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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) <SYLVAN> Dualit the Master of the Glade, Gambles with the Gods
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=2938
2938, (DEL) Dualit the Master of the Glade, Gambles with the Gods
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Sep 26 09:11:53 2001

4 o''clock AM, Day of the Moon, 21st of the Month of the Dark Shades on the Theran calendar Dualit perished, never to return.

Cabal:SYLVAN, the Sylvan Warders
PK Ratio:63% (closer to 100% is better)

2939, RE: (DEL) Dualit the Master of the Glade, Gambles with the Gods
Posted by Dualit (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well it has been an awesome time. I know alot of people probably didn't like me but hey I can say I had a blast! So many faces and so many friends and foes. I should have done this along time ago I guess (I feel like the 21 year old still in high school). *shrug* Anyway to the Farewells.
Sylvan - Man you guys are awesome! I had a blast running with you guys. I applied for Sylvan when Delenan(sp?) was cappy then I got inducted when Plyate was Cappy. I was there when I was the lowest character at rank 30 and noone was around alot of lonely hours. Think that is what made me make another character. But that was my fault I could've went out and do something but thanks to Paelnor I did! Thanks for the lessons you taught me. All of you guys taught me a lot.

Battle - Hey I love you guys espically when we snag those Scions at the Dwarf Crossroads. That was teamwork at it's best! After that well it went down hill mislaid snares and the such

Everyone else thanks for the questions about my title I'll post the log about who I got the title. Is it okay for me to post the log here? Someone let me know.

IMMS Great place to release fustration until you run across those anal players that take the game WAY to serious.

Comments, hatemail all that good stuff is welcomed.
See you all in the fields!

Dualit the Black Ranger!!!

You are Dualit the Master of the Glade, Gambles with the Gods, level 48, 36 year
s old (137 hours).
You are middle-aged.
Race: human Sex: male Class: ranger Hometown: Tir-Talath
You have 690/690 hit, 479/484 mana, 718/718 movement.
You have 17 practices and 0 training sessions.
You are carrying 0/32 items.
Your items weigh 0 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 470 pounds).
Str: 22(22) Int: 19(19) Wis: 20(20) Dex: 20(20) Con: 20(20) Chr: 15(15)
You have scored 445887 exp.
You have 0 gold coins, 16 silver coins, and 12180 copper coins.
You need 20933 exp to level.
Wimpy set to 169 hit points.
You are standing.
Armor: pierce: -42 bash: -42 slash: -42 magic: -42
You are heavily armored against piercing.
You are heavily armored against bashing.
You are heavily armored against slashing.
You are heavily armored against magic.
Hitroll: 11 Damroll: 7.
You are good. You have a neutral ethos.
You have chosen the sphere of Pride.
Your morale is moderate.
You are affected by:
Skill: 'acute vision' for 46 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 24 hours.
Skill: 'bark skin' modifies armor class by -72 for 9 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 56 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 56 hours.


As you look over this dark brown skinned human, he flashes a toothy grin with snow white teeth. There is a slight gap between his front two teeth and there is a slight overbite. His black hair is short and coarse and runs along side his cheeks and chin to form a short coarse beard. The smell of wilderness lingers upon his body as he moves about. You notice that he
stands at about six foot and 1 inch tall and he looks to weight about two hundred and eighty five pounds, slightly overweight than most humans. Despite his sizes he seems to move with a bit of agility and grace. The clothing beneath his armor looks like dirt mixed with grass.

You glance over him again and you notice,


Your role is:
Added Fri Feb 2 14:28:28 2001 at level 22:
Pride - A sense of ones own proper dignity or value, self-respect. Pleasure or satisfaction taken in ones work, achievements, or possessions.

****Birth of Dualit****

"Dualit!" the husky voice said excitedly "His name shall be Dualit Leinah."
The man lifts the new born high over his head.

"Retrac! Stop before you drop him! Be gentle." Called a caring voice in the background.

"Oh hush, Adura, look at him hes bigger than Esahc and Branni, both, when they were born." The dark-skinned man grins a gapped-tooth smile at his loving wife. Retrac lies his newly born son down in the cradle, walks over to his lovely wife and kisses her gently on the cheek. "I'll be back, Hon, got a bit of business to take care of." Adura nods in response.

****Some Ten Years Later or So****

Retrac, was a good man, hard worker, great provider, loving husband and father. The problem he had, was he loved to gamble just a little too much. His family never knew he always picked a few odd jobs to replace the money he often lost. This all worked fine until the day Retrac went to the Inn of the
Eternal Star. He heard word of a roulette table in the Thalos ruins and the word was that there was a BIG jackpot no one has been able to win. To his curiosity he stopped by the Thalos Ruins, villagers could be heard near by cheering the return of the mage head.

As Retrac Walked into the room he was the only soul nearby. Spin after spin he took on the roulette wheel, never has he had such a losing streak. Retrac became full of pride to the point that his ego was controlling him. He kept bidding, spinning, hoping, and hoping that this spin would win all his money
back. Alas, his last pieces of gold fell to the table for the last spin, "00!" Retrac called out the wheel spun and spun it seemed for an eternity. The ball bounced around, dancing like sunlight on a lake during a windy day. The ball landed in 00 the wheel still spinning, Retrac clutched his hand into a fist with celebration, then a gust of wind came through the room and
blew the ball out of the slot into 04.

****Three days later****

"Mom wheres Papa?" Esahc asked

"He should be home soon, son." Adura answered.

At that moment Retrac walked in smiling his smile as always, he walked up to Adura and gave her his usual kiss on the cheek. He sat down at the table, the others followed suit.

"Well," Retrac started, "Were moving", Everyone gasped and looked around the room, "I lost just about everything a few days back. I was gambling down in the Thalos Ruins. And, uh.it seems fate well fate, she has called us out of this here fine city and house and, uhm, wants us to move out to the Farmlands. I already paid off the money I owed and uhm bought us a little
farm on the Eastern Outskirts of Ofcol."

Everyone surely was amazed at the recent news. Dualit looked around at everyone and smiled. The eleven year old opened his mouth and said, "A Farm? Wes gonna have animals and all?!?" His father nodded and smiled. The other children giggled and cheered. Their mother had a slight look of concern, but
then she too smiled.

****Some four to six years later****

"Dualit!" called a husky voice from the shed, "You got them cows milked?"

"Yeah, Pa I sure have!"

"Come er into the shed, gotta talk to ya, son!"

Dualit walks in, brushing his hands on his pants, "Yeah, Pa?"

Retrac looked at his son and said, "Ya know back when I lost all our savings n such? Well, I knew I should've stopped but I didn't. Well I couldnt, it was fate, son, I had no control over it, it was destined. Another thing I learned is that no one, not one person can take ya pride. No one can judge the value of your labor but yaself." Retrac wheezed a bit and seemed to have a little trouble breathing.

"Are you okay, Pa?"

Retrac nodded and said, "Yeah son just a bit tired. Ya see that garden you planted son? Look at those cattle, chicks, and sheep. Youve done that! Ya have done well with the labor that has been put before ya. Ya have done much for me since ya mom passed and ya brother and sister left." Retracs breathing got shallow and he clutched his chest.

"Pa! What is it?!? You okay?!?"

Retrac nodded and in a whisper that seemed to be his last breath he said, "Dualit the works of your hands are invaluable but those things will not bring ya pride. Ya find that your security, your self-worth, your pride is found within your being. No one can take it from ya, but ya." The dark-skinned man exhaled his last.

****Anywhere from six months to one year later****

Dualit sold the farm, except for a plot of land that was the family burial. He threw his knapsack on his back and headed off into the wilderness to put his hands to work for the safety and up keep f the Forests of Thera. Every now and then returning to the Bar of the Eternal Star to talk with others, read, see if help is needed with any gardening, and of course pay tribute to
his folks and a quick stop by the Rabbits Corner. Always having the same smile as his dad, despite his circumstances.