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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Quevea Orthae-Quarth the Protector of Faith, Imperial High Priestess
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=30292
30292, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Quevea Orthae-Quarth the Protector of Faith, Imperial High Priestess
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Aug 20 18:53:20 2004

At 8 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 1st of the Month of the Ancient Darkness
on the Theran calendar Quevea perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
30307, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Quevea Orthae-Quarth the Protector of Faith, Imperial High Priestess
Posted by Rouchevien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I felt you were more skilled than Khajaal as well, having fought both of you. But I could also tell you were learning the class after you died some silly deaths early on in the game. Defending and retrieving when you are about with any other imperial was difficult if not impossible. I remember some good battles, most of which were with me dying at the centurions.
30318, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Quevea Orthae-Quarth the Protector of Faith, Imperial High Priestess
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I didn't start gearing for hp until way after I should have been. Then I started fooling around with (eeeeeeevil item) and lost 100 hp which forced me to face my frailty and gear against it. I stopped dying after I started gearing for hp. From ~570 base to 1200+ hp makes a huge difference.

Yeah, getting you at Centurions was the only way to kill you I felt like. You escaped too often otherwise or just beat me down. So it was always "Wait till he hits Centurions and I'll curse him."

Good job.
30296, On the Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I'm a ganker and a victim of gankers. Perhaps some fuzzy math could be done between the Gank-o-Meter and Ganked-o-Meter to come up with one value to describe the individual? It seems off to call me a complete sissy when the fights, as represented by the gank-o-meters, are group on group.
30325, RE: On the Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>So I'm a ganker and a victim of gankers. Perhaps some fuzzy
>math could be done between the Gank-o-Meter and Ganked-o-Meter
>to come up with one value to describe the individual? It seems
>off to call me a complete sissy when the fights, as
>represented by the gank-o-meters, are group on group.

Actually...it does not say the fights you end up in are group on group. It says that when you kill someone or assist in the kill there is an average of around 3 people in the group. It does not say you were fighting 3 on 3, and killed some folks then died. They are averages, nothing more. Just because you died to a gang, doesn't mean you were in a group (nor does it mean you weren't in a group) it just means that when you died there were an average of X folks beating on you.
30343, I think that should have been expected as a healer.
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After all, as a healer you cannot solo kill usually, so you will show up as a ganker. Also as a healer, most people cannot solo kill you, so you show up as being ganked a lot.
30293, Farewells
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I have completely blown my summer, largely on CF, when I should have been beginning my dissertation and filling out internship applications. With my final year of coursework only two weeks away I realized that it was time to stop playing games and start looking at the future more seriously. Thus, the deletion.

I rolled Quevea wanting to get back into the game and I figured the best way to do that was by rolling a healer that would be drug along to all the new places and taught all the new tricks simply because she was a healer. I wanted to learn prep locations without being dependant upon them myself so that I could utilize them with the next char. Ultimately, my goals weren't really fulfilled because, as I quickly learned, it's difficult for me to allow others to lead me around when I know I can be more efficient as the leader. There really wasn't anybody to show me prep locations since there really weren't any incredibly knowledgeable magi that I knew of in Empire during my tenure.

This was my first healer in like 5 years so I had a lot to learn and relearn. It was difficult getting used to not being able to group teleport my peeps while they were fighting. Back in the day that was the healer's A-number-1 escape act. Imms nerfed it and a lot of my groupmates died when they otherwise wouldn't have. In spite of that, I tried to set myself apart from the other Imperial healers of my time by being better. I never got Shawtabbies because Blitzenturt gave the mask away, to Drokalyth I believe, who horded the damn thing for months then gave it to somebody else who horded it when he deleted. Somehow the person who has it now ended up with it. No idea how since today was the first time I'd ever seen him in my life. Oh well. It would've been nice.

Quevea's role was admittedly weak. I threw enough together to get empowered and that was about it. The rest I made up as I went along and ultimately just fell into my typical hard-nosed arrogant Imperial ways. I have a lot of way better roles (that are actually roles even) on the shelf that will probably never see the light of day.

Farewells: I'm going to forget a bunch of people, mainly from the early days, so post a reply if you want my thoughts.


Blitzenturt - I saw a lot of pretty interesting angles to you. We laughed, we cried, we beat fools down. It was fun. Sometimes you're a little too nice for an Imperial in my eyes, but you make it work and it kept me from even trying to overthrow you because I knew ultimately I'd be on an island. Too many people like you for you to be overthrowed. I could bash your head in for giving the mask to a Tribunal though. WTF.

Wojif - I didn't mind walking with you, but I died more with you than any other warrior I think. You're skilled, you just brought me bad luck. Amazingly, we were outnumbered a lot of the time. I know the anti-Imperials out there will find that hard to believe, but it's true.

Jalecan - I had a blast with you in the early days. I actually learned some things when I was with you (how to get through the bottom of Mortorn for one thing) and that's why I never gave you a hard time like I did others. I tried to keep you prepped, but I was still relearning the class at that point. You got a lot of things free when others did not. Good job.

Hafizar - Always nice to have a good bard around. With a bard and a healer the Empire is pretty difficult to raid/retrieve against. Some succeeded, but always with crazy numbers.

Laes - I always felt safe with you around. Thieves/assassins gave me fits and were really the only ones I feared at all. You kept them at bay and I loved you for it. You were an awesome Shadow Lord.

Khajaal - Man I hated you. I knew I was a better healer but you beat me to hero so you got the High Priest spot. I started working to overthrow you almost immediately after heroing and, regardless of what you want to believe, it was a matter of days before I was successful in usurping you. You made it easy by deleting.

Lothorectred - Ugh. You really gotta try some things beyond c 'forget'. Seriously. Anything.


Golron - Stun is stupid.

Elstratuviel - I never really had much difficulty with you. Not much a bard is going to do against a dark-elf healer though. You got me once though when you logged on in the middle of what was essentially a solo raid and fiended me when I had 25 mana...not 25%...25 mana. That sucked.

Lariya - You're ridiculous.

Brordaran - You complained about never being successful with your dispels. You hammered me every time with it and I hated you for it. You were my bane and one of my happiest days was seeing you delete. I hate that virtue.

Rouchevien - Very gutsy. Well played.

The rest of you were either fodder or I'm just forgetting you.

Scion: Huh? There are so few of you that you rarely put up a fight. Thankfully I missed the unholy gank squads Kungkruk was always putting together.


Odrirg - You were fun to argue with. It was Wojif that basically did the killing in Barovia that one time. I gate it and cursed and then worded away. He then ran in and entwined you and started with the pincering. I honestly had no idea you were link dead. The only hint I had was that you hadn't left the area. The fight was over so fast and you were lagged so hard pincers/crushing hands that I just assumed we lagged you out.

I don't really know that many of the rest of you made an impact on Quevea's life. I wanted to war with you because of Odrirg, Alarian, and Barfargrin basically doing as they pleased in spite of any treaties we had, but Blitz is a big softy.

Outlander: Huh? Most of you were flashes in the pan or so outnumbered that you could little else but hide. I felt bad for you all most of the time.


Acaga - You're a beast. I hate deathblow.

Iborenn - A good hider, I'll give you that. We had some interesting conversations. Well played.


Tibderolt - "Worthless bird." Little more than an annoyance, ic and occ, most of the time.

Derafhac - I had no idea your fate was so closely tied to mine. Why wait for me to delete before you did? Stun is stupid.


Khasotholas - I figured I owed you a follower after Wilhath bailed on you (I can't believe you didn't clear that note). I enjoyed it. I kinda lost track of you in recent weeks though. I don't know if you got tired of me or were away or what. After that thing with Ahdremiel I never saw much from you. I probably wasn't your best follower. I felt like I was missing something from your religion, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I just never felt completely comfortable for some reason. I actually looked up bee hives on the internet to see if I could find what I felt was the missing link, but I came up with nothing. I dunno. It's strange.

If I'm forgetting anybody I apologize. Post a reply and I'll try to get back to you.
30298, RE: Farewells
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you, I thought you played the sneering arrogant Imperial priestess VERY well. You've got unquestioning faith down. When Faith defies Reason, you know you're dealing with something special.

Thanks for making Matthen's life a bit more dangerous, but to be honest, I never saw anything of that death mark, beyond what Matthen brought upon himself by looking for trouble.

Too bad you're trying to quit, but I'm glad you had fun while it lasted. Good luck with your life, eh.
30315, RE: Farewells
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not seeing much from the death mark was due to your rank. I didn't push the issue as hard as I should have either. If I'd have started saying nobody was getting black shroud until they killed you people might have gotten to work. I think they just ignored me though, probably 'cause they're pansies and didn't want to fight you in the Inn.
30299, RE: Farewells
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you very much as an Imperial. As for not fully getting my religion... well, most your questions and comments to me were about imperial politics, ect. And that's fine. You did a great job with that. You never seemed to want to delve deep into the religion. And that's fine as well. I would have offered more, but I'm not going to force it on anybody.

All around excellent job though, and those scrolls were exactly what a Divine should be doing.

30313, Yeah I should've just asked
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It never really occurred to me that all of our conversations were about politics (overthrowing Khajaal, hating Lothorectred, etc.). I should have approached you about your religion instead of floundering about and feeling uncomfortable in it for so long. Oh well. You're the man. Going to Ahdremiel was my way of forcing more in depth immteraction since I've deleted a lot of characters out of boredom and lack of immteraction. Thanks for making it enjoyable (even if you haven't mastered the art of aggro mobs and pcs *wink*).
30342, RE: Yeah I should've just asked
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
- Thanks for making it enjoyable (even if you haven't mastered the art of aggro mobs and pcs *wink*).

For the record, there was another imm there as well. And right or wrong, I completely blame him for any mob irregularities. Or I blame you. Either way, the blame is nicely deflected from me. Because it was probably my fault. Ahem. Sorry about that.
30300, RE: Farewells
Posted by Villis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is a really pity you gone, you was the second healer i loved much. Well, first one was Izuvererus. You was extremely skilled. I remember only the one time i died when you was close, but that was a real horde for the three of us. Tho, i deleted too, and i didnt know you gone as well, thanks for your words about me in your goodbye.
Without you Empire shall be weakened hardly. With best regards, Hafizar.
30316, RE: Farewells
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, that was a crazy ganking. It was like 6 of them on us and we'd have been fine if it wasn't for curse/quicksand/dispel. I had an out (item from Inn) but I was hoping you'd sing nightmare so I could teleport us/fly you. You said you'd been trying so I don't know if I just didn't notice or you were failing or what. It was a rush to be sure.
30306, RE: Farewells
Posted by Khajaal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It may be surprise, but I was comlitely in the same situation: Khajaal was my second character after the two years of not playing CF. And I have to be writing my dissertation right now as well. :).

My goals with this character was almost the same: to see what changed. I hated you as well, I saw all what was you doing and could not stop it due to some reasons : I'm not best in writing scrolls :) (It's not my first language). So I tried to be better healer as a 'healer'. It leaded me to the wrong way, I think my relations with the other sects was.... better then it should be. Well, I deleted, becouse i had to work some. It was the only way. I would really like to continue with you.

Well, hope to meet you once more.
30308, RE: Farewells
Posted by Marelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ouch, I almost feel sorry for the imperials now :P

I don't know, perhaps I'm just bitter but the impact a single healer with black shroud has on the fighting back and forth is bordering on silly in my opinion. We had quite a few fights, some alone, some in groups and if it was in a group it was usually me trying to nail you in place to keep you from doing your job ;)

You'll be back someday, the fields will be waiting.


30314, RE: Farewells
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No healers coming up that I know of either. It could be a rough couple weeks for them indeed. Of course, if anybody has their wits about them out there they'll be rolling an Imperial healer today and powerranking to hero. You pretty much get what you want as an imperial healer.

I'd forgotten about you. Neuro is stupid. Even with swiftness and approximately -40 in saves vs. paralysis from gear you'd still stun me into helplessness on the first try. That's whack.
30309, RE: Farewells
Posted by NotGuyWithMask on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since I went with guy in mask, I can tell you you are way off base. I have been trying to get a group to the pyramids for a while (three weeks now) to explore it, only to have Lariya or someone come and chase us off, as she can testify. I asked the healer to come because I needed a healer to explore the place. I let him keep the mask because he did me a favor by helping me map the pyramid. Also I couldn't get the mobs out of the area myself, not having really expected the mask to be in, so that also influenced my decision to give him the mask. I don't think there was anything underhand going on.
30317, I don't know.
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been to the Pyramid a few times in recent weeks and it was never in. Maybe somebody who had it recently deleted but I don't know. It's all Blitzenturt's fault. It's his fault for not giving me the bracelet that stops you from being blinded too.
30320, we didn't interact at all..
Posted by Nactabar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but we fought some, and that time when you would keep gating to me when I was wanted kinda scared me!

well done

30324, RE: Farewells
Posted by Derafhac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Um, it was fun. You were annoying. Most of my big deaths were at centurions and involving you. I always groaned when you got on, because I knew then the other imperials would be that much harder to kill.

There were mass logins/logoffs connected to you.

30326, You made me wish I used axe's
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So many times I wanted to disembowel you it wasn't even funny
30336, With her nose in the air she walks....
Posted by Krelissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, can't say I ever liked you...in the Empire or afterwards, but I do enjoy how you started to turn in into a personal insult to yourself after you managed to get High Priestess(God am I glad I missed that, working under you :P). I would have liked to see it go a bit further, we could have had a real antagonism thing going on, but I understand where you're coming from with the dissertation thing. Been doing a bunch of stuff to get ready for start of term myself(hence my spottiness). I still refuse to budge though. Luck to you.

30370, Bye bye
Posted by Els. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Elstratuviel - I never really had much difficulty with you.
>Not much a bard is going to do against a dark-elf healer
>though. You got me once though when you logged on in the
>middle of what was essentially a solo raid and fiended me when
>I had 25 mana...not 25%...25 mana. That sucked.

I admit that might seem a bit irky, but I honestly tell you: that was bad luck on your side. Same thing happened to me, too (solo raiding the Empire and than people start to log on; or similarly, logging on in the Fort and 2 seconds later people start hitting me because they were there for a raid;). I admit, it sucks, but that's just one of those things you gotta live with. Logins are rather shattered at the moment, and I try to get every second I can; meaning that I can log on for about half an hour, and a quarter of an hour later for an hour. RL is catching up on me, and I can't avoid it anymore as I was able to.
As you said, there's nothing really a bard can do against a (drow) healer, but there's nothing really a healer can do against a bard either (unless pick up a warrior of course ;)). To be honest though, I found Khajaal more of a High Priest than you, although I can't really know that since I never read any of your posts to Empire or heard any of your CB speeches. As I said, it was an impression I got: at any moment when Khajaal would log on, he would come for the codex or orb, no matter what the odds. I found Quevea... more reluctant in the cabal retrieving/raiding. Also, Khajaal would talk around, and be more ointy-tointy, more haughty-like, whereas Quevea was more .. huh.. introvert, more caught up in.. other things.. As I said, it's just an impression I had of you, no offense. A healer with black shroud still sucks to have to fight against, though. Well done, and I see you around in the fields.
