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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Mereacon Ma'Ylor the Weaver of the Elements, Negligent of Duty
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=28972
28972, (CON LOSS) [None] Mereacon Ma'Ylor the Weaver of the Elements, Negligent of Duty
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Jul 9 01:00:17 2004

At 10 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 35th of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Mereacon perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
29056, well... second char...
Posted by Shame myself. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well think it was my 999999999999999th char to become hero...
29123, RE: well... second char...
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No idea where I got the motivation to hero it myself, it gets pretty boring getting spells to 100%. I tell you, damn invokers are the ultimate tests of patience.
28973, There goes a newbie
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll keep this short, since I know there're a bunch of people who hates me for my total newbieness.

Started out with no plans, heard of the Fortress, applied, and somehow got in. Kept by the loner role, and I think I over-emphasized that fact to the point that some people got annoyed at me. Became a punching bag because I don't know where good equipments and preps are, and eventually decided to just not care about them at all. Best moment = dying 6 times in about 2 hours. Died some more, and pissed a heck lot of people because of my crap fighting skills and overall lack of knowledge about CF.

Not going to mention any names here, because I didn't keep track of which characters I interacted with and what I did, but it's mostly a bunch of nothing. Sorry for everyone who I annoyed and died because I didn't know what to do.

But hey, not bad for a second ever character, first hero character, first caballed, last name, uninducted _and_ titled, although it's a bad one. Not bragging or anything, but I feel like I don't deserve this much. I promise, I'll learn some more about CF before I create another character and bog down another cabal.
28982, You had good spirit.
Posted by Scharnz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And in most instances that counts for more than "I know this sweet wand location that noone else does". It did seem though that you just sat around sometimes without really trying to get better, but hopefully you can change that on your next. Best thing is usually just to jump head first into fights and such and learn from them. Anyway like I said, you were always positive which is something most knowledgeable players cannot lay claim to and in my opinion should be present in many more acolytes.
Good luck on your next.
29124, RE: You had good spirit.
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yup, it kinda gets to me after a while that I can't really go anywhere alone, seeing as how I can easily get ambushed and killed. Usually I just tag along if a maran party went to raid or practice my spells, but even that can't go on forever. I have to take an OOC break sometime or another.
28983, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Lekerjey on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well done. i thought Mereacon was a pretty good char. because of his willingness to learn. You tried your best, and that is what counts. Sorry you got kicked out. i will see you again i'm sure.
29125, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
However good an attempt Mereacon was, can't beat your originally planned for lvl 18 transmuter. That one time you dropped an Imperial's gear for him to take it back was unexpected, to say the least. I thought you'd be a less forgiving type, but I thought wrong. Had a nice talk last time I was in Fort, and I thought our slightly differing views on issues were interesting. And it was kinda funny when we practically agreed on what the other said for a few consecutive times, it's like you were completing my sentence for me.

Luck on your next too, hope I'll be on the same side.
28984, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Felar Serpent on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I found the conversations between Arthakar and Mereacon interesting. And since he doesn't speak to people unless they intrigue him in some way or another, that would suggest that you had a character with an identity and a place of its own inside the game.

For only a second ever character, I'd say that was enough.


29126, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't remember who initiated the conversation first, but it was definitely worthwhile. I thought that whole thing about life was pretty damn interesting, especially how we sent rebuttals back and forth until one of us gives in. Too bad our playing times don't match much, I'd love for it to develop to something more.
28985, For a second character you comparatively rocked. :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I figured you for new, but not THAT new.
What fun we had when we were young yes?
know your way around the underdark yet?
as much time as we were there you ought to
have that place down pat. :)
Each character gives you a little more
so that the next is 'better'.*

*By better I mean the over all character.
If you play warriors for a year and then
go to learn a wizard you likely aren't going
to 'whip any arse'.

The one thing that got me about Mer was the
constant 'I'm not good enough', funny though
I have played characters like that, and wondered
why it bothered people. :)
Feeling like you aren't 'good enough' is okay
but CONSTANTLY going on about it, is just
grating. Other than that I enjoyed every moment
of time spent with ya.

(p.s. I still feel 'not good enough' I just try
to only bring it up ic if it fits with what's
going on around the character and even then I
try to keep it down to only a very few times
in a characters life.. I try for two but sometimes
we forget eh?)

Roll up another!
Try an upfront agressive warrior type.
frontal assault all the way.
Sure you will die alot, but A) it's fun
B) you'll get the hang of when frontal assault
works and when it doesn't and C) is here because
long ago my english prof made a big thing about
how you couldn't just have a and b ya had to come
up with a c. do there Dr. Archer this c's for you.

29127, RE: For a second character you comparatively rocked. :)
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, we grouped for about 5 days straight someone might thought we're permagrouping. Can't remember much of those days by now, but I knew I died a lot because of untimely respawns and some cavefishers. I think you got the worse end of it though...I'm kinda surprised you died much earlier than me, I thought that at the rate I was dying I'd go first. Ah well, thanks for all those lessons and good times.

And you're right, a warrior would probably be the way to go for me.
28987, You did really well.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never got the "noob" vibe from you, and after all these years that says something. You were well played, knowledgable and knew your ####. I liked this character, and was disappointed when I heard the particulars of what everyone was doing when they got uninducted.

All I can say is, be glad that happened AFTER I died. :P

Good luck on your next.
29128, RE: You did really well.
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know about knowing my ####, but I thought there were several times where the both of us were in the same room, and you were talking but I'll only reply with nods or a few words, Mereacon-style. I thought I'd piss you off sooner or later like others, well, I won't know.

And I guess Celebrimbor'd probably hunt me down after I was uninducted, yeah? :)
29135, RE: You did really well.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nah, Cele would often stand in a room and not say a word and just interact via nods and such for hours on end. Drove other people insane.

As for hunting you....Well, it just might have happened. I doubt it, but maybe. I haven't had the Celebrimbor mindset for over a week now, so I can't really say. He may have taken the deriliction of duty as an evil act and just beat the hell out of you. He also may have just snubbed you anytime you tried to talk. Who can say?
29137, RE: You did really well.
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know something, I'd thought that would've been a very possible scenario, making my last 2 deaths a satisfying one instead of the stupid ones that I did.
29027, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Brordaran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you. Hope you had fun and look forward to seeing future characters.
29129, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cure my curiosity a little bit: what was that thing about you talking about 'going off somewhere' after we got beaten up by Scions bad? I thought you were going to delete after that, but you came back.

Oh yeah, and sorry for refusing your chocolate cakes all the time.
29033, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Odelius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didnt get to interact with you much with Neppiaobo, but after I first met you in that place mastering drown and tsunami I liked you. And when I was Remthael, Sorry for sort of pressing the Fort on you like that, but Audriel was like "recruit some more people" and I knew you'd be awesome, so I'm glad you finally did decide to join.

I really liked you anyhow and Im glad you heroed your second char, I spent countless numbers of chars before I finally heroed one. Hope you have fun with your next character and dont play just to please anyone else, it's supposed to be fun for you. Dont be so hard on yourself. Later
29130, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't know you were Neppiaobo, but sorry for continuously running into your room trying to find more stuff to practice on. And no sweat on pushing, I was trying to make my way into there anyways. :)
29043, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I promise, I'll learn some more about CF before I create
>another character and bog down another cabal.

Buddy, creating a character and bogging down cabals is how you learn about CF. :P

Good job.
29047, Exactly! Listen to him...
Posted by Astillian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Roll up another join another cabal and take the lumps again. That's how I did it. It's how most did it, people just forget that. Dying six times in 2 hours. Yeah been there done that. Don't be affraid of dying, like you said you had no good eq, you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain. With each death keep that knowledge and continue to explore and die and you will in time learn not to. It's only your second char, it took me atleast 2 or 3 more heroes after my second one to stop me from dying all the time.

So with many cheers, go out there and die and have fun doing it. :)
29131, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, I'm guessing so, maybe I'd try a less battle-oriented cabal like Herald or something. I'm seriously helpless in battles.
29134, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Nhiala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only way to learn is to keep trying. If it makes you feel any better I once had a character uninducted from Knights, and a Master whose sole action during raids was to spam 'Scourge of the Violet Spider' over, and over, and over again. Well, until the point where I'd inevitably die.
29138, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Master whose sole action during raids was to spam 'Scourge
>of the Violet Spider' over, and over, and over again. Well,
>until the point where I'd inevitably die.

Sounded like me, only I'd get a chance of casting geyser once or twice before I get messed up real bad. And I'd yet to congratulate you on your rise to IMM status, so, congratulations.
29194, I'll see your newbie-ness and raise you one.
Posted by Pendragon_Surtr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With Surtr, fire giant a-p in masters, I used to see a battlerager at market square, run there and cast fireball, not noticing the other 5 battleragers and 3 Justices all in my range. Common thing heard over cabal channel:

Surtr: Nepenthe, Narsche, can you guys get me more eq, I died again.
29049, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Audriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mereacon really grew on me, and the last note you wrote really made me a bit misty-eyed. He was very loyal and did virtually everything Audriel asked of him.

I think as we discussed IC, your greatest weakness was a consistent level of outreach. Acolytes are aggressive in ways marans are not, and it seemed you were more of a quiet, reserved type. However, it was very obvious to me that you are an excellent roleplayer with a good head on your shoulders.

By the way - anyone in who gets pissed off of at you for dying should not be in the Fortress. The Fortress isn't for players who lack patience or the willingness to help make other players better. Focus on your own character and build upon positive advice.
29132, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd thought I was continuously annoying you during a certain period of time too, and that constantly being sorry for not living up to expectations thing. Thanks for all that encouragement he needed, and sorry, for the last time, for forgetting all about that writing assignment until now. :)
29052, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Marelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As the others have said, you learn this game by your mistakes (you don't just become better like many seem to think) and the fact that you did pick yourself up after every death and kept on trucking tells a lot of your persistence. Many would've given up far earlier.

Good luck with the next and all, it can only be better.

29133, RE: There goes a newbie
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dying became second nature to me by the time I hit 10 con. :) It's funny how at first I'd get so pissed off when I get killed, but later I'll just shrug it off and say 'Oh well'.
29154, Hrm...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I had a bunch of advice, but it nearly developed
a character and I decided it would make a good role.
so I erased it, and here is what I'll give you instead.

START a character with the 'oh well' outlook on dying.
(always a good idea in any case as CF is just blood
soaked ground everywhere you go)

If you want to get a handle on pking, I still say start
with a warrior. an evil one, or psycho neutral.*
charge headlong at anything that even looks NEAR
you. forget even trying to win. or even trying to escape
just be a bloodthirsty psycho. You'll die alot.
but quit caring about that for a minute. try everything
try anything, try things that are advised against.
(like when you group says don't do blah blah, it's a waste)
you'll learn for yourself what you like and don't like.**

* this imho is the most fun way, probably the best way
would be to learn to run. learn to race across the
landscape blinded find the edges of areas always carry
potions that will let you teleport or recall etc...
then after you feel like you can get away from almost
any situation (sometimes you are just doomed)
then go to what i have above, the bloodthirsty fella.

**maybe you shouldn't listen to me, I suck at pk'ing :)
but I ALWAYS have fun. (barring a few moments of anger/
anguish at a stupid death normally directed at myself.)

29169, RE: Hrm...
Posted by Mereacon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yup, was contemplating such a test character myself. Upfront warrior with no need for spelling myself up every while or so sounds inviting.
29186, And FUN don't forget fun! -nt
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
29192, Well played
Posted by Hipsin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for all of the help learning, I really appreciated it. I really didn't know you were a newbie from my interactions with you. I thought you were just taking a big roleplaying stance against wearing lots of gear when I'd try and give you nice things and you wouldn't take them. Very impressive that as a player you are not worried about gear, however, in my opinion, maybe not the best way to learn. With your next mage, get your hands on everything you possibly can, and identify it. You don't have to hoard it, but learn about it. If it's descent, ask around and find out where it comes from. I would have shown you lots of things with Hipsin though, if I had known that you were a newbie. Good luck with your next.