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Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Kungkruk the Taskmaster of the Eternal Night, Impudent Terror of Thera
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=28578
28578, (DELETED) [SCION] Kungkruk the Taskmaster of the Eternal Night, Impudent Terror of Thera
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Jul 2 22:57:46 2004

At 1 o'clock AM, Day of the Bull, 8th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Kungkruk perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
28670, Lowbie Smashin
Posted by Dralcyme on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun doing some damage with you from rank 11 through about rank 25ish. I liked those chats we had about what we would do later in life, I remember when you couldn't decide, asking me questions about the chasm and stuff. Obviously you turned out to be a great warrior and scion, I shoulda hung in there with you. Luck with the next.

Dralcyme aka Pyarima
28674, RE: Lowbie Smashin
Posted by Kung on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know that the average necro probably has a shorter life expectancy than any other class, due to the fact they are a BITCH to rank (I know). I had pegged Dracylme as one who would make it. I remember when you stopped showing up...I was looking for your pretty much constantly as I wanted to bring you into Kungkruk's 'confidence' so to speak. In any case, I didn't get to interact with Pyramina *too* much, and always wished you would have kept Dralc alive.

Thanks for the words.b
28618, Kung has Kroaked
Posted by KungKRUK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess I owe something of an explanation. I deleted for a couple reasons. First, as someone pointed out on Dio's, I'm studying for the LSATs, and need to buckle down and focus, something that wasn't happening between work and CF. Second, it's a beautiful summer, and I hated myself for spending it in my air conditioned room playing cf when I should have been out playing frisbee or on the tennis courts. Third, yes, I became a bit frazzled and disheartened over the flames on Dio's. I made the mistake of trying to defend myself, and that just made things worse. I put a lot of energy and time into making Kungkruk the best character I could make him, but I guess it's easier to just go on an OOC forum and try to rip that apart than to deal with it in character. At the end, I was just drained. To all the applicants, sorry I won't be there to see you through the process. There are a lot of good ones who want to get in to Scion right now, but unfortunately it's a pretty select cabal and not all of you can make it. I never had the ability to induct anyway, but rest assured, the two of you who I promised my support to yesterday received it in a note to Mekantos before I deleted.

I rolled KungKRUK after a 5 month or so hiatus as an experiment. I try not to play the same thing twice nowadays, so after Oeretai was just Tcatama in a storm outfit, I wanted a switch. I wanted a fire giant that looked and acted like a fire giant. I wanted anyone who interacted with me for more than two seconds to know that I was a fire giant, and not a human who could wield a two handed weapon with one hand. However, I also wanted a 'twist', and that's where the language came in. I played dumb with the majority of the cf populace; I had over the course of my life one or two confidants in Scion (which is why I had that log removed of me talking like a US Army general--sorry Sashindar). I occasionally would give other cabal leaders a taste of my smarter side in hopes that they would be flattered or more easily manipulated. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Other that I found myself becoming deceptive over the easiest of matters. I didn't just go kill Jumnarl's for his axe...if asked, I slew two imperials and pulled it from their cold, dead hands, etc etc.

Oh well, on to a few goodbyes:

Lyristeon: First and foremost I can't thank you enough. I could spend a lot of time here talking about myself and how I fit into your religion, but I'm not going to. I'm just going to say that you have my vote for the most impressive immortal to come out of CF in the last few years. If anyone wants an extremely satisfying experience, I recommend you try the Imp...just don't be surprised when what you get isn't what you expected. Oh and yes, I got the pun =P.

Mekantos: I knew you as Tcatama, so I pretty much knew exactly what to expect. With Kungkruk, each time I approached you, I made a point to be cocky and bold to the point of *almost* being insulting. With a character like yours, simpering and supplication won't get you far, and I knew it. Sorry about sending so many applicants your way, but without induct, I always viewed my role as a filtering one. I would get rid of the totally stupid and send you the solid apps and you could make the final choice. I enjoyed our interactions with you as well, and I hope you go far.

Beroxxus: Thank you for the title and interaction. I'm sure you knew I was extremely frustrated with no leader being picked. I never really wanted the spot myself. My role was of that who was paving the way for the chancellor and advisor. I felt I galvanized the Chasm, and in the last week or two made it stronger than it has been in a long time (the war with the Spire caused this in part). I understand Valg's post saying that 'we don't need a leader now, we have inductions covered'. However, leaders do more than induct. They wheel and deal, and provide interesting RP for all involved. I was a makeshift leader, and as far as I can tell the only reward I received for it was having my warcry tweaked DOWN the last day or two of my existence. I could be wrong...in any case, I know you'll make the right call for the Chasm.

Mortals...(if I forget anyone, remember that I've met many, many people in this life).


Dralyth: See your goodbye thread. You were great for the Chasm, and great for the game. We'll miss players like you.

Zytaensis: Man, I had such a love/hate relationship with you. It's *so* much fun when you were on and we would steamroll. It sucked when I would charge in and promptly die with no word or anything. However, given which imm empowered and tatted you, I think I know a little something about why that is....=P.

Jugorath: You are a beast, plain and simple. Always up for a rumble (when you are around), and damn good at it. You'll need to pick up some slack now that I'm gone.

Tralin: Stop resting when I'm moving! When you knocked someone out though, they were...just dead. Rank up, fool!

Zavin: One of my oldest (and deadliest) compatriots. When you deleted, I knew the Chasm was in for some tough times. And for about three weeks, it was.

Nagesh: The one who brought me in. I never understood your title. What the hell is an evil necro supposed to do, NOT loot? EVERY time I died to Maran or Tribunal, all my stuff was gone, and next I knew they had titles like "The selfless, steadfast non-looter". I don't get it.


Lemath: You are doing an excellent job. Well-spoken and fair, you were a good foil for Kungkruk. IC of course I couldn't possibly see eye to eye with you, but OOC I always thought you did a great job as a *leader*. I hope you act appropriately now that I'm dead.

Odrirg: Drop the 'what's the matter, don't you have the stones to fight me?' line. I'm not running in to get withered/plagued/blinded/bloody shackled no matter what language you use. I enjoyed making a barnyard out of the Ki-Rin shrine when you were on though =p


For a while you were strong as hell, then you just all dropped off the map. Iborenn, you were the only one I see with the guts to stick out these bad times. You are the true blue battlerager at the moment, and EVERYONE should give you props for that.


Blitz: You are a monster, plain and simple. And with Emperor powers you are a monster in a way I could never be. Keep at it--they're already running for the hills.


Golron: You strike me as a die-hard leader, and I like that. Much like Tcatama, you would defend *no matter what* the odds. Believe me, I know how dying to a four person gank to Scion in the Fort feels--I did the same thing many times with Tcatama. My only negative comment is *learn how to use stun better =P*. As an ex-h2h spec some of the times you tried to stun me I had to roll my eyes and laugh.

Ryldain: A paladin who I could respect. We had some decent little sound-bites of conversation. Believe it or not, most of the Fort were more foul-mouthed to me than Imperials or Tribunal.

Scharnz: I also respected your die-hard assassin style. Good luck with whatever you're on now.

Thenrek: Thanks for the solo (and non solo fights). I liked that a paladin, at least to some extent, was willing to come at me without backup. For the record, I don't consider having a nightwalker with me 'unfair' =P.


Surin: Exactly what a nasty, deception-based Ranger should be. You had people running for the hills...er, cities when you were around. That's right--the hills were full of snares.

Umalilith: There's a shortage of invokers who know what they are doing right now. I'll leave it up to you to catch the pun in the first sentence.

In any case, I'll be taking a nice break from CF now until the fall. Hopefully, I'll see you all again then in some form or another.

Enbuergo, signing out.
28620, Dammit
Posted by KungKRUK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Sashindar, an excellent transmuter and one who visibly improved a LOT over the weeks and months. There was a reason I took you into my confidence (you were one of 5 I think), and that was I had learned to trust you, and Kungkruk trusted almost noone. Great job.

Baendra, sorry about your lich quest not working. I of course know your player from more than a few characters, and I don't think anyone really can say anything negative about either you or any character you've played. An excellent job all around, although I never knew why you befriended me, a chaotic multi-wanted scion, that time in Kteng's rather than battling it out.

Dregvoshan, we had a great thing going for a while. But you burned too brightly I guess. Good luck in the future.
28636, nice char
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I wasn't aware that Kungkruk had been wanted when I went to K'tengs with you, plus I needed you for something iirc.

Generally though, I tend to be nicer to well rp'd characters than badly rp'd ones. I guess I view them, at worst, as being an enemy to respect. However, I never really saw Kungkruk as an enemy, and I'd not judged him before we travelled that time. Generally speaking you didn't interfere if I hunted another wanted scion unless you were with them in the first place. Little things like that meant that I viewed you as someone who broke the law for the "right" reasons rather than the wrong ones. Plus, there were times when you are the only non-enemy around to speak to.

Don't forget, Baendra was a lawful evil. She didn't exactly think the law was a wonderful thing that everyone should respect. She thought that it was a useful tool and that everyone should respect her. You seemed respectful, if somewhat incorrigible once I got to know you better and noticed you offending more often, but overall she quite liked you.

Overall, I think you achieved the things you mention in your farewell. You definitely come across as a fire giant and I've noticed a big difference in how you treated two different characters of mine, which was appropriate given who they were. I thought Kungkruk was a good character, and did a decent job with scion.
28622, My my..
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our couple little chats, the contents we'll keep to ourselves
to keep from bruising any Magistrate egos. :P You seemed to ride
that fine line between respect and contempt pretty well.

Good luck with your bid for law school.

28630, ha!
Posted by Tralin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are very people i have run into that I can read what they are saying..and say..okay so and so is whatever race..not with you..when we had our first conversation I said.. "this mother f'r is a mother f'n firegiant.."

well done.

GL with your testing.
28632, Thanks
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not just for the kind words, but for grabbing the religion by the horns and riding it throughout your entire life. You did exactly what I expect from a follower. We will keep that our secret.

Watching your concept of the religion with Zytanesis's made me laugh quite often. Opposite ends of the religion from the same cabal and all that.

I won't go too deeply into the religion aspect here, because, like you said, it isn't what you expect and that's the fun of it. But, if you have any questions about it, feel free to email me at lyristeon@carrionfields.com.

Good luck with your LSAT's and hope to see you back soon.

28633, RE: Thanks
Posted by Kung on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did email you last night actually =p.

Would you mind if I posted a couple logs of our interactions? I would edit out the 'secret' stuff about your religion, and would be happy to send them to you first to preview and approve.

Thanks again for all that you did.

oh ps hit Zulg with that little blue rod of yours and get my premium BF up! It's been almost 18 hours, and I demand immediate service! Now I'm going to go fix myself a TV dinner and play internet bingo.
28634, RE: Thanks
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Post what you like, I will respond to your emails soon.
28640, RE: Kung has Kroaked
Posted by Audriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to say Kung was one of the strongest Fire/Axe warriors I've seen. He reminds me of Kalraak, although he had the benefit of Hell axes. This was when Dullameh was leading Scion.

As a fire/axe, you pretty much ran Scion, which is normally done by mages. Actually, you were more dangerous than a barriered invoker - at least for Audriel.

The flaming wars are really sad, yes. No matter what anyone says, you were selected as Taskmaster because you stood out. I'm certain your premium comments will back this up. The IMMs are in a better position to talk than any other player. Again, it's probably just fear and hate which prompts people to make snide remarks about someone's character or player. If anyone said something, they could be certain to face a nice pincer, and that you'd back up your word.

On the bright side, the timing of Kung's and Cele's death really cements their status as great rivals. I'm sure neither of you enjoyed the flaming while it occurred. If you take that away, the matchup was pretty exciting. I personally sat back and enjoyed my front row seats.

Buckle down and take the test seriously. I recommend Testmasters with Robin Singh. No more getting upset and flaming on CF boards for you!
28645, Heh, damn, will miss you.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Odrirg: Drop the 'what's the matter, don't you have the stones to fight me?' line. I'm not running in to get withered/plagued/blinded/bloody shackled no matter what language you use. I enjoyed making a barnyard out of the Ki-Rin shrine when you were on though =p

First off, Ooc, I knew you were probably doing the right thing. As a solo non-rager warrior I myself would be wary about agreeing to fight a shaman with guards and shackles....and if I was a fire giant, I hope I would have handled it like you, not giving me a chance, but when you had the numbers bringing it like an avalanche. Doesn't change the fact that I still WANTED to fight you one on one.

Second, about Odrirg repeating that kind of line to you. There are many reasons he does so, especially towards Chaotics, that might not be apparant if you just hear me say that sentence.

Of the reasons I'm willing to share, Odrirg knows that chaos means a break-down of cause and effect....meaning that if you keep giving someone given totally over to chaos the same exact stimulus....there is a good chance that you won't *ALWAYS* get the same answer. So he figured if he kept it up, if kung wasn't a Hypocrit, kung would eventually agree to a fight.

Also, Odrirg is an ornery dwarf with a mind set on a path...and it's not hard to make him swerve...so there is a good bet he is going to badger you until he gets his way. ....oh, that and I lack the words to convey how much you pissed Odrirg off with that whole "Horsey" thing about his god.

Although I was laughing my ass off, it was funny.

Sorry to see you go, Strong enemies willing to gather up gank squads and go on the rampage are what makes this game fun.
28648, RE: Heh, damn, will miss you.
Posted by KungKRUK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The misconception was that Kungkruk was totally given over to Chaos. I was sphere deception, not sphere Chaos, and one of my patron deity's aspects was wisdom as well. Chaos to me was something to be expected and employed towards a specific end. I knew what Odrirg's conception of Kungkruk was, and tried to use that to keep you frustrated and feeling impotent at being able to catch/kill me. I estimated that with this in the background, *Odrirg himself* would succumb to the temptation to fight in less than favorable situations...something that did happen.

I'm glad you found Kungkruk an interesting character. Good luck with Odrirg.
28647, Heh
Posted by Lemath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lemath: You are doing an excellent job. Well-spoken and fair, you were a good foil for Kungkruk. IC of course I couldn't possibly see eye to eye with you, but OOC I always thought you did a great job as a *leader*. I hope you act appropriately now that I'm dead.

Like I said, I hated you IC, when you were around I always knew things were goin to get intresting. Had massive amounts of respect for your both IC and OOC. Always made it fun and knew what you were doing. Always had fun and Scion is REALLY REALLY hurt by your being gone. Some competant Scions left, but they just lost an ass load of power. Well done leading the Chasm, it was what they needed to get a good start up and going. Good luck with school and all and have fun. Hope to see you again.


28675, RE: Kung has Kroaked
Posted by Golron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry if you took offense to things I said on dios and all. I didn't mean it to sound like it probably did. I try to stay happy because all the gangs I get done by tends to make me go.....why do I play this....then I try to look at the up side and make myself laugh, which works heh. But I wont go into those things because why darken the mood? :)

That last time I came to defend against Diiafd, you, one of the trannies and Arthakar was brutal. I am like, I am going to die, so might as well show em I mean buisness! I was at the large crossroads when you hit the outer. By the time I got to the fortress going as fast as my connection would take me, the inner was dead and that was without Diiafd helping on the outer. Thats just wrong.....heh. Thanks for leaving almost all my gear that time though. Was about 19 pieces of things more then I expect :P. In fact I tend not to even bother checkin my corpses now no matter who I die to, no one likes poor old Golron :)

Stun........yeah this isnt my first hero h2h spec. And there were sometimes in big gangs I would stun you for one main reason. Saves me fleein and coming back in. It made you start hitting someone else. Or I would stun so I could wail on the soft meat before I had to hit you again heh. Another thing, with axes like those I use why would I want to use h2h lol. I should start a petition for being able to make gauntlets to make h2h damage better......

Anyway, peace out, you should come back to cf after your LSAT thingy (oh and good luck with that) and come back to fortress............

28676, Yeh thanks.
Posted by Orc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Golron: Thanks for leaving almost all my gear that time though. Was about 19 pieces of things more then I expect :P. In fact I tend not to even bother checkin my corpses now no matter who I die to, no one likes poor old Golron :)

Cant understand why Golron destroys even water bottles and leave me bare each time. Even food and empty sacks. Then thanks others who leave him some things.
28677, Well done Enbuergo! -nt
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
28682, I loved what little talks we did have
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were extreamly bizarre to talk to and probly one of the few people that didn't say the same old #### to me about being a rager *heh that last talk was the best* (Oh and I totally agree about the wolf thing)
Total props on your char you managed to kick my ass or outsmart me everysingle time I tangled with you pretty much. *bleh*
Good luck on your next I hope it will be as intresting as this one was
28685, Whooping the llama's ass
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man, first off I wanted to say that you did a GREAT JOB, and I am glad to have had you running wild for as long as you did. I thought you played Kung like a true fire giant, and since you have said that that was one of your main goals, I think you can count it as having been a success.

Aside from kicking a prodigious amount of enemy ass, I never saw your roleplay falter and I was pleased at the regularity that came from you. I know that may sound strange, but it really is pretty simple; I knew what you wanted and I knew your temperament, and they never reached to far from your base concept of the character, which is again a sign of good roleplay.

You approached Mek as well as you could have, considering who and what you were in-game. Of course you did kinda have the 411 with how to do that due to prior experience, but I can't knock you for that.:+

I wish you a great summer and good luck with your testing. When it gets rainy and dreary again c'mon back to the Coziest Little Pit of Evil This Side of the Araile. (This is in no way an endorsement of the Team Evil mentality, which should be eradicated from the face of CF).

28690, RE: Whooping the llama's ass
Posted by thornheart on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Uh oh, last time I heard this comment it was about Arehanah. Is that Imm speak for something good?

28687, *grunts*
Posted by Sguk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
an orc's only friend has died..I had fun running around with you definetly...sometimes I felt like we were the two stooges, one would say something dumb and he would get hit.,,

the time I stole your axe and hid..golden

oh well

28689, Heh, I guess you can now see how easy it is to get sucked into flame wars...
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Third, yes, I became
>a bit frazzled and disheartened over the flames on Dio's. I
>made the mistake of trying to defend myself, and that just
>made things worse. I put a lot of energy and time into making
>Kungkruk the best character I could make him, but I guess it's
>easier to just go on an OOC forum and try to rip that apart
>than to deal with it in character. At the end, I was just

You can always take up gardening with me. We'll grow the biggest Tomato ever and show everyone I promise. :)

In your own words though, from what I saw of your logs, "I quite liked this character." And heed your own advice...don't let losers on the forums #### with your head.

28710, Good job
Posted by Trotat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have no idea how much I wanted to be in hero range just so I could receive more attention from you. Scouting just doesn't cut it, in my book. I wanted to jump in feet first and get bloody. I was totally awed and impressed by your character's RP and PK abilities. I tried to make my actions scream, "Notice me!" as best I could, lackey-ish as that sounds. What self-serving scum wouldn't want to winnow their way into the boss' good graces?

I made my character after a short hiatus from CF, not thinking of really going far with it, but I am finding it so enjoyable that I'm spending more hours online than before and probably more than I should be. Thanks for being a part of that.

One thing I have to question though, is that the Chasm would be raided, and you and the healer often wouldn't make it back before the Inner was killed, even with only two raiders. Was that intentional, or could you just not get back in time? Or maybe you thought you had a better chance to kill them during a retreival on their own soil? Just curious, not a jab.

Oh, and the 31 Paladin kills? Very impressive.

28713, RE: Good job
Posted by KungKRUK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If there were just two raiders, odds are I would make it back (and Zytanesis or whoever as well). I think perhaps you are misremembering or there are factors you aren't considering. For example, a lot of times there would be only two *active* raiders (say Rouchevien and Celebrimbor), but there would be two acolytes (say Audriel and Lekerjey) sitting in the stairs waiting. Acolytes from my experience can't actively raid, however they have no problems with having Maran summoning you out to neuro/shield bash you to death. For either of us to just run to the archmage when we had intel or whatnot that there were others there just waiting for us, especially with summoners involved, was silly. Often it was much more prudent to start thinking about a counterraid vs just running in and getting summoned and killed.

Hope that explains things a bit. I will say, however, that many times that I did just charge in to defend alone or whatnot, even though I knew I would be run off fairly quickly. It just depended on the 'get away' factor.
28714, RE: Good job
Posted by Trotat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like I said, no character bashing here. I was just curious.
28717, RE: Good job
Posted by KungKRUK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nope, I know you weren't char bashing. Trotat was chill, and always seemed eager to please. I liked you, and always knew I could count on you to do the spying I needed. I wish I could have power ranked you, but everytime I set aside a block of time to do it, something funky came up. Too bad we didn't ever have a chance to run together, but some things just aren't meant to be. Keep up the good work and I'm sure your character will pan out just fine.
28757, Dioxide OOC
Posted by Rouchevien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You got it a lot less than I did. Do as I did. Consider the criticism, than construct or discard as need be. You summed it up well with a statement I remember on in game anger translated into dioxide's ooc forum. If they can't player kill you in the game, they'll do it there.

I would have liked to fight Kungkruk more often, but you had a good combination with the entwine/curse combo, and you were surprisingly tough. I think you killed me four times. *salute*
28617, I really liked you
Posted by Surin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Met you when we ranked together and i got tattoed by Lyristeon right with you. Really liked the way you talked and your behavior. Very well RPd giant, i thought.

What i found interesting however was after we had talked together a few times, and you spoke giantish, you replied to me talking very eloquently. That reply was not meant for me, im thinking for an imm or someone who knew what you were REALLY like. I realized that the whole giantish talking thing was only a deception thing, very well done.

Cheers on starting that huge mayhem and on kicking ass, both rp and pk wise. One of the most interesting characters ive seen in a long time. You sure made some waves.

Glad you got that tattoo...after me :P
28615, The younger days...
Posted by Diblazdien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were one of the best played characters in quite some time. I have this horrible habit of meeting the greatest and strongest characters when they are young. I never really interacted with you as Diblazdien, yet, with a much younger necromancer...uh...Azenisus I think it was. He was like all my characters, bloodthristy, but you were just too damn awesome to kill, even at lvl 11. Congrats on such an incredible, marvelous character. You were a beast.

P.S. Trash talk all you want, you have every right to back up anything you say. ;)
28602, must be something about interviewing me
Posted by necro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every scion I speak to deletes the next day. :(

I knew Kung through another character, and was pretty impressed. I thought you did everything pretty much right.
28582, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Kungkruk the Taskmaster of the Eternal Night, Impudent Terror of Thera
Posted by Mangar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man..I was ranking as fast as I could. Nice work all around. Damn though.....Damn.

28581, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Kungkruk the Taskmaster of the Eternal Night, Impudent Terror of Thera
Posted by Mr. ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A shame, I hoped big things for you. More people like you and this mud would be alot more interesting. Good luck with the next one.