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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectBoredom beyond belief. A twisted tale.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=29068
29068, Boredom beyond belief. A twisted tale.
Posted by SAMMIE on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sammie started out as a character that I just wanted to hero and immort with. The irony indeed. Whenever I need to do something I never seen able to do it. Whenever I dont need to do it I've always been able to accomplish it.

My playing times were reduce to weekends nearing the end because of work during the weekdays. I saw alot of characters come and go and had a few memorable imm interactions. Unfortunatly however the character was far from enjoyable. Pking was basically pointless, one against 5 or more seemed common practice. The few rare occasions that I managed to get a one vs one fight ended up with a landslide victory due to massive prep use. Some classes just totaly eat warriors via damage reduction, reguardless of how tactics are used some fights were basically pointless. Fighting a conjurer with a archon rejuving is silly, fighting a paladin who has 4 others healing him is pointless & boring. A few fights I had with other warriors and assassins were interesting, but never really led to excitement.

With the pking aspect of the game being so #### comepared to what it used to be, I decided that I would atleast try and have some fun with RP.

The Essence of BolTThrower: I had lots of fun with that whole rp, It really was going somewhere, I was even quietly eager to try and get your nifty tattoo.
Whoever played the Grey Shadow: Thanks for those quests, took a week to do, but kept the character alive age & con wise.

Other immortals who fixed the half a dozen skills that I pointed out: Thanks to you I kept this character going for a little longer. Pitty that in the end I figured it wasnt worth it.


Jinroh: Well when you first became leader I thought you were good, however you(or your rp, I was unsure) started to take a nasty twist. I basically tried to keep away from you nearing the end because you started doing some wack things that I thought was dodgy.
When you turfed me from the cabal I was shocked, but tried to keep in character as much as I could. You relied on information from a liar of a villager who eventually ended up deleting, and from a enemy of the village. Ontop of which you knew nothing about me and tried to enforce the berserker rules on my character , who was a scout I might add. I sent you in a hote (obviously out of character) a cut paste of my log. What you didnt know and didnt ask about was the bug with chargeset and yelling when you learn from mistakes. You also didnt know that my client captures yells and sets variables, the cut paste doesnt have capitals.

That aside, I wasnt overly fussed after a short while because like my other ragers I always kept a fallback plan in the works.

I hope immorting opens your eyes alot more, I hope that you do well and pull battle out of the massive hole that it is in now.

Blitzenturt: Im sorry that the whole sleeper agent aspect didnt follow through, but after 100 hours waiting for immortals, I gave up. I had hoped it would have been a simple and easy path to walk. But after weeks irl passed and I spent all hours of the morning trying to get in contact with the immortals it just wasnt going to happen. Would have been awesome to pull that off.

Those who I traveled with and liked, I never once betrayed you to the empire. Only the foolish and moronic villagers recieved that favor from me. Those of you from the village who mysteriously found yourself dead or jumped by the empire without you knowing how. Well you can blame me for that.

Empire: Those of you I helped, leveled with I enjoyed the experience. Those of you who were ####heads and tried to pk me, even after knowing the whole rp angle are just that. ####heads.

Scion: Wow, half of the people I traveled with after the village were scions, I knew that ooc. I enjoyed the aspect that some of you never mentioned and concealed it well. Trannies, warriors, thiefs *wink liateo*(I would still travel with you). In character however I thought you were just freelancers like me.

Fortress: Well I cannot really say much for you these days. There are a few good players in there, however I see a arsenal of paladins who are more evil and never follow the paladin code that I had though possible. I wont go into to much depth besides saying that the immortals need to crack down on paladins more for bending the code than sitting back and doing nothing.

Scarab: I had a few interactions with some of you after I had lost my soul and was walking about trying to rp a souless piece of flesh with only memories and instincts to act on. I guess tho that you only bothered to rp to get into scarab cause most of it was met with a cold shoulder.

Outlander: Well I spoke to probably four of you, I've not played one yet but I fear the lack of participation they have at hero level is a major let down.

Tribunal: I was wanted a few times, and to be honest there isnt much to be said about you. The guards in towns these days are stupidly powerfull. Udgaard is nasty with them all assisting and more arriving, Galadon is stupid with full speced guards and lots of them, Hamsah I didnt mind cause they didnt do much in fight, but I hated the cell & equipment loss.

There are lots of singular mortals that I could list but you are all a blur because there are so many of you.

PS: Khas the last thing you did I wasnt pleased with, however If I am correct in assuming that it was because you were short on time irl. Then I guess I can let you off the hook.
29104, posting on Dio's lost my respect for Sammie
Posted by Baendraa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could tell from your posts who was playing the character. But on top of that, you posted with a complaint that you got two-on-oned by an ap and a thief (when this is reasonable rp for most thieves and aps), or whatever it was, when you'd come at me two on one with Adgrizn, when your Commander couldn't bring himself to believe, ic, that berserkers would do this. You can have it either way, but not both. Adgrizn was always jumping me though, alone or not, but you had chances, as far as I could see, for a one v one, but wouldn't.

If you want to present a side of things where I was with an invoker, I can post the full log which showed he left and you looked into Arkham after this, then walked off again, so I came for you.

As far as the name goes, I thought Sammie was fine. It's a simple name, and the fact it exists in real life isn't a problem to me. (I remember getting a lot of #### for picking Powell as a name.) However, it was a name that stood out, and so I noticed Sammie even before Sammie was in my pk, and in general, I didn't notice you attempt to fight solo in the way that I noticed Jinroh, over many characters.

Incidentally, for all the people saying chargeset doesn't work, it seemed to work ok on me. I only survived that fight because Adgrizn decided not to pincer for some reason after the first pincer.

Overall, I didn't mind Sammie as a character. It's not like you came at me in gangs often or anything. It was just when you complained in a way that made it obvious you were the player of Sammie that put me off of him, not because I have anything against you as a player, but just because I don't like knowing who plays who.
29105, chargeset should have red "cut-off" nt
Posted by Baendraa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29118, I'll add to this:
Posted by Rom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The double assassination of my character (Zomahl) on said unofficial forums I thought was a lame, as were your gay comments. But what was even more exceedingly lame was that you posted under your handle (Hastur) on the same threads to back up your character (Sammie) when no one else would:

http://www.qhcf.net/cforum/logs/vpost.pl?34800 (hastur backing up Sammies' decision to post said logs when I complained about their obvious character assassination attempts)

http://www.qhcf.net/cforum/logs/vpost.pl?34756 (hastur backing up his own log of Sammie posted as "Gaunt Bait" with his regular forum handle)

http://www.qhcf.net/cforum/logs/vpost.pl?34755 (hastur complementing the character Sammie on toughing it out within the Village while the imms are absent, posted in reply to a log of Sammie which Hastur posted under the alias "Gaunt Bait".

http://www.qhcf.net/cforum/logs/vpost.pl?33823 (hastur once again responding to a log he posted under the alias "Gaunt Bait", to convince us all of how overpowered dagger specs are)

http://www.qhcf.net/cforum/logs/vpost.pl?33803 (hastur responding to a log he posted under the alias "Gaunt Bait" with this regular dios handle in order to back up "Gaunt Bait's" bitch that despair is overpowered.

In case you still havn't figured it out, Hastur=Sammie and he used his Dios handle multiple times to back up his IC character on the OOC forums.

Funny ####, isn't it?

Is this truly goodbye? (http://forums.carrionfields.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=6&topic_id=5028&mesg_id=5028&page=)

I hope so.
29122, If that's true, $5 is a bargain for this one.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Any takers?

Hint: All that time spent obsessing over 100%'s didn't produce the desired results. I think I have my poster child.

29170, Going to delete this post as well Valguarnera??
Posted by Michael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've only mudded for a dozen years or so and only spent at most 6 months on Carrion Fields. Kimball lies as much as anybody else that I have met who muds. I've met Gina and also Tony, neither of which differ much from Kimball. Perhpas with your own ego's at stake you cannot accept the fact that you are mistaken with your assumptions in reguards to what is truth. I have encountered people in the work force who are childish as this Romanual fellow is, they rarely succeed in life. Such poor display of an Immortal of the game is far more worring however, you come across as a power monger swinging a wrecking ball. I think everyone at one stage in their life has met a person such as yourself. The Australian work reserved for people such as yourself is "Wanker".

Knowing well how people such as yourself think. I will persume that you will try and prove me a fraud, or better still try and ascertain that I am Kimball. You will fail doing so. The only information you will dig up is that this post is from a different ISP, that is based in a different state, aproximately 9 hours from where Kimball is. However as others have posted: Does this matter ?? The answer is no. You cannot accept that you are all wrong. I hope you do continue to post Because it keeps normal people such as myself entertained and in check in the real world so as to ensure that we do not become what we fear most, People like you.
29171, RE: Going to delete this post as well Valguarnera??
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) I don't know "Tony" and "Gina" and "Kimball".

2) Someone, who posts under the name "Hastur" here, went well out of his way to lie. They made demonstrably false accusations about Scharnz and Jinroh, doctored some logs to try to back up their false claims, admitted to cheating, took anonymous cheap shots at other players (Romanul being one of several), and then posted to criticize lots of other people. This is all a matter of record, supported by our rather copious documentation (provided elsewhere in the thread), and agreed upon by everyone in this thread except Hastur and his multiple personalities.

3) Romanul, Jinroh, and Scharnz didn't do a damn thing wrong. As a member of the staff and a player of the game, I'm going to step in to defend them when someone like #2 comes around.

4) If you have proof to the contrary of #2, feel free to post it. Otherwise, feel free to spare the community ad hominem attacks and faith-based defenses of Hastur's cowardly jabs.

29172, Save your breath Valg. "Normal" guys like that don't listen to us CF ego driven types. nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29181, Hahaha, re this thread and valg's above. Let the shizt hit the fan and fly.
Posted by Hastur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This will probably end up being deleted by hell You asked for it:

You said:
1) I don't know "Tony" and "Gina" and "Kimball".

Well valg, since you seem ill imformed in many aspects lets list a few so you can catch up.

Kimball <--- That is me.

Gina <--- That is my gf, or to your understanding my fictional alter ego.

Tony <--- He is one of my split personalities, Oh dam you caught me out laugh, Nah tony is just another vpn user.

Michael <--- Is a mudder buddy in NSW, go go go X-monash mofo.

So now that you know who we are lets look at a few other things.

You said:
took anonymous cheap shots at other players (Romanul being one of several), and then posted to criticize lots of other people. This is all a matter of record, supported by our rather copious documentation (provided elsewhere in the thread), and agreed upon by everyone in this thread except Hastur and his multiple personalities.

All of a sudden your protecting "innocent" players Hahaha. Take a closer look into what Rom has said, Moreso look into the aspect that 3-4 people play & post in reguards to cf through me. Then think twice on #### he has splattered about.

You just need to look at the thread this is replying to, it is a cheap shot at a person Vlad has probably never met or responded to. Are you going to give vlad #### because he is giving a cheap shot at Mikey ? Well ?? Oh sorry forgot your whole double standards crap.

Oh and to top things off, lets look again at my multiple personalities, Umm who is gina tony kimball and now mikey... Well umm dam I guess that is all me. I guess that I really only sleep umm 0 hours a day and have been for ummm the past what 7 years ? Yes yes your right valg im this mutant mudder that has such abilities. All during which I was working insanely long hours in different states and countries for customs and for a few game companies. Yup your right!

Now since your interested in flinging some #### about valg, esp in areas where you have this need to interfear. Lets look at areas which are "dodgy".

The short time that I did play Sammie was for induction into battle, why because I have been able to do so with relative ease. I never once said I will & want to become a berserker. Yet jinroh your protected newbster immortal swore on his word that I was a berserker, and he interviewed me as a berserker, lol. It was a mistake that he made if he admits it or not. That mistake led to other mistakes. Well water under the bridge between me and jinroh in that reguard.

Lets look at your actions valg. Lets take a closer look at what you did in reguards to Abernyte, lets look at how you ####ed him over with a rectal probe, shelved his area for 6 months. Well all the #### that got stired up in those regards was swept under the carpet.

I wouldnt have bothered reading this thread if it wasnt for the email from mikey saying how some #### moderator deleted his thread. Well I guess that was probably you. It never ceases to amaze me valg. Its fine for you to fling ####, fine for people supporting your views to fling #### at others. Soon as someone you dislike or is against your views flings #### at anyone else you wade in swinging your power about.

All I can say valg is that im sorry that you have double standards. Me posting this will jade you permantly against me and all my buddies who are up in my head.

A final last "cheap shot", Valg out of all the immortals you hold probably the worst reputation of them all. Think on that. People hate different immortals for speciffic imminteractions or being kicked from a cabal. But overall you come out ontop. Well All I can say is look at how you treat others.

You could have taken a neutral stance about all of this, instead you made it your responsibility to intercede. Double standards indeed.
29182, didn't you already admit it was you playing
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you killed Scharnz?
29183, Finally, something I can add to.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lets look at your actions valg. Lets take a closer look at what you did in reguards to Abernyte, lets look at how you ####ed him over with a rectal probe, shelved his area for 6 months. Well all the #### that got stired up in those regards was swept under the carpet.

This was so painfully obvious to the entire staff. In over one year, this immortal had less than 500 hours logged as an immortal. There is more to getting your stuff done to get promoted and your area finished then writing the area. You have to be there to do all of the other little things. He didn't want to do it, so he didn't get what he wanted. This isn't a personal jab. What he did was let all of the other immortals who came up after him take the load of doing the monotonous work, that was beneath him. And they passed him by.

From the time that Grogim immorted, 4 imms who immorted after him have written 7 areas, not to mention the multiple mini areas, have 4 areas in progress, have ushered in a new cabal, written multiple quests, each have their own thriving religions. What is the difference. Grogim had 800 or so hours. The least of these have over 1700. All immed after him and that's why he got shelved. Blaming this on Valg is weak. The entire staff agreed that he wasn't putting in the time that is necessary to be an imm. And to say he wrote his area faster in less hours is not the truth either. He didn't put in the the time doing the other little things that were necessary.

Playing good and clean and showing good judgment as a mortal earns you a shot at becoming an immortal. When you become an immortal, you are a newbie all over again. If that is beneath you, then don't do it.

Everyone likes to point the finger at Valg. Well, I am going to point at him right now and say, "Valg, you da man!"
29184, RE: Quasi-literate Ranting.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Lets look at your actions valg. Lets take a closer look at what you did in reguards to Abernyte, lets look at how you ####ed him over with a rectal probe, shelved his area for 6 months. Well all the #### that got stired up in those regards was swept under the carpet.

You don't know the story. I'm obviously not going to discuss staff issues in the public, except to say there was a long list of reasons he wasn't going anywhere on the staff.

A final last "cheap shot", Valg out of all the immortals you hold probably the worst reputation of them all.

Coming from you, I'll take that as an affirmation that I'm doing my job correctly.

29179, easy tiger
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sending a log in game is bad rp. Given that I saw only excellent rp from Jinroh (even though it annoyed me ic that it meant him being in denial about some village behavior, I saw it as excellent ooc), I'm inclined to believe Jinroh when he says that he did not ask Hastur to send him a log via a note.

Sending a doctored (which it blatantly is) log in game to get out of trouble is about as pathetic as you can get.

Sharing characters is against the rules. Hastur himself (or someone claiming to be him) said that the rp was so inconsistent between the two users that we, the other players, should have been able to tell that they were two different players.

And this is with a char he wanted to imm.

Did I miss anything? Apart from his assertion that at least four other villagers or applicants said the same thing as him, which I notice ties in with the number of people he said play from his site?
29142, Very wrong Rom, But then again you were never that bright. Lots of txt.
Posted by hastur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have a vpn setup at home on my ####ty server. A few friends who i've knowen for a while have always used my setup to mud from work (where they cannot connect to muds directly).

Sammie started out as a project I was going to re-test (as asked & suggest by immortals) Then I handed it to my gf(after the polearm shiznit was fixed) who played it for a good while, mostly during battle, I took control of it at the later stage in life. It wouldnt be hard for the immortals to bring up logs of playing times. Strangely enough you will find lots of playing times during the day, which is impossible for me to do, especially since my work at that time was within a blackzone, totaly unaccessable to the net(Security & prevention of hackers swiping game stuff is mainly the sole reason).

If the imms want to bust me they could, they would have along with dozens of other people who play from a uni labs or a home network. But they dont, character passing in such locations happens VERY often. Its obvious through playing styles what happens where and who was playing at which stages. But Rom I think your most angry with your tarnished reputation, You yourself chose the path you walked. Even 2 year old newbie mudders like Gina could see how sad you were. I only had to point and say look at this.

Incase this is to complex for you to understand Rom: 2 people 1 character, from a isp(server setup) that has had five users mudding on cf for going on 5 years now. Im sorry to prove yourself the fool again, but you keep on opening yourself up for it. I always do many things with my gf, including playing games. Cf uses up huge ammounts of time, she wanted to be part of that time I spent online, who blames anybody for wanting to do things together. She dislikes the spam pracing (which I dont have trouble with), I hate the rping which she doesnt have trouble with. She can play from work, I can play from home after work. Been working that way for years.

PS: I liked jinroh when I played Karsus, Never once had a problem with him... Ever, Gina however didnt like what she saw, that is her choice that isnt my choice.

PPS: This is a game Rom, you seriously need to mature more and quit the childish jabs. Moreso when they are so obvious.

PPPS: I think that many people may say, but she & the others are ruining your name. My reply is that I dont care, this is a game this is not real life. My rep has been twisted every which way for the past 5 years with more than one person using rutsah on official and hastur on dios. When your using remote desktop and browers automatically log you in who cares, but I guess this is all a desperate strive for me to somehow escape getting a tarnished rep, laugh.

Thanks for the laugh Rom.
29144, Great defense there. Its like saying "No no! I'm not a jackass, I was just cheating!" nt
Posted by LazyDrekten on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29146, so to clarify
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When "Hastur" posts in reply to "Sammie" or "Gauntbait", does that mean Sammie/Gauntbait was Gina (who I hope you mean has 2 years cf experience and not is 2 years old ;) ) and that you posted as "Hastur", or does it mean that she posted as Hastur.

I mean, if you let her post using your handle then it is hardly surprising that you are associated with the post.

But what linked Hastur to Sammie for me was the posts, nothing else. So if that's down to char sharing instead of self-supporting posts, maybe it shows why char-sharing is discouraged.

If don't understand why, if you played at different times, and if she was interested in rp and not skill perfection, that you couldn't just play different characters. If you are an rp player, you don't need 100% skills (I'll not rehash the age old argument about whether you do as a pk player because we both know where we each stand on this anyway), so why not play a separate char. You'll still have cf in common. I can talk to someone about cf without having to share their characters.
29149, Best post ever, Hastur.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) So, the person you're dating inherited your, erm, particular writing style and grammar. How odd!

2) And it wasn't Hastur losing all those fights and whining about skill perfection and doctoring logs, it was Spooooky Alternate Universe Hastur?

3) I'd present my proof that you are making this up, but my dog ate it. I had a backup, but my astronaut/model/billionaire girlfriend from Canada who you'll never meet took it.

4) If I site ban you for multiplaying, do I get two points on the Secret Immortal Scoreboard? Or only one, because you and your Döppelganger are so eerily identical in your prays, notes, etc. that we should treat you as a single entity? Please say two! I'll never catch Zulghinlour without a few breaks, and SMUGers count double on Bonus Monday!

5) Our players are so good that when they say they can immediately tell Hastur is playing a character, but they can also tell when someone Hastur knows is playing a character? Holy RP-radar, Batman!

6) Does lying to cover other lies work?

7) Quoth one of the Hasturs: "CF uses up huge ammounts of time, she wanted to be part of that time I spent online" I smell a new Hallmark card in the works!

I'll write more later. Please keep posting, Hastur.

29161, Well.
Posted by Little Timmy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have on good authority that it was his girlfriend.

But does that change anything?

29151, RE: Very wrong Rom, But then again you were never that ...
Posted by Rom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't care about my "reputation". I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else regarding my "skills" or lack of.

As far as I see it, skill-wise, your the one with something to prove. CF has changed since the smuggers' days, its a new game. Some of them have left, and the rest, where are they now? Where are their massive kill counts? Where are your pk machines? I guess I'll have to hold out for Sammie's PB (*). Produce a hero with 100+ kills in neo-cf, and then we can start the penis measuring contest.

I'm just pissed because you ruined my roleplay experience on carrionfields by double-character assassinating Zomahl. I don't come here to read bitches on ooc boards about characters that are still active, I come to CF to kill other people's creations and immerse myself in the world that is carrionfields. I didn't have a problem with you until you took what happened inside the game, and brought it to an ooc medium.

PPS: This is a game Rom, you seriously need to mature more and quit the childish jabs. Moreso when they are so obvious.

Are you for real? If you want to see childish jabs, go look at your own comments in the logs you posted. Infact, post me a link of a childish jab that I have written directed at you. I dare you, find me a link of a "childish jab" which I posted, aimed at you. Now, I shall quote some of your "childish jabs"..

** Tosser of the year Rashgar sees jumnarl attacking me so chases me to the **
** Village, jumnarl in close persuit behind **

Gee, I call that tactics.

Now, let me think what age group might player who made the following log comments fall into...

** surely he cannot be alone, I've never seen this perma ganker alone ever **

** yay for rashgar the perma ganker, cannot fight solo to save his life,

** No thief.. like ####ing amazing , he has ganged me like 10 + times before. **

Please continue to gank It seems all you **
** can do. **

You said it was a game, so why would you start such a #### slinging contest over what happened inside a game? Why bring it to an out of character medium? Does it make you feel better about losing if you divert the blame for dying onto other factors?

Finally, to conclude, I find it absolutely mind boggling that the person who once posted this (http://www.qhcf.net/forum-2000/messages/28837.html) is complaining about people using IN CHARACTER methods to coordinate a gang. And I quote:

(3 smuggers up stairs, me downstairs.)
(back during the days fire giants were very rare)
Dwarf invoker - who pk.
Fire - trilvain .... Kewl now just have to find him.
(walks to maus to have fun with crushing hand.)
(walks past trilvain talking to lowbie)
e, c cone. Unspeak
trilvain is dead!
lowbie level 30 cloud ranger picks up rest of loot.
me - drop the loot ####er, or ill rip your ####ing head off.
cloud ranger - you cant harm me, your a arbiter and out of my pk range.
(smuggers upstairs were locating equipment at the time. saw all this nice #### lying on the ground then located on Rincewind.)
Mud crashes.
(smuggers up stairs come running down.)
smuggers 1-2&3 - man that is some sweet loot , who got the rest of his #### ?
Me - oh some ####wit lowbie loot stealer.
smuggers 1-2&3 - got a name ?
(they leave back up stairs I follow to watch)
Lowbie cloud ranger logs in, sporting wide coppers and another nice pieces.
smugger1&2A&3 log in their level 31 pk cloud rangers, spread themself out to capture him.
smugger1 - hey buddy nice eq.
lowbie looter smiles.
smugger1 - Well nice talking to you.(camoes)
smugger2 - hey budy gimmy those wides, and ill let you live.
lowbie looter - You can have then when I die.
smugger2 - If you say so.(camoes)
ambush ambush, looter flees , runs into smugger3 outside, murders and chases till he dies.
Looter tells smugger1&2&3, man your ####ing all dead Im gonna kill you every time i see you. (we all laugh)

(*) - (http://www.qhcf.net/forum-2002/vpost.pl?47432) You once posted: Fire warrior, perfected skills and your a killing machine.

29093, What I seen
Posted by Some player on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I never talked to you or knew you or attacked you.

From what you posted on the log boards, you were plain annoying. Complaining about this and that, putting in comments on this and that. If you thought like that in the game and ic, I can see why you got the boot. You are immature and think you are better and smarter than anyone else playing this game. Better rethink that.

As far as getting kick out of the village. As a fire giant, you got two directions you can go. One, the easy way and join scions or empire. Nothing one with that, can be lots of fun. Two, you can try and get back into the village. While not easy, some of the best ragers in the game have gotten kicked out and came back to be some bad ass ragers.
29095, Re: Scions:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One, the easy way and join scions

This isn't true.

29096, RE: Re: Scions:
Posted by Some Player on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not the cabal, just hang out with them like all the reject imperials do :)
29085, RE: Boredom beyond belief. A twisted tale.
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
C'mon man. I told you I'd give you the oath. One hour later, you still hadn't made it to my shrine. Yeah, I ran out of time, sorry. Tried to hang in there, but couldn't any more.

29091, RE: Boredom beyond belief. A twisted tale.
Posted by Sammie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
it only took me 20 mins to get to your shrine, and that was after I got someone to kill me so I could get past all those !@#*&!@ centurions.

Few people carry around 120-140 odd gold to pay the 20 odd gold per set of centurions.

But overally that whole issue wasnt the annoying point, moreso my inability to ever get in touch with you. Wasted time the most annoying aspect.
29152, Uhh..
Posted by Centurion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you were going to take the bloodoath, you should be paying the Centurions. Also, the most I've ever seen a Centurion ask for is two gold. The most Centurions I've ever seen lined up was three sets. So that is what, six gold at most?

If you can't come up with SIX gold, what the hell were you going to do for donations?
29153, 2 gold?
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm fairly certain 2 gold doesn't cut it at hero. Of course, it's been a good long while since I used the "pay" command.
29083, I can't believe you expected to imm a fire giant named Sammie.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

As for Jins leadership, I think you need to rethink your statements. I saw JInroh as consistent, and solid in his RP and behavior. Some parts of his RP evolved over time, but in a consistent manner. It wasn't like he just woke up one day acting different, it was a gradual and well Rp'd thing.

I won't even touch trying to send a log via a note.
29092, RE: I can't believe you expected to imm a fire giant named Sammie.
Posted by Sammie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The role via note was jinrohs request, even I thought that was stupid. In reguards to jinroh, I have not been the only person who encountered his weirdness. Four other rager players encountered the same both with their ragers and their new applicants.

In reguards to a choice of name, honestly who gives a ####. I think a simple name is better than some near impossible to prenounce name such as Ixtichitilaxl or one of many other stupid names that i've seen come and go. Also its far from hard to change a name for a immort. They have done it often in the past.
29100, No. Please stop lying.
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not request you to send me anything. You sent it on your own accord and when you did, you told me something along the lines of, "I sent you a scroll with my past memories to prove you are wrong."

*boggle* its already been proven that you were lying below, lets stop the act now and just accept that you screwed up. No big deal, people do it. Just deal with it now and move on.
29101, Our logs support Schanrz's story.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
According to our records, here's the sequence:

June 13th:
11:38:59 PM: Jinroh opens with hamstring, and Scharnz begin fighting. This lasts slightly over a minute, after which Scharnz leaves the Village (11:40:03), heading into the Ruins of Ostalagiah.
11:40:41 PM: 38 seconds later (roughly a tick, not nearly enough time to recover), Sammie attacks Scharnz in the Ruins.
11:40:47 PM: Sammie kills Scharnz with a chop, meaning he was inputting commands to try to finish him off.

This looks exactly like the log Scharnz submitted, and also meshes with Jinroh's story.

Sammie, you're either:
1) The victim of multiple, coordinating bugs. Not only would the yells have to be wrong, but our records would also have to record things inaccurately. Also, Scharnz would have to doctor his log.
2) Mistaken, although it's hard to see how when you logged it yourself.
3) Making something up to try to make Jinroh look bad.

29102, Yikes
Posted by Mia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember that day. I went to the the village to try and get an interview. I was the one that told Sammie the assassin was there.
29106, There you go again
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ruining a perfectly good, righteously indignant whine with hard cold facts.
29150, I have to say, wow
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow because I had no idea you had that level of detail, and wow because even when I fought Jinroh with abs and wraithgform, in Galadon, with my special guards, as he was targetting a guildguard already, I lasted about 4 rounds before fleeing at writhing with him unscathed. I can't believe people lasted over a minute.
29070, Fair Enough
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, if you believe it is a bug with chargeset + learning from your mistakes = The person who attacked you now yells when you chargeset them, fine, post it as a bug and have it tested by someone who can look at the code. Although I have no idea how learning from your mistakes would affect any part of a yell.

Second, you sent me a cut and pasted (and severely doctored) version of the incident in question via a note. There were numerous problems with it, first being that you even sent it which made me think so much less of you, second the yell was obviously doctored by you and the yell itself incorrect. Third, if your cut and paste does not capture capitals, why did everything else look fine and dandy except for the yell and the name in the yell? Fourth, the rounds and the lag associated with murder all points to you attacking and then chopping. The round of lag from murder, then chop, him attempting to flee right away during the very first combat round before anyone hit anyone, which if he attacked you, he would have a one round lag and not be able to flee. Those are just the ones off the top of my head.

And even if I knew all these things, about this supposed bug that exists, to knowing all about how your client cuts and pastes etc., I should not even use it, I have to use IC evidence which was this. I attack the assassin, I say no one attack him because I'm dealing with him, I beat him up close to death, he comes by you trying to escape from me, HE YELLS THAT YOU ARE ATTACKING HIM, he dies, you make a comment on the cabal channel that implies that you were spamming for him on purpose. Further evidence, another villager says you attacked him and the assassin who I was fighting, who always showed honor to Jinroh, confirmed that. What evidence is there IC that supports your claim? None.

Third, I said I was dealing with him, and dealing with him at your request because he was stalking you. Why would a convulsing assassin attack a villager?

Fourth, you were a berserker, as I tested you as a berserker, as you said at your interview, you wanted to be a berserker, you were a berserker in my eyes. If when you were inducted changed your mind and chose scout, that was outside my knowledge and you didn't tell anyone of this change.

As for the strange things I was doing, I don't know what you are talking about. I was the same, pretty much from beginning to ending, with some character change toward more jaded, and wanting to see more action and less talk. Give some details of what you believe was "dodgy" activity by me and we can sure discuss it.

As for getting to know you better, there was ample time during the interviews to open yourself up and expose some of this part of you. I'm not going to keep banging and banging on you until you tell me about yourself. You have to offer at some point. I can't read roles, I can't read your mind, I can't do these things, sorry. I think you are confusing an EVIL duergar Commander with a touchy, feely, GOOD aligned elf female bard.

The amount of OOC comments and blame you tried to put on me as a player was the last straw and didn't help any part of your case, which was non-existant anyway.

Good luck with your next Sammie, I wish you the world. But before you start slinging blame here, take a moment and consider the situation. At no time did I bar you from returning to the village, that was your choice. You closed the door.

29098, RE: Fair Enough
Posted by Scharnz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was gonna shut my mouth Sammie but when you start taking shots at a great asset to this game in Jinroh then that makes me want to post the log. Come on now, Scharnz was a crazy little furball but he wasn't that stupid. I always came at all villagers alone because I knew they would do the same for me so I was a bit miffed when you killed me just because you knew you'd get the kill. Anyway you were evil so that might've been a cool rp angle. But if you're trying to convince us that you didn't attack me then well......you're deceiving yourself.
Good luck on your next. I liked fighting you for the most part. And damn you Jinroh for jumping in on me during my stalking periods. I never said in my goodbyes how much I liked you but I did. With all my characters actually. Class act ic and ooc. I had trouble getting myself to want to fight you because I knew it'd be ugly.
Well good luck Sammie

The log will follow this.
29099, Jinroh vs. Scharnz......and then Sammie
Posted by Scharnz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

assassinate sammie
793hp 449m 634mv 19757tnl 1 PM civilized They aren't here.

793hp 449m 634mv 19757tnl 1 PM civilized assassinate sammie
They aren't here.

793hp 449m 634mv 19757tnl 1 PM civilized where
assassinate sammie

Jinroh has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'
You yell 'Help! Jinroh hurled a dagger at me!'
Jinroh hurls a throwing dagger at you, striking your shoulder!
Jinroh's hurled dagger wounds you.
People near you:
Dzsm The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Sammie Among the barbaric huts
(PK) Jinroh Before a fortified hillock
(PK) Scharnz Before a fortified hillock
Jinroh has a few scratches.

775hp 449m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized No way! You are still fighting!
Jinroh has a few scratches.

775hp 449m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized No way! You are still fighting!
Jinroh has a few scratches.

assassinate sammie
775hp 449m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized You attempt to hide.
You trample around loudly again.
Jinroh dodges your slice.
Jinroh dodges your claw and closes in for a concealed attack!
Jinroh's brilliant radiance MUTILATES you!
Jinroh parries your claw.
Jinroh parries your slice.
You step inside Jinroh's brilliant radiance with a quick backfist.
Your claw mauls Jinroh.
You dodge Jinroh's pierce.
You parry Jinroh's brilliant radiance.
You parry Jinroh's brilliant radiance.
Jinroh has a few scratches.

735hp 449m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized No way! You are still fighting!
Jinroh has a few scratches.

735hp 449m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized kan

Sammie has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'
Jinroh has a few scratches.

735hp 449m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized You painfully hyperextend Jinroh's elbow!
Jinroh can no longer find the strength to wield a serrated dagger named 'Bloody Courage'.
Your kansetsuwaza EVISCERATES Jinroh!
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

735hp 449m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized Sammie leaves east.
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

735hp 449m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh parries your slice.
Your claw maims Jinroh!
You dodge Jinroh's punch.
Jinroh's pierce mauls you.
Jinroh's punch EVISCERATES you!
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

667hp 449m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh wields a dagger named 'Feathered Death'.
The effects of your feral growl fade.
You feel less aware of your surroundings.
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

675hp 456m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh thrusts his dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
You yell 'Help! Jinroh tried to slice my artery!'
Jinroh's deep gash decimates you!
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

648hp 456m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Dzsm has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

648hp 456m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh dodges your slice.
Jinroh parries your claw.
Your slice mauls Jinroh.
Your slice mauls Jinroh.
Jinroh's pierce decimates you!
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

622hp 456m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh leaves east.
Jinroh has fled!

622hp 456m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized bindwounds

Dzsm looks at you.

622hp 456m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

622hp 456m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh swings a dagger named 'Feathered Death' at your leg but misses.
Your slice devastates Jinroh!
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

622hp 456m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized You fail to execute kotegaeshi on Jinroh.
Your kotegaeshi misses Jinroh.
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

622hp 456m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh dodges your slice.
Jinroh parries your claw.
You dodge Jinroh's pierce.
You dodge Jinroh's pierce.
Jinroh's pierce mauls you.
You parry Jinroh's pierce.
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

601hp 456m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Dzsm looks at Jinroh.
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

601hp 456m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Your slice decimates Jinroh!
Jinroh dodges your slice.
Jinroh dodges your slice and closes in for a concealed attack!
Jinroh's pierce decimates you!
You dodge Jinroh's pierce.
You parry Jinroh's pierce.
You dodge Jinroh's pierce.
You parry Jinroh's pierce.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

573hp 456m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh leaves west.
Jinroh has fled!

573hp 456m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized You bandage your wounds and focus your natural healing.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Dzsm looks at you.
Jinroh has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh swings a dagger named 'Feathered Death' at your leg but misses.
Your slice mauls Jinroh.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized doublespinkick
Quickly spinning on your heel, you deliver a crushing kick against Jinroh!
Your double spin kick EVISCERATES Jinroh!
Completing your spin, you bring your other foot around for another devastating strike against Jinroh!
Your double spin kick EVISCERATES Jinroh!
Jinroh parries your slice.
Jinroh parries your claw.
Jinroh parries your slice.
Jinroh parries your slice.
You dodge Jinroh's pierce.
You dodge Jinroh's pierce.
You dodge Jinroh's pierce.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh dodges your slice.
Your slice wounds Jinroh.
You parry Jinroh's pierce.
You step inside Jinroh's pierce with a quick backfist.
Your claw MUTILATES Jinroh!
You parry Jinroh's pierce.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized axekick

Jinroh leaves east.
Jinroh has fled!

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh leaves west.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized murder jin
murder jin
murder jin
murder jin
murder jin
murder jin

Dzsm looks at you.
But you aren't fighting anyone!

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized But you aren't fighting anyone!

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized They aren't here.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized They aren't here.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized They aren't here.

murder jin
645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized They aren't here.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized They aren't here.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized They aren't here.

murder jin
murder jin
murder jin
645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized They aren't here.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized They aren't here.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized They aren't here.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized They aren't here.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized People near you:
Dzsm Before a fortified hillock
(PK) Jinroh Among the barbaric huts
(PK) Scharnz Before a fortified hillock

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized murder jin
murder jin

Dzsm leaves east.
They aren't here.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized They aren't here.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized Jinroh has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'
Jinroh swings a dagger named 'Feathered Death' at your leg but misses.
Your slice mauls Jinroh.
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

murder jin
645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized You do the best you can!
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

645hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Jinroh dodges your slice.
Jinroh parries your claw.
Jinroh dodges your claw and closes in for a concealed attack!
Jinroh's pierce devastates you!
You dodge Jinroh's pierce.
You parry Jinroh's pierce.
You parry Jinroh's pierce.
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

615hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized kan
You fail to perform kansetsuwaza on Jinroh.
Your kansetsuwaza misses Jinroh.
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

615hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 2 PM civilized
Your slice mauls Jinroh.
Jinroh parries your claw.
You parry Jinroh's pierce.
You parry Jinroh's pierce.
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

615hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Dzsm has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

615hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Dzsm leaves west.
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

615hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Dzsm has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

615hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Jinroh leaves west.
Jinroh has fled!

615hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized axekick
murder jin
murder jin
murder jin

Jinroh has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

615hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Jinroh swings a dagger named 'Feathered Death' at your leg but misses.
Your slice misses Jinroh.
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

615hp 424m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
You can stalk again.
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

624hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized Your axe kick connects with empty air as Jinroh slips out of range.
Your axe kick misses Jinroh.
Jinroh has some small but disgusting cuts.

624hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Jinroh dodges your slice.
Your claw MUTILATES Jinroh!
Jinroh parries your slice.
Jinroh parries your slice.
You dodge Jinroh's pierce.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

624hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized owaza

Jinroh parries your slice.
Jinroh parries your claw.
Jinroh parries your slice.
You dodge Jinroh's pierce.
You dodge Jinroh's pierce.
You dodge Jinroh's pierce.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

624hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Jinroh stops using a dagger named 'Feathered Death'.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

624hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Jinroh stops using a dagger named 'Feathered Death'.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

624hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
You can no longer find the strength to wield a sword of fine black steel.
Jinroh weakens you with a blow to a vital area.
Jinroh's blow to a vital area injures you.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

609hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized You do the best you can!
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

609hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized You do the best you can!
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

609hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized You do the best you can!
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

609hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized You begin preparing for a major technique.
Jinroh parries your claw.
Jinroh parries your claw.
Jinroh parries your claw.
Jinroh parries your claw.
You dodge Jinroh's punch.
You dodge Jinroh's punch.
Jinroh's punch wounds you.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

589hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Jinroh laces his fingers together and hammers his fists at you!
Jinroh's crushing blow knocks you down!
Jinroh's crushing blow MANGLES you!
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

501hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Jinroh parries your claw.
Jinroh parries your claw.
Jinroh dodges your claw.
Jinroh parries your claw.
You dodge Jinroh's punch.
Jinroh's punch EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Jinroh's punch.
You dodge Jinroh's punch.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

456hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Dzsm looks at you.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

456hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Jinroh parries your claw.
Jinroh dodges your claw.
Jinroh dodges your claw.
Jinroh's punch DISMEMBERS you!
Jinroh's punch EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Jinroh's punch.
Jinroh's punch mauls you.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

333hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
You see your chance and attack!
You deftly sidestep Jinroh's attack.
Jinroh's punch misses you.
With Jinroh's defenses open, you deliver a powerful ude strike!
Your ude strike wounds Jinroh.
Securing your grasp, you perform a yama arashi on Jinroh.
Your yama arashi DISMEMBERS Jinroh!
With Jinroh momentarily stunned, you execute a shotei strike!
Your shotei strike mauls Jinroh.
Completing the owaza, you apply a ground control to Jinroh.
With quick pressure, you hyperextend Jinroh's shoulder!
Your ground control EVISCERATES Jinroh!
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

333hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Your claw MUTILATES Jinroh!
Your claw wounds Jinroh.
Jinroh parries your claw.
Jinroh's punch MUTILATES you!
Jinroh's punch DISMEMBERS you!
You dodge Jinroh's punch.
You dodge Jinroh's punch.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

238hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Dzsm looks at Jinroh.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

238hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized dflee

Dzsm looks at you.
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

238hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized Jinroh gets in one more shot as you flee.
Jinroh's parting blow DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A massive giant moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

185hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Your claw maims Jinroh!
Jinroh parries your claw.
You dodge Jinroh's punch.
You dodge Jinroh's punch.
Jinroh's punch DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Jinroh is covered with bleeding wounds.

132hp 436m 634mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Jinroh pummels you with his fists.
Jinroh's pummeling fist mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Jinroh's pummeling fist mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Jinroh gets in one more shot as you flee.
Jinroh's parting blow devastates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
You climb atop the pile of rubble and ash which once stood as the
western wall of Ostalagiah. It served its purpose well, but not well
enough. It now stands in ruins, smoldering remains of what was once a
mighty city. After many years of war the united fronts finally destroyed
the wall, through which a flood of dwarven, elven and human soldiers came.
After freeing the slaves, ransacking the city and turning the walls to
rubble, the united front turned around and headed back to their respective
homelands to the north. While that ancient war is over, the sight of
distant burning fires and a village settled to the west of here gives one
reason to believe that it is not the only war that occurs throughout these
ruined buildings.

(Red Aura) Sammie the fire giant is here.
You flee from combat!

60hp 436m 631mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Sammie scans west.

60hp 436m 631mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized The gates to the streets of Anguish
Rusted gates of iron mark the entrance here. An eerie silence is all that
you note while walking through the gates. Dark shadows serve to remind you
that there could be some form of life hiding among the wreckage here. Some
pillars of stone remain here to serve as signs that this was once a city,
or stronghold of sorts. The ruined gates sit to the north of you.

60hp 436m 628mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized east
The gates to the streets of Anguish
Great gates of iron mark the entrance to the city streets. This is
the flank end of the ruins, where the merchants and often allies of
these looming giants enter the city streets in comfort. Guards walk
the ramparts and you can easily note the glares you get upon entering.
There is a lack of wood on these buildings, much of which are solid stone
that make the foundation of this stronghold. Great spires reach into
the air toward the east, shadowing you as well as most of this narrow
street. You note the sounds of pain that come from further along
the street. There are also cries of hatred and anger that come from
some of the nearby shops and alleys. These streets were aptly named,
as anguish seems to be the only emotion in the air.

east west]

60hp 436m 625mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Sammie has arrived.
You aren't up to binding more wounds.

60hp 436m 625mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized east

You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Sammie!'
Sammie's cleave DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Sammie cuts off your route of escape with her polearm!
Sammie is in perfect health.

3hp 436m 625mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Sammie keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Sammie keeps you at bay with her polearm.
You dodge Sammie's cleave.
You dodge Sammie's cleave.
You dodge Sammie's cleave.
Sammie is in perfect health.

3hp 436m 625mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized flee

Dzsm has arrived.
Sammie is in perfect health.

3hp 436m 625mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized No way! You are still fighting!
Sammie is in perfect health.

3hp 436m 625mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized Sammie cuts off your route of escape with her polearm!
Sammie is in perfect health.

3hp 436m 625mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized Sammie executes a controlled overhead attack with her polearm.
Sammie's chop MANGLES you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
You feel some of your vitality drain out of you with this death.

1hp 1m 625mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized tell jinroh Sammies showed much honors.
You tell Jinroh 'Sammies showed much honors.'

1hp 1m 625mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized People near you:
Amtheia The Soup Kitchen
Jashin High Road
Vakszijun By the Temple Altar
Yakov By the Temple Altar
Jimmers Thieves' Bar
Polmier Thieves' Bar
Kellaralon The Conjurer's Lecture Hall
(PK) Scharnz At the Altar
Manden Vestibule

1hp 1m 625mv 19757tnl 3 PM civilized
Someone appears in the room.

1hp 1m 625mv 19757tnl 4 PM civilized
Someone leaves north.

1hp 1m 625mv 19757tnl 4 PM civilized tell jinroh You saved Sammies life yess.
You tell Jinroh 'You saved Sammies life yess. '

24hp 42m 634mv 19757tnl 4 PM civilized n
Better stand up first.

24hp 42m 634mv 19757tnl 4 PM civilized Better stand up first.

24hp 42m 634mv 19757tnl 4 PM civilized You stand up.

24hp 42m 634mv 19757tnl 4 PM civilized The Temple of the Sun
You stand at the northern end of the Temple of the Sun. It is a beautiful
sight with all the stained glass, frescos and statues. To the south you see
the most beautiful stained glass window above the altar. You can exit the
temple to the east.

24hp 42m 634mv 19757tnl 4 PM civilized tell sammi So much honors from yous.
You tell Sammie 'So much honors from yous.'