaman, since as a drow, rot is a pain in the ass, and therefore I tend to avoid them after level 40.

Soriah: You were the only trib that Zkatholef believed wanted him to turn himself in for the good of the law, instead of just so that the trib could take the credit for catching a longterm criminal.

Velandir (fortress): You can't seriously expect me to do more than fire off a sleep or a pwk when you come upon me unprotected with an angel can you? Bear in mind that I was also getting constantly attacked by tribs and therefore even letting myself get too weak could have been fatal. I did pop by the fortress to summon you out in case your angel wasn't bound yet, but after that I pretty much decided that you'd never kill me and that it was easier just to avoid you. However, I was pretty unimpressed with your language. Maybe it is just me, but would a middle aged elf mage really call people "sissy girls" all the time? To me, that sounds like something a cf'er would do. For that reason (by which I include other stuff you said), I am pretty certain who the player of the character is.

Elsworth: Liked your char. You were willing to fight alone, and I have to say I still don't understand how the hell I died to you. I was trying to flee after my two rounds of lag from vamp touch went through. However, the command seemed to be doing nothing for me. I wonder if heartseeker lags? Anyway, thanks for leaving my stuff even if you did clear out a stash of wands that took me about 15 hours to assemble.

Tyke: Damn but you were fast. I just couldn't get a teleport in after fleeing from you. You must use the dash skill properly. Please don't. It isn't fair on necros. Again, thanks for leaving what gear of mine you didn't need. I reckon I was pretty unlucky with my teleporting though since it managed to get me blinded by dirt, then land me near my own recall so that when you caught me with dirt in my eyes, I recalled, and you walked in before recall lag wore off. :(


Lothrectred - hmm, wasn't too impressed with you. Spamming pwk isn't the best way of killing lone uncaballed people. Also didn't think much of the way you took off without a fight when my group came for your group. It's not like I could do much against you, so I was going to be targetting Jelshis or whatever the shaman was called. He at least put up some kind of a fight before concluding that a lone shaman against necro + healer isn't going to be a very fair match-up.

Whatever the shaman is called (Jelshis?) - I don't think I ever saw you without Urog. Not saying that you perma (although I did wonder), but that's why I never really came after you. The one time I did come after you was when Urog died, but that was just as badly onesided in my favor as Urog + you vs me alone would have been in yours.

Urog: Liked you. Like most people, your suggestions about where my items might be were wrong. However, you would have been the first imperial I liked if you'd been right. I thought you rp'd a thief well in the way that you interacted with me.

Rager wannabes or ragers that killed me in Moudrilar's (Scapi + Rauchen?): That death sucked, for me. I hadn't used "where" in about an hour, wasn't wielding a weapon, didn't have wraithform up, any of which would have kept me alive. And all because I was practicing h2h whilst I ranked. But noooo, stupid me decided to rely on my groupmates keeping their eyes open even though they were clearly both new to the mud, and thus wouldn't be using where enough either. But then when I found out who one of you was, it sucked more. heh.
30967, mummy items
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Surprisingly, last time I played Zkat I actually discovered what I am pretty sure was the location of my fourth mummy item. And let me tell you, I thought these items were damn hard to find. I got my hands on three of them, and still had them last I played (though sadly some in my robe of the magi which would have been lost when I couldn't play for a couple of weeks). Pretty sure the last one was from the guy in the tree, though it took me trips through Azhan etc to establish that the amulet of rah was not what I wanted (netting the lucky healer I'd convinced to help me get it, a highly sought after mask). Guess I'll never find out though now if my fourth item is indeed what I think it is.

I also felt like certain tribunals were allied to Lothorectred in some way, because when I had a clean record, the tribunals were extremely obstructive and one in particular seemed to log on just after I did, sit where I needed to go with groupmates, and not log off until all the people who could potentially get me to where I needed to go logged off. You might say that this is what you would expect from a tribunal. After all, if someone needs to commit a crime, then go and wait for him to commit it. However, the sheer tenacity (read boredom) for sitting still made me think that no one could do this for rp, and must be doing it for some sort of reward (either material of an alliance).

Query for Lothorectred - I don't understand why you didn't rank up a hell of a lot sooner after you mummied. Hell, I even offered to help you rank and instead you tried to pwk me. I don't know exactly how pwk works, but after several necros, I will say that I'd be surprised if you managed to pwk a drow with high int and wis and great saves. But the question that I asked myself, is why the hell is this guy trying to kill me instead of get me to join the empire when I've offered to help him?
30968, and a thank you to the imms
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
players too, but mostly imms.

cf is a great game, and in my opinion is generally improving. It is definitely one I would choose over any of the pc games you can buy in the shops. Certainly I believe newer areas to be of higher quality than old, and seeing supposedly "elite" players on the way out because they got caught perma-ing etc doesn't do the mud any harm either imho. Sadly, I don't think that cheating will ever disappear from the game, but at least it should remain at a somewhat subdued level relative to years gone by.

The reason I'm leaving is that basically cf is too time consuming and too addictive (for me), and if I do go into partnership with an old colleague, as looks increasingly likely, I can't afford to let myself be distracted.

Personally, I think the standard of rp has improved quite a lot over the last few years too.

Anyway, to friends and foes alike, thank you (even those that ganked me etc -- it's part of the game and is part of what makes it challenging). To the imms, thanks, and keep up the good work.
30970, Not even a little tiny bit of love for Yakrov?
Posted by Yakrov on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, I never did trust you =P
Good luck on your next
30975, actually I quite liked Yakrov
Posted by Zkat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I remember correctly I was offered the chance to kill you in order to ingratiate myself with someone else, but by then I was fed up with trying to please that someone.

Shame we didn't get to travel often, but it was cool having you around to talk to.
30971, RE: people
Posted by Cadothu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never was able to get the amulet for you, but I had the mask for a considerable time before selling it off. Thanks for all the hints/tips/etc about Kteng's but I didnt get to spend much time down there after we went. It's an awesome place which I definately must figure out with my next personality. Good luck with your life without CF, it's gonna be rough.

30974, ahh, forgot you and the others
Posted by Zkat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cadothu, Raja, et al. You guys were pretty good to be around, although I was annoyed that you auctioned the thing I asked you to get for me. heh. I couldn't show it though because I was probably going to need your help in the future. Did enjoy it when we finally did spend some time together though.

Regarding the K'tengs thing, I actually gave quite limited help, as the people I let kill themselves in there can testify. On a few occasions I was saying to my group that it will be interesting to see if X dies in the next hour, and then they would. So the advice I gave was never enough to keep you alive if you didn't pay enough attention to the details I didn't cover.
31000, Few things...
Posted by Velandir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Amtheia: Quite how a level 47 wanted necro coming into town to
>kill a level 48 paladin trib is somehow "picking an easy
>target" I don't know. You need to run into your guild next
>time to cure blindness, not stand in the spire trying to cure
>it. And also, get that curse off you as fast as you can so
>that I can't get you slept as easily. Velandir started saying
>that I could only kill "girls" after that. I'm sorry, but
>unless his rp is to be chauvenist, I'm not entirely sure how a
>girl can be viewed as a soft target when women in cf are as
>strong as men, and this particular woman wields the power of a
>god of light.

Of course he was a cheauvanist. But then I wouldn't have expected you to know that.
>Velandir (fortress): You can't seriously expect me to do more
>than fire off a sleep or a pwk when you come upon me
>unprotected with an angel can you? Bear in mind that I was
>also getting constantly attacked by tribs and therefore even
>letting myself get too weak could have been fatal. I did pop
>by the fortress to summon you out in case your angel wasn't
>bound yet, but after that I pretty much decided that you'd
>never kill me and that it was easier just to avoid you.
>However, I was pretty unimpressed with your language. Maybe
>it is just me, but would a middle aged elf mage really call
>people "sissy girls" all the time? To me, that sounds like
>something a cf'er would do. For that reason (by which I
>include other stuff you said), I am pretty certain who the
>player of the character is.

Well, for starters you're a moron. Velandir was a half elf, not an elf. Secondly, I don't care about impressing you. My language was all part of my role, but then it's easier to just trash talk here rather than actually you know, interact with the character first. You know, the character whose race you couldn't even get right.

Maybe you ought to pay more attention to detail, before bitching about people. You're probably missing all kinds of role related things that in your infinite wisdom you are blowing off.

Velandir was an ale drinking, whore renting, carousing half-elf and talked like it. But again, you wouldn't know that. You don't associate with us nasty elves.
31017, I want to echo something Daurwyn said in his post about you...(txt)
Posted by TehTizealLarcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have never interacted with your char in game as far as I remember, but from your little tantrum-post above, it is glaringly obvious who your player is. Chill out.

31046, I want to echo something John Holmes said to Seka in Insatiable.
Posted by Velandir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Suck my cock, bitch.

I don't give a #### who knows what about who. Especially since the characters been gone a month and it's more than common knowledge who played him. I didn't give a #### who knew at the time.

The guy made a post complaining about things that were based on his being wrong about something that had he been paying the slightest attention to the RP he was bitching about he would have known. He wants to gripe about someones amount of effort applied to their RP, but he doesn't even give enough effort to pay attention to whats in front of him anyway.
31082, In that case
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you deny I guessed correctly a long time ago?

All the character did was trash-talk to me. How the hell am I supposed to learn more about you when that was all you did with me? But then, that's what made me suspect who played the char. The fact that all I could get was a stream of vitriol.
31083, final word, for now
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You might notice from my log that I took on board what was said about capitalising the first word of each tell. I didn't like hearing it, but I still did something about it so that my character was a little less easily connected to me.

If I was right about who you are, it is because of the language, and you might want to consider altering it if you don't want to stand out. If you don't care, then fine. However, again, if I'm right about who you are, you've said you don't care before and demonstrated later that you did.
31020, Hey.
Posted by Derafhac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun running around with you. You know, we didn't get nearly as much done as we could've. During the summer I was playing 14 hours a day occasionally but our times still didn't mesh much.

Thanks for Rancor.

Oh, and I remember that episode with the etched. I remember getting tells from Bazrak: "I want that pendant. Could you assist me in getting it?", and similar stuff from a whole lot of people - some of them not even involved.

31182, Zkatholef
Posted by Elsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're one of the friendly evils I'd talk to, it's always fun to be reminded that behind the evil drow there's another human player like everyone else. I mean the game would be pretty nasty if we didn't let our niceness shine through sometimes no matter what we played =P.

Anyway I took all those wands because there were some mages in Fortress at that time. They were quite pleased with the stash too...

And every time I fought you you were barriered... I don't understand why you didn't flee that time in the Modan, but I wasn't complaining. Heartseeker is great for hitting enemies with protections.
31202, The one time I wasn't barriered
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was the one time I came out on top. That was when I slept you outside Velkyn Oloth. However, I didn't know your cabal and expected lots of my enemies to be on their way to help you, and thus woke you too soon (so you lived).

I respected Elsworth though, because when I got to know him better, I realised that he was always up for a one on one fight, even when outnumbered. I felt a sort of empathy with you because many of your enemies were mine too (e.g. imperials).