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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Menon Aleva the Avenger of the Righteous, Disciple of the Ki-rin
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=29883
29883, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Menon Aleva the Avenger of the Righteous, Disciple of the Ki-rin
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Aug 6 05:45:00 2004

At 2 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 30th of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Menon perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
29914, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Menon Aleva the Avenger of the...
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I wish to start by saying that Menon really rekindled that old spark of fun cf is for me. Perhaps beccause he was the first character with a solid and entertaining rp I've had for a long time.

About the class:
Well, it's pretty straightforward with the dedications if you think about it, unfortunately I wanted to try a shield spec and you really can't be on the offense with it. It's actually a very limited number of viable things you can do in combat as a shield spec and for that reason alone I would recommend each and all of you who wish to play a paladin to try 2h first.
I however think the system with virtues is ace, the more carrot'ish motivations for rp the better (that one might actually be able to gain)!

I got temperance and fortitude. For some reason though, after getting temperance I died alot more often :D probably overestimating it.

About the fortress:
Still as dull as always, I'm just not nice enough to be able to stand the friendly feeling :D


Velkurah: Thank you greatly for the immteraction, tattoo and virtues. It was actually my first tattoo and first empowerment char to reach hero, and (believe it or not :D) my first virtues. Thanks alot, I hope I was somewhat interesting to watch at times.


Marelin: We pretty much ranked up together and I noticed a steady rise of competence from you. I think you got most of the transmuter class figgured out. Damn you for stealing all my kills tho :D

Elstratuviel: When I played Vanar, way back when, you were a maran and you still are. Atleast you play more reguarly now but Menon thought it very bad that you constantly walked around drunk, though he seldom voiced this oppinion.

Celebrimbor: You know, the greatest of ironies is that when I played Yaran, an old felar ap, and deleted him and posted on the char board of qhcf someone asked if I should join the Fortress next and I said no, never! and you chimed in with "preach it brotha!" :D still much later we appeared both within it. As a leader I apprechiated your balls to the walls style and whatnot. Occasionally you did break the paladin code though (fighting in towns, if that even is breaking the code) and with beeing pissed at Markow, but Menon would of course never mention how this displeased him to anyone. And I do oocly think it fits the character. Well played!

Tirhasdrah: I sort of figgured oocly that you were a newbie and tried to be helpful but I'll never forget that time when you refused to go with us and reclaim the orb and myself and marelin proceeded to both reclaim the orb and take the codex :D

Audriel: Thank you greatly for the discussions we had. If I was your patron imm I would hand you 3-4 virtues atleast, cause you got it all figgured out in difference to the rest of us. Your character *defined* goodness :P thanks for beeing an inspiration to us all.

Lekerjey: I always enjoyed your company and the times you died when you were with me I profously apologize for.

Brordaran: Heheh, hello sir :D you were very much a diffrent paladin from Menon, really opposite sides of the ball that is paladin rp. I was very surprised when I saw that note about you wanting to learn of more chocolate locations. I see now however how it all fits in, but at that time in character it seemed pretty absurd to Menon.

Ryldain: I always appreciated your quiet competence. Often we would find ourselves together against a massive force of imperials and I always valued you for your skills but also for the massive ammounts of gold for healing you carried around. (which was sort of dodgy but since it really helped us alot it was alright with Menon heh :D)

Xalli: Interesting idea with playing an ancient character as a 12 year old girl. Best of luck.


Kak: Menon did not approve of thievery but accepted that some fought the war in diffrent ways than him, as long as they respected the laws and from what Menon could tell you did.


I had alot of fun fighting all of you. It's my philosophy that if you get caught in a gang it's your own fault and at times it really was to gang or get ganged, unfortunately, as it calls for pretty dull pk. But the good part about the Fortress is we can always pretend we know something of honor and run around solo if we want to. Of course, you can too and some of you did and for that my hat is off to you.

Alarian & Odrirg:

I appreciated you both, though our diffrent paths in life took us to diffrent battlefields often it was none the less bringing a very good feeling to get tells from either of you asking if all was well and whatnot.

I'll post more if I can remember whom I've forgotten. My thanks to the imms for a great game!
29917, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Menon Aleva the Avenger of the...
Posted by Velkurah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'm amazed that you haven't had a paladin hero before. Menon was very well done, and I always enjoyed watching you. The way you roleplayed out your accidental attacks in town was great. I think you were getting the "paladin way" down very well, you should try another one. Menon definitely could have had more good things coming his way.

Sorry to see Menon go, glad you enjoyed him, and good luck with your next!

29929, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Menon Aleva the Avenger of the...
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Unfortunately in the end I felt the need to carry on with something else. Raid/retrive with either 0 participants or gross overweight of players on either side made for pretty dull sessions. There were a number of times when I faced only one opponent (Hafizar comes to mind) and they were all very interesting however. Also I was pretty tired of beeing a shield spec instead of 2h(utterly my fault, of course).

As a side note, thank you whoever brought me to the premium battlefield!
29982, That would be me.
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>As a side note, thank you whoever brought me to the premium

I like to keep up on all the disciples in one way or another. :P
29922, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Menon Aleva the Avenger of the...
Posted by Diiafd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were an excellent paladin (at least from the side I was looking at you from). Enjoyed the few fights we had.
29925, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Menon Aleva the Avenger of the...
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. I enjoyed our fights, though they consisted mostly of me hoping to land an angelswing to cut your spellcasting while you dish out massive damage to me.

As a side note I still recall how you and I and some other ranked in Blidgenstone as Tzarch back in the days. I have to say you've learned alot since then.
29923, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Menon Aleva the Avenger of the...
Posted by Audriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gosh! You've got me all embarrassed...

I remember virtually all of our interactions since you and Marilen came to me as wee lads. Aside from the excellent RP, you were one of the hardest paladins to justify or recommend for Fortress, due to your zealous orderly bent. I spoke to Cele about it, and after a LOT of deliberation we decided to roll with Menon. From that point it seems you never looked back. Once in, your anti-law-breaking stance came out over CB discussions, and I laughed at some of the arguments that went along with that.

I commend you for picking a difficult role and sticking with it. You certainly did not have to pick the restrictions you did. I still think you would have set a strong standard for Trib-Paladins, but. I'm glad you were in our corner. Who needs those trib pansies and their special guard lackeys anyway? :P
29927, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Menon Aleva the Avenger of the...
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe. Well, Menon wasn't as much about order as about following the code. And from his point of view it couldn't be followed in the tribunal what with there beeing evil tribunals.

I'm all for everything that breaks the cookie cutter maran/acolyte role and I tried to do that with Menon as I think you also have done with Audriel. I had alot of fun doing it and I hope you do too :)
29984, Bah.
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Trib-Paladins, but. I'm glad you were in our corner. Who
>needs those trib pansies and their special guard lackeys
>anyway? :P

29924, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Menon Aleva the Avenger of the...
Posted by Marelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I stole nothing! All mine, honest! Oh well, I can understand your point though :P

Pity to see you go, we made out an entire generation of forties, all two of us it felt like at times. And yes, I've learned a good deal about trannies over time, both the ups and downs and I've yet some tricks to try ;)

Menon was a good friend though I never knew how much it bothered him to be traveling with someone who wasn't exactly as big a fan of order as him *innocent*

You'll be missed for sure, we did good together. Take care and all that.


29930, Wow
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nicely done there. Interacted with you with Ror and you combined excellent roleplay...... Amazing roleplay actually, with the ability to hunt and PK like the best of them. Had you been playing a 2H pally, your PK numbers probably would have been up there with the best. I was impressed with your offensive attitude, as almost all of the fort fights poorly..and plans poorly.

Figured you would be leading the Fort and replacing the corpse-makers at the top currently. (Meaning they leave their own corpses all over the place.) *chuckle*

Damn cool character!

29960, well..
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
RL issues are demanding my attention more and more these days, and having been busy with other 'projects' on CF, I decided to shelf Elstratuviel for some time (I think I hardly played Elstratuviel for something like three months); so yes, I have been around for quite some time. Also, I've put a considerate amount of hours in this character (nearing age death), so hey, it's normal that I'm still around. And indeed, I'm back now, and try to play at least three hours a day. Anyways, Elstratuviel thought you were a nice counterweight for supercriminal Golron and the others that have been several flags behind their names (including myself, actually).Always there to spread the philosophy of Order in the Fort, not only when there were fights in town, but also at regular times. I thought you did well, and liked you a lot.. goodbye to you, and good luck with whatever comes next.
29962, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Menon Aleva the Avenger of the...
Posted by Lekerjey on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not a problem there ;) My current char dies alot too..alone. heh. Menon was very well roleplayed. Thanks for allowing yourself to be dragged to 'make peace' with Markow. The terminator thing was cool though, no? Best of luck to your next char, and Yaran! We went to retrieve from the Fort when I was Thewlse, and we got promoted :) Yaran was cool as well.
29985, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Menon Aleva the Avenger of the...
Posted by Brordaran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's funny. Somewhere here on this board you said that your goal was to adhere to the Code and that was primarily (or at least to a large extent) the reason for your personality. The humor is that Brordaran did the same thing, he adhered to the Code very closely (in fact Arvam commented on it as one of the reasons for giving me one of my virtues) even when it made life more difficult. Only once in his entire life did Brordaran attack someone in town, Blitzenturt, and he expressed great regret at the time.

The point I'm trying to make here is that nowhere in the Code is there anything stating a paladin must be a glowering mourful doomfilled downer. In fact part of the reason I played Brordaran at all was that he was much more in line with my personal thoughts on what "good" and "light" are. It seems counterintuitive to me to think that a deity or force for goodness and light would want to deprive the very goodness and light it provides to those that dedicate their lives (and deaths) to preserving them. Brordaran preached (or, well, sang) that while you have to do what you have to do, you should be enjoying life while doing it, otherwise what's the point? It's almost as though you've already lost the war if all you are about is death and gloom and the evils of life. If you don't enjoy the very reason for which you fight, what have you really gained? Isn't that as good as becoming what you are fighting?

Obviously there is no right or wrong, but it seemed to me that people reacted very strangely to Brordaran because he was a happy person, even though he was a fighter, only because people seem to think (and past characters have usually been in the mold that) paladins need to be all serious, all the time. They don't. And, honestly, I don't think they even should be.

Having said all that philosophical crap, I will say that you annoyed the bejesus out of me by continuing to call me sir! And, at the same time, impressed me by doing it because it was obviously your role. Super job. Keep 'em coming.
29885, Bah.
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What happened? Didn't get to interact a whole bunch, but you looked promising. :(