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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON) [FORTRESS] Golron the Unyielding Fist, Marshall of the Fortress
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=30473
30473, (CON) [FORTRESS] Golron the Unyielding Fist, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Blobqirt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I got sick of waiting for the death angel to come up so I figured I would do the goodbye note now before I forget everyone.

First of all I need to thank the imms for such a great game.

I started Golron as my first attempt at a Fortress char, Maran to me had always been on a really high pedestal, much like Scarabites. So I made this dwarf to really feel it out and prod around to see what was going down. He became a little more successful then I had hoped, becamse leader, got a tattoo, leader weapon and a title. So he was definatly a success in my eyes. To be honest thought, I got a little freaked when I was given leader, I had an immduction(TM) and it was alot shorter then I hoped, this meant that when it came time to start inducting people I had only a small idea on what to ask. Other then that I had a great time, no real beefs, except with a few players. Just to clear a few things up, yes I did gang people, but yes I also fought people alone, yes I did full loot alot in my later life, and did I care with people bitching at me IC or verging on the ooc? No, not one bit. Golron started to become bitter with his enemies later on because he was sick of seeing all his friends hurt. So you brought in yourselves....So people know, I made Golron knowing full well I would die alot, that gear would definatly come and go and I got over that aspect of Golron's life along time ago, if I logged off after I died to a pk, and someone started to get a big head, know that it wasnt that I died, more likely that I died after a long session, and saw it as a good reason to get back to doing my Uni work. Might as well start with the good byes...

I think I had around 509 hours on him when I con died, so obviously there are going to be a crap load of people I am going to forget, so pipe up if I do.


Shokai - You could probably see that this was my first Fortressy, if you did then thanks for having faith in me, and I hope I didn't let you down. The times we spoke you really made me feel good about myself and made my enjoyment meter sky rocket, can't ask for anything more from an Imm. Thanks for the tattoo as well, was a huge boost for me, so was being given leader, hell, everything was, oh and all that con! For that I thank you.

Obaznuk - If you read this then I also want to thankyou, that was most probably the most enjoyable induction I have ever had. Good luck to you with whatever you are doing.

Voice, crazy mobs in the fort - I have almost no idea where this is heading, well I have a clue, but I am kicking myself knowing that I am probably going to miss out on whatever happens.

Audriel - I remember along long time ago when we were both lowbies, grouping for the first time and ranking in Velkyn oloth, then I ranked a little faster then you, then you powered ahead and hero'd before me. You were always so fun to spend my time with online and I really do wish you the best with being an Imm.

Imm who was trying to give me my axe - And you guys say % in skills doesn't matter?!?! Bah to you! That was three failed plants! Heh, thanks to the imm/s who would give me my axe back when certain people thought they could keep it.


There are so many of you, I just know I am going to forget some of you.

Lariya - I never had anything but mad respect for you, you would be my sounding board when I would see if you if I had anything I wanted to do. Maybe you can get your old position back :P

Celebrimbor - Stupid elves, so many of you. You were great to be around, even if you did have a strong tendency for making alot of people enemies of the Fort. At least I outlived you..... :)

Vahletharien - You were great to have around, always good to talk to and I would always know I was safe, or at least I wouldn't die alone :P I still can't get over the first time I met you, you worded me instead of shielded me and I died, but once I got to know you I quickly got over that.

Lekerjey - Thanks for holding my knapsack that time. You too were always great to have around because I knew I would be well looked after with you there, you were also fund to just have around.

Starlnyrn - You were quirky at times, and all I can say, is why bother so much about gear? Other then that I can't count how many times you probably saved my life, even if I didn't want it, so thanks.

Xalli - Crop girl, oh how I started to miss you in my later life. You were a constant inconsistancy but one that I always loved having around. We never did have that convention for the Fortress, and did you ever get the Festival underway?

Rouchevian - I remember when that log of us with our group was posted on dios and so many people started bitching at you, saying oh a real paladin would have saved him yadda yadda yadda. To be honest, I really didn't care what they said. I knew there was almost nothing you could do for me, and it wasn't like my character feared dying was it? :) You were strong the times you would log on, which from my eyes you need to do more, now there are almost no Marans you really need to be a constant.

Thenrek - What happened? We needed you damnit!

Kelin, Rual - You guys seriously need to log on more, pissed me off no end.

Kakie - I am putting you here because you meant as much to Golron as his other brothers and sisters. I had so much fun when you were on, you would brighten up my day. Thank you for all the gifts, and for all the wands given to fortress members. The times I would leave keepreply and forget about it lead to me falling off of my chair a few times. You keep yourself Kakie.

Empire - Many of you dont even warrant anything, I had no respect for so many of you. There would be nights where an imperial healer would log on, then the ball would start rolling, 1 then another then another and so on. Then there would be nights where since a healer wouldn't log on, the palace would be empty all night. This just made me sick.

Blitzenturt - I remember fighting with you from when we were younger, always with the big mouth! I had beating you up down pat, vital;wield axe;wield axe;whirl. Then you wen't and started gearing for strength, DAMN YOU! The one on one fights I had with you were always fun, and you weren't afraid to fight me like that either, but after you got Emperor it seemed that you would hardly ever come alone, which was sad. But oh well. From what people say you are a solid leader but sorry, I can't get over that leader weapon....Oh and I wanted to ask, did you really think my log in times were conveniant? Or was that just an IC reaction? Because to be honest, that time you just started on the inner as I logged in was just after I got home from uni, I got a drink, crank up my comp and log on and you just walk into the inner. Caught me by surprise.

Thakthom - You get a mention for calling me out that time and being respectful. Shame you didn't last longer.

Urog - Same as Thakthom, you called me out which I enjoyed and you trying to strike up conversation was a pleasant difference. Hope you do well.

Quevea - You say curse at stun, if you do, then I curse at black sanc, at the mana reduction imperial priests get, etc etc. Other then that, I really don't care much for you.

Laes - ........... pretty much sums it up. Damn you for those assassinations. I could almost always be positive that you were stalking me first out of everyone, either because of my axes or because I was a high profile member of groups. That time you got me by the Maran, ACK! I thought I was able to get you, damn you for that, you were sneaky and evasive, which is what you should have been, and you weren't afraid to try killing people alone.

Vandryn, Wojif - Eh, I was NEVER afraid of either of you two, no one was, the times I died were due to my own mistakes, but seriously never had to worry about either of you. Oh and that time you broke imperial law to kill me was sad, I had been hoping an imm was watching.

Scion - Only a few people really stand out, but then, scion has never been a huge cabal. All I can say is the things that can happen in the cabal are just wrong, everything. So harsh.......fitting for a cabal like that, but harsh.

Zavin - Oh my god, you caused me so much pain, I was whooping with joy when I heard you were gone. You were a monster, plain and simple.

Aytak - Spamming nova on me the first time a group with you in fought me pretty much summed up my thoughts on you from then on.

Corilanth - The main reason gangs so big came after you were because no one really knew the extent of a mummies power. But you logged on in harsh ranges, you stayed on, you got yourself up after each death so you earned my respect.

Trotat - Did you or anyone else ever catch on what one of my legacies was? That last time at your cabal I was laughing so hard. Sometimes thieves made me enjoy myselves, knowing I had NOTHING worth stealing in my inv, only Maran axes and maybe a root, why bother?


Manden - Golron could never get over you staying with the spire, but he respected you and respected what you were trying to do, even if he didn't agree. Wish you well.

Soriah - Hope you get all your forms :P

Outlander - Apart from me attacking that ranger on the volcano, I never really had any trouble with you, I still have no idea why, but oh well. Oh other then Psyrel taking me on, which was interesting to say the least.

Ogrets - Yes, as I have said before I did full loot, alot in my later life. That first time I killed you I was basically naked myself, but honestly, what did you expect the times after that coming near me when you were naked and so hurt?

Battle - How could I forget you guys? Even though so many of you were evil, you were alot lower down on Golron's evil radar, because you had your honor, your had your 1 goal and Golron seemed to think that you weren't all fighting mages just for yourselves, but for other people, so he respected that aspect of it.

Jinroh - First rager I fought as Golron, immediatly you earned my respect. And from then on I would always tell my groupmates to not assist if I was going to attack a rager, I didn't regret that once. Daggers vs me, that was harsh, I almost had my Jinroh fighting plan worked out and what do you do? You imm, hrmph. Daggers tended to tear me up though. The bleeding was the worst, losing around 100hp a round after the fight is what would kill me. I hope you go far as an imm.

Iborenn - You slippery sucker. I ust have almost had you that time on the fields near north road, must have been so close. I remember the first fight we had, it was like the special olympics, stun, stun, stun, thank god for my anti-sleep legacy :)

Acaga - DAMN YOU! Bloody monster, after a few of those fights I knew fighting you was pretty stupid, but IC Golron wasn't going to turn away just because he had had his arse handed to him a few times. You were strong and I hope you stick it out for along time.

I know I have forgotten alot of you post a message and I will get back to you. Other then that, thanks to almost everyone, I had a blast.

30743, Shokai, and other imms who commented....
Posted by Blobqirt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All I can say is that when I read those comments I laughed. They were great, thanks.

What I wanted to do was ask on your overall thoughts on Golron, ways to improves, etc Anything really, throw me a bone.

30687, Pah!
Posted by Kak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Stinky!!! Damn! Dead huh. Well, it's not really a surprise I guess, childishly as you were behaving ;). We had good times together, aye, and like yourself, there were times I was really laughing my ass off, especially when you made mistakes with keepreply (don't worry, there are many others who make the same mistake), and an 'Ack'-'Ick' 'conversation' started yet another time. It was nice to have you around.. Say, you reminded me of Abthalok.. perhaps by any chance you played him? Anyways, it was a lot of fun, and I'm sorry I wasn't there in the end to give you a spanking for dying. Oh well, thanks, man, and good luck with your next.
30684, RE: (CON) [FORTRESS] Golron the Unyielding Fist, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Hafizar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, i was really waiting you die much faster than you did, some named you crazy naked dwarf and that seems close to truth. You kept coming and coming and usually dying. Still that was really impressive like you didnt care of death and stuff, much like the maran should act. Sorry, never counted you as a tough enemy, unsure why, even your axes werent a much problem for me, and you usually droped one after 'weak time of year' :) anyway, you was a great Marshall, and i guess we shall meet again as the maran and imperial, good luck to ya.
30674, Well...
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On the one hand, I really admired you for keeping on going.. man, every.. and that is e-ve-ry.. time I saw you on, you were naked, but you never seemed to want to run around for clothing too much, unless it was High Lord's and Drow City.. On the other hand, pretty much every Marshall was rather to very deathful, and you just seemed to always die.. I mean, that irked me somewhat.. Considering your leadership position. But your spirit of keeping on going whatever the odds at whatever time (even though it would seem suicidal, which is not at all what Elstratuviel would do, but as I said, your mere presence would inspire me to do stupid things ;)) is something what the Fortress can use at times (read 'always'). Times are very erratic for me now (looking for a job and all), which means I'm able to log on ten hours, or half an hour, depending on how busy I am. That just to say I'm sorry I couldn't log on that much of late, because it was really fun walking around with you. Good luck with your next, fa.. Marshall.
30683, RE: Well...
Posted by Blobqirt. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The fact I forgot you in the first goodbye is seriously bad. You were so much fun to be around with and it kicked me that you weren't on as much as I would have liked. Its such a shame, no matter what, you would always want to help me regear, or not regear and just start raiding :P For that you have my thanks. I hope your times start to become more regulated because I am sure other people looked up to Elstratuviel as much as I did, you were a Maran when I joined and were still around when I was leader, so Golron had alot of respect for you. Then when you started asking me permission for things I felt abit akward, I thought you as more a friend then someone I had to order around, because you knew your biz and that was extremely comforting.

30667, RE: (CON) [FORTRESS] Golron the Unyielding Fist, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for your kind words, and for talking with Yethieliel that one time. It was sorta sad on my part that when you were turning yourself in you had to remove your weapons and your gear so you didn't kill me or my guards, heh. I've deleted as well now, but you were easily my favorite Maran I interacted with.
30628, RE: (CON) [FORTRESS] Golron the Unyielding Fist, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Nhiala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Golron. In fact, I think I recommended you for leader. I really dug your devil-may-care attitude towards life. Though, I have to say, at times I wish you'd be a little more cautious. Dying because you got stuck in Imperial lands without a teleport potion just never needs to happen. At least I think that was you. Anyways, good job. Golron was a character that, imho, added something to the game for everone involved, which isn't always the case.
30644, RE: (CON) [FORTRESS] Golron the Unyielding Fist, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Blobqirt. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, that would happen to me a few times (a few meaning more then I can count on both hands :P ) But taking extreme risks and just going at things hard or not at all is what kept Golron going. If I hide somewhere hoarding a set, or avoided pks when I didn't have a chance at killing them all and surviving etc would have made me so bored, and I would have gone the way alot of the other hero fortress chars have, not log on at all. I wanted to keep the passion, enjoy logging on for four hour logins and still be wanting to stay on afterwards. To do that I would really get involved in pks and the like. But you probably mean what I am trying to say. Thanks for that last comment, means alot coming from someone like you. I really do hope you go far as an imm because I really respected you both IC and ooc.

30649, RE: (CON) [FORTRESS] Golron the Unyielding Fist, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Nhiala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for sentiment. In the interest of clarity, I wasn't trying to suggest that you "hide somewhere hoarding a set". I just felt that at times you skipped "basic" precautions which usually have a very high "bang for your buck" ratio. For instance, "Scare up 4 gold, visit two cities, buy return and teleport potions," could probably have prevented a few of your deaths. Buying those particular potions might actually save time in the long run; the less you die, the less time you spend re-gearing.
30669, RE: (CON) [FORTRESS] Golron the Unyielding Fist, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Blobqirt. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, now thats just it, I saved time by not getting potions OR regearing :P

It is the same way I feel about preps. I preffered to get into fights then spend ages getting a prep, waiting for a repop, getting another an so on. Thats not how I want to play. I want to spend my time rping/pking etc. Me and regearing were two words not put together alot. With my axe, a maran axe and my powers I would do enough to not really need gear. But I think that came with the whole disregard for losing gear, therefore I also build a disregarded for getting gear.

30613, Kellaralon liked you
Posted by Elik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even though I was on the fringe of doing the right thing, I still had hoped to be a big force in the Fort. But I think my dwindling con had a lot to do with me not making it happen. Really demoralizes you when you fight to keep the banshee's from wailing.

30592, Good job
Posted by Laes on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was hilarious. While you were certainly an extremely dangerous opponent (you tore me apart with these axes and weren't helpless when I made you drop them), the resulting score between us was 10:0, in PK aspect. I have been very lucky when it came to fighting you. You were persistant and never gave up, no matter the odds were. Well done and good luck with your next. I respect people who play all sides, and you do it very well.
30602, RE: Good job
Posted by Blobqirt. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, ARGH! I so wanted to get you damnit. That was so annoying, the times I was enlarged, ready to bash you down and claim sweet victory over you I either missed my bash or got assassinated :( I also liked the way you seemed to log on regardless. You would be on around the same time, healer or no, unlike some people....

I didn't give up because I knew I could take you, all you had to do was step out, I waited, and waited, and died and died, and you never did! Damn you!

Please, come to the fort, we need good people....:)

30590, Oh sure, forget the person u last spoke too!!!
Posted by Tiahan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well yea, one word pretty much sums up Golron. Ballsy. I liked you a tonne, it was always good to log on and see someone else around. You sure are going to be missed at the Fortress, wish I could have led next to you. Well, the whole Fortress is going to miss you. Congrats on a great character. Best of luck with your next.
30601, RE: Oh sure, forget the person u last spoke too!!!
Posted by Golron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, you better look after the fort, I did my best when I was the only council member, now its your turn, please don't show me up :P

Sorry I forgot you, I knew I would forget some people. The feeling was mutual, I really like Tiahan too. Always good to know I had an eye in the sky trying to watch out for me, even if I disregarded you "Group of scions on the volcano, very dangerous" type comments, but I wasn't going to be a no show at a party for me now am I?

Good luck with Tiahan and leading the fort.

30625, RE: Oh sure, forget the person u last spoke too!!!
Posted by Tiahan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks a lot mate. Heh I always did know u were gonna try and kill them. Well i hope you had a blast with Golron. Roll another maran! we could use another tough as nails person.
30561, Wooohoo Golron
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did a great job being the opposite of Jinroh, but yet an almost mirrored reflection in many other ways. I loved that you came at me by yourself when you can. We always had good fights. Despite what you thought, axes do tear up dagger specs pretty well. If you can keep me from doing my specs, you have a good chance of taking me down. Sometimes enlarge and bash would have been the best tactic. Great character Golron, keep them coming.
30578, RE: Wooohoo Golron
Posted by Blobqirt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its people like you that make me want to roll up a rager :P

Yeah, that was the tactic I was starting to work on, lag you up good and proper. I hope you go far and have a religion later on because I have a feeling that if you do, it will be as equally cool as Jinroh was. Luck with the Imm thing.

30510, I liked kinda liked you for a damn dwarf
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tough bastards thats why I hate dwarves dwarf paladins dwarf healers dwarf warriors bleh to much freakin hp
And I must admit you certainly where fun to perfect stun on, heh.
The one time I fought you that sticks is when I as at 200hp no item and sitting in galadon trying to get some hp back when you came in and beat the hell out me then flee'd and said sorry I wasn't really sure if I should have been thankful or gone healed up and came back for more =D
Hope to see you again liked your RP.
30509, Sure.... mention all the EVIL Ragers.....
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Going to be a helluva lot tougher without that little backup I could count on from you heh. Hope you enjoyed everything you had with this character, I'm sure I'll be seeing you about again, going to miss going and raiding everyone with you heh.
30585, RE: Sure.... mention all the EVIL Ragers.....
Posted by Blobqirt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How could I forget you!

You were great fun to be around and I knew if I ever got in a pickle that you would come and help me out. You must live a hard life, elf warrior rager. But you stick to it which is always good to see, keep it up.

30500, Few people I forgot and needed to put in....
Posted by Blobqirt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Elstratuviel - You were always a brightness that I looked for when I was on. When you logged on things seemed to become a crap load easier, you were also so fun to be around. I wish you luck Warsinger with whatever you do now.

Ithiok - Man, I was so sad when I did what I did, I wish I didn't have to but I feel it had to be done. Afterwords you more then proved yourself to me, all you would have needed to do was ask, and I would have. Its a damn shame you deleted, that's all I can say.

If I remember anyone else I will bring them up...

30494, RE: (CON) [FORTRESS] Golron the Unyielding Fist, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Elsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've known you with two other characters... that character was... okay let's do it in code. The Keeper of the Ale.

I thought you were a great leader, the nice and caring sort (but then again I think all leaders should be nice and caring), and sorry for teasing you about your flatulence. I did like playing with you, it was so fun, just like with my previous char. Jolly plucky dwarf types are funny.

And wow, con death... as a leader too. That's quite amazing. Well done.

30497, RE: (CON) [FORTRESS] Golron the Unyielding Fist, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Blobqirt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn I completely forgot about you and Calcifer!!!!

I would have age died if it had not been for leader age, from what I can tell. But yeah, leader con kept me going for so much longer. Elsworth too? Wow, didn't guess that. I always had so much fun around you as Calcifer, we seemed to get on so well. I was so sad when you deleted. That was a real bummer for me, worse then all my pk deaths. And yeah, that is how I tried to play Golron, a really nice happy dwarf to his friends and new family, but a hardass to those he fought.

Wish you luck man

30488, You lasted a long time.
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I had charactors in the fortress, the one thing I could count on was to see Golron, usually running around near naked, fighting everything in sight. It seemed like you fell during every time I was logged on. After deleting my fort chars, you surprised me by making leader as I figured you were a newbie.

Then I died to your pincher lag with my next charactor, Mangar....was having a nice solo fight with Brodoran or another paladin, when you came running in. Full looted and sacrificed all my gear, including food. I figured it must have been because of the many times evils had been doing this to you and didnt think more of it. (Since I was gearing for HPs, it didnt effect me too bad.) Then later, I noticed anytime I would fight a maran off at some distant place, you would show up, either by crying to them, or running. Couldnt believe how pathetic the fortress had become. Marans should be able to fight the odd fight alone. Made it worst that I was the only Scion about during my play times, and couldnt even grab a single ally to make it worth a fight.

I noticed a growing trend in this respect, with very few exceptions.

I did however read the logs posted on Dios, and will admit that you must indeed fight the odd fight when odds are not good. There is nothing wrong with ganging, but in the future dont preach about bravery and talk smack, while hiding behind others.

30722, Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Hides Behind Allies n/t
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
30485, RE: (CON) [FORTRESS] Golron the Unyielding Fist, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Thakthom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't believe you wiped the floor with me second time we fought. I was so overconfident, and you really took the wind out of my sails. And roleplayed well throughout. I liked your character a good bit.
30482, See you soon
Posted by Rouchevien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Thanks for the mention. I think you were a good leader. I'll say more in my own goodbye post.
30474, Well glad you're gone
Posted by Aytak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aytak - Spamming nova on me the first time a group with you in fought me pretty much summed up my thoughts on you from then on.

Well I'd thought you were a bit better than that but oh well. Yes, when you and those others came running in on us in Aridhol I'd been spamming nova on mobs, so my first response was nova. I think I nova'd twice and you died, so so much for spam huh? (granted my nova's weren't helping you die but oh well) Sorry haven't played in a while and didn't know that maran's basically make a whole element useless. (which is silly)

The irony here is that I thought Golron was pretty gutsy if a little bit of a panzy for a few things he did. Luckily you're not a player i'm familiar with so your opinion of me doesn't much matter.

I enjoyed those times when you'd come to fight at the chasm solo, though in the end it was kind of monotonous. Geyser till you're writhing get stunned, repeat. Then others would log on and they'd die and you'd survive until you had three or more.

All I can think is that you're bitter about something or you took my IC taunts and ridicule to heart. Such is life, I'm not playing a goodie fortress dweller so... Sorry you took it personal, it was part of the game. The only complaints I had about Golron was the time I killed Yeth and sent you packing only to have you show up with a rager. Yeth unghosted, you all came in stunned me finished the archmage and then all tried to dog pile me. The other time was the cute summons into yourself, two other warriors a paladin and the healer having aura'd you all. Thems the breaks though. As a side note, that last one wouldn't have irked me except I'd thought from our one on one fights that you weren't the type to fall back on those kinds of tactics. My mistake.

In character Aytak thought Golron was the best/worst thing to happen to the fortress. With regard to most, in his eyes the fortress is just a slightly holier than thou version of empire. You guys had managed to develop ganking into a near art form.

Sorry you had a low opinion of Aytak, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.
Good luck on your next.
30480, The battle you mentioned
Posted by Rouchevien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

The battle took place at your cabal, at a cabal raid, when you had your item. It was one paladin, three warriors, two of whom were poorly equipped. There was no healer, the other warriors were not sancted. You, Aytak, an invoker, were at the archmage with another hero invoker.

You were summoned and stunned for at least 12-15 rounds. The battle would have gone differently if your other invoker had come up and worded you, or area spelled, or the both of you had waited outside of the cabal, or had come in at us together. While the numerical odds were not even, the tactical/battle odds were.


A invoker is arguably the one class that can take on another other class in a toe to toe fight and come out winning. (By that, I don't factor in thief incapacitation skills, or assasinate). Throw in a/b/s and all other protections, throw in scion cabal powers, and you have one of the most powerful class/cabal combinations in the game.

I think you're under the impression that good chars can't gang evil chars. These are mistaken assumptions in an RP universe.

If your comments about the fortress being a holier than thou empire, meaning that the PLAYERS who play fortress are just as bad as Imperials, then that is a poor comment, because you are known to kill others in groups yourself. It smacks of poor sportsmanship and perhaps hypocrisy? to complain about something you have no qualms about doing to others.

30502, C'mon, try reading the post before responding
Posted by Aytak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Perhaps you're right perhaps not, I did a where and saw the healer as well shortly before I was summoned. Regardless, I didn't say 'I' the 'player' think it was poor and so forth. I said Aytak sees it that way. And likewise I said that Aytak thought it was poor because Golron had no qualms about showing up all on his lonesome to fight Aytak, so Aytak expected more from him.

If you're going to stand on your argument that what's good for the goose is good for the gander then I think Aytak's viewpoint not only stands, but has merit. If in the course of fighting something you become as bad as it, then who truly holds the victory? If I misinterpretted (spellcheck) Golron's mention of Aytak then no harm done, I did think Golron was a ballsy fighter. Don't be so insecure, if in your eyes what your paladin does is not blameworthy then don't be in such a rush to defend yourself. I didn't mention who and so forth, I just made mention of Golron's part in it because I was talking about him, not you.

Take it easy,
30505, RE: C'mon, try reading the post before responding
Posted by Rouchevien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I was correcting your recollection of that particular battle, since it suggested that it was a "gang bang". I happened to be there, so I want to set the record straight.

I'm not sure what you're going on about a goose and a gander. But consider it in this light. If three maran warriors come across a necromancer and kill him, that doesn't make them necromancers. If they glory in the kill and bloodlust perhaps, draw too much enjoyment for it, get lost in hatred, then yes. But this has nothing to do with "gang banging". You can get lost in hatred whether you kill a necromancer one on one, or in a pack. The only thing that comes out of ganging too much really is a reliance on others and/or cowardice. So if that's the point you're making, then I agree.

I find is hard to believe when you say it's Aytak and not your player who dislikes gang banging for two reasons. Firstly, Aytak gang bangs, and secondly, you, the player, post in a fashion as though disdainful about gangbanging. Unless you're saying Aytak the Scion has manged to get himself an internet terminal and logs onto www.carrionfields.org.

30512, Uncork yourself
Posted by Aytak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Four on one is still a gang bang as you like to say. As far as geese, gander or goose my inference is that the fortress and empire use the exact same tactics. Is the fortress a tactically based organization? Battle is, I thought the fortress was all about redemption and the light and all that goodie stuff. Perhaps I'm wrong. And before you go on a rant about how they are 'but', I'll just say that it's my 'general' impression from getting a little talking to from Shokai a long while back when I and another paladin were killing lone evils. Ok? So pull your head in... I'm not saying I am the authority on all things fortress, just giving my perspective to a character who I had some good fights with and thought was fun ooc, even if ic I was a turd to him. Stop trying to make everything either about you or a pissing contest.

I said Aytak was surprised that Golron did it because he'd proven in the past that he wasn't afraid of one on one fighting. So no biggy, again you failed to read or properly interpret my meaning. Ganging comes with the territory, it's part of the game. And again, in case you missed it, Aytak was slightly perturbed about the mass kill primarily because he thought Golron had more grit than that, which he did, just not that particular time.

I'll do a quick rundown ok?
I think recall camping is just weak.
I expect evils to be sodding bastards who take advantage of any and every opportunity if it benefits them.
I expected goodies to be a step above that mark, fighting intelligently but likewise exhibiting all of those things that might sway someone from darker designs of paths. Goodies who fight like imperials of the light don't do that in my eyes.
Does anyone at all have to live by my perspective? Uhm, of course not, that's the beauty of variety. If any of this offends you, then it's you who has the problem not me...
Again, good character Golron and good luck on the next
30577, RE: Uncork yourself
Posted by Blobqirt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, my original post about you sounded abit bitter, didn't mean it to. But I think what your trying to say is because I would come alone, you expected me to fight alone all the time, right?

As I said, I did like fighting alone, but Golron would also do what needed to be done, if that meant getting help then so be it. He also know IC that against a prepped voker (you and Zavin and the like) he had little chance of ever actually killing them alone.

30605, one thing I will say
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember saying something ic to Golron and you coming back as if I'd said something ooc.

I think it was something about you being unable to refrain from attacking me in the city and breaking the law. Your response made it pretty clear that you thought I'd said you were a trigger user.

This annoys me, because I also make comments about being amazed at how people can keep up with me when I flee etc, and they take that to be accusations of trigger use even when I'm playing an elf or drow, and thus know it can't be triggers. When you say something as your character would and have it interpreted as a "player's" comment, it immediately ruins the rp.
30616, RE: one thing I will say
Posted by Blobqirt. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Umm, I cant remember ever thinking someone accused me of using triggers IC. So I have no real idea what you are talking about. However, you said it yourself....

When you say something as your character would and have it interpreted as a "player's" comment, it immediately ruins the rp.

If that happens, why bother ever saying anything you 'think' could be interepreted that way? That way would save people thinking your going oocly IC on them, wouldn't it?

30619, I knew you'd say that
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't think of that interpretation until you made it. Similarly, when I play autosneaking races and make a comment about how fast someone chases I don't think that it would be construed as a comment about triggers at the time, since I know it can't be triggers. It's only when you get an unexpected reaction that you realise what people must have thought when you said it.

Reminds me of an old stupid joke where you say "there's a ####for on your head" so that people would reply "What's a #### for?"... whereupon you say whatever you feel like saying on this occasion. When I was a kid, I said that to a colored friend of mine (we only became friends later) and he went totally ballistic, thinking I'd said there was "#### fur" on his head in a reference to his short and curly hair. I had no idea that he might take it like that until he did.
30620, since that got censored..
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
the asterisks hide "dicckk"
30483, RE: Well glad you're gone
Posted by Blobqirt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry if it sounded bitter, didn't mean for it to come out that way. What I meant is after the first fight I kind of underestimated you. The times when you wanded up, those were just plain painful. In regards to me ganging, as I said yes I did, I don't deny that I ganged, but I didn't really enjoy it, thats the main reason I would fight people alone, more fun if its just one on one. The way Golron saw it is he liked to fight alone, yet he would do what was called for, full looting, ganging being among that. Plus personally, I know that a scion voker has no real trouble getting wands/decent gear. *shakes his fist in Zavin's general direction*

The tactic of you geysering, me stunning when I was writhing, you forgot to add I only came during the day, and healed at night :P

If you stick it out then chances are you should do well in scion, so good luck with that.
