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Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Dralyth Verazz the High Wizard of the Arcane
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=28537
28537, (DELETED) [SCION] Dralyth Verazz the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Jul 2 01:03:44 2004

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Dralyth perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
28538, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Dralyth Verazz the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Dralyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never thought I'd be writing another farewell note for Carrion Fields after I retired (again) over three years ago. Deciding to move on with my life, I was done with the game. Two and a half years went by, and one day I happened upon an old log saved on a disk. "I wonder if CF is still around," I thought to myself. Next thing I know, I'm rolled up and ranking. And now I will leave the game (again).

Sorry about the delete, but I’m about to get married and I promised myself I’d delete after my next death - unfortunately it was a link dead deal, but sometimes that’s the way it goes.

Dralyth was an interesting ride for me. Having been out of the game for a long time, I would not recommend a transmuter as a comeback character. I came in knowing absolutely no protections, not knowing a thing about legacies or most anything else that came after summer '01 until Dralyth was well into his 20-ranks. Transmuters can be annoying little buggers with a bevy of potentially deadly ways to make their enemy's lives miserable, but they are also frighteningly frail. A small mistep and you're screwed. The last transie I had played was in the early days of Empire, and the spells and game mechanics of that day made them a bit more robust. Now, if played correctly, I think they can be as effective (or moreso), but are also extremely succeptable to the wrong end of a butt-kicking.

I fired into the upper 30's without a hitch, only to find my range peppered with Scions and Battleragers. Scions - no problem, I WAS one. Battleragers - problem, especially when I relied on old memories of facing off mano-a-mano with any 'rager with any of the mage classes, spellbane or bloodthirst be damned. Lesson #1 to self - as a transie, you have no business jumping into battle with spellbaned axe warriors with a couple ranks on you, particularly if you don't have many protections. Lesson learned.

Eventually, the 'ragers died off, and so did most of the Scions. I continued to slowly rank up, and eventually actually heroed this poor excuse for a Scion 'muter. Learned a little bit every day, but never really got myself to be very useful, and my role play was not the strongest. At least I progressed beyond the day I hit rank 14 and said "What the hell is this metabolic quickening BS? What happened to haste?"

My advice for any future transmuters, and then I'll say my goodbyes and get out of the way:

1) You can NOT allow yourself to be caught by surprise or you are dead. Use duo dimension wisely. Dralyth spent 75% of his life flat. But do not assume that duo solves all your problems - it can be your biggest liability because you have limited capabilities to gather information about the environment outside of your room and if you are forced into three dimensions you are extremely vulnerable for a bit. If you're not a race with auto-sneak, find a way to sneak. Any duo'd transmuter who isn't sneaking is just asking to get flogged.

2) Remember that almost all of your spells have an upside and a downside. Sometimes you need to be creative in what spells you use and how you use them to be most effective. Also be careful in which spells you choose because they can be very dangerous for you.

3) Ventriloquate - A fun spell, particularly if you‘re a wuss like me.

4) The inability of most mobs to see you makes it great for mapping and exploring areas. Just hope that you don't have to actually kill anything.

5) Be a man!

6) You'd be amazed the stuff you learn and the opportunities you find if you just follow people around.

7) To a degree, you're an opportunistic character and you need to rely on stealth, speed and a bit of luck to make things happen. If you've got good timing and a quick mind, you can really make a lot of opportunities for yourself. Despite your inherent frailty, you have an unparalleled ability to effectively get in the middle of things undetected and drop a spell or two that can be potentially devastating to any class/race, depending on the scenario.

8) If you ever need to kill a muter, roll a bard and practice one song - frightful fiend. That song alone nearly con-deathed Dralyth. He heard it 11 times in his life. 9 times he got nightmares. 8 times he watched from the altar as the fiend ate through 1000 hp and sometimes protections before he was able to kill it. 1 time he beat the fiend. Even with 24 int, it was a very tough song to resist and a very tough for a ‘muter to overcome.

Alright...my farewells:


Mekantos: Interesting fellow. Talked with you a bit more as time went on and got to like you more. I wish I could have done more for the cabal, but I feel that my role play was mediocre and I wasn't able to give much of a power base for the cabal to build on. I tried to stay consistent to keep things rolling, and maybe that was my biggest contribution. Good luck in continuing with Scion - great cabal.

Valguarnera & Beroxxus: Valg and Beroxxus, only saw glimpses of you in Dralyth's life, though I like to think you were about. Sorry I didn’t stack up well. Best wishes.

Scarabaeus: I thought you had left, and doubted the legitimacy of rumors of your return until I saw you standing over Gacsoele's corpse in the Inferno. I was the last one left, and you just stood there like a spectre, waiting. Great Hell trip (one of my favorites) - I honestly find the trips to the Inferno one of the highlights of any of my characters that have gone. Glad to see you around, you're one of my favorite imms of all time.

Shazirah: Do I know you? You seem familiar...


Quevven, Jhivostan, Salizeth: You three initially set me on the path to Scion, and you all would have been great if you had stuck it out to hero.

Mazra: Very impressive character. Great role play and skilled. Wish you hadn't deleted, you would have made a big difference for the cabal.

Zavin: You're a great power player. Enjoyed coming through the ranks with you and then watching you eat up most of the hero range. When you were online it seemed like our enemies were always on their heels.

Nazzryn: You kind of disappeared, but it was slick having you around (Dralyth had a knack for befriending all sorts of thieves, and luckily so). You could always make any odds even with that little lead-filled sack.

Sashindar: My counterpart in Scion. You were always a bit behind in the ranks, but only by a bit. I felt a sort of rivalry between you and Dralyth. I think you were well played and I hope we were able to learn a bit from each other.

Kungkruk: I gained more and more respect for you as time went on. For much of the initial time I knew you, I perceived you as a hack'n'slash fire giant type. By the time you became Taskmaster, I saw your skill and the nuances of some of your roleplay, and I got to like you. Great player and keep up the good work.

Ahndak: First time I met you was right after you had gotten THE axe. It wasn't until well after you lost it that I realized you hadn't build that up yourself. Still, you were probably the most effective AP Dralyth saw in Scion. I can only imagine your elation upon getting the axe - and your dejection upon losing it!

Nagesh: Another strong character from Dralyth's early Scion-hood. You were the only necro in the cabal for a long time, and you knew how to play it well. Too bad about the lich pursuit.

Dregvoshan: All of a sudden you appeared, made some waves, and died off. Wish you would have been around longer!

Diiafd: Sorry about failing that word…after that I spammed for an hour to finish it off.

Relzin: It was interesting to watch you grow. I remember showing you about the Chasm and seeing you get killed only a couple minutes after induction, but I was impressed by your resiliency and how quickly you learned how to play your bard as a Scion. Then you disappeared.

Jugorath: Needed to spend more time with you. You were obviously skilled and I've never seen such wicked flurries in my life. Best of luck.

Zyntanesis: Good knowledge, you grew in your capabilities as you learned the class and your role better. Your desertion of the Inferno campaign was disappointing, though.

Liateo: Showin’ promise as a good thief. Keep those plans rolling!

Jyslin: I remember the circumstances of my induction - a series of 30 second interviews that continually were cut off due to raids that we needed to defend or retrieve. Eventually, you just typed 'induct dralyth scion' on the way to recover the Sceptre from the Empire with myself and the other young-uns, even though we never really spoke much.

Others: A bunch of promising characters up and coming. Keep pushing.


Hamashor: Cream of the crop - great skill, great personality, was a pleasure. The log you posted of yourself and Olofo coming to the Chasm and you wiping out 1000 hp on me in about 3 rounds as I tried to defend at the Archmage about sums up our history. I was essentially powerless against you (well,,,most of Battle, for that matter), but at least I enjoyed it with you.

Olofo: Another guy I liked. Had a couple cocky conversations with you, but I couldn't do much. You introduced me to the futility of facing frightful fiends (say that 3 times fast). Bad luck that he consistently was unable to resist it with 24 int, but when a transie gets a good fiend, there is absolutely nothing he can do about it. Pissed me off that disrupt organ fried your throat so that you could no longer effectively yell, yet you were still able to sing away. Nice bard, keep up the good work.

Jinroh: Never fought you much, but I sensed you were a good, strong leader.

Janakt: Same as with Jinroh.

Ranak & Vargal: Damn berserkers. Axe berserker = bad bad news for a transmuter.

Ayik: Had my first encounter with you in Galadon near rank 20-25. You must have been following me waiting for my fly to fall because as soon as it did Dralyth was on the ground. Fled away with 2% remaining and then I followed you up the ranks. Never really came to a resolution, though …

Stefanie: No offense, but our easiest and most maligned target. If I could count the number of times I saw Nazzryn knock you out...poor girl.

Yzemark: Had a couple good conversations with you in the low ranks. You were around on and off after that, but eventually faded out. Would have like to see more of you.

Elijsie, Adgrizn, etc...: All you other Battleragers, you've got a tough road, but I don't sympathize! Try playing a transmuter coming up through the 30's and 40's during 'rager prime and you'll understand! Too bad you faded out after a while, but it is just the ebb and flow of the cabals. You guys probably kicked the crap out of me more than any other collective group. Good to see that the Imms continue to tweak and balance the ONLY original cabal still ticking along.


Blitzenturt: Excellent Emperor. It was good to see your rise from Elite to War Master to Emperor. Dralyth could sense that you were going to grow, and he tried to angle to ensure that he would be in good standing with you to capitalize on it. Empire is another great cabal that I'd love to see do well.

Others: Keep getting better and stronger. Fun cabal.


Hrm…: Very, very little interaction with you folks.


Traba: I'll never forgive you for that incident in Mortorn, though I must say Dralyth had it coming. I had completely forgotten about the Prosimy attack. You struck me as a fair, consistent player.

Drokalyth: I liked this character, and wish we could have had more time to chat. Eventually you would have come to the dark side. Dralyth refrained from popping you in the guild the day he met you, and it’s a good thing.

Lemath: Hope I didn’t do you too much harm. I figured you’d be hungry for me, so I lured you north…and it worked. Great RP integrity in what you did after that.

Others: Never saw a flag that I deserved! Honest!


Celebrimbor: Hate to say this, but my perception of you was tainted by what I read on the log board (one of the reasons I don’t post until after the character is gone). I really didn't have many qualms about your character - adequately brave, tough enough - but often felt it was you, and not your character, in the game. I tried often to interact with you on a non-combative level, but you really seemed out of it. Decent character, I suppose, if you were on the Maran's side, but I felt left out. =(

Golron: I liked you. We both had our ups and downs against one another. One of my biggest 'Doh!'s came as I spelled up my shawtabbies to rip up the Maran, and you stepped into the room with another warrior and beat me down in 2 rounds. Wish there were more like you.

Shapeshifters: During the great Maran shapeshifter expansion, you guys just exploded. There were so many of you that I still have no idea what forms you had (I saw eagles, lions, snakes, crocodiles, alligators, rams, etc... etc... etc... - I called it Celebrimbor‘s Ark), though I do recall that Glil had an eagle. I would stalk your groups forever in Caladryl and Shadar Logoth, but the presence of multiple lions, invokers, healers and the rest always kept me from being able to pick one of you off after you reverted. Glil, you were very clever with that bird, and thwarted more than one sure-fire kill for me.

Audriel: Good leader. Always quick to defend.

Lekerjey & Marelin: Nothing like the excitement of a transie-transie deathmatch. Put your life on the roulette table and spin!

Scharnz: Tough luck for you. I tended to like to stalk you a bit more than the others because the odds of getting you alone in a remote location away from the Fortress was pretty good. I saw the way you died a couple times and feel for you. Keep pushing with the next character, man!

Tuvaluthien, Mereacon and Vahletherian: Invokers are dangerous, period. Was always difficult to get you in a position where I could make an advantage for myself, so mostly when we engaged it was in group battles. Tuv, you popped me a good one above the Chasm to give me a taste of why petrify flesh is not the greatest spell to use on yourself.

Ryldain, Paladin A, Paladin B, - Paladin Z: I can't remember most of your names simply because of the sensory overload. Type a 'who pk' and see your screen blitzed with 'Pal', and you'll know what I mean. The vast number of empowered paladins was one of the biggest surprises for me in coming back to the game after a couple-year sojourn. Maybe I'm just bitter because I’ve never had much success in beating them! =P

Elastruviel: I will pay you cash if you promise never to sing frightful fiend again! You were a tough one to get, and those #$@% fiends took a chunk of con away.

Gremnosh: Great work - we only mixed a couple times, but it was fun.

Others: I know there were others...many, many others. The sheer numbers in this cabal is great!


Istirith: Enjoyed your character a bunch. Dralyth looked down upon you a bit because of your half-drow ancestry, but he also recognized the drow part of you as putting you above the other troupers. We worked together some, and I fought against you some, depending on the situation and Dralyth's mood. Excellent character.

Others: Yes, we all know Troupe is for the weak. I still think it's a great asset for the game, though! Keep it up with your corny contests.


Gacsoele: What can I say? You were probably the most dynamic character Dralyth was involved with. On top of that, you had the sickest set that I've ever seen compiled in my life, yet you were anything but a mindless killer. Clever, unique and interesting, I always looked forward to seeing you online. There was always bound to be an interesting transaction or event going down. One of the few who I felt could "out-sneak" me. Thanks a ton for the Hell trip - it was one of the highlights for Dralyth.

Krithasi: A lot of people hated you. Dralyth had a great relationship with you (again...Dralyth had great relationships with thieves), and I think we both benefited from what the other could offer. A bit bloodthirsty you were, but then again, you had the uphill battle of anathema to overcome.

Rohasden: It was very disappointing that you never made it into Scion. You really stuck it out through thick and thin and provided much more support to the cabal than many who were in it. You saw me learn the ropes of playing a transmuter from the beginning, and I wish I could have seen the Archmage welcoming you to the Fold. Ah well...

Surin: The spider-man. Wish we could have worked together a bit more.

Well, that's all. I know some of the new skills and powers, still don’t really know any protections, but I still feel ok. A bit windy, but this is my final farewell until my next final farewell. If anyone is looking to get ahold of me, shoot me an email at cjjohns7@sbcglobal.net. Some of my more notable characters from long ago are listed below:

Lokilith the High Chancellor of Transmutation
Segyll the Touch of Nature (heroimm invoker)
Palonyte the Spectre, Imperial Dreadlord
Isnard the Hero of Transmutation
Mavis the Hero of Transmutation
Trestar the Druid Hero
28539, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Dralyth Verazz the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Elijsie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always enjoyed fighting you well, because I knew you could do very little to me. But man, if I saw you + 1 or 2 other Scions especially Rohasden or another axe spec, I was a bit wary considering 2-3 times you would raid with a hasted warrior, and watch me get pummeled around. I thought you played the class fairly well for what you said in your goodbye post. Good luck with the next if you come back. My suggestion is a Cloud warrior and just mash stuff up ;)
28540, how crappy..
Posted by Tralin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
sorry for calling you Drokalyth that one time =)

I saw you a few times, slick RP and you never left me slow/quick stuck somewhere..I appreciated that

GL if you come back and congrats on the marriage ;)

28541, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Dralyth Verazz the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I fought you with quite alot of my characters. I believed I fought you without a conclusion as Ajoal. As Ayik, however, I did end up getting you a few times. In Aridhol when Nazzryn + someoneican'tremember ambushed me (attempting to stalk them). Vargal woke me up, I fled, I saw you and attack, threw up a kick and a few demolishes later.. you were toast.

Something very unique about this character was that YOU HAD BALLS. I remember many times of you fighting people or doing things I have only come to expect from leaders or ragers. Anyone who has courage/iron ones always gets respect in my books.

Good luck with the marriage and see you on your next (?)
28542, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Dralyth Verazz the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Golron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After that time in the cave with the other warrior I always made a point to check there whenever you were vis and a younger scion was attacking :P

All I have to say....elasticity is a rocking spell you have and neuro is bullcrud :P

I liked that you would stay online for ages even when you had no scepter, maybe you didn't come and fight but its not like trannies are beefcakes in the hp division. But trying to trick us with ventril on the Maran......? Reminds me of the Be the dragon log or whatever it was.

All I can say is you won't be gone long. One day you will get an email reminder about cf...a new class, new cabal, anything. You will be like.....ohhhh cf is still going "Honey, mind taking the kids out for a weekend? I have a ton of work to get through" *cackle*; emote mumbles to himself as he fires up the Cfing touch typing skills.

To take a line from a series of famous movies.....There can be only one!

You can not escape. You can NEVER escape.

28543, Bleh!
Posted by KungKRUK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The funny thing is I had the same ambivalent thoughts about Dralyth...in the beginning. You didn't want to cast the trannie heal spells on me, consistently missed or didn't cast key spells, etc etc. I thought 'geez, another half-ass trannie who's going to get me killed.'

Then...you got better. You began to cast the right spells at exactly the right time. I noticed your rp was notches above almost everyone else. Choice of words, emotes, spell selection...all very well thought out and executed. You played a Scion drow mage as...a Scion drow mage. Arrogant, demanding, yet reluctantly pliable because you knew you had to have a big friend to stand behind in order to weave your spells. I would have certainly backed you for one of the leader spots if I was ever asked, something Kungkruk doesn't take lightly. At the end, you were one of the people I enjoyed seeing most, because it meant if we weren't cracking skulls, we were plotting about your ascendence in the Chasm (an idea I hope I helped to plant in your head).

An excellent character, and it sucks to see you go, but real life takes precedent.

Dralyth wipes beads of sweat from his bald head.

Kungkruk grunts some sort of farewell to his drow aly.
28544, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Dralyth Verazz the High Wizard of...
Posted by Shazirah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Shazirah: Do I know you? You seem familiar...

Sorry, but I don't ever remember interacting with your character, so probably not. Dealing with Scions isn't really my thing.

28545, See Ya
Posted by Drokalyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good Character. I enjoyed our talks from
an OOC perspective, IC you made Drok nervous,
especially at the end with our war. Made
for some interesting chats, especially the
last one. I don't consider myself a bad RPer
by any means, but it seemed like yours was
heads and tails above mine. Luck on your next
28548, :) Glil was porcupine -lion gaf i think was an eagle.. maybe rem..
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I couldn't keep up either.
for most of my life there was maybe 1 or two other shifters
on then bam, they were everywhere.
I don't think I worried about you much, but after
a couple of early encounters and auto-assisting
Dregvoshan I don't think you worried about me much
I did notice changes in the spell casting though and
how you were getting better in choices, timing, etc.

Retrieving with a lone tranny against defenders is about
impossible, but you tried repeatedly, much respect for that
from me ooc. Hope you roll again.
28549, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Dralyth Verazz the High Wizard of...
Posted by Audriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the kind words. Audriel was a strong matchup against Dralyth, which is why she was always fixed on him. Even so, I hated when you showed up because neuro is always frightening.

I feel your pain as far as fiends on transmuters go. I've played trannies before, and fiends were often the only way I died. The class skillset and high-lag/high-cost spells make them weaker against fiends than other mages.

That being said, you also have some spells and options that can completely ruin bards. However, Elstratuviel is a tough bitch, so these options are quite limited. :)

I like your sensible, balanced post. It shows good sportsmanship. I wish more players were like that, as there is too much muck raking in this world.
28550, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Dralyth Verazz the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man, I am sorry to see you go, but I understand the situation. While I don't think we ever really interacted on a level other than "tells", I can say that I thought you were a smart fellow who chose his words well and had a decidedly drowish air of "stuffiness", which I interpreted as rp (so please don't take that as an offensive remark).

As a player, you seem like a cool and courteous guy just by reading your remarks here. I hope you are able to come back someday, albeit with a bit more flaire than Dralyth.

28611, Failing the word
Posted by Diiafd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't really interact with you too much as my times seem to be different than most Scions, but I did want to share the log of you failing the word. I think all the people in this log are long dead now. This was back when we had the first Scion war with Empire I think.

<677hp 874m 313mv 25600tnl 11 PM> The Avenue of Conquest

<677hp 874m 311mv 25600tnl 11 PM> People near you:
(PK) Diiafd The Avenue of Conquest
<677hp 874m 311mv 25600tnl 11 PM> n
Before the Imperial Palace

<677hp 874m 309mv 25600tnl 11 PM>
The sky is getting cloudy.
<677hp 874m 309mv 25600tnl 12 AM> scan n
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
(Translucent) Dralyth is here.
Abbe is here, fighting Kungkruk.
(White Aura) Celebrimbor is here, fighting Kungkruk.
Kungkruk is here, fighting Celebrimbor.
The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

<677hp 874m 309mv 25600tnl 12 AM> whoi kun
<40 Fire War> Kungkruk the Master of Copper
<677hp 874m 309mv 25600tnl 12 AM>

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.
You slowly float to the ground.
<690hp 967m 359mv 25600tnl 12 AM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Before the Imperial Palace
<690hp 967m 359mv 25600tnl 12 AM> c 'create spr
A magical spring flows from the ground.
<690hp 947m 359mv 25600tnl 12 AM> drink
You drink water from a magical spring.
The water quenches your thirst.
<690hp 947m 359mv 25600tnl 12 AM> get pie magi
eat pie
You get a berry pie from a black robe of the Magi.
<690hp 947m 359mv 25600tnl 12 AM> You eat a berry pie.
<690hp 947m 359mv 25600tnl 12 AM> l
Before the Imperial Palace
Light from braziers and lampposts illuminate the square like it was
The roads from the south, east and west converge here to form a great
The gates of the Palace lie open to the north. The square itself is made
from the same fused black stone that all of the Imperial roads seem to be
constructed from. However, here the smooth surface of the road has been
deeply etched to show a huge Symbol of the Imperial Codex. At each of the
cardinal directions surrounding the Symbol you see smaller representations
of the individual Sect Symbols. Each of these details pass quickly, for
your eye is almost immediately drawn to the black stone cross rising from
the center of the great Symbol.

(Magical) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
<690hp 947m 359mv 25600tnl 12 AM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Before the Imperial Palace
<690hp 947m 359mv 25600tnl 12 AM>
Kungkruk has arrived.
<690hp 947m 359mv 25600tnl 12 AM>
Kungkruk quaffs a potion of teleportation.
Kungkruk vanishes!
<690hp 947m 359mv 25600tnl 12 AM> scan n
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
(Translucent) Dralyth is here, fighting Celebrimbor.
Abbe is here, fighting the Imperial Vanquisher.
(White Aura) (Rigid) Celebrimbor is here, fighting Dralyth.
The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

<690hp 947m 359mv 25600tnl 12 AM> n
The Gates of the Palace

(Translucent) Dralyth is here, fighting Celebrimbor.
Abbe is here, fighting the Imperial Vanquisher.
(White Aura) (Rigid) Celebrimbor is here, fighting Dralyth.
The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!
<690hp 947m 358mv 25600tnl 12 AM>
The Imperial Vanquisher tries to disarm some empty air near Abbe.
Celebrimbor's punch decimates Dralyth!
Abbe's punch maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Abbe's punch DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Dralyth's shocking bite wounds Celebrimbor.
Dralyth's shocking bite wounds Celebrimbor.
Dralyth's shocking bite misses Celebrimbor.
<690hp 947m 358mv 25600tnl 12 AM> c imm cele
Celebrimbor yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Softly chanting, you lightly touch Celebrimbor and will him to burn.
You feel more than see your combustive spark take hold.
You fade into existence.
Your immolation EVISCERATES Celebrimbor!
Celebrimbor is gushing blood.
<690hp 847m 358mv 25600tnl 12 AM>
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash decimates Abbe!
You fade into existence.
Your crush hits Celebrimbor.
Your crush misses Celebrimbor.
Abbe's punch EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Abbe's punch EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Dralyth's shocking bite wounds Celebrimbor.
Dralyth's shocking bite injures Celebrimbor.
Celebrimbor is gushing blood.
<690hp 847m 358mv 25600tnl 12 AM>
Dralyth utters the words, 'eugfjsh baiz'.
Celebrimbor's skeleton bends unnaturally as his body is wracked with agony.
Dralyth's disruption MANGLES Celebrimbor!
Celebrimbor is writhing in agony.
<690hp 847m 358mv 25600tnl 12 AM> c nova

Celebrimbor thrashes around screaming as he is consumed by fire!
Celebrimbor's immolation grazes him.
Celebrimbor is writhing in agony.
<690hp 847m 358mv 25600tnl 12 AM> Celebrimbor is seared by the blistering
heat of your spell.
You fade into existence.
Your nova *** DEVASTATES *** Celebrimbor!
Celebrimbor has fled!
Abbe yells 'Die, Diiafd, you sorcerous dog!'
Abbe is seared by the blistering heat of your spell.
Your nova >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Abbe!
Abbe is covered with bleeding wounds.
<690hp 817m 358mv 25600tnl 12 AM>
Abbe sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Abbe's ball of ice is powerless against you.
Abbe's ball of ice *** DEVASTATES *** Dralyth!
Abbe's frigid doom >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the Imperial Vanquisher!
Abbe is covered with bleeding wounds.
<690hp 817m 358mv 25600tnl 12 AM>
The Imperial Vanquisher tries to attack some empty air near Abbe.
You fade into existence.
Abbe deflects your crush with her shield.
Your crush decimates Abbe!
Abbe's punch maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
Dralyth's shocking bite MUTILATES Abbe!
Abbe is gushing blood.
<690hp 817m 358mv 25600tnl 12 AM> c nova

The Imperial Vanquisher's slash maims Abbe!
The Imperial Vanquisher tries to attack some empty air near Abbe.
You fade into existence.
Abbe deflects your crush with her shield.
Abbe's punch EVISCERATES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Abbe is gushing blood.
<690hp 817m 358mv 25600tnl 12 AM>
Dralyth has fled!
Abbe is gushing blood.
<690hp 817m 358mv 25600tnl 12 AM> Abbe is seared by the blistering heat of
your spell.
You fade into existence.
Your nova does UNSPEAKABLE things to Abbe!
Abbe is DEAD!!
Abbe's leg is sliced from her dead body.
<690hp 787m 358mv 25600tnl 12 AM> s
c controll cele
Before the Imperial Palace

(Magical) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
<690hp 787m 357mv 25600tnl 12 AM> They aren't here.
<690hp 787m 357mv 25600tnl 12 AM> where
exa corpse
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Celebrimbor A turn in Lane of the Chosen
(PK) Dralyth The Avenue of Conquest
<690hp 787m 357mv 25600tnl 12 AM> The Gates of the Palace

The charred corpse of Abbe is here, the flesh blackened and cracked.
The sliced-off leg of Abbe is lying here.
The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!
<690hp 787m 356mv 25600tnl 12 AM> The charred corpse of Abbe is here, the
flesh blackened and cracked.
The burnt corpse of Abbe contains:
(Glowing) some mithril leggings
knee-high leather boots
a diamond wedding ring
a large sack
a canoe
an inlaid rosewood cittern
an embroidered cloak
a pair of garnet earrings
a red plumed battlehelm
(Glowing) a shield emblazoned with a crimson cross
(Humming) a pair of black enameled gauntlets
(Glowing) a shining breastplate of pure mithril
an amethyst ring
( 2) (Magical) (Glowing) a runed iron bracer
( 2) a blood-soaked cape
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
a horned minotaur helm
a silver Justice badge
a water skin
a bloody pitch-black warhammer
a broad-bladed battleaxe crackling with energy
(Glowing) (Humming) Golrhun, the Great Axe

46 silver coins
15 copper coins
<690hp 787m 356mv 25600tnl 1 AM> s
Before the Imperial Palace

(Magical) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
<701hp 852m 405mv 25600tnl 1 AM> People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Celebrimbor Lane of the Chosen
(PK) Dralyth Lane of the Chosen
<701hp 852m 405mv 25600tnl 1 AM> s
The Avenue of Conquest

<701hp 852m 403mv 25600tnl 1 AM> scan a
You scan north.
***** Range 2 *****
The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.
<701hp 852m 403mv 25600tnl 1 AM> n
Before the Imperial Palace

(Magical) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(Translucent) Dralyth is here.
<701hp 852m 401mv 25600tnl 1 AM> wehre
<701hp 852m 401mv 25600tnl 1 AM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Celebrimbor A turn in Lane of Intrigue
(PK) Dralyth Lane of Black Magic
<701hp 852m 401mv 25600tnl 1 AM> where
scan a
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Celebrimbor A turn in Lane of Intrigue
(PK) Dralyth Lane of Black Magic
<701hp 852m 401mv 25600tnl 1 AM> You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 2 *****
(Translucent) Dralyth is here.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.
<701hp 852m 401mv 25600tnl 1 AM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Celebrimbor Lane of Intrigue
(PK) Dralyth Lane of Black Magic
<701hp 852m 401mv 25600tnl 1 AM> tell abbe not touching anything.....
You tell Abbe 'not touching anything.....'
<701hp 852m 401mv 25600tnl 1 AM> People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Celebrimbor Lane of the Chosen
(PK) Dralyth Lane of Black Magic
<701hp 852m 401mv 25600tnl 1 AM>
Celebrimbor thrashes around screaming as he is consumed by fire!
Celebrimbor's immolation hits him.
<701hp 852m 401mv 25600tnl 1 AM>
Dralyth yells 'Die, Celebrimbor, you sorcerous dog!'
<701hp 852m 401mv 25600tnl 1 AM> c eng cere
They aren't here.
<701hp 852m 401mv 25600tnl 1 AM> scan a
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
(Burning) (White Aura) Celebrimbor is here, fighting Dralyth.
(Translucent) Dralyth is here, fighting Celebrimbor.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.
<701hp 852m 401mv 25600tnl 1 AM> e
Lane of Black Magic

(Burning) (White Aura) Celebrimbor is here, fighting Dralyth.
(Translucent) Dralyth is here, fighting Celebrimbor.
<701hp 852m 399mv 25600tnl 1 AM> c eng cele
Celebrimbor yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You create an onslaught of water, drowning Celebrimbor!
You fade into existence.
Your onslaught of water DISMEMBERS Celebrimbor!
You fade into existence.
Your crush misses Celebrimbor.
Your crush hits Celebrimbor.
Celebrimbor's punch devastates Dralyth!
Celebrimbor's punch injures Dralyth.
Dralyth's shocking bite wounds Celebrimbor.
Dralyth's shocking bite hits Celebrimbor.
Dralyth's shocking bite wounds Celebrimbor.
Celebrimbor is covered with bleeding wounds.
<701hp 827m 399mv 25600tnl 1 AM>
Dralyth has fled!
Celebrimbor is covered with bleeding wounds.
<701hp 827m 399mv 25600tnl 1 AM>
It starts to rain.
Celebrimbor is covered with bleeding wounds.
<701hp 827m 399mv 25600tnl 2 AM>
Celebrimbor thrashes around screaming as he is consumed by fire!
Celebrimbor's immolation hits him.
Celebrimbor is covered with bleeding wounds.
<701hp 827m 399mv 25600tnl 2 AM> c geys

You fade into existence.
Your crush hits Celebrimbor.
Your crush injures Celebrimbor.
Celebrimbor's punch grazes you.
Celebrimbor is gushing blood.
<695hp 827m 399mv 25600tnl 2 AM> You create a geyser aimed at Celebrimbor!
You fade into existence.
Your geyser devastates Celebrimbor!
Abbe tells you 'Thank you. I would do the same for you.'
Celebrimbor is gushing blood.
<695hp 792m 399mv 25600tnl 2 AM>
Dralyth yells 'Die, Celebrimbor, you sorcerous dog!'
Celebrimbor narrows his eyes and glares in Dralyth's direction.
Celebrimbor's heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS Dralyth!
Dralyth has fled!
Celebrimbor is gushing blood.
<695hp 792m 399mv 25600tnl 2 AM>
You fade into existence.
Your crush decimates Celebrimbor!
Celebrimbor's punch grazes you.
Celebrimbor's punch scratches you.
Celebrimbor is gushing blood.
<690hp 845m 449mv 25600tnl 2 AM> c geys

Celebrimbor thrashes around screaming as he is consumed by fire!
Celebrimbor's immolation wounds him.
Celebrimbor is gushing blood.
<690hp 845m 449mv 25600tnl 2 AM> You create a geyser aimed at Celebrimbor!
You fade into existence.
Your geyser === OBLITERATES === Celebrimbor!
Celebrimbor has fled!
<690hp 810m 449mv 25600tnl 2 AM> scan a
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
(Translucent) An awoken shawtaby is here, prepared to serve his master.
(Translucent) An awoken shawtaby consort is here, prepared to serve her
(WANTED) Gradaelus is here.
***** Range 2 *****
(Translucent) Dralyth is here.

You scan up.
You scan down.
<690hp 810m 449mv 25600tnl 2 AM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Lane of Black Magic
(PK) Gradaelus Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Dralyth Lane of the Chosen
<690hp 810m 449mv 25600tnl 2 AM> scan w
You scan west.
***** Range 2 *****
(Translucent) Dralyth is here.

<690hp 810m 449mv 25600tnl 2 AM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Lane of Black Magic
(PK) Gradaelus The Avenue of Conquest
<690hp 810m 449mv 25600tnl 2 AM> Before the Imperial Palace

(Magical) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(Translucent) An awoken shawtaby is here, prepared to serve his master.
(Translucent) An awoken shawtaby consort is here, prepared to serve her
(WANTED) Gradaelus is here.
<690hp 810m 446mv 25600tnl 2 AM>
A sudden pain erupts through your skull. <--------------uh oh.
<690hp 810m 446mv 25600tnl 2 AM>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
The magic of your lightningshield spell unravels.
The magic of your airshield spell unravels.
The magic of your detect invis spell unravels.
<690hp 810m 446mv 25600tnl 2 AM> af
You are affected by:
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 23 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for 16 hours.
Spell: 'improved invis' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 5 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'earthshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 21 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'channel heat' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'shield of electricity' for 0 hours.
<690hp 810m 446mv 25600tnl 2 AM>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
The magic of your pass door spell unravels.
The magic of your improved invis spell unravels.
The magic of your detect magic spell unravels.
<690hp 810m 446mv 25600tnl 2 AM> cb need a word please.
Diiafd: need a word please.
<690hp 810m 446mv 25600tnl 2 AM>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
<690hp 810m 446mv 25600tnl 2 AM> af
You are affected by:
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 23 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 5 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'earthshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'channel heat' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'shield of electricity' for 0 hours.
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
The magic of your earthshield spell unravels.
<690hp 810m 446mv 25600tnl 2 AM> i
You are carrying:
a pouch of woven kelp attached to a harness
( 3) a sleek amber rod
( 2) the staff of healing medicine
a sapphire periapt
a sleek black rod
a captain's hat
an ivory figurine of a felar
an arm-pouch woven from brown kelp
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
someone: Making haste.
<690hp 810m 446mv 25600tnl 2 AM>
The electricity surrounding you dissipates.
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 3 AM> af
You are affected by:
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 22 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 3 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'blackjack' for 2 hours.
Spell: 'channel heat' for 2 hours.
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 3 AM>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 3 AM>
The magic of your oozeshield spell unravels.
The magic of your lightningshield spell unravels.
The magic of your fireshield spell unravels.
The magic of your fireshield spell unravels.
The magic of your frostshield spell unravels.
The magic of your frostshield spell unravels.
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 3 AM>
The magic of your oozeshield spell unravels.
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 3 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 3 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 3 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 3 AM>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 3 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 3 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word

You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Your flesh grows painfully tender and soft.
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 4 AM> In your dreams, or what?
<750hp 1060m 518mv 25600tnl 4 AM> cb now please.

You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> Diiafd: now please.
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You feel your bones lose density and become more brittle.
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM>
Your heartrate slows and your limbs become heavy as your metabolism
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word
In your dreams, or what?
<768hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word

You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Blinding pain erupts in your head and spine, stunning you momentarily.
Gradaelus's neurological disruption injures you.
Gradaelus is in perfect health.
<753hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 4 AM> c word

Someone trips you and you go down!
Yanomami steps out of the shadows.
Yanomami's trip scratches you.
You yell 'Help! Yanomami just tripped me!'
Gradaelus is in perfect health.
<751hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 5 AM>
Gradaelus parries your crush.
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
Yanomami's slice EVISCERATES you!
A shawtaby's pound devastates you!
A shawtaby's pound devastates you!
A shawtaby's pound devastates you!
A shawtaby consort's pound devastates you!
A shawtaby consort's pound maims you!
Yanomami's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Gradaelus's smash mauls you.
Gradaelus's smash misses you.
Gradaelus is in perfect health.
<520hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 5 AM>
Gradaelus parries your crush.
A shawtaby consort's pound devastates you!
A shawtaby's pound decimates you!
Yanomami's pierce misses you.
Yanomami's slice MANGLES you!
Yanomami opens a massive wound in you!
Yanomami's slice MASSACRES you!
Gradaelus's smash decimates you!
Gradaelus's smash mauls you.
Gradaelus's smash devastates you!
Gradaelus is in perfect health.
<222hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 5 AM>
Dralyth utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'. <----------- This is the fail!!
Gradaelus is in perfect health.
<222hp 1283m 590mv 25600tnl 5 AM>
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding wounds you.
Yanomami's thirst hits him.
Gradaelus is in perfect health.
<206hp 1283m 614mv 25600tnl 5 AM>
Gradaelus utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Blinding pain erupts in your head and spine, stunning you momentarily.
Gradaelus's neurological disruption wounds you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Gradaelus is in perfect health.
<188hp 1283m 614mv 25600tnl 5 AM>
Abbe has arrived.
Gradaelus is in perfect health.
<188hp 1283m 614mv 25600tnl 5 AM>
Yanomami trips you and you go down!
Yanomami's trip scratches you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Gradaelus is in perfect health.
<186hp 1283m 614mv 25600tnl 5 AM>
Your crush wounds Gradaelus.
Your hammer unleashes a bolt of lightning!
You thrust your hand forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches
toward Gradaelus.
Your lightning bolt DISMEMBERS Gradaelus!
A shawtaby consort's pound maims you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge a shawtaby consort's pound.
A shawtaby's pound devastates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A shawtaby's pound MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A shawtaby's pound devastates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
Yanomami scores another deep wound in you.
Yanomami's slice EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
You parry Gradaelus's smash.
Gradaelus's smash MUTILATES you!
You have been KILLED!!

You are no longer resistant to blunt attacks.
You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
<1hp 1m 614mv 25600tnl 5 AM> Better stand up first.
<1hp 1m 614mv 25600tnl 5 AM> Better stand up first.

Second one:

<688hp 1040m 787mv 21033tnl 2 PM> gt go ahead....
You tell your group 'go ahead....'
<688hp 1040m 787mv 21033tnl 3 PM> Entrance to the village of Balator

Your shielding safely protects you from the quicksand.
<688hp 1040m 786mv 21033tnl 3 PM> n
On the main path through the village

A villager passes by on their way about town.
<688hp 1040m 785mv 21033tnl 3 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Yanomami On the Merchant's Road
(PK) Diiafd On the main path through the village
<688hp 1130m 836mv 21033tnl 3 PM> Entrance to the village of Balator

Your shielding safely protects you from the quicksand.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> whoi ya
No one of that name is in Thera.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> c imm yano
They aren't here.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> c imm yano
c imm yano
c imm yano
They aren't here.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> They aren't here.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> They aren't here.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> c imm yano
c imm yano
They aren't here.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> They aren't here.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> c imm yano
They aren't here.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> c imm yano
They aren't here.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> c imm yano
They aren't here.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> c imm yano
They aren't here.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> af
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 52 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 51 hours.
Spell: 'improved invis' for 15 hours.
Spell: 'iceslick' for 11 hours.
Spell: 'frost fingers' for 10 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'earthshield' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'shield of flames' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'metabolic slowing' modifies dexterity by -4 for 4 hours.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Entrance to the village of Balator
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> gt thief neat
You tell your group 'thief neat'
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Entrance to the village of Balator
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> gt near
You tell your group 'near'
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Entrance to the village of Balator
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Entrance to the village of Balator
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Entrance to the village of Balator
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> hold 'black rod
You stop using an ivory figurine of a felar.
You hold a sleek black rod in your hands.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> zap self
You zap Diiafd with a sleek black rod.
A mystical barrier forms around you.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> hold felar
You stop using a sleek black rod.
You hold an ivory figurine of a felar in your hands.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM> People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Entrance to the village of Balator
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 3 PM>
Zavin tells the group 'What thief?'
The sky is getting cloudy.
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 4 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Entrance to the village of Balator
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 4 PM> gt yano something
You tell your group 'yano something'
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 4 PM> People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Entrance to the village of Balator
<688hp 1130m 835mv 21033tnl 4 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Entrance to the village of Balator
<688hp 1260m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> Someone escapes the quicksand here by
flying over it.
<688hp 1260m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Entrance to the village of Balator
<688hp 1260m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Diiafd Entrance to the village of Balator
<688hp 1260m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> where

You fade into existence.
Your shield of flames EVISCERATES Yanomami!
A sudden pain erupts through your skull.
Yanomami steps out of the shadows.
Yanomami's blackjack scratches you.
You yell 'Help! I've been blackjacked by Yanomami!'
People near you:
(PK) Yanomami Entrance to the village of Balator
(PK) Diiafd Entrance to the village of Balator
Yanomami has a few scratches.
<684hp 1260m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> People near you:
(PK) Yanomami Entrance to the village of Balator
(PK) Diiafd Entrance to the village of Balator
Yanomami has a few scratches.
<684hp 1260m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM>
Yanomami's pierce hits you.
You parry Yanomami's crush.
Yanomami's hammer pendant glows briefly.
You fade into existence.
Yanomami dodges your freezing touch.
Yanomami has a few scratches.
<674hp 1260m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> c fae
Yanomami is surrounded by a pink outline.
Yanomami has a few scratches.
<674hp 1255m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> c 'dispel magic'

You parry Yanomami's pierce.
Yanomami's crush hits you.
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
You fade into existence.
Yanomami parries your freezing touch.
Yanomami has a few scratches.
<662hp 1255m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> The magic of the faerie fire spell is
The magic of the fly spell unravels.
Yanomami yells 'Help! I'm sinking in quicksand!'
Yanomami has a few scratches.
<662hp 1240m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM>
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
Yanomami's crush hits you.
Yanomami's crush hits you.
Yanomami's hammer pendant glows briefly.
You fade into existence.
Yanomami dodges your freezing touch.
Yanomami has a few scratches.
<642hp 1240m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> c pebb
You toss a small pebble at Yanomami.
In mid-air the pebble transforms into a huge boulder!
Your huge boulder knocks Yanomami down!
Your huge boulder *** DEVASTATES *** Yanomami!
Yanomami has some small but disgusting cuts.
<642hp 1210m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM>
Yanomami's pierce hits you.
Yanomami's crush hits you.
You fade into existence.
Yanomami dodges your freezing touch.
Yanomami has some small but disgusting cuts.
<620hp 1210m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> c pebb

Zavin tells the group 'Yanomami.'
Yanomami has some small but disgusting cuts.
<620hp 1210m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM>
Yanomami's pierce hits you.
Yanomami's pierce hits you.
You fade into existence.
Yanomami parries your freezing touch.
Yanomami has some small but disgusting cuts.
<598hp 1210m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> exa yano
Yanomami struggles to escape the quicksand, but the weight of his
belongings drags him back in!
You toss a small pebble at Yanomami.
In mid-air the pebble transforms into a huge boulder!
Your huge boulder knocks Yanomami down!
Your huge boulder *** DEVASTATES *** Yanomami!
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
Yanomami's crush hits you.
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
You fade into existence.
Yanomami dodges your freezing touch.
Yanomami is covered with bleeding wounds.
<589hp 1180m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM>
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
You parry Yanomami's crush.
You fade into existence.
Yanomami parries your freezing touch.
Yanomami is covered with bleeding wounds.
<589hp 1180m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM>
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
Yanomami's crush hits you.
Yanomami's pierce hits you.
You fade into existence.
Yanomami parries your freezing touch.
Yanomami is covered with bleeding wounds.
<568hp 1180m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> Before you stands a small creature.
Looking closely to him to notice that
he is a svirfnebli. His hair is long and bulky, black in color. You can
sense greed in his dark eyes. The mantle he wears seems to be made for
another race, because it looks big on him. He carry lots of small golden
necklaces with him, but you cannot notice any symbol on them. The hat is
as big as his mantle and you wonder how he can walk around with that thing
almost covering his eyes. At his shoulders there are many ropes that he
uses on his job. In one hand, you see a backpack and it looks full. At the
other hand, a bladed dagger he uses for his defense.
Yanomami, a male svirfnebli, is covered with bleeding wounds.

Yanomami is covered with bleeding wounds.
<568hp 1180m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> c pebb
Yanomami struggles to escape the quicksand, but the weight of his
belongings drags him back in!
Yanomami is covered with bleeding wounds.
<568hp 1180m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> You toss a small pebble at Yanomami.
In mid-air the pebble transforms into a huge boulder!
Your huge boulder knocks Yanomami down!
Your huge boulder *** DEVASTATES *** Yanomami!
Yanomami is covered with bleeding wounds.
<568hp 1150m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM>
Yanomami's pierce hits you.
Yanomami's crush hits you.
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
Yanomami's hammer pendant glows briefly.
You fade into existence.
Your freezing touch MASSACRES Yanomami!
Yanomami is gushing blood.
<545hp 1150m 836mv 21033tnl 4 PM> c pebb
It starts to rain.
Yanomami is gushing blood.
<545hp 1150m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM>
Dralyth tells the group 'On my way.'
Yanomami is gushing blood.
<545hp 1150m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM>
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
You parry Yanomami's crush.
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
You fade into existence.
Your freezing touch EVISCERATES Yanomami!
Yanomami is gushing blood.
<545hp 1150m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM>
Yanomami struggles to escape the quicksand, but the weight of his
belongings drags him back in!
You toss a small pebble at Yanomami.
In mid-air the pebble transforms into a huge boulder!
Your huge boulder knocks Yanomami down!
Your huge boulder *** DEVASTATES *** Yanomami!
Yanomami is writhing in agony.
<545hp 1120m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM> c pebb
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
You parry Yanomami's crush.
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
You fade into existence.
Yanomami parries your freezing touch.
Yanomami is writhing in agony.
<545hp 1120m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM>
Yanomami is writhing in agony.
<561hp 1184m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM>
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
You fade into existence.
Your freezing touch DISMEMBERS Yanomami!
Yanomami is writhing in agony.
<561hp 1184m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM>
Yanomami struggles to escape the quicksand, but the weight of his
belongings drags him back in!
You toss a small pebble at Yanomami.
In mid-air the pebble transforms into a huge boulder!
Your huge boulder knocks Yanomami down!
Your huge boulder *** DEVASTATES *** Yanomami!
Yanomami is convulsing on the ground.
<561hp 1154m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM> c pebb
Yanomami's pierce hits you.
Yanomami's crush hits you.
Yanomami's hammer pendant glows briefly.
You fade into existence.
Yanomami dodges your freezing touch.
Yanomami is convulsing on the ground.
<540hp 1154m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM>
Yanomami's pierce hits you.
You fade into existence.
Yanomami dodges your freezing touch.
Yanomami is convulsing on the ground.
<530hp 1154m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM>
Yanomami struggles to escape the quicksand, but the weight of his
belongings drags him back in!
You toss a small pebble at Yanomami.
In mid-air the pebble transforms into a huge boulder!
Your huge boulder narrowly misses Yanomami.
Yanomami is convulsing on the ground.
<530hp 1124m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM> c pebb
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
You parry Yanomami's crush.
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
You fade into existence.
Yanomami dodges your freezing touch.
Yanomami is convulsing on the ground.
<530hp 1124m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM>
You parry Yanomami's pierce.
Yanomami's crush hits you.
Yanomami's pierce hits you.
You fade into existence.
Yanomami dodges your freezing touch.
Yanomami is convulsing on the ground.
<510hp 1124m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM> Yanomami struggles to escape the
quicksand, but the weight of his belongings drags him back in!
Yanomami is convulsing on the ground.
<510hp 1124m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM> You toss a small pebble at Yanomami.
In mid-air the pebble transforms into a huge boulder!
Your huge boulder knocks Yanomami down!
Your huge boulder *** DEVASTATES *** Yanomami!
Yanomami is DEAD!!
Yanomami's hands are sliced from his dead body.
<510hp 1094m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM>
Safely shielded from the quicksand Dralyth glides over it effortlessly.
<510hp 1094m 836mv 21033tnl 5 PM>
Yanomami tells you 'well fought'
<510hp 1094m 836mv 21033tnl 6 PM>
Obviously disgusted, Dralyth's face distorts into a menacing sneer.

28707, Gack!
Posted by Dralyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Geez...that's sick that you kept that log. I didn't realize the extent of bitterness I caused!

In all honesty, have that thing deleted from your hard drive...I'm trying to eliminate all evidence of that sort!
28873, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Dralyth Verazz the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Elastruviel: I will pay you cash if you promise never to sing
>frightful fiend again! You were a tough one to get, and those
>#$@% fiends took a chunk of con away.

You were one of the reasons why my save vs spell is -50 or higher (or lower, depending how you look at it). I never knew drow to be so vulnerable to fiends, but since there is a bigger stress on resist mental (as in, next to svs spell/paralysis/petrification/breath), it would seem int has lost a little of importance in the power of fiends. I recall one particular incident where I ran half of Thera to find you (didn't know your hometown was Arkham at that moment), you were like fully protected (with sanc if I recall correctly), and I was thinking 'By now he must have killed it', but you were still fighting it when I arrived, and so it was not too hard for me to kill an almost dead transmuter. (the other side of the coin is fire giants and duergars seeing right through my illusions, so that pretty much sucks, too... for me that is ;)) Still, we had some cool (albeit, regrettably, rather short) conversations about those incantations and all. From what I saw and heard, I can only say it was a very nice character, and it's a pity we didn't talk more. Good luck with your next.

> Lokilith the High Chancellor of Transmutation
That was that stone gargoyle, no ? Damn I hated that thing !