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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Drokalyth Da'Arrdarr the High Wizard of the Arcane, Provincial Magistrate
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=29390
29390, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Drokalyth Da'Arrdarr the High Wizard of the Arcane, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Jul 19 15:49:59 2004

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 9th of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Drokalyth perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
29393, A bright star burning very quickly.
Posted by Drok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, Despite my deletion, I immensely enjoyed
playing Drok. Tribbies are no where near as
boring than they were when I played my last one.
Between Outlander, Scion and the village, there
were always some enemies, and that's if I don't
even leave town. If I got bored enough I could always
to play with Maran, who (most) of followed the laws.

Transmuter in General- GREAT class. I have always
had a love for mages in this game, and Invokers
had always been my thing. Some of the recent
tweaks have made this class VERY playable, and any
experienced player who can find a decent source
of ABS I highly recommend you to play a transmuter
if you have not. My last trannie was when they first
crossed the guilds and transmuters got a couple minor
tier forms, and they've made a lot of advancements
since then. After playing a trannie, Neuro is NOT overpowered.

As far for as why I deleted, I'd been looking for a new
place to stay, I'm in the process of moving now, and
I'm getting back starting my school after I'm done with
that, and it just doesn't sit well for having a high-leadership
type class with a sick set of gear that never logs in
for more than an hour or two at a time. I'll probably still
be around with my little lowbie PKers till I find some
time to sit down and make another serious one, but I'm
sure I'll be back.

Goodbyes- Tribs -

Lemath - Was great having you around. When my play times
were in my height, seems you were always there. Made a good
team and Drok enjoyed your company. Drok would have made a great
provost after you, but it wasn't to be.

Manden- New provost. We got along well enough for a good-evil
thing, but I could already tell we were going to butt heads
after the first time you got the position. Would have been

Traba- Missed you a lot after you aged. Then right after
you aged we got like four healers. I bet you hated seeing
that. Solid Invoker, always nice to have one of those
in your cabal.

Odrirg- Liked you as much as I could have liked a dwarf IC.
You had balls every time I saw you around. Good luck
with Vindy

Various Paladins- Drok hated all of you, but would use you
to his advantage. How much he would work with you depended
how much you would help him. He dreamed of having an army
of Paladins as Provost to throw around at whoever threatened
him or the spire.

Baendra- Huge letdown for Drok that you didn't lich. For
like that week we were waiting for you to log back in after
your quest we were all dreaming of how interesting things
were about to get. Your welcome for the Icon >:)

I know I'm missing a lot of tribs. Post something and I'll
get back to you.

Couple Fort Comments. Damn, you all whine about flags too
much. It seemed like every time I flagged a fort, Celebrimbor
would write a note about how I was wrong. Drok never got to
express how pissed this made him at the fort, but I'm sure
it was the good-evil thing coming out, since I was really
the only evil in the spire for a while it seemed.

Scions- Made life interesting. Dralyth, you had some kickass
RP, Kung, you were a beast, Tralin I was secretly rooting for,
and Zyt, Drok knew your intentions the whole time and had
that orb of travel ready to go. He kinda just wanted to bring
it out, but seemed the war did that already.

Blitz- Thanks for the trades, your welcome for all the hastes.
Jornada- Other Imperial I liked.
Sinnria- Other Imperial I liked. Told you not to wear that sword.
thanks for dying and leaving me a pendant :P

Outlanders- You guys were run. Especially when Rindleblin logged
on, but Defense shifters let people grow lots of hair on their
balls. Tried to torment you all as best I could. Hope you all hated me.

Fortunatly the village was pretty dead on this character,
since trannies are just punching bags for them. Loved growing
up in the midranks when we warred when I'd sit at the captain
picking you all of without the head. Made me feel good about
myself. Adgrizn is the one that comes to mind for me, I don't
think you should have been booted, I thought you were probably
the ballsiest villagers I came across. Also despite what everyone
says about Jinroh, I thought you were a great commander(played a
village app under you before drok)

I'm sure I missed some people, but I'm trying to get this done quickly. Post something if you liked me or hated me or whatever,
and I'll respond.
My last comment is that Shawtabbies kick serious ass.

Hashok, signing out.
29394, RE: A bright star burning very quickly.
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Solid Tribunal. You were definately on the short list for consideration
for Provost, after Lemath died. Seems like you disappeared about that

Good Luck with your next!


29395, RE: A bright star burning very quickly.
Posted by Cadothu_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah, that's awesome... two chars now of yours that I greatly enjoyed being friends with, even if you dont consider this one your friend, I definately looked up to you. I just wanted to say thanks for all the advice and talking that we occasionally did. Roll something else awesome next and have fun with it.

29396, RE: A bright star burning very quickly.
Posted by Drok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you and I let you off easier than one time when you broke the law then I think anyone else, ever. Usually that flag woulda
stayed. Good luck with whatever you get into.
29402, RE: A bright star burning very quickly.
Posted by Traba_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I figured you must have played an invoker before as you knew a few tricks I didn't.. actually you knew a hell of a lot I didn't, thanks for showing me all that stuff. I remember Hashok, I think I traded a troll amulet for five-color mail to you. I still miss logging on and having fun, especially when I saw that Scions were causing so much trouble :) Outlanders look like they are on the upswing also... oh well.. a well played transmuter good luck on your next one.
29408, Now i can get rid of my c locate 'etched pendant' macro
Posted by Rindleblin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From the interactions we had, Drok seemed like a well played char and was very frustrating to fight. With sneak and duo, I was never gonna fight you when it wasnt on your terms, though I took what opportunites I could. Yes defensive forms do let you hang around places you couldnt otherwise, but that is the one of the major pluses of having a defensive form. Good luck with all your RL stuff.
29413, RE: A bright star burning very quickly.
Posted by Velkurah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Definitely well done. The Spire seems to have an evil shortage recently (which is fine, since it had a goodie shortage not that long ago), and you seemed to play the part nicely. You were definitely near the top of the list for consideration for Provost after Lemath died, but it was about then that you stopped showing up regularly, so it made our choice easier. Thanks I guess. :P

Anyhow, good luck with your next. Hopefully we'll see you back in the Spire, I'm sure we can stir up enough trouble to keep you interested. :P

29463, PB Stuff
Posted by Drok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Haven't put a char up on PB until I tried
this one, went and put everything in, but
I never got my email receipt, wanted to
make sure you guys didn't get it before I
go do it again? Thanks.

29489, It really had nothing to do with the "good/evuil" thing
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Couple Fort Comments. Damn, you all whine about flags too
>much. It seemed like every time I flagged a fort, Celebrimbor
>would write a note about how I was wrong. Drok never got to
>express how pissed this made him at the fort, but I'm sure
>it was the good-evil thing coming out, since I was really
>the only evil in the spire for a while it seemed.

I sat in town once and watched you flag a goodie who was being attacked by two Imperials. I didn't even know the guy at the time, and you were in town for the entire thing. He never once struck anyone, and yet you felt the need to make him a criminal. Did you flag the people who started the fight? Of course not, they were Imperials.

Then you have Scharnz flagged for attacking you outside of town. Bogus. I don't see anything in any laws anywhere granting protection to someone who is with a Vindicator outside of a protected city. I mean, come on. You attack Scharnz, he retaliates outside of a city and gets flagged for it. You didn't even have the balls to place the flag yourself, you left a warrant. He was around for a long time after that, so if you had really felt confident in the justification for it, you would have just done it yourself.

My dislike for you had nothing to do with the good/evil thing, and everything to do with the fact that you were just (from my own experiences with you) not orderly in the slightest. Other people may have had different opinions of you or seen different things from you, but that was what I saw.
29490, RE: It really had nothing to do with the
Posted by Drok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You got some horrible information then.
The incident with Scharnz, I was in
the outskirts of Galadon with traba,
FIGHTING Jinroh, who was a criminal
when I was attacked, which is a law.
Literally, both of them were hitting
me at the same time. Completely justified

On the other case with Yethieliel,
I wasn't in town the whole time.
There was another tribunal, who only
heard a wingsweep, and I had a couple
witnesses, who I talked to individually
who all heard a wingsweep, so that was
the only flag I justified. The Imperials
were probably guilty, but Drok didn't
have any evidence to prove it, so nothing
could be done.

Each note I got just seemed completely
not what the situation was. I didn't know
if you never got the whole story as Cel or
if you were just making it up as a shot at
the drow. Either way I thought you played a
good paladin and it didn't seem abnormal to
see that IC. Just my impressions.

29505, two cents
Posted by Witness on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I was witness to this. I think I was even asked what happened by Drok and I said that the two imperials attacked the goodie and then he fled and came back in and wingswept them. My exact words were that they all should be flagged. I don't remember if the imperials were, I do know the goodie was. Beyond that I've got no comment on this, my point is that the goodie in question 'did' attack them (in his shoes I probably would have too) so it's not like he was innocent either.
two cents
29540, I liked you
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you a lot, and knew you were more skilled than myself. I expected you to get Provost, and think you would have done a good job with it.

As for our relationship. I have a feeling you toned down your evil around me most of the time, and the fact that Manden thought you were doing good most of the time. There was going to be some conflict over the shawtabbies soon, at the earlier times I didn't feel I was in a position to challenge them yet. As for the instance you're referring to, I don't really recall it.

I wish you could have stuck around. I think you would have made an excellent leader for the Spire.
29568, RE: I liked you
Posted by Drok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We hadn't had any conflicts yet, but I could
tell after you had rank on me for provost, your
char sort of changed (which drok would have too)
with the power. He didn't like being ordered around
which was way he liked Lemath as provost, and he
was going to resent being ordered around by you,
since you seemed like the type who was going that way.
The shawtabby thing could have really ticked drok off,
too. Anyways, Good Luck with provost, Knowing I couldn't
have done it I thought you were a good choice for
the job, Enjoy the rest of your ride.