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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Gaf McGraff the Grand Master of Changelings
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29013, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Gaf McGraff the Grand Master of Changelings
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Jul 9 19:20:26 2004

At 5 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 4th of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Gaf perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
29019, And the last Fort shifter bites the dust.
Posted by Gaf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alrighty...where to begin. I abosolutely loved this char, and it sucks that I had to delete him, but that’s just the way things go. I rolled this character to replace another offense/air shifter I deleted due to my attempted escape from mud nearly a year ago(as you can all see...I failed miserably). If any of you remember Midge...yeah that was me. Anyway, I’m sorry to you all about the name, I seriously didn’t even realize it until some people on Dios pointed it out :P. In any case due to the lack of Warlock I was forced to put this char into Fortress, for I am a true goodie at heart. Never made Maran but I really wasn’t expecting to for another hundred hours. As for the forms...they seriously kicked over Midge’s forms...well lion did. Only downside is that lion is truely an offense form...it gets its butt kicked majorly but does a lot of butt kicking in return.(My barrier sources were constantly dry). I wasn’t as deathful as a true offense air shifter...especially one with the form combo I got...should be, but I’m not a great pker...had a crapload of fun anyway though. Anywho, its always fun to be a free spirit, and that’s what this character was supposed to be...always ready to go and such. I also got a side job of providing a lot of humor to the dryness that is fort...on to the goodbyes!

Celebrimbor: You really made this character’s Fortress time worth while. You dragged me into a lot of fights I would have normally avoided...and for that I thank you. I tried to always be willing to do anything so long as I had company. Also you did a great job of playing off my various antics, and I was bent over the keyboard laughing at a few of them, despite your constant attempts to establish that you had no sense of humor. Great char, Gaf loved him, I loved him...and thanks for inducting me despite the name.

Scharnz: You gave me my interview and have to be one of my favoritest Maran evers! I loved the way you spoke, and the suicidal nature of your character. From the interview before I was even inducted I knew I would like you...and Gaf thought you were a real friend. Glad I could be there when you deleted, though Gaf went a bit psycho and almost rushed into a 3 on 1, with him being the one. But the cool interaction with Beroxxus that your delete inspired prevented me from doing so. Anyway you were cool, and sucks that you decided to delete.

Glilanthis: The other half-elf shifter, eh. I saw your forms early on and was like hrmph, I suppose I won’t get lion because Glil already has it, and I’ve never seen 2 shifters with the same form alive at the same time. When I got lion I was like YES! Awesome! And the first thing I wanted to do was tell you. Hrmph, your con death was kinda ill timed, though you were kinda old and such, I really woulda liked to reek twin-lion havoc on the realms. Curses!

The rest of you are cool too, and I could go on and on...but these names surfaced first so you’re outta luck :P. Respond if you want to know what I thought of you.

Not Fort:

Hafizar: You were a constant plague on Gaf’s existence, though you never got me till my last death there...think according to my premiums I got you twice...don’t try to fight the lion as a bard...not good. I personally believe I lost that last one due to a glitch or something that I really despise about this game. Fiends bring air forms out of the air! Is that not wrong? Hrm? I think it is, and I’ll explain why if any wish to know. Anyway, back in our younger years, I could be sure if we had the codex you weren’t going to give up...ever...there was one night you tried like 8 times and only took breaks the space it would take you to heal up and return. Heh...stupid dirt kick on shifters sucks.

Yanine: I suppose you wondered why I would keep coming after you no matter how much you killed me...and honestly I don’t know...it was fun though...I didn’t kill you alone...well done. I hate the forget-energy drain combo on shifters...it hurts. Sorry the lich thing didn’t work out, though Gaf was happy :P.

Blitz: I didn’t interact with you much with this char but with another and I can say you were a beast from both perspectives...I realized in our last gank/fight how much charge set hurts against air forms...you were convulsing and I was sure one clawing would do it...but that blasted polearm saved you three times in a row. Btw, I never got flagged for that, despite the three Tribs in town.

Tibderbolt: Tibby! My other eagle. There was one time we dove on the healer and Phrid for a while and that was the best....must have been scary for the healer though. It was only once...but it was so magical(in a heterosexual plutonic way). I was looking forward to many more hunts with you but the opportunities just never arose...oh well.

Beroxxus: Thanks for the first major Immteraction I’ve had in my two years playing this game. It was a real joy and I tried to RP it best I could...probably the most serious Gaf got. Sorry about the thirst thing, I didn’t have a canteen on me and didn’t want to run to the fountain...I was going to say something smug about the Lord of Suffering creating a spring...but I figured you would have plagued me and asked ‘Are you happy now?’ :P Anywho...thanks much, you assured me that the Immortals are there for everyone...not just those crazy #&@!s who have played this game for like 10 years and who have a real live elf as an uncle to base their RP off of :P.

Others....I will reply if you reply...HA!

Previous Heroes...Yes that’s right!(In order of appearance)

Midge(Offense/Air Warlock shifter)
Kerinin(Brain stealing felar assassin)
Kyore(Warlock conjie)
Tarwin(Elf invoker...this one was bad too)
Gaf...yes this WAS me!
Secret char who’s name shant be revealed because they’re still playing.*shifty eyes*
29020, Feh
Posted by Marelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So there goes our best scout. I was a bit bummed when you started talking about "going on" as I knew what was coming and I didn't have any high hopes of talking you out of it even if I tried.
We didn't get to travel or fight much but I liked the little I saw, good job.

Until next time, do yourself a favor and don't try to quit CF, it'll just make it all the more painful to relearn everything when you get back }(

29023, RE: Feh
Posted by Gaf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know about BEST scout, I was pretty crummy at it...but yeah, I really love pking with a transmuter as an offense shifter...because neuro means that they actually have to stick around and face the lion...I believe That one shaman I killed was thanks to that neat little trick...there are probably several kills I have to attribute to others lagging my prey...and for that...I thank you all! :P Anywho, you were one of the serious one I tried to lightened up, and I hope I wasn't too dark with that 'I'm going away" stuff. I tried to be carefree to the last. keep trucking!
29022, You stop visiting me and then you delete? Fiend! nt
Posted by Esfergref on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29025, *hands knapsack* I want one of everything
Posted by Gaf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah early on I spent a lot of time in the inn, especially before my Fort induction...and you were my favorite herald(I once said that to another herald and they pouted so I let them be my second favorite). I love the drinks you make, real creative, and sorry bout spending time at the inn...I just forgot about it once getting inducted...and now that I think about it it would probably have been a better place to hang about than the empty Fort. Yeah I tried to make a comeback towards the end there but I got called away. I was rolling around laughing when I shifted and then you put on your costume and started jiggling...classic. Anywho...erm...keep being funny! I love funny characters!
29024, That's just hilarious
Posted by Odelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were playing Tarwin, when I was playing Neppiaobo (both vokers)... You were playing Gaf, while I was playing Remthael (both shifters). I liked both very much. Dont really got much else to say except I dont know why you deleted, you seemed like you were having a hell of a lot of fun. I hope you have even more with whatever you play next, and dont try to kick this addiction or it'll kick back.

29026, RE: That's just hilarious
Posted by Gaf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked both two...I was wondering how you managed to get ahead of me with both...and I was also wondering why you deleted Nepp...I liked Nepp...he just...vanished one day and I was sad...same with Rem for that matter. Eh...in any case...I deleted because I'm working on a more interesting project*buwahahaha!* and I know I'm going to regret deleting Gaf a lot, just like I regretted deleting Midge...grrr.
29028, RE: That's just hilarious
Posted by Odelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After putting all the time I put into Neppiaobo, I didnt really want to delete much either except the role of the invoker (for me anyway, since I didnt know any prep locations) was just your average shield-bitch. I didnt really exercise my abilities to their fullest, but to tell you the truth, I'd had enough of being and invoker and I didnt like it. That specific class just isnt for me. Shifters on the other hand, I love them and I cant wait to try another, just dealing with ranks 1 - ~31 are a pain which I'm not about to go through right now.

And as to why I deleted Neppi, I wasnt as lucky as you for getting the forms that I had wanted, save maybe the Ram, I was hoping for the Ram, but it's defenses are worse than the Lions, so "Bleh!" At least I got to try it and hope that I never have to again.
29030, RE: And the last Fort shifter bites the dust.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Celebrimbor: You really made this character’s Fortress time
>worth while. You dragged me into a lot of fights I would have
>normally avoided...and for that I thank you. I tried to
>always be willing to do anything so long as I had company.
>Also you did a great job of playing off my various antics, and
>I was bent over the keyboard laughing at a few of them,
>despite your constant attempts to establish that you had no
>sense of humor. Great char, Gaf loved him, I loved him...and
>thanks for inducting me despite the name.

I'm glad I could help you find your fun in the game. I was never once sorry I inducted you. You were always ready to back me up, no matter the odds. You also would help remind me about odds from time to time. Little things like "Captain, there's five of them and two of us. Maybe we shouldn't do that". Lol.

About the name. I noted the imms asking permission, waited two days and inducted. I never got any vibe from you that you were trying to "get away" with the name, and I'm glad to have served in the Fort with you.

29053, RE: And the last Fort shifter bites the dust.
Posted by Scharnz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Scharnz: You gave me my interview and have to be one of my
>favoritest Maran evers! I loved the way you spoke, and the
>suicidal nature of your character. From the interview before
>I was even inducted I knew I would like you...and Gaf thought
>you were a real friend. Glad I could be there when you
>deleted, though Gaf went a bit psycho and almost rushed into a
>3 on 1, with him being the one. But the cool interaction with
>Beroxxus that your delete inspired prevented me from doing so.
> Anyway you were cool, and sucks that you decided to delete.

Scharnz and Gaf had a lot alike and IC and OOC I was more than happy to give Celebrimbor a good recommendation after our talk. The only problem was when we fought together neither one of us were very responsible or cautious and that caused a lot of deaths on both sides. I don't know what the Fort is going to do with all the losses it's taking right now.
I'm glad my death led to some IMM interaction, it's a good thing Beroxxus didn't show up with Scharnz alive or he would've had to kill me a good few times to get him to shut his mouth. I would love to see the log of it if you kept it by chance. If you don't want to post it i'll give you my e-mail. Anyway Gaf was all around fun and I hope to keep interacting with your characters. Good luck on your next!
29057, Sorry no log *sniff* (nt)
Posted by Gaf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29016, Fort finally out of shifters???
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) fun times for a bit there.
We never did get to pull off
lion, lion, ram.
(me, you, and rem)
would have been interesting.
You took a death defending once that i think was
meant for me, Zavin? or Diiafd?
was casting on lion, we were dancing in and out
and I just got lucky. sorry about that.