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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Celebrimbor the Avenger of the Righteous, Captain of the Brigade, Sounder of the Clarion
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=28551
28551, (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Celebrimbor the Avenger of the Righteous, Captain of the Brigade, Sounder of the Clarion
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Jul 2 17:46:56 2004

At 6 o'clock AM, Day of the Bull, 22nd of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Celebrimbor perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
29088, Oh and one thing I wanted to address.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sebeoks little comment on my immortal comments kind of irked me. Not because it was a negative comment about me, everyone knows how much attention I pay to those, but because it implies cabals are only for "experienced" people.

I handle my inductions in pretty much the opposite way. I don't make getting in hard, and I change my interviews and how difficult they are based on the persons seeming knowledge. If you manage to not get in when I do an interview, either your RP doesn't fit in any way, or you just did something horrificly wrong. I believe in inducting people who clearly DON'T necessarily know all the right answers, but seem willing to learn.

I think the game ought to be fun for everyone, experienced players and new players. If we don't allow newer and less experienced people the chance to join cabals, how are they supposed to learn?

Yes, I inducted every clueless noob who applied and could form a semi-coherent sentence. But then I also spent the time to make that noob less clueless. I showed them new things, worked on their RP with them, worked on their tactics with them both in the Classes for Squires and on a one on one basis. I taught them places to get coins and preparations.

I think as long as leaders are willing to take the time to show the players who in Sebeoks terms "suck", how to suck less, then they are doing more good for the mud as a whole than the leaders who will only induct skilled players.

If thats something to be denegrated, then so be it.
29090, RE: Oh and one thing I wanted to address.
Posted by Sebeok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Sebeoks little comment on my immortal comments kind of irked
>me. Not because it was a negative comment about me, everyone
>knows how much attention I pay to those, but because it
>implies cabals are only for "experienced" people.

It doesn't imply that. I've inducted people who were clearly new but busted their asses and wanted to learn. That's the point. You seemed to just induct anyone who asked.

>I handle my inductions in pretty much the opposite way. I
>don't make getting in hard, and I change my interviews and how
>difficult they are based on the persons seeming knowledge. If
>you manage to not get in when I do an interview, either your
>RP doesn't fit in any way, or you just did something
>horrificly wrong. I believe in inducting people who clearly
>DON'T necessarily know all the right answers, but seem willing
>to learn.

You don't make getting in hard. I'll agree with that wholeheartedly. Someone who doesn't know the right answers and seems willing to learn, in my eyes, must show that willingness through the induction process. That induction process isn't a 5 minute conversation. Inducting someone after 5 minutes can't possibly give a good indication of an applicant's effort.

>I think the game ought to be fun for everyone, experienced
>players and new players. If we don't allow newer and less
>experienced people the chance to join cabals, how are they
>supposed to learn?

I agree. The chance to join isn't a right to join for whoever asks.

>Yes, I inducted every clueless noob who applied and could form
>a semi-coherent sentence. But then I also spent the time to
>make that noob less clueless. I showed them new things, worked
>on their RP with them, worked on their tactics with them both
>in the Classes for Squires and on a one on one basis. I taught
>them places to get coins and preparations.

If that's the case, that effort you gave to help them should be done
before induction and is precisely what my point is.

>I think as long as leaders are willing to take the time to
>show the players who in Sebeoks terms "suck", how to suck
>less, then they are doing more good for the mud as a whole
>than the leaders who will only induct skilled players.

Teaching and mentoring prospective applicants is good. There will be a lot who need it to deserve induction. Inducting first and asking questions later bothered me enough to make that comment.
Maybe "suck" was too brutal. I think caballed spots should be at more of a premium than they are. While you did well at the teaching and leadership aspect of it, that can be done regardless of whether they're inducted or not. There should be stricter entrance requirements than being able to fog a mirror.

29115, RE: Oh and one thing I wanted to address.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It doesn't imply that. I've inducted people who were clearly
>new but busted their asses and wanted to learn. That's the
>point. You seemed to just induct anyone who asked.

A valid point. The only person who I didn't induct quickly, or turn away outright, was Menon. He totally overcame any misgivings I had about him though.

>You don't make getting in hard. I'll agree with that
>wholeheartedly. Someone who doesn't know the right answers
>and seems willing to learn, in my eyes, must show that
>willingness through the induction process. That induction
>process isn't a 5 minute conversation. Inducting someone
>after 5 minutes can't possibly give a good indication of an
>applicant's effort.

I also based a lot of my inductions on things I had seen, or reports made from others. I delegated a lot of the "Who is suitable" work to the Squires and Maran. I made the applicants have written recs, and based my quickie inductions on trust in the people I had trained.

>I agree. The chance to join isn't a right to join for whoever

Which is why I used the time honored "Have writted recommendations" thing working for me. It frees me up from the need to deal overly with applicants, and lets me deal with the people who are inducted.

>If that's the case, that effort you gave to help them should
>be done
>before induction and is precisely what my point is.

Ehh. Just a difference of opinion on how it should be done then. I put a lot of the screening work on my subordinates. I like this because it encourages group responsibility for the actions of others. Someone who recommended a guy is going to want to be sure he's not going to be found doing bad things.

>Teaching and mentoring prospective applicants is good. There
>will be a lot who need it to deserve induction. Inducting
>first and asking questions later bothered me enough to make
>that comment.

Fair enough.

>Maybe "suck" was too brutal. I think caballed spots should be
>at more of a premium than they are. While you did well at the
>teaching and leadership aspect of it, that can be done
>regardless of whether they're inducted or not. There should
>be stricter entrance requirements than being able to fog a

Like I said, we just don't see eye to eye on this point, and we'll just have to agree to disagree. It wasn't so much the comment directed at me that bugged me, it was more a snub at the people who applied that irked me.

29164, Heh,
Posted by A random on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Then limit the number of imperial slots if you think cabals should be for elitetests,
I've NEVER seen a cabal with that many memebers spread throughout the ranks.
29165, The Empire is different
Posted by Sebeok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll let the Empire Imms respond if they choose to, but the fact that it's "easy in" is by design. It should also be an "easy out", but some leadership of it forgets about their demotion and anathema abilities from time to time.
29086, Well I held off on my goodbies for a while...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I figured if I waited a few days, enough people would post and I wouldn't have many to remember. :) My evil scheme worked and I don't have many goodbies left to make.

First the Fortress.

Ryldain. The talk we had a day or so before I died, I meant every word of it. You were absolutely the most loyal Squire, then Maran that ever drew a breath. You came to me constantly with any questions you had, and some of them were even thought provoking for me. I liked that you were willing to say "Guide me" by asking, and I always tried my best to give you good answers, and then explain my reasoning for them. You were a good soudning board for me, and a good friend. Celebrimbor had many allies, but very few true friends, and you were one of the best.

Vahl. You were Elder Prophet before I was a Squire. We butted heads a few times on a few different things, and as time went on the tone between us changed. You seemed to expect me to just knuckle under and do what you "advised" me to do less often, and I felt less need to explain my reasoning to you when we differed, and things actually went smoother between us. It's a shame your playing times seem to have dropped off, you were always good to have around.

I'm going to reserve comment on a few of you, as you are still active characters. Here I'll only say, being a ganging gear hungry bitch reflects poorly on a lightwalker.

Enemies. And boy were there a lot of you.


Nazzryn. You were a giant pain in my ass, up until I became a full Maran. Then you just didn't seem to want to fight me, and the times we did just went icky bad for you. A duergar thief on a paladin is just never good for the thief. But you were good at what you did, and I always had to be extra aware of what was going on around me if I knew or suspected you were around. Good work.

Zyt. I remember the first time we "ran into" each other was during a raid. You were still too low to fight, and tried to complicate a raid I was doing solo against the Archmage. Had we been at the Imperial inners, you may very well have managed to run me off. As it was you just slowed me down. Then you hit hero range, and jumped into the fray with everyone else. I started telling people to target you in a fight instead of Kung, because you were the real power we had to watch for. Sure Kung hit hard, but you were the one keeping him alive. And keep him alive you did many MANY times, when he'd have fallen otherwise. Good work.

Which brings us to Kung. You were a huge pain in my ass. OOC trash talk from intermediaries and on the boards aside, you were a beast plain and simple. I wanted to badly to fight you alone, but it just never happened (With one exception, but I was coming from a solo raid on the Palace, and wasn't even close to fighting shape for a foe of your calibre), and that saddens me. I'd have shoved those axes up your ass buddy boy. ;) Also well done.

Imperials. I'm not going to mention anyone specifically. The current crop of Imperials is, almost entirely, sad. I'm not saying all of them, but the vast majority. I think the pinnacle of sadness was the night two of us were raiding against a lone defender. This defender yelled something I won't repeat, at which point 3 more Imperials in range logged in a 2 minute span of time. This was just the worst example of just how blatant some of you were about obviously coordinating logins. Try playing without AIM guys. Jesus.


As much crap as I gave most of you about being Imperial lapdogs, most of you weren't. It was total RP, and in keeping with Cele's "One bad apple? Smash the whole ####ing barrel with a maul!" attitude.

I will take this opportunity to drag out my soapbox. A paladin, in my eyes, ought to not be willing to join a cabal with an active treaty with the Empire. Order is all well and good, but that just reeks way too much of "associating with the taint of evil" to me. I talked to a lot of Goodie types who were in the Spire, and generally the spiel went like this. "I don't like the treaty with the Imperials either, but it's part of my job". Uhh, well, you signed on for the job knowing what it entailed. Don't pretend you didn't know about it before you signed up.

Surin is the only uncaballed or unaffiliated evil who I'll mention, because the ####er pulled one past me. I had been talking to a ranger, and Surin started talking to me just after. He asked about making a trade, and it was one that worked out well for me so I went for it. Then, after the trade was done, he revealed himself. Very nicely played. I'd like to see more people being sneaky like this.

And of course, another thank you to the imms. I really have to say, without the Immteractions I recieved as Celebrimbor, the character would have been a lot less fun. Between the Atta-boys from Shok, the pep talks from Vynnie mac, and whichever imm it was who kept sending devils after me, I had nothing short of a total blast.

Thank you all.

29087, Devils are fun!
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was me. When I saw how heavy the numbers were in your favor at that time, I decided to have some fun. Glad you enjoyed it. That's what it's all about.

Good luck with your next.
29116, Damn man.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are an awesome imm to interact with. That was a blast.
29107, Hey sweetheart.
Posted by Blitz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Imperials. I'm not going to mention anyone specifically. The current crop of Imperials is, almost entirely, sad. I'm not saying all of them, but the vast majority. I think the pinnacle of sadness was the night two of us were raiding against a lone defender. This defender yelled something I won't repeat, at which point 3 more Imperials in range logged in a 2 minute span of time. This was just the worst example of just how blatant some of you were about obviously coordinating logins. Try playing without AIM guys. Jesus.

Could say the same exact thing about the Fortress. There are as many pure motive players in Empire as there are in Fortress. The suspicious activities of Empire can be thought of as the same suspicious activities of Fortress. In conclusion, don't put the cabal you led on any pedestal above Empire.
29108, yeah, I'd pretty much agree with that
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's not the cabal as much as the players. I know when I raided with Grurk, Grurk specifically warned me that someone who wasn't logged on would probably log on to defend (apparently it happened repeatedly), and they did.

I've seen it in battle, outlander, fortress and empire all within Baendra's lifetime. In fact, there is one case where it might well have happened in tribunal that I noticed at the time.

The vast majority of a cabal may be clean, but there are always a few players that think it is ok to do. I tend not to notice as much unless someone comments on it, but then it can be quite obvious in some cases.
29110, RE: Let's clear this up, now.
Posted by Malkhar. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It's not the cabal as much as the players. I know when I
>raided with Grurk, Grurk specifically warned me that someone
>who wasn't logged on would probably log on to defend
>(apparently it happened repeatedly), and they did.

This is the third time you've pulled this out, and it's a little annoying. Unless there was someone else who logged in while Baendra and Grurk were raiding, it was obviously me.

1. Everytime I logged Malkhar out I made sure to log out in the Outlander cabal. Why? Because it was the only way I could catch anyone to come into a forest at reasonable odds. 99% of the time I'd log in and no one would be raiding - but that 1% of the time was worth it.

2. It's obvious you never played an Outlander, at least at that time - what "mysterious lowbie" do you think could have alerted me on AIM or email or cell-phone-call that you and Grurk were raiding? There was virtually no one in the cabal that logged in when I played Malkhar. Under 10 members, total.

3. I died in that raid because I didn't realize detect invis had fallen and I thought Grurk was raiding alone - wouldn't have happened if I knew you were there beforehand.

Anyway, knock it off with the accusations. I know where they stem from (I logged in Malkhar before that time and found Grurk raiding alone, when I killed him), but they're not true and it's time to let them go.
29111, That's just the example I use
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because it is the one specific one that I recall someone saying it would happen and it happened. It isn't the most clearcut case, by any means. Perhaps I should not have used it as an example but because of the comments beforehand it is the one that sticks out in my mind, and hence the one I tend to mention.

I too have logged on in the middle of a raid, but if someone said I'd do it just before I did, would you not find it suspicious when they were right? Hell, I even felt like I must look guilty as hell when I logged on at the executioner, as the sole trib, with a raid in progress.

29112, although I see why you take offense now
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wasn't actually thinking of Malkhar when I wrote the last paragraph. Malkhar is just the only example where I can remember who was involved and hence I mentioned the circumstances.
29113, however, I would say
Posted by DAurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It doesn't take a lowbie in the cabal to make a tip-off. It could be anyone in game capable of telling where one character is, followed by an ooc communication. Being in the same cabal isn't really important.
29114, RE: Let's clear this up, now.
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For what it's worth..

I don't remember this raid with Baendra. I do remember raiding
and getting soundly defeated by you alone. Ever since then, Grurk
made it a point to to mention that fact, 'someone could be in there'.

I don't think I ever meant it as an OOC jib, that someone was getting
out of game knowledge to log on and kill me. It was just my RP, Grurk's
way of saying.. "I'm scared, hold me."


29120, No doubt about it
Posted by Quevea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know I've commented several times IC about the tendency for Fortressites to mass log in. Just this morning it went from 1 Fortress member on "who" to 4 Fortress members on "who" in like 5 minutes. I made my typical comment of "Amusing." to the two Imperials who were with me.

However, I think a lot of the time it's probably coincidence. You have to watch for patterns though. Thankfully, I really haven't noticed any on either side of the fence or I'd have prayed about it.
29136, I have no doubt.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The incident I mentioned was basically someone saying in the game "Look at how many people I can get to log in with me" and after that I lost all respect I had for this particular player. I also happen to know a few of the people who are playing current Imperials, and they have outright told me there are times when certain other Imperials use AIM to say "Log in NOW," etc etc. I've emailed the imms about it, and more than that I won't say because it's in their hands now.

Am I saying this never happens with the Fortress? No. But I don't do it, and in fact go out of my way to discourage the people who do know who I play from asking me to log in, by pointedly NOT logging in when they ask. I think it's poor form, ####ty roleplay and just unfair all around. There were a few people in the Fort who I could count on logging in within 5 mins of me logging in, and if I had had any IC way to deal with them for it, I would have.
29117, Naturally, I disagree.
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I will take this opportunity to drag out my soapbox. A
>paladin, in my eyes, ought to not be willing to join a cabal
>with an active treaty with the Empire. Order is all well and
>good, but that just reeks way too much of "associating with
>the taint of evil" to me. I talked to a lot of Goodie types
>who were in the Spire, and generally the spiel went like this.
>"I don't like the treaty with the Imperials either, but it's
>part of my job". Uhh, well, you signed on for the job knowing
>what it entailed. Don't pretend you didn't know about it
>before you signed up.

As someone who's always played paladins as the epitome of "Lawful Good" behavior, I disagree. The "I don't like it, but it's part of my job as part of a Lawful organization" is EXACTLY the sort of thing a paladin should say.

One of the hardest things about RPing a paladin (done it since I was 15) is that you *must* show restraint and obey the laws since you're supposed to be the paragon of Lawful Good behavior and you're almost always attached to an organized, established church or government. You see that necromancer sitting in the bar? You don't shove your sword in his gut, you call the city watch. Not enough evidence and he's let go? Suck it up and accept the decision of the court, your're a champion for the common people to look up to, not a shadowy vigilante on the run from the Law. Your liege lord tells you he wants peace with an evil empire? You accept it, because it's the Law of the land and what exactly is wrong with peace anyways? You use your "detct evil" ability and kill everything that looks red, even some angry serving girl in the middle of town? You loose your empowerment/divine favor.

Peronally, I don't see how neutral good can be an acceptable alignment choice for a paladin. The whole impetuous, kill-all-evil where ever it is, law be damned if I don't like it, run around as a wanted criminal in front of the common people thing just seems totally out of wack, even if my char wasn't sphere Order and OG.

Sometimes I wonder how many paladins we'd see if shamans got vitrues. :D

Anyways, I get the feeling that we're both right. OG Paladins can obey the Law, even if necros enforce it at times and NG ones can wack that same necro in town, so long as they're consistant in what they do.
29121, RE: Naturally, I disagree.
Posted by Annoyed Muter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, you use the law whenever and however possible in
order to undermine evils, and are a complete and utter
bastard about it. I know from personal experience. You
get your shots at evils by being a Tribunal, and can
be very underhanded and a little sneaky about it.

But, your a Velkurah follower, and a Ki-rin I'd expect
that you would use the law as liberally as possible in
order to destroy anyone who has even a slight lack of
respect for the law.

So, based on you, I can see a Paladin Tribunal.

- Really, really annoyed transmuter
29157, Hrmph.
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let's keep IC and OOC seperate, alright?


3. Aiding known criminals ****in any way**** by directly giving them equipment, helping them to elude punishment, killing tribunal guards, etc. will result in a WANTED flag.

The new provost has changed how this Law is interpreted and enforced, but when your flag was placed I was well within my rights to do so.

29159, I was actually posting in a sense of supporting you
Posted by Annoyed Muter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was posting because Celebrimbor said you couldn't be a
Paladin as a Tribunal. I'm more on your side thinking that
you can, and showing that you are fairly ruthless against
evils. Also for the record, and so people reading this
don't get the wrong idea and mistake this for character
assassination, I never said that you broke your own laws
I just said you stretched the law to its fullest, and I
never said you were dishonest (ie. not in line with the
Paladin Code), you were very honest, but a bastard to me
nonetheless. Especially since you flagged me after I made
a snide and facetious comment, and I had figured you used
that as if it wasn't totally full of crap and was some
sort of admission of guilt.

Anyhoo, enough of that, I like my enemies dirty and cheap,
so its cool.

- Annoyed Muter
29162, Gotcha.
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I already had evidence you were ranking with 2 orcs, Alarian just wanted to catch your character admitting to it keep the post-flag complaining to a minumum.

But yeah, paladins and drow shouldn't like each other. :D
29173, See, this is where you lose me.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not talking about evils being in the cabal, or enforcing the law. That particular horse is dead. I am talking about the active treaty that was between the Imperials and the Tribunals for so long. For a paladin to join, knowing that the group they want to work with is allied that closely with an evil organization bent on taking over the world, is just something that is totally out there for me.

The evils in the cabal are one thing, but the treaty with the Imperials is another. And you can argue "it's dead" now all you like, but the fact remains, paladins joined up, knowing about the treaty before hand. I just don't see this as something a real paladin would do.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this point. (I find myself using that term so much lately instead of the "#### you bitch, I am right" of old. Wonder if I'm getting soft in my old age.)

29191, Peace treaty vrs. Active alliance
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'm not talking about evils being in the cabal, or enforcing
>the law. That particular horse is dead. I am talking about the
>active treaty that was between the Imperials and the Tribunals
>for so long. For a paladin to join, knowing that the group
>they want to work with is allied that closely with an evil
>organization bent on taking over the world, is just something
>that is totally out there for me.

I don't see Imperials and Tribunals as "allied" at all, more like "at peace with each other". Now when we had that short tiff with the scions, I saw us as more allied with the fortress, actually.

>The evils in the cabal are one thing, but the treaty with the
>Imperials is another. And you can argue "it's dead" now all
>you like, but the fact remains, paladins joined up, knowing
>about the treaty before hand. I just don't see this as
>something a real paladin would do.

Activly raiding and PKing with each other, yeah, I'd agree. Simply not attacking other, being at peace with each other, not really.

I know IC, I turned down an offer to kill a criminal with an Imperial while the crim was blackjacked outside of the SE gate in Tar Valon with a buddy guarding him.

Another day, outlanders had out item and the codex. There were enough imperials AND tribunals to take it back, but not enough for a solo raid. IC, the thought of raiding with the Empire never occurred to Alarian, though I knew we would of succeeded.

Now when we'd raid scions, I'd ask fortress guys to help raid and kill scion crims, would group with them, and we even killed an Imperial that was trailing/annoying us.

That to me is an alliance, and I've never worked with Imperials like that. I can't speak for the evil/neutral tribs, but from what I hear IC most of them don't trust Imperials either.

>I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this point. (I
>find myself using that term so much lately instead of the
>"#### you bitch, I am right" of old. Wonder if I'm getting
>soft in my old age.)

Nah, it's called maturity. :D
28715, Shoot!
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sometimes you have people with whom it just 'clicks', people who feel what needs to be done (in fights, in raids, in exploring, ...). I already had that feeling some time ago with Esmi, and now it was the same. You were not all like the 'ideal' view I have of a Maran Paladin (that would be something like Allnallander, if you know the guy), you were more the 'harsh'-like type. Which was very interesting, by the way. I really liked you, whatever anyone else might think of you. We had some great times together; too bad we couldn't end our aboleth trip that one time. Anyways, good luck with your next, I hope I'll like him as much as I did Celebrimbor.
28739, RE: Shoot!
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, we always seem to wind up together, no matter what we're playing which cracks me up. It's really funny how many times over the years it's been me and you against large numbers of foes. We always made a good showing of ourselves, and you always played a big part in that. It's a kind of comfortable feeling when you just KNOW the other person will do the right things, and you feel that trust.

I'm sure you'll be seeing me again eventually, but don't expect another serious character like this from me for a while. Playing it so harsh and with no sense of humor was just killing me sometimes.
28672, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Celebrimbor the Avenger of the Righteous, Captain of the Brigade, Sounder of the Clarion
Posted by Golron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damned. I knew in a way that this would happen, but was hoping if I forgot about it then it wouldn't :P Well what can I say? I respected you alot. When you became Captain I was happy because I knew that it wouldn't be some looney running around getting people killed. Even after I became Marshall I still looked up to you.

Nice work on getting stuck in that cell.......twice :P

Come back to the Fort, come back to us.........

>Golron and his brave charges to his repeated deaths, never letting them slow him down.

Pretty much sums me up :)

Great char, great fun, props.

28708, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Celebrimbor the Avenger of the Righteous, Captain of the Brigade, Sounder of the Clarion
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Damned. I knew in a way that this would happen, but was
>hoping if I forgot about it then it wouldn't :P Well what can
>I say? I respected you alot. When you became Captain I was
>happy because I knew that it wouldn't be some looney running
>around getting people killed. Even after I became Marshall I
>still looked up to you.

As well you should have, grasshopper. ;)

>Nice work on getting stuck in that cell.......twice :P

You know, that whole thing astounded me. There were obviously changes made in the deck of fate since the last time I used it. I drew Temperence, and all it did was lower stats over 18, not raise any to 18. Then, to draw the Tower twice in two decks? Thats just insanity.

>Come back to the Fort, come back to us.........

I just might. I had said I was going to play something on Team Evil (tm), but it doesn't really look to me like they need the help.

>>Golron and his brave charges to his repeated deaths, never
>letting them slow him down.
>Pretty much sums me up :)

I used to sit and just shake my head sometimes. I mean, I was brave, but you were reckless. Or maybe I was reckless and you were something else entirely. Either way, you go all out and I respected that.

>Great char, great fun, props.

Thanks a bunch.

28659, Ah rats
Posted by Medellia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It sure was a great character. I absolutely loved that time in the inn with the milk on your face, very funny. Celebrimbor was pure with a moral code forged from battle, but still a big softy underneath. Sorry I wasn't around to see the end of it all, I had a lot of fun talking with you.
28662, Lol the milk!
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I still had my desc changed from that when Obaznuk called me to speak to him. He was like "You got your lips painted?" and I was still playing it like Cele didn't know he had pink #### from the milk on his upper lip. That was funny as hell.

As soon as I can get my PC working again, I'll post the "But pink is not the hue of a true champion!" conversation. That was great.

On a personal note, I always liked having Mede around. Having Mede and Amayara around however always seemed to spell certain doom for Cele. Not death, just migraines because you two together was a recipe for endless girly chatter.

One night I was on and with you two, and my little sister was visiting me, and had one of her friends staying with her. So I had two teenage girls chattering endlessly in the background, and you two chattering endlessly on the mud. Eventually I logged out, and locked myself in my bedroom with a bottle of Jim Beam, and a half dozen xanax. :P
28643, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Celebrimbor the Avenger of the Righteous, Captain of the Brigade, Sounder of the Clarion
Posted by Vynmylak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hope you had as much fun as I did with some of the interactions. I enjoyed the role you maintained, and you did a great job of it. I think Celebrimbor was a great example of a character who maintains a role and is in there swinging, regardless of the outcome of PK ratios and such. Perfect, nope. Made mistakes, yep. Roleplayed through those as the "character" would, I most definitely agree. The *only* infraction I think I let you slide on was using the deck of fate -- not something I would normally see (or condone) appropriate as an act for an orderly paladin. But, you had two deaths left to go, and we both know the outcome of that one and the deal it ensued. As always, you roleplayed it well, and as such, it flew for me.

Great job on getting things lively and making a difference. Definitely one of the top followers I've had.

thx, Vyn
28650, Thanks, everything you said really means a lot to me.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember our days running together as mortals, I just can't remember which of my characters it was. Gabinetto, Joachim, Esmi or Arikel. The memory is a little spotty. Either way I loved your Rp then, and it's just gotten better over the years.

You and Shok do an amazing job with the Fortress. Inspiration, guidance and ass kicking in just the right mixture.

The deck of fate...well what can I say? That was just a bad idea all around. Not one good thing came out of it. What you may not know is that was the second deck I had used, and the SECOND damn time I wound up in that cell. After all the crap cards I oulled the first time out, I figured the second deck HAD to give me some con, but ####er if I didn't wind up right back in that cell. I could have cried if it wasn't so damn funny.

So I spent a few days roleplaying to the echoes. Banging on the walls with my maul, scratching at the door, etc etc. Then I was asleep the last day and I heard the clarion. I thought to myself "Well ####. I'm gonna need a boot-ectomy to get his size 57 out of my ass" and I was right. You saying you were disappointed was actually worse than a boot up the ass to Cele, because it was the first time he had ever heard you say that. It was also the first time he'd ever actually felt like a disappointment. Lets just chalk that little escipade up to old age, eh?

Again, thanks for all the great interaction. Your religion is a tough road to follow at times, but well worth it in the end.
28637, Ah.
Posted by Menon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I believe when I was level 2 (and you in your high 40's) you gave my practice sword a divine blessing. You likely don't recall it, but I liked you from that point on really :). Menon in charactly found you a bit too passionate at times but given the difference between our characters it seems only expected.

Unfortunately I never participated in any of your classes but alot of other marans keep telling me things I already know so I guess I'm fine.

The only thing about you that I outrightly disliked was your tendency to post with an active character at dios. That is in my oppinion just stupid.

Well played regardless, and the best of luck to your next character.
28651, RE: Ah.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I do remember that. I saw you like 15 levels later and you were still using the sword.

I was on the fence about Menon for a long time before your induction. Your belief in order made me reluctant to induct you, and I'm glad that I listened to my gut and not my head and gave you a shot. You're a good strong presence in the Fortress, and always willing to go in swinging to back up your friends.

As for posting...yeah, the damn forums have always been my weakness. I actually did better with not posting this time around than I usually do, believe it or not. :)
28624, Question about my PBF post.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It says I had a PK win over a good person, but I can't remember a single time in Celebrimbors life where he ever killed someone who was good. I mean, that was pretty counter to everything he stood for. Could someone up in Immville look at that and tell me who it was? It's kind of bugging the #### out of me.
28641, RE: Question about my PBF post.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Date: May 1, 2004
Time: 13:24:44 CST
Victim: (51 elf transmuter) Nrhysila
Killer: (46 elf paladin) Celebrimbor

Celebrimbor initiated the attack, inside Nizarrsh Datul. You can probably figure out why that is (don't post it), but you still get credit for it.

28649, Ohh yeah. Oops. Thanks. nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
28616, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Celebrimbor the Avenger of th...
Posted by Gremnosh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't like you at first. It was probably just a skewed perspective on a couple of incidents, no big deal. You grew on me despite me not wanting you to. Good character, sorry I couldn't keep the fire going in mine to play out till the end with you.
28629, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Celebrimbor the Avenger of th...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wasn't MEANT to be liked at all. Lol. I really don't understand how Celebrimbor grew on anyone. Damnit people you weren't supposed to like him. ;)

Yeah, I wish you ahd been able to hang around till the end too, you were a powerful force for good and were missed.
28552, What a ride!
Posted by Celebrimbor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was absolutely the best time I've had with a character in a long LONG time, probably since the first age. I'll give a little background first, then move on to the thank you's.

Celebrimbor was a lot like Prince Edward. Sure, he was the son of the ruling family of Darsylon, but there was no way in hell he was ever going to get the throne. So to try and gain his fathers approval, he became much like his Elder Brother, the Lord Marshall of Darsylon. He shut himself off in a monastary, and spent his entire life dedicated to purity and perfection. Pure in body and spirit, and pure in his warcraft. There was a whole deal about ancestor worship being the religion of the royal family, and the spirits leading him to follow Vynmylak, and that will be in my role for anyone interested.

Right away, Vyn seemed to like me. My empowerment took no time, and I wasted no time in going after anything with a red aura. I met another paladin named Audriel, and we hit it off even though our philosophies were about as different as night and day. I killed things, she healed me when I would go after a group of three and bite off more than I could chew.

Let me make one thing clear. I had ZERO intentions of ever joining the Fortress. Audriel wrote a note to the Fortress, and apparently some of the other members also wrote notes, talking about me. I never applied, I never asked to join, I never intended to join.

One day I'm sitting in the guild, minding my own business, dropping things from some duergar I had just killed. Obaznuk sends me a tell, and asks me to come to the Celestial Temple. I was wondering what was up. I go to talk to him, and he basically demands to know why I'm not in the Fortress. I give him my reasons, basically that I didn't believe in the redemption of evil, and that was an important thing to the members of the Fortress. We talked about it a bit, and he basically said (and I paraphrase here) "Your reasons aint good enough. Welcome to the Fortress. Wootie!". I sat there laughing, thinking "Well this is an interesting development". I always had a soft spot for Obaz after that.

So I'm doing my thing. Fighting the evil. Not holding back from attacking groups. Bam, full Maran status in no time. Along the way I picked up two virtues, and a tat. The only thing I had to ask for was the Tat, which makes sense.

I don't think I was a Maran for very long, when I was sleeping in my guild. I woke up and was in the Azure Fields. I played it off like I thought I was dead, which Vyn got a chuckle out of. He asked me if I wanted to be Captain. I basically said no by saying "I'm just a soldier, others are more fit". He came back with something like "What if I said it was my wish?". Well duh, your God tells you he wants you to do something. So I took the Captainship, and laughed even harder. Now I was doing a job I never wanted, for a cabal I never intended to join. I really got off on the irony of that. But, being that I OOC never wanted to join OR lead, I took up the job with everything I had. I started holding classes for Squires, teaching them to carry preps, and combat techniques and surprisingly they all started to improve.

Along the way, fights happened, Won some, lost some, enjoyed almost all. I enjoyed almost every second of this characters life, and for that Vyn and Shok get a giant thank you from me. I had ####loads of immteraction, and you both were just what a good Maran god should be. Inspiring, uplifting and encouraging, in a "Mom and pop" kind of way. Sorry Shok, but I think of Vyn as pops, because you were always nicer, and Vyn was always more the "Damnit boy, go out and play football and pick some fights" parent.

Somewhere in there I decided I wanted to age die, and I damned near did. but Vyn said something to me the other day that got me thinking age death is a lame way for a Maran Captain to go out. He said "Be remembered for leading the charge and fighting, the way you always have" (Again I paraphrase). So I decided he was right, and went out fighting instead.

I'll post personal farewells in a little bit. I need some time to sit down and make a list. In almost 600 hours of time, I interacted with a LOT of people. Anyone who posts will be replied to in the interim.

28556, RE: What a ride!
Posted by Niostik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for having faith in me IC to back you and everyone else up if it came down to it. I enjoyed all of our interactions, and we had a lot of great conversations. Roll up another, the Fortress is too small.
28585, I loved your character.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one of the best healers I've seen in the Fort to date. You were competant, and willing to mix it up. I know you'll find your way back into the Fortress, but I suspect it won't be as an Acolyte. Keep up the good work.
29119, RE: I loved your character.
Posted by Niostik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad someone on that side liked me. We'll have to see what happens, though. I'm clueless as always (you know what I mean). But yeah, you better roll up another one, because we could do scary things. Good luck, pimpin'.
28570, Sure was fun ranking with you captain. :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Fort stuff was okay too. hehe.
I hope 'management' has your policies next time
I try a fortress person. :)

see ya next time around.

28586, Glad you liked my "policies"
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was a line Cele drew in the sand so to speak. You were with him, and the Fort, or against them. There was no middle ground. The same was with the Squires and Maran. Once I got Captain, a few who were established Maran before I was even a squire had some problems adjusting to being told what to do by "That young upstart". I put things firmly in their places, and after that everything for the Fort ran a lot smoother.

Though I did tend to brand anyone who acted in any slight way against the interests of the Fortress as a full enemy, but that was part of his personality.
28571, RE: What a ride!
Posted by Gaf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were probably my second favorite leader I ever worked under, behind Lardovian :P. But really Gaf had and excellent time when you were around and I appreciate the sense of humor that you wouldn't admit to having. Good times, shame you wouldn't have a drink with me though. anyway, happy times to you.
28587, I am NOT a merry man!
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, playing it straight like this was really hard for me. I haven't ever done a character with such a lack of a sense of humor. I would type things then have to erase them, just because while they would have been f'ing hysterical, they wouldn't have fit my role. You have NO IDEA how hard it was for me to play it so straight. I'm glad I made your mudding experience more enjoyable.

I had some qualms about inducting you at first, well, lets be honest, because of your name. Thats why I gave you the two day waiting period. I wrote a note to the imms basically saying "This guy has what it takes, I want him in the Fort, are you planning to do something bad to him because of his name?" No reply meant your induction, and I never regretted it. You were always ready to back me up, be it with words or actions. Very strong supporter for me, and I appreciated it.
28596, About the $&#@ name everyone has a problem with
Posted by Gaf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IT WASN'T INTENTIONAL! I just wanted a three letter name that sounded funny, because three letter names are humorous. All of you really need to pull your minds out of the gutter...I swear...people these days.
28598, Hey I inducted you, didn't I? :P
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just didn't want to induct someone who had a seemingly strong character, just to have him denied for his name 24 hours later.
28600, Oh sorry, that wasn't directed towards you
Posted by Gaf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just some rage I'm dealing with about what some people said on Dioxide's.
28572, Celebrimbor the Unwilling Celebrity
Posted by Audriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After reading all the boards, I have to laugh. You made quite a name for yourself without really trying. You had the necessary fame, controversy, and infamy that catapults even the most unwilling into Celebrity status. People will find any excuse to poke holes in your character or the player. In reality, what your critics hated most was your success, coupled with the knowledge that you could back up your incendiary words with that huge silver-banded maul. You had people seething and obsessed over hating you. It was hilarious.

Celebrimbor was a high impact character that will be remembered, both on and off the boards. He was the type of character people loved, or loved to hate. That’s what being a celebrity is all about.

No one is perfect, and Celebrimbor was certainly no exception. You do have your critics. You also have your fans, who know that you were never in this for yourself, the PK ratio, or the fancy gear. If people only knew how much time you invested in others, and how much you willingly paid for others’ mistakes, even your worst critics would recognize your passion, tenacity, experience, and love for the game. You made other players much better, and you made your opponents fear or hate you.

I knew early on that you had what it took. If you were empowered, twice virtue’d, tattooed, Maranated, promoted against your will, and gifted with a leader weapon, I obviously wasn’t the only one who felt this way.

Whatever people choose to say, this is one of the most successful characters I’ve ever seen. You made a huge dent with that maul, and your name will be etched in CF history. No one can take away the fact that you were the Captain of the Brigade.

It was a pleasure.

28583, You sound like James Lipton
Posted by Blah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Celebrimbor, your character was simply .. scrumtulescent. You are a a true de-light. What is your favorite curse word?

Celebrimbor was a good character with his ups and downs, but much as Ben Affleck is not actually practicing his "craft", he's not "leaving indelible marks of pure magnificence on CF history". He's not Zorszaul and he's not Thror. He was a competently played cabal leader with an unfortunate inability to not act like an insecure 10 year old on the forums (I hate you, Mr. Man! You never fight alone and you're a bad, bad person!).

He seemed competent and seemed to do well at both PKing and leadership, so I have nothing against the guy IC, I just think the idea that he was so stunningly successful that everyone was awed into jealousy is vaguely laughable. I have no idea what the #### a CF celebrity is, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't it.

Good luck on your next Cel. Liked your willingness to take chances and not just horde a good set of gear used solely for gangbanging like too many paladins. Gangbanging when appropriate is fine as long as you've got the balls to take your lumps when you have to.
28584, A Celebrity is ...
Posted by Audriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A widely known person. Celebrities can be famous, infamous, or controversial.

In CF, if someone gets a global echo and an entry in the history archives, that's a widely known person on CF. See Death Notice, http://forums.carrionfields.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=7&topic_id=53&mesg_id=53&page= .

By that definition, Celebrimbor is a celebrity. It does not matter if he was as popular as Zorszaul or Thror. They are all widely known characters. You do not need to be "so stunningly successful that everyone is awed into jealousy." That's a bit of a stretch.

His Scion Taskmaster buddy is also a celebrity. KungKruk vs. Celebrimbor was a popular matchup that divided a lot of people in the playerbase. Each had their fans and critics.

I wanted to make sure he gets his props before the flames come. I personally am sick of the mud slinging.

28601, I'm glad someone brought up ganging.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honor isn't about parity. Honor isn't necessarily about one on one fighting.

Honor is about doing what is necessary, and still being able to hold your head high at the end of the day. Parity in a fight is, to my way of thinking of honor, preferred. However, there comes a point where PERSONAL honor is surpassed by the honor of the "greater good".

For instance, raid situations. The reason honor can be tossed aside, is for the "Greater good". Your personal honor suffers, but since you are acting for the greater good, you are still being not only honorable, but MORE honorable by giving up your personal preference, and bowing to necessity.

There are also times, say on the way to and from a raid, where parity goes out the window. The greater good demands you minimize losses to your side. The best way to do this is to pick off anyone you come across along the way, who may gather to defend.

Finally, there come times where the death of a foe is just something that needs to be done. In one instance a thief had someone jacked, and I summoned him into a group. Now, everyone in the group knew I preferred to fight alone, but since we stumbled on the scene accidentally there wasn't time beforehand to say "Don't aid me". Once the fight was joined, and others assisted, sure I could have fled. But I had started the fight, and this thief needed to die for the greater good. If he had escaped, he could very potentially have caused endless trouble for the group I was with in the place we were heading to.

Of course, doing dishonorable things for the greater good does NOT mean you shouldn't feel remorse. I found myself at Vyns shrine many a times, meditating on things I had done, and seeking his advice on actions I took. I don't think any of the Marans ever knew why I would take off and be quiet for a time after a raid most of the time. It was pennance and meditation on the actions I had just taken. These things ought to be roleplayed, and they were. Being "honorable" doesn't mean you are always 100% sure of your actions, but you do the best you can with every situation, and show appropriate contrition when you make a mistake.

That, to me, is honor.
28603, my only gripe with you was
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That you started posting on Dio's about your version of honor. For example, you said you'd fight a lich alone, even though you didn't expect others to. And then the next thing that comes along is a log of three paladins and a transmuter against a midbie thief who was already dealing with an invoker.

You can argue either way. It is the arguing of both that I didn't like. Had you not argued the former as Celebrimbor I don't think there would have been the hostility towards the character that there was.

I know I found it pretty annoying, but when you said "some things I'd do differently if I did it again" I stopped minding, because no one is perfect. I just didn't like the saying of one thing and the doing of another. Saying that anyone caught ganging outside of a raid etc would lose their tat if they were lucky, and then doing it anyway. etc.

Other than that, I didn't mind the character. Although I took great pleasure in walking into your eyes of flame in Galadon so that you got wanted.
28605, RE: my only gripe with you was
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>That you started posting on Dio's about your version of
>honor. For example, you said you'd fight a lich alone, even
>though you didn't expect others to. And then the next thing
>that comes along is a log of three paladins and a transmuter
>against a midbie thief who was already dealing with an

I stand by this. I would have fought a lich alone, if need be. I would also have ganged the #### out of him if possible. However, if no help was available, I'd still have done my best to take him out alone.

>You can argue either way. It is the arguing of both that I
>didn't like. Had you not argued the former as Celebrimbor I
>don't think there would have been the hostility towards the
>character that there was.

They're not mutually exclusive. Saying "I would fight a lich alone" is not the same as saying "I would never use numbers on a lich". You do what you have to for the greater good, in a manner you can be proud of. If you can't be proud of your actions, then you go and atone for them.

>I know I found it pretty annoying, but when you said "some
>things I'd do differently if I did it again" I stopped
>minding, because no one is perfect. I just didn't like the
>saying of one thing and the doing of another. Saying that
>anyone caught ganging outside of a raid etc would lose their
>tat if they were lucky, and then doing it anyway. etc.

Not exactly ehat I said, I left the statement more open ended than that, and for a reason. Also, since Tralin didn't see me going to Vyns shrine and my acts of contrition, I wouldn't expect them to have been posted or known about, and so I didn't mention them until now.

>Other than that, I didn't mind the character. Although I took
>great pleasure in walking into your eyes of flame in Galadon
>so that you got wanted.

And I took great pleasure in nearly one rounding you every time you did. ;)
28613, liarliarpantsonfire
Posted by LogReader on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"In one instance a thief had someone jacked, and I summoned him into a group. "

You did not summon him.

give it up
28619, Fine lets play semantics
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was summoning at the same time as Ryldain, and never noticed before that it was Ryl, and not me who got the summon off. Petty much?

Also, if you're going to flame in the future, at least have some balls and use your regular handle.
28595, RE: Celebrimbor the Unwilling Celebrity
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>After reading all the boards, I have to laugh. You made
>quite a name for yourself without really trying. You had the
>necessary fame, controversy, and infamy that catapults even
>the most unwilling into Celebrity status. People will find
>any excuse to poke holes in your character or the player. In
>reality, what your critics hated most was your success,
>coupled with the knowledge that you could back up your
>incendiary words with that huge silver-banded maul. You had
>people seething and obsessed over hating you. It was

Thanks. :) I made Cele to be the goodie other goodies didn't like. He WASN'T nice, and he WASN'T friendly and he wasn't some happy guy. He was grim, and dour and would save your life despite not liking you on a personal level, but would never let you forget that he didn't like you at the same time.

>Celebrimbor was a high impact character that will be
>remembered, both on and off the boards. He was the type of
>character people loved, or loved to hate. That’s what being a
>celebrity is all about.

Goddamn paparazzi. Got so I couldn't leave the Fort without a disguise.
>No one is perfect, and Celebrimbor was certainly no exception.
>You do have your critics. You also have your fans, who know
>that you were never in this for yourself, the PK ratio, or the
>fancy gear. If people only knew how much time you invested in
>others, and how much you willingly paid for others’ mistakes,
>even your worst critics would recognize your passion,
>tenacity, experience, and love for the game. You made other
>players much better, and you made your opponents fear or hate

Thanks, this kind of chokes me up here. I spent a good large chunk of my hours invested in training Squires and teaching other people things about the game they didn't know. I WASN'T concerned about fancy gear or my PK ratio, and being the kind of character I was, you're right I didn't play a whole lot for myself. I had a lot of expectations placed on me, by my God on multiple levels both in his religion and the cabal, and in others to lead them. I did my best but you're right I wasn't perfect. I did what I could with what I had.
>I knew early on that you had what it took. If you were
>empowered, twice virtue’d, tattooed, Maranated, promoted
>against your will, and gifted with a leader weapon, I
>obviously wasn’t the only one who felt this way.

As I said, and told him at the very end in an IC way, Vyn made this character what he was every step of the way. He was the guiding force behind the character, and anytime I started to take the character in a direction that may have led him astray, Vyn was right there to make me lead or tell me to keep up the good work and remind me why I was doing what I did. The same for Shokai, though to a slightly lesser degree, as he wasn't my patroon. Just amazing immteractions all around.
>Whatever people choose to say, this is one of the most
>successful characters I’ve ever seen. You made a huge dent
>with that maul, and your name will be etched in CF history.
>No one can take away the fact that you were the Captain of the

Aww, I'm getting all choked up again. You were really the catalyst for all of this, with your letter writing campaign to have them offer me (order me, heh) a spot in the Brigade. You were Celebrimbors conscience. You were always there saying things like "So and so isn't really our enemy, just because he once shook hands with an Imperial" "They may come to our side if shown a little patience" and the ever popular "Did you make sure the new Squire read the sacred texts?" You were both my equal and opposite in all things, helping me stay grounded, and I really hope you get more recognition for everything you do. People don't realize how much time and work YOU invest in others, and I hope that changes.

>It was a pleasure.

Life isn't about pleasure. You're not properly grim. Thats unseemly.

28665, RE: Celebrimbor the Unwilling Celebrity
Posted by Amayara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dang i was so sure I would die first, he just has to beat me at everything. Celebrimbor and Audriel made the game worth playing for me. I had no idea what I was doing and they helped me. I know I would have never lasted this long without them, and I don’t want to give him a big head but mostly him. And good lord what Audriel said about you investing time in others was no more true then with me. The times you got killed trying to help me, all the time you took away from raiding (which I learned is his favorite pastime) to help me. He spent more time trying to help me then I deserved, I sorta feel bad taking up so much.

Every time I wanted to quit and that was like every other day, you would talk me out of it, and I thank you. I had tried playing a few times before Amayara but I had never got very far, mostly cause I give up when it gets too hard. But with you and Audriel helping me I learned more then I ever thought I would. I’m still not too good but I know a little more then I did and that’s saying a lot. If you people knew all the dumb things I did that he had to put up with you would pat him on the back and say good show, raiding the imperials is easy, putting up with a ditzy player like me, now that’s hard;)

You helped me learn to love this game when I thought it was too much for me and even if you can be a pain at times I’m so glad I asked you and Audriel to help me with my quest or I would have never got to know you or her. You are a true gem, a little flawed in places but priceless all the same.

I thank you for all your time

28667, RE: Celebrimbor the Unwilling Celebrity
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Dang i was so sure I would die first, he just has to beat me
>at everything. Celebrimbor and Audriel made the game worth
>playing for me. I had no idea what I was doing and they helped
>me. I know I would have never lasted this long without them,
>and I don’t want to give him a big head but mostly him. And
>good lord what Audriel said about you investing time in others
>was no more true then with me. The times you got killed trying
>to help me, all the time you took away from raiding (which I
>learned is his favorite pastime) to help me. He spent more
>time trying to help me then I deserved, I sorta feel bad
>taking up so much.

Don't feel bad. You had a huge impact on this character. Your character opened up what tiny shred of compassion Celebrimbor ever had, and that made him more interesting. It opened him up to doubt for the first time, and gave him a whole new dimension. I enjoyed helping you find things out about the game, and find your fun as well.

>Every time I wanted to quit and that was like every other day,
>you would talk me out of it, and I thank you. I had tried
>playing a few times before Amayara but I had never got very
>far, mostly cause I give up when it gets too hard. But with
>you and Audriel helping me I learned more then I ever thought
>I would. I’m still not too good but I know a little more then
>I did and that’s saying a lot. If you people knew all the dumb
>things I did that he had to put up with you would pat him on
>the back and say good show, raiding the imperials is easy,
>putting up with a ditzy player like me, now that’s hard;)

####, if they knew about half of the stuff I had to deal with, they'd buy me a beer, a hooker and offer to wash my car. :P No I'm kidding, roleplaying and travelling with you was always a pleasure.
>You helped me learn to love this game when I thought it was
>too much for me and even if you can be a pain at times I’m so
>glad I asked you and Audriel to help me with my quest or I
>would have never got to know you or her. You are a true gem, a
>little flawed in places but priceless all the same.

Flawed? I suppose I'll let that slide, since the rest of this was suitably sappy.

>I thank you for all your time

You were worth every second.

28573, RE: What a ride!
Posted by Reazaifr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well I have to say Im sad that your gone. But I sort of expected it after a few mass deaths I saw from time to time... Which sort of annoyed reaz as I was your friend. And I belive at a few points even scolded you and told you. Now my friend... mm perhaps you should have some of this... and get some of this. And mmm give me a few moments and Ill gather some of this for you.. Geez I laughed a bit from time to time. Loved your, heck lets try this attitude..

Sorry that I did not manage to return up to the surface, but I was in deep somewhere... doing what I always do... getting lost somewhere hard to reach, out of the way place.

Luck with the next one. I hope I showed you a thing or two..

28589, Kitty guy!
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I would go weeks at a time without dying, then log in overly medicated and drop like 6 times in a 2 hour session. Between dying while linkdead, dying while nodding off at my keyboard, and dying because "Hey that group of Four Imperials doesn't look so tough. Let me go attack them alone", I had some pretty bad luck with mass deaths.

You were always a good ally for Cele, and I was glad to have you around. You always seemed slightly bemused by Cele, which I got off on.
28574, RE: What a ride!
Posted by Scharnz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad to see you didn't go out the gay elfie way and con died like a champ. I wish I had. You were a sweet Captain though and the Fort will take a huge blow for a while. You were always willing to help others out yet you kept a premium on not dilly dallying around and getting out to kill some evil.
Well done!!
28590, RE: What a ride!
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was always a little pissed at you for deleting scharnz, because you had so much potential. You were also one of my two favorite Squires. Cele in his old age went senile for a little while, and spent some time looking around the Fort saying things like "Where the hell is Scharnz? If he went looking for those damned dwarves of his I'll kick his furry ass!".

Shame you missed the senility.
28575, You were one of my favorite cabalmates.
Posted by Shadowmaster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Despite our differences on OOC forums I really liked your character both IC and from a player standpoint. With Tulavaluthian I thought we meshed really well. Great job and good luck with the next.
28591, Thanks.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Tulavaluthian too, and yeah we did work well together. You were a good, solid competant invoker.

I'll refrain from going OOC on what would otherwise be a fuzzy post. ;)
28576, A strong Maran.
Posted by Felar Serpent on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There have been Dwarven and Storm Giant Paladins who fared alot worse against me than you as an Elven Paladin did that one time. Celebrimbor was quite a strong opponent, and it made fighting you alot of fun.

Beyond that however, our interactions have been a bit limited which I regret considering the chemistry there sometimes was between our characters. Celebrimbor represented much of what Arthakar despised the most in the world with being an Elven Paladin and the captain of the Maran, hence some of the rather vile acts he commited to provoke and taunt him.

Here's to hoping you never took these things personal.


28592, I know where you wound up that fight too.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But the ####ing inn guards wouldn't let me get in. I was furious, because Track the Wicked so seldom works, and it FINALLY told me something useful, and it did me zero good.

Our conversations were always something I looked forward to. I never took anything that went on IC as personal, because you always roleplayed. Of all of my enemies, I really didn't dislike but one or two people on an OOC level, and beyond saying that much, I don't want to get into it here. I'm trying to have at least one of my Graveyard threads not turn into a flamewar. Heh.

You were a good enemy for me, and I wish we had gotten a chance to have more. You're right, you were very much the anti-Cele with your non religion. I was looking forward to more of that.

28579, RE: What a ride!
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First met you with Silmestria. (Crummy forms shifter from a while ago), then with Ror. My first impressions were you seemed way too overconfident and died way too much for a paladin Maran. (Not like we are talking tons...one or two per week kinda thing...) Then I realized that you werent playing the typical gear hoarding bitch that never takes chances and deletes with 7 trains and full con.......and started respecting you alot. With Ror, I watched you take charge, rush to the fights, and not sit around waiting for things to happen. Way too often, goodies get complacent, but you never did....

Celebrimbor: {Fortress} Ok we start the raid. Here are your orders. Dont DIE. I repeat if anyone here dies, you need to answer to me!

*heh*..Got a chuckle over that one.

Once again....Nice job!
28593, I remember that raid. lol
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had just finished the latest of my sessions with the Squires, and I very carefully went over our plan for the raid. We decimated them and I was well pleased.

As for the gear hoarding etc etc, I just don't think thats very paladinly to be so worried about your armor. I would frequently just take off what I had and pass it on to a Squire or another goodie in need. I also didn't see a paladin as someone who worried overly much about the odds. When I think of a paladin, I think of Sturm Brightblade. ####er stood there and fought a Dragon and a Highlord, knowing he was going to die. But you know what? He fought them anyway, because it was the right thing to do. That was what I tried to do with Celebrimbor.

Thanks for the kind words.
28594, Im glad you went so far with Cele
Posted by Durendal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, Abbe first met you when you were in the early 30's. And was still with you when you hero'd. You were one of Abbe's closest friends. From what I saw you led the Fortress well. And its always good to see someone go balls out. I had a great time interacting with you. I'm sure whatever you roll up next is going to be good. It was always good to see you around kicking some evil backside. And sorry for punching you in the face that one time near Vyn's shrine. heh. I think Abbe had PMS that day. Well you saved Abbe's ass plenty of times. And well she tried didnt she. Only managed to die. But trying is the main thing.

Luck in the fields mate.
28597, Abbe was great.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I still remember the one interaction that stands out the most about Abbe.

Me: You know, we probably shouldn't be walking around in the dungeons of Mortorn alone.

You: Me and Verv used to explore all the time! (This was right after Verv con died)

Me: Didn't you used to die all the time?

You: Yeah!

30 seconds later...stand. gt Well that was sure painful. I'm on my way back to my corpse.

Lol. As for the punch, Cele deserved it. He was being a huge prick, and you helped bring him around. Well not really, but still, he deserved it. Heh.
28604, Good job
Posted by Lariya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't interact too much, or fight much. I haven't been around as much lately and have been keeping weird, random hours. I liked how you tried to shake things up though. Even if I didn't always agree with some of the suggestions, the fact you did try to do things was cool to see. You never did tell me what that big secret between you and Audriel was. :P I'm sure it'll be my turn to bite the dust soon.
28606, The secret!
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was the whole thing with Amayara, which will come out when my role is posted. Amayara was one GIANT chink in Cele's "I am mister grim and dour, I do not smile" armor. Anytime someone mentioned her and it was a time when Cele felt he ought to be "The Captain" and not just Celebrimbor, he got uncomfortable, and you saw that. As you were the Marshall at the time, Cele didn't feel it appropriate to be anything but "The Captain" in your presence. I never did get back at Audriel and Linwe for bringing up Amayara in front of you :P.
28607, Ugh
Posted by Tykareth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was hoping to see you age die buddy. Too bad I never made it up there, maybe i coulda saved you some grief. You had a tough induction to squire process, I think i sat outside the fort for 20 hours or so before I got in, but it was supposed to be closed at that time, and thats kinda just what Tyrkareth did. All in all a great char, brave, nutsy, dumb at times :P, and hope to see you back in the fort.

ps Nobody wants a senile elf as captain anyways! Muhahaha!
28628, I wanted to age die for a while...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had visions of Cele being this old old elf, going to sleep one day and waking up young and restored in the Azure fields. After talking to Vyn (Who helped inspire SO damn much of this characters life, which I cannot stress enough) I decided going out in a fight was a more fitting end.

I was always glad I inducted you. You were one of my Squires who I could always point to and say "Yes I inducted him" and feel nothing but pride.
28608, RE: What a ride!
Posted by Lekerjey on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well done on celebrimbor. at first, didn't think of you much as a Captain, but later, yes..if you were quite bloodthirsty. even if i didn't see you, all your missives were about killing people. ;)

anyway, thanks for the amedra trip, and all that. i enjoyed your company..always on the go, with maximum drive.
28627, That seems to be a common theme.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"At first I didn't think much of you as Captain, but later on". Lol. I'm going to develop a complex about it. :P

I loved having Lekerjey around. With my virtues, a transmuter made me just insanely dangerous. I'm not one to spend any time prepping whatsoever (yes squires I know I demanded you all carry preps. Sue me) so just about the only time I was hasted was with you. Combine elf dex, with Fortitude, and a haste and...yeowch. I liked how lekerjey would mix it up with us in a fight too and not just stand back. Good fun all around.
28609, RE: What a ride!
Posted by Diiafd Ben Al on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice job with the character. One of the better paladins I have seen in a number of years. We had lots of good fights and a few small conversations. Good luck with the next, and don't be afraid to come over to the evil side for a change.
28625, I actually had a Scion character when I started Cel.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a lowbie warrior Scion, and I got incredibly bored, which was why I rolled Cel. Sadly, when I got caught up with him, my Scion autodeleted, which I feel bad about on several levels.

Thanks for the words. I always enjoyed fighting you too. You were one of the few invokers to make use of stoneshatter, and that always kept me wary when fighting you. Also pissed me the #### off. Heh.
28612, RE: What a ride!
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>him my reasons, basically that I didn't believe in the
>redemption of evil, and that was an important thing to the
>members of the Fortress.

Wow, that is a big deal. Why did you think that way IC, or should I wait for the role to come out? What would you have done if you had met one of shok's converts?

You definatly played an outstanding, Fire-blighted hard@ss. I still remember that little run-in, you, me, Caelestis, and Thenrek had. Always good to have real conflict with people really playing their roles.

Never talked to you much, but knew you by rep. Good job.
28623, RE: What a ride!
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Wow, that is a big deal. Why did you think that way IC, or
>should I wait for the role to come out? What would you have
>done if you had met one of shok's converts?

I actually was engaged to one of Shoks converts at the end, heh. It's in my role. All about how true redemption is more than words, and noone can be led to redemption they have to seek it for their own, blah blah.

Basically, if you had a red aura, you were meat.

>You definatly played an outstanding, Fire-blighted hard@ss. I
>still remember that little run-in, you, me, Caelestis, and
>Thenrek had. Always good to have real conflict with people
>really playing their roles.

I remember that fondly too. I'm standing there bordering on hitting one of you for "Defdnding the dark" and Thenrek goes off and whacks the Imperial right in front of you. I laughed, because thats so perfect a thing for him to do.

>Never talked to you much, but knew you by rep. Good job.

28614, I liked Celebrimbor from what I saw
Posted by Turambar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Met you in your younger years with Isharia, we really got along great, but then I go #### up my skill choices. Was really a shame, but that's how it goes, sometimes. Could you post your role please? I'm curious! :D

Then I met you again with Enuhtani. I should have gone Maran instead of Acolyte, saw you on the whole time, while I never saw the Acolyte leaders, but again that's how it goes sometimes :P

Good job
28621, RE: I liked Celebrimbor from what I saw
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure, my role is posted on the Premiums.

Yeah I was around a WHOOOOOOLE lot, but I think thats what the Fortress needed at the time. We had a lot of inexperienced people in, and some of them needed the extra mentoring.
28631, RE: What a ride!
Posted by Marelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good luck up there in the Azure fields. From what I could see you were a good Maran as some have already pointed out and I knew things
would be stirring when you were around. Didn't get to see you as much towards the end, partly because of me starting to work (IRL that is) after some weeks vacation and being forced into bed before midnight :P

I can not tell of the frustation involved in spelling up people with 15-20 ranks on me in preparation of a raid, something I think you noted after a while but didn't seem to bother you even if you sometimes seemed to fall because of me failing to put up my spells (not being grouped does make a major difference there).

Oh well, you will be missed for sure. Good luck with the next and all that.

28654, Last little bit of advice from your Captain.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Lol. Damn, if I had a dime for everytime someone said to me "Quick come heal him, he's being tripped" I'd be one rich mofo.

Very reliable char though and always fun to have around.
28646, RE: What a ride!
Posted by Brordaran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will always count it a triumph of this character that he got you to have some chocolate cake at least once. :P

You certainly hit pretty damn hard and I enjoyed our talk with Arvam. Good luck with your next.
28653, Ha! I took the cake but didn't eat it!
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or did I? When Cele was hitting his full stride in senility, I was also on a whole lot of medications. If so, shame on you for taking advantage of an old mans slipping mind.

I'm not sure why I hit so hard, especially for an elf, but I was glad for it. :) Our talk with Arvam was a good experience for me too, he's another imm who goes all out for his followers. I thought it was funny when you took me there, since my last paladin was an Arvam follower, and a leader of the Fortress.

28658, Your favorite duergar.
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We certainly had a lot of battles, very good battles. And I want to thank you for the honorable ones. The few incidents where a bird form came in and attacked me I knew it was out of your hands (at that time) and it wasn't your fault, Jinroh throught different, but that is how he thinks so don't take offense to it. You were a great arch enemy to have, basically the exact opposite in almost all ways, which added a great twist to a good rivialry.

I will say that after fighting paladins for 600 hours, you get good at doing it, and you helped me get good, so thanks for that. This game you are always learning, no matter who you are. Good luck with your next, maybe a villager, although judging by who the player is and your ill feelings toward me, maybe not, hehe, :) Take care.
28663, I wish you had been around a little longer as a mortal.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted to have another go at you after I hit hero, but our times just never seemed to mesh after that. Before then yeah we had some real knock down, drag outs, and I loved them all.

I might roll up something for the village soon. Don't take my forum crap too seriously. I post like I am in real life. Short tempered but I also forget about it pretty quick too. :P
28832, RE: The true maran.
Posted by Khajaal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, Celebrimbor was the one, that i respected much. He was an ideal maran, as i understand it. A worthy enemy.

Khajaal hated him much, and, sometimes, laughed at his actions, which He could not understand. I hope, Khajaal made you some terrible days.

Good job. And good luck with your next.
28923, Thank you, I appreciate that. nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM