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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Odrirg Gorimm the Bane of Chaos, Priest of the Ki-rin, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=30172
30172, (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Odrirg Gorimm the Bane of Chaos, Priest of the Ki-rin, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Aug 16 19:53:20 2004

At 3 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of the Grand Struggle
on the Theran calendar Odrirg perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
30259, Question for the IMMs
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did Odrirg have any more Immortal comments? It looks like they got cut-off in the middle of the last visable one.

30260, It's fixed. n/t
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
30251, For those interested, here are the missing parts of Odrirg's role
Posted by permanewbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will post them under this post.

"Dr." "Dr." "Dr." "Dr." "Dr." "Dr." "Dr." "Dr." "Dr." "Dr." "Dr." "Dr." "Dr." "Dr." "Dr."
30252, Chapter 10 conclusion
Posted by permanewbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Overnight, he had gone from highly-motivated, hard charging leader to
####bag in the eyes of the instructors and his fellow students.

But he toiled on, despite the intense pain from his knees. In a program that
had an 80% wash-out rate of HEALTHY dwarves ...he continued. Grudgingly the
instructors ...great and old salty-dogs all, came to respect Odrirg. Not for
his skill, for his knees kept him from being the best at Scaling, but for his
gut-toughness and Courage to continue through the pain.One of them called
him the toughest damned dwarf he had ever seen, and that he must have been
forged out of the ancient bedrock tempered under the tallest of mountains.

Before the graduation ceremony, there was one final training exercise. A Real
incursion. But it was a disaster. The lead recruit lost his footing at the
top of an immense cliff that they were scaling, and tumbled. Only to be saved
by Odrirg. Unfortunately, Odrirg used his legs wrapped around a line to
stable him as he caught his classmate. And his knee was done. Ripped right
out of socket, ripping muscle, cartilage, and even bone. Needless to say,
he could not continue the mission, and was denied graduation.

By the time he was gotten back to the nearest place to get healed, scar
tissue and calcium deposits had grown up too much for the small powers of the
local priest to heal completely ...and to this day Odrirg experiences great
pain during movement ...although he will never let on to friend or foe that
he feels such pain. Indeed, he has lived with it so long that he cannot
conceive of a life without it, and when thinking about his pain he refers to
it often (to himself) as his old friend, hence his sometime habit of muttered
conversations with his old friend when there is no one else about.

Unfortunately, it was obvious that he would not be allowed to re-enter
training to become a warrior.

While convalescing, a dwarf came through the village that happened to be a
Priest of a strange and foreign god ...and he tarried and talked with Odrirg
for many days. He taught Odrirg that true strength did not come only from
the body, but from the soul, from the mind, and from the Heart. He taught
that a true life only comes from standing up to all obstacles while pursuing
your goals, and that true goals come from deeply felt beliefs that are rooted
so deep in your being that they can not be shaken. He spoke with Odrirg on
many things which resonated within him to a greater or lesser extent. But
when the strange priest spoke of the war between order and chaos, and of the
Pride of those who stand up to the tide and declare boldly "Chaos will
nolonger rule Thera!", something great moved within Odrirg. Perhaps it was

his military upbringing and the orderly way in which he was raised, in
combination with his inate hatred of injustice and even his military
training, but hearing of this wider war with Chaos that raged all across
Thera...and not just in the small Kingdom of the Dwarves filled him with a
burning desire to go out and join the fight.

The unnamed priest soon left, however, encouraging Odrirg to go out and seek
this Strange god, of which he would only give vague hints, and Odrirg knew
what path he had to take.
30253, chapter 2 conclusion
Posted by permanewbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He sees this as an opportunity to show all these young whippers in the Spire
just how Magistrating is done, damnit. And they are all going to become
better for his example.

While the Future is often in flux and doubt, there is one thing that Odrirg
knows that can not be denied. With both him and the former Provost serving in
the Empress' city, this city will never be as skillfully watched over as it
will be now.

"Death awaits ya all, wit nasteh big pointeh teeth!"
30254, chapter 1 conclusion
Posted by permanewbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He has been trying to get this message out, preaching to all of the
Moron lightwalkers that have been Agents of Chaos, but they do not
listen. Faced with the Truth, and proof of their own stupidity,
every single one has retreated further into the warm cuddliness
of the Lies of the Empire and chaos that rule their lives.

All this has served only to firm (if possible) his knowledge that
he has been on the right path his entire life, and that now is not
the time to go Soft.

"Death awaits ya all, wit nasteh big pointeh teeth!"
30208, well I guess I should say goodbye since you have a lot of logs of me
Posted by mulshinay on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First thing first I thought you were excellently well role played. The only problem I had was that your role clashed with mine significantly. I was trying to be the rational scholar while you were the zealot who would not listen to reason. You abused your position in the spire a little bit in regards to me as did basically everyone in the spire to the point that the imms even violated the rules of the spire which led to me asking to leave the spire. but thats another story.

You did a great job with odrirg and I have played enough shamans to understand about rot and such as well as the annoying lack of ability to seal kills on anyone who can use magical transportation. Roll up an outlander and give that a try is my only suggestion and keep on trucking.
30249, Heh.....you might be surprised...
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You definately were a close runner up for my favorite *ELF*.

Sure, Minya wins because she was my sister and all....

But you had *ELF* down to a T. It was almost as if you saw my role, and understood exactly how to play a damned Thinner to push all of Odrirg's buttons the wrong way.

Which was great. Here were two characters, one trying to be a DWARF, and the other very obviously an ELF....and our interactions led us to the brink (and over?) of that very well-documented in literature hatred between dwarves and elves, not because we planned it or because we were trying to, but because that's just how our personalities clashed.

Loved it.

Although, ooc, I did think you were on *VERY* shaky grounds trying to twist the words of the law into letting you return weapons to criminals.
30192, Thanks for all the Fish. (LONG goodbies/explanations)
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, About Odrirg.

I came up with his role a long while back, mostly in response to this post by Nepenthe: http://forums.carrionfields.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=6&topic_id=527&mesg_id=527&listing_type=search

Titled "RP-related pet peeves"

Specifically #6 Players who are only capable of playing one type of character.

After reading that, I realized most of my own characters had had similar goals and personalities...from my Knight to my ragers to my arbies to my Empires...even to my Baron.

So, I figured I'd do one last "swan song" character that would sum up everything that made all those characters similar (basically the fact that much of myself was coming through them)

That night, I had a dream that was Odrirg's role. It's not *ME* per se. But many of the Early formative things that happened to Odrirg happened to me. Even down to the soccer game with the other kids and the Hurt knees while in training for the Infantry. Then it was basically a small part of my personality....blown to extremes and taken to the n'th degree...and everything then passed through the "DWARF" lens.

One of my goals with odrirg was to play a character that was so obviously DWARF to anyone that interacted with him, that they would not get the "human in a dwarf suit" impression. And to do it without doing most of the wildly over-played dwarf stereotypes. My first step towards this was to explain in my role just why Odrirg didn't talk like a drunk cartoon scottishman.

For most of Odrirg's life, he was prevented by Order from his direct superiors in the Spire from attacking Centurions....and that put a HUGE dent in one of my ooc goals with Odrirg. In short, he wanted to kill cents as often as possible, and perhaps start some bad mojo with the empire without going off the deep end. But he couldn't. He was too "Orderly" to go against an order from a Superior...and writings in the spire told magistrates to be careful that their actions don't affect the Spire negatively. So despite my ooc desire to mix #### up...basically because the Spire had been evil for a long time, and the Palace/spire love affair was just too sickening for me ooc...Odrirg was unable to do IC.

Odrirg's actions and personality might best be summed up as "rager berserker....except against Chaos instead of magic."....which made sense because of the role, and is also the reason I think I got away with attacking so many goodies who were Chaotic.

The reason I chose Chaos to be Odrirg's obsession, was ooc. Ever since I had a baron, one of my own pet peeves is that almost *NOONE* who chooses chaos actually roleplays chaotic. It just seems that everyone pays attention to ALIGNMENT....but almost everyone completely ignores ETHOS....so I hoped to bring the matter of ETHOS up onto the radars of the rest of the playerbase.

I appologize to all of those characters that Odrirg blew up at. But that is just how Odrirg was. 9 times out of 10 that was Odrirg and not me blowing up...but he was an ornery dwarf who liked to keep himself in a Frenzy....he worked best when he was angry...so he had a penchant to blow up that didn't soften until he got old.

About skill/sup practice. I didnt. I spent a couple hours TRYING to work defenses mid teens, but that didn't work and I wanted to be out roleplaying, so that was it.

I don't regret not practicing any skills. And the only Sup I spam practiced was word of recall.

And I FULLY regret not spam practicing alot of my sups. Alot of the Pks I was in would have gone VERY differently...if the sups I attempted actually landed.

I have logs of my hero warlock invoker...being Dispelled by an empire shaman 4 ranks below me. Never failed to dispel every...single...spell.

But with Odrirg, I'd be lucky to dispel 'detect inv' after 5 attemts...all the while soaking up Geyesers or Engulfs.

Also, using a version of a powerful text editor called "Vi", I located all of the missed weakens and poisons and plagues that happend in pk.... I'll just say that from what I can tell, weaken worked 5% of all attempts in pk. poison was much better...at about 40% success in pk. plague was better still at around 60% success in pk. Other sups like Blind had similar success rates. I am missing a few days worth of logs due to a computer crash, so these percentages might not be totally accurate.

I always wondered what pk would have been like if those sups worked more often. but really, I was having too much fun Rping Odrirg's many duties to take time to go off and spam practice those sups.

Far too many people were important in Odrirg's life to mention all of even the most important one by one. I'll do the "group" mentions like everyone else does, and reply to anyone who would like a personal one...heh.

Battle: Damnit I loved fighting you. Basically because it seemed that the ones I faught could soak up all of my maladicts and still be deadly. I admit, I really banged my head against the wall for workable tactics against you. But failing a couple weakens...a couple plagues...and a poison or two...and my hp was gone... Which was why many of you saw me try outlandish and stupid tactics against you...I was just trying for SOMETHING. I probably agreed to too many duels where the stipulation was "You can't use rot or wither or guards....and I'll fight you". But Odrirg only backed down from 2 total possible fights in his life...Often he would agree to massively unfair terms...just in order to get you out of the Village to fight......which almost always went your way.

Empire: I think I mentioned you above in one of Odrirg's goal. Yanacek and Gulthruk breaking the law in Tar Valon in a way where I couldn't prove it....really was a formative occurance in Odrirg's developing hatred of the Empire, which I admit carried over to Magistrates who followed Empire gods....he looked at them with a sickening feeling in his stomach....knowing they would betray the Spire if their lord just HINTED that he wanted them to.

Sylvan/Outlander: Boy was it great to have nemesis...when there were enough of you about to make your presence known. I loved getting instected/thornhearted/spored at the inner of the Outlander cabal....only to have Alynana log in and neuro me into oblivion....or to have Massie log on and lay down thorns that have WAY too much lag....then call the hunt on me in the maze.....that stuff is what makes it dangerous...and dangerous equals fun.

Fortress: Boy, were you guys a thorn in Odrirg's side. Stupid lightwalkers falling into Empire's designs and embracing chaos....THATS WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO DO....heh. It was hard on Odrirg to hunt you all. but he knew that it had to be done. Those few that weren't chaotic...thanks for that. I loved the intricate interplay of interactions between lightwalkers with different goals and ethos's. Especially with Jaegrudai. One of my largest regrets with Odrirg is that Jaegrudai and I had so little time to interact....and fight....being the first two Followers of Velkurah.

Scion: Most of you were chaotic, and all of you were UUUBER evil. In short, Odrirg looked for any excuse to raid you and take your Scepter....doing so almost got him in trouble a few times if I remember correctly...but I was always able to rationalize doing it. Especially liked the perma-gank-squad that came about with Kungkruk and his lackies.

Heralds: Odrirg wanted to have a soft spot for most of you, basically because Soucivi as a mort had been so accomodating in finding him a good vintage Lager....heh. But so many of you, and others that just hung out at the Inn, were Agents of Chaos...that the honeymoon wore off soon. I was fully expecting to get permanently denied from the Inn because of my many attacks on Agents within...but it never happend.

To those who MUST have thought Odrirg was just a blow-hard braggart who couldn't back it up...

Most of that was Odrirg TRYING to sound that way in an attempt to get you to come out of hiding and/or agree to fight. Odrirg to a large degree, and ooc I completely, knew that he was neither invincible, or a killing machine. It was a tool he used to force the issue. And I'm surprised at how often it worked.

Anyway, I'm tired as all hell and that's all my brain can think to ramble on aimlessly about. I'll probably think up more later.
30202, If you have it....
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like to see your side of the few fights we had, as well I'm curious what you thought about fighting me?
30248, I'll see if I can find them when I have the time.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
as to fighting you. Yeah, you can pretty much reference what I said about Jinroh too.

your spec combination, and that one legacy you have, made you a horror to fight as a shaman.....You even got a DEMOLISH concealed against me through sanc and shield and stone skin and protection ethos. Yeah, *I* wasn't planning on letting you have too many one on one fights after that....although Odrirg would have charged you anyway.

The beginning of that fight in the past was very funny. There were no criminals on, and I knew you were an Agent...and one of the only agents I could see on.....so when I located body parts in Aridhol I knew you were there, so I went to get you....

In the middle of our fight...out of the Friekin blue....right as I was really needing to flee from all the str and dex loss and bleeding....Alarian makes you a criminal.

I bonked my head after that...Had I known he was considering it, I would have brought my guards and waited till you were marked so I could have shackled you.

That's when Alarian and I returned together to kill you.
30204, That's an early age death.
Posted by Tjok. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anyway. I hated Odrirg. And I liked Odrirg. With Vindicator powers, Odrirg's attitude and Odrirg's willingness to mix it up, that irritating little dwarf was like three Tribunal rolled into one. So it was a back-and-forth hate-like. I hated the necessity of wasting a snare to handle your guards and avert Vindicator mayhem. I liked that you were willing to take the fight to the wilds so I could fight uncrippled. And so on.

Thanks for the fun and see you around.
30246, Yet another example...
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
of how it always seems like the grass is greener.

With my rangers, it always seemed like my snares failed to grab anyone flying, and failed half the time on non-flying pcs.

With Odrirg, not one of your snares failed once...that I can remember. And boy was that annoying.

I was hoping I could go in, trip your snare, word and rest up and return before you had the ability to set up a new snare...but there was always a new snare there....ruining the tactics I was going to try.


That sums up some of my feelings of trying to raid the inner of your cabal to get you. You never once let me redirect to you or sup you up...superb tactics on your part. (except that one time I got fed up and convinced someone to give me earth shield....that time I got you and I was dancing I'm not afraid to admit).

You should give classes to other rangers on how to fight Shamans. Because honestly, almost every other ranger was helpless to the faeriefire/plague combo.

30213, Annoying, in a good way
Posted by Baendraa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can still remember you telling me that you didn't trust my motivations for joining the spire and refusing to give me a recommendation despite me doing everything else you set before me. Good rp, but annoying as hell for me as an applicant, that you turned me down because you didn't trust me not to betray the spire.

Would I have betrayed the Spire, given a good enough reason (e.g. say if linked with liching)? Possibly. I guess I don't know the answer myself.

Generally speaking though Baendra never liked Odrirg after that. You were one of the few tribs I held a grudge against, but again, you outranked me, so I didn't do much about it.
30245, I hated doing that.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ooc, it was obvious you knew what you were doing. I SO wanted to give you the recommendation.


Odrirg knew the stories of how the Lichmaker was quite insane (an Agent of Chaos if ever there was one), and he didn't believe you would get a chance to lich (which he was against anyway) without being told to do something against the Spire. This was shortly after Voebyn stabbed him in the back....so he wasn't about to give out recommendations easily...especially to a damned necromancer.
30216, I found you to be so freakin annoying
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First I remember you at really low ranks I talked to you a bit, and I must admit it was damn fun talking to you in circles.
Then later on I remember fighting you multiple times even times to the point where you where practicly throwing yourself at me.
*I plan on posting those*
You definitly played a dwarf, hope to bump into again.
Oh, and I plan on posting a few quick tidbits of just interacting with you.
30244, heh
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll see if I can dig up those logs.

As for comments on fighting you, Reference my comments under Jinroh in large part.
30217, Holy early Age Death
Posted by Kaplanov on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well. You were the last living person Kaplanov knew. And we sure go back quite some time. I believe we were both Magistrates when Grurk was our Vindicator. Craziness. Anyhow, nice char. Did they have a party in the Palace yet for your passing? Heh. That number of hours for age death seems so low to me for a Dwarf. Any ideas why? Take it easy.
30242, Yeah.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There were circumstances behind the timing of the age death. I know them, and the Imms know them, but I'd rather not go into the details.

I think I remember the mortal Grurk mentioning (when he was provincial and I was magistrate of Ruined city) that you were one old magistrate.....I even think you were inducted before him.

Not only do we both remember him as Vindicator, we both remember him as Provincial/seantryn magistrate/provincial....if I am not completely mistaken.

I remember seeing that happening to Grurk, but honestly I have trouble remembering clear back to january, and maybe I just saw it happen with my previous character and think Odrirg saw it because of that.

Keep on Trucking Kap. Was always good to see you on, although it was seldom sometimes I did notice our times meshed more towards the end, and it would have been good to be able to summon people to us.
30219, RE: Thanks for all the Fish. (LONG goodbies/explanations)
Posted by Quevea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quevea obviously hated everything about you. She probably would have left well enough alone, but then you started spreading propaganda. As a player I knew what you wanted because wanting war is the only reason a Tribunal member starts spouting off. Quevea would have been your huckleberry, but she's not Emperor. It would have been interesting.
30241, it wasn't Propaganda....it was Truth.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And you proved it by tryign to prevent people from even hearing it, instead of believing your truth would be self evident in comparison.


Yeah, after Odrirg got smited just for telling Khaso that he knew the truth that Empire really wanted more chaos, and that the Empire claiming Order was a well-designed sham *innocent*....Odrirg wasn't about to be cuddly snuggly with any Khaso empowered or tattoo'd person.

I just wish I had gotten the chance to try to pay you back for killing me while link dead that one time *wink*, if only I had more time, I might have been able to bring it to open war.....*sigh*

Wow...looking back ....I always knew it was a good choice that Odrirg never got Provost.....but I never realized how disasterous it would have been if he did become one. heh. I'm fairly sure the Empire/tribunal war would have started within a week.....followed by a proclamation something like...."If any political entity is found to protect a criminal three times, the Spire will remove the ability of that entity to protect them by securing their item within the Spire."....meaning probably open war with the Village and the Chasm too...maybe even the Fortress the way Golron and Sherman were carrying on.

Wow, that would have been a train wreck.
30222, I can't tell if I like you...
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...or think you're an idiot for the ganking accusation.

People who define a 'gank' as two or three players going up against hordes of enemies annoy me.

I suppose myself, Zytanesis, and Sashindar mopping up with 7 maran (aka Lyristeon's comment on my PBF) was a gank on our part as well?
30240, WOA, nelly.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure, I'm sure there were many times when you and your lackies* weren't an actual gank squad.

But it sure was more fun for me when you WERE. You and the two you mentioned, plus that failed trib thief that made scion, plus Umalilath...plus Craynath and whatever other outlander was about.

Probably not all grouped, but very often near or in the same area, and all hunting the same people. Made it exciting and fun to be a trib.

I was kinda sad you never would fight me without your friends by your side**, but I WAS planning on laying down a massive Wither or rot, followed by plague and weaken and such on you if you did, so I really don't blame you for that. Also, it seemed that when it wasn't One of us with numbers against the other with none....one of us would be nearly or completely naked....so it just never worked out that we faught as often as I would have liked.

*In my opinion, saying a Scion warrior is powerful enough to have lackies is a compliment, so don't take that the wrong way.
**Same with this one. You played it smart, without letting pride or honor move you to letting me have a chance at taking you out, also a compliment, don't take it the wrong way.

Ps. No offense, but I think you are far too sensitive to the word "gank".
30226, My apprentice...
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me mirror was everyone else has said. Well done!
You gots the dwarf thing down. *wisenod*

Good luck with everything.


30239, Loved our interactions
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't want to get too specific about things in your role and history...

But I loved witnessing and participating in both the language-thing and the religion-thing. I remember the day you got Vindie, and I thought to myself "Uh oh, those criminals are in for it now." You definately were a beast when you wanted to be....even thought it DID take me a long time to convince you that it was alright to pick your second spec.....heh.
30243, OH!
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And maybe now that you are a God, you can do something magical to keep Bird Shat off of the heads of Magistrates stationed in Seantryn?

Or is that considered part of the right of passage?....heh.
30229, Had some great fights.
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Through many characters and ragers I have learned how to gear to deal with difficult classes. Unfortunately you were dealing with a duergar geared specifically to deal with spells/prayers. Shamans actually had the worst time again me, and you felt it. The best thing about a defender dagger spec versus a shaman is that I could "shamanize" the shaman. You were annoying but a great character, both in concept and execution. Good luck with your next.
30238, FEH
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our first couple fights almost had me convinced that you rolled Jinroh JUST to #### with shamans. NOTHING in my arsenault had any effect on you....and with all that -dex you were laying on, those daggers and hands just tore me up through any and all preps I could find.

I admit, there were times when Odrirg would be ready and raring to go charge you yet again because that's just how Odrirg was.....but me behind the character would be saying to myself "Damnit, not again, let's hope I live long enough to word this time"

I was severely releaved when you immed and I wouldn't have to face you anymore, and I thought to myself (erroneously, as it turned out) that ragers would be a CAKE walk now that you were gone....
30345, I demand you were awsome
Posted by Optomkiptum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You stuck it out all through your punishments, took everything like a 'real' person should and did your best to earn back that vindicator spot. You deserved it more than anyone else. I thoroughly enjoyed all the time I spent with you, its a shame but assides from Kaplanov... looks like all my old tribunal friends are dying off.

I demand you get my full approval for whatever rewards you got and more. You worked hard and I hope you got the fun you sought.



30176, I've got 5 dollars floating out there in donation land...
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...it was earmarked for somebody else who hasn't officially deleted yet, but if I can switch it to Odrirg that'd be cool. I only chose that person because nobody interesting was available.
30179, I already did. (n/t)
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
30175, Bah, Feh, and other words....
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<741hp 735m 660mv 26000tnl> role read 1
Subject: **************
Added Mon Aug 16 20:38:59 2004 at level 51:

"It is you, Brother, that will carry on the teachings of the Valma Katol. Make sure
everyone learns of it's truth."

I....can't believe that he's dead. I haven't wept like this in ages, haven't..

"FEH!" he snorts again...for the last time..."Don't cry, brother."

Through tear-streaked eyes in a voice older than I would ever wish, I whisper to him:

"Not brother....you....were like a father to me."

Utter sorrow plunges me into oblivion, I ignore the other goodbyes, the presence
of even an Immortal of our Spire, untill finally, I look up and hear his last words, as
he looks at his knee in wonderment.

"By all the hells of Nordiach's nightly emissions.....they don't hurt!"

And he's gone.

You were an utter, stubborn hardass who saw things *only* your way and would argue that the grass was yellow, just out of spite and refusal to admit that you were wrong.....

.....which is *exactly* how a Dwarf who's sphere Order should act. :)

I remember the few days we got to hunt together, but, well, wow....even Velk was happy about that.

Praise to the Grand Master, who brings Light and Law unto Thera.
Praise to the Grand Master, who gave might to one who stood against the chaos, evil, and insanity in this land.
Praise to the Grand Master, whom without, we are nothing.
30180, And another thing....
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"I'm not going to argue with you, Odrirg."

30200, You......*shakefist*
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damnations you annoyed the hells out of Odrirg.....because that's all you would say...

"I'm not going to argue with you, Odrirg."


Odrirg knew he was right, damnit, and he was going to bring you around....

but after that one time we almost came to blows talking about the best course of action for Tar Valon....you refused to argue with me....

Sigh....and it was so fun.

Also, I cursed the fact that it took you SOOOOOOOOOOO long to hero....then when you did....I had a fellow lightwalker, a fellow Tribunal, a fellow Disciple....and I could hardly ever convince you to be as bloodthirsty and join me in pks as I wished.

*sigh* the possibilities of two sanced summoners going out and ripping stuff up made me salivate...but for most of our time together, you were just not as agressive as I wished.

Other comments will be too connected to things currently going on...heh...so I'll stop here.
30218, I do have something to say....
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>but after that one time we almost came to blows talking about
>the best course of action for Tar Valon....you refused to
>argue with me....
>Sigh....and it was so fun.

I'm *still* not going to argue with you, Odrirg. :P

Seriously. I have a role addy entitled "Never argue with a dwarf" or something where Alarian gave up even trying to argue with a Dwarf because of the utter pointlessness in doing so.

Actually, after that fight, Alarian though he had really cheesed you off as well since our methods differed so much, at face value, but I think made sence with the whole "burning house" analogy.

You had you part to do, I had mine.

>Also, I cursed the fact that it took you SOOOOOOOOOOO long to
>hero....then when you did....I had a fellow lightwalker, a
>fellow Tribunal, a fellow Disciple....and I could hardly ever
>convince you to be as bloodthirsty and join me in pks as I

But when we did....

>*sigh* the possibilities of two sanced summoners going out and
>ripping stuff up made me salivate...but for most of our time
>together, you were just not as agressive as I wished.

True, but I think you know where Alarian's RP is focused.

>Other comments will be too connected to things currently going
>on...heh...so I'll stop here.

Alarian nods curtly......again.
30174, Preliminary goodby post
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First and formost. Thanks to Velk. I had this role sitting in a .txt file on my desktop for a few months, and all of a sudden, there is a brand new imm with a religion that fits the role so closely, that I just couldn't believe it. Thank you for everything you did for Odrirg throughout his life. Especially the chance to be the first (and second, heh) Good aligned Vindie.

Also, let me apologize for what I felt I did in Hijacking your religion. Odrirg felt he was right so completely, that whenever someone would ask him about your religion, he could not help but color it and shade it to his own interpretation of your religion, whereas I understand ooc that your religion could cover alot more and be interpreted differently....Odrirg just couldn't agree that any other interpretation was correct.

Also, I'd also like to apologize to Lyristeon. *I* would have loved to stay and argue with you those times where we met IC....but after getting smited by Khaso for mouthing off ...Odrirg just couldn't take you and often would just walk off instead of saying or doing something that would get him killed. You definately were a cool imm with a cool religion that I might try in the Future.

About the Dreams. I LOVED the dreams I used to get alot of hours ago. Then I messed up. During a dream, I got an echo that I thought meant it was time to wake up...and I woke up...and then I got an echo that I was waking up in the middle of a dream and I lost it....

I woke up the neighbors when I yelled DAMNIT so loud. After that, I only think I got one more dream. Sorry to the imm that did that dream I missed, it was totally unintentional.

I'll do a more personal goodby post for all the Morts later when I have time to reflect(and I'll respond to anyone who asks), but let me say that as a group...Thanks. With only a very few exceptions, I thoroughly enjoyed my interactions with all of you. Especially the ones that could, and did, kick my ass. I love having foes that you have to really WORK to bring down.

I admit, on the Pk side of things I didn't shine as well as I might have been able to. For a number of reasons (no copouts, just reasons), First, I only entered pks with someone else on my side a total of 8 times (not counting raids of sylvan/outlander) until maybe a hundred hours into being a Hero. And as a Shaman, I found it damned hard to close kills solo. Second, I admit, a few years ago, I used to be the kind of person who hated "rot/word spammers". I've outgrown that point of view recently, now understanding that it should never be considered "wrong" for a class to use the most effective means in a given situation...but I knew what kind of reputation I might get if I over-used rot....and despite what my fan-club on Dio's contends...for most of my life I tried to only use it when I knew I had just about zero chance to win a pk solo by other means.

My checking account that is linked to my Visa check-card is currently tapped, so it might be a while before I pay the 5 to get the Premium post.

Oh, and let me say that hunting Gating/teleporting/wording healers and mages was a pain in my ass. *chuckle*

I've got every second of Odrirg's life logged. If anyone wants something specific posted....(Or NOT posted) just ask. I'd like permission to post at least the early Immteraction I got with Velk?
30177, Well damnable...
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Have the reason I always got wanted was in hopes of more fights with you =P Though the time you brought alarian pissed me off cause in my mind it was breaking a part of the paladin code, but Tin understands that to you guys law is absolute and that is your war. Man I loved fighting you though, it was always exhilerating and I was so mad the one time I missed that cranial while you were convulsing heh. I'll post the one or two logs I have of us fighting. Anyhow, glad you had a character that made you that happy. That's the goal here is to have fun and interact.

Odrirg tells you "For a damned thinner you fight like a mad man!"

That line makes me feel accomplished =P

30178, the above first line should read "Half the reason"* n/t
Posted by Tinfalan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
30181, Rp log, first meeting with Minya about her change.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

****Rp log containing a cameo by Velkurah********
**Minya (chaotic good bard Herald) sends me a tell asking me to talk to her when I have the time. It takes a while but I get the time and go into the spire and send a tell back.....********

You tell Minya 'What do you want?'

==919/919hp 612/766m 529/549mv-18567tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'vigilance' for 35 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 35 hours.
Spell: 'detect chaos' for 15 hours.
Commune: 'detect good' for 8 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 8 hours.
Commune: 'protective shield' for 0 hours.

==919/919hp 612/766m 529/549mv-18567tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor> com prot
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You feel protected from evil.

==919/919hp 607/766m 529/549mv-18567tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya tells you 'That was direct. Perhaps it would be better for me to seek Taborlaan again. Your Lord asked me to do a few things.'

==919/919hp 607/766m 529/549mv-18567tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor>
Your shield fades away.

==919/919hp 645/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <9 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya tells you 'I will work through him, don't worry, I won't bother you again.'

==919/919hp 645/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <9 AM/civilized/indoor> reply I am a direct and straight forward person. I talk without flowers or roses. I did not mean to convey that you were bothering me.
You tell Minya 'I am a direct and straight forward person. I talk without flowers or roses. I did not mean to convey that you were bothering me.'

==919/919hp 645/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <9 AM/civilized/indoor> reply I meant what did you want. Speak to me.
You tell Minya 'I meant what did you want. Speak to me.'

==919/919hp 645/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <9 AM/civilized/indoor> reply I am always willing to take time to discuss things when my Lord is concerned. Speak.

You are hungry.

==919/919hp 699/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 AM/civilized/indoor> You tell Minya 'I am always willing to take time to discuss things when my Lord is concerned. Speak.'

==919/919hp 699/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 AM/civilized/indoor> get pie girdle
get pie girdle
You get a berry pie from a girdle of many pouches.

==919/919hp 699/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 AM/civilized/indoor> You get a berry pie from a girdle of many pouches.

==919/919hp 699/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 AM/civilized/indoor> eat pie
eat pie
You eat a berry pie.

==919/919hp 699/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 AM/civilized/indoor> You eat a berry pie.
You are full.

==919/919hp 699/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 AM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Odrirg The Tribunal Foyer

==919/919hp 737/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya tells you 'I rid myself of the chaos that defined me.'

==919/919hp 737/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor> reply Oh my.....
You tell Minya 'Oh my.....'

==919/919hp 737/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor> reply HAR!
You tell Minya 'HAR!'

==919/919hp 737/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya tells you 'I only wondered what step to take next.'

==919/919hp 737/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor> reply Minya, that is the best news I've heard in a fargin Thinner's eon.
You tell Minya 'Minya, that is the best news I've heard in a fargin Thinner's eon.'

==919/919hp 737/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 PM/civilized/indoor> reply I may be able to help you, Please explain to me what has happened.

Minya tells you 'I do not know where to go from this point.'

==919/919hp 763/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 PM/civilized/indoor> You tell Minya 'I may be able to help you, Please explain to me what has happened.'

==919/919hp 763/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya tells you 'But, its been nigh a century since I've acted without complete direction and focus.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 PM/civilized/indoor> reply Where are you now?
You tell Minya 'Where are you now?'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 PM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Odrirg The Tribunal Foyer

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya tells you 'I am in the High Lord's Keep, but soon, I will be away from here.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 PM/civilized/indoor> reply Why do we not speak somewhere, perhaps the Inn? Perhaps elsewhere?
You tell Minya 'Why do we not speak somewhere, perhaps the Inn? Perhaps elsewhere?'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya tells you 'Very well, I will find you when I am finished.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 PM/civilized/indoor> reply I will be on Duty Until you are finished.
You tell Minya 'I will be on Duty Until you are finished.'

****Skip a long while, I finally beg off duty for religious duties******

==919/919hp 455/766m 537/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> n
the Blood Tribunal executioner: The Blood Tribunals vigilance grows stronger as Agarah joins the watch.
People near you:
(PK) Jinroh The North Road
(PK) Odrirg The North Road
(PK) Qirinor The North Road
Jencia The North Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 537/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> The North Alindaer Crossroads

(Gold Aura) A bleak eyed citizen is here, eyes downcast at all that has been lost.

==919/919hp 455/766m 536/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> Alas, you cannot go that way.

==919/919hp 455/766m 536/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> Alas, you cannot go that way.

==919/919hp 455/766m 536/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> w
The North Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 535/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> n
The North Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 534/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> The North Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 533/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> The North Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 532/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> cb I must leave town on matters related to my religion, if you have trouble with the criminals, let me know.
Odrirg: I must leave town on matters related to my religion, if you have trouble with the criminals, let me know.

==919/919hp 455/766m 532/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> The North Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 531/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> n
The North Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 530/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> n
The North Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 529/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> n
The North Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 528/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> n
The North Road

A vest is on the ground.
A long strap of soft leather lies here.
A rabbit pops out from a nearby bush and scurries down the road.

==919/919hp 455/766m 527/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> n
The Dairein Crossroads

==919/919hp 455/766m 526/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> e
East Dairein Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 525/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> e
East Dairein Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 524/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> e
East Dairein Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 523/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> e
East Dairein Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 522/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> e
East Dairein Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 521/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> East Dairein Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 520/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> where
East Dairein Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 519/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> East Dairein Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 518/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> East Dairein Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 517/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> East Dairein Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 516/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> People near you:
(PK) Odrirg East Dairein Road

==919/919hp 455/766m 516/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> s
Trail to the inn

A small white bunny hops around under a tree nibbling grass.
Standing near a tree, a guard takes a break while eating cherries.

==919/919hp 455/766m 515/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> s
The guard post

A guard stands near his post, eyeing the crowds for outlaws.

==919/919hp 455/766m 512/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> Front Porch of the Inn

An old yellow dog beats its tail as it lies asleep at the old mans feet.
An old mercenary, having long since given up the way of war, rocks
back and forth in a swinging chair humming to himself.

==919/919hp 455/766m 509/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/outdoor> Entrance to the Inn of the Eternal Star

A tankard of cold beer sits invitingly on the table.
(Gold Aura) A very large storm giant stands eyeing the crowd for troubles.
A tall, merry man greets you to the inn and offers to take your cloak.

==919/919hp 455/766m 506/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/indoor> s
The Common Area

A cloud giant bouncer floats through the Inn.
An old gnome, carrying a tray of drinks over his head, dances his way
through the common area.

==919/919hp 455/766m 504/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/indoor> s
The Bar of the Eternal Star

A dark blue wine bottle has been dropped here.
A cup of Aturi black tea has been left here.
(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Minya is here.
(Gold Aura) A stout dwarf bouncer hefts his cudgel and looks for trouble.
A huge, fat man looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

==919/919hp 455/766m 502/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/indoor> w

Agarah: Indeed

==919/919hp 455/766m 502/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/indoor> The Feasting Tables

(Gold Aura) A very large storm giant stands eyeing the crowd for troubles.
Squat and fat, with a tray stacked with food, a server rushes about with a
turkey leg stuck in his mouth.

==919/919hp 455/766m 500/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/indoor> e
The Bar of the Eternal Star

A dark blue wine bottle has been dropped here.
A cup of Aturi black tea has been left here.
(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Minya is here.
(Gold Aura) A stout dwarf bouncer hefts his cudgel and looks for trouble.
A huge, fat man looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

==919/919hp 455/766m 498/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/indoor> l minya
The elven woman before you is tall and willowy, her limbs long
and delicate, yet you sense a strength beyond what presents
itself in the flesh. Once beautiful skin is now marred with raw
and jagged scars, her face and neck have been torn beyond
recognition. Her eyes are a deep amber color and still gleam
with appreciation of all things beautiful, despite her obvious
lack thereof. So hideous are her wounds that you almost don't
notice her honey gold mane of thick, rich hair and her gently
sloped ears which are barely visible in the mass of big bouncy
curls. An elegant tattoo winds its way around her forearm and
wrist, ending with what appears to be the tail of a golden dragon
snaking its way up her index finger.
Minya, a female elf, is in perfect health.

Minya is using:
<worn on finger> (Glowing) a banded ring
<worn on finger> an intertwined gold ring
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a pulsing red cape
<worn around neck> (Glowing) (Humming) the Ankh of Loch Terradian
<worn on body> (Glowing) the mantle of the stars
<worn on head> a silver-horned helm
<worn on legs> (Humming) a skirt of elven chainmail
<worn on feet> fur-lined boots
<worn on hands> a pair of detailed silk gloves
<worn on arms> (Humming) the bracers of Archery
<worn about body> a cowhide knapsack
<worn about waist> the belt of life
<worn around wrist> a thin jade bracelet
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of golden chain
<held> (Humming) the horn of the tritons

==919/919hp 455/766m 498/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
Minya The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Odrirg The Bar of the Eternal Star

==919/919hp 455/766m 498/549mv-18567tnl== <12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya nods at you in agreement.

==919/919hp 455/766m 498/549mv-18567tnl== <12 AM/civilized/indoor> ' You still have the Chaos in your heart I see.
You say 'You still have the Chaos in your heart I see.'

==919/919hp 475/766m 538/549mv-18567tnl== <12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'I'd thought to finish this tapestry as a gift. It can wait.'

==919/919hp 475/766m 538/549mv-18567tnl== <1 AM/civilized/indoor> ' What was it my Lord said to you?
You say 'What was it my Lord said to you?'

==919/919hp 475/766m 538/549mv-18567tnl== <1 AM/civilized/indoor> l
The Bar of the Eternal Star
A large wooden bar fills the entire southern wall. Made of a rare red tree,
it has been finely carved and oiled so that it shines in the dim light. Food
is scarce near here but mugs and cups of every kind crowd the bar and
swing through the air for a toast. Shelves behind the bar hold the rare
ales and beers while large barrels sit stacked with the poorer drinks.
Stools are scattered about for people to sit, but most stand so they can
stomp and dance when the moment takes them. A large tapestry hangs
over the shelves behind the bar. People swarm in and crowd, pressing to
be nearer, calling out drinks and stumbling to hold on to their own. To
the north the crowd swirls, dancing and singing in a common area. Eastwards,
patrons cheer and groan noisily and long tables filled with food lie

A dark blue wine bottle has been dropped here.
A cup of Aturi black tea has been left here.
(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Minya is here.
(Gold Aura) A stout dwarf bouncer hefts his cudgel and looks for trouble.
A huge, fat man looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

==919/919hp 475/766m 538/549mv-18567tnl== <1 AM/civilized/indoor> emote digs a hand into his beard and scratches furiously.
Odrirg digs a hand into his beard and scratches furiously.

==919/919hp 493/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 AM/civilized/indoor> l minya
The elven woman before you is tall and willowy, her limbs long
and delicate, yet you sense a strength beyond what presents
itself in the flesh. Once beautiful skin is now marred with raw
and jagged scars, her face and neck have been torn beyond
recognition. Her eyes are a deep amber color and still gleam
with appreciation of all things beautiful, despite her obvious
lack thereof. So hideous are her wounds that you almost don't
notice her honey gold mane of thick, rich hair and her gently
sloped ears which are barely visible in the mass of big bouncy
curls. An elegant tattoo winds its way around her forearm and
wrist, ending with what appears to be the tail of a golden dragon
snaking its way up her index finger.
Minya, a female elf, is in perfect health.

Minya is using:
<worn on finger> (Glowing) a banded ring
<worn on finger> an intertwined gold ring
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a pulsing red cape
<worn around neck> (Glowing) (Humming) the Ankh of Loch Terradian
<worn on body> (Glowing) the mantle of the stars
<worn on head> a silver-horned helm
<worn on legs> (Humming) a skirt of elven chainmail
<worn on feet> fur-lined boots
<worn on hands> a pair of detailed silk gloves
<worn on arms> (Humming) the bracers of Archery
<worn about body> a cowhide knapsack
<worn about waist> the belt of life
<worn around wrist> a thin jade bracelet
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of golden chain
<held> (Humming) the horn of the tritons

==919/919hp 493/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'We spoke about many things, but he bade me leave the chaos behind.'

==919/919hp 493/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'And I've done so.'

==919/919hp 493/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'Completely.'

==919/919hp 493/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'I must know what step I need to take next.'

==919/919hp 493/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 AM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==919/919hp 529/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Hrm.
You say 'Hrm.'

==919/919hp 529/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya looks at you.

==919/919hp 529/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor> emote rubs his hairy cheek with a hand the size of a ham.
Odrirg rubs his hairy cheek with a hand the size of a ham.

==919/919hp 529/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya's thirst hits her.

==919/919hp 550/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'A complex problem, yes?'

==919/919hp 550/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya drinks water from a water jug.

==919/919hp 550/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'Would you share a cup of tea with me, Magistrate?'

==919/919hp 550/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor> cough

The white aura around your body fades.
You slowly float to the ground.

==919/919hp 568/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!

==919/919hp 568/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'While we speak?'

==919/919hp 568/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> ' I do not drink tea.
You say 'I do not drink tea.'

==919/919hp 568/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Now...if you had a decent lager.....
You say 'Now...if you had a decent lager.....'

==919/919hp 568/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
Minya The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Odrirg The Bar of the Eternal Star

==919/919hp 568/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'Ale? I haven't access to the decent variety, but if you can stomach Proudfoot, I'd be happy to oblige.'

==919/919hp 603/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Ale? No. LAGER.
You say 'Ale? No. LAGER.'

==919/919hp 603/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/indoor> ' A large difference there....
You say 'A large difference there....'

==919/919hp 603/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya shrugs her shoulders.

==919/919hp 603/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'I do not drink..'

==919/919hp 603/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==919/919hp 603/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'I would not know.'

==919/919hp 603/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'Do you mind telling me the difference? Perhaps I can find a.. bottle?'

==919/919hp 603/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Soucivi was able to get me some decent Lager....perhaps I will speak with him about getting a larger supply.
You say 'Soucivi was able to get me some decent Lager....perhaps I will speak with him about getting a larger supply.'

==919/919hp 603/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Grillik sits down and rests.

==919/919hp 603/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> ' I think I still have some.
You say 'I think I still have some.'

==919/919hp 603/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.
Your shield fades away.

==919/919hp 617/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> emote rummages through his pack.
Odrirg rummages through his pack.

==919/919hp 617/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> com 'protective shield'
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You are surrounded by a protective shield.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> get pie girdle
get pie girdle
eat pie
eat pie
You get a berry pie from a girdle of many pouches.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> You see nothing like that in the girdle.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> You eat a berry pie.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> You do not have that item.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> Grillik stands up.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> exa girdle

The Nightwalker has arrived.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Grillik leaves north.
It appears to be full of tiny pockets.

A girdle of many pouches is a container, made of leather, and weighs 100 pounds 3 ounces.
When you look inside, you see it is fairly empty.
A girdle of many pouches contains:
( 6) a potion of flight
( 2) a sparkling diamond
a steak of the corpse of Gyronalis
( 2) a tankard of Dark Amber Lager
( 2) some seaweed
a water skin
a faded map
a potion of invisibility
(Glowing) a large battle axe
an expertly balanced practice axe
(Humming) a cruel battle axe
a large double-bladed axe
a small golden pill
a stein of dark, almost black beer smelling of the deep, rich earth
a map of Western Seantryn Modan
a map of Eastern Seantryn Modan
a map of the Lands of the Empress
a golden surveyors lens

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> Ulgargkiz nods.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Ulgargkiz looks at Grillik.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> get lager girdle

Grillik nods at Ulgargkiz.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Grillik looks at Ulgargkiz.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> You see nothing like that in the girdle.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> whois ul
<29 Duerg A-P> Ulgargkiz the Knight of Pain

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> l
The Bar of the Eternal Star
A large wooden bar fills the entire southern wall. Made of a rare red tree,
it has been finely carved and oiled so that it shines in the dim light. Food
is scarce near here but mugs and cups of every kind crowd the bar and
swing through the air for a toast. Shelves behind the bar hold the rare
ales and beers while large barrels sit stacked with the poorer drinks.
Stools are scattered about for people to sit, but most stand so they can
stomp and dance when the moment takes them. A large tapestry hangs
over the shelves behind the bar. People swarm in and crowd, pressing to
be nearer, calling out drinks and stumbling to hold on to their own. To
the north the crowd swirls, dancing and singing in a common area. Eastwards,
patrons cheer and groan noisily and long tables filled with food lie

A dark blue wine bottle has been dropped here.
A cup of Aturi black tea has been left here.
Grillik is here.
(Red Aura) A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
(Red Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Ulgargkiz is here.
(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Minya is here.
(Gold Aura) A stout dwarf bouncer hefts his cudgel and looks for trouble.
A huge, fat man looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Ulgargkiz says 'lemme rest a bit der'

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Ulgargkiz sits down and rests.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Grillik says 'You better take the lead.'

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Ulgargkiz nods.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> whois grill
<36 Svirf War> (PK) Grillik the Baron of Fire

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> Grillik joins Ulgargkiz's group.

==919/919hp 547/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> com 'faerie fog'
You conjure a cloud of purple smoke.
Grillik is revealed!
Grillik is covered with glowing purple dust.
Ulgargkiz is revealed!
Ulgargkiz is covered with glowing purple dust.
Minya is revealed!
Minya is covered with glowing purple dust.
Olin the Innkeeper is revealed!
Olin the Innkeeper is covered with glowing purple dust.

==919/919hp 535/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> inv
You are carrying:
( 2) a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a thin double-bladed axe
(Glowing) a feather of levitation
a girdle of many pouches

==919/919hp 535/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> get lager girdle
You see nothing like that in the girdle.

==919/919hp 535/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> get tankard girdle


==919/919hp 567/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> You get a tankard of Dark Amber Lager from a girdle of many pouches.

==919/919hp 567/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> emote gives a wide smile.

Ulgargkiz stands up.
Odrirg gives a wide smile.

==919/919hp 567/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says to you 'Join me out back, please?'

==919/919hp 567/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> drink lager.
You can't find it.

==919/919hp 567/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> Grillik gets some cherries from a large saddle bag.
Ulgargkiz sits down and rests.
You nod.

==919/919hp 567/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> Grillik gets some cherries from a large saddle bag.

==919/919hp 567/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Grillik eats some cherries.

==919/919hp 567/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Grillik eats some cherries.

==919/919hp 567/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> w
The Feasting Tables

(Gold Aura) A very large storm giant stands eyeing the crowd for troubles.
Squat and fat, with a tray stacked with food, a server rushes about with a
turkey leg stuck in his mouth.

==919/919hp 567/766m 547/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> w
Alas, you cannot go that way.

==919/919hp 567/766m 547/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> s
The Inn's Kitchen

A cloud giant bouncer floats through the Inn.
A widely smiling, aged woman stands here baking wonderful confections.
Towering to the ceiling a giant woman tends to the kitchen.

==919/919hp 567/766m 545/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> s
Behind the Inn

==919/919hp 567/766m 543/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/wilderness/outdoor> s
A Trail Behind the Inn

==919/919hp 567/766m 541/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/wilderness/outdoor> A Woodland Trail

==919/919hp 567/766m 539/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/wilderness/outdoor> s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

==919/919hp 567/766m 539/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/wilderness/outdoor> w
A Woodland Trail

==919/919hp 567/766m 537/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/wilderness/outdoor> s
A Woodland Trail

==919/919hp 567/766m 535/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/wilderness/outdoor> A Woodland Trail


==919/919hp 567/766m 533/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/wilderness/outdoor> open s

Minya opens the gate.
The gate is already opened.

==919/919hp 567/766m 533/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/wilderness/outdoor> where
People near you:
Minya A Beautiful Garden
(PK) Odrirg A Woodland Trail

==919/919hp 567/766m 533/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/wilderness/outdoor> s
A Beautiful Garden

A simple stone fountain overgrown with decorative ivy trickles softly.

==919/919hp 567/766m 531/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/wilderness/outdoor> s
Before the Celestial Lyceum

==919/919hp 567/766m 529/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/wilderness/outdoor> s
The Main Foyer

A middle-aged man in brown robes stands here greeting visitors.

==919/919hp 567/766m 528/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
Minya The Great Library
(PK) Odrirg The Main Foyer

==919/919hp 567/766m 528/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> s
The Entrance Hall of the Great Library

A sturdy desk is here, with neatly stacked piles of parchment.
An astute librarian is here, straightening the scrolls on her desk.

==919/919hp 567/766m 527/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> s
Maellina the chief librarian nods quietly and allows you to enter the library.
The Great Library

A large history book is here, beckoning you to glimpse into the past.
(Purple Aura) (Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Minya is here.
A gnomish professor is here, rustling through a stack of historical notes.

==919/919hp 567/766m 526/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==919/919hp 567/766m 526/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> People near you:
Minya The Great Library
(PK) Odrirg The Great Library

==919/919hp 567/766m 526/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> l
The Great Library
You are weaving through the bookshelves of the north section of the
lyceum's library. Dusty tomes and scrolls fill the tall bookshelves
here, testaments to some history long since passed. You gaze with
great interest at the endless archives, curious to unlock the secrets
within. A musty aroma tickles your olfactory senses, a faint reminder
of the lingering effect that history always has upon the present and
future. Glancing at the bindings, you see the broadest variety of
topics contained within the library, including the histories of
nations, war, and great leaders of the past. You can continue north
into the library foyer, and east, west, or south through the library

A large history book is here, beckoning you to glimpse into the past.
(Purple Aura) (Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Minya is here.
A gnomish professor is here, rustling through a stack of historical notes.

==919/919hp 567/766m 526/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Alright.
You say 'Alright.'

==919/919hp 567/766m 526/549mv-18567tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor>
The glowing purple dust rubs off of Minya.

==919/919hp 589/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor> ' My first impression of what to tell you....
You say 'My first impression of what to tell you....'

==919/919hp 589/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Is that my Lord has many servants. Of Many races.
You say 'Is that my Lord has many servants. Of Many races.'

==919/919hp 589/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Including Ki-rin, who can go completely unseen.
You say 'Including Ki-rin, who can go completely unseen.'

==919/919hp 589/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor> ' So my first advice, would be to continue to live a life of Complete Order. For you are most likely watched at all times.
You say 'So my first advice, would be to continue to live a life of Complete Order. For you are most likely watched at all times.'

==919/919hp 616/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <9 AM/civilized/indoor>
You feel less protected from evil.
The golden haze in your vision disappears.
The red in your vision disappears.

==919/919hp 638/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <10 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya lifts her scarred face to you, her golden eyes watching as you speak.

==919/919hp 638/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <10 AM/civilized/indoor> com prot
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You feel protected from evil.

==919/919hp 633/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <10 AM/civilized/indoor> com 'detect evil'
com 'detect good'
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle with a red aura.

==919/919hp 628/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <10 AM/civilized/indoor> You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You lost your concentration.

==919/919hp 626/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <10 AM/civilized/indoor> com 'detect good'
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle with a golden aura.

==919/919hp 621/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <10 AM/civilized/indoor> ' When was it that you spoke with my Lord?
You say 'When was it that you spoke with my Lord?'

==919/919hp 621/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <10 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'Before I painted him, and again after.'

==919/919hp 621/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 AM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==919/919hp 647/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 AM/civilized/indoor> note list
< 0 > Melchisedec: Iestyn and his spear.
< 1 > Odrirg: Calling all citizens of Thera. Aid your neighbors.
< 2 > Dalisha: Calling all citizens of Thera. Aid your neighbors.
< 3 > Dalisha: FEE
< 4 > Odrirg: Ruined City Fund: Update.
< 5 > Altiniel: Ruined City Fund: Update
< 6 > Odrirg: Ruined city rebuilding Fund: Update
< 7 > Dalisha: City Rebuilding fund update
< 8 > Dalisha: Altiniel, a personal tribute.
< 9 > Grurk: Treatise of Duty
< 10 > Sabreus: A humble request for service.
< 11 > Odrirg: Words of Warning from the High-Priestess of the Ki-rin
< 12 > Grurk: RECOMMENDATION DENIED: Sabreus
< 13 > Minya: The Lurker.. in my eyes, by my hand
< 14 > Sabreus: No contest
< 15 > Sastine: Makasoy's Last March (Home)
< 16 > Nilki: Application
< 18 > Sabreus: An apology
< 19 > Crastian: A donation
< 20 > Soucivi: Conversations with Olar - Part I
< 21 > Rhazghoul: Donation
< 22 > Dalisha: A tribute to Gilleonoir
< 23 > Gwynn: I would like to join the Blood SPire
< 24 > Minya: The Destruction of Beauty (a high price paid to record this image)
< 25 > Soucivi: Olar Part II
< 26 > Agarah: Recent events and Pets..
< 27 > Grurk: RECOMMENDATION: Nilki
< 28 > Kranath: Wishing to serve
< 29 > Trastian: Becoming a magistrate.
< 30 > Minya: A donation to your cause
< 31 > Agarah: Kaplanov
< 32 > Keiigrahv: *scrawled imperfectly but carefully* Dekoren bad!
< 33 > Dekoren: Ram.
< 35 > Agarah: Paper work, and my Personal records
< 37 > Grurk: RECOMMENDATION DENIED: Kranath
< 38 > Voebyn: RECCOMMENDATION DENIED: Kranath.
< 39 > Dalisha: Announcing an Evening of Epicuran delight..
< 40 > Agarah: Recommendations and ones that seek a Badge
< 41 > Captain Balmin: Report from the tunnels.
< 42 > Daemar: Killaern's complaint.
< 43 > Killaern: Daemars knowledge of the Laws.
< 44 > Dalisha: THE GALADON INQUISITOR (2nd Edition)
< 45 > Sastine: Pirate Night at the Eternal Star
< 46 > Odrirg: Re: Paper work, And your records
< 47 > Minya: The Honorable Seneschal

< 48 > Eogan: One more sign of the Ignorance of the Spire members.
< 49 > Minya: The Valiant Velkurah
< 50 > Grurk: RECOMMED: Lochzan
< 51 > Drunsthol: Gargath's tenure in the Spire
< 52 > Galin: My fault.
< 53 > Sastine: Commision from Jane
< 54 > Mairra: To cheer up Lerrik
< 55 > Minya: A beacon in the darkness, or my rendition of Shokai
< 56 > Lochzan: Joining the Spire.
< 57 > Dekoren: Lochzan - Recommendation Approved
< 58 > Mairra: Commisioned by someone
< 59 > Ajoal: * A broad-bladed axe is lodged in to a stone at Galadon Market Square *
< 60 > Minya: Saldradien, the Calm, the Fury, the Aftermath
< 61 > Nilki: Disturbing news.
< 62 > Parick: Kaplanov RECOMENDED
< 63 > Parick: second part of recomend...
< 64 > Odrirg: More disturbing news, concerning Anarchy.
< 65 > Odrirg: Furthor signs of this damned Storm.
< 66 > Odrirg: The Scales, and the Village.
< 67 > Groggul: seems me made a mistake
< 68 > Odrirg: Applicant: Kranath, unfit for my recomendation at this time.
< 69 > Fheynd: Clan Luenat, the mercenary clan
< 70 > Dalisha: Artistic Rendition of Thrakburzug Devouring Elvish Painter
< 71 > Agarah: Lyristeon and events of this day;
< 73 > Dalisha: Censorship and the Bard.
< 74 > Delrami: Meself.
< 75 > Ajoal: * A note is found attached to the Galadon butchers door *
< 76 > Minya: In memory of Calradian
< 77 > Dalisha: The First Theran Science Forum
< 78 > Odrirg: Ruined City Rebuilding Fund: Update
< 79 > Fheynd: A missive from Clan Luenat
< 80 > Optomkiptum: RECOMMENDATION DENIED: Gwynn
< 81 > Gwynn: Law interpretations.
< 82 > Sastine: Lyristeon
< 83 > Agarah: Elemental's Bindings Breaking
< 84 > Dalisha: Ruined City Rebuilding Fund: Update
< 85 > Odrirg: WARRANT ISSUED: Wrindor
< 86 > Odrirg: WARRANT SERVED: Wrindor
< 87 > Wrindor: Regarding my warrant.
< 88 > Rhazghoul: Donation
< 89 > Agarah: Your Warrant
< 90 > Sastine: The Marks
< 91 > Sastine: Bounty Hunters
< 93 > Fheynd: A Hireling Couplet
< 94 > Optomkiptum: WARRANT REMOVED: Liruwk

< 95 > Minya: The Lord of Passion, Arvam Raenau
< 96 > Odrirg: Commander, the Fund grows by leaps and bounds.
< 97 > Odrirg: Fund Update.
< 98 > Baendra: upholding the law
<100 > Dalisha: THE GALADON INQUISITOR (3rd Edition)
<101 > Rhazghoul: RECOMMENDATION: KAPLANOV (with stipulations)
<102 > Vezathrak: Daemar
<103 > Sastine: Bounty
<104 > Dalisha: THe GALADON INQUISITOR (extended edition)
<106 > Ajoal: * Red graffiti is found above the corpse of the Necromancer guildguard *
<107 > Minya: The Flaring Emerald Sunburst, a glimpse of Sebeok
<108 > Odrirg: I wish to attend your Next Science Forum
<109 > Odrirg: Applicant denied provisionally: Baendra
<110 > Baendra: Dedication

==919/919hp 647/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 AM/civilized/indoor> ' So it was some time ago.
You say 'So it was some time ago.'

==919/919hp 647/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Your rage ebbs.
You are no longer vouched into the Lyceum.

==919/919hp 672/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor>
A librarian notices your time is up and escorts you out of the library.
The Entrance Hall of the Great Library

A sturdy desk is here, with neatly stacked piles of parchment.
An astute librarian is here, straightening the scrolls on her desk.

==919/919hp 672/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor> note read 47
< 47> Minya: The Honorable Seneschal
Sun Jan 25 23:14:22 2004
To: all
The canvas you hold is in pristine condition and you can tell the
artist took great care to assure perfection. The image she has
captured is that of an enormous storm giant, with a sharply cut
physique that stretches his impeccable armor to the limits. His
musculature is very defined and he looks strong enough to smash
through stone with his mighty mace, which burns with holy fire.
You know beyond measure of a doubt that you are looking at the
Honorable Vynmylak, Seneschal of the Azure Fields. Though his
stature is imposing, you sense that his demeanor is gentle and kind,
that he always looks for the good in people and that he most often
succeeds. You are struck by the intensity of his weathered face,
which is creased with lines that tell the tale of every laugh, every
smile, and every frown. His emerald eyes sparkle with humor, but
you can feel the pain of every battle he's ever fought when you
look deeply into them. A large steel clarion is visible behind his
formidable shoulder and for a haunting moment, you can hear the
crisp peal of the horn reverberating through your very soul.

==919/919hp 672/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor>
You have been vouched for and may now enter the library.

==919/919hp 672/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor> s
Maellina the chief librarian nods quietly and allows you to enter the library.
The Great Library

A large history book is here, beckoning you to glimpse into the past.
(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Minya is here.
A gnomish professor is here, rustling through a stack of historical notes.

==919/919hp 672/766m 548/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==919/919hp 672/766m 548/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'It was, but I spoke another paladin in the meantime.'

==919/919hp 672/766m 548/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'Taborlaan. '

==919/919hp 672/766m 548/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==919/919hp 672/766m 548/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Your shield fades away.

==919/919hp 690/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Might I ask, why you have decided to turn from the Chaos?
com 'protective shield'
You say 'Might I ask, why you have decided to turn from the Chaos?'

==919/919hp 690/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 PM/civilized/indoor> Minya says 'I presumed that he would speak to the Ki-Rin on my behalf, but I cannot know if it was done.'
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You are surrounded by a protective shield.

==919/919hp 620/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'I have been free from chaos for a very long time.. since before I met the Ki-Rin, to be completely honest.'

==919/919hp 620/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 PM/civilized/indoor> note read 49
< 49> Minya: The Valiant Velkurah
Mon Jan 26 14:27:00 2004
To: All
You find yourself in possession of a large, roughly textured canvas
that smells faintly of the air before a rain storm. The foreground
swirls with thin, whispy clouds and it is evident that the artist was
well above the mountains when she came upon the Ki-Rin that is the
focus of her painting. His form is regal and unlike anything you've
ever seen. He is equine in nature, but more breathtaking than even
the pegasi or unicorns of the sylvan glade. His muscular form is
covered with golden scales which glimmer in the warm light created
by the flames which are his mane, tail and fetlocks. The clouds stir
around him as he flexes his fiery wings and tosses his elegant head,
from which spirals a beautiful silver horn. You can see the wisdom
of the ages in his eyes as you look upon the Valiant Velkurah and you
feel, without a doubt, that you have seen the face of the most noble
being on Thera.

==919/919hp 620/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'It wasn't a choice.. it just happened as my life moved on.'

==919/919hp 644/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 PM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==919/919hp 644/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'I became more focused, not out of necessity, but because it felt right.'

==919/919hp 669/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 PM/civilized/indoor> help lorhan
Whispers are heard throughout the campgrounds of a battlefield,
stories of a soldier annihilating his foes, equipped with little
more than his hands and will. Words echo within the corridors
of a castle, tales of a man standing fast against an invading
army, his very heart a pillar of inspiration and strength for
his comrades. A king's council is caught in discussion, talks
of a knight knowing no fear as he braves the unknown depths of
uncharted enemy territory. While rumor and tale may often come
close, the exacted justice of such men and women shouts clear
across the realm.

Undaunted in their paths, those marked of the blood-stained
gauntlet see the world as a proving ground, both internally
and externally, and are defiantly intent on success. They are
generally varied in their goals, though all feel an intense
need to change the world around them. Their views on what is
right and wrong - though varied between individuals - are
absolute, as they continue on against sometimes impossible
odds. The endless test of life is their own and they seek to
grip it without doubt. Those of the blood-stained gauntlet
have chosen to forego the limits most place on their will,
having an edge unmatched, while held in awe at their unshaken
spirit. If there are those who feel resolute in their progress,
they should seek out the templar who stands but steps away
from the dangers of an enemy stronghold, awaiting a battle
with an ancient foe.

==919/919hp 669/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 PM/civilized/indoor> wizlist
- Fertility, Seasons, Death

- Passion, Gluttony, Divination/Revelation

- Death, Destruction, Revelation

- Pride, Courage, Fate

- Order, Death, Creation

- Courage, Strength, Justice

- Chaos, Deception, Wisdom

- Air, Storms, Vivimancy

- Purity, Truth, Destruction

- Spirit, Fertility, Revelation/Divination

- Spirit, Beauty, Poetry, Music

- Strength, Destruction, Victory

- Greed, Concealment, Chaos

- Covetousness, Gluttony, Rage

- Dedication, Judgement, Truth

- Order, Pride, Combat

- Honor, Rage, War

- Time/Fate, Knowledge, Concealment

- Passion, Knowledge, Victory


If you are looking for email addresses look under ADMIN.

==919/919hp 669/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'I did have a dream that terrified me, only a few days past.'

==919/919hp 669/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya eats a small black root.

==919/919hp 706/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Aye?
You say 'Aye?'

==919/919hp 706/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I have recently become most interested in dreams, share it with me?
You say 'I have recently become most interested in dreams, share it with me?'

==919/919hp 706/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'I sat on the Isle of Healing, in the sunlit grove, where I most often work on my paintings.'

==919/919hp 706/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 PM/civilized/indoor>
You can no longer discern chaos in auras.

==919/919hp 719/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'The lighting is superb there and it is peaceful, beyond measure.'

==919/919hp 719/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'When I grew near to completion of my piece, the paints began to bubble and run.'

==919/919hp 719/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'They dripped off of my canvas is great, liquid blobs.'

==919/919hp 719/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'My whole world swirled before my eyes and I was trapped again in chaos.'

==919/919hp 719/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 PM/civilized/indoor> emote lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.
Odrirg lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.

==919/919hp 719/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor> You nod.

==919/919hp 719/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor>


==919/919hp 743/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'Just before I woke, Odrirg, I knew what I must do and my world was right again.'

==919/919hp 743/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'And that is why I've asked you to help me.'

==919/919hp 755/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya sings 'Galadriel! Galadriel!
Clear is the water of your well;
White is the star in your white hand;
Unmarred, unstained is leaf and land
In Dwimordene, in Lorien
More fair than thoughts of Mortal Men.'

==919/919hp 755/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 PM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==919/919hp 755/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 PM/civilized/indoor> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'detect good' for 31 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 31 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 15 hours.
Commune: 'protective shield' for 0 hours.

==919/919hp 755/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 PM/civilized/indoor> com 'detect invis
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle.

==919/919hp 750/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <8 PM/civilized/indoor> l
The Great Library
You are weaving through the bookshelves of the north section of the
lyceum's library. Dusty tomes and scrolls fill the tall bookshelves
here, testaments to some history long since passed. You gaze with
great interest at the endless archives, curious to unlock the secrets
within. A musty aroma tickles your olfactory senses, a faint reminder
of the lingering effect that history always has upon the present and
future. Glancing at the bindings, you see the broadest variety of
topics contained within the library, including the histories of
nations, war, and great leaders of the past. You can continue north
into the library foyer, and east, west, or south through the library

A large history book is here, beckoning you to glimpse into the past.
(Gold Aura) Minya is here.
A gnomish professor is here, rustling through a stack of historical notes.

==919/919hp 750/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <8 PM/civilized/indoor> People near you:
Minya The Great Library
(PK) Odrirg The Great Library

==919/919hp 750/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Your shield fades away.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <8 PM/civilized/indoor> help shazira
Many an adventurer has claimed to see a mirage dancing across the horizon of
the desert. While some have brushed this off as heat-stroke, the nomads who
wander the harsh, sandy realms claim this to be the goddess Shazirah entranced
in her eternal dance. As their tales say, Shazirah is oft elusive, listening
only to her own wild spirit and dancing wherever it may lead. While some have
spoken of a soft, kind manner, the nomads know that one so spirited can change
as quickly as the hot desert day into the chilled, quiet night. Those seeking
the mirage need only to follow music within their own spirits, through the arid
desert sands.

Followers of desert goddess Shazirah believe that life is an all too short but
intricate dance that differs from person to person, from life to life. While
each spirit can only truly be content to follow his or her own spirit's rhythm,
there is also an appreciation of differences of all rhythms and lives of people
across Thera. For these often intense people, beauty is not something shaped
or created - it simply is. The music their spirits dance to is not something
forced but instinctual on many levels - unspoken, unsolicited, but understood

It is for this reason that they find beauty not solely in the rhythmic music
and poetry created by mere mortals, but within the unorchestrated moments of
life - the rustling of the leaves of the palm trees of an oasis, the delicate
whispers of sands shifting and rippling in the winds, the hazy waves of heat
washing over the desert, or even the low, bubbling chatter of a crowded tavern.
Rare events of natural beauty, such as the harsh, rhythmic drenching rains of
the desert are even more cherished due to their infrequency. Despite all these,
followers of Shazirah know that the purest of all beauty can come from only one
place - the untamed, unbreakable spirit that guides their dance.

While the dance can take many forms, those of the mirage seldom play more than
a minor role in the wars of Thera, as war can be draining on even the strongest
of spirits. Followers of the Mirage often wander from place to place like the
nomads of the desert itself, gaining insight into their own spiritual beauty as
they explore the beauty of all that surrounds them. While some may choose to
admire in quiet contemplation, others seek to share their discoveries with
those willing to take part.

Though the spontaneous occurrences of beauty are valued most, there is respect
and appreciation for that which was knowingly created by the likes of mortals.
The beauty of mortal-made poetry and music is, however, looked less favorably
upon as it can evoke emotions in an unnatural manner and can seen more as a
method of coercion than true beauty. When untamed beauty is heard, seen, felt
- experienced - its effect on each life is unpredictable. If an unnatural
order is exerted to force beauty, it becomes tarnished and corrupt. Because of
this, those of an orderly ethos rarely are able to let their spirit be free to
appreciate beauty, poetry and music in their most natural forms.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'Do you have any advice for me? I know this is hard..'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <8 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I myself grew up to believe that all of beauty is based in an Order.
You say 'I myself grew up to believe that all of beauty is based in an Order.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <9 PM/civilized/indoor> ' The measured beats of Music.
You say 'The measured beats of Music.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <9 PM/civilized/indoor> ' The mathamatical formulations of Scale in a physical form....
You say 'The mathamatical formulations of Scale in a physical form....'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <10 PM/civilized/indoor> ' But.
You say 'But.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <10 PM/civilized/indoor> com 'protective shield'
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You are surrounded by a protective shield.

==919/919hp 696/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <10 PM/civilized/indoor> ' In choosing an Orderly life, there is....well....quite an important element of Choice.
You say 'In choosing an Orderly life, there is....well....quite an important element of Choice.'

==919/919hp 742/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/indoor> Here is my advice.

==919/919hp 742/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Here is my advice.
You say 'Here is my advice.'

==919/919hp 742/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/indoor> help wizlist
- Fertility, Seasons, Death

- Passion, Gluttony, Divination/Revelation

- Death, Destruction, Revelation

- Pride, Courage, Fate

- Order, Death, Creation

- Courage, Strength, Justice

- Chaos, Deception, Wisdom

- Air, Storms, Vivimancy

- Purity, Truth, Destruction

- Spirit, Fertility, Revelation/Divination

- Spirit, Beauty, Poetry, Music

- Strength, Destruction, Victory

- Greed, Concealment, Chaos

- Covetousness, Gluttony, Rage

- Dedication, Judgement, Truth

- Order, Pride, Combat

- Honor, Rage, War

- Time/Fate, Knowledge, Concealment

- Passion, Knowledge, Victory


If you are looking for email addresses look under ADMIN.

==919/919hp 742/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I want you to spend some introspection time....figuring out exactly what your Goal is.
You say 'I want you to spend some introspection time....figuring out exactly what your Goal is.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Now...I did not say goal...I said GOAL
You say 'Now...I did not say goal...I said GOAL'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 AM/civilized/indoor> ' If you get my meaning.
You say 'If you get my meaning.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'I understand you.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Agarah: Blah I am called away again, be sometime before I return, Stay alert in your duties

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 AM/civilized/indoor>
the Blood Tribunal executioner: The Blood Tribunal shall remain steadfast in your absence, Agarah

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Most true Goals are often something that can be distilled down to a simple statement.
You say 'Most true Goals are often something that can be distilled down to a simple statement.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 AM/civilized/indoor> ' For instance, I will share mine.
You say 'For instance, I will share mine.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 AM/civilized/indoor> ' I will drive Chaos from Thera. All of it. And that which isn't driven out will be crushed.
You say 'I will drive Chaos from Thera. All of it. And that which isn't driven out will be crushed.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor>
A librarian suddenly arrives and escorts Minya away.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
Minya The Entrance Hall of the Great Library
(PK) Odrirg The Great Library

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
Minya The Great Library
(PK) Odrirg The Great Library

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor> l
The Great Library
You are weaving through the bookshelves of the north section of the
lyceum's library. Dusty tomes and scrolls fill the tall bookshelves
here, testaments to some history long since passed. You gaze with
great interest at the endless archives, curious to unlock the secrets
within. A musty aroma tickles your olfactory senses, a faint reminder
of the lingering effect that history always has upon the present and
future. Glancing at the bindings, you see the broadest variety of
topics contained within the library, including the histories of
nations, war, and great leaders of the past. You can continue north
into the library foyer, and east, west, or south through the library

A large history book is here, beckoning you to glimpse into the past.
(Gold Aura) Minya is here.
A gnomish professor is here, rustling through a stack of historical notes.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor> ' What many people count as goals...are mearly Paths to a true Goal.
You say 'What many people count as goals...are mearly Paths to a true Goal.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor> ' "Joining the Spire" is not a goal...it is a Path to a Goal.
You say '"Joining the Spire" is not a goal...it is a Path to a Goal.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor> ' If you get my meaning.
You say 'If you get my meaning.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor> ' What I want you to first do, is find out what your Goal is.
You say 'What I want you to first do, is find out what your Goal is.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Secondly.
You say 'Secondly.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are thirsty.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> ' I believe you should pen a scroll describing this and all that we have discussed...
You say 'I believe you should pen a scroll describing this and all that we have discussed...'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> ' To the Lords Velkurah and Lorhan.
You say 'To the Lords Velkurah and Lorhan.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> ' I include Lorhan for two reasons.
You say 'I include Lorhan for two reasons.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> drink canteen.
You can't find it.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> drink canteen
emote lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.
You drink water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You do not feel thirsty.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> Odrirg lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> emote maneuvers his long beard in such a way that he can surruptitiously massage his left knee.
Odrirg maneuvers his long beard in such a way that he can surruptitiously massage his left knee.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor>

Your shield fades away.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya waits in silence, her brow arching.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/indoor> ' First...to succeed in this change in paths in search of your Goal, will require much along the lines of Courage and inner Strength, which I believe the Lord Lorhan would be willing to aid you with, should he find you sincere.
You say 'First...to succeed in this change in paths in search of your Goal, will require much along the lines of Courage and inner Strength, which I believe the Lord Lorhan would be willing to aid you with, should he find you sincere.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor> ' And Second, the Lord Lorhan, as a patron of the Spire along with my Lord Velkurah, will know about the necessities of Order as well.
You say 'And Second, the Lord Lorhan, as a patron of the Spire along with my Lord Velkurah, will know about the necessities of Order as well.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are no longer vouched into the Lyceum.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor>
A librarian notices your time is up and escorts you out of the library.
The Entrance Hall of the Great Library

A sturdy desk is here, with neatly stacked piles of parchment.
An astute librarian is here, straightening the scrolls on her desk.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'detect invis' for 28 hours.
Commune: 'detect good' for 19 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 19 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 3 hours.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> com 'protective shield'

You have been vouched for and may now enter the library.
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You are surrounded by a protective shield.

==919/919hp 696/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
Minya The Great Library
(PK) Odrirg The Entrance Hall of the Great Library

==919/919hp 696/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> Maellina the chief librarian nods quietly and allows you to enter the library.
The Great Library

A large history book is here, beckoning you to glimpse into the past.
(Gold Aura) Minya is here.
A gnomish professor is here, rustling through a stack of historical notes.

==919/919hp 696/766m 548/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> who tribunal
<34 Human Nec> [TRIBUN
30185, RE: Rp log, first meeting with Minya about her change.
Posted by Minya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, she was stuffy. Not sure how you put up with her, but I'm glad you did. Thanks for all the good stuff.
30193, log was too long, Conclusion of the talk here. not long
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
==919/919hp 696/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> Maellina the chief librarian nods quietly and allows you to enter the library.
The Great Library

A large history book is here, beckoning you to glimpse into the past.
(Gold Aura) Minya is here.
A gnomish professor is here, rustling through a stack of historical notes.

==919/919hp 696/766m 548/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> who tribunal
<34 Human Nec> Lunyare the Master Golem Maker, Magistrate of Hamsah Mu'tazz
*40 Dwarf Sha* (PK) Odrirg Gorimm the Keeper of Faith, Disciple of the Ki-rin

Players found: 2

==919/919hp 696/766m 548/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> invoke Velkurah
Your tattoo flares brightly, and a soft glow envelops your whole body before fading.
Your eyes tingle as you begin to discern chaos.
You proclaim your orderliness to the world.

==919/919hp 646/766m 548/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
Minya The Great Library
(PK) Odrirg The Great Library

==919/919hp 646/766m 548/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> l
The Great Library
You are weaving through the bookshelves of the north section of the
lyceum's library. Dusty tomes and scrolls fill the tall bookshelves
here, testaments to some history long since passed. You gaze with
great interest at the endless archives, curious to unlock the secrets
within. A musty aroma tickles your olfactory senses, a faint reminder
of the lingering effect that history always has upon the present and
future. Glancing at the bindings, you see the broadest variety of
topics contained within the library, including the histories of
nations, war, and great leaders of the past. You can continue north
into the library foyer, and east, west, or south through the library

A large history book is here, beckoning you to glimpse into the past.
(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Minya is here.
A gnomish professor is here, rustling through a stack of historical notes.

==919/919hp 646/766m 548/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor> ' I would then wait a time for a response....

An ethereal voice whispers 'We look forward to observing.'

==919/919hp 673/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor> You say 'I would then wait a time for a response....'

==919/919hp 673/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor> emote gives a wide grin.
Odrirg gives a wide grin.

==919/919hp 673/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor> emote slaps you on the back, hard.
Odrirg slaps you on the back, hard.

==919/919hp 701/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <9 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Har!
You say 'Har!'

==919/919hp 701/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <9 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'My goal is the same as it has always been, but I will send the scroll.'

==919/919hp 701/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <9 AM/civilized/indoor> ' As I said, You are being watched.
You say 'As I said, You are being watched.'

==919/919hp 701/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <9 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'They will find me sincere, I assure you.'

==919/919hp 721/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <10 AM/civilized/indoor> ' I want you to continue to live your life as a life of Order. That is the most important thing.
You say 'I want you to continue to live your life as a life of Order. That is the most important thing.'

==919/919hp 721/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <10 AM/civilized/indoor>
You feel less protected from evil.

==919/919hp 738/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 AM/civilized/indoor> com prot
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You feel protected from evil.

==919/919hp 733/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 AM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'Thank you, Odrirg, for taking the time to help me.'

==919/919hp 733/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <11 AM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==919/919hp 733/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'You have my gratitude. Before you leave, there is something I would give you.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Hrm?
You say 'Hrm?'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'It will take me a moment to prepare, if you would be inclined to wait here.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor> get pie girdle
You see nothing like that in the girdle.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor> exa girdle
It appears to be full of tiny pockets.

A girdle of many pouches is a container, made of leather, and weighs 98 pounds 3 ounces.
When you look inside, you see it is fairly empty.
A girdle of many pouches contains:
( 6) a potion of flight
( 2) a sparkling diamond
a steak of the corpse of Gyronalis
a tankard of Dark Amber Lager
( 2) some seaweed
a water skin
a faded map
a potion of invisibility
(Glowing) a large battle axe
an expertly balanced practice axe
(Humming) a cruel battle axe
a large double-bladed axe
a small golden pill
a stein of dark, almost black beer smelling of the deep, rich earth
a map of Western Seantryn Modan
a map of Eastern Seantryn Modan
a map of the Lands of the Empress
a golden surveyors lens

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <12 PM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I want no gifts for just doing the work that I have promised my Lord to do.
You say 'I want no gifts for just doing the work that I have promised my Lord to do.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I think it would be tacky to accept such gifts for just doing what I am supposed to....
You say 'I think it would be tacky to accept such gifts for just doing what I am supposed to....'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <1 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'I will give it to you for other reasons then.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 PM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.
Your shield fades away.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 PM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Well. I drink in the hopes of your Future Success.
You say 'Well. I drink in the hopes of your Future Success.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <2 PM/civilized/indoor> emote raises his tankard.
Odrirg raises his tankard.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 PM/civilized/indoor> drink tankard
You drink ale from a tankard of Dark Amber Lager.
You are hungry.
You feel tipsy.
You do not feel thirsty.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 PM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 PM/civilized/indoor> wo
You have 0 gold, 17 silver, and 29 copper, which is worth 369 copper.
You have 326183 experience and need 18567 more experience to gain a rank.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 PM/civilized/indoor>

You are sober.
You are hungry.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 PM/civilized/indoor> who wanted
<51 Cloud Dru> (WANTED) Voronil Flivi the Force of His Own Nature, Chosen Nihilist

Players found: 1

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 PM/civilized/indoor> tel Minya With those damned Nihilists about, I have probably stayed away from my duties as long as is wise. Should you finish it, let me know.
You tell Minya 'With those damned Nihilists about, I have probably stayed away from my duties as long as is wise. Should you finish it, let me know.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 PM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 PM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor> l
The Great Library
You are weaving through the bookshelves of the north section of the
lyceum's library. Dusty tomes and scrolls fill the tall bookshelves
here, testaments to some history long since passed. You gaze with
great interest at the endless archives, curious to unlock the secrets
within. A musty aroma tickles your olfactory senses, a faint reminder
of the lingering effect that history always has upon the present and
future. Glancing at the bindings, you see the broadest variety of
topics contained within the library, including the histories of
nations, war, and great leaders of the past. You can continue north
into the library foyer, and east, west, or south through the library

A large history book is here, beckoning you to glimpse into the past.
A gnomish professor is here, rustling through a stack of historical notes.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Odrirg The Great Library

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor> n
The Entrance Hall of the Great Library

A sturdy desk is here, with neatly stacked piles of parchment.
An astute librarian is here, straightening the scrolls on her desk.

==919/919hp 766/766m 548/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor> n
The Main Foyer

A middle-aged man in brown robes stands here greeting visitors.

==919/919hp 766/766m 547/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor> n
Before the Celestial Lyceum

==919/919hp 766/766m 546/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/wilderness/outdoor> n
A Beautiful Garden

A simple stone fountain overgrown with decorative ivy trickles softly.

==919/919hp 766/766m 543/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/wilderness/outdoor> n
A Woodland Trail

==919/919hp 766/766m 540/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/wilderness/outdoor> n
A Woodland Trail

==919/919hp 766/766m 537/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/wilderness/outdoor> n
A Woodland Trail

==919/919hp 766/766m 534/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/wilderness/outdoor> e
A Woodland Trail

==919/919hp 766/766m 531/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/wilderness/outdoor> n
A Trail Behind the Inn

==919/919hp 766/766m 528/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/wilderness/outdoor> Behind the Inn

==919/919hp 766/766m 525/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/wilderness/outdoor> n
The Inn's Kitchen

A cloud giant bouncer floats through the Inn.
A widely smiling, aged woman stands here baking wonderful confections.
Towering to the ceiling a giant woman tends to the kitchen.

==919/919hp 766/766m 522/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor> n
The Feasting Tables

(Gold Aura) A very large storm giant stands eyeing the crowd for troubles.
Squat and fat, with a tray stacked with food, a server rushes about with a
turkey leg stuck in his mouth.

==919/919hp 766/766m 520/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor> e
The Bar of the Eternal Star

(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Bobbobimb is here.
(Chaotic Aura) Sastine is here.
(Gold Aura) A stout dwarf bouncer hefts his cudgel and looks for trouble.
A huge, fat man looks distracted as he passes out drinks.

==919/919hp 766/766m 518/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Bobbobimb The Bar of the Eternal Star
Sastine The Bar of the Eternal Star
Minya Before the Stage of Fools
(PK) Odrirg The Bar of the Eternal Star
(PK) Qirinor A Cozy Corner
Jencia A Cozy Corner

==919/919hp 766/766m 518/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor> e

Bobbobimb says 'Jus' sittin' around, yep'
The Rabbit's Corner

south west]
A brandy bottle is lying here.
A pint of mead lies here.
A strange bottle beckons you to have a drink.
A cloud giant bouncer floats through the Inn.
A man peers at a deck of cards and gives you a suggestive wink.

==919/919hp 766/766m 516/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor> n
Before the Stage of Fools

(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Minya is here.
(Gold Aura) A stout dwarf bouncer hefts his cudgel and looks for trouble.
A tall woman wearing fine clothing fiddles with a scrap of fabric here.
A fool tumbles around the stage throwing balls at random.

==919/919hp 766/766m 514/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya gives you a beautiful tapestry.

==919/919hp 766/766m 514/549mv-18567tnl== <6 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Minya, I must also, to be Honest, Thank you for another gift you have given me.
You say 'Minya, I must also, to be Honest, Thank you for another gift you have given me.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 514/549mv-18567tnl== <7 PM/civilized/indoor> inv

Minya's hunger hits her.
You are hungry.
You are starving!
Your hunger hits you.

==908/919hp 755/766m 538/549mv-18567tnl== <7 PM/civilized/indoor> You are carrying:
a beautiful tapestry
a tankard of Dark Amber Lager
( 2) a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a thin double-bladed axe
(Glowing) a feather of levitation
a girdle of many pouches

==908/919hp 755/766m 538/549mv-18567tnl== <7 PM/civilized/indoor> l tapestry
You find yourself in possession of a large, roughly textured tapestry
that smells faintly of the air before a rain storm. The foreground
swirls with thin, whispy clouds and it is evident that the artist was
well above the mountains when she came upon the Ki-Rin that is the
focus of her piece. His form is regal and unlike anything you have
ever seen. He is equine in nature, but more breathtaking than even
the pegasi or unicorns of the sylvan glade. His muscular form is
covered with golden scales which glimmer in the warm light created
by the flames which are his mane, tail and fetlocks. The clouds stir
around him as he flexes his fiery wings and tosses his elegant head,
from which spirals a beautiful silver horn. You can see the wisdom
of the ages in his eyes as you look upon the Valiant Velkurah and you
feel, without a doubt, that you have seen the face of the most noble
being on Thera.
A beautiful tapestry is a clothing, made of cloth, and weighs 3 pounds 15 ounces.

==908/919hp 755/766m 538/549mv-18567tnl== <7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'What gift is that?'

==908/919hp 755/766m 538/549mv-18567tnl== <7 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Har! Thank you for this. The skill is evident.
You say 'Har! Thank you for this. The skill is evident.'

==908/919hp 755/766m 538/549mv-18567tnl== <8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya's hunger hits her.
You are hungry.
You are starving!
Your hunger hits you.

==897/919hp 744/766m 527/549mv-18567tnl== <8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'Perhaps we should visit the bar for a steak.'

==897/919hp 744/766m 527/549mv-18567tnl== <8 PM/civilized/indoor> ' As I may have mentioned. My skills run towardsthe more ...militant stance against Chaos.
You say 'As I may have mentioned. My skills run towardsthe more ...militant stance against Chaos.'

==897/919hp 744/766m 527/549mv-18567tnl== <8 PM/civilized/indoor> l
Before the Stage of Fools
A short stage rises up about three feet off of the floor. Small tables lie
all about its foot facing it. Against the eastern wall are all sorts of
banners and large paintings of various backgrounds. Paintings of a city,
of a dark forest and of wide open plains can all be seen. A barrel full of
props sits stuffed in the stage's corner. Spilled and broken mugs are strewn
about the stage as people usher off a bad performer. The crowd seems lively
here but respectful of the efforts of the entertainers. Small candles line the
foot of the stage where more then one careless bard has caught his cloak
on fire much to the crowd's pleasure.

(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Minya is here.
(Gold Aura) A stout dwarf bouncer hefts his cudgel and looks for trouble.
A tall woman wearing fine clothing fiddles with a scrap of fabric here.
A fool tumbles around the stage throwing balls at random.

==897/919hp 744/766m 527/549mv-18567tnl== <8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya says 'I understand. I was taken aback, at the beginning.'

==897/919hp 744/766m 527/549mv-18567tnl== <8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Minya's hunger hits her.
You are hungry.
You are starving!
Your hunger hits you.

==886/919hp 733/766m 516/549mv-18567tnl== <9 PM/civilized/indoor> ' You have shown me that the path that my feet are taking me is perhaps not the only one that may lead to my Goal.
You say 'You have shown me that the path that my feet are taking me is perhaps not the only one that may lead to my Goal.'

==886/919hp 733/766m 516/549mv-18567tnl== <9 PM/civilized/indoor> ' You have caused me to have much to think about.
You say 'You have caused me to have much to think about.'

==886/919hp 733/766m 516/549mv-18567tnl== <9 PM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==886/919hp 733/766m 516/549mv-18567tnl== <9 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I will be returning to duty.
You say 'I will be returning to duty.'

==886/919hp 733/766m 516/549mv-18567tnl== <9 PM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
Minya Before the Stage of Fools
(PK) Odrirg Before the Stage of Fools
(PK) Qirinor A Cozy Corner
Jencia A Cozy Corner
30182, Boring log, just a section of Notes.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At a time when I was very busy with notes....this gives an idea what all Odrirg was involved in in the early years.

==919/919hp 485/766m 545/549mv-18567tnl== <2 AM/civilized/outdoor> note list
< 0 > Melchisedec: Iestyn and his spear.
< 1 > Odrirg: Calling all citizens of Thera. Aid your neighbors.
< 2 > Dalisha: Calling all citizens of Thera. Aid your neighbors.
< 3 > Dalisha: FEE
< 4 > Odrirg: Ruined City Fund: Update.
< 5 > Altiniel: Ruined City Fund: Update
< 6 > Odrirg: Ruined city rebuilding Fund: Update
< 7 > Dalisha: City Rebuilding fund update
< 8 > Dalisha: Altiniel, a personal tribute.
< 9 > Grurk: Treatise of Duty
< 10 > Sabreus: A humble request for service.
< 11 > Odrirg: Words of Warning from the High-Priestess of the Ki-rin
< 12 > Grurk: RECOMMENDATION DENIED: Sabreus
< 13 > Minya: The Lurker.. in my eyes, by my hand
< 14 > Sabreus: No contest
< 15 > Sastine: Makasoy's Last March (Home)
< 16 > Nilki: Application
< 18 > Sabreus: An apology
< 19 > Crastian: A donation
< 20 > Soucivi: Conversations with Olar - Part I
< 21 > Rhazghoul: Donation
< 22 > Dalisha: A tribute to Gilleonoir
< 23 > Gwynn: I would like to join the Blood SPire
< 24 > Minya: The Destruction of Beauty (a high price paid to record this image)
< 25 > Soucivi: Olar Part II
< 26 > Agarah: Recent events and Pets..
< 27 > Grurk: RECOMMENDATION: Nilki
< 28 > Kranath: Wishing to serve
< 29 > Trastian: Becoming a magistrate.
< 30 > Minya: A donation to your cause
< 31 > Agarah: Kaplanov
< 32 > Keiigrahv: *scrawled imperfectly but carefully* Dekoren bad!
< 33 > Dekoren: Ram.
< 35 > Agarah: Paper work, and my Personal records
< 37 > Grurk: RECOMMENDATION DENIED: Kranath
< 38 > Voebyn: RECCOMMENDATION DENIED: Kranath.
< 39 > Dalisha: Announcing an Evening of Epicuran delight..
< 40 > Agarah: Recommendations and ones that seek a Badge
< 41 > Captain Balmin: Report from the tunnels.
< 42 > Daemar: Killaern's complaint.
< 43 > Killaern: Daemars knowledge of the Laws.
< 44 > Dalisha: THE GALADON INQUISITOR (2nd Edition)
< 45 > Sastine: Pirate Night at the Eternal Star
< 46 > Odrirg: Re: Paper work, And your records
< 47 > Minya: The Honorable Seneschal
It starts to rain.

< 48 > Eogan: One more sign of the Ignorance of the Spire members.
< 49 > Minya: The Valiant Velkurah
< 50 > Grurk: RECOMMED: Lochzan
< 51 > Drunsthol: Gargath's tenure in the Spire
< 52 > Galin: My fault.
< 53 > Sastine: Commision from Jane
< 54 > Mairra: To cheer up Lerrik
< 55 > Minya: A beacon in the darkness, or my rendition of Shokai
< 56 > Lochzan: Joining the Spire.
< 57 > Dekoren: Lochzan - Recommendation Approved
< 58 > Mairra: Commisioned by someone
< 59 > Ajoal: * A broad-bladed axe is lodged in to a stone at Galadon Market Square *
< 60 > Minya: Saldradien, the Calm, the Fury, the Aftermath
< 61 > Nilki: Disturbing news.
< 62 > Parick: Kaplanov RECOMENDED
< 63 > Parick: second part of recomend...
< 64 > Odrirg: More disturbing news, concerning Anarchy.
< 65 > Odrirg: Furthor signs of this damned Storm.
< 66 > Odrirg: The Scales, and the Village.
< 67 > Groggul: seems me made a mistake
< 68 > Odrirg: Applicant: Kranath, unfit for my recomendation at this time.
< 69 > Fheynd: Clan Luenat, the mercenary clan
< 70 > Dalisha: Artistic Rendition of Thrakburzug Devouring Elvish Painter
< 71 > Agarah: Lyristeon and events of this day;
< 73 > Dalisha: Censorship and the Bard.
< 74 > Delrami: Meself.
< 75 > Ajoal: * A note is found attached to the Galadon butchers door *
< 76 > Minya: In memory of Calradian
< 77 > Dalisha: The First Theran Science Forum
< 78 > Odrirg: Ruined City Rebuilding Fund: Update
< 79 > Fheynd: A missive from Clan Luenat
< 80 > Optomkiptum: RECOMMENDATION DENIED: Gwynn
< 81 > Gwynn: Law interpretations.
< 82 > Sastine: Lyristeon
< 83 > Agarah: Elemental's Bindings Breaking
< 84 > Dalisha: Ruined City Rebuilding Fund: Update
< 85 > Odrirg: WARRANT ISSUED: Wrindor
< 86 > Odrirg: WARRANT SERVED: Wrindor
< 87 > Wrindor: Regarding my warrant.
< 88 > Rhazghoul: Donation
< 89 > Agarah: Your Warrant
< 90 > Sastine: The Marks
< 91 > Sastine: Bounty Hunters
< 93 > Fheynd: A Hireling Couplet
< 94 > Optomkiptum: WARRANT REMOVED: Liruwk

< 95 > Minya: The Lord of Passion, Arvam Raenau
< 96 > Odrirg: Commander, the Fund grows by leaps and bounds.
< 97 > Odrirg: Fund Update.
< 98 > Baendra: upholding the law
<100 > Dalisha: THE GALADON INQUISITOR (3rd Edition)
<101 > Rhazghoul: RECOMMENDATION: KAPLANOV (with stipulations)
<102 > Vezathrak: Daemar
<103 > Sastine: Bounty
<104 > Dalisha: THe GALADON INQUISITOR (extended edition)
<106 > Ajoal: * Red graffiti is found above the corpse of the Necromancer guildguard *
<107 > Minya: The Flaring Emerald Sunburst, a glimpse of Sebeok
<108 > Odrirg: I wish to attend your Next Science Forum
<109 > Odrirg: Applicant denied provisionally: Baendra
<110 > Baendra: Dedication

==919/919hp 485/766m 545/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You feel less vigilant.

==919/919hp 516/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/outdoor> You increase your vigilance against unseen foes.

==919/919hp 486/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 2
< 2> Dalisha: Calling all citizens of Thera. Aid your neighbors.
Mon Jan 19 16:42:48 2004
To: all
As all of you probably know, a time ago a disaster befell the people of a
city named Tar Valon. Whether they deserved it by association or not is a
debate I do not wish to take part in, but I wish to call your attention to
the fact that still to this day in this Ruined city, despair and chaos reigns.

I believe this must be set to rights.

But what can WE do? You might ask?

Well, I am not going to blow nice smelling words up your rear, I'm going to get
straight to the point.

CASH is what is needed. Architects. Workers, builders their services cost money.

I know that there are more than a few of you out there that have cash to
burn, why just the other day I witnessed two thieves in the In of the Star
talk about throwing millions of coppers one way or the other.

So, I am putting out a call to any who do not like despair, or injustice or

I have started a Fund that will be available to the Commander of the City
guard in the Ruined city, as he is the highest surviving official of this

I am sure that once the fund has begun, Architects and all of the other
necessary workers will be more than willing to give quotes on how much their
services will be.

And while Cash is what is most needed, there are other ways to aid if you are
not rich. Perhaps you have a family member that owns a stone quarry that is
willing to cut rates, perhaps you know of a stone-mason that will be willing
to donate labor. And I am sure there are other ideas out there as well.

I myself am donating all of my wages for serving on duty in this City, and I
call on you all to give whatever you can.

Until there is enough Order in the city for the city to elect a new Mayor, I
will act as the keeper of the Fund so any inquiries or donations can be
directed to me.

Odrirg Gorimm, Disciple of the Ki-rin, Magistrate of Ruined City.

==919/919hp 486/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Yzure has arrived.

==919/919hp 486/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Yzure leaves east.

==919/919hp 486/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 5
< 5> Altiniel: Ruined City Fund: Update
Mon Jan 19 18:52:43 2004
To: all
In the interest of full disclosure to prove a lack of Corruption, I
will be posting updates on the Fund that will list the Top Donators to the
Fund, as well as it's Total balance.

And once The money starts going out, that information will be included as well.

As of now, our top Donator is Soucivi, with 50,000 copper.

As of yesterday, the total funds were 60,266 copper.

Odrirg Gorimm, Disciple of the Ki-rin, Magistrate of Ruined City.

==919/919hp 486/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 7
< 7> Dalisha: City Rebuilding fund update
Tue Jan 20 20:40:56 2004
To: all
Currently, the Top Donators (minus the ones who have wished to remain
anonymous) are:

Soucivi 50 Thousand copper
Thrindaran 7 thousand copper
Sourn 2220 copper, and a diamond
Makonui 2 thousand copper
Sastine 2 thousand copper
Granarg 950 copper

Furthermore, I have a list of over a dozen potentials that have expressed a
desire to donate in the future, despite a lack of current funds.

Still others have donated of their services, like Dalisha and Altiniel.
Jallas generously donated a corpse, though the populace has yet to figure out how
to best use a corpse in the rebuilding efforts.

A last moment donation by Grurk of of 40,000 copper means that I am pleased
to announce that at the time of penning, the grand total now stands at..
exactly 117,215 copper, one diamond and a corpse.

Odrirg Gorimm, Disciple of the Ki-rin, Magistrate of Ruined City.

==919/919hp 486/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Minya tells you 'Greetings, Magistrate.'

==919/919hp 486/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 11
< 11> Odrirg: Words of Warning from the High-Priestess of the Ki-rin
Tue Jan 20 23:54:34 2004
To: Jaegrudai Velkurah
One day shortly after the Destruction of the Long time Enemy of Order,
the Grove, I was in the Temple meditating on the Mysteries of the
Valma Katol, and I spoke with the High-Priestess of the Ki-rin,

She spoke not of a relief at the victory of Order, but of a feeling of
unease, as of a Calm before a Storm.

I had hoped to find time when we both could meet and speak of this
but both of our Paths keep us quite busy, and I can wait nolonger, as it
is past time for you, and indeed the entire Fortress, to know.

When you feel the wind pick up, and the rain on your head, it is Over-late
to prepare for the Storm. The time to prepare is before it is upon you.

I have notified the Spire, and the Spire will stand ready to face
whatever storm of Chaos comes. And I have enough respect for your Faith
in your own Path to wish to warn you in time for you to whip your
Fortress into readiness for the coming unpleasantness.

Unfortunately, the talk I hoped to have with you about our
differing paths must wait.

==919/919hp 486/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <3 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lightning flashes in the sky.

==919/919hp 486/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 46
< 46> Odrirg: Re: Paper work, And your records
Sun Jan 25 22:58:07 2004
To: Agarah
My name is Odrirg Gorimm. And I am a magistrate of Galadon.

==919/919hp 508/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 64
< 64> Odrirg: More disturbing news, concerning Anarchy.
Wed Jan 28 16:54:35 2004
To: the Tribunal Spire
While taking some rest while on duty in my city after an assault on the
Village to retrieve our Scales (That is another matter altogether), a
cityguard of the Galadon watch whispered the word Anarchy, then blinked
rapidly. After a bit of discussion, it was found that he had just been thinking
on Order, and had no recollection of saying anything about Anarchy.

After this, a passing special guard from our Spire who was tracking a foe
happened upon our conversation and told me that it was not just guards,
but beggars and drunks and all other sorts were falling into the same behavior.

both myself and the Sun temple healer looked at the cityguard, and could find
nothing with our gifts.

Shortly afterwards, Parick noticed a bouncer in the Inn having the same spell.

Shortly after this, the Banker felt a compulsion to yell out "Free Gold"
at the top of his lungs.

I believe that these are furthor signs of the Storm that we have been
warned of. Keep a wide eye. And be wary on watch.

==919/919hp 508/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 65
< 65> Odrirg: Furthor signs of this damned Storm.
Wed Jan 28 17:17:27 2004
To: Jaegrudai the First. Servalia, the High Priestess, and our Lord Velkurah
I am sure that our Lord's other servants have already brought word of this,
but I am penning this scroll to be clear.

There are reports in at least three of the Cities, and the Inn of the Star,
of strange compulsions coming over citizens and guards alike.

At first, it consisted of a mild catatonia with a whispered word....

The afflicted had no memory of the occurance, and nothing out of sorts was
noticable in their souls or bodies afterwards.

This compulsion took on another form, however, with the Banker in Galadon who
felt compelled, he did not know why, to yell out "Free gold" shortly after I
had made a deposit of a small amount of Gold for the Fund.

Given the nature of these occurances, I took the time to meditate upon
these things in our Lord's Temple. But I am afraid that further insight
has eluded me as of yet.

I believe these are but the first flurries of mist from the coming storm,
but worry not, not even such events will be able to halt our research and


==919/919hp 508/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <4 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 66
< 66> Odrirg: The Scales, and the Village.
Wed Jan 28 17:34:39 2004
To: The Tribunal Spire
On this day, one of the dispossessed sylvans took our Scales
and passed it to the Villager Groggul. This Villager then promptly
deposited the scales in the Village altar. Groggul was marked, paid for it
and the Scales were retrieved.
I believe it remains to be seen if this is but a sign of a changing
policy in the Village.

==919/919hp 508/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Tingreleb has arrived.

==919/919hp 534/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 68
< 68> Odrirg: Applicant: Kranath, unfit for my recomendation at this time.
Wed Jan 28 18:00:31 2004
To: The Tribunal Spire and Kranath the applicant
This young applicant needs improvement in three main areas.

First, he either does not yet know why he wishes what he wishes, or
he does not know his Goal well enough to articulate them.

Second, He needs to study the Laws in more detail.

Thirdly, he needs to study the layout of the Towns in more detail.


==919/919hp 534/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 84
< 84> Dalisha: Ruined City Rebuilding Fund: Update
Sat Jan 31 19:04:44 2004
To: all
Some have noted that the needs of the Spire have necessitated that my
transfer to duty in Galadon, and have asked if the fund still existed.

YES! My duties as the keeper of the Fund are in no way connected with
my duties within the Spire, and despite my transfer, the citizens of that
city still do need any aid that can be spared for them. I also will be
continueing to donate all of the wages that I do earn while on duty, nomatter
where that duty takes me.

The list of donators to the fund has grown significantly in the last few
weeks and months, so in these updates, I will limit the publishing to those
in the top five who do not wish to remain anonymous.

ANd the top donators are:
1. Grurk 116 thousand copper.
3. Soucivi 50 thousand copper.
5. Rhazghoul 35 thousand copper.

The total balance of the Fund at the time that this scroll was penned is:
449,221 copper. (and two diamonds that we have yet to find buyers for)

As you can see, the fund is continueing to grow, but I must impress on
you all just how expensive a rebuilding effort the size of an entire city
will e.

The need for Donations does not get less, as time goes on so does the
suffering of the Citizens of that Ruined city, and thus the need for the
donations ever grows.

Odrirg Gorimm the Disciple of the Ki-rin, Magistrate of Galadon.

==919/919hp 534/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 85
< 85> Odrirg: WARRANT ISSUED: Wrindor
Sat Jan 31 19:46:33 2004
To: Tribunal Wrindor
The previous day, Wrindor was struck by a Nightgaunt.
Wrindor's elemental then joined the fray then brought into the fight an
innocent bystander.
Magistrate Dekoren also agrees with this judgement

==919/919hp 534/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 86
< 86> Odrirg: WARRANT SERVED: Wrindor
Sat Jan 31 19:49:06 2004
To: Tribunal Wrindor
As per my warrant.

==919/919hp 534/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 96
< 96> Odrirg: Commander, the Fund grows by leaps and bounds.
Mon Feb 2 16:47:11 2004
To: The Commander of the Guard, Ruined City Immortal

As I mentioned to you not long ago, I wish for you to be the only one
who is authorized to make withdrawals from the Fund account in the Bank.

I have set it up like this, because any time that large amounts of
money is involved, it is far to easy to give the impression of corruption
even when corruption is not present.

I will make this short, you and I both have work to do.

I was waiting until the Fund grew this much, before I approached you
because I wished the fund to be significant enough to attract workers,
architects, builders, and quarry owners with the promise of fair pay.

Because you are the sole person in charge of deciding how the money is
spent until a new Mayor is chosen, I will leave it up to you to decide who
to approach with offers of work.

However, I do have a few ideas that might serve to extend our funds and
insure quality work. I will seek you out soon when my duties allow, to speak
about my ideas.

If you have any questions, or wish to convey anything to me, please
do not hesitate to have a scribe pen a scroll to me.

Odrirg Gorimm, Disciple of the Ki-rin, Provincial Magistrate.

==919/919hp 534/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The lightning has stopped.

==919/919hp 534/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Minya tells you 'I understand that you are busy. Please speak when it is convenient for you.'

==919/919hp 548/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 104
<104> Dalisha: THe GALADON INQUISITOR (extended edition)
Mon Feb 2 22:43:01 2004
To: all

Soucivi wishes it to be known that our inept reporter managed to get her quote wrong.
It appears she said there was 'no darn bar' and not 'no damn bar' as we reported.
Our apologies to Soucivi for any embaressment this might have caused.

********BOFFINS MEET FOR POW WOW*********

The first Theran Science forum was held at the Eternal Star Inn yesterday. There was a decent turnout to hear the guest speakers and some interesting ideas were discussed and debated.
Gyronalis, Conjurer of the realm issued the following statement today, in the wake of the Forums undoubted success.

I want to thank all who participated in the First Theran Science Forum. It was a
great success. Please remember, magi are not the only ones welcome nor are theories
on magic the only information to be discussed. All ideas, theories and discoveries in science are welcome.

PLEASE NOTE: In order to grant greater accessiblity to a larger crowd, the date of the next and subsequent Forums have been moved to Saturdays at Eight in the evening by Asgaardian Time.

+++++++++Lyristeon appears at the Inn +++++++++
News just breaking, Lyristeon just 'popped' into the Inn. What is this little troublemaker up to?
Well it seems that he wanted a talk with a certain Assassin, admonishing him for not putting his talents to best use.
Interestingly enough, our roving reporter at the scene couldn't fault what he was saying, as he admonished the Assassin in question for becoming a magistrate and living a life bound to the law.
In an extrodinarily candid moment, Lyristeon was overheard as saying:
"My way is not chaotic..my way is natural..live your life as you wish it to be led without the binds of someone elses thoughts or opinions.'

This reporter suggests that there might be a message in that for all of us.

++++++FUND UPDATE++++++
Odrirg wishes it to be known that with the addition of an anonymous donation of 220 thousand copper, the fund has reached its first million copper coins.

As yet, it would seem no use has been found for the donated corpse.

+++++ORPHAN SAVED +++++
I'm glad to report that the small Orphan in so much need of help and respite care has now made a full recovery.
The Inquisitor has adopted him and will be paying for his future care and upbringing.
IT is hoped that when he grows older, he will follow a career in the healing arts and discover cures for the less savoury diseases prevelant in Thera, as the lad shows quite an aptitude for both learning and the healing arts.

==919/919hp 548/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <6 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 108
<108> Odrirg: I wish to attend your Next Science Forum
Tue Feb 3 13:40:42 2004
To: Gyronalis Rabonali

Believe it or not, I have written to ask you to schedule a specific
time slot for me to expound on some rather startleing magical
and political discoveries, and then following that, a question
and answer period where I will field any questions about the information
that I bring, as well as about the Ki-rin.

I look forward to attending. And if you wish, I would not mind it
published that I will be attending for the above reasons.

Odrirg Gorimm, Disciple of the Ki-rin, Provincial Magistrate.

==919/919hp 548/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Agarah has arrived.
Agarah's lieutenant has arrived.
Agarah's lieutenant has arrived.

==919/919hp 548/766m 549/549mv-18567tnl== <7 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 109
<109> Odrirg: Applicant denied provisionally: Baendra
Tue Feb 3 14:17:40 2004
To: The Tribunal Spire Baendra

I spent quite some time speaking with Baendra, a young necromancer.

I tested him in many ways. I hid myself in the Warren of the
Empress' City, and approved of the speed with which Baendra found me.
In all honesty, a speed I am not sure half of the current Magistrates
could have matched.

While he made some mistakes in my questioning on points of the
enforcement of some tricky points of the Law, he showed a
strong mind that was flexible enough to learn and grasp new

When questioned about her Goal and her reasons for joining the spire...

And then when questioned on if she would stay with the Spire even
after she had used it to achieve her Goal...
It seemed his only reply was to say that "Why would I not stay with it,
I can not think of a reason why I would leave it."

Being myself, And having witnessed with disgust already one Magistrate
turn from the Spire and betray our Goals, I can not in good
conscience give my recommendation to Baendra at this time.

However, I did tell him that I was not barring him from seeking the
approval of one of the other Provincial Magistrates.


note read 113
<113> Odrirg: Dreams.
Tue Feb 3 17:02:50 2004
To: Provincial Grurk

I seem to remember you were one who had much experience with dreams.

Recently, certain things have happend to bring me to the point where I
have quite an interest on the subject. I wish to speak to you on the
subject when you have the time.

==919/919hp 747/766m 549/549mv-18545tnl== <1 AM/civilized/outdoor> note read 114
<114> Odrirg: A few of my suggestions on how the Fund might be spent.
Tue Feb 3 17:34:41 2004
To: The Commander of the Guard, Ruined City Immortal

My various duties require I keep this short.

First, I advise that a scroll be sent to the King of the Dwarves in
the Castle of Akan. Of course you can see why dwarves would be an obvious
choice when stone-cutting is involved.

But, I would also suggest scrolls of offers be sent to the Sultan and
the Empress as well.

First off, the Sultan's ancestor is said to have used great gangs of
architects and workers in a flurry of construction to build the current
city, and it is widely known how assiduous the various Sultans have
been in their record keeping. That experiance would serve our Rebuilding
effort well.

As for the Empress. It is my personal believe that she has hungered for
a firm foothold of Trade upon this continent for quite some time, and
often in history Imperial legions have been pressed into work-gangs for
construction. I believe offering her a chance to "help" would be

And as much as I would hate to include such dark influence....
It is true that the city of Udgaard is built like a Fortress. I believe
that in those lands lie a knowledge on fortification that could serve
the rebuilding effort well, in aassuring that future chaos does not
re-enter the City once it is finally driven out.

There are others I would include, but those are the main ones.
Also, I believe that letting them all know that they would be competing for
payments from the Fund, would help to bring Prices for Labor and
materials down, as it will be no small thing for them to claim that they
helped in the re-building of your Ruined City.

I wish to impress once more, however, that I understand that all
final decisions are yours until Order is restored in your city.

Odrirg Gorimm, Disciple of the Ki-rin, Provincial Magistrate.

==919/919hp 754/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <12 AM/civilized/outdoor> Sleep beckons as your muscles ache from fatigue.

The Shrine Room

(White Aura) A priest stands here ready to teach you how to fight.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==919/919hp 766/766m 527/549mv-18565tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Ugh.
You say 'Ugh.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 527/549mv-18565tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor> who dwarf
<26 Dwarf War> Prabmator the Greater Demon Slayer
<44 Dwarf Pal> Jaegrudai the Priest of the Templars, First Disciple of the Ki-rin, Captain of the Brigade
<37 Dwarf Pal> (PK) Corvus the Templar Field Marshall
< 7 Dwarf Pal> Feirdha the Standard Bearer
*40 Dwarf Sha* (PK) Odrirg Gorimm the Keeper of Faith, Disciple of the Ki-rin, Provincial Magistrate

Players found: 5

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Feirdha Sorry ,A bit more trouble. Let me give you this hint.
You tell Feirdha 'Sorry ,A bit more trouble. Let me give you this hint.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <2 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Feirdha When I first saw the place where our Lord is, the colors hurt my eyes.
You tell Feirdha 'When I first saw the place where our Lord is, the colors hurt my eyes.'
You are hungry.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor> reply Even the damned animals.
You tell Sabano 'Even the damned animals.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Feirdha Even the damned animals.
You tell Feirdha 'Even the damned animals.'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Sabano tells you 'What?'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor> get pie girdle

Eogan tells you 'may i ask if you was able to execute Zuguxanoug?'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor> get pie girdle
You get a piece of dry shepherd's pie from a girdle of many pouches.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor> You get a piece of dry shepherd's pie from a girdle of many pouches.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <3 AM/civilized/indoor> eat pie
eat pie
You eat a piece of dry shepherd's pie.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> You eat a piece of dry shepherd's pie.
You are full.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> tel Eogan He suicided on the guild in galadon
You tell Eogan 'He suicided on the guild in galadon'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> sl collapses into some rest.
Odrirg collapses into some rest.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor>
As you drift off to sleep, you find yourself dreaming.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <4 AM/civilized/indoor> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'detect invis' for 16 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 10 hours.
Commune: 'detect good' for 7 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 7 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 3 hours.
You are walking in slow-motion through the burned remains of a city.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Your chain armor clinks together with each step through the ashes.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor>
An emaciated man in rags is on his knees in one of the burned-out buildings near you.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor>
As you approach, he weakly extends his hands toward you.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <6 AM/civilized/indoor>
With a look of despair and desperation, he croaks out "Please sir. H-help us."

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor>
The wizard yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a steel-eyed harmentia demon!'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor>
The cityguard yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a steel-eyed harmentia demon!'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor>
As he colapses in a heap, you see through the ruined wall behind him a massive crater in the ground.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <7 AM/civilized/indoor>
The mayor yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a steel-eyed harmentia demon!'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor>


==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor> emote lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.

The cityguard yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a steel-eyed harmentia demon!'
You awaken with a sense of sadness and determination.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor> In your dreams, or what?

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Enforcer yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by a steel-eyed harmentia demon!'

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor> wake
You wake and stand up.

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
Sinopa The Sanctuary
Shadin High Road
Pexmerl Leather Shop
Sabano High Road
Corynth Trade Road
Zakath By the Temple Altar
Eogan High Road
(PK) Sedovei Warrior's Bar
Conar Top of Northeast Tower
(PK) Trithelgade Trade Road
Tyrone At the Altar
(PK) Odrirg The Shrine Room

==919/919hp 766/766m 549/549mv-18565tnl== <8 AM/civilized/indoor>
Waking, the unusual dream fades.
30183, CHAOS!!!! WOOOT (short)
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**This always gave me a huge chuckle.

Inelour has summoned you!
Hidden Room

A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
Daemar's lieutenant stands here, enforcing the Law.
Daemar's lieutenant stands here, enforcing the Law.
(White Aura) Daemar is here.
Kaplanov is here.
(Invis) (Ghostly) Inelour is here.

==1014/1046hp 623/868m 693/697mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor> snort
You snort.

==1014/1046hp 623/868m 693/697mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Inelour utters the words, 'gjwwai'.
Ansenoug arrives suddenly.

==1014/1046hp 623/868m 693/697mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Daemar says 'Yer wonder why yer have a reputation yer have?'

==1014/1046hp 623/868m 693/697mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor> com 'word of recall' kap
Kaplanov doesn't allow you to do that to him.

==1014/1046hp 623/868m 693/697mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Inelour recites a scroll of chaos.
A ball of fire erupts from Inelour's hands, engulfing the area in flames.
Ansenoug yells wildly 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Inelour fades into existence.
Inelour's fireball decimates Ansenoug!
You yell 'Die, Inelour, you sorcerous dog!'
Inelour's fireball hits you.
The special guard yells 'Die, Inelour, you sorcerous dog!'
Inelour's fireball DISMEMBERS the special guard!
The special guard yells 'Die, Inelour, you sorcerous dog!'
Inelour's fireball decimates the special guard!
Daemar's lieutenant yells 'Die, Inelour, you sorcerous dog!'
Inelour's fireball DISMEMBERS Daemar's lieutenant!
Daemar's lieutenant yells 'Die, Inelour, you sorcerous dog!'
Inelour's fireball decimates Daemar's lieutenant!
Daemar yells wildly 'Die, Inelour, you sorcerous dog!'
Inelour's fireball mauls Daemar.
Kaplanov yells wildly 'Die, Inelour, you sorcerous dog!'
Inelour's fireball DISMEMBERS Kaplanov!
A ball of fire erupts from Inelour's hands, engulfing the area in flames.
Inelour's fireball MASSACRES Ansenoug!
Inelour's fireball decimates you!
Inelour's fireball maims the special guard!
Inelour's fireball MASSACRES the special guard!
Inelour's fireball maims Daemar's lieutenant!
Inelour's fireball maims Daemar's lieutenant!
Inelour's fireball decimates Daemar!
Inelour's fireball MASSACRES Kaplanov!
Inelour is in perfect health.

==977/1046hp 623/868m 693/697mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Kaplanov pushes Inelour back into an awkward position.
Kaplanov's misdirection *** DEMOLISHES *** Inelour!
Inelour has some small but disgusting cuts.

==977/1046hp 623/868m 693/697mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Your shield fades away.
Inelour has some small but disgusting cuts.

==989/1046hp 645/868m 697/697mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
The special guard's slash MUTILATES Inelour!
The special guard's slash EVISCERATES Inelour!
The special guard's slash EVISCERATES Inelour!
The special guard's slash MUTILATES Inelour!
Daemar's lieutenant's slash DISMEMBERS Inelour!
Daemar's lieutenant's slash misses Inelour.
Daemar's lieutenant's slash EVISCERATES Inelour!
Ansenoug's wrath DISMEMBERS Inelour!
Ansenoug's wrath DISMEMBERS Inelour!
Ansenoug's slash MUTILATES Inelour!
Ansenoug's slash EVISCERATES Inelour!
Inelour is DEAD!!
You hear Inelour's death cry.
30223, RE: CHAOS!!!! WOOOT (short)
Posted by Kaplanov on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehehe. I remember that one. Way to go Inelour.
30184, Fight that caused me to be demoted from Vindie to magist of Seantryn.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**I will comment at the pertinent part.

==1056/1056hp 405/948m 458/722mv== <new/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> You open the gate.

==1056/1056hp 405/948m 458/722mv== <new/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> w
Outside the West Gate

==1056/1056hp 405/948m 456/722mv== <new/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> where
People near you:
Grimppal Entrance to the Paladin's Guild
Mikhail Trade Road
Seshaien By the Temple Altar
Reiginsei Assassin's Bar
(PK) Asmorlos The Conjurer's Lecture Hall
(PK) Kaplanov Market Square
(PK) Daemar Market Square
Telesto Park Road
Amayara The Conjurer's Lecture Hall
(PK) Lochzan Market Square
(PK) Odrirg Outside the West Gate

==1056/1056hp 405/948m 456/722mv== <new/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> w
The Western Crossroads

A sign points west towards Feanwyyn Weald.
(Ghostly) Drezulok is here.
(Translucent) a fox is sleeping here.
Nynncynno is here.

==1056/1056hp 405/948m 455/722mv== <new/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> com rot drezulok
Drezulok yells wildly 'Die, Odrirg, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Drezulok's direction.
Drezulok looks like he is decomposing.
You have become better at rot!
sk rot
You parry Drezulok's infernal power.
Drezulok is in perfect health.

==1056/1056hp 355/948m 455/722mv== <new/4 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Your chop MUTILATES Drezulok!
You parry Drezulok's infernal power.
You parry Drezulok's infernal power.
Drezulok has a few scratches.

==1056/1056hp 355/948m 455/722mv== <new/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> com dispel

Drezulok leaves.
Drezulok has fled!

==1056/1056hp 355/948m 455/722mv== <new/4 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sudden pain erupts through your skull.

==1056/1056hp 355/948m 455/722mv== <new/4 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You hear the snarl of an angry fox.

==1056/1056hp 355/948m 455/722mv== <new/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> That is a supplication, not a skill: use the supplications command.

==1056/1056hp 355/948m 455/722mv== <new/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> In your dreams, or what?

==1056/1056hp 355/948m 455/722mv== <new/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> cb I have been jacked by a thief friend of his, out of the West gate.
Odrirg: I have been jacked by a thief friend of his, out of the West gate.

==1056/1056hp 355/948m 455/722mv== <new/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> whois nyn
<47 Duerg Thi> (PK) Nynncynno the Secret, Elite Imperial Shadow

==1056/1056hp 461/948m 524/722mv== <new/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You hear the snarl of an angry fox.

==1056/1056hp 461/948m 524/722mv== <new/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> cb Nynncynno.
Odrirg: Nynncynno.

==1056/1056hp 461/948m 524/722mv== <new/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'

==1056/1056hp 461/948m 524/722mv== <new/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'vindicator network' for 50 hours.
Skill: 'vindicator insignia' for 38 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 31 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 6 for 31 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 30 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 30 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 8 hours.
Commune: 'protective shield' for 7 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 2 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies armor class by 40 for 1 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies damage roll by 8 for 1 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies hit roll by 8 for 1 hours.

==1056/1056hp 461/948m 524/722mv== <new/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Daemar yells wildly 'Die, Drezulok, you sorcerous dog!'

==1056/1056hp 461/948m 524/722mv== <new/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok yells wildly 'Help! Lochzan is bashing me with his shield!'

==1056/1056hp 461/948m 524/722mv== <new/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok yells wildly 'Help! Kaplanov is trying to impale me!'

==1056/1056hp 461/948m 524/722mv== <new/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Daemar: Blackjacked

==1056/1056hp 461/948m 524/722mv== <new/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan yells wildly 'Die, Drezulok, you sorcerous dog!'

==1056/1056hp 461/948m 524/722mv== <new/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'vindicator network' for 50 hours.
Skill: 'vindicator insignia' for 38 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 31 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 6 for 31 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 30 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 30 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 8 hours.
Commune: 'protective shield' for 7 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 2 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies armor class by 40 for 1 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies damage roll by 8 for 1 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies hit roll by 8 for 1 hours.

==1056/1056hp 461/948m 524/722mv== <new/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Daemar: Attack me if yer can

==1056/1056hp 461/948m 524/722mv== <new/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan: Why does one of the Empire aid him?

==1056/1056hp 616/948m 593/722mv== <new/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Daemar yells wildly 'Help! I am being attacked by Kaplanov!'

==1056/1056hp 616/948m 593/722mv== <new/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Kaplanov yells wildly 'Help someone is attacking me!'

==1056/1056hp 616/948m 593/722mv== <new/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Kaplanov: Now I am jacked

==1056/1056hp 616/948m 593/722mv== <new/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Kaplanov yells wildly 'Help someone is attacking me!'

==1056/1056hp 616/948m 593/722mv== <new/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan: We may all be.

==1056/1056hp 616/948m 593/722mv== <new/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Kaplanov yells wildly 'Help someone is attacking me!'

==1056/1056hp 616/948m 593/722mv== <new/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> cb Because The Empire has been biding it's time to strike.
Odrirg: Because The Empire has been biding it's time to strike.

==1056/1056hp 616/948m 593/722mv== <new/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Agonizing pain claws at your eyes, and you feel them roll back.

==1056/1056hp 616/948m 593/722mv== <new/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'vindicator network' for 49 hours.
Skill: 'vindicator insignia' for 37 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 30 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 6 for 30 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 29 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 29 hours.
Spell: 'blindness' modifies hit roll by -4 for 14 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 7 hours.
Commune: 'protective shield' for 6 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 1 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies armor class by 40 for 0 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies damage roll by 8 for 0 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies hit roll by 8 for 0 hours.

==1056/1056hp 616/948m 593/722mv== <new/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Your dreams are twisted by a wretched, unclean feeling.

==1056/1056hp 616/948m 593/722mv== <new/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Your rage ebbs.

==1056/1056hp 772/948m 662/722mv== <new/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Your muscles ache and strain, but you fight off the enfeebling chill.

==1056/1056hp 772/948m 662/722mv== <new/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'

==1056/1056hp 772/948m 662/722mv== <new/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'

==1056/1056hp 772/948m 662/722mv== <new/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'vindicator network' for 48 hours.
Skill: 'vindicator insignia' for 36 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 29 hours.
Commune: 'crusade' modifies hit roll by 6 for 29 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 28 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 28 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies save vs spell by 14 for 27 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies hit roll by -7 for 27 hours.
Spell: 'blindness' modifies hit roll by -4 for 13 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 6 hours.
Commune: 'protective shield' for 5 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 2 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 0 hours.

==1056/1056hp 772/948m 662/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You come to with a pounding headache.

==1056/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'

****Here, I try to wake up and move into the City....but I wake up and am tripped into a permalag*****

==1056/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> wake
You wake and stand up.

==1056/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> e
Someone trips you and you go down!
Someone steps out of the shadows.
Someone's trip scratches you.
You yell ' Help! Someone just tripped me!'
Someone is in perfect health.

==1053/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You parry someone's flaming bite.
Someone's crush hits you.
Someone parries your chop.
Someone is in perfect health.

==1041/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Someone utters the words, 'qfuwsabru gqajfoz'.
Someone is in perfect health.

***Here, I wasn't cheap shotted, so I figured my east commands would go through during the fight, negating them....So I input a com holy...right here at the beginning of the fight....hoping he will miss enough cheap shots to have it go through before I die


==1041/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> com holy

Someone has arrived.
Someone is in perfect health.

==1041/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Someone stretches out its hand towards the heavens.
Someone utters a word of divine power!
Someone gets a wild look in its eyes!
Someone yells wildly 'Die, Daemar, you sorcerous dog!'
Someone's divine wrath MASSACRES someone!
Someone yells wildly 'Die, Daemar, you sorcerous dog!'
Someone looks very uncomfortable.
Someone's divine wrath does UNSPEAKABLE things to someone!
You feel more powerful.
Someone stretches out its hand and places it upon your head.
You are filled with holy wrath!
Someone stretches out its hand and places it upon your head.
Someone yells wildly 'Die, Daemar, you sorcerous dog!'
Someone looks very uncomfortable.
Someone's divine wrath >>> ANNIHILATES <<< someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==1041/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You parry someone's flaming bite.
Someone's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Someone's divine power maims someone!
Someone's pound wounds someone.
Someone strikes someone with the edge of something.
Someone's shield jab hits someone.
Someone parries your chop.
Someone parries your chop.
Someone's infernal power hits someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==1041/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> No way! You are still fighting!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==1041/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> Someone trips you and you go down!
Someone's trip scratches you.
Seizing upon your moment of weakness, someone brutally kicks you while you're down!
Someone drives its spiked boot into your body!
Someone's vicious attack wounds you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==1019/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You parry someone's flaming bite.
You parry someone's crush.
Someone's divine power decimates someone!
Someone's something glows a faint blue!
Someone's pound wounds someone.
Someone parries your chop.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==1019/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Someone leaves east.
Someone has fled!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==1019/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Someone utters the words, 'qpurr hajqp'.
Someone's chilling touch hits you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==1007/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You parry someone's flaming bite.
You parry someone's crush.
Someone's divine power decimates someone!
Someone's divine power devastates someone!
Someone's something glows a faint blue!
Your chop MANGLES someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==1007/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'cure blindness

Someone leaves.
Someone has fled!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==1007/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Someone trips you and you go down!
Someone's trip scratches you.
Seizing upon your moment of weakness, someone brutally kicks you while you're down!
You grunt in pain as someone lands a particularly painful blow.
Someone drives its spiked boot into your body!
Someone's vicious attack EVISCERATES you!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==959/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You parry someone's flaming bite.
Someone's crush wounds you.
Someone dodges your chop.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==942/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You parry someone's flaming bite.
You parry someone's flaming bite.
Someone parries your chop.
Someone dodges your chop.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==942/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Someone stretches out its hand towards the heavens.
Someone utters a word of divine power!
You feel more powerful.
Someone stretches out its hand and places it upon your head.
Someone yells wildly 'Die, Daemar, you sorcerous dog!'
Someone's divine wrath >>> ANNIHILATES <<< someone!
Someone is writhing in agony.

==942/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Someone trips you and you go down!
Someone's trip scratches you.
Seizing upon your moment of weakness, someone brutally kicks you while you're down!
Someone drives its spiked boot into your body!
Someone's vicious attack wounds you.
Someone is writhing in agony.

==921/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You parry someone's flaming bite.
You parry someone's crush.
You parry someone's flaming bite.
Your chop MASSACRES someone!
Someone is writhing in agony.

==921/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You parry someone's flaming bite.
Someone's crush injures you.
Someone's crush injures you.
Something pulses with ruddy crimson light near someone's heart.
Someone's soul drain grazes you.
Someone strikes someone with the edge of something.
Someone's shield jab EVISCERATES someone!
Someone parries your chop.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

==886/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Someone stretches out its hand towards the heavens.
Someone utters a word of divine power!
You feel more powerful.
Someone stretches out its hand and places it upon your head.
Someone's divine wrath >>> ANNIHILATES <<< someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
Someone's ear is sliced from its dead body.

**Here is where my perma lag goes away...only because the Thief dies...**

==886/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Someone steps out of the shadows.

==886/1056hp 887/948m 722/722mv== <new/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> You can't see a thing!

**Here is where my second east goes through...a command put in before the fight started**

==886/1056hp 887/948m 721/722mv== <new/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> You stretch out your hand towards the heavens.
You utter a word of divine power.
You feel more powerful.
You are already in a frenzied state.
You feel righteous.
Someone yells wildly 'Die, Odrirg, you sorcerous dog!'
Someone looks very uncomfortable.
Your divine wrath MANGLES someone!
You feel drained.
Someone is gushing blood.

**Taking me into town, and holy wording the necromancer.....damnit**

==886/1056hp 787/948m 721/722mv== <new/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Someone leaves east.
Someone has fled!

==886/1056hp 787/948m 721/722mv== <new/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'cure blindness

Someone yells 'Now look at that.'

==907/1056hp 819/948m 722/722mv== <new/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
The attempt failed.

==907/1056hp 814/948m 722/722mv== <new/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'cure blindness
30186, long fight, immteraction, Mulshinay and Drezulok piss off Odrirg.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**At the end, I give Vahletharian a little "pep-talk" concerning his recent marriage to my Sister

****background, I'm out trying to see if I can get something to bring my str from 20 to 22...I can't....req from Orumous, he's Orderly, but neutral...but when I c 'know alignment' on him, it sais he has kind tendencies. He attacks me, I can't kill him because of rp...damnit. Then on cb, there is this crap about how some necromancer is attacking magistrates in town....I was *REALLY* laggy during this whole thing****

**First, the fight, notice how many things this guy is immune to...and notice that there is no real rhyme or reason to what he is immune to... blind because he is undead...and Turn undead...and holy word. But is affected by gill growth...because he can't get oxygen to his lungs.....*****

***Also, I had no clue that my holy word would hit a cabal mate. I think that might be buggy....but it might not, because I was Vindicator and not magistrate....so that might count as seperate enough for him not to be protected from area spells.**

==904/1056hp 746/873m 688/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/indoor> l
You can't see a thing!
someone: We may.

==904/1056hp 746/873m 688/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/indoor>

You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
Orumous the Strong has arrived.

==923/1056hp 771/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor> cb Dirted, I will be there hsortly.
Odrirg: Dirted, I will be there hsortly.

==923/1056hp 771/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor> com 'know align' orumous
You close your eyes for a moment and nod at Orumous the Strong.
You briefly peer into the depths of Orumous the Strong's soul...
He is occasionally kind and helpful.
He also seems very orderly.

==923/1056hp 762/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor> emote lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.
Odrirg lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.

==923/1056hp 762/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor> Lemath: By whom?

==923/1056hp 762/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Odrirg Crumbling Hallway

==923/1056hp 762/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor> req girdle orumous
Orumous the Strong says 'I'm not about to give you anything!'

==923/1056hp 762/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor> l
Crumbling Hallway
This hall has suffered a collapse. Large boulders fill the southern
end, halting further progress. Several support beams have been placed upon
the ceiling which is sagging and cracked. A large oaken door leads west.
The northern wall is covered in bloody hand prints and is turned slightly to
one side, revealing a stairwell on the other side.

With arms the size of trees, an enormous dwarf struts around yelling
(Gold Aura) A battle crazed dwarf charges forth spitting blood and howling with rage.

==923/1056hp 762/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan: The master necromancer, from the tower you visit.

==923/1056hp 762/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor> l
Crumbling Hallway
This hall has suffered a collapse. Large boulders fill the southern
end, halting further progress. Several support beams have been placed upon
the ceiling which is sagging and cracked. A large oaken door leads west.
The northern wall is covered in bloody hand prints and is turned slightly to
one side, revealing a stairwell on the other side.

With arms the size of trees, an enormous dwarf struts around yelling
(Gold Aura) A battle crazed dwarf charges forth spitting blood and howling with rage.

==923/1056hp 762/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lemath: I come.

==923/1056hp 762/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor> recall
Only those below level 10 may use recall.

==923/1056hp 762/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor> com 'word of recall'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
At the Altar

A map of Arkham is here.
A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar.
(Gold Aura) A man sits here begging for any change you might have.
(Gold Aura) (White Aura) The healer is here, healing the needy.

==923/1056hp 722/873m 361/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
Oberist Mage's Bar
(PK) Drezulok High Road
Sevellian Market Square
(PK) Odrirg At the Altar

==923/1056hp 722/873m 361/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/indoor> e
Southern Courtyard

(Gold Aura) (White Aura) A Paladin stands here guarding the entrance to his Guildhall.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 411/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> n
Temple Square

A simple silver band lies here.
A large white fountain gushes forth here.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 408/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> e
High Road

==943/1056hp 768/873m 405/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> s
High Road

(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) Drezulok is here.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 402/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> People near you:
Oberist Mage's Bar
(PK) Drezulok High Road
Sevellian Market Square
(PK) Odrirg High Road

==943/1056hp 768/873m 402/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: Dear, dear. He's after me too.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 402/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> eyebrow
You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 402/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'vindicator insignia' for 45 hours.
Skill: 'vindicator network' for 25 hours.
Commune: 'detect good' for 24 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 24 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 24 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 24 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 20 hours.
Commune: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 4 hours.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 402/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> get flight 2.charms
quaff flight

Mulshinay: i think he very much dislikes this tower
You get a potion of flight from the Bracelet of Charms.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 402/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> You quaff a potion of flight.
Your feet rise off the ground.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 402/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan has arrived.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 402/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> where necromancer
the guildmaster Necromancer's Guild

==943/1056hp 768/873m 402/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok: He may hold a grudge against the spire because of me. Those who have...Become do not take well to being defeated by those of our guild who have not.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 402/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' What was done to piss him off?
You say 'What was done to piss him off?'

==943/1056hp 768/873m 402/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: Everyone, defend the Spire. I demand we'll have none of this nonesense here.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 402/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> l
High Road
The cobblestone avenue passes between the Paladin's Guild to the west and
the headquarters of the guard to the east. You feel a sudden urge to devote
yourself to being good. The road is well-kept through here as it passes from
the park to the north towards the market square to the south.

(Red Aura) Lochzan is here.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) Drezulok is here.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 402/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> e
The Tribunal Courtyard

A metal statue of a woman stands on a large stone pedestal here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
The Captain of the Blood Tribunal Special Guards is here.
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before you.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 399/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> l necromancer
This lich is a truly powerful being, capable of destroying even the most
deadly mortal with only a word. Its skeletal form is pearly white and
free of decaying flesh. It looks to have been polished. Its clad in fancy
silk garments that it has personalized with blood and bits of rotten flesh.
Its eyes glow with a fiery hatred as it approaches you menacingly, obviously
upset about your intrusion.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

a master necromancer is using:
<worn about body> a robe of fine black silk
<worn about waist> a sash of fine black silk
<wielded> (Red Aura) (Humming) a dark blade etched with runes
Lochzan has arrived.
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before Lochzan.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.
A master necromancer yells 'Lochzan! Now you die!'
A master necromancer's infernal power *** DEVASTATES *** Lochzan!

==943/1056hp 768/873m 399/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer's infernal power misses Lochzan.

==943/1056hp 768/873m 399/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of his skin.
Lochzan's burning, weeping sores MUTILATES him!

==961/1056hp 807/873m 450/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok has arrived.
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before Drezulok.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==961/1056hp 807/873m 450/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'qfuwsabru gqajfoz'.
A master necromancer parries your punch.
A master necromancer parries your punch.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==961/1056hp 807/873m 450/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum has arrived.
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before Optomkiptum.
A sifaka lemur has arrived.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==961/1056hp 807/873m 450/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan leaves west.
Lochzan has fled!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==961/1056hp 807/873m 450/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok utters the words, 'xgruuhpyafw'.
Drezulok fades into an insubstantial phantom.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==961/1056hp 807/873m 450/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your punch.
A master necromancer's infernal power MANGLES the special guard!
The special guard leaves east.
The special guard has fled!
A master necromancer yells 'Odrirg! Now you die!'
A master necromancer's infernal power maims you!
A master necromancer's infernal power maims you!
A master necromancer's infernal power misses you.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==890/1056hp 807/873m 450/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before Mulshinay.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==890/1056hp 807/873m 450/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur's bite hits a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==890/1056hp 807/873m 450/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'oculoqarquyl'.
A master necromancer's body seems to grow less solid as his bonemass decreases.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==890/1056hp 807/873m 450/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur's bite hits a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your punch.
A master necromancer parries your punch.
Your shield blocks a master necromancer's infernal power.
A master necromancer's infernal power maims you!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==854/1056hp 807/873m 450/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> flee
The Tribunal Foyer

An ornate gray stone fountain is here.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
You flee from combat!

==854/1056hp 807/873m 449/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/indoor> emote lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.
Odrirg lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.

==854/1056hp 807/873m 449/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/indoor> guardcall
You shout 'Guards! Guards!'
Two guards come to your rescue!
A master necromancer yells 'a sifaka lemur! Now you die!'

==854/1056hp 807/873m 449/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/indoor> w
com blind necromancer
The Tribunal Courtyard

A metal statue of a woman stands on a large stone pedestal here.
(Gold Aura) Mulshinay is here.
(Translucent) a sifaka lemur is here, fighting a master necromancer.
(Translucent) Optomkiptum is here.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) Drezulok is here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
The Captain of the Blood Tribunal Special Guards is here.
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before you.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'ourr ofaxhp'.

==854/1056hp 807/873m 448/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
A master necromancer is immune to your attempts to blind it, being undead.

==854/1056hp 802/873m 448/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur's bite injures a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite injures a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur dodges a master necromancer's attack.

==854/1056hp 802/873m 448/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'ourr ofaxhp'.

==854/1056hp 802/873m 448/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> com turn

Drezulok says to a master necromancer 'You do understand that I have bested you, time and again. Do you really wish this?'

==854/1056hp 802/873m 448/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> You stretch out your hand towards the heavens.

==854/1056hp 767/873m 448/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'qfuwsabru gqajfoz'.
A master necromancer tries to cast a spell at a sifaka lemur but a sifaka lemur is no longer there.

==854/1056hp 767/873m 448/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'wzhabaruq djuqtunsouio'.

==854/1056hp 767/873m 448/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of his skin.
Mulshinay shudders and starts to bleed the the pores of his skin.
Mulshinay can no longer find the strength to wield mace of holy empowerment.
Optomkiptum's burning, weeping sores decimates him!

==871/1056hp 784/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'xzatunso'.
With a wave of a master necromancer's hand, a sifaka lemur slumps, looking weaker.

==871/1056hp 784/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> con holy

Optomkiptum utters the words, 'ourr ofaxhp'.

==871/1056hp 784/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> They're not here.

==871/1056hp 784/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> Mulshinay utters the words, 'ocandusagz'.
A torrent of yellowed grease erupts towards a master necromancer from Mulshinay's hands!

==871/1056hp 784/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'qfuwsabru gqajfoz'.
A master necromancer tries to cast a spell at a sifaka lemur but a sifaka lemur is no longer there.

==871/1056hp 784/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> com holy
You stretch out your hand towards the heavens.
You utter a word of divine power.
You stretch out your hand and place it upon the special guard's head.
The special guard gets a wild look in his eyes!
You stretch out your hand and place it upon the special guard's head.
You grant the special guard the favor of your god.
You stretch out your hand and place it upon the special guard's head.
The special guard gets a wild look in his eyes!
You stretch out your hand and place it upon the special guard's head.
You grant the special guard the favor of your god.
You feel more powerful.
You are filled with holy wrath!
You feel righteous.
You stretch out your hand and place it upon Mulshinay's head.
Mulshinay gets a wild look in his eyes!
You stretch out your hand and place it upon Mulshinay's head.
Mulshinay already has divine favor.
The special guard yells 'Die, Odrirg, you sorcerous dog!'
Your curse failed to take effect.
Your divine wrath === OBLITERATES === the special guard!
The special guard yells 'Die, Odrirg, you sorcerous dog!'
Your curse failed to take effect.
Your divine wrath === OBLITERATES === the special guard!
Drezulok yells wildly 'Die, Odrirg, you sorcerous dog!'
Drezulok looks very uncomfortable.
Your divine wrath === OBLITERATES === Drezulok!
You feel drained.
The special guard has some small but disgusting cuts.

==871/1056hp 684/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'ourr ofaxhp'.
A master necromancer's neck sprouts gills.
The special guard has some small but disgusting cuts.

==871/1056hp 684/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' Damnit

Drezulok leaves east.
Drezulok has fled!
A master necromancer utters the words, 'yazfuz yucandus'.
A sifaka lemur is surrounded by a pink outline.
Your shield blocks the special guard's slash.
Your shield blocks the special guard's slash.
The special guard's slash mauls you.
Your shield blocks the special guard's slash.
Your punch MUTILATES the special guard!
The special guard leaves west.
The special guard has fled!

==847/1056hp 684/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'wzhabaruq djuqtunsouio'.
Optomkiptum seems to become more alert as his movements return to normal speed.

==847/1056hp 684/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Your shield blocks the special guard's slash.
Your shield blocks the special guard's slash.
Your punch MUTILATES the special guard!
The special guard leaves west.
The special guard has fled!

==847/1056hp 684/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> You say 'Damnit'

==847/1056hp 684/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> You aren't fighting anyone.

==847/1056hp 684/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> flee
You aren't fighting anyone.

==847/1056hp 684/873m 499/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> e
The Tribunal Foyer

An ornate gray stone fountain is here.
(Gold Aura) Mulshinay is here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) Drezulok is here.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==847/1056hp 684/873m 498/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor> cb Strange.

Drezulok glares icily at you, you feel cold to your bones.

==847/1056hp 684/873m 498/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor> Odrirg: Strange.

==847/1056hp 684/873m 498/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
A master necromancer yells 'Yes! Attack your own...fool!'

==847/1056hp 684/873m 498/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay: hmm seems i will perish to the scourge

==847/1056hp 684/873m 498/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor> cb I was under the impression that you would not be touched by that.
Odrirg: I was under the impression that you would not be touched by that.

==847/1056hp 684/873m 498/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor> Drezulok spits in utter disgust!

==847/1056hp 684/873m 498/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==847/1056hp 684/873m 498/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of his skin.
Lochzan's burning, weeping sores MUTILATES him!

==866/1056hp 732/873m 549/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan leaves up.
The special guard leaves up.
The special guard leaves up.

==866/1056hp 732/873m 549/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Drezulok leaves up.

==866/1056hp 732/873m 549/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor> emote lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.
Odrirg lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.

==866/1056hp 732/873m 549/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor> You are carrying:
a master key
a stair gate key
a notched axe with a wicked blade
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt

==866/1056hp 732/873m 549/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay: or not

==866/1056hp 732/873m 549/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor> wear axe
You wield a notched axe with a wicked blade.
A notched axe with a wicked blade feels like a part of you!

==866/1056hp 732/873m 549/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor> w
The Tribunal Courtyard

A metal statue of a woman stands on a large stone pedestal here.
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) a sifaka lemur is here, fighting a master necromancer.
(Translucent) Optomkiptum is here, fighting a master necromancer.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
The Captain of the Blood Tribunal Special Guards is here.
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before you.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==866/1056hp 732/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite scratches a master necromancer.

==866/1056hp 732/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.

==866/1056hp 732/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> com demonfire necromancer
You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
Your words strike the fear of Hell into a master necromancer!
A master necromancer is unaffected by your torments!
A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's cold touch drains some of your life away!

A master necromancer's deathly touch devastates you!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 712/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> The Captain of the Special Guards bows before Mulshinay.
Optomkiptum strikes hard with the White King's sceptre where a master necromancer used to be.
Optomkiptum's battering strike misses a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 712/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan has arrived.
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before Lochzan.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 712/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan scans west.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 712/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A sifaka lemur dodges a master necromancer's attack.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 712/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Optomkiptum hesitates, clutching at his eyes, then recovers.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 712/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> com aff
You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
A master necromancer howls in fury as great wounds are inflicted upon its undead form!
Your divine anger devastates a master necromancer!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 692/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 692/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'dispel evil'

A master necromancer utters the words, 'xzatunso'.
With a wave of a master necromancer's hand, the special guard slumps, looking weaker.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 692/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
Your crushing force devastates a master necromancer!
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
Lochzan's punch mauls a master necromancer.
Lochzan smashes the edge of the Shield of the Five Grotesque Heads into a master necromancer, knocking a master necromancer off its feet.
Lochzan's shield jab mauls a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash decimates a master necromancer!
A sifaka lemur dodges a master necromancer's attack.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 692/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Optomkiptum hesitates, clutching at his eyes, then recovers.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 692/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
Your dispel evil decimates a master necromancer!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 677/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 677/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay utters the words, 'uqzgpabraeg'.
Mulshinay thrusts out his fist, now ringed with ice.
When he opens his hands, tiny icicles fly out at a master necromancer!
A master necromancer is unaffected by Mulshinay's shard of ice!
A master necromancer is unaffected by Mulshinay's shard of ice!
A master necromancer is unaffected by Mulshinay's shard of ice!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 677/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'dispel evil'

A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's deathly touch MASSACRES the special guard!
The special guard's slash wounds a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash wounds a master necromancer.
Your crushing force decimates a master necromancer!
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
Lochzan's punch decimates a master necromancer!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 677/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You hear something's death cry.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 677/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum reaches back and batters a master necromancer with the White King's sceptre.
Optomkiptum's battering strike mauls a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 677/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
Your dispel evil decimates a master necromancer!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 662/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite scratches a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 662/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay has fled!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 662/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash decimates a master necromancer!
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A sifaka lemur dodges a master necromancer's disarm.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 662/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 662/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before Mulshinay.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 662/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 662/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'dispel evil'
You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
Your dispel evil decimates a master necromancer!
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 647/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'qfuwsabru gqajfoz'.
The special guard howls as the pores of his skin start to bleed profusely.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 647/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> com damnation

Mulshinay shouts 'Guards! Guards!'
Two guards come to Mulshinay's rescue!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 647/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
Lochzan's punch decimates a master necromancer!
Optomkiptum's wrath wounds a master necromancer.
Optomkiptum's wrath wounds a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 647/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Optomkiptum hesitates, clutching at his eyes, then recovers.
You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 622/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok: Save his things when we have finished with him. I can make use of them.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 622/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum scans north.
Optomkiptum scans south.
Optomkiptum scans east.
Optomkiptum scans west.
Optomkiptum scans up.
Optomkiptum scans down.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 622/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum says to a master necromancer 'I demand this is an attack on the Spire!'
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 622/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'qpurr hajqp'.
A master necromancer's chilling touch maims the special guard!
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
Optomkiptum's ring flares with a bright white light!
A master necromancer is unaffected by Optomkiptum's shocking grasp!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 622/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Optomkiptum's eyes roll back into his head, clouding with a viscid film.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 622/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan wields a mithril mace.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 622/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash decimates a master necromancer!
A master necromancer dodges your crushing force.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
Lochzan's pound mauls a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 622/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> com damnation
You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 597/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'qfuwsabru gqajfoz'.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 597/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 597/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash wounds a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
Lochzan's pound decimates a master necromancer!
Lochzan's pound devastates a master necromancer!
Optomkiptum's wrath misses a master necromancer.
Optomkiptum's ring flares with a bright white light!
A master necromancer is unaffected by Optomkiptum's shocking grasp!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==836/1056hp 597/873m 548/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'noselacri'.
A master necromancer tries to cast a spell at a sifaka lemur but a sifaka lemur is no longer there.

The special guard howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of his skin.
The special guard's burning, weeping sores MUTILATES him!
Optomkiptum howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of his skin.
Lochzan shudders and starts to bleed the the pores of his skin.
Optomkiptum's burning, weeping sores decimates him!
A master necromancer tries to get enough oxygen to its lungs and fails.
A master necromancer's asphyxiation wounds it.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's deathly touch *** DEVASTATES *** the special guard!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Stop it now, or be warranted for your crime!'
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay says 'a pitty to loose so much knowledge'
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
Lochzan's pound devastates a master necromancer!
Lochzan smashes the edge of the Shield of the Five Grotesque Heads into a master necromancer, knocking a master necromancer off its feet.
Lochzan's shield jab wounds a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You hear something's death cry.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's deathly touch MASSACRES the special guard!
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite hits a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'noselacri'.
A master necromancer tries to cast a spell at a sifaka lemur but a sifaka lemur is no longer there.

A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash wounds a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash decimates a master necromancer!
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer dodges your crushing force.
Optomkiptum's wrath misses a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan says 'You know not the pain you will feel if you continue this!'
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> emote lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.

A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's deathly touch MASSACRES the special guard!
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
Odrirg lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'qfuwsabru gqajfoz'.
A master necromancer tries to cast a spell at a sifaka lemur but a sifaka lemur is no longer there.

A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash wounds a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer dodges your crushing force.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'qpurr hajqp'.
A master necromancer's chilling touch mauls the special guard.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite scratches a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
Your crushing force decimates a master necromancer!
Lochzan's pound decimates a master necromancer!
Lochzan strikes a master necromancer with the edge of the Shield of the Five Grotesque Heads.
Lochzan's shield jab wounds a master necromancer.
Optomkiptum's wrath misses a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> emote gives his beard a viscious tug.

A master necromancer utters the words, 'qfuwsabru gqajfoz'.
A master necromancer tries to cast a spell at a sifaka lemur but a sifaka lemur is no longer there.

Odrirg gives his beard a viscious tug.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite scratches a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A master necromancer's energy drain mauls the special guard.
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer dodges your crushing force.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
You hear a distant dwarven battlecry, and suddenly feel imbued with the strength of your kin as they aid you in your struggles.
You are already in sanctuary.
Lochzan's pound mauls a master necromancer.
Lochzan's pound decimates a master necromancer!
Optomkiptum's wrath misses a master necromancer.
Optomkiptum's wrath misses a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur dodges a master necromancer's attack.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'detect evil'
You can't concentrate enough.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan says 'Bow before the will of the spire and it shal end swiftly.'
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
Lochzan's pound misses a master necromancer.
Lochzan's pound decimates a master necromancer!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'judifgz'.
A master necromancer boldly proclaims a curse, and the special guard seems to falter under it.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 611/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'dispel evil'
You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
Your dispel evil DISMEMBERS a master necromancer!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 596/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'dispel evil'

Optomkiptum: Right, he's been warned. Use guards to beat him back if you feel the need.
A sifaka lemur's bite misses a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
Lochzan's pound devastates a master necromancer!
A sifaka lemur dodges a master necromancer's attack.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 596/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay utters the words, 'xuie xarr'.
Mulshinay gathers the wind into a wall of air.
Mulshinay's wall of wind hits him.
The gods protect the special guard from Mulshinay.
The gods protect the special guard from Mulshinay.
The gods protect Lochzan from Mulshinay.
The gods protect the special guard from Mulshinay.
The gods protect the special guard from Mulshinay.
The gods protect you from Mulshinay.
The gods protect a sifaka lemur from Mulshinay.
The gods protect Optomkiptum from Mulshinay.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 596/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
Your dispel evil devastates a master necromancer!
A master necromancer utters the words, 'yazfuz yucandus'.
The special guard is surrounded by a pink outline.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 581/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A master necromancer dodges your crushing force.
Lochzan's pound devastates a master necromancer!
Lochzan strikes a master necromancer with the edge of the Shield of the Five Grotesque Heads.
Lochzan's shield jab wounds a master necromancer.
Optomkiptum's wrath misses a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 581/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite scratches a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 581/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
It starts to rain.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 581/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'qfuwsabru gqajfoz'.
The special guard's slash wounds a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
Your crushing force devastates a master necromancer!
Lochzan's pound maims a master necromancer!
Lochzan's pound mauls a master necromancer.
Lochzan's pound decimates a master necromancer!
Optomkiptum's wrath wounds a master necromancer.
Optomkiptum's ring flares with a bright white light!
A master necromancer is unaffected by Optomkiptum's shocking grasp!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 581/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's deathly touch >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Lochzan!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 581/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'dispel evil'
You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
Your dispel evil DISMEMBERS a master necromancer!
You have become better at dispel evil!
sk dispel evil
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 566/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum strikes hard with the White King's sceptre where a master necromancer used to be.
Optomkiptum's battering strike misses a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 566/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok has arrived.
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before Drezulok.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 566/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'dispel evil'

The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
Lochzan's pound misses a master necromancer.
Lochzan's pound mauls a master necromancer.
Optomkiptum's wrath misses a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 566/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok utters the words, 'eugfjshuai'.
A flash of utter darkness arcs away from a master necromancer.
Drezulok's disruption *** DEVASTATES *** a master necromancer!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 566/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 566/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> That is a supplication, not a skill: use the supplications command.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 566/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
Your dispel evil EVISCERATES a master necromancer!
A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's deathly touch *** DEVASTATES *** the special guard!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==849/1056hp 551/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of his skin.
Drezulok shudders and starts to bleed the the pores of his skin.
The special guard's burning, weeping sores MUTILATES him!
Drezulok howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of his skin.
The special guard shudders and starts to bleed the the pores of his skin.
Mulshinay shudders and starts to bleed the the pores of his skin.
Drezulok's burning, weeping sores injures him.
Mulshinay howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of his skin.
The white aura around your body fades.
Lochzan howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of his skin.
Lochzan's burning, weeping sores MUTILATES him!
Lochzan's hunger injures him.
Optomkiptum howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of his skin.
The special guard shudders and starts to bleed the the pores of his skin.
Optomkiptum's burning, weeping sores decimates him!
A master necromancer tries to get enough oxygen to its lungs and fails.
A master necromancer's asphyxiation wounds it.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan leaves west.
Lochzan has fled!
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok utters the words, 'eugfjshuai'.
A flash of utter darkness arcs away from a master necromancer.
Drezulok's disruption *** DEVASTATES *** a master necromancer!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's deathly touch MASSACRES the special guard!
The special guard leaves east.
The special guard has fled!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay says 'why did not my wind strike the necromancer'
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash wounds a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
Drezulok's searing cut hits a master necromancer.
Your crushing force decimates a master necromancer!
Optomkiptum's wrath misses a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum leaves west.
Optomkiptum has fled!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok utters the words, 'eugfjshuai'.
A flash of utter darkness arcs away from a master necromancer.
Drezulok's disruption DISMEMBERS a master necromancer!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum has arrived.
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before Optomkiptum.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan has arrived.
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before Lochzan.
A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's deathly touch MASSACRES the special guard!
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
Lochzan's pound mauls a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum leaves east.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok utters the words, 'eugfjshuai'.
A flash of utter darkness arcs away from a master necromancer.
Drezulok's disruption MASSACRES a master necromancer!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan leaves east.
Lochzan has fled!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite hits a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's deathly touch DISMEMBERS Drezulok!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's deathly touch EVISCERATES Drezulok!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok utters the words, 'eugfjshuai'.
A flash of utter darkness arcs away from a master necromancer.
Drezulok's disruption DISMEMBERS a master necromancer!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok's searing cut hits a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer dodges your crushing force.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'judifgz'.
A master necromancer proclaims a curse upon you, and you feel unclean.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur's bite hits a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' He is both Undead, and not undead.
You say 'He is both Undead, and not undead.'
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> Drezulok utters the words, 'eugfjshuai'.
A flash of utter darkness arcs away from a master necromancer.
Drezulok's disruption MASSACRES a master necromancer!
A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's deathly touch EVISCERATES Drezulok!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay sits down and thinks deeply.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> l

A master necromancer utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A master necromancer's energy drain scratches Drezulok.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
The Tribunal Courtyard
You are standing in a brick walled courtyard. The massive triangular gray
Spire rises up immediately to the east, while a path leads west toward
Galadon. Benches line the walls all the way around the courtyard at regular
intervals, but the plaza is dominated by a huge stone pedestal in the middle.
Mounted on the pedestal is a metal statue of a woman in flowing robes, her
head tilted up toward the sky and a blindfold covering her eyes. In one hand
she holds a sword, in the other a simple scale. The statue gleams in the
daylight, in stark contrast to the dull gray of the Spire.

A metal statue of a woman stands on a large stone pedestal here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) Drezulok is here, fighting a master necromancer.
(Gold Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Gold Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Gold Aura) Mulshinay is here.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Gold Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Gold Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) a sifaka lemur is here, fighting a master necromancer.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
The Captain of the Blood Tribunal Special Guards is here.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay says 'i see'
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> com aff

Drezulok snorts.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 573/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
A master necromancer howls in fury as great wounds are inflicted upon its undead form!
Your divine anger mauls a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 553/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer dodges your crushing force.
A master necromancer dodges your crushing force.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 553/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok leaves west.
Drezulok has fled!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 553/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> com aff

A master necromancer utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 553/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 553/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
A master necromancer howls in fury as great wounds are inflicted upon its undead form!
Your divine anger mauls a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash wounds a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A sifaka lemur dodges a master necromancer's attack.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 533/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay says 'so he would not like fire'
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 533/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 533/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> com aff

A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's deathly touch *** DEVASTATES *** the special guard!
The special guard leaves east.
The special guard has fled!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==864/1056hp 533/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's cold touch drains some of your life away!

A master necromancer's deathly touch *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==763/1056hp 533/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash wounds a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash wounds a master necromancer.
A master necromancer dodges your crushing force.
Your crushing force decimates a master necromancer!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==763/1056hp 533/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
A master necromancer howls in fury as great wounds are inflicted upon its undead form!
Your divine anger mauls a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==763/1056hp 513/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> com aff

Mulshinay utters the words, 'yucandusbarr'.
A ball of fire erupts from Mulshinay's hands, engulfing the area in flames.
The gods protect the special guard from Mulshinay.
The gods protect the special guard from Mulshinay.
The gods protect you from Mulshinay.
The gods protect a sifaka lemur from Mulshinay.
A sifaka lemur bites a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer utters the words, 'sausabru'.
You choke back nausea, fighting off the poisonous taint.
The special guard's slash wounds a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash wounds a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==763/1056hp 513/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: Those of you that need healing, retreat while the lemur distracts it. I'll slow you.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==763/1056hp 513/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in a master necromancer's direction.
A master necromancer howls in fury as great wounds are inflicted upon its undead form!
Your divine anger mauls a master necromancer.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==763/1056hp 493/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
A master necromancer's cold touch drains some of your life away!

A master necromancer's deathly touch *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==647/1056hp 493/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite hits a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==647/1056hp 493/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> inv
You are carrying:
a master key
a stair gate key
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==647/1056hp 493/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'mend wounds'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
Your blood boils with zeal, mending your wounds!
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==712/1056hp 473/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok has arrived.
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before Drezulok.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==712/1056hp 473/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'mend wounds'

The special guard's slash mauls a master necromancer.
The special guard's slash wounds a master necromancer.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes a master necromancer.
A master necromancer parries your crushing force.
Your amulet glows with warmth, reminding you of the forge fires back home.
A warm feeling fills your body.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==812/1056hp 473/873m 650/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok leaves east.
The special guard leaves east.
The special guard leaves east.
A master necromancer has some small but disgusting cuts.

==812/1056hp 473/873m 650/722mv==
30187, Fight was too long, will cut out the remaining Interesting parts and post them below.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

30188, Post fight talk with Necromancer, Drezulok upsets odrirg.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
==848/1056hp 128/873m 419/722mv== <waxing/8 PM/civilized/outdoor> w
High Road

Gaunt and skeletal, the desiccated husk of Lochzan's corpse is here.
Maggots crawl over festering boils on the corpse of the cityguard.
(Ghost) (Red Aura) Lochzan is here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
(Gold Aura) Mulshinay is here.

==848/1056hp 128/873m 416/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay says 'i wonder if i might see the ritual of raising the dead performed by a master?'

==848/1056hp 128/873m 416/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan stops using the slavemaster's wrath.
Lochzan wields a mithril mace.

==848/1056hp 128/873m 416/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'aiuwahz oculoae'.
A master necromancer trails a finger along the torso of the corpse of Lochzan, stopping above the heart.

==848/1056hp 128/873m 416/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer tries to get enough oxygen to its lungs and fails.
A master necromancer's asphyxiation wounds it.

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Chanting in a deep, hollow tone, a master necromancer slowly tightens its hand into a fist.

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer sharply raps the chest of the corpse, which spasms awkwardly, as if pulled.

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor> l

As a master necromancer throws open its hand, a zombie of Lochzan slowly lumbers to its feet!

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor> High Road
The cobblestone avenue passes between the Paladin's Guild to the west and
the headquarters of the guard to the east. You feel a sudden urge to devote
yourself to being good. The road is well-kept through here as it passes from
the park to the north towards the market square to the south.

Maggots crawl over festering boils on the corpse of the cityguard.
(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Ghost) (Red Aura) Lochzan is here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
(Gold Aura) Mulshinay is here.

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor> sac 1.
The gods give you one copper coin for your sacrifice of the corpse of the cityguard.

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay says 'very interesting'
Throwing back its head, a master necromancer cackles with insane glee!

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor> cb Damnit
Odrirg: Damnit

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum has arrived.

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer leaves south.
A zombie of Lochzan leaves south.
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'wzhabaruq djuqtunsouio'.
A sheen of sweat covers Lochzan as his movements become quicker.

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor> ' Why?
You say 'Why?'

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/outdoor> where zombie

Optomkiptum gets 15 copper coins.
The lightning has stopped.

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> a zombie of Lochzan Market Square
Lochzan gets 2 silver coins.

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> where
People near you:
Anishuan By the Temple Altar
Mulshinay High Road
(PK) Lemath By the Temple Altar
(PK) Odrirg High Road
Lochzan High Road
(PK) Optomkiptum High Road

==888/1056hp 174/873m 518/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> s
High Road

(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
A poor, abused dog is here.

==888/1056hp 174/873m 515/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> s
Market Square

(Glowing) A gnarled staff lies here.

==888/1056hp 174/873m 512/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> s
High Road

(Gold Aura) A drunk man is here singing at the top of his lungs.

==888/1056hp 174/873m 509/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> where
People near you:
Anishuan By the Temple Altar
Mulshinay High Road
(PK) Lemath By the Temple Altar
(PK) Odrirg High Road
Lochzan High Road
(PK) Optomkiptum High Road

==888/1056hp 174/873m 509/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> s
High Road

==926/1056hp 214/873m 608/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> where zombie
a zombie of Lochzan Inside the West Gate

==926/1056hp 214/873m 608/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> n
High Road

(Gold Aura) A drunk man is here singing at the top of his lungs.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 605/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> Market Square

(Glowing) A gnarled staff lies here.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 602/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> w
Trade Road

An adventurer is here, trying to get a party to brave the Feanwyyn Weald.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 599/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> w
Trade Road

==926/1056hp 214/873m 596/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> Trade Road

==926/1056hp 214/873m 593/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> Inside the West Gate

(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 590/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> w
Outside the West Gate

(Gold Aura) A cityguard is strolling through here, keeping the peace.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 587/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> e
Inside the West Gate

(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 584/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> ' Why?
You say 'Why?'

==926/1056hp 214/873m 584/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> l
Inside the West Gate
You stand just inside the western gate of Galadon. The city walls arch
over the gate in their path around the city. Through the gates to the west
you can see the murky forest of the Feanwyyn Weald. A small staircase
leads up one side of the gate to the battlements above. To the east, the
Trade Road leads into the city through all the shops.

(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 584/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> l zombie
This animated corpse has been ripped from its rightful sleep to serve a dark
master. Its flesh has loosened and become a sickly, translucent mockery of
its former self, torn in places and crawling with worms. Its eyes have
rolled back into its head, a grim sign of the unnatural might which compels
it to resist death itself. Slow, steady movements belie an unholy strength
that its muscles never reached during life, though the lumbering gait and
blank stare reveal that not all is as it once was.
A zombie of Lochzan is in perfect health.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 584/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> ' Well?
You say 'Well?'

==926/1056hp 214/873m 584/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor>
An elite battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 584/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 41 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 6 for 41 hours.
Skill: 'vindicator insignia' for 27 hours.
Spell: 'metabolic slowing' modifies dexterity by -4 for 19 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies save vs spell by 15 for 17 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies hit roll by -7 for 17 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 14 hours.
Skill: 'vindicator network' for 7 hours.
Commune: 'detect good' for 6 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'faerie fire' modifies armor class by 120 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'guard call' for 3 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 2 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies armor class by 40 for 1 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies damage roll by 8 for 1 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies hit roll by 8 for 1 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 0 hours.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 584/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/outdoor>
The rain ceases.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 584/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay: i will also point out that the master necromancer is not marked as a criminal

==926/1056hp 214/873m 584/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor>
An elite battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 584/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: Hrm. I believe he's retreating to heal.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 584/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor> l
Inside the West Gate
You stand just inside the western gate of Galadon. The city walls arch
over the gate in their path around the city. Through the gates to the west
you can see the murky forest of the Feanwyyn Weald. A small staircase
leads up one side of the gate to the battlements above. To the east, the
Trade Road leads into the city through all the shops.

(Gold Aura) A mace wielding guard patrols the battlements.
(Gold Aura) An axe wielding guard patrols the battlements.
(Gold Aura) A sword wielding elite guard patrols the battlements.
(Gold Aura) A mace wielding guard patrols the battlements.
(Gold Aura) An axe wielding guard patrols the battlements.
(Gold Aura) A sword wielding elite guard patrols the battlements.
(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.

==926/1056hp 214/873m 584/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: We should do the same.
The white aura around your body fades.
A master necromancer tries to get enough oxygen to its lungs and fails.
A master necromancer's asphyxiation wounds it.

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor> l zombie

An elite battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.
An elite battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor> This animated corpse has been ripped from its rightful sleep to serve a dark
master. Its flesh has loosened and become a sickly, translucent mockery of
its former self, torn in places and crawling with worms. Its eyes have
rolled back into its head, a grim sign of the unnatural might which compels
it to resist death itself. Slow, steady movements belie an unholy strength
that its muscles never reached during life, though the lumbering gait and
blank stare reveal that not all is as it once was.
A zombie of Lochzan is in perfect health.

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay: so i believe that he is protected within the city

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Lemath: Aye we should.

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor> bc He is standing in west gate.

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok leaves west.
The special guard leaves west.

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor> l necromancer
This lich is a truly powerful being, capable of destroying even the most
deadly mortal with only a word. Its skeletal form is pearly white and
free of decaying flesh. It looks to have been polished. Its clad in fancy
silk garments that it has personalized with blood and bits of rotten flesh.
Its eyes glow with a fiery hatred as it approaches you menacingly, obviously
upset about your intrusion.
A master necromancer has a few scratches.
A master necromancer looks like a veteran of many battles.

a master necromancer is using:
<worn about body> a robe of fine black silk
<worn about waist> a sash of fine black silk
<wielded> (Red Aura) (Humming) a dark blade etched with runes

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer shakes his head and looks about.

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor> ' Well?
You say 'Well?'

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor> Lemath: Aye Mulshinay go up and tell him just that.

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: Drezulok, clean the bodies from our halls.

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer looks at you.

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'Well what?'

==964/1056hp 270/873m 686/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' Damnit, Answer.

Your rage ebbs.
A master necromancer tries to get enough oxygen to its lungs and fails.
A master necromancer's asphyxiation wounds it.

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/outdoor> You say 'Damnit, Answer.'

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok glares at a master necromancer.

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'What the hell am I doing here?'

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' Why have you struck at the Spire.

The mayor has arrived.

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/outdoor> You say 'Why have you struck at the Spire.'

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/outdoor> emote lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.
Odrirg lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay: I merely point out that our own law dictates that we do not strike the unwarrented in a protected area

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/outdoor> who imm

The mayor closes the gate.

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'What?'

Players found: 0

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The mayor says 'I hereby declare the city of Galadon closed!'

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'Strike the spire?'

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' Look at your Zombie, Necromancer.
You say 'Look at your Zombie, Necromancer.'

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lemath: It's more he strikes us.

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The mayor leaves east.

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: And I demand he was given a verbal warrant.

==992/1056hp 350/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor>

You feel less protected from evil.
A master necromancer tries to get enough oxygen to its lungs and fails.
A master necromancer's asphyxiation wounds it.

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'I have no need to strike at the spire.'

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lemath: I don't see to many screams from em.

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: That is why I authorised the use of guards.

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer looks at the zombie.

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' You have struck at every member of the Spire.
You say 'You have struck at every member of the Spire.'

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor> emote gives his beard a viscious tug.
Odrirg gives his beard a viscious tug.

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' And I will have an answer.
You say 'And I will have an answer.'

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor> l

An elite battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor> Inside the West Gate
You stand just inside the western gate of Galadon. The city walls arch
over the gate in their path around the city. Through the gates to the west
you can see the murky forest of the Feanwyyn Weald. A small staircase
leads up one side of the gate to the battlements above. To the east, the
Trade Road leads into the city through all the shops.

(Gold Aura) An axe wielding guard patrols the battlements.
(Gold Aura) A mace wielding guard patrols the battlements.
(Gold Aura) A sword wielding elite guard patrols the battlements.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) Drezulok is here.
(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Leaning towards a master necromancer, Drezulok whispers something to it.

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'Don't presume to order me around, whelp.'

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor> eyebrow
You raise an eyebrow at the notion.
An elite battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor> People near you:
Necrillium By the Temple Altar
Mekhal At the Altar
(PK) Drezulok Inside the West Gate
Roszel Temple Square
(PK) Odrirg Inside the West Gate

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/outdoor> invoke Velkurah
You lack the focus to call upon the Ki-rin again so soon.

==1016/1056hp 434/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The new guard shift has entered the watch.
A master necromancer tries to get enough oxygen to its lungs and fails.
A master necromancer's asphyxiation wounds it.

==1056/1056hp 492/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'I told you, I do not know why I am here.'

==1056/1056hp 492/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/outdoor> guardcall
You shout 'Guards! Guards!'
Two guards come to your rescue!

==1056/1056hp 492/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/outdoor> l
Inside the West Gate
You stand just inside the western gate of Galadon. The city walls arch
over the gate in their path around the city. Through the gates to the west
you can see the murky forest of the Feanwyyn Weald. A small staircase
leads up one side of the gate to the battlements above. To the east, the
Trade Road leads into the city through all the shops.

(Gold Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Gold Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) Drezulok is here.
(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.

==1056/1056hp 492/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: Hrm... is there no way we can take this necromancer into negotiations?

==1056/1056hp 492/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: I demand I don't want to enganger innocents.

==1056/1056hp 492/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer looks at a zombie of Lochzan.

==1056/1056hp 492/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' I would suggest you Banish that abomination of a Zombie, which is your ill-gotten gains from your strike.
You say 'I would suggest you Banish that abomination of a Zombie, which is your ill-gotten gains from your strike.'

==1056/1056hp 492/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The pink aura around you fades away.
A master necromancer tries to get enough oxygen to its lungs and fails.
A master necromancer's asphyxiation wounds it.

==1056/1056hp 560/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'uiygruzuguai'.
A master necromancer's eyes glow red.

==1056/1056hp 560/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lemath: Aye perhaps try. However, I do not think he will agree.

==1056/1056hp 560/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'Your suggestions mean little.'

==1056/1056hp 560/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/outdoor>
An elite battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.

==1056/1056hp 560/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lemath: Ask em what he wants perhaps.
Lochzan: Then let us gather and bring the fight to him?

==1056/1056hp 560/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/outdoor> cb I have a sneaking suspicion it was that damned Imp.

A master necromancer says 'Very...little in fact.'
Odrirg: I have a sneaking suspicion it was that damned Imp.

==1056/1056hp 560/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' So...
You say 'So...'

==1056/1056hp 560/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/outdoor>
An elite battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.

==1056/1056hp 560/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/outdoor>
It starts to rain.

==1056/1056hp 560/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' You will not mind being Used by such as the Imp?
You say 'You will not mind being Used by such as the Imp?'

==1056/1056hp 560/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer tries to get enough oxygen to its lungs and fails.
A master necromancer's asphyxiation injures it.

==1056/1056hp 618/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'Don't both me, I am thinking.'

==1056/1056hp 618/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: We can keep the warrant on him until he agrees to negotiate.

==1056/1056hp 618/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Leaning towards a master necromancer, Drezulok whispers something to it.

==1056/1056hp 618/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'The Imp?'

==1056/1056hp 618/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' For, if you are not lieing about not knowing what you were doing, it is quite obvious you were being controlled.
You say 'For, if you are not lieing about not knowing what you were doing, it is quite obvious you were being controlled.'

==1056/1056hp 618/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The golden haze in your vision disappears.
The red in your vision disappears.
You feel less vigilant.
A master necromancer tries to get enough oxygen to its lungs and fails.
A master necromancer's asphyxiation injures it.

==1056/1056hp 648/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> You increase your vigilance against unseen foes.

==1056/1056hp 618/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' Against your Will.
You say 'Against your Will.'

==1056/1056hp 618/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'detect evil'
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle with a red aura.

==1056/1056hp 613/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'detect good'
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You lost your concentration.

==1056/1056hp 611/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> Lemath: Good thing about the shapeshifter, is he isn't gonna be blinding and weakening and poisoning and plaguing us.

==1056/1056hp 611/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer looks at Drezulok.

==1056/1056hp 611/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' The Imp has done similar before.
You say 'The Imp has done similar before.'

==1056/1056hp 611/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'detect good'
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle with a golden aura.

==1056/1056hp 606/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'uizug'.
A master necromancer fades out of existence.

==1056/1056hp 606/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay: i was unaware that there was any fate for the rightfully warrented then death

==1056/1056hp 606/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lemath: Oh yes and healing himself off of our lifeforce.

==1056/1056hp 606/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'Yes...the other of the master's told me as much.'

==1056/1056hp 606/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lightning flashes in the sky.

==1056/1056hp 606/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
An elite battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.

==1056/1056hp 606/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You lose contact with the Vindicator network.
A master necromancer tries to get enough oxygen to its lungs and fails.
A master necromancer fades into existence.
A master necromancer's asphyxiation injures it.

==1056/1056hp 652/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
An elite battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.

==1056/1056hp 652/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'Perhaps he should be looked at more closely if he can dupe me.'

==1056/1056hp 652/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' Keeping that Zombie, is as good as relishing in the fact that you were controlled.

Lemath: If we cannot kill it Mulshinay then we must try to negotiate to protect the order and the citizens.

==1056/1056hp 652/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor> You say 'Keeping that Zombie, is as good as relishing in the fact that you were controlled.'

==1056/1056hp 652/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay: it can be killed

==1056/1056hp 652/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lemath: And so far we're not doing the best of jobs.

==1056/1056hp 652/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lemath: Aye it can, I will not deny that.
A master necromancer's body seems to grow more solid as its bones return to normal.

==1056/1056hp 708/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'Shut your mouth, whelp, or else I will make one of you.'

==1056/1056hp 708/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> snort
You snort.

==1056/1056hp 708/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok sits down and thinks deeply.

==1056/1056hp 708/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> aff

Lemath: But we're havin no luck.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'detect good' for 49 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 49 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 49 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 49 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 32 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 6 for 32 hours.
Skill: 'vindicator insignia' for 18 hours.
Spell: 'metabolic slowing' modifies dexterity by -4 for 10 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies save vs spell by 15 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies hit roll by -7 for 8 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'guard call' for 4 hours.

==1056/1056hp 708/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay: the outlander malkhar has been warrented for likely as long as i have been a part of my guild

==1056/1056hp 708/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> com sanc
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

==1056/1056hp 633/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> com prot
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You feel protected from evil.

==1056/1056hp 690/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'protective shield'
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You are surrounded by a protective shield.

==1056/1056hp 620/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay: though i do not see negotiations being entered with him

==1056/1056hp 620/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'Perhaps there is more to the power of this Imp.'

==1056/1056hp 620/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: Hrm. He refuses to turn himself in.

==1056/1056hp 620/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> snort
You snort.

==1056/1056hp 620/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor> Mulshinay: why would you treat this any differently is beyond me

==1056/1056hp 620/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'Mayhaps an alliance.'

==1056/1056hp 620/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lemath: He has been slain before and the warrant returned to him.

==1056/1056hp 620/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> .

Mulshinay: we know where the necromancer retreats to

==1056/1056hp 620/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> l

The Captain of the Battlement Guard has arrived.

==1056/1056hp 620/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> Inside the West Gate
You stand just inside the western gate of Galadon. The city walls arch
over the gate in their path around the city. Through the gates to the west
you can see the murky forest of the Feanwyyn Weald. A small staircase
leads up one side of the gate to the battlements above. To the east, the
Trade Road leads into the city through all the shops.

(Gold Aura) The Captain of the Battlement Guard is here patrolling.
(Gold Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Gold Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) Drezulok is here.
(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.

==1056/1056hp 620/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The Captain of the Battlement Guard leaves up.

==1056/1056hp 684/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: The necromancer hasn't explained himself and represents a greater threat.

==1056/1056hp 684/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan has arrived.

==1056/1056hp 684/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'I find this almost amusing...except he did use me...if it was him.'

==1056/1056hp 684/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay: the dark magus has claimed to kill the master in tha past

==1056/1056hp 684/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay: perhaps he can do so again

==1056/1056hp 684/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' I will not abide you threatening my life. And then thinking on an alliance with that, and Slaying my Magistrates.
You say 'I will not abide you threatening my life. And then thinking on an alliance with that, and Slaying my Magistrates.'

==1056/1056hp 684/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
An elite battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.

==1056/1056hp 684/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer utters the words, 'uizug'.
A master necromancer fades out of existence.

==1056/1056hp 684/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The lightning has stopped.

==1056/1056hp 684/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor> l
Inside the West Gate
You stand just inside the western gate of Galadon. The city walls arch
over the gate in their path around the city. Through the gates to the west
you can see the murky forest of the Feanwyyn Weald. A small staircase
leads up one side of the gate to the battlements above. To the east, the
Trade Road leads into the city through all the shops.

(Gold Aura) A mace wielding guard patrols the battlements.
(Gold Aura) An axe wielding guard patrols the battlements.
(Gold Aura) A sword wielding elite guard patrols the battlements.
(Ghost) (Red Aura) Lochzan is here.
(Gold Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Gold Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) Drezulok is here.
(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Invis) (Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.

==1056/1056hp 684/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'I don't care what you think.'

==1056/1056hp 684/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'detect good' for 47 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 47 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 47 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 47 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 30 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 6 for 30 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 23 hours.
Skill: 'vindicator insignia' for 16 hours.
Commune: 'protective shield' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'metabolic slowing' modifies dexterity by -4 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies save vs spell by 15 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies hit roll by -7 for 6 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 3 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'guard call' for 2 hours.

==1056/1056hp 684/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: Yes, yes... but what of when he returns? I demand he commands many necromancers.

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'You are weak and pathetic.'

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
An elite battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor> ' Oh?
You say 'Oh?'
Lochzan chuckles politely.

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lemath: Being a master of sorts I would think so.

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor> cb He is speaking with us in west gate.
Odrirg: He is speaking with us in west gate.

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: He is the head of a tower, not a squabbling ranger.

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The mayor has arrived.

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay: we fight other leaders of factions without fear

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The mayor opens the gate.

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor> cb He is pondering an alliance with the Imp.
Odrirg: He is pondering an alliance with the Imp.

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor> l
Inside the West Gate
You stand just inside the western gate of Galadon. The city walls arch
over the gate in their path around the city. Through the gates to the west
you can see the murky forest of the Feanwyyn Weald. A small staircase
leads up one side of the gate to the battlements above. To the east, the
Trade Road leads into the city through all the shops.

(Gold Aura) The mayor of Galadon is here.
(Ghost) (Red Aura) Lochzan is here.
(Gold Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Gold Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
(Red Aura) Drezulok is here.
(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Invis) (Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The mayor says 'I hereby declare the city of Galadon open!'

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The mayor leaves east.

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum has arrived.

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum performs a short bow, his hands twirling down infront of him.

==1056/1056hp 722/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'I go back to my tower...do not annoy me again, Odrirg.'

==1056/1056hp 798/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok whispers 'Odrirg, you speak with a master of the art of necromancy. Should it desire you dead, it will do it on a whim, with but a word.'

==1056/1056hp 798/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor> cb Drezulok seems to be in secret talks with him. As there are whispers.
Odrirg: Drezulok seems to be in secret talks with him. As there are whispers.

==1056/1056hp 798/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Mulshinay utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

==1056/1056hp 798/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lemath: Mulshinay there is a difference between fear and the best thing for our cities.

==1056/1056hp 798/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan says to you 'He shal be quite usefull when he serves the spire.'

==1056/1056hp 798/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor> fol zombie
You now follow a zombie of Lochzan.

==1056/1056hp 798/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum looks at a master necromancer.

==1056/1056hp 798/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer says 'If you wish to speak with me, Drezulok, I will be in my chambers.'

==1056/1056hp 798/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
An elite battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.

==1056/1056hp 798/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer leaves west.
A zombie of Lochzan leaves west.
You follow a zombie of Lochzan west.
Outside the West Gate

(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Invis) (Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
(Gold Aura) A cityguard is strolling through here, keeping the peace.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==1056/1056hp 798/873m 719/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer leaves west.
A zombie of Lochzan leaves west.
You follow a zombie of Lochzan west.
The Western Crossroads

An engraved flute carved from a leg bone is here.
A sign points west towards Feanwyyn Weald.
(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Invis) (Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==1056/1056hp 798/873m 718/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
A master necromancer leaves west.
A zombie of Lochzan leaves west.
You follow a zombie of Lochzan west.
A Crumbling Road

(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Invis) (Red Aura) (Ghostly) A powerful necromancer stands before you, hating the life in your body.
A lean, brown rabbit sits on his haunches, nibbling on something.
A weary human lumberjack trudges down the road, axe slung over his shoulder.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==1056/1056hp 798/873m 717/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor> com turn
You stretch out your hand towards the heavens.
Your holy wrath <<< ERADICATES >>> a zombie of Lochzan!
A zombie of Lochzan has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1056/1056hp 763/873m 717/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
You stop following a zombie of Lochzan.
Your shield blocks a zombie of Lochzan's punch.
A zombie of Lochzan's punch wounds you.
A zombie of Lochzan's punch wounds you.
A zombie of Lochzan dodges your crushing force.
Your crushing force MUTILATES a zombie of Lochzan!
The special guard's slash DISMEMBERS a zombie of Lochzan!
The special guard's slash EVISCERATES a zombie of Lochzan!
A zombie of Lochzan has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1017/1056hp 763/873m 717/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok has arrived.
A zombie of Lochzan has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1017/1056hp 763/873m 717/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Drezulok leaves.
A zombie of Lochzan has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1017/1056hp 763/873m 717/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash misses a zombie of Lochzan.
The special guard's slash DISMEMBERS a zombie of Lochzan!
A zombie of Lochzan's punch mauls you.
Your shield blocks a zombie of Lochzan's punch.
Your shield blocks a zombie of Lochzan's punch.
A zombie of Lochzan parries your crushing force.
A zombie of Lochzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

==996/1056hp 763/873m 717/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash DISMEMBERS a zombie of Lochzan!
The special guard's slash DISMEMBERS a zombie of Lochzan!
The special guard's slash DISMEMBERS a zombie of Lochzan!
You parry a zombie of Lochzan's punch.
Your shield blocks a zombie of Lochzan's punch.
A zombie of Lochzan parries your crushing force.
A zombie of Lochzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

==996/1056hp 763/873m 717/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor> com 'dispel evil'
You narrow your eyes and glare in a zombie of Lochzan's direction.
Your dispel evil === OBLITERATES === a zombie of Lochzan!
A zombie of Lochzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

==996/1056hp 748/873m 717/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard's slash DISMEMBERS a zombie of Lochzan!
A zombie of Lochzan's punch mauls you.
A zombie of Lochzan parries your crushing force.
A zombie of Lochzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

==974/1056hp 748/873m 717/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/outdoor> release guard
release guard
You send the special guard back home.
The special guard stops following you.
A zombie of Lochzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

==974/1056hp 748/873m 717/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/civilized/outdoor> You send the special guard back home.
The special guard stops following you.
A zombie of Lochzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

==974/1056hp 748/873m 717/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/civilized/outdoor>
A zombie of Lochzan's punch wounds you.
A zombie of Lochzan's punch wounds you.
A zombie of Lochzan parries your crushing force.
A zombie of Lochzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

==935/1056hp 748/873m 717/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/civilized/outdoor> com demonfire
You narrow your eyes and glare in a zombie of Lochzan's direction.
Your words strike the fear of Hell into a zombie of Lochzan!
Your torments MANGLES a zombie of Lochzan!
A zombie of Lochzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

==935/1056hp 728/873m 717/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/civilized/outdoor>

The new guard shift has entered the watch.
A zombie of Lochzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

==957/1056hp 782/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/civilized/outdoor> com demonfire

A zombie of Lochzan's punch mauls you.
A zombie of Lochzan's punch wounds you.
Your crushing force EVISCERATES a zombie of Lochzan!
A zombie of Lochzan is covered with bleeding wounds.

==916/1056hp 782/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/civilized/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in a zombie of Lochzan's direction.
Your words strike the fear of Hell into a zombie of Lochzan!
Your torments MANGLES a zombie of Lochzan!
A zombie of Lochzan is gushing blood.

==916/1056hp 762/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/civilized/outdoor>
A zombie of Lochzan's punch mauls you.
A zombie of Lochzan's punch mauls you.
A zombie of Lochzan parries your crushing force.
A zombie of Lochzan parries your crushing force.
A zombie of Lochzan is gushing blood.

==874/1056hp 762/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/civilized/outdoor> com demonfire

A master necromancer leaves west.
A zombie of Lochzan is gushing blood.

==874/1056hp 762/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/civilized/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in a zombie of Lochzan's direction.
Your words strike the fear of Hell into a zombie of Lochzan!
Your torments MANGLES a zombie of Lochzan!
A zombie of Lochzan leaves south.
A zombie of Lochzan has fled!

==874/1056hp 742/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/civilized/outdoor> s
The Edge of the Feanwyyn Weald

(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.

==874/1056hp 742/873m 718/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/wilderness/outdoor> com demonfire zombie
A zombie of Lochzan yells 'Die, Odrirg, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in a zombie of Lochzan's direction.
Your words strike the fear of Hell into a zombie of Lochzan!
Your torments MANGLES a zombie of Lochzan!
A zombie of Lochzan leaves south.
A zombie of Lochzan has fled!

==874/1056hp 722/873m 718/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/wilderness/outdoor> s
com turn
The Edge of the Feanwyyn Weald

(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
(Gold Aura) A pretty young half-elf chops delicately at the base of a dying tree.

==874/1056hp 722/873m 711/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/wilderness/outdoor> You stretch out your hand towards the heavens.
Your holy wrath <<< ERADICATES >>> a zombie of Lochzan!
A zombie of Lochzan leaves west.
A zombie of Lochzan has fled!

==874/1056hp 687/873m 711/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/wilderness/outdoor> w
co mturn

The lightning has stopped.

==874/1056hp 687/873m 711/722mv== <waxing/1 PM/wilderness/outdoor> com turn
The Feanwyyn Weald

(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.

==874/1056hp 687/873m 704/722mv== <waxing/1 PM/wilderness/outdoor> You don't know any prayers of that name.

==874/1056hp 687/873m 704/722mv== <waxing/1 PM/wilderness/outdoor> You stretch out your hand towards the heavens.
Your holy wrath === OBLITERATES === a zombie of Lochzan!
A zombie of Lochzan leaves south.
A zombie of Lochzan has fled!

==874/1056hp 652/873m 704/722mv== <waxing/1 PM/wilderness/outdoor>
The white aura around your body fades.
You feel less armored.

==912/1056hp 702/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 PM/wilderness/outdoor> s
com turn
The Feanwyyn Weald

(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.
A small fox runs swiftly along, its brown fur blending into its surroundings.
(Gold Aura) A large storm giant in a simple green tunic drives a spike into a strong

==912/1056hp 702/873m 715/722mv== <waxing/1 PM/wilderness/outdoor> You stretch out your hand towards the heavens.
Your holy wrath does UNSPEAKABLE things to a zombie of Lochzan!
A zombie of Lochzan leaves east.
A zombie of Lochzan has fled!

==912/1056hp 667/873m 715/722mv== <waxing/1 PM/wilderness/outdoor> e
com turn
The Edge of the Feanwyyn Weald

A tunic made of hardened leather is here.
The axe of a lumberjack lies here.
(Red Aura) A zombie of Lochzan is here.

==912/1056hp 667/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/1 PM/wilderness/outdoor> You stretch out your hand towards the heavens.
Your holy wrath injures a zombie of Lochzan.
A zombie of Lochzan is DEAD!!
You receive 17 experience points.
A zombie of Lochzan's heart is torn from its chest.
The gods give you 22 copper coins for your sacrifice of the burnt corpse of a zombie of Lochzan.

==912/1056hp 632/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/1 PM/wilderness/outdoor> l
The Edge of the Feanwyyn Weald
Gnarled oaks, maples and elms grow sparsely this close to the edge of the
forest, their graceful branches diffusing the sunlight and dappling the leaf
covered ground with an intricate dance of light and shadow. The crooked
limbs of the trees creak and groan, stirred by the gentle breeze that
occasionally caresses the forest. Small creatures forage through the rich
loam of the forest floor, rustling and crackling the leaves and sticks that
carpet the ground, trying to free some blueberries from their bush. The
scent of the forest fills your nostrils, both new life and ancient death
mixing into a heady, complex aroma that is the essence of the Feanwyyn Weald.

The torn-out heart of a zombie of Lochzan is lying here.
A tunic made of hardened leather is here.
The axe of a lumberjack lies here.

==912/1056hp 632/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/1 PM/wilderness/outdoor>
You suddenly feel as though many eyes are watching you, hidden in the
surrounding trees.

==912/1056hp 632/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/1 PM/wilderness/outdoor> cb At least I was able to destroy the Abomination that he made from Lochzan.
Odrirg: At least I was able to destroy the Abomination that he made from Lochzan.

==912/1056hp 632/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/1 PM/wilderness/outdoor> e

30189, Internal Tribby debate about policy, Mulshinay insults and pisses off Odrirg.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You tell Optomkiptum 'When we speak with the Provost, I wish to bring up my doubt that I have about Drezulok.'

==992/1056hp 792/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 PM/civilized/outdoor>
An elite battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.
A battlement guard has arrived.

==992/1056hp 792/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: Hrm, Odrirg, Lochzan. I think we need a brief meeting.

==992/1056hp 792/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum leaves east.

==992/1056hp 792/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 PM/civilized/outdoor>
An elite battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.
A battlement guard leaves up.

==992/1056hp 792/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Lochzan leaves east.

==992/1056hp 792/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 PM/civilized/outdoor> tell Optom This today has re-enforced my doubts about him.
You tell Optomkiptum 'This today has re-enforced my doubts about him.'

==992/1056hp 792/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 PM/civilized/outdoor> e
Trade Road

==992/1056hp 792/873m 719/722mv== <waxing/3 PM/civilized/outdoor> where
Trade Road

(Red Aura) Jokuba is here.

==992/1056hp 792/873m 716/722mv== <waxing/3 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Jokuba leaves north.
People near you:
Anishuan High Road
Necrillium On the Southern Battlements
Churayl The Torture Chamber
Jokuba The Wizard's Shop
(PK) Lemath Inside the West Gate
(PK) Odrirg Trade Road
Lochzan Market Square

==992/1056hp 792/873m 716/722mv== <waxing/3 PM/civilized/outdoor> e
Trade Road

==992/1056hp 792/873m 713/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Optomkiptum: Let us use the Justiciars halls.

==992/1056hp 792/873m 713/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/outdoor> e
Market Square

An adventurer is here, trying to get a party to brave the Feanwyyn Weald.

==992/1056hp 792/873m 710/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/outdoor> n
High Road

A poor, abused dog is here.
The curse wears off.

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/outdoor> High Road

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 719/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/outdoor> e
The Tribunal Courtyard

A metal statue of a woman stands on a large stone pedestal here.
The Captain of the Blood Tribunal Special Guards is here.
The Captain of the Special Guards bows before you.

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 716/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/outdoor> The Tribunal Foyer

An ornate gray stone fountain is here.

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 715/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor> The Tribunal Supply Depot

A grizzled dwarf is here unpacking a large crate.

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 714/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor> Alas, you cannot go that way.

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 714/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor> w
The Tribunal Foyer

An ornate gray stone fountain is here.

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 713/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor> u
The Tribunal Spire

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 712/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor> u
The Tribunal Spire

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 711/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor> The Tribunal Spire

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 710/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor> The Altar of the Blood Tribunal

A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar.
The gray stone altar of the Blood Tribunal is here.
The Blood Tribunal executioner stands before you, a grimace on his face.
(Gold Aura) (White Aura) A muscular old human in healers robes is here.

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 709/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor> w
The Hall of the Justiciar

(Ghost) (Red Aura) Lochzan is here.
(Gold Aura) Mulshinay is here.
(Translucent) Optomkiptum is here.

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor> eyebrow
You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'detect good' for 40 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 40 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 40 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 40 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 23 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 6 for 23 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 16 hours.
Skill: 'vindicator insignia' for 9 hours.
Commune: 'protective shield' for 1 hours.
Spell: 'metabolic slowing' modifies dexterity by -4 for 1 hours.

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says to Mulshinay 'We will inform you of the decision.'

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum gallantly tips a black mitre to Mulshinay.

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor> who pk
<51 Human Asn> (PK) Laes the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu, Imperial Shadow Lord
<48 Human War> (PK) Argrodohm the General, Elite Imperial Blade
<49 Human Con> (PK) Gadjif the Channeler of the Spirits
<45 Fire War> (PK) Ferenzo the Master of Mithril, Sheathed Blade
<51 Human War> (PK) Dragseth the Weaponsmaster
<47 H-Drw Nec> (PK) Drezulok the Spectre
<50 Gnome Shf> (PK) Lemath the Grand Master of Shapeshifting
<42 Arial Bar> (PK) Jukka the Master Melody Maker
<43 Storm War> (PK) Komoslo the Master of Iron
*51 Dwarf Sha* (PK) Odrirg Gorimm the Bane of Chaos, Priest of the Ki-rin, Vindicator
<51 Duerg War> (PK) Drudental the Weaponsmistress, Elite Imperial Blade
<47 Gnome Inv> (PK) Voircyn the Elemental Master
<51 Svirf Tra> (PK) Optomkiptum Bo-sundinni the High Wizard of the Arcane, Justiciar of Thera

Players found: 13

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'if yuo don't mind i will listen'

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan glares at Mulshinay.

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Hrm. Then wait by the door, quietly.'

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay nods.

==1016/1056hp 852/873m 708/722mv== <waxing/5 PM/civilized/indoor> re clumps to the northern wall, and leans on it as if to lean through it, crossing his arms.
Odrirg clumps to the northern wall, and leans on it as if to lean through it, crossing his arms.
Optomkiptum positions himself infront of the Justiciar's pedistal.

==1052/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Now, now... are we all agreed a crime has been committed?'

==1052/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum looks at you.

==1052/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum looks at Lochzan.

==1052/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan nods.

==1052/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay conjures up a hammock stung with the winds and takes a seat

==1052/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Your shield fades away.
Your body becomes energized as your metabolism returns to normal.
Lochzan seems to become more alert as his movements return to normal speed.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum glances at you.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'qafsacandusar pabraoculoilla'.
Optomkiptum's skin seems to become more rigid.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I am not so sure it is something that can be marked for.
You say 'I am not so sure it is something that can be marked for.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum raises an eyebrows expentantly.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'If the necromancer cannot be bound to our will I see no other choice than to purge it from Thera.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Attempted murder, in my Laws, has always been a crime.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay nods at Optomkiptum.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Can you mark a God for his actions? Even if they are against the Law?
You say 'Can you mark a God for his actions? Even if they are against the Law?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 PM/civilized/indoor> ' And I believe a God was behind these actions.
You say 'And I believe a God was behind these actions.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Hrm. I demand this lich is no god.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I have seen others taken over by the Imp.
You say 'I have seen others taken over by the Imp.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay nods at Optomkiptum.
Optomkiptum says 'He acted at his own accord.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'A god may have twisted the mage.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan nods at Optomkiptum.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum strokes his whispy beard thoughtfully.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 PM/civilized/indoor> ' They all had the same look, and the same question....
You say 'They all had the same look, and the same question....'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 PM/civilized/indoor> ' "what am I doing here"
You say '"what am I doing here"'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Hrm... then we must establish 'why' he acted so.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay beams a smile at Optomkiptum.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 PM/civilized/indoor> ' That is what the Necromancer said.
You say 'That is what the Necromancer said.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum raises an eyebrow.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'He claimed... to not know why he acted?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I believe the Necromancer was being controlled by an outside force.
You say 'I believe the Necromancer was being controlled by an outside force.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan sits down and thinks deeply.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 PM/civilized/indoor> ' He didn't even REMEMBER acting.
You say 'He didn't even REMEMBER acting.'
Optomkiptum taps his cheek, obviously deep in thought.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum nods a few times.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'And you believe what he spoke?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Then indeed, I believe this comes under the same as Mind control poison.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/indoor> ' You may remember similar occurances before the Imp became widely known?
You say 'You may remember similar occurances before the Imp became widely known?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Which I have expressed, is illegal to use within town.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum nods at you in agreement.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'oculoinfra waouq'.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lemath has arrived.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Right, in light of this evidence, shall we agree that the warrant can be removed?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/indoor> sayto Lochzan I believe that HE believed that he was superior to me in any way, thus, why would he feel he had to lie?
You say to Lochzan 'I believe that HE believed that he was superior to me in any way, thus, why would he feel he had to lie?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/10 PM/civilized/indoor>

You are hungry.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'qaihfar hgruigrjqunsoqz'.
Optomkiptum flickers between translucence, normality, and nothingness briefly.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/indoor> get pouch 2.charms
open pouch
get 1. pouch
close pouch
put pouch 2.charms
You get the pouch of nourishment from the Bracelet of Charms.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/indoor> Ok.
A sweet aroma wafts across your nose as you open the pouch of nourishment.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/indoor> You get a scrumptious pastry from the pouch of nourishment.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/indoor> Ok.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/indoor> You put the pouch of nourishment in the Bracelet of Charms.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says to Lochzan 'Your vote?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/indoor> eat 1.
You eat a scrumptious pastry.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/11 PM/civilized/indoor> who pk
<51 Human Asn> (PK) Laes the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu, Imperial Shadow Lord
<48 Human War> (PK) Argrodohm the General, Elite Imperial Blade
<49 Human Con> (PK) Gadjif the Channeler of the Spirits
<45 Fire War> (PK) Ferenzo the Master of Mithril, Sheathed Blade
<51 Human War> (PK) Dragseth the Weaponsmaster
<47 H-Drw Nec> (PK) Drezulok the Spectre
<50 Gnome Shf> (PK) Lemath the Grand Master of Shapeshifting, Magistrate of Ruined City
<42 Arial Bar> (PK) Jukka the Master Melody Maker
<49 Elf Tra> (PK) Vessilan the Greater Wizard of Transmutation
<43 Storm War> (PK) Komoslo the Master of Iron
*51 Dwarf Sha* (PK) Odrirg Gorimm the Bane of Chaos, Priest of the Ki-rin, Vindicator
<51 Human Pal> (PK) Lochzan the Fallen, Dark Disciple of Order, Provincial Magistrate
<51 Duerg War> (PK) Drudental the Weaponsmistress, Elite Imperial Blade
<47 Gnome Inv> (PK) Voircyn the Elemental Master
<51 Svirf Tra> (PK) Optomkiptum Bo-sundinni the High Wizard of the Arcane, Justiciar of Thera

Players found: 15

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan sits down and thinks deeply.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay eats blood beast tartare.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Did you feel he was being pupperteered or did he have motive?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'I know not how the lord of the outlanders could be known as more our enemy than it already is.'
A Vindicators Insignia crumbles into dust.

==1056/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'Though it does seem more likely than not that the necromancer was acting by anothers accord.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'before you all decide might i make a statement'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/1 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum raises an eyebrow.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Make it short.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
You feel you can create another vindicator insignia.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/indoor> call 'vindicator insignia
Better stand up first.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'before you three you have a chance to set a precedent'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/indoor> wake
You stand up.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/indoor> call 'vindicator insignia
You lost your concentration.

==976/976hp 843/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/2 AM/civilized/indoor> call 'vindicator insignia
You lost your concentration.

==976/976hp 813/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor> call 'vindicator insignia
You create a Vindicators Insignia!

==976/976hp 753/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor> wear 1.
You wear a Vindicators Insignia around your neck.

==976/1056hp 785/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan stops using the Shield of the Five Grotesque Heads.

==976/1056hp 785/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan holds the gem of protection in his hands.

==976/1056hp 785/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan stops using the gem of protection.

==976/1056hp 785/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan wears the Shield of the Five Grotesque Heads as a shield.

==976/1056hp 785/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'in this case you are presented with one who struck at the spire and individuals'

==976/1056hp 785/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'breaking half the laws we stand to uphold'

==976/1056hp 785/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'that we are sure of'

==976/1056hp 785/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum nods slowly.

==976/1056hp 785/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'we also have merely a hand ful of words'

==976/1056hp 785/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'which leads us to believe that he might have been mind controlled'

==976/1056hp 785/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum's body seems to grow less solid as his bones return to normal.
Optomkiptum seems to become more alert as his movements return to normal speed.

==997/1056hp 829/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'wzhabaruq ghixuio'.
A look of lethargy overcomes Optomkiptum as his movements become slow.

==997/1056hp 829/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'but the words themselves are few and again only words'

==997/1056hp 829/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'As well as the lack of motive, Magistrate.'

==997/1056hp 829/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'I believe its what is missing that leads us to this conclusion.'

==997/1056hp 829/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'he had motivation'

==997/1056hp 829/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'but i will come back to that'

==997/1056hp 829/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum raises an eyebrow at Mulshinay's weird actions.

==997/1056hp 829/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are thirsty.

==1015/1056hp 860/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'if it was the master invoker umalilath'

==1015/1056hp 860/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'and he claimed to be possesed'

==1015/1056hp 860/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'you would not take his word for it'

==1015/1056hp 860/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'now back to motive'

==1015/1056hp 860/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum taps his foot, clearly becoming impatient.

==1015/1056hp 860/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum gets a beautifully hand carved wooden pipe from a large saddle bag.

==1015/1056hp 860/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum holds a beautifully hand carved wooden pipe in his hands.

==1015/1056hp 860/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'the dark magus has destroyed the corporeal form of the master necromancer a number of times'

==1015/1056hp 860/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are thirsty.

==1024/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum draws deeply on a hand carved wooden pipe, exhaling smoke rings.

==1024/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'as well as stolen from him magical artifacts'

==1024/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum nods a few times.

==1024/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'The necromancer came to slay me.'

==1024/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Optomkip Justiciar. If you can physically Mark the Criminal, so that my guards will strike him on sight, then it is within your jurisdiction to do so. If you can not actually place that mark, so that guards do not recognize it, then It is not within your jurisdiction.
Line too long.
You tell Optomkiptum 'Justiciar. If you can physically Mark the Criminal, so that my guards will strike him on sight, then it is within your jurisdiction to do so. If you can not actually place that mark, so that guards do not recognize it, then It is not with'

==1024/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Something we're all guilty of.'

==1024/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'we all have motivations for all of our actions'

==1024/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Optomkip Justiciar. If you can physically Mark the Criminal, so that my guards will strike him on sight, then it is within your jurisdiction to do so.
You tell Optomkiptum 'Justiciar. If you can physically Mark the Criminal, so that my guards will strike him on sight, then it is within your jurisdiction to do so.'

==1024/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'even if they are simply to test the gulibility of another'

==1024/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Optomkip If you can not actually place that mark, so that guards do not recognize it, then It is not within your jurisdiction.

Lochzan says 'I was the first it struck, and every time it did use its deathly touch it was against me.'

==1024/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor> You tell Optomkiptum 'If you can not actually place that mark, so that guards do not recognize it, then It is not within your jurisdiction.'

==1024/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum tells you 'I demand it tends to be that I cannot mark ny but adventurers.'

==1024/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are thirsty.

==1034/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'perhaps the master sought to see if he could get away with his crime'

==1034/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'It was as well quick to leave as soon as I was slain.'

==1034/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'I demand we'll need proof of his control then.'

==1034/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Optomkiptum Then our discussion has no point, as it is not in our Jurisdiction to deal with such creatures.
You tell Optomkiptum 'Then our discussion has no point, as it is not in our Jurisdiction to deal with such creatures.'

==1034/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay nods at Optomkiptum.

==1034/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'in which case its motivation was hatred for you'
Optomkiptum says 'Let us assume the warrant stands...'

==1034/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'There is no reason the necromaner by his own will would wish my death and part immediately after.'

==1034/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are thirsty.

==1041/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'still a rather earthly motivation'

==1041/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says to Lochzan 'Would you not wish fairness, for you death, Lochzan?'

==1041/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/indoor> shake
You shake your head.

==1041/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'if it had been the imp he would likely have taken the scales'

==1041/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/8 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are thirsty.
You feel less protected from evil.

==1051/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'You assume he wished it to be obvious.'

==1051/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/indoor> ' I disagree that it is in the Jurisdiction of Mortal members of the Spire, even the Justiciar, to make such a warrant.
You say 'I disagree that it is in the Jurisdiction of Mortal members of the Spire, even the Justiciar, to make such a warrant.'

==1051/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'or try to harm the city'

==1051/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Those who we have jurisdiction over are quite defined.
You say 'Those who we have jurisdiction over are quite defined.'

==1051/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <waxing/9 AM/civilized/indoor>

You are thirsty.
You are dying of thirst!
Your thirst injures you.

==1043/1056hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'qaihfar hgruigrjqunsoqz'.
Optomkiptum flickers between translucence, normality, and nothingness briefly.

==1043/1056hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'explain to me vindicator what seperates the master necromancer from master umalilath aside from the fact he is a bit more powerful?'
Optomkiptum strokes his whispy beard thoughtfully.

==1043/1056hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'It does seem more likely that the Imp desired the death of a deciple of order, and saw that necromancer as his most convenient tool.'

==1043/1056hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <waxing/10 AM/civilized/indoor> ' If you can not place a death sentence on the Necromancer's head, so that my Guards will recognize it, and so that I can place Shackles on his head, then it is not our place.
You say 'If you can not place a death sentence on the Necromancer's head, so that my Guards will recognize it, and so that I can place Shackles on his head, then it is not our place.'

==1043/1056hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are thirsty.
You are dying of thirst!
Your thirst injures you.

==1030/1056hp 847/873m 696/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/indoor> drink canteen
You drink water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.

==1030/1056hp 847/873m 696/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/indoor> drink canteen
You drink water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You do not feel thirsty.

==1030/1056hp 847/873m 696/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum holds his hands up, trying to call for silence.

==1030/1056hp 847/873m 696/722mv== <waxing/11 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'and if the outlanders find a way to shed our death sentances will you simply stop fighting them?'

==1030/1056hp 847/873m 696/722mv== <waxing/12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'I believe... there is a lack of evidence.'

==1030/1056hp 847/873m 696/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay nods at Optomkiptum.

==1030/1056hp 847/873m 696/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor> eyebrow
You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

==1048/1056hp 872/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'And in such cases, we gather more.'

==1048/1056hp 872/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I fight any who are Marked criminal, and those who are enemies of the Spire.
You say 'I fight any who are Marked criminal, and those who are enemies of the Spire.'

==1048/1056hp 872/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor> ' you can not mark the Necromancer, so you wish to name him an Enemy?
You say 'you can not mark the Necromancer, so you wish to name him an Enemy?'
Optomkiptum says to you 'Would you be willing to parly with the Master?'

==1048/1056hp 872/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'sagg eaaf'.
Optomkiptum turns translucent.

==1048/1056hp 872/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'qaihfar hgruigrjqunsoqz'.
Optomkiptum flickers between translucence, normality, and nothingness briefly.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'Clearly it did come seeking my death, but the necromancer of his own control would have no reason I know to do so.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Is naming him an Enemy, not overstepping your bounds?
You say 'Is naming him an Enemy, not overstepping your bounds?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'he holds a verbal warrent'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum holds up a piece of vellum, the words WANTED stamped across the top.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor> ' One that can not be served by a Mortal.
You say 'One that can not be served by a Mortal.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'I demand a warrant has been issued.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay nods at Optomkiptum.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor> ' The Gods have given us our powers, and have allowed us to use them where we are supposed to use them.
You say 'The Gods have given us our powers, and have allowed us to use them where we are supposed to use them.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'it is within the power of a justicar to do so vindicator'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says to you 'I am also given control to warrant all of Thera as I please.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor> get pouch 2.charms
open pouch
get 1. pouch
close pouch
put pouch 2.charms
You get the pouch of nourishment from the Bracelet of Charms.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor> Ok.
A sweet aroma wafts across your nose as you open the pouch of nourishment.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor> You get a roasted chicken from the pouch of nourishment.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor> Ok.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor> You put the pouch of nourishment in the Bracelet of Charms.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor> eat 1.
You eat a roasted chicken.
You are full.
Optomkiptum says 'As long as I find it fair within my judgement to do so, I am blessed by my Lords to do this.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
You feel less righteous.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'And I demand I see a crime.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lemath drinks water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lemath wields the White King's sceptre.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor> ' The warrant has been issued. But it has not been served.
You say 'The warrant has been issued. But it has not been served.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor> ' You do know the Difference?
You say 'You do know the Difference?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum suchs gently on a hand carved wooden pipe.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I will carry out any warrant that is Served.
You say 'I will carry out any warrant that is Served.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says to you 'We'll have to ignore that fact, for now.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'if the warrent has been issued what business does the dark magus have with the necromancer while it is still in place i might add'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 PM/civilized/indoor> ' But, even the Justiciar lacks the power to serve this Warrant.
You say 'But, even the Justiciar lacks the power to serve this Warrant.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay drinks water from a water skin.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'While I do not doubt our law has been violated, I do doubt wether it was by the necromancers own will that it struck.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Mulshinay, let me ask you a question.
You say 'Mulshinay, let me ask you a question.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan drinks water from a large wooden barrel.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan drinks water from a large wooden barrel.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'go ahead'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan gets a whole chicken from a cowhide knapsack.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan eats a whole chicken.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 PM/civilized/indoor> ' If you issued a written warrant, on a ranger, who went into hiding. But it never got served.
You say 'If you issued a written warrant, on a ranger, who went into hiding. But it never got served.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Do you think I would be able to strike at that Ranger in a City, if it had never been served?
You say 'Do you think I would be able to strike at that Ranger in a City, if it had never been served?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 PM/civilized/indoor> ' No. Doing so would break the Law.
You say 'No. Doing so would break the Law.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'that is true'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'but would yuo walk past him in the wild?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'I demand you do have a point, Odrirg. Indeed, we cannot directly make the Necromancer wanted.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 PM/civilized/indoor> ' You may issue any warrant you like, but the Gods have put limits on what warrants we can Serve.
You say 'You may issue any warrant you like, but the Gods have put limits on what warrants we can Serve.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 PM/civilized/indoor> ' And it is not Orderly to seek to overcome those Limits.
You say 'And it is not Orderly to seek to overcome those Limits.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says to Optomkiptum 'But that does not mean its death may not be officially sought beyond our cities.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 PM/civilized/indoor> snort
You snort.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'if you can honestly say that you would leave the ranger be outside the city then i will be quiet'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'otherwise i point out the master necromancer is not in the city'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 PM/civilized/indoor> ' The Provost can Declare War.
You say 'The Provost can Declare War.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 PM/civilized/indoor> ' If it is warranted.
You say 'If it is warranted.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 PM/civilized/indoor>
The animation leaves Optomkiptum's body.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum seems to become more alert as his movements return to normal speed.
The animation returns to Optomkiptum's body.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 PM/civilized/indoor>


==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum gets a crude map scratched on parchment from a large saddle bag.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum gets a pen made from a goose feather from a large saddle bag.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum stops using a beautifully hand carved wooden pipe.
Optomkiptum holds a pen made from a goose feather in his hands.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum gets a piece of unused parchment from a large saddle bag.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum concentrates a moment while he carefully writes something on a piece of unused parchment.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum concentrates a moment while he carefully writes something on a neat but plainly written letter.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'i respect the fire within you dwarf'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum concentrates a moment while he carefully writes something on a neat but plainly written letter.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'the fire that leads you to be a good vindicator'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum strokes his whispy beard thoughtfully.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'i wonder why it has been snuffed out now?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum peers at his parchment carefully, trying to think.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan glares at Mulshinay.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'i am sure you have faced greater challenges'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor>
Pointing to the east, Lochzan motions toward Mulshinay.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I put forward, that even if the Justiciar can name someone an "Enemy of the Spire", could he do so for just one offense, for which there is evidence the creature was under control of an Imp?
You say 'I put forward, that even if the Justiciar can name someone an "Enemy of the Spire", could he do so for just one offense, for which there is evidence the creature was under control of an Imp?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Do we all feel, that there is any Justice brought to this case?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor> com 'word of recall' mulshinay
You close your eyes for a moment and nod at Mulshinay.
You lost your concentration.

==1056/1056hp 853/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor> com 'word of recall' mulshinay
You close your eyes for a moment and nod at Mulshinay.
Mulshinay disappears.

==1056/1056hp 813/873m 361/722mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Well?'

==1056/1056hp 850/873m 412/722mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'I do not believe we can be certain the necromancer struck by his own wishes.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 463/722mv== <full/1 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'it is unfortunate that you would misuse my trust vindicator'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 463/722mv== <full/1 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says to Mulshinay 'I believe I'll have to ask you to return to duty, someone needs to watch the cities.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 463/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Mulshinay Fargin Thinner, if you accuse me of going soft, just because I want to follow the Rules and Order of the Spire, You're going to live a hard fargin life. Damnit. Speak to me no more unless you need help on a point of law, Magistrate, and that is an Order.
Line too long.
You tell Mulshinay 'Fargin Thinner, if you accuse me of going soft, just because I want to follow the Rules and Order of the Spire, You're going to live a hard fargin life. Damnit. Speak to me no more unless you need help on a point of law, Magistrate, and '

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 463/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'ouaih ghcandusiohp'.
Optomkiptum's muscles surge with heightened power.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 514/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lemath leaves east.
Lochzan leaves east.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 514/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor> tel lMulshinay And that is an Order.
They aren't here.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 514/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'ajudirabra unsopaiqzwunsoh'.
Optomkiptum's eyes seem to bulge and swirl momentarily.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 514/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor> tel Mulshinay And that is an Order.
You tell Mulshinay 'And that is an Order.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 514/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan has arrived.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 514/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan grumbles and growls. You wonder what's wrong...

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 514/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan sits down and rests.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 514/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum says 'Now, both of you. Do you both feel justice is done in this case?'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 514/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'qaihfar hgruigrjqunsoqz'.
Optomkiptum flickers between translucence, normality, and nothingness briefly.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 514/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'qafsacandusar pabraoculoilla'.
Optomkiptum's skin seems to become more rigid.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 514/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum utters the words, 'qarquyl'.
Optomkiptum's body seems to grow more solid as his bonemass increases.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 514/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor> snort
You snort.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 565/722mv== <full/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'It is a disgusting situation. I know not if there is any way that justice can be done.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 565/722mv== <full/3 AM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Optomkiptum The Hall of the Justiciar
(PK) Odrirg The Hall of the Justiciar
(PK) Lochzan The Hall of the Justiciar

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 565/722mv== <full/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum nods a few times.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 565/722mv== <full/3 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Justice will be done when I stand over the rotting corpses of every follower of that damned Imp.
You say 'Justice will be done when I stand over the rotting corpses of every follower of that damned Imp.'

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 565/722mv== <full/3 AM/civilized/indoor> e
The Altar of the Blood Tribunal

A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar.
The gray stone altar of the Blood Tribunal is here.
The Blood Tribunal executioner stands before you, a grimace on his face.
(Gold Aura) (White Aura) A muscular old human in healers robes is here.

==1056/1056hp 873/873m 564/722mv== <full/3 AM/civilized/indoor> d
The Tribunal Spire
30190, Confrontation with Mulshinay
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**At the end is my "advice" to the one who married my sister**

******Here I go kill the outlander outer and inner solo, they don't have their fetish, but Odrirg needs to be violent after a rank 26 magistrate elf called him a ####ing coward. If Odrirg was provost He would have uninducted him right there. Probably a really good thing Odrirg never made provost, he didn't have the temperment for it...heh

***After a bit...*****

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor> note show
Odrirg Gorimm: Mulshinay, And Disrespect.
To: Daemar Optomkiptum

On this day, the Justiciar asked myself and the Provincial on duty to
join him in the Justiciar's hall, to discuss a point of jurisdiction and
law. Mulshinay asked to be present to just listen. He was granted this.
After a time, he asked permission to speak, he was granted this.

After this, it became increasingly clear that this young magistrate does
not even know the meaning of the word "respect", let alone how to show it
to his appointed superiors within the Spire.

Aside from him trying to talk over Optomkiptum and myself and Lochzan,
when it became clear that I disagreed with him, based upon my understanding
of Order and how the Spire works, which I think may be a deeper understanding
than his, he called me a Coward.

Oh, he tried to hide it in flowery words, but he flat out called me a
Coward. A Damned THINNER calling me a coward. Just thinking about it
pisses me off.

His exact words were, "I respect the fire within you dwarf..."
"I wonder why it has been snuffed out now?".

I disagreed that his course followed Order and the Path of the Spire, and
he basically said that to disagree with him is to be a coward.
I pen this to you, mainly, Provost. I've had doubts about this magistrate
from the Beginning. I wish to know how he will be handled, and how he will
be taught Respect.

Odrirg Gorimm, Vindicator.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor> note post

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor> cb Justiciar, I have sent you a scroll that I wish you to peruse.
Odrirg: Justiciar, I have sent you a scroll that I wish you to peruse.

***snip a bit while I get my arguments in line....****

==976/976hp 873/873m 721/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor> n
The Magistrate Library

==976/976hp 873/873m 720/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Odrirg The Magistrate Library

==976/976hp 873/873m 720/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor> cb Mulshinay, Report to the Magistrate Library.
Odrirg: Mulshinay, Report to the Magistrate Library.

==976/976hp 873/873m 720/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor> whois mul
<26 Elf Inv> Mulshinay the Student of Water

==976/976hp 873/873m 720/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Odrirg The Magistrate Library

==976/976hp 873/873m 720/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor> l leadership
The chain of command is by rank and power within the Blood Tribunal. Obey
those above you. If you receive an order you feel is improper, write a
scroll to the Immortals or anyone else of superior rank. Until you hear
from them, it would be wise to consider the order valid. There is no room
for chaotic processes. You must abide by the hierarchical structure of the
cabal or you will find yourself outside it.

As a magistrate off-duty, you are not required to obey any orders
demanding of you tasks occurring outside your area, such as hunting
criminals. However, an off duty magistrate can be ordered to present
themselves within the Spire, or called to service in their jurisdiction.

The Blood Tribunal Chain of Command:

Tribunal Immortals
Provost Magistrate
Justiciars and Vindicators*
Provincial Magistrates by rank
Magistrate members by rank

* Justiciars and Vindicators fall under the rule of the Provost in all
situations except those pertaining directly to their specialties, namely
investigations for Justiciars and the apprehending of fugitives for the

==976/976hp 873/873m 720/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Your shield fades away.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Gadjif tells you 'Help me!'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor> whois gad
who wanted
<49 Human Con> (PK) Gadjif the Channeler of the Spirits

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Players found: 0

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Gadjif tells you 'I need to find shelter.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor> tel Gadjif What do you ask of me?
You tell Gadjif 'What do you ask of me?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor> where

Mulshinay nods.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor> People near you:
Mulshinay The Magistrate Library
(PK) Odrirg The Magistrate Library

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor> tell Gadjif Speak with Optomkiptum at the moment.
You tell Gadjif 'Speak with Optomkiptum at the moment.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor> ' First, Let me explain.
You say 'First, Let me explain.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I am going to ask you questions, and speak to you, when I ask you questions, you will limit your answers to as few words as possible.
You say 'I am going to ask you questions, and speak to you, when I ask you questions, you will limit your answers to as few words as possible.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Understood?
You say 'Understood?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay nods.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Tell me what the Chain of Command of the Spire is.
You say 'Tell me what the Chain of Command of the Spire is.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor> l leadership
The chain of command is by rank and power within the Blood Tribunal. Obey
those above you. If you receive an order you feel is improper, write a
scroll to the Immortals or anyone else of superior rank. Until you hear
from them, it would be wise to consider the order valid. There is no room
for chaotic processes. You must abide by the hierarchical structure of the
cabal or you will find yourself outside it.

As a magistrate off-duty, you are not required to obey any orders
demanding of you tasks occurring outside your area, such as hunting
criminals. However, an off duty magistrate can be ordered to present
themselves within the Spire, or called to service in their jurisdiction.

The Blood Tribunal Chain of Command:

Tribunal Immortals
Provost Magistrate
Justiciars and Vindicators*
Provincial Magistrates by rank
Magistrate members by rank

* Justiciars and Vindicators fall under the rule of the Provost in all
situations except those pertaining directly to their specialties, namely
investigations for Justiciars and the apprehending of fugitives for the

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'lords of the spire provost justicares and vindicators'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'provincials by rank'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'magistrates by rank'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'in matters directly related to their profesion the vindicator and justicare outrank the provost as well'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor> ' In the book of Leadership that is in this room, I want you to quote for me the last two sentences of the First paragraph.
You say 'In the book of Leadership that is in this room, I want you to quote for me the last two sentences of the First paragraph.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor>


==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor>
Komoslo tells you 'Do you still desire the helm?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'there is no room for chaotic processes. you must abide by the hierarchical structure of the cabal or you will find yourself outside of it.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor> tell Komoslo I do. But at the moment I am quite busy with Spire business.
You tell Komoslo 'I do. But at the moment I am quite busy with Spire business.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Komoslo tells you 'Indeed then.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'is that all?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Tell me. In your opinion. Can a chain of command be considered "orderly" if those near the bottom of the chain openly show dis-respect to those Higher up during official gatherings?
You say 'Tell me. In your opinion. Can a chain of command be considered "orderly" if those near the bottom of the chain openly show dis-respect to those Higher up during official gatherings?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 PM/civilized/indoor> ' That is a yes or no question.
You say 'That is a yes or no question.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'you will have to be more specific about the situation then'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan tells you 'you discuss a private matter?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 PM/civilized/indoor> tell Lochzan Yes.
You tell Lochzan 'Yes.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 PM/civilized/indoor> emote gives his beard a viscious tug.
Odrirg gives his beard a viscious tug.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'disrespect is a relative term'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Define the difference between "respect" and "acting respectful"
You say 'Define the difference between "respect" and "acting respectful"'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'for instance i disrespect some by merely existing'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'respect is akowidging another in a peaceful manner'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 PM/civilized/indoor>
You feel less vigilant.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 PM/civilized/indoor> You increase your vigilance against unseen foes.

==976/976hp 843/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'acting respectful is conducting oneself in a cordial way'

==976/976hp 843/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'make no mistake vindicator i hold respect for you and your position'

==976/976hp 843/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'and i do not believe i was acting with disrespect'

==976/976hp 871/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 PM/civilized/indoor> ' You will restrict yourself to answering my questions, until I give you chance to speak.
You say 'You will restrict yourself to answering my questions, until I give you chance to speak.'

==976/976hp 871/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay nods.

==976/976hp 871/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I believe I already made that clear.
You say 'I believe I already made that clear.'

==976/976hp 871/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Perhaps I must speak slower.
You say 'Perhaps I must speak slower.'

==976/976hp 871/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 PM/civilized/indoor> emote lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.
Odrirg lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.

==976/976hp 871/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'faster actually'

==976/976hp 871/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Having respect for someone, is holding that person in Honor and esteem.
You say 'Having respect for someone, is holding that person in Honor and esteem.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor> ' This is not required.
You say 'This is not required.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Showing respect, is as you defined acting respectful.
You say 'Showing respect, is as you defined acting respectful.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum: Be wary of Tulvaluthian

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay utters the words, 'xpugdudauio xuie'.
A voice on the wind whispers 'he said cordially not respectful'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor> eyebrow
You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor> ' using Magic to speak is still speaking, Mulshinay.
You say 'using Magic to speak is still speaking, Mulshinay.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor> ' You have trouble following directions.
You say 'You have trouble following directions.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 AM/civilized/indoor> ' When I disagreed with you, in the meeting.
You say 'When I disagreed with you, in the meeting.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay utters the words, 'xpugdudauio xuie'.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>


==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay utters the words, 'xpugdudauio xuie'.
A voice on the wind whispers 'i follow the directions to the letter, i am not speaking, the wind is, if you had stated you shall not cause any sound to be made then I would have been not following directions'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.
You feel less protected from evil.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 AM/civilized/indoor> ' My stance was based upon my understanding of Order, my Understanding of the Spire, my Understanding of what the Spire stands for, my understanding of the Purpose of the Spire.
You say 'My stance was based upon my understanding of Order, my Understanding of the Spire, my Understanding of what the Spire stands for, my understanding of the Purpose of the Spire.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay utters the words, 'xpugdudauio xuie'.
A voice on the wind whispers 'but if you dislike it i will cease'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Mulshinay, the next time you do that, I will make sure the Provost and the Lords of the Spire know that I am very discontented with you remaining in the Spire, is that clear?
You say 'Mulshinay, the next time you do that, I will make sure the Provost and the Lords of the Spire know that I am very discontented with you remaining in the Spire, is that clear?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay nods.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
the Blood Tribunal executioner: The Blood Tribunals vigilance grows stronger as Grurk joins the watch.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 AM/civilized/indoor> ' The next question requires only a yes or no answer.
You say 'The next question requires only a yes or no answer.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 AM/civilized/indoor> cb Greetings.
Odrirg: Greetings.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan: Greetings Lord.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum: Hello, Lord Vindicator!

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Grurk: Indeed.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Do you admit, that I perhaps, maybe, have an in depth understanding of the afore mentioned things, that might equal or even surpass your own?
You say 'Do you admit, that I perhaps, maybe, have an in depth understanding of the afore mentioned things, that might equal or even surpass your own?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'yes'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 AM/civilized/indoor> ' It is alright to disagree with my opinions.
You say 'It is alright to disagree with my opinions.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor> ' But, when you state that, because my opinion differs from your own, that I have grown into a Coward....would that be considered "Showing respect"?
You say 'But, when you state that, because my opinion differs from your own, that I have grown into a Coward....would that be considered "Showing respect"?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor> ' That is also, a yes or no question.
You say 'That is also, a yes or no question.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor> get pouch 2.charms
open pouch
get 1. pouch
close pouch
put pouch 2.charms
You get the pouch of nourishment from the Bracelet of Charms.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor> Ok.
A sweet aroma wafts across your nose as you open the pouch of nourishment.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor> eat 1.
You get a dried beef brisket from the pouch of nourishment.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor> Ok.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor> You put the pouch of nourishment in the Bracelet of Charms.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor> You eat a dried beef brisket.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'it is not a yes or no question because it is again a misrepresentation of what i said'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'i did not call you a coward'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are thirsty.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 AM/civilized/indoor> note list
< 0 > Optomkiptum: Baldar's Complaint - Dismissed.
< 1 > Odrirg Gorimm: Deohrel, and Gradaelus.
< 2 > Gjelke: My applercashun for becoming a magistrate
< 3 > Daemar: Inelour, the habitual criminal has been warned.
< 4 > Drezulok: Gjelke Recommendation: Pending
< 5 > Optomkiptum: Outlander Name List - IMPORTANT
< 6 > Optomkiptum Bo-sundinni: WARRANT ISSUED: Gradaelus
< 7 > Baendra: WARRANT SERVED : Gradaelus
< 8 > Ghroth Abhoth: Remembering the Raven's coming.
< 9 > Lemath: Reccomendation Gjelke: Approved with stipulations
< 10 > Galin Belhel: Im gone.
< 11 > Lemath: Yabdaga and the Outlanders
< 12 > Kaplanov: Yabdaga
< 13 > Drezulok: The attack upon you, by Inelour, within Galadon
< 14 > Monhavan, Bureau of Imperial Acquisitions: Fields of Balator
< 15 > Lochzan: The Scions
< 16 > Daemar: War or Peace?
< 17 > Daemar: Law number three.
< 18 > Amrhas: Amrhas
< 19 > Daemar: Scion has declare war against the Spire.
< 20 > Inelour: War?
< 21 > Daemar: Inelour's removal and war ends?
< 22 > Daemar: End of Scion conflict.
< 23 > Kaplanov: End of Scion conflict
< 24 > Inelour: Justice?
< 25 > Inelour: Daemar
< 26 > Inelour: Odrirg
< 27 > Kaplanov: Amrhas' second chance...
< 28 > Sastine Abhoth: Tribunal Hall is accepting applications.
< 29 > Lemath: Additional Outlander
< 30 > Baendra: Inelour's stories
< 31 > Jakehl: The Vengeful Sentinel
< 32 > Optomkiptum Bo-sundinni: Diiafd's Complaint - Dismissed.
< 33 > Glilanthis: Grekreber the Svirfnebli seeks your halls.
< 34 > Sastine Abhoth: A Guide to Udgaard, Chapter I
< 35 > Jahvree: My application to enforce the laws as Magistrate.
< 36 > Crastian: Interview: Grekreber
< 37 > Lochzan: RECOMMENDATION DENIED: Jakehl
< 38 > Lemath: WARRANT ISSUED: Lhaedhek
< 39 > Sostun: WARRANT SERVED: Lhaedhek
< 40 > Daemar: Inelour breaks agreement.
< 41 > Grurk Muouk: RECOMMEND: Jakehl
< 42 > Verashid: A collection of money to break sastines pen.
< 43 > Optomkiptum Bo-sundinni: WARRANT REMOVED: Isindir
< 44 > Inelour: Breaking the agreement.
< 45 > Daemar: *** Warning *** Attendace is mandatory.
< 46 > Lochzan: Expected Complaint: Inelour
< 47 > Inelour: Another warrant?

< 48 > Odrirg Gorimm: Updated policy. Law Three.
< 49 > Odrirg Gorimm: Updated policy. Law Three.
< 50 > Drezulok: Jyslin's Warrant
< 51 > Daemar: WAARENT REMOVED: Caerren
< 52 > Drezulok: Warrant REMOVED: Jyslin
< 53 > Drezulok: Outlander Ehlimsron
< 54 > Baendra: Further evidence of Inelour making use of Nightwalkers in the cities
< 55 > Minya Eliai'iriai: The painting
< 56 > Velkurah: Anouncing: Role Contest!
< 57 > Crastian: WARRANT ISSUED: Inelour
< 58 > Lemath: WARRANT SERVED: Inelour
< 59 > Lemath: Therisa the Outlander
< 60 > Inelour: Crastian
< 61 > Olofo: A Call to Battle
< 62 > Daemar: WARRANT Removed.
< 63 > Aiymee: Application.
< 64 > Optomkiptum Bo-sundinni: Law Three's revision.
< 65 > Minya Eliai'iriai: I have finished..
< 66 > Crastian: My actions and their foolishness.
< 67 > Optomkiptum Bo-sundinni: WARRANT REMOVED: Sashindar
< 68 > Lemath: Wrongful Warrant.
< 69 > Drezulok: WARRANT ISSUED: Massie
< 70 > Drezulok: WARRANT SERVED: Massie
< 71 > Sastine Abhoth: Varying aspects of the Light
< 72 > Daemar: We need to talk about several things.
< 73 > Mulshinay: joining the spire
< 74 > Lemath: Mulshinay
< 75 > Drothan: Aspiring to join the Spire
< 76 > Sostun: Removed Kerplins warrant.
< 77 > Delrami Tolengard: Roll Call.
< 78 > Abbe: Wanted: Exceptional Talent!
< 79 > Sostun: Drothan's reccomendation
< 80 > Grurk Muouk: Drezulok
< 81 > Asogrob: I wish to join the ranks of the spire.
< 82 > Dristhar: My desir to join yor ilustrus hall of tribunals.
< 83 > Alarian: Organia
< 84 > Mulshinay: WARRANT ISSUED: SKIJA
< 85 > Kaplanov: WARRANT SERVED: Skija
< 86 > Optomkiptum Bo-sundinni: A time for talk!
< 87 > Optomkiptum Bo-sundinni: Outlander Namelist: IMPORTANT
< 88 > Drezulok: Training Magistrates
< 89 > Drezulok: WARRANT ISSUED: Gradaleus
< 90 > Delrami Tolengard: WARRANT SERVED: Gradaelus
< 91 > Delrami Tolengard: Warrants.
< 92 > Odrirg Gorimm: Just what is this "Valma Katol" thing?
< 93 > Odrirg Gorimm: Too late to enter the Contest?
< 94 > Odrirg Gorimm: Mulshinay, And Disrespect.

< 95 > Minya Eliai'iriai: The Valma Katol (an illustration)
< 96 > Minya Eliai'iriai: Just what is this "Valma Katol" thing?

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 AM/civilized/indoor> ' You implied, with your words, that my stance in that discussion was based upon a loss of an Internal Fire.
You say 'You implied, with your words, that my stance in that discussion was based upon a loss of an Internal Fire.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 AM/civilized/indoor> ' You were careful to not say the word "Coward". But, only a Moron would not have heard the Implication.
You say 'You were careful to not say the word "Coward". But, only a Moron would not have heard the Implication.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are thirsty.
You are dying of thirst!
Your thirst injures you.

==963/976hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> drink canteen

Mulshinay says 'i assure you if i thought you a coward i would openly say it'
You drink water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You do not feel thirsty.

==963/976hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Did I ask you to speak yet?
You say 'Did I ask you to speak yet?'

==963/976hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'if your going to be attacking my words might i defend them?'

==963/976hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lemath: Who's in the Spire?

==963/976hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> ' It was a yes or no question.
You say 'It was a yes or no question.'

==963/976hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Did I ask you to speak yet?
You say 'Did I ask you to speak yet?'

==963/976hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor>
Optomkiptum: I demand my eyes see no invaders.

==963/976hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> who wanted

Mulshinay says 'asking a question is asking to speak'
<51 H-Elf Inv> (PK) (WANTED) Tulvaluthian the Weaver of the Elements

Players found: 1
HUNTED0 IS NOW SET TO Tulvaluthian

==963/976hp 860/873m 709/722mv== <full/10 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Are you stupid?
You say 'Are you stupid?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'the opposite actually'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 AM/civilized/indoor> ' What did I preface this talk with? Yes or no, Did I not order you to limit your answers to as few words as possible?
You say 'What did I preface this talk with? Yes or no, Did I not order you to limit your answers to as few words as possible?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Yes, Or no.
You say 'Yes, Or no.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor>


==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'yes'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor>
Your warcry has worn off.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor> ' When I asked you a question, was explaining to me that you felt it unfair because you had not YET gotten a chance to explain yourself, limiting yourself to as few words as possible?
You say 'When I asked you a question, was explaining to me that you felt it unfair because you had not YET gotten a chance to explain yourself, limiting yourself to as few words as possible?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Yes, or no.
You say 'Yes, or no.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'yes'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay drinks water from a water skin.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay eats a whole chicken.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'assuming you wished the correct answer'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor> tell Grurk Lord, I think we should Talk about Mulshinay. In short, I do not believe he belongs in the Spire.
You tell Grurk 'Lord, I think we should Talk about Mulshinay. In short, I do not believe he belongs in the Spire.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 PM/civilized/indoor>
Grurk tells you 'What are your concerns?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 PM/civilized/indoor> tell Grurk He can not follow orders. I ordered him to silence, and he uses whispering wind to say snide remarks about what I speak to him about. He calls me a Coward for disagreeing with him about Spire Policy. As well as other things.
You tell Grurk 'He can not follow orders. I ordered him to silence, and he uses whispering wind to say snide remarks about what I speak to him about. He calls me a Coward for disagreeing with him about Spire Policy. As well as other things.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 PM/civilized/indoor> ' I will ask you a question, you will have three minutes to answer.
You say 'I will ask you a question, you will have three minutes to answer.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay nods.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 PM/civilized/indoor>
Grurk tells you 'What others things?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 PM/civilized/indoor> ' When you asked me if my argument was based upon a loss of internal fire. How do you expect that to not be taken as an Insult. How does that *NOT* mean that you doubt my ability to make Arguments based upon what I feel is best for the Spire.
You say 'When you asked me if my argument was based upon a loss of internal fire. How do you expect that to not be taken as an Insult. How does that *NOT* mean that you doubt my ability to make Arguments based upon what I feel is best for the Spire.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor> ' Begin.
You say 'Begin.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'i did not ask if your arguement was based on it'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 PM/civilized/indoor>


==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Grurk When I told him to limit his answers to as few words as possible, and told him that one question was yes or no, he replied by asking me another question.
You tell Grurk 'When I told him to limit his answers to as few words as possible, and told him that one question was yes or no, he replied by asking me another question.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'what i have heard is stories of a great warrior who would go to the furthest end of the world and back again'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'to aprehend a criminal or to serve a warrent or to defend those close to him'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Grurk not once, but many times.
You tell Grurk 'not once, but many times.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 AM/civilized/indoor>
Grurk tells you 'I see.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'i saw in this particular situation that same fire that had been there before was not, and i was confused as i am sure you have faced mightier foes'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'It was merely a state of fact describing the situation'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Grurk He intentionally mistakes the intentions of some commands, to do what the farg he damn well pleases.
You tell Grurk 'He intentionally mistakes the intentions of some commands, to do what the farg he damn well pleases.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Grurk tells you 'So you feel he is insubordinate?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'i know you have faced worse which is why i do not doubt it is lack of courage'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Grurk So much so that I nearly tore out my Beard.

Mulshinay says 'and i aknowledged that fact'
You tell Grurk 'So much so that I nearly tore out my Beard.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 AM/civilized/indoor>
Grurk tells you 'Well don't do that, old friend.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'do you better understand now?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'i sought to better understand the why of your reasoning'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'as i am sure the justicare and my lord will inform you I place great importance on reason'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'and i was unable to deduce yours in this case'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'i was hoping you might perhaps expand on it more'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/4 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'as to why i was dissapointed you worded me'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 AM/civilized/indoor> ' And, instead of using plain words to ask my reasoning, you chose to couch your question in a thinly veiled insult.
You say 'And, instead of using plain words to ask my reasoning, you chose to couch your question in a thinly veiled insult.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Your words were insulting.
You say 'Your words were insulting.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 AM/civilized/indoor> ' Period.
You say 'Period.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/5 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.
The golden haze in your vision disappears.
The red in your vision disappears.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 AM/civilized/indoor> get pouch 2.charms
open pouch
get 1. pouch
close pouch
put pouch 2.charms
You get the pouch of nourishment from the Bracelet of Charms.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 AM/civilized/indoor> Ok.
A sweet aroma wafts across your nose as you open the pouch of nourishment.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 AM/civilized/indoor> You get a werewolf cookie from the pouch of nourishment.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 AM/civilized/indoor> Ok.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 AM/civilized/indoor> You put the pouch of nourishment in the Bracelet of Charms.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 AM/civilized/indoor> eat 1.
You eat a werewolf cookie.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay says 'i will remember in the future to pick my words more carefully about you then'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 AM/civilized/indoor> ' I do not suffer insults from those I had hoped would be my Allies against Chaos.
You say 'I do not suffer insults from those I had hoped would be my Allies against Chaos.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/6 AM/civilized/indoor> s
The Tribunal Spire

==976/976hp 873/873m 721/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.

****When you read that, please go back to where I give him 3 minutes to respond. Read it carefully, he is calling me a coward again.At least in Odrirg's eyes...***

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor> u
The Altar of the Blood Tribunal

A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar.
The gray stone altar of the Blood Tribunal is here.
The Blood Tribunal executioner stands before you, a grimace on his face.
(White Aura) A muscular old human in healers robes is here.

==976/976hp 873/873m 721/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor> u
Alas, you cannot go that way.

==976/976hp 873/873m 721/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor> Alas, you cannot go that way.

==976/976hp 873/873m 721/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor> cb I am done with you, Mulshinay.
Odrirg: I am done with you, Mulshinay.

==976/976hp 873/873m 721/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

==976/976hp 873/873m 721/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel fully refreshed!

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
Mulshinay: i shall return to my studies then

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Blood Tribunal executioner.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/7 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Grurk I will not ask for his removal, I just wish to make it clear that I do not believe he belongs in the Spire.
You tell Grurk 'I will not ask for his removal, I just wish to make it clear that I do not believe he belongs in the Spire.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 AM/civilized/indoor> where

You are hungry.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 AM/civilized/indoor> People near you:
(PK) Odrirg The Altar of the Blood Tribunal

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Blood Tribunal executioner.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Blood Tribunal executioner.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Grurk I have sent a scroll to the Provost, and Justiciar. And explained the situation in the hopes that the Provost will perhaps be able to correct his attitude. I was unable to.
You tell Grurk 'I have sent a scroll to the Provost, and Justiciar. And explained the situation in the hopes that the Provost will perhaps be able to correct his attitude. I was unable to.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Blood Tribunal executioner.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/8 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Blood Tribunal executioner.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor>
You are hungry.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> inv
You are carrying:
a master key
a stair gate key
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> get pouch 2.charms
open pouch
get 1. pouch
close pouch
put pouch 2.charms
You get the pouch of nourishment from the Bracelet of Charms.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> Ok.
A sweet aroma wafts across your nose as you open the pouch of nourishment.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> You get some taglo jerky from the pouch of nourishment.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> Ok.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> get pouch 2.charms
open pouch
get 1. pouch
close pouch
put pouch 2.charms
You put the pouch of nourishment in the Bracelet of Charms.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> You get the pouch of nourishment from the Bracelet of Charms.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> Ok.
A sweet aroma wafts across your nose as you open the pouch of nourishment.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> You get tender leg of lamb from the pouch of nourishment.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> Ok.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> You put the pouch of nourishment in the Bracelet of Charms.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> eat 1.
You eat tender leg of lamb.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> inv
You are carrying:
some taglo jerky
a master key
a stair gate key
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> eat 1.
who wanted

The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel fully refreshed!

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> You eat some taglo jerky.
You are full.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor>
Players found: 0

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> who pk
<51 Elf Inv> (PK) Vahletharien Ar'dan Maerderinathas the Weaver of the Elements, Sounder of the Clarion, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
<51 Human Asn> (PK) Laes the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu, Imperial Shadow Lord
<51 Svirf Tra> (PK) Optomkiptum Bo-sundinni the High Wizard of the Arcane, Justiciar of Thera
<51 D-Elf Tra> (PK) Vivinxa the High Sorceress of the Arcane, Imperial Citizen
<49 Human War> (PK) Argrodohm the Field Marshall, Elite Imperial Blade
<46 Fire War> (PK) Ferenzo the Master of Adamantite, Sheathed Blade
<51 Human War> (PK) Dragseth the Weaponsmaster
<47 H-Drw Nec> (PK) Drezulok the Spectre
<50 Gnome Shf> (PK) Lemath the Grand Master of Shapeshifting
<49 Elf Tra> (PK) Vessilan the Greater Wizard of Transmutation
*51 Dwarf Sha* (PK) Odrirg Gorimm the Bane of Chaos, Priest of the Ki-rin, Vindicator
<51 Human Pal> (PK) Lochzan the Fallen, Dark Disciple of Order, Provincial Magistrate

Players found: 12

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> who storm
<41 Storm War> Prolisso the Master of Bronze
< 5 Storm War> Mekhal the Soldier

Players found: 2

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> emote lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.

Mulshinay: centurions outside the west gate of hamsah
Odrirg lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> whois min
No one of that name is in Thera.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Blood Tribunal executioner.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/9 AM/civilized/indoor> tel Vahletharien Congratulations on your marriage to my Sister.
You tell Vahletharien 'Congratulations on your marriage to my Sister.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Blood Tribunal executioner.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Blood Tribunal executioner.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 AM/civilized/indoor>
Vahletharien tells you 'Thank you, Odrirg. It was perhaps what I was trying to get at earlier...'
Vahletharien IS TALKING TO YOU

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 AM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan tells you 'what was it you did speak with him of?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/10 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Vahletharien Need I make the obvious threats of large amounts of Violence upon your body should you hurt her?
You tell Vahletharien 'Need I make the obvious threats of large amounts of Violence upon your body should you hurt her?'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor>
Grurk tells you 'Your concerns are noted, Vindicator.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor>


==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor>
Grurk tells you 'Speak on this with your Provost.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor> tell Lochzan His propensity for calling me a Coward.
You tell Lochzan 'His propensity for calling me a Coward.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor> tel Grurk Aye Lord.
You tell Grurk 'Aye Lord.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor>
Grurk tells you 'I am sure the two of you can handle the situation.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor>
Vahletharien tells you 'That is a rediculous thought, my friend.'
Vahletharien IS TALKING TO YOU

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/11 AM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel righteous.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Vahletharien tells you 'My heart is hers, and hers mine.'
Vahletharien IS TALKING TO YOU

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel armored.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan tells you 'Odd that one so ignorant chose to speak at all.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Blood Tribunal executioner.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor> tel Grurk Thank you, Lord. We will see what must be done.
You tell Grurk 'Thank you, Lord. We will see what must be done.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Blood Tribunal executioner.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor> tel Lochzan The problem is that he does not know how much he does not know.
You tell Lochzan 'The problem is that he does not know how much he does not know.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/12 PM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Blood Tribunal executioner.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/1 PM/civilized/indoor> tell Vahletharien Good, then I won't bother outlining what would happen to you should something bad happen, because it won't happen.
You tell Vahletharien 'Good, then I won't bother outlining what would happen to you should something bad happen, because it won't happen.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'Calling you a coward and I an abomination.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor>
Vahletharien tells you 'A fine decision.'
Vahletharien IS TALKING TO YOU

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Odrirg The Altar of the Blood Tribunal
(PK) Lochzan The Altar of the Blood Tribunal

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan says 'I do hope he does not remain so weak and ignorant forever.'
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lochzan.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lochzan.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor> shrug
You shrug.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Odrirg The Altar of the Blood Tribunal
(PK) Lochzan The Altar of the Blood Tribunal

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/2 PM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lochzan.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan: I take leave for now.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor>
Lochzan nods.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor>
The Blood Tribunal healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Lochzan.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor>
the Blood Tribunal executioner: The Blood Tribunal shall remain steadfast in your absence, Lochzan
The Theran form of Lochzan disappears before you.
The special guard slowly fades away.
The special guard slowly fades away.

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor> ' It is enough to tell you that I will be speaking about it with the Provost.

Optomkiptum: Sleep well!
You say 'It is enough to tell you that I will be speaking about it with the Provost.'

==976/976hp 873/873m 722/722mv== <full/3 PM/civilized/indoor> nod
You nod.
30191, RE: Preliminary goodby post
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Writing your notes and pissing off the Empire secretly gave Matthen the upmost pleasure.
That and there was a lot of good philosophy in them, I enjoyed them.
Enjoyed Odrirg too, him and his Lagar both.
30198, Thanks!
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Odrirg did suffer alot of guilt at the fact that you got marked for death too. But in the end it just went to furthor prove to Odrirg that the message was the Truth....because only those who are afraid a message is the truth, will seek to silence the message by violent means....because if they thought their own views were the truth, then they should be confident that their own arguments would be evidently true.

And thanks for the comment about the Philosophy inside them. I've always loved coming up with new philosophies in CF that are entirely internally sound rationally....but which go against the accepted philosophies in Cf.

Sigh....as for the Lager.....Soucivi used to tell me that Nuns drank it all up....probably because she was too lazy to get me a mug. That's why I told you (I THINK it was you) to keep the nuns away from that Lager and to hide the Keg.

Thanks for getting me that Lager, it sure hit the spot.
30195, Death to Agents of Chaos.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**one of the few Hunts that was successful.**

**Both bards are Agents of chaos....I'm hunting a criminal, but it's a criminal healer who would transport/gate/word away at the first sign of me, so I figure I'll just take some time off and kill an agent or two***

==1002/1056hp 713/873m 386/722mv== <waning/12 AM/water/outdoor> e
On the Western Aryth

A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==1002/1056hp 713/873m 382/722mv== <waning/12 AM/water/outdoor> e
On the Western Aryth

The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==1018/1056hp 730/873m 429/722mv== <waning/12 AM/water/outdoor> e
On the Western Aryth

A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==1018/1056hp 730/873m 425/722mv== <waning/12 AM/water/outdoor> emote lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.
scan all
Odrirg lowers his head and grumbles dark words into his beard.

==1018/1056hp 730/873m 425/722mv== <waning/12 AM/water/outdoor> You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A small gray dolphin cavorts playfully upon the waves.

***** Range 2 *****
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

***** Range 3 *****
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

***** Range 4 *****
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

***** Range 2 *****
A vague white shape glides effortlessly over the water.
A small duck quacks through the thick fog here.
Dull pink plumage can be seen vaguely through the fog.

***** Range 3 *****
A swarm of gnats moves about, barely visible.
A small duck quacks through the thick fog here.
A small duck quacks through the thick fog here.
A vague white shape glides effortlessly over the water.
A small duck quacks through the thick fog here.
Dull pink plumage can be seen vaguely through the fog.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
(Red Aura) A pale female storm giant cautiously watches you approach.

***** Range 4 *****
(Chaotic Aura) A beautiful sirine sits on the rocks luring ships and men to their doom.

You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 3 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

***** Range 4 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

You scan up.
You scan down.

==1018/1056hp 730/873m 425/722mv== <waning/12 AM/water/outdoor> e
On the Aryth Ocean

(Red Aura) A pale female storm giant cautiously watches you approach.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

==1018/1056hp 730/873m 421/722mv== <waning/12 AM/water/outdoor> People near you:
(PK) Ghroth On the Aryth Ocean
(PK) Alegg On the Aryth Ocean
(PK) Odrirg On the Aryth Ocean

==1018/1056hp 730/873m 421/722mv== <waning/12 AM/water/outdoor> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'vindicator insignia' for 40 hours.
Skill: 'vindicator network' for 39 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 39 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 39 hours.
Commune: 'detect good' for 25 hours.
Commune: 'detect evil' for 25 hours.
Commune: 'protection from evil' for 23 hours.
Commune: 'protective shield' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'ethos protection' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'detect chaos' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 3 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 3 hours.

==1018/1056hp 730/873m 421/722mv== <waning/12 AM/water/outdoor> o all give raft odrirg
o all give raft odrirg

Ghroth yells 'heelloo AAleegg'
The special guard gives you a small raft.
The special guard gives you a small raft.

==1018/1056hp 730/873m 421/722mv== <waning/12 AM/water/outdoor> Ok.

==1018/1056hp 730/873m 421/722mv== <waning/12 AM/water/outdoor> release guard
release guard
You send the special guard back home.
The special guard stops following you.

==1018/1056hp 730/873m 421/722mv== <waning/12 AM/water/outdoor> You send the special guard back home.
The special guard stops following you.

==1018/1056hp 730/873m 421/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Ghroth On the Aryth Ocean
(PK) Alegg On the Aryth Ocean
(PK) Odrirg On the Aryth Ocean

==1018/1056hp 730/873m 421/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> com summon ghroth
com rot ghroth

Alegg yells 'Heelloo aass weell.'
Ghroth arrives suddenly.

==1018/1056hp 680/873m 421/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> Ghroth yells wildly 'Diiee, OOdriirg, yoouu ssoorceeroouuss doog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Ghroth's direction.
Ghroth looks like he is decomposing.
You parry Ghroth's wrath.
Ghroth has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1031/1056hp 642/873m 472/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor>
Ghroth dodges your crushing force.
Ghroth parries your crushing force.
You parry Ghroth's wrath.
You parry Ghroth's wrath.
Ghroth has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1031/1056hp 642/873m 472/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> com blind

Ghroth parries your crushing force.
Your crushing force EVISCERATES Ghroth!
Your shield blocks Ghroth's wrath.
Your shield blocks Ghroth's wrath.
Ghroth has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1031/1056hp 642/873m 472/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor>
Ghroth says 'Giivee mee aa breeaak'
Ghroth has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1031/1056hp 642/873m 472/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in Ghroth's direction.
Ghroth appears to be blinded.
Ghroth has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1031/1056hp 637/873m 472/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor>
Your crushing force MUTILATES Ghroth!
You parry Ghroth's wrath.
Ghroth has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1031/1056hp 637/873m 472/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> com plague

Ghroth says 'II juusst diieed'
Ghroth has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1031/1056hp 637/873m 472/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in Ghroth's direction.
Ghroth screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.
Ghroth dodges your crushing force.
Ghroth's wrath wounds you.
Ghroth has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1014/1056hp 617/873m 472/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> com damnation

Ghroth parries your crushing force.
You parry Ghroth's wrath.
You parry Ghroth's wrath.
Ghroth has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1014/1056hp 617/873m 472/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in Ghroth's direction.
You failed to damn Ghroth.
Ghroth has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1014/1056hp 592/873m 472/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> com damnation

Ghroth dodges your crushing force.
Ghroth parries your crushing force.
Your shield blocks Ghroth's wrath.
You parry Ghroth's wrath.
Ghroth has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1014/1056hp 592/873m 472/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in Ghroth's direction.
Ghroth can no longer find the strength to wield a white sword.
Ghroth has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1014/1056hp 567/873m 472/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor>
Ghroth leaves south.
Ghroth has fled!

==1014/1056hp 567/873m 472/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> s
On the Aryth Ocean

(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Ghroth is here.

==1014/1056hp 567/873m 468/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> com 'energy drain' ghroth
Ghroth yells wildly 'Heelp ssoomeeoonee iiss aattaackiing mee!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Ghroth's direction.
You fail to drain energy from Ghroth.
You parry Ghroth's punch.
Ghroth has some small but disgusting cuts.

==1014/1056hp 532/873m 468/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> com 'energy drain' ghroth

Your crushing force EVISCERATES Ghroth!
You parry Ghroth's punch.
You parry Ghroth's punch.
Ghroth is covered with bleeding wounds.

==1014/1056hp 532/873m 468/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in Ghroth's direction.
You lost your concentration.
Ghroth is covered with bleeding wounds.

==1014/1056hp 515/873m 468/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> com 'energy drain' ghroth

Ghroth leaves west.
Ghroth has fled!

==1014/1056hp 515/873m 468/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> w
They aren't here.

==1014/1056hp 515/873m 468/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> com 'energy drain' ghroth
On the Western Aryth

(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Ghroth is here.
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

==1014/1056hp 515/873m 464/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> Ghroth leaves west.

==1014/1056hp 515/873m 464/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> They aren't here.

==1014/1056hp 515/873m 464/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> com 'energy drain' ghroth
They aren't here.

==1014/1056hp 515/873m 464/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> w
On the Western Aryth

A long gray and white striped fish sways through the water.

==1014/1056hp 515/873m 460/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> com 'energy drain' ghroth
They aren't here.

==1014/1056hp 515/873m 460/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Ghroth On the Western Aryth
(PK) Odrirg On the Western Aryth

==1014/1056hp 515/873m 460/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> scan all
You scan north.
***** Range 2 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
(Translucent) A translucent creature with trailing blue tendrils drifts upon the water.
A small winged fish jumps from beneath the surface of the water.

***** Range 3 *****
(Chaotic Aura) A wild eyed sprite rides the crest of a wave.

***** Range 4 *****
(Chaotic Aura) A wild eyed sprite rides the crest of a wave.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

***** Range 2 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 3 *****
A giant swordfish basks just beneath the surface.

***** Range 4 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

You scan up.
You scan down.

==1014/1056hp 515/873m 460/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> com summon ghruth
You failed.

==1014/1056hp 465/873m 460/722mv== <waning/1 AM/water/outdoor> com summon groth
com 'energy drain' ghroth
You failed.

==1014/1056hp 415/873m 460/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> where
They aren't here.

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 511/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> People near you:
(PK) Ghroth On the Western Aryth
(PK) Odrirg On the Western Aryth

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 511/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> scan all
You scan north.
***** Range 2 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
(Translucent) A translucent creature with trailing blue tendrils drifts upon the water.
A small winged fish jumps from beneath the surface of the water.

***** Range 3 *****
(Chaotic Aura) A wild eyed sprite rides the crest of a wave.

***** Range 4 *****
(Chaotic Aura) A wild eyed sprite rides the crest of a wave.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

***** Range 2 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 3 *****
A giant swordfish basks just beneath the surface.

***** Range 4 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

You scan up.
You scan down.

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 511/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> w
On the Western Aryth

A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 507/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> scan all
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 2 *****
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A long gray and white striped fish sways through the water.

***** Range 2 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 2 *****
A giant swordfish basks just beneath the surface.

***** Range 3 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

You scan up.
You scan down.

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 507/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> w
scan all
On the Western Aryth

A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 503/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

***** Range 2 *****
A small winged fish jumps from beneath the surface of the water.
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

***** Range 3 *****
(Chaotic Aura) A matronly sea sprite roams the ocean.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 4 *****
(Chaotic Aura) A matronly sea sprite roams the ocean.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

***** Range 2 *****
A long gray and white striped fish sways through the water.

***** Range 3 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A giant swordfish basks just beneath the surface.

***** Range 2 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

You scan up.
You scan down.

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 503/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> People near you:
(PK) Ghroth On the Western Aryth
(PK) Odrirg On the Western Aryth

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 503/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 503/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> scan all
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

***** Range 2 *****
A small winged fish jumps from beneath the surface of the water.
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

***** Range 3 *****
(Chaotic Aura) A matronly sea sprite roams the ocean.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 4 *****
(Chaotic Aura) A matronly sea sprite roams the ocean.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

***** Range 2 *****
A long gray and white striped fish sways through the water.

***** Range 3 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A giant swordfish basks just beneath the surface.

***** Range 2 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

You scan up.
You scan down.

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 503/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> n
scan all
On the Western Aryth

A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 499/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> On the Western Aryth

A small winged fish jumps from beneath the surface of the water.
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 495/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
(Chaotic Aura) A matronly sea sprite roams the ocean.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 2 *****
(Chaotic Aura) A matronly sea sprite roams the ocean.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 3 *****
(Chaotic Aura) A matronly sea sprite roams the ocean.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 4 *****
(Chaotic Aura) A matronly sea sprite roams the ocean.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

***** Range 2 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

***** Range 2 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
(Translucent) A translucent creature with trailing blue tendrils drifts upon the water.
A small winged fish jumps from beneath the surface of the water.

***** Range 3 *****
A small gray dolphin cavorts playfully upon the waves.

***** Range 4 *****
(Red Aura) A pale female storm giant cautiously watches you approach.
(Red Aura) A pale male storm giant swims by cautiously.

You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
A small winged fish jumps from beneath the surface of the water.

You scan up.
You scan down.

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 495/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> w
On the Western Aryth

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 491/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 2 *****
A giant swordfish basks just beneath the surface.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A small winged fish jumps from beneath the surface of the water.
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

***** Range 2 *****
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

***** Range 3 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
(Translucent) A translucent creature with trailing blue tendrils drifts upon the water.
A small winged fish jumps from beneath the surface of the water.

***** Range 4 *****
A small gray dolphin cavorts playfully upon the waves.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A small winged fish jumps from beneath the surface of the water.

You scan up.
You scan down.
***** Range 2 *****
An enormous dark-shelled crab scuttles across the ocean floor.

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 491/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Ghroth On the Western Aryth
(PK) Alegg Beneath the waves
(PK) Odrirg On the Western Aryth

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 491/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> com 'energy drain' fat
They aren't here.

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 491/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Ghroth On the Western Aryth
(PK) Alegg Beneath the waves
(PK) Odrirg On the Western Aryth

==1030/1056hp 439/873m 491/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor> com summon ghroth
Ghroth arrives suddenly.

==1030/1056hp 389/873m 491/722mv== <waning/2 AM/water/outdoor>
The clouds disappear.

==1030/1056hp 389/873m 491/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> fat ghroth

Ghroth sings 'When the black breath blows
And death's shadow grows
and all lights pass,
Come athelas! come athelas!
Life to the dying
In the king's hand lying!'

A fragrance of herbs lifts your spirits.

==1039/1056hp 389/873m 491/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> Huh?

==1039/1056hp 389/873m 491/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor>
Ghroth's decomposition scratches him.
Ghroth writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.
Ghroth's sickness scratches him.

==1056/1056hp 410/873m 542/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> com fatigue ghroth
Ghroth yells wildly 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Ghroth's direction.
Your fatigue EVISCERATES Ghroth!
Ghroth is covered with bleeding wounds.

==1056/1056hp 375/873m 542/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor>
Your crushing force DISMEMBERS Ghroth!
You parry Ghroth's punch.
Ghroth is covered with bleeding wounds.

==1056/1056hp 375/873m 542/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> com fatigue ghroth
You narrow your eyes and glare in Ghroth's direction.
Your fatigue EVISCERATES Ghroth!
Ghroth is gushing blood.

==1056/1056hp 340/873m 542/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor>
Ghroth leaves south.
Ghroth has fled!

==1056/1056hp 340/873m 542/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> s
On the Western Aryth

(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Ghroth is here.
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

==1056/1056hp 340/873m 538/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor>
Ghroth leaves west.

==1056/1056hp 340/873m 538/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> com fatigue
On whom?

==1056/1056hp 340/873m 538/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> w
com fatigue ghroth
On the Western Aryth

==1056/1056hp 340/873m 534/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> They aren't here.

==1056/1056hp 340/873m 534/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> scan all
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A small winged fish jumps from beneath the surface of the water.

You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

***** Range 2 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A stout-billed gray and white bird soars effortlessly above the waves.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A small silver fish darts about cautiously beneath you.
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 2 *****
A large black-winged bird glides slowly across the sky.

***** Range 3 *****
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 5 *****
A slender bird gracefully dives into the water.

***** Range 6 *****
(Red Aura) A pale female storm giant cautiously watches you approach.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A small gray dolphin cavorts playfully upon the waves.

You scan up.
You scan down.

==1056/1056hp 340/873m 534/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> com summon ghroth
com fatigue ghroth
Ghroth arrives suddenly.

==1056/1056hp 290/873m 534/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor>
Ghroth leaves west.

==1056/1056hp 290/873m 534/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> w
They aren't here.

==1056/1056hp 290/873m 534/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> On the Western Aryth

A small gray dolphin cavorts playfully upon the waves.

==1056/1056hp 290/873m 530/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> w
On the Western Aryth

==1056/1056hp 290/873m 526/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> w
On the Western Aryth

==1056/1056hp 290/873m 522/722mv== <waning/3 AM/water/outdoor> w
Upon the jagged rocks

(Gold Aura) (Chaotic Aura) Ghroth is here.

==1056/1056hp 290/873m 516/722mv== <waning/3 AM/wilderness/outdoor> where
com fatigue ghroth
People near you:
(PK) Ghroth Upon the jagged rocks
(PK) Alegg Beneath the waves
(PK) Odrirg Upon the jagged rocks

==1056/1056hp 290/873m 516/722mv== <waning/3 AM/wilderness/outdoor> Ghroth yells wildly 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Ghroth's direction.
Your fatigue EVISCERATES Ghroth!
Ghroth is gushing blood.

==1056/1056hp 255/873m 516/722mv== <waning/3 AM/wilderness/outdoor> com fatigue ghroth

From within the boiling tempest, a mighty wave appears and comes crashing down upon you!
The sea's deluge of water injures you.
The sea's deluge of water injures Ghroth.
Your crushing force misses Ghroth.
Ghroth dodges your crushing force.
You parry Ghroth's punch.
Ghroth is gushing blood.

==1040/1056hp 255/873m 516/722mv== <waning/3 AM/wilderness/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in Ghroth's direction.
You lost your concentration.
Ghroth is gushing blood.

==1040/1056hp 238/873m 516/722mv== <waning/3 AM/wilderness/outdoor>
Your crushing force EVISCERATES Ghroth!
You parry Ghroth's punch.
Ghroth is writhing in agony.

==1040/1056hp 238/873m 516/722mv== <waning/3 AM/wilderness/outdoor> com fatigue ghroth

From within the boiling tempest, a mighty wave appears and comes crashing down upon you!
The sea's deluge of water wounds you.
The sea's deluge of water injures Ghroth.
Ghroth is writhing in agony.

==1023/1056hp 238/873m 516/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in Ghroth's direction.
Your fatigue EVISCERATES Ghroth!
Ghroth is writhing in agony.

==1023/1056hp 203/873m 516/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor>
Your crushing force EVISCERATES Ghroth!
Your crushing force DISMEMBERS Ghroth!
You parry Ghroth's punch.
You parry Ghroth's punch.
Ghroth is convulsing on the ground.

==1023/1056hp 203/873m 516/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> com fatigue ghroth

From within the boiling tempest, a mighty wave appears and comes crashing down upon you!
The sea's deluge of water injures you.
The sea's deluge of water injures Ghroth.
Ghroth is convulsing on the ground.

==1010/1056hp 203/873m 516/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor>
Ghroth sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Ghroth's fiery illusion decimates you!
Ghroth is convulsing on the ground.

==984/1056hp 203/873m 516/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> You narrow your eyes and glare in Ghroth's direction.
Your fatigue EVISCERATES Ghroth!
Ghroth is stunned, but will probably recover.
You slowly float to the ground.
The white aura around your body fades.
Ghroth's decomposition scratches him.
Ghroth is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
Ghroth is DEAD!
A swift shadow passes through the singing wind in ominous silence.
You hear Ghroth's death cry.

==997/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> ex acorpse

From within the boiling tempest, a mighty wave appears and comes crashing down upon you!
The sea's deluge of water devastates you!

==967/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> Obvious exits:
North - Too dark to tell
East - Too dark to tell
South - Too dark to tell
West - Too dark to tell

==967/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> exa corpse
The corpse of Ghroth is here, the flesh rotted by some horrid plague.
The corpse of Ghroth contains:
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
(Red Aura) midnight dragon boots
a sturdy iron belt
(Glowing) a set of arborian gauntlets
some black leather sleeves
a large sack
an inlaid rosewood cittern
a scrap of parchment
a pyrohydra-scale shield
a white sword
(Glowing) a white mitre
hardened mithril leggings
a hardened mithril breastplate
a diamond wedding ring
a gold wedding band
( 2) a brass-studded collar
( 2) a shot of smooth whiskey
(Glowing) a feather of levitation

==967/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor>
From within the boiling tempest, a mighty wave appears and comes crashing down upon you!
The sea's deluge of water devastates you!

==938/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor>
From within the boiling tempest, a mighty wave appears and comes crashing down upon you!
The sea's deluge of water maims you!

==904/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> get ring corpse
You get a diamond wedding ring from the corpse of Ghroth.

==904/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> get ring corpse
You see nothing like that in the corpse.

==904/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> drop ring
You drop a diamond wedding ring.

==904/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor>
From within the boiling tempest, a mighty wave appears and comes crashing down upon you!
The sea's deluge of water decimates you!

==876/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> get band corpse
You get a gold wedding band from the corpse of Ghroth.

==876/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> drop band
You drop a gold wedding band.

==876/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> get all corpse

From within the boiling tempest, a mighty wave appears and comes crashing down upon you!
The sea's deluge of water mauls you.

==852/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> You get a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get midnight dragon boots from the corpse of Ghroth.
A sturdy iron belt: you can't carry that much weight.
A set of arborian gauntlets: you can't carry that much weight.
Some black leather sleeves: you can't carry that much weight.
A large sack: you can't carry that much weight.
You get an inlaid rosewood cittern from the corpse of Ghroth.
A scrap of parchment: you can't carry that much weight.
A pyrohydra-scale shield: you can't carry that much weight.
A white sword: you can't carry that much weight.
A white mitre: you can't carry that much weight.
Hardened mithril leggings: you can't carry that much weight.
A hardened mithril breastplate: you can't carry that much weight.
A brass-studded collar: you can't carry that much weight.
A brass-studded collar: you can't carry that much weight.
A shot of smooth whiskey: you can't carry that much weight.
A shot of smooth whiskey: you can't carry that much weight.
A feather of levitation: you can't carry that much weight.

==852/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> drop raft
drop raft
You drop a small raft.

==852/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> You drop a small raft.

==852/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> put all charms
You put midnight dragon boots in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a Blood Tribunal tower shield in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a Blood Tribunal tower shield in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put some seaweed in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt in the Bracelet of Charms.

==852/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> get all corpse
You get a sturdy iron belt from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get a set of arborian gauntlets from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get some black leather sleeves from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get a large sack from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get a scrap of parchment from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get a pyrohydra-scale shield from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get a white sword from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get a white mitre from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get hardened mithril leggings from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get a hardened mithril breastplate from the corpse of Ghroth.
You can no longer find the strength to wield a notched axe with a wicked blade.
You scream in agony as plague sores erupt from your skin.
A brass-studded collar: you can't carry that much weight.
A brass-studded collar: you can't carry that much weight.
A shot of smooth whiskey: you can't carry that much weight.
A shot of smooth whiskey: you can't carry that much weight.
A feather of levitation: you can't carry that much weight.

==852/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> put all charms
You put a pyrohydra-scale shield in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a scrap of parchment in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a large sack in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put some black leather sleeves in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a set of arborian gauntlets in the Bracelet of Charms.
You put a sturdy iron belt in the Bracelet of Charms.

==852/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor>
From within the boiling tempest, a mighty wave appears and comes crashing down upon you!
The sea's deluge of water maims you!

==818/1056hp 190/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> com 'cure disease
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
Your sores vanish.

==818/1056hp 170/873m 567/722mv== <waning/4 AM/wilderness/outdoor> get all corpse
You get a brass-studded collar from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get a brass-studded collar from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get a shot of smooth whiskey from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get a shot of smooth whiskey from the corpse of Ghroth.
You get a feather of levitation from the corpse of Ghroth.
The sky is getting cloudy.

==818/1056hp 170/873m 567/722mv== <waning/5 AM/wilderness/outdoor>
From within the boiling tempest, a mighty wave appears and comes crashing down upon you!
The sea's deluge of water devastates you!

==789/1056hp 170/873m 567/722mv== <waning/5 AM/wilderness/outdoor>
You are thirsty.
Your ethos protection wears off.
You can no longer discern chaos in auras.

==802/1056hp 186/873m 618/722mv== <waning/5 AM/wilderness/outdoor> exa corpse
The corpse of Ghroth is here, the flesh rotted by some horrid plague.
The corpse of Ghroth contains:

==802/1056hp 186/873m 618/722mv== <waning/5 AM/wilderness/outdoor> l
Upon the jagged rocks
Sharp shards of slick, black rock form a circular reef, crowded with the
skeletal remains of long-abandoned ships. Like the ancient ribcage of some
enormous animal, the curving frame of a large naval ship arcs skyward to your
left and right. Some of the vessels are small trading ships, others mighty
warships but it seems none were able to withstand the strength of the roaring
winds or the bite of the jagged rocks. One to the north remains almost whole,
yet inextricably lodged between two enormous rocks. Human remains can be dimly
spotted in the darker niches between the rocks. The relentless wind and waves
crash against you with an overwhelming force, and every moment is a fight not
to be dashed against the cruel black stone.

( 2) A bundle of wooden planks has been lashed together into a raft.
House's gold wedding band has been left here.
Vanya's diamond wedding ring has been left here.
The corpse of Ghroth is here, the flesh rotted by some horrid plague.

==802/1056hp 186/873m 618/722mv== <waning/5 AM/wilderness/outdoor> tell Ghroth I left your wedding band and ring.

From within the boiling tempest, a mighty wave appears and comes crashing down upon you!
The sea's deluge of water decimates you!

==774/1056hp 186/873m 618/722mv== <waning/5 AM/wilderness/outdoor> You tell Ghroth 'I left your wedding band and ring.'
30196, I must have done something right.....
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
** A lawman MUST be doing something right when this happens ****

**This came out of the blue. The main words he is calling me begin with an F and a B.**

Issijkhul tells you '####er.'

whois iss
< 1 Storm War> Issijkhul the Swordpupil

==956/956hp 902/943m 697/697mv== <new/7 AM/civilized/outdoor> tell Issijkhul Excuse me?
You tell Issijkhul 'Excuse me?'

Issijkhul tells you 'Did I stutter? Bitch.'

You tell Issijkhul 'Do I know you?'

Issijkhul tells you 'Damn right you do.'

You tell Issijkhul 'No. I don't.'

Issijkhul tells you 'Quit harrassing me.'

==956/956hp 943/943m 689/697mv== <new/10 AM/civilized/outdoor> reply I am harrassing you?
You tell Issijkhul 'I am harrassing you?'

reply You began this "conversation"
He is not receiving tells.

==956/956hp 943/943m 697/697mv== <new/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Farrakor looks at you.

==956/956hp 943/943m 697/697mv== <new/10 AM/civilized/outdoor>
Issijkhul tells you '#### off.'

pray Just letting you know, a rank 1 just began a conversation with me by calling me a ####er, saying I knew who he was, and telling me to #### off.
You pray to the heavens for help!

==956/956hp 943/943m 697/697mv== <new/10 AM/civilized/outdoor> reply You began this "conversation"
He is not receiving tells.

pray Sorry, the name was Issijkhul.

**snip a short bit of time**

==956/956hp 885/943m 683/697mv== <new/7 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Issijkhul tells you 'I have reported your behaviour to the authorities.'

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor> reply Exactly what behavior?
You tell Issijkhul 'Exactly what behavior?'
The special guard runs around frantically trying to put the fire out.
One of the Sultan's soldiers runs around frantically trying to put the fire out.

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>
Issijkhul tells you 'Don't play dumb with me, punk.'

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>
The special guard runs around frantically trying to put the fire out.
The special guard runs around frantically trying to put the fire out.

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

==956/956hp 904/943m 697/697mv== <new/8 PM/civilized/outdoor>

whois i
No one of that name is in Thera.

30197, An example of how Anal I was with Odrirg.....I kept these...
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At the bottom, I give average gains. This might look like I was overly "number crunchy"...but that wasn't the reason I did it.

Odrirg was an Order freak. Something I am not in real life (You should SEE my room...heh). One thing that helped me step into my Odrirg suit and play his role....was to be overly anal about all of the little details in Odrirg's life.

The chartmaker says 'Alright, then. There you go. Off with you, then, and waste no more of my time.'
The chartmaker sits back down at his desk, muttering to himself.
You receive 800 experience points!
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 14/74 hp, 14/114 m, 9/189 mv 3/4 prac.
Age : young, 51 years old (0 hours)

Dorothy slinks back into the corner and begins taking parchment out of the tin, turning her back to you.
You receive 300 experience points!
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 17/111 hp, 10/124 m, 8/197 mv 3/7 prac.
Age : young, 51 years old (0 hours)

A young Kobold is DEAD!!
You receive 44 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 13/127 hp, 10/134 m, 9/206 mv 3/3 prac.
Age : young, 51 years old (1 hours)

Your pound grazes a zombie.
A zombie is DEAD!!
You receive 235 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 16/158 hp, 12/156 m, 8/214 mv 3/4 prac.
Age : young, 52 years old (2 hours)

A male Kobold is DEAD!!
You receive 31 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/176 hp, 12/168 m, 10/224 mv 3/3 prac.
Age : young, 53 years old (3 hours)

More fair than thoughts of Mortal Men.'
You receive 3000 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 19/195 hp, 14/182 m, 10/234 mv 3/3 prac.
You have learned 2% of your blindness ability.
Olgakar says 'Thank you, take this. It's the least I can do.'
Age : young, 53 years old (3 hours)

rincess Renee hands you some leather traveling boots.
You receive 3000 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/213 hp, 17/199 m, 8/242 mv 3/3 prac.
Age : young, 53 years old (3 hours)

You receive 191 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 17/230 hp, 17/216 m, 9/221 mv 3/6 prac.
You have learned 3% of your afflict ability.

You receive 297 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/248 hp, 13/224 m, 10/231 mv 3/3 prac.
You have learned 1% of your axe ability.

You receive 356 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/268 hp, 11/250 m, 11/242 mv 3/10 prac.
You have learned 1% of your sword ability.

A Sz'weh is DEAD!!
You receive 292 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 16/284 hp, 11/261 m, 9/251 mv 3/13 prac.
You have learned 2% of your detect evil ability.

A Sz'weh warrior is DEAD!!
You receive 428 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 17/301 hp, 16/277 m, 10/261 mv 3/16 prac.
You have learned 3% of your fast healing ability.

A Sz'weh is DEAD!!
You receive 166 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/319 hp, 17/294 m, 10/271 mv 3/9 prac.
You have learned 2% of your detect invis ability.

You collapse to the ground exhausted as the light fades.
You receive 4000 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 15/334 hp, 13/307 m, 10/281 mv 3/12 prac.
You have learned 3% of your meditation ability.
Age : young, 55 years old (7 hours)

An orc is DEAD!!
You receive 200 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 15/335 hp, 13/340 m, 8/289 mv 3/7 prac.
You have learned 3% of your meditation ability.

The trail guard is DEAD!!
You receive 348 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 16/351 hp, 10/350 m, 10/299 mv 3/6 prac.
You have learned 2% of your detect good ability.

You have become better at meditation!
sk meditation
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/369 hp, 16/366 m, 11/313 mv 3/5 prac.
You have learned 3% of your parry ability.

An orc is DEAD!!
You receive 82 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/427 hp, 11/377 m, 10/323 mv 3/4 prac.
You have learned 2% of your warcry ability.
Age : young, 60 years old (15 hours)

A guard is DEAD!!
You receive 520 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/569 hp, 10/427 m, 8/372 mv 3/3 prac.
You have learned 2% of your protection ability.
Age : mature, 64 years old (21 hours)

An orc is DEAD!!
You receive 64 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 17/581 hp, 17/479 m, 9/361 mv 3/6 prac.
You have learned 3% of your parry ability.

A guard is DEAD!!
You receive 488 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 17/598 hp, 13/512 m, 9/370 mv 3/7 prac.
You have learned 3% of your curse ability.

An imprisoned arial is DEAD!!
You receive 700 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 17/615 hp, 11/523 m, 10/380 mv 3/6 prac.
You have learned 2% of your energy drain ability.

An imprisoned arial is DEAD!!
You receive 612 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 16/631 hp, 16/539 m, 8/388 mv 3/9 prac.
You have learned 2% of your afflict ability.

An imprisoned arial is DEAD!!
You receive 536 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 19/650 hp, 18/557 m, 11/399 mv 3/12 prac.
You have learned 3% of your warcry ability.

An imprisoned arial is DEAD!!
You receive 556 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 17/667 hp, 17/574 m, 8/407 mv 3/9 prac.
You have learned 3% of your flail ability.

Aragran's slash MUTILATES an imprisoned arial!
You have become better at enhanced damage!
sk enhanced damage
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 15/682 hp, 12/586 m, 8/415 mv 3/12 prac.
You have learned 2% of your famish ability.

An imprisoned arial is DEAD!!
You receive 528 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 16/698 hp, 14/600 m, 10/425 mv 3/15 prac.
You have learned 3% of your frenzy ability.
Age : mature, 73 years old (35 hours)

Your fatigue MASSACRES an imprisoned arial!
An imprisoned arial is DEAD!!
You receive 496 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 17/715 hp, 18/618 m, 10/435 mv 3/12 prac.
You have learned 3% of your damnation ability.
Age : mature, 74 years old (37 hours)

30) Lost, no log due to a crash

The breath of Rhylkxor is DEAD!!
You receive 1232 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/742 hp, 16/655 m, 9/458 mv 3/4 prac.
You have learned 3% of your curse ability.
Age : mature, 82 years old (48 hours)

Urn'Ariel is DEAD!!
You receive 604 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 17/759 hp, 11/666 m, 10/468 mv 3/7 prac.
You have learned 2% of your poison ability.
Age : mature, 82 years old (49 hours)

A familiar shade is DEAD!!
You receive 788 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 15/784 hp, 10/676 m, 10/478 mv 3/10 prac.
You have learned 2% of your sanctuary ability.
Age : mature, 85 years old (52 hours)

The breath of Rhylkxor is DEAD!!
You receive 996 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/802 hp, 16/692 m, 9/487 mv 3/13 prac.
You have learned 1% of your meditation ability.
Age : mature, 85 years old (53 hours)

Urn'Ariel is DEAD!!
You receive 464 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/820 hp, 12/704 m, 8/495 mv 3/4 prac.
You have learned 3% of your detect evil ability.
Age : mature, 92 years old (62 hours)

35) no log, lost due to a crash

A familiar shade is DEAD!!
You receive 692 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 17/817 hp, 12/724 m, 10/505 mv 3/7 prac.
You have learned 3% of your cure blindness ability.
Age : mature, 94 years old (66 hours)

The evil looking guard is DEAD!!
You receive 552 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 19/836 hp, 15/739 m, 11/516 mv 3/10 prac.
You have learned 3% of your informant ability.

The evil looking guard is DEAD!!
You receive 524 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 19/855 hp, 12/751 m, 8/524 mv 3/13 prac.
You have learned 2% of your haggle ability.

The undead trolloc is DEAD!!
You receive 656 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 19/889 hp, 11/754 m, 10/538 mv 3/14 prac.
You have learned 2% of your know alignment ability.

The undead trolloc is DEAD!!
You receive 652 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 15/929 hp, 17/771 m, 11/549 mv 3/17 prac.
You have learned 2% of your know alignment ability.
Age : mature, 119 years old (103 hours)

The Shyl'Argrul guard is DEAD!!
You receive 752 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 19/948 hp, 14/785 m, 9/558 mv 3/16 prac.
You have learned 2% of your warcry ability.

The Shyl'Argrul guard is DEAD!!
You receive 604 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 19/967 hp, 12/797 m, 11/569 mv 3/19 prac.
You have learned 2% of your manacles ability.

The shadowy wraith is DEAD!!
You receive 560 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/1073 hp, 11/808 m, 10/579 mv 3/22 prac.
You have learned 2% of your sanctuary ability.

The undead archer is DEAD!!
You receive 640 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 15/1092 hp, 12/820 m, 8/607 mv 3/25 prac.
You have learned 3% of your vigilance ability.

A skeletal warrior is DEAD!!
You receive 1228 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/1104 hp, 10/830 m, 11/618 mv 3/16 prac.
You have learned 3% of your curse ability.
Age : mature, 139 years old (132 hours)

The undead horseman is DEAD!!
You receive 1028 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 15/1023 hp, 11/841 m, 11/629 mv 3/19 prac.
You have learned 3% of your protective shield ability.
Age : mature, 139 years old (133 hours)

The undead pikeman is DEAD!!
You receive 976 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/1041 hp, 10/851 m, 11/640 mv 3/22 prac.
You have learned 3% of your protection ability.
Age : mature, 140 years old (134 hours)

The shadowy wraith is DEAD!!
You receive 464 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 18/1064 hp, 14/830 m, 9/649 mv 3/25 prac.
You have learned 2% of your fatigue ability.
Age : mature, 145 years old (140 hours)

The undead pikeman is DEAD!!
You receive 580 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 19/1033 hp, 15/875 m, 9/658 mv 3/28 prac.
You have learned 3% of your fatigue ability.
Age : mature, 146 years old (142 hours)

Someone is DEAD!!
You receive 528 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 17/1050 hp, 17/892 m, 8/666 mv 3/31 prac.
You have learned 2% of your flail ability.
Age : mature, 147 years old (143 hours)

You receive 580 experience points.
You raise a level!! Your gain is: 16/1066 hp, 11/903 m, 11/677 mv 3/34 prac.
You have learned 2% of your rot ability.
Age : mature, 148 years old (144 hours)

14+17+13+16+18+19+18+17+18+18 = 168
16+17+18+15+15+16+18+18+18+17 = 168
17+17+16+19+17+15+16+17+18+17 = 169
15+18+18+17+19+19+19+15+19+19 = 178
18+15+18+15+18+18+19+17+16 = 154

max 19, min 13
ave 17.08

11+17+15+14+10+11+10+12+11+12 =
13+117+17+14+12+12+10+10+14 = 655

max 18, min 10
ave 13.367



max mv 11, min 8,

ave 9.4898
30205, Jesus dwarves have good hp gains as shamans. nt
Posted by Bjai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
30212, RE: Preliminary goodby post
Posted by Jaded Ranger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You ganked me with a group and two of those elitist special guards. Then I tried to talk to you about it and you were silent. I asked again later, and you were silent. Then you logged out. That really bothered me, killer. Oh, did I mention that I was 9 levels under you, and your partners, and that I was not wanted nor affiliated with anyone who was? Wrong place, wrong time. Was this commonplace for the orderly tribunal? From that day on, I started killing tribunals instead of befriending them. What a role turn for that character. Bye.
30237, Hrm.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't remember this incident as you describe it. Can you give me (or email me if you wish at odrirggorimm@yahoo.com) your name so I can look it up?

Honestly, I tried to be very vocal at least once with all of Agents that I faught. So if it is true that I was silent afterwards, I'm interested in looking up the incident and seeing what was going on.

I can guarantee that if I didn't answer, it was probably because I had so much going on that I honestly missed your tell or something similar to that. Because ooc I relished Preaching to Agents and I don't think I would have consciously turned down a chance to.
30215, RE: Preliminary goodby post
Posted by Velkurah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Crap, damnit, son of a... you just had to go and die while I was on vacation? What's that all about?!

For serious now, I really enjoyed watching Odrirg. You definitely make the top list of my favorite characters to watch. I finally had to make myself stop putting things in your premium history, it was getting too long :P I just loved how you stuck to your role even when it was likely to bring bad results. You came so close many times to getting in trouble... ofcourse you also earned great things through your actions. I never knew what I was going to get when watching you. I'm just really bummed that I couldn't be there to see you off. Ah well. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about your Fund.

Velk, from a 750' cruise ship floating along somewhere in Nova Scotia and paying $0.75 a minute to use the internet

Edit: Feel free to post some of our interactions, as long as they don't delve too deeply into stuff that only a priest would know about.
30235, wow
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for saying that. Reading that REALLY made my day, and I'm very glad I got the chance to be your first Priest (Even if Jaegrudai slipped in there and became the first Disciple....*shakefist*)

Reading this also reminds me of something I had just about forgotten....heh...

This makes perhaps the third or fourth time* I was either runner up or honorable mention in a role contest (Damn you Alarian *shakefist*)....always the bridesmaid I guess....

But in the note that had the results of the role contest, it mentioned that I would be getting something also.

Unfortunately, that was RIGHT before I messed up and got demoted to Seantryn, so I'm guessing that it kinda slipped the minds of everyone...because I honestly don't remember getting anything.

And I really didn't want to bring it up IC...because honestly....How can someone empowered, tatted, given a pimp title, allowed to be Vindicator, and who had lots of real quality immteraction...how can that person whine about not getting a little something for a role contest? Heh. So I basically told myself I'd let it drop as insignificant and remember to ask about what it was supposed to be on my goodby.

I'll go through my logs and see what I can post of our interactions without revealing too much.

*I might be wrong about one or two of these being either runner up or honorable mention as it's been a long time, but I know a few of them were.....

Castanaveras, a cloud arby with a hidden multiple personality disorder that I never got to play out because Arby kicked the bucket....heh.

Daryais(sp?), a bard that refused to talk...because it is the Bard's Awen that gives his music power...and if he never used his voice box and instead let his Awen have full control over his voice box, then he would be a more powerful or "true" bard.

Tlachtga, either a storm or cloud warrior, basically a true "CELTISH" with a capitol C, funny, because I remember him having emotes having to do with different ashes from different woods pertaining to the winds of the different directions....that were remeniscent of what the new necromancer echos are about spreading things to the 4 directions.

And I'm not sure, but maybe...
Semeht, first tribby ranger. Evil. Wanted civilization to grow...because as more of the populace became dependant on civilization, the darker and more forboding the wild places would be...and he wanted to be the living embodiment of that fear....another split personality role...while hunting he would be Uel... a shadow of fear...and while dealing with others he would be just normal Semeht

and now Odrirg.

Damnit, one of these days I'll be the bride...I swear.
30247, Oh......and...
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And Sehvoor. I'm pretty sure his role got an honorable mention too....although I'm not completely positive.

Yes, the horrible truth is out about my secret identity.*

*not that I have the hubris to think it matters to anyone. I Just like to show that I have evolved a bit as a player and person, I know there's at least one person out there who still dislikes me intensly for how I handled Sehvoor.....heh, and the fact that his goodby thread had to be locked because of a flame war probably isn't too great a reflection on how I handled him either......
30173, Well done
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I didn't really know you that well, and I think at times our characters couldn't look at each other without wondering how we were ever going to agree on anything. Still, what I saw impressed me greatly, as I think it probably did for anyone else. You were frustratingly dependable at times, so thanks for that.

Very well done, and thank you.

PS, you picked a bad time to age die. You should have held off for a while :)
30199, Not really alot to say....
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mainly for the reason you stated, we didn't know each other all that well.

I DID get the impression that you were doing a hell of a job killing criminals, and I will admit, I was hoping you would get Vindicator.

Then Lemath had to do the Unforgivable thing called dieing...and you got Provost instead.

Much of the not-seeing-eye-to-eye after that was due to different interpretations of the law....yes.....but much of it was also because Odrirg was dissapointed that you didn't become Vindie...and Odrirg didn't handle dissapointment all that well sometimes.heh.
30250, Never would have guessed it
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, the part about Odrirg being disappointed that I didn't become Vindicator I don't think I would have ever guessed, and it certainly adds a lot more dimension to our relationship.

As you know, I was on the path to become Vindicator, but I don't thnk that would have meshed with my character very well. Plus, as everyone knows, I don't leave my guild without a healer, transmuter and invoker beside my side. :)

Good luck with your next.