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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Vahletharien Ar'dan Maerderinathas the Mystic of the Clarion, Elder Prophet of the Light
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=29651
29651, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Vahletharien Ar'dan Maerderinathas the Mystic of the Clarion, Elder Prophet of the Light
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Jul 29 03:34:30 2004

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 7th of the Month of the Grand Struggle
on the Theran calendar Vahletharien perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
29795, More on the HONOR bit:
Posted by Vahletharien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since I didn't realizing there was so much discourse on it...

First let me pass a piece of advise to young players across the globe -

Include an explanation for every last detail of any, even remotely questionable, action you may or may not take, in your role.
I learned that with my last two characters, and i'm being quite serious, not sarcastic.

Anyway, perfectly equal combat is never something that I have seen specifically outlined in either the helpfile for the honor sphere or Vynmylak's religion. I'm not going to pretend like I do not know what the traditional CF version of honor is, because I do, but I do not believe it is going to continue to be uncompromisingly prevelant unless another strict honor god steps forward.


Honor, The Sphere of Honor is one of the Greater Virtues. **Moral
integrity is the most important goal of any who follow this
sphere.** Integrity, respect, esteem, and distinction are all
products of this sphere.

-These are all things that Vahletharien (arguably) operated under. He sought perfect righteousness above all else. Vahletharien, as I have said before, seldom fought against poor odds if not in a situation where the orb was comprimised. He believed the orb was a holy thing, and he talked and prayed about it often enough to disclude it from his role, I thought. He saw it as his duty to see that it was protected and kept safe under any circumstances.
"Lead by those dedicated to the preservation, protection, and spreading of the Light, these noble servants of the Light are honored in their calling."

Vynmylak's helpfile is broken into seperate parts for each spehere and then combines them at the end.

The honor portion:

Honor - Integrity. Character. Principle. The men and women who embrace this higher calling hold themselves far and above the common populace. It is not enough to be righteous in deed or thought alone, it must permeate all aspects of one's life to fully live the ideal of honor. Deception, treachery and deceit are not only foreign to these individuals' way of life, but something not to be tolerated or allowed to exist. For when such behaviors are tolerated or condoned, it tears at the very fabric of which they are made, lessening the standard by which all can live.

The closing portion about honor:

Aware of the tactics of war, the faithful will not dishonor themselves with deceit or treachery, although fully aware that those tactics may be used against them.

And combat:

They stand uncompromisingly at the front of the battle lines, holding themselves and others to higher levels of behavior and conduct. Like the symbol of their faith, their stance for conviction is like the heralding trumpets of righteous war, their arrival at the battlefield an inspiration for allies and dread for foes.

Anyway, i'm really not out to argue about honor and how it ties into Vynmylak's religion, I think the helpfiles make it clear along with the response that he has given on his forum.

My only question/confusion/suggestion, is that the idea of honor and it's sphere be elucidated further in the helpfile if it is intended to be a rigid form of parity in combat. If not...nobody likes to be criticized.
29796, Can I ask something then
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you attacked me in Velkyn Oloth you claimed that you teleported there and did not know I was there until you arrived. However, those I was trying to scourge admitted to whoever was trib leader at the time (Daemar, I think) that they had called you.

Did you or did you not lie about knowing I was there and being called to attack me? From what I heard during the investigation (which involved 5 tribs), you changed your story twice, originally denying it, then admitting it, then denying it again.

At the time I just assumed you lied because you thought you could do more good as an unwanted person than as a wanted one. However, now that I know you were an honor char, that doesn't seem like it could be the case.
29797, RE: Can I ask something then
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew, but I didn't lie.
29804, ok, but it did deceive nt
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29805, That's a matter of opinion. nt
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29820, Honor versus Honesty
Posted by thornheart on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honor and honesty are different things. If you knowingly deceived someone, or gave an answer that was meant to make them think a situation occurred that didn't... I don't think that is good roleplay for an honor character, who is primarily concerned with the his own integrity and pride as a person.

An Honesty character that follows Valguarnera can decieve through honesty. "Did you kill that man?" "No." (But I contracted the killer that did.) This type of character might try to find loopholes in an answer if it benefitted them. The honor character is completely proud of his actions and feels that honor is the goal AND the means to get there, not neccesarily the result of his actions (killing that man).

I'm not saying you did any of these things, but it's something to think about when concerning Honor.

29821, I agree. nt
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29809, Here's how I see it...through their eyes.
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Personally I agree that honor in cf is more about parity than anything else, but here's how I think Vahl and Vlad etc. make the argument...

Honor to them is more along the US 'medal of honor' lines than 'I'll fight you alone lines.' It's doing your duty (whatever that is) regardless of the circumstances. If it's you with your platoon against an outnumbered enemy, as long as they don't drop all their weapons and surrender, sure. If it's you alone and outnumbered after the enemy has gunned down all your friends, well, then you still do it and try to save your friends in the process.
29810, My point summed up
Posted by Vahletharien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If it's supposed to be about parity, mention that in the help files. How are we supposed to know otherwise? The 'traditional' Ehren Guard view is ancient history is it not? Many people remember it, but for me it's just a lingering whisper, for even newer players they will not know about it at all. This is my fourth hero, i'm still learning you know, but when the helpfile says:

"different people might be influenced by the same sphere
in different ways"


"Use of the role command is not mandatory on CF. Roleplaying, however, IS mandatory, and role can help us determine if you are roleplaying exceptionally, poorly, or not at all, and reward accordingly."

how can I know that someone percieves me as doing something wrong by not listing my actions regarding my sphere in my role due to an unspoken expectation of that sphere?

29828, But you're not wrong.
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's just not the approach I or Daurwyn would personally take towards a sphere honor character.

However, keep in mind that in CF, parity whether your like it or not comes into play with honor characters. If you have an honor character who shamelessly ganks people down all the time*, then you're going to have a hard time convincing people it's due to your own unique rp perspective.

*Note: I'm using a general 'you', not you as in Vahletherian.
29829, I dunno, I can think of one current Paladin who fits that description. nt
Posted by Vlad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29811, Vynmylak isn't Balgrimnr everyone gets it.
Posted by kas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quit trying to defend the fact that you wouldn't fight alone and trying to point out the obvious you can learn from the honor helpfile.
29812, Re; absurdity
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He fought alone on many many occasions actually.
29813, I realize this
Posted by kas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And saw it plenty of times. The only problem I have is trying to justify what people are being vocal about. If you wheren't "honorable" than Vyn wouldn't have taken the time he took with you.
29793, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Vahletharien Ar'dan Maerderinathas the Mystic of the Clarion, Elder Prophet of the Light
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, Vahl was awesome. I loved every minute I spent with him, even while he was so pissed off at Matthen. Matthen simply asked questions though, just for the sake of asking them and thinking. He enjoyed Vahl's company a lot, felt honored by his visits to the Inn. I guess Vahl never noticed that he had always spent a lot more time hanging with evil guys than good guys.
I hope you enjoyed our interactions as much as I did. Everything else about Vahl has been said before, so I'll leave it at that.

Good luck with your next!
29794, Matty
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey i'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm even happier that you took the end with the 'roleplay grain of salt' it needed to have and actually ran with it.

P.S. - He BURNED the letter. MUaHaHaHaHa :P
29742, Kellaralon will miss you
Posted by Elik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked having an elder elf to base my habits from.
Since Im a less refined elf I wouldnt go as far as you but..
I'll say you were a definite asset to have around.
Although I have come to realize that sometimes I'd rather be
vulnerable to fire..than have my archon not heal me as well.

Luck on your next.

Anyone with the patience to rank an invoker deserves respect.

29786, RE: Kellaralon will miss you
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always found it amusing when people started to say things over cb like 'Fair winds' or 'Hold fast' :)

Yes, you hold a common sentiment with many conjurers, some like it, many don't.
29733, I liked this guy, yep.
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Although Kung's feelings certainly were different, I liked talking and fighting with Vahletharian. I did think you were a bit aggressive/abrasive for an acolyte, but oh well nobody's perfect, and that may just have been some aspect of your role I didn't 'get' as our interactions were infrequent.

I could not BELIEVE it when you killed me in Tar Valon. I rued that death, not because of the looting, but because of the utter jackass I made out of myself. I think that was one of the first times we fought, and I didn't know your shield capability, so I tried pincering. As I wanted to get the jump on you, I tried spamming. Next thing I know, I have about 6 pincers in the buffer on an ice-shielded, barriered invoker. Man oh man did I deserve that death.

Nice job overall with Vahl. Good luck with next.
29787, RE: I liked this guy, yep.
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah that kill was sort of rediculous. I knew you were better than that in reality, but hey...I gotta hold what I can over people's heads. :P
29729, We go back a long, long time.
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Although I didn't show up for reasons I will reveal when I die, I think you, Lariya and myself are the only ones left from the guarde (sp?). I think I can say we made a good team, and we had good times; although I kinda had the feeling in the end that you didn't really appreciated my being in the Fortress anymore (perhaps because I had been away for some time); I'm making up for my absence now, though, and try to make right what I did wrong. Anyway. As I said in the beginning, we stood together next to the Watcher a lot, against dire odds; sometimes we made it, sometimes we didn't. Still, I have fond memories of those defenses. Then, there came this moment that I rarely showed up for about 2 months, and after that, 1) we 1 didn't see each other that much anymore and 2) you seemed much more reserved towards me, much more 'distant'. Still, to conclude, I enjoyed your character very much, and I hope that I'll see you around in the Fortress again, in the future.

29788, Drunk Lady
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aww come on! You know I started to make fun of your drunkeness more and more at the end. Sheesh. Heheh. I don't know what to say really. I was unsure of when/if you would show up, but when you did it always made things a hell of a lot easier for us when trying to retrieve. All in all, Vahl was sort of a 'distant' fellow anyhow.
29728, Well...hrmph...that's it...just hrmph!
Posted by Krelissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You made me get all creative with that thank you and then you delete. Pish. Anyway, you helped a big portion along with Brordaran to put me on the path to redemption, and I did like our talks, especially the Thank You where that bloody outlander(you know who you are) jumped out and ambushed me right as we were sitting down to eat ice cream. Good times...
29789, RE: Well...hrmph...that's it...just hrmph!
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29724, RE: You were pretty cool.
Posted by Odelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aside from having that whole elf (looking down your nose at everyone else) role down while still being an Acolyte, you were pretty cool. Pretty much what I'd expect from an old fart elf who wants respect from everyone! Anyway, I only knew you as the Elder Prophet and everyone I did see you, I was glad you were around because that meant I got to learn something new probably. Liked Vahl a lot, from Remthael's POV and from my most recent character's POV. Hope you fully enjoy whatever you roll up next.

29726, RE: You were pretty cool.
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey thanks. We liked Remthael alot and he was up on the list to be promoted. *tip*
29740, RE: You were pretty cool.
Posted by Odelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'll be sure to make my next character for the Fort, I miss you guys already with my current and sometime around my departure, almost everyone else left too and I felt pretty bad for deleting.
29713, You old fart.
Posted by Abbe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, i liked you a lot. You were really cool and seemed really nice to Abbe. Even if you were 'mean' for an acolyte. You always made a huge impact on the Fortress as a whole. I think you just logging on inspired me some. You were what an Acolyte should be.

I'll catcha in the fields. Good luck Cya.
29715, <----Old fart
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, I liked Abbe alot. I was really quite undecided about you when you decided to switch over to the Fortress, but you had such an innocent feel to your character that I could not help backing you.

Thanks for the nice comments.
29720, RE: <----Old fart
Posted by Abbe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really thanks for backing me up too. I wasn't sure how it was gonna work out. And it was mainly thanks to you. I learnt a lot with Abbe, and you taught her plenty. Thanks again.
29712, Nice, very nice.
Posted by Soniel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very well done. I enjoyed our little interactions. You stopping by the Inn always made things a little better..I think. Thanks for helping me to cure my urges to 'stab' things, those little ventures were fun.

And I never got to serve you a drink, snob. :p
29714, The psycho dagger maiden
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah, thanks. I liked Soniel and it amused me greatly to know that we sort of had this unspoken understanding that when I came around and you were there we would go out and kill a few mobs. I just pictured this tall elf walking into a dark room, and nodding at another elf, then both walking out silently.

But yes, no drinks for Vahl. :P
29702, Hey:
Posted by Derafhac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had fun fighting the imperials with you. Loved that vortex (remember?). We even indulged in a bit of roleplay that could've gone a little farther had we had the time. Ah well.

Good luck with the next.

29709, Men of War
Posted by Vahletharien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Vortex rocks. }(

Yes we did indeed roleplay a bit, it would have been even more but we were both frequently fighting. It's good though, because eventually I would have had to pebble you. ;-)
29701, I really enjoyed the time spent with you.
Posted by Yethieliel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sometimes when I was feeling kind of down with Yeth, you really motivated me. You'll be missed. Oh, and I think you pulled off the haughty elf attitude pretty well. Sometimes you said things and I was just cracking up.

See you in the fields.

29708, Yethy
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always had a hard time spelling your name for some reason! :P

I enjoyed your character, I liked the fact that you were willing to be a criminal for the cause, which seems to be rarer these days.

29699, Farewell part 2
Posted by Vahletharien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah Mortals - this will be short

Minya – Absolutely fantastic character. There is everyone and their roleplay, and then there is you. You made my character *feel*. I was indeed disappointed by your deletion. It was somewhat of a shock actually because it came right when I was really putting a lot of energy into the interaction between us. That time we painted together was entirely enjoyable, and it seemed like every time we were together it was the best roleplaying experience I had. I loved her arrogance, her distaste for humans. I loved, in a word, her elvishness. I always enjoyed seeing you running around with my last name. :) Absolutely delightful.

Lathan – I wish I could have fried your ass.

Ghroth – You were the first time I felt like a priest.

Shalisa – I tricked you.

Celebrimbor – Man you had my *dying* with that paladin guild thing. Hilarious!

Brordaran – Really liked your character, you would have been Captain.

Sastine – Always secretly thought you were eViL

Audriel – You’re good, real good.

Krelissa – It’s too bad I was so old, we could have made little highdrows, god the ‘dromes’ comment was funny.

Tulvaluthian – Really enjoyed your character, turned me on to the 'mystical' world of Thera

Azo – Be more active, we really tore it up

And the rest I will leave to you, leave me a word and i’ll hit you with a comment
29716, RE: Farewell part 2
Posted by Brordaran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I really liked your character... mostly. :P

Obviously we did not get along at all when I was Manethrall, but part of why I made Brordaran was to make a character that was just the absolute nicest guy who just took it all and smiled no matter what. I intended to see how I could soak up your verbal punishment. And what happens???

You were nice to him. You didn't make trouble. Instead we became friends and had a real fun time playing the dumb giant/smart elf jokes, or the going around fighting, or whatever. You really were one of my favorite people to go around with. Hell, I liked it so much I went with you to kill things just so you could practice pebble, just the two of us. Sure, I had the teensiest ulterior motive (who the hell ever thought there'd be a hero invoker without earthshield???) but still, it was to hang with the Prophet.

Way to go, dude.
29717, RE: re
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe, the lack of earthshielding was becoming such a farce. I really had *no* idea that you were Manethrall. (which is very respectable from a purely RP angle) Even with Mane though, we made our peace at the end. In fact, now that I think about it, one of the things I liked about Brordaran, I also liked about Manethrall. Mainly the fact that when we girded up and went out to war, I wasn't very worried at all.

I'm going to stick to my guns and say that you shoulda stayed around. Especially after getting Defiance, man...you have no idea how delirious I was by the time we finally got you one! :D
29727, RE: Farewell part 2
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
'who the hell ever thought there'd be a hero invoker without earthshield???'

29761, RE: Farewell part 2
Posted by Audriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, I've been away for a week but I am pretty much back now.

I really have to thank you for your support since day 1. I remember Audriel coming up to you when you were an Acolyte and she was a peon. Although I was certain Audriel would be fighting alongside Vahletharien, I never really thought they would both be running the show together.

In addition, a comment you made several months ago gave me that creative spark for Audriel. It was something about having more fun following your own idea than rolling up to be empowered by whichever IMM is most visible. While it is certainly riskier, it is definitely more fun if it works out. That's part of the fun of CF.

Vahletharien was a colorful and complete character. I could tell he had an unconventional view on spells, but he obviously knew his stuff. He was volatile and arrogant, but very caring. I'm glad he was there to crack the whip on scribes, who never seem to want to do their reading or writing. From the texts, that's essentially what the Prophet has to do. He was a staple for quite a few Acolyte generations, so Acolyte will definitely be changed now that he's gone.
29808, Vahletharien
Posted by Shadowmaster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really liked your character and our interactions. Good luck with the next.
29691, Gimme' Some Mo' - A Twisted Tale, Farwell Part 1
Posted by Vahletharien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Warning: this will likely be quite long, I’ll have explanations first then a few goodbyes, feel free to skip right to the latter if you think all this will bore you terribly.

So, I created Vahletharien mainly as a protest against Rusken. Rusken, for those of you who may not know, was an elf kingpin for a time who got his align switched to neutral.
Rusken was a fun disaster, if that makes any sense. I did not write a role *at all*, but he certainly had one, and it was fun! The deal with his align change was that he made negotiations with the Empire and with Scions which basically came down to – You don’t mess with me, I won’t mess with you. Now of course this was made real pretty by Rusken saying that he would provide information or equipment when he saw fit to the Empire. (Which actually only happened once if I recall in order to secure the arrangement, it was a sword) In my mind, he was playing everyone. He had no intention of actually serving the Empire or Scions at all. And this did not seem like an evil thing to do, but rather something that an extremely intelligent thief would do to secure his prosperity. Alas, the alignment change came, I had no role to explain any of my actions, and I reacted like a foolish little boy then deleted. I would like to point out however, that you now have wine in the wine shop at Galadon. :D *tip*

SO, I rolled Vahletharien to be the ‘perfect elf’ so to speak. I wanted to take all the seriousness, all the goodness, all the haughty behavior, everything that encapsulates what an elf is, and pour it into one character. That was the goal.

He definitely had a lot of peculiarities. One of which, was caring very little about invocation after a time, and focusing on being a priest. Hence his lack of several spells, you might call him the worst Elf Invoker ever. Perfected Pebble to Boulder at 542 hours, lol. Vortex was even later.

This focus on being a priest of Vynmylak, who is in fact, the war god, conflicted in the minds of many people with being an Acolyte. I explained some of this in my last role post. Vahletharien had sort of an inverse rage, that is to say that he became more and more angry as time passed due to the massive amounts of injustice that he witnessed. This led to a rekindling (gotta love the pun) of his invoker abilities. I probably killed more people in the last month of playing than I had the entire span of his life. But he wasn’t all about killing anyway.

He was sphere honor, but not in the classic CF way. He didn’t rank alone or anything like that. His take on honor was more like ‘honoring your promises by fulfilling your duty’. This is why he would not marry again after his wife, Minya, died. Now, regarding PK, there were some deviations. For example, if he was in field somewhere with a buddy, and we saw some evil dude, he would NOT attack if his buddy DID. It would stay one on one. However, this did not apply to ANY retrieval situations at all. If you took the orb, he was going to do whatever it took to see you dead and the orb returned, period – and that was part of his take on honoring his duty. Zulgh’s comments were both regarding such situations.

*A few comments for the Immortals

First, damn I love this game. :D

Second, if you’re wondering about the title of this post “Gimme' Some Mo' - A Twisted Tale” then here is your explanation.

I felt like we were often saying this to one another, my mortal char and all of immortaldom. I could tell that you guys wanted a bit more, but I felt unsure of how to give it. I am not, at least not yet, the exceptional roleplayer that I believe Urden to be. That is to say that I have not felt comfortable coming up with fantastical roles about seeing past present and future all in one reality, or being half man half dog and worshipping nonexistent gods. Perhaps this is because I am never sure if such things will be accepted with open arms or not, and I would really hate to spend so much time working a particularly peculiar angle and not have it take with you guys.

In retrospect there are many things that I could have done to spice it up. I think my problem was that I was simply burned out with the character. I have never played a character this long, though I enjoyed it immensely, and wasn’t truly prepared to do so. The next character I have will account for all this before creation.

The other side of this, is I felt like I could have been given a bit more as a player, especially as a leader of a cabal, tatt’d follower, etc etc. Now I know that last statement seems ridiculous in itself, as I was given quite a bit. I refer to something a bit deeper. For example, I had no idea how to run a cabal. This was my first leader and much of what I was doing, I was doing completely blind and often alone. Vyn, if you remember that conversation we had at the end about me always doubting myself, this is what I was alluding to in part.

I also felt as though my role in the Fortress needed a bit of immortal intervention. I mean, a prophet, you know like the guy that has visions and proclaims the future….but I didn’t have any visions, or dreams, or weird whispers in my head, or anything. It is also extremely difficult to work with the explanation of the position as outlined in the texts within the Fortress’ library. It’s very vague, and even the texts give me very little to work with due to their brevity. I think largely, most of this is being worked on currently, which is excellent.

I was also slightly frustrated that I never got an explanation as to what the Orb actually was or why I was risking my blood to get it back. I would have loved to announce it’s history and essence to the Fortress as a way to uplift and rally people. Alas, no such chance.

On the whole though, I was very impressed with the immortal interaction that I did get to experience.

Vynmylak – I love your religion (obviously), I love your uplifting style. I just wish we could have done more.

Shokai – Man it sucked, after 635 hours I came across you three times, one of which was in person when you were telling a story to Jaegrudai. Each time it made me wish we could interact more.

Lyristeon – I would have never guessed that was you. That whole situation was stressful as I was trying to talk to you and we were being raided constantly by kiddos. I don’t think I said even one coherent thing. :P

Amaranthe – I love the style that you bring. Thanks for the quest, thanks for not letting me feel like a failure in it.

Obaznuk – I know you’re gone, but if you read this, I loved our talks, still cracks me up.

Soucivi – I was Rusken, MuAhAhaHaHaHAHa }(

29694, RE: Gimme' Some Mo' - A Twisted Tale, Farwell Part 1
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
'...the worst Invoker ever.'

I'm challenging you for that title, bud.
29698, Hahah
Posted by Vahltharien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I concede. :P But remeber I said 'elf invoker'
29687, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Vahletharien Ar'dan Maerderina...
Posted by Marelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Feh, now who am I going to unload all those feathers on? Though on a more serious note, I enjoyed the times we spent together though I don't think we got to do much fighting together beside the occasional raid and so. I might be wrong, it's late and my memory is a bit fuzzy.

You'll be missed for sure, you were doing a good job of leading the Acolytes and Fortress in general from what I saw.

Good luck with the next and all that.

29688, Marelin the Mariner
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Huh? I liked Marelin, the feather's were always funny since I didn't really care about them. :)

Yeah, we didn't interact as much as I would have liked, but I do recall one point in time where Vahl 'opened up to you', which is pretty darn rare! So uh...consider yourself lucky! Heh.
29686, Oh happy day
Posted by Quevea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm certainly never sorry to see an opposing invoker go bye-byes. You didn't frighten me at all, but I hate fighting shielded warriors, paladins, etc. I wasn't afraid of you, but I didn't like fighting you either because you'd always blow my stones up. Shattering my Cloak of Stones was harsh man, harsh. I don't know about sphere honor. I didn't really see anything in your role about being honorable in the parity-in-combat sense though, so maybe you were more about an honor beyond the typical CF-brand.

Good luck with your next and come to the dark side.
29689, re: Quevea
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think we pretty much understood by the end of it that without intervention neither of us was going to get the other. I could say that I felt bad about the Cloak of Stones, but I don't. :D You can't thank your denting Emperor for that. Heheh.

Regarding honor, yes he did have a different view of it which was not outlined in his role. I will talk about this in my actual farewell post.

Well played!
29690, Oh, and can't resist this. (Short log)
Posted by Vahletharien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Too delicious to not post:

Quevea tells you 'You're worthless.'

You tell Quevea 'And you are so very pleasant.'

29697, Nice
Posted by Quevea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I remember correctly that statement came after you walked to Vanquisher, immolated it, and immediately ran off somewhere via teleport/word. I couldn't understand it as once I shroud it and make it resistant to fire it takes maybe "scratches." It seemed like an eagle/croc(or is it alligator...you should know the char I'm talking about)-like thing to do, that is, ooc-annoyance moreso than any legitimate retrieval attempt.
29700, Hrm,
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually saw it as an IC annoyance, but I can relate to the OOC frustration as well. At the same time, you never know...sometimes I got pretty darn close with those risky chances.
29722, RE: Nice
Posted by Rindleblin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well it did get you to stop whatever you were doing and come back to the palace. I did #### like that at times with tribs basically with the mindset of if you are going to keep my fetish then we are all gonna hang around the spire/galadon/weald until you decide I can have it back.
29723, RE: Nice
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I would also say there is something unsettling about someone teleporting in behind the centurions and striking when you aren't expecting them to, however brief it may be.
29682, I considered you a project with Hipsin from the get go
Posted by Hipsin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You came off as kind of a mean person for an Acolyte, not saying that's bad or anything. From the very beginning, you pretty much hated Hipsin, and it was my goal to win you over. I think I kind of did there at the end, but maybe it was just you deleting. That was a pretty sudden decision after threatening to burn down the guild, then all of a sudden deleting, if that's when you did it. It's kind of funny how many people will tell you that they hate thieves, but have no problem accepting loot from them. Anyway, you made it fun.
29684, Thievery and Meanery
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, Vahl was kinda 'mean' for an Acolyte. :)

But yes, he did not care for thieves at all. There is alot of history behind this, one of which was him warning the then Captain to not befriend Gacsoele(thief that led party into hell if you recall), and it turned out that Vahl's warnings were not heeded and Gacsoele got the taint afterall and everything was a mess. Aside from this, he believed that only one form of thievery was permissible, and that was thievery done by one who carried the light in their heart, which you did not.

On a side note, he never accepted any loot from you, or any other thieves who were not good. (that I can recall knowingly)

There was a bit of peace at the end, at least a lack of utter conflict. The guild burning thing was part of Vahl's role regarding going off the deep end of the rage pool as he got older and older.
29681, It would seem that...
Posted by Felar Serpent on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...I have developed a tendency of missing out on some very good roleplaying oppurtunities lately. Whenever Arthakar gets to know characters with whom I am virtually certain to have interesting and rewarding discussions, they begin to disappear shortly afterwards. I regret Vahletharien couldn't be the exception to this.

When you consider how opposite the beliefs, values, convictions and positions of Vahletharien and Arthakar were, I think it's safe to say we had quite a bit of material to work with with regards to roleplaying. It's a true shame we'll never get to explore that any further now. And that is something I wanted to tell you.

Either way, I certainly had fun with fighting you those times. Thanks for that.

And well done.


29685, The Ram Cat
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heyo, thanks for the line. Arthakar seemed cool to me, I liked how your taunting was not rediculously immature as the majority seems to be, but rather, in role. And yes, there was going to be some RP going on, I had a whole speech worked out about how you actually *did* care about what happened to your fellow Scarabites. :P

Anyway, you were the only shifter I really tangled with (which seems odd to me after so many hours and the brevity of our encounters)

29671, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Vahletharien Ar'dan Maerderinathas the Mystic of the Clarion, Elder Prophet of the Light
Posted by Gwynne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bummer. I kept hoping this wouldn't show up and you'd reactivate, but next time, huh? Really well played and a hearty good luck on your future characters.
29672, No more reactivating!!!!!
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gwynny dah poo', what can I say? Lle quena i'lambe tel' Eldalie? I kept wondering if we head the same language resources. :) But yes, I really was quite done. Tenna' ento lye omenta, and meet we shall.
29669, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Vahletharien Ar'dan Maerderina...
Posted by Thalric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I must admit this came as a little let-down to me. Vahletharien has been a staple in the Fortress for so long now it'll feel emptier with you gone.
We had some good fights together and I always enjoyed your company in battle, you knew what you were doing (or at least so it appeared to me :P ). A shaman with invoker shields lasts a very long time against just about anything.

Dunno what else to say except the usual good luck on the next and you'll be back!

29670, Cardinal Thalric
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember you gave me an inital interview back in the day and thinking to myself, "Wtf, is this guy a Sylvan?" Hahah!

Anywayyyyy, I definately enjoyed your character and we did indeed have some good fights. Our battles standing alone against the Imperial masses and actually winning, were some of the best and still stand out in my mind. And yes, I will be back, oh yes, I will. }(
29661, I am going to wait for full goodbye note...
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...when I my premium post shows up. There are a few things in there I would like to mention. I would, however, like to invite any of you to feel free to make posts as there is absolutely no way I could mention all of you. Post, and I will reply. :)
29673, RE: I am going to wait for full goodbye note...
Posted by Golron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damnit, now your gone who is left? Im running out of friends!!!

You were always good fun to be around, always looking after me and wanting to dress me. I remember the first time I met you in the inn, asked you for shields and you worded me, got me killed :( I wasnt too happy after that, thinking you weren't quiet all there, but when I got to know you I saw differently. I knew with you I wouldn't have to watch my back as you were competant enough to do that for us, always a good feeling.

A shame you deleted, but you were most likely extremely close to age death anyway. Damned, its starting to get awefully lonely.

Hope you make another fortress char.

29674, Marshall
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah man, yeah sh*t, sorry about that! Heheh, I had quite a bit going on my screen at that exact moment as I recall.
I made up for it with cleverly placed word of recall's later on though eh? :D

I definately admired Golron, he was all out, all the time. And yes, it frustrated me to no end that you were always half-naked :P
I can't even imagine the amount of utter tailkicking you could do if you decked yourself out a little.

Fortress is where it's at baby! You know I'll be back.
29658, Thanks for the economics lesson.
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That actually went into my role and I changed my approach because of it, thanks. :)

That to me is *exactly* how an acolyte should act. Thing is, other than Audriel and yourself I don't know if Alarian ever met another one. Are there that few? Why is that, do you think?
29662, RE: Economics baby!
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey no problem guy. It's rockin' that you stuck that in your role. :)

Yes, when I had the opportunity to act as an Acolyte should, I tried to take it. Mainly because I was always so busy acting, in people's minds, the opposite way that an Acolyte should. :P

Which leads me to the answer of your question. No, there weren't many other active Acolytes in my day. Through the entire 600 something hour span there were perhaps three? at one time. Now, that is not to say that there have not been more scribes, but even their numbers are arguably sparse.

I think the reason for this is manifold. Dawn traditionally has perhaps been seen as a 'newbie cabal'. I don't believe this is now the case at all, but that might draw away from the appeal that more experienced players would have with say, another cabal. However, both Vahletharien and Audriel made very sure that the people that were being brought in were quality, and knew their stuff. Vahletharien especially was hardass and didn't induct very many people at all, even though not many applied. (but the ones he did induct were quality baby, quality!)

Anyway, the other reason is the lack (or percieved lack of) active playerkilling. It's the same reason you hear people complain about playing healers, it gets boring...etc etc. I remedied this in part, by also being a priest of the war god Vynmylak, which a few people didn't quite catch for some reason....

And a third reason, is sometimes it's a pain to be nice to people *all* the time. Which was also remedied by Vahl. Hahah. :P

29654, PAH!
Posted by Kak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We definitely had a great time together, although in the end our hours didn't match anymore, and I saw you but a couple times in a month. Still, Kak was hopelessly in love with you, and I was trying to make that clear in the end (I think I told Audriel; might be lariya as well), but you just go ahead and delete. That's really bad.. I have to thank you for that personal goodbye note though, that was really cool of you. You know, there would have been sessions that Kak went out to steal stuff, just for you, but since I didn't see you regularly anymore, I gave most of the things away to others. Anyway, it was really fun to be around you, I hope you enjoyed the time as much as I did.
29663, Guess who asked him to write it? :P nt
Posted by Golron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29666, Oh show me up why dont you. :P nt
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29665, Wakie Kakie!!! Huh.
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah! Hey you, I really enjoyed your character and would like to pride myself on noticing that she was beautiful despite the fact that she talked funny wunny. I really had no idea that she was interested in Vahl at all, aside from a few blushes and smiles here and there at the very very end. Actually, I didn't know *at all* until right before I deleted when Golron told me so. Which made me write you that letter. Glad you enjoyed it! Ultimately however, it would have never worked out my darling.... :P

P.S. - You were the ultimate barrier source :)
29652, Man.. You must have only had a few hours left. Why delete? nt
Posted by Questioner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29667, RE: Man.. You must have only had a few hours left. Why delete? nt
Posted by Vahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was spent man, I was spent! Plus I really had no idea how many hours I actually had left, leader time is alllll fun-kay.