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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Elijsie the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=29766
29766, (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Elijsie the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Jul 31 17:42:36 2004

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of the Sun, 34th of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Elijsie perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
29768, The snow worm is safe for a while
Posted by Elijsie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I enjoyed playing Elijsie for the most part. As far as Imm
interaction goes nothing save talking to the battle Imms. Which was Jinroh and Sabine, never saw Ordasen saw Thror once... whoopty do. I tried to follow Fate because well an assassin + Fate just seemed
to fit perfectly together with the whole assassinate thing.
I think assassins are a pretty good class, I sucked at assassinating
plus its difficult
being in battle and taking your time to stalk (I am horrible with
I liked almost all the skills that assassins get. I dont understand
why double spin kickhas such a huge lag 3 rounds? For something that hits twice and does
decent damage.
In regards to tiger claw- Gosh DANG. It hits 2/5 times rarely on
guardians i know this is probably by design.
Its a scary skill so I can understand why its like that.

If you were one of those people that I always told information to, the
whole point was to bring down the mages.
And I realized sometimes I had to play the lesser of two evils card to
get something done.
I figured if I could just cause chaos among my enemies, and have
everything duking it out I could possibly sneak a kill in.

Blitzenturt: I assassinated you around 40, once you got piercing gaze I
was done for.
Polearms + maces and a fire giant that can see hidden is just insane to
even stand near.
You truelly are a good Emperor: Blitzenturt says "Elijsie, do a dance
for me" I laughed while punching the screen.

Sarganasomething- I know it sucks fighting a Villager, but you had no
backbone what so ever.
Everytime Iborenn and I raided you were never there, you hid
constantly, oh well maybe its your role.
Lemath - Great enemy enjoyed fighting you constantly.
Odrirg- You annoyed the crap out of me whenever I was wanted. I know
you wanna goad your opponents in I almost bit once or twice.
Paladins- I hated fighting you but if you challenged me Id accept, some
of you had legacies that would make me miss
kote/kans I knew I was screwed when I saw that. I always tried to get
you guys to fight the Empire with me sittin there stalking.
I figured I wasnt a threat to you considering I wouldnt instigate
fights with paladins.

Scharnz- I liked you but you had it coming to you screwing up a raid
like that.

Thenrek- If you had kept pressing me I think I would have thought about
redeeming then you deleted.

Invokers- if I ever hit a tiger claw I could count on yall bolting
which is understandable,
sometimes I wouldnt do it so you would say around.
Cadothu- That was a blast fighting you up and down Thera. You have
some big kahones being a transmuter and all.

Jinroh-Great Commander helped me along the way kept me from deleting a
while ago. But it was inevitable with 7 Con left
I knew I wasnt gonna get anything. No offense to Xaden but how is it
that he got Commander?
To me it really angered me to see Iborenn and I sitting there thinking
to myself why did we get the shaft?
If Ib is close to dieing maybe throw him a con quest or something ;)

Sabine- I liked you alot on Elijsie, For a while I thought you were
giving me subtle hints about the future
of the village and my position in it, but nothing came of it doh:(

Iborenn- Ahh one of my favorite characters. You never ceased to amaze
me except maybe that death to Nazzryn (ouch).
You always made me feel dumb because well you knew where e verthing was
and what to do. In my opinion youd make a great
Commander if you come around alot. Good luck

Xaden- I honestly rarely saw you except that one time I gave you a
tongue lashing at the Village.
I was trying to toughen you up Good luck leadin the Village just
imagine your william wallace

Other Battle people: This mainly applies to the young ones. All of you
seem to have good heads on your shoulders
Stick with it, if all of you rank up the Village will be a powerhouse.

Well thats about it if I forgot your name ill post.

Elijsie CrimsonFeather | Jaalek GyldanVane
29771, RE: The snow worm is safe for a while
Posted by Golron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That time fighting you within the scion cabal, was it just me or did that fight feel like we were holding a demonstration for the special olympics (no offense meant to those at the olympics, mad effort involved). First it was me stunning until slow, weaken, kote, kans and all that wore off, then it was pummels for scratches. I was like, at least this is a good way to get skill % up.

Its a shame we never did get to dual after when I actually got some clothes and what not, would have been fun. You seemed pretty solid to me.

See ya round
29835, Oh yeah
Posted by Elijsie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was laughing because at first.. I thought you were dead... then you stunned me, and heal up.. then I beat you up again and bam Stunned. Then you wore your axes and tore through me, and I ran. Fun fighthing all around but yeah haha that was pretty ridiculous
29782, RE: Thanks for mentioning me.
Posted by Cadothu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and one other villager were the only ones I usually fight. I tried Geenaver and wow, that turned out very, very bad. I figured I had a decent chance against an assassin as long as malleability kept that tigerclaw away from me. Anyway, thanks for the kind words, I really liked the couple fights we had and I hope you roll up something cool soon, hopefully not a villager. Take care.

29791, RE: The snow worm is safe for a while
Posted by Jaded Ranger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really like Elijsie, and I was really looking forward to getting a chance to be by your side. When you asked me to perfect scissor kick, I was sitting with 86% on sweep kick. I got scissor that night and went to sleep, actually feeling accomplished. I have to thank you for giving me some motivation to go spam, I'm real bad about convincing myself to spam. I'm trucking along, but I still haven't bumped into that new commander. For that matter, my times stopped matching Jin's too, so I'm essentially stranded in a sea of imperials looking for a way out...so to speak ;p

Looking forward to your next incarnation, who I probably won't have the luck of meeting. *sigh* Good luck with it.

ps. In the attempt to not get smitten for wondering where all of the BATTLE leaders are when I'm on, I left my name out of this on purpose.
29800, Ah, definitly will be missing Elijsie
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can remember atleast.. oh three times you managed to get me killed and normally I was laughing the entire way back to my corpse because it was a inconcerte ####up.
Very intresting char, hope you learned much! *if only you knew you'd probly laugh* =P
Hope you will play soon
29803, RE: The snow worm is safe for a while
Posted by Xaden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you much more than you may have known, for multiple reasons. I had plans to make you a veteran of battle but, as you know, that doesn't always work out the way it was planned. As far as your speech was concerned it was annoying as hell to have someone I respected talk to me that way, but the same is for any new commander I suppose. I am sure with a bit more time I will prove my worth to the village. Perhaps you will be around in spirit to see it. For now I will not divulge anything interesting, just that I liked you alot, and good luck on your next.

Xaden Gemforge, Commander of Battle
29831, I thought we had a few decent adventures together.
Posted by BigJ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice char and thanks for helping me out all those times I got pimp smacked. Good luck with the next.

29837, I fought you a few times, but only when I was prepared.
Posted by Sargataneos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was Sargataneos's role to try to be methodical, and there really isn't much I can do to villlagers without 4 zombies and a lesser/greater. Sure, I can pray that my spell goes through then I get the pleasure of watching three or four demos fly at me in a round. My ABS knowledge is limited at best, and I don't think it's fair that anyone is expected to know that in order to have a decent chance at beating a battlerager.