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Topic subject(DELETED) [HERALD] Esfergref Eliars the Indulgent Bearer of Fine Alcohol, High Herald of the Eternal Star
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=30764
30764, (DELETED) [HERALD] Esfergref Eliars the Indulgent Bearer of Fine Alcohol, High Herald of the Eternal Star
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Sep 5 20:28:13 2004

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 26th of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Esfergref perished, never to return.
Cabal:HERALD, the Heralds of the Eternal Star
31145, See you later
Posted by Hipsin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'll make sure and take a drink of my Gnomish Delight for you. I really missed out on a lot being away from the internet for so long, and I hope I still have some people I know still in Thera now that I'm finally going to be able to play again. Had lots of fun with you, calling you and Undergrounder and what not, and you always saying that you were not under ground. Good luck on the next.
30917, RE: (DELETED) [HERALD] Esfergref Eliars the Indulgent Bearer of Fine Alcohol, High Herald of the Eternal Star
Posted by Kohl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now why did you go and do that you silly little person?
30841, Oops...Ansrtril!
Posted by Esfergref on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't believe I didn't mention you! I hope you didn't cry over it or anything... if you did, thats okay. It doesn't make you any less of man then playing an elf does anyway. You, were probably the favorite person I inducted, and that says a lot. Thats probably going to make Ioniyeh jealous, but thats okay...because Soucivi inducted her (that poor, poor girl) yeah..so..thats all I have to say.
My knee hurts.
30852, RE: Oops...Ansrtril!
Posted by Martoonie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn you to the nine hells, short-round!

I'm damned sorry to see you go. Ansrtril had so many Svirfnebli jokes saved up for when he next saw you that, I, the player, nearly wept when I saw your deletion. Arvam is right, you had guts, were firm, fun, kind, inspiring and most importantly could say no. You short yourself when you say you were not nearing the cream of the crop. I have known countless Troupe/Heralds/High Heralds and you will always rate high with me. I simply wish you would have waited it out a bit more. I know you accoplished a lot, but it is at those times, I find, that the exceedingly creative immortal staff will throw you a curve and give you another goal to reach. I have age deathed several charecters because they just kept throwing bones my way. Hopefully you will find it in you one day to stick it out to the end. I really do hope I get more interaction with you at some point - in any form. If it means anything to you at all, you brought me back to the hysterical times sitting there watching Gadinias make an absolute ass of himself and pretty much everyone around him. The Inn isn't the same without you. Thank you for the high praise.

30858, Gadinias? =P
Posted by Esfergref on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh come now. I knew Gadinias!(and made sure he was the brunt of many a'short joke) Esfer wasn't anything like him! I mean... we were both sword specs.. and uh, well short..but he was a gnome, a gnome I tell you! And I didn't want to slay every dragon in thera, I was more trying to get them all drunk. Drunk dragons are quite entertaining you know.

Well, other then THAT mix up (which I'm not sure if I should be insulted or not) thanks! I don't know, I doubt I'll ever age die a character, but we'll see won't we?
30866, Thank you..
Posted by Martoonie. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For putting the exclamation point at the end of my comparrison. ;) You can get off the stilts now. Thats probably why your silly knee hurts!

30780, Right! So...
Posted by Esfergref on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hoooo-boy. Now this is going to be a doosey. What can I say about Esfergref? I'm not much that hasn't already been said frankly...so I'd just like to say to everyone that interacted with Esfer, friends, enemies, everyone - thank you, quite an enjoyable experience. Sorry for the deletion and everything but I had nothing left to do and just can't grasp how some people can play characters for 700 hours its staggering and I salute those of you who can!
After all the exploring, the interviews, the tattoo, the title, the experiance from immortals, the immteraction and the firebreather I was burnt out, so I decided to delete before I went away for the long weekened so I couldn't break down an reactivate =P Oh, and I don't have a credit card... I really should, start building up a credit rating and everything. But I just don't like the concept of em', much prefer my trusty debit card. So no PBF for me.

Oh, also about those couple weeks where I didn't show up. Family crisises and what I'm sure everyone understands when you're not exactly feeling cheery its hard to play a character like Esfer, sorry about that!

Esfergref was rude, snide, sarcastic, blunt and a terrible braggart, but hey, we can't all be perfect can we? Those people who took the time to know him got to see that shiney little golden svirfnebli heart that was under the words and acts - though he'd never admit it existed. Oh, and aren't I witty?

Now for the goodbyes, brace yourself people, this will be a long one..
I'm a little out of it, right after the long weekened and everything..so if I forgot ANYONE, PLEASE reply and yell at me.

First and foremost, imms. I've said it before and I'll say it again you guys (yes, even valg) for lack of a better word, rock.

Arvam: Heya Lord Birdy! Everytime I used one of my little religion speeches ("Lord Arvam is really great! No matter what you've heard, he certainly ISN'T decended from a turkey!") I'd be expecting a smite for a good 10 minutes. Thanks for everything, I certainly hope I didn't disapoint you with anything you entrusted me with.

Shazirah: We didn't talk all that much, though I have a suspicion about a certainly bunny or ducky... Thanks for everything, Naloueme's costume ball was well, a ball!

Khasotholas: after you said something along the lines of "You were remotely useful, so I won't kill you.." I was half expecting you to come back and say "I changed my mind" and slay me on the spot. I really must make a follower of you someday..

Soucivi: You were almost like a big sister to Esfer! You endured the teasing well ;) , thanks for the helping words.

And now, for the only family Esfergref cared about...Heralds

Alessa: HOW could you love THAT? I never quite understood the attraction myself! I'm also not sure how you DIED so much, effectively losing the dresses I made one after the other! Ha! But we had fun didn't we? I loved how you started talking like me, nice touch ;) You made marriage interesting (I hope I did as well) and were probably the only reason I stuck it out as long as I did! Great character, loved every minute of you.

Cadothu: You sir, play a TON. Wow, I inducted you and you age die before I hit 400 hours =P. You were the first person I inducted and I standby that, no matter what you think! You were great, though you if you can't take some teasing maybe you shouldn't make any more heralds ;) Kidding of course, luck with whatever you do next, it didn't take me long to figure out who the player was...you've improved a lot since Claustren and Odelius! Again, great job... oh, and you're short.

Kikiani: You. Rule. Seriously. I don't know what else to say, I loved everything about your character uh..thanks for letting me be around you!

Ioniyeh: I didn't really BURN the kitchen...more singed it. Loved what I saw of the character, keep it up..glad you took my advise ;)

Miaree: Miaree, Miaree, Miaree. I really missed you, you old cat. I didn't even get to TRY to boss you around. Meanie.

Egan: Esfergref didn't really hate you, but he was't about to admit it. He had a reputation to uphold. Glad I could talk you out of deleting that one time keep on truckin' wildcat man.

Kohl, Deraj, Hytalia and Saphia: Really didn't see enough of you as I'd of liked, mostly my fault, liked what I saw.

Kazal: Knew I was going to induct you before I even asked a question, you were just that great. But I'm sure you know that yourself. Same with Hytalia by the way, which makes it even more sad I didn't get to interact with her much.

Those whom I inducted: If I inducted you, you did something right. I didn't induct just ANYONE you know. You guys really impressed me, even if you were obviously new to the game if I saw potential I took chances, thanks all of you, your interviews made the whole leader thing worth it. Believe me, there was some inteviews that made me want to bang my head against a wall quite rapidly and with some force.

Wow, I really can't keep typing..so again, please, everyone I omitted...which is everyone other than the heralds (d'oh) reply and I'll get around to responding. ...Right!

30784, RE: Right! So...
Posted by Cadothu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I cant tell you how many times I was sitting around wishing you were on. As much as it may have seemed to come across couldnt take your mocking/etc, it was just Cado. After living through Gatrisha upstaging Odie on everything she did, I kinda just accepted the fact that people will have characters that are just "the best" so I gave up trying to be better than you. As I said earlier though, I really wish you were around more as having the position you did really helped raise the morale of the Heralds overall. Of course, I understand the whole family thing though, in fact somewhere between the first deletion you talked me out of and my REAL deletion we had to put my dog down, and I just lost all flavor for CF, though I tried to play to get my mind outta what happened.

As far as being able to tell who I was because of similarities and all that, I guess it's how I am in real life showing through just trying to have fun. I did however try to take Cadothu a bit more serious than Odelius after being told Odie was more Chaotic Stupid than anything else. Guess I gotta stop playing fun-loving gnomes huh? I am curious though as to who you've played in the past, because Claustren was so long ago I didnt really expect anyone to have remembered him. If you purposely left it out for whatever reason, that's fine too. If not, either reply or send me an email with it? Thanks.

Hope you roll up something again soon and get back to the fun that is CF.

30785, RE: Right! So...
Posted by Esfergref on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't really like connecting the player with the characters, sorry! Well, I'll just say this is far from my first, and far from my last herald.

With Esfer just generally tried to be fun to be around, glad it worked! Erm ah, thanks for the "best" thing but I think its far from the truth ;)

30786, RE: Right! So...
Posted by Cadothu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahh, well then. Be that way... :(
Heh, just kidding. I hope you kick back soon with something that's twice as fun to keep your interest longer.

30787, Too bad.
Posted by Shazirah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked what I saw. You seemed to have a really good sense about who was up to snuff as far as Herald was concerned, although there were a few I found questionable. The fact that I didn't have to kick very many people out speaks volumes, and it makes my job easier. I wish I had the chance to interact with you more, but things don't always work out that way. Good luck with the next.

30803, RE: Too bad.
Posted by Esfergreef on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We can't all be perfect ;)
30791, RE: Right! So...
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved Esfergref. In every form I met him in. Good job and good luck with the next.

ps I really WAS trying to unseat you! HAR!

With love,
30792, RE: Right! So...
Posted by Jaded Ranger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So yea, it's Hytelia..first and foremost. Not Hytalia. Though, I can't blame you because I think I saw you twice after you inducted me. I feel your pain with the long-winded characters, by the way. I ranked very early on with Cadothu. He and I had some background, and imagine my surprise to find him married and hero'd when I was about level 26. (It's not easy to rank a gnome shifter in the low ranks) So anyhow, I was thinking of applying and did. Then, I bump into you about 60 hours and 25 levels later. I'm glad you liked me, it sorta showed through. I was greatly amused by your mannerisms, so kudos on that. I liked what you did with Herald.. Alot of times, I think of troupe as the idiot's cabal, where the mortals are begging for gear and dying all the time, not knowing necessarily how to RP, but trying all the same. Anyways, that's something that I've decided isn't quite true, though that wife of yours did die an INCREDIBLE amount :p I figure that was just her way of putting the frustration and pain of marrying esfergref to a physical reality... You put together a good entertainer's troupe. I've been impressed by each of them, and was more surprised even to find that people were being barred entry to the cabal. Barred from Herald...wow! You made people really work and be worth that salt. And you know what, it made the induction echo be something that was strangely rewarding. Especially in that shiny bold font. Ahhh.
Anyhow, I hope you move on to something that you can enjoy more. Something new, exciting, and funkadelic. You seemed to really know what you were doing and have a grasp of how to work with other characters. I liked the potential that I saw in you.


PS - You must have loved Hytelia to induct her after she insulted you so much during the interview... hah!
30800, Ha!
Posted by Esfergref on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm natoriously horrid with names, Sorry about that. It took me about a month to remember how to spell Istirith's name... thats why I always called him Issy.

I really did like Hytelia, but our playing times just didn't mesh it seems! And yeah... not inducting everyone who applies. Imagine that huh!? I sure caught a lot of guff for that, one person would stop sending insults until I logged off... THEN he sent a note to make sure he got the last word. I'm glad some people appreciated what I was doing!
30793, Your PBF is paid for.
Posted by Kutori on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I definately caught on to all of what you were saying...I just never liked it(in character of course). You seem to do a pretty good job, from every character I saw you with. Hope you continue to do good things.

30799, RE: Your PBF is paid for.
Posted by Esfergref on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, thanks. I can't say I expected that. Much appreciated!
30801, Guess I need to come out of the shadows more.
Posted by Hentogi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How could you go and forget your partner in crime. I guess that deed will revert to me now:) I enjoyed when you were around tho we didn't get to cause as much trouble as I would have liked. Very nice job from what I saw.
30802, RE: Guess I need to come out of the shadows more.
Posted by Esfergreef on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't take it personally, I was just too tired to mention anyon but heralds =P

And no no, it said clearly in my will that the village and all its assets go to my wife!

That whole raid amused me to no end. "I thought he had you for a second there!"
30823, I think...
Posted by Arvam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That a good deal of Herald leaders, and leaders in general can learn something from you. It's alright to just flat out say "No, you're not getting in." I was really pleased that you weren't afraid to tell people who weren't up to Herald standard to take a hike. While you were in charge, most the people you brought in were all pretty well guaranteed to be solid. I didn't see any pity inducts because you pulled a "I don't like this guy, I'll just give him some huge, stupid quest to do that he probably won't accomplish", and then the guy does it and you have to induct him, and he's still just as bad.

Herald is about style, and you had plenty of it. You were a joker, and I think thats been missing in Herald lately. You and a few others have made up for that lately. Herald cb is at its best when it keeps you laughing. For all the serious scholar people, we need a few smartasses around. Anyway, good job, and good luck with the next and all that junk.
30830, My my, praise from Ceaser!
Posted by Esfergref on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I gotta say all these comments..especially from you and Shaz make me feel a lot better about how I led. I'm sure you know by now how interviews can get to you, yet you're still doing it after all this time and for that you deserve copious ammounts of respect.

What can I say Birdy, you made this character a blast, even when you were throwing drinks at me. You know, herald would lose a ton of its appeal if you ever went anywhere, you're just that great! Oh..and you haven't seen the last of me, be afraid..be very afraid.
30826, Jerk
Posted by Miaree on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's all I can say. Deleting on me like that, hmpf.
Oh well, you know you were great. Do it again!
30828, *gripe*
Posted by Ioniyeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were so meeeaaan. And lazy of course, and short, but not evil. It was always fun interacting with you and I'm glad I can relax since there's no one left who would dare to be a holy terror in my kitchen! You'll be missed and all that good stuff.
30920, Ack
Posted by Fungor. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm gone for a while and you and Cadothu are both gone. :(
Of whom do I make fun of now? Ack. I liked you both though.
Great characters. I remember when I first met you and Naloueme for the first time as new Heralds. You two were gagging about my eating habits and playing tic-tac-toe while we were learning... Esfergref made a decent or good High Herald, I suppose, but I am not the right person to judge that though. 'The pit' was also a memorable experience. Istirith leading us to a deathtrap in Organia and you killing me after which, Esfergrefs drunkard habits became useful. (It was 4. AM for me that time so I really didn't want to wait for starvation.) Well... Great character. I hope you'll find strength to roll another and have a great time with it.


PS. Fungor did call Esfergref 'drunkard' and 'cute little svirf'(The latter picked up from Alessa somewhat :))
31148, RE: Ack!
Posted by Esfergref on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't forget you! ..I more omitted you, really, Uh...I blame the alcohol. And the government.... And George Clooney.

I giggled every time I saw your name...Fungor,


Adios fungus man.
30766, RE: (DELETED) [HERALD] Esfergref Eliars the Indulgent Bearer of Fine Alcohol, High Herald of the Eternal Star
Posted by sylnia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
how dare you leave me bartenderless.
now theres no one worth listing to complain,or plot camel theft with.
oh such loathsome boredom now.

oh yeah and "BEST BARTENDER EVER!"