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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDyzsim is gone
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=28440
28440, Dyzsim is gone
Posted by SandDemon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
-I'm going to start this off to the Commander - what a ride. The pure reason I held on to this character for the 100 hours or so was the drive to prove you wrong, but in the end ya got me - I really couldn't handle it after awhile. I began to bitch at the scum of Dio's forum and that's a sure sign you need to just delete. For all the "dedication" you said you have, I hardly saw you - I know, you were moving, but still. I know it's hard though, man is it hard. I went through 6 con in about 40 hours and could never get to rank 35, I probably died about 4 times trying to get there. The rest of the time I was hunting, being hunted or regearing - quite proud of the fact that I got some kills though with a giant flail spec. Good luck with the Village but I can tell you honestly, it is dead this time. In the last 40 hours of play with about 2 hours a day each day, saw about four villagers - two I reported to the Immortals for pulling bad conduct/running/etc....there just wasn't any hope left for Dzsm. I kept picking myself up but in the end, it just got to me - it's a game and it wasn't fun at all.

-Other villagers, the only one I saw of merit was Elijsie. Thank you so much for helping me rank, that was something that truly made me smile - all villagers are getting beat left and right to oblivion (most are never on or logout when it's tough) and you were the first one to lend a helping hand instead of snap back about being strong. Keep trucking, you were the best villager I saw.

-To all the Battle Imms, just hand it over to someone else please. Sabiene, saw you twice my entire span of the character. Ordasen, 5 minutes - and you wouldn't respond to any mortal villager. Thror for the 4 secs of login/logoff. Jinroh has even publicly said the Imms never answer him. Really people, if you don't want it, then hand it to people that might try and revive this dead cabal. If Jinroh deleted or died of old age, doubt anyone would even show up to hold the Rites.

-To the Imperials I bitched out, you can understand my side so please don't glorify yourself in saying "suck it up". Nothing personal, but I guess I just don't understand how you find fun on your side of the fight. It's truly sad that the majority of hatred towards carrionfields comes from ganging and unfair odds - people have asked for a honor cabal hardcoded, anti-gang code, etc....and yet an entire cabal has been given a RP standpoint to gangrape people and have it considered to be good. Just won't ever understand it, although I guess the free gear, easy kills/rp, and trips to Hell have to be a bonus. Nothing personal against you, really, just....it's a venting point.

-To the Immortal who changed my name, quite honestly that was so low - my role and character had been around a long time and you tell me to change my name in 5 minutes so people can pronounce it? Everyone I have asked had no problem pronouncing it and I got asked repeatedly why my name got changed IC - which is a total shot at my character's ability to roleplay. Try pronouncing all the crazy names in CF for people who pound on the keyboard to make a name and tell me you can't pronounce a four-letter word.

-The ability for axe spec to weaponbreak a flail is crap. A lot of whips are made of chain and everyone says "you can break a flail because it's metal", or better yet they say "well, whips wrap around the swinging axe" - what do you think a metal chain is gonna do?!? Seriously, if you get bored at home, swing a metal chain with something on the end and hit it with a knife - you won't do anything unless the weighted part is extremely heavy but um, most flails way like 8 pounds. If anything, please change it for sake of balance. The only reason I ever had a decent whip/flail is because I'd run around and strip as a ghost. The pure lack of flails is glaringly horrible once you decide to go that route - I can name about 20 offhand just thinking right now and 90% of those are average 23 or lower. Please consider changing the weaponbreak and adding more flails/whips.

-There was some stuff I did with Dzsm I shouldn't have over the timespan. One thing, is I would log on during lunch at work just to see if anyone would be on and most of the time have to leave on a moment's notice (boss notices you playing a game and it's bad news). This caused me to have to leave twice at real bad moments - what's really sad though is that an Immortal had to slay me because "you avoided death by logging out" because Odrirg was chasing me in the Village. Please, at the Destructor, there was *no way* he could have killed me - he runs in, guards hit the Destructor, he flees and I entwine the guard, guard dies - rinse lather repeat. Thanks to the first Immortal for being understanding though - the second Immortal was kind of a #### about it.

-Besides all the craziness behind Dzsms life, the character class/race/weapon wasn't that bad. Flails are very hard to parry for most classes but some it just got parried like crazy - how a bare-handed felar can parry 5 solid rounds of two flails is beyond me. Having giant resist and village resist helped a lot when I had them....if I had gained some ranks I probably would have done better but I would have run into gangs of like 6 people, which no flail spec will survive. The only thing I think that could would be a thirsting sword spec, which I just refuse to play - flurry is too outplayed for my taste.

-Hastur, dude, you need to chill out. It's way too obvious who you are, when a villager is perfecting spellbane because "they have to".

All in all, not bad a character but this time the world of CF just sucked me try of enjoyment. Probably take a break for awhile, try and figure something new to play. Leave any comments or what not.

28518, RE: Dyzsim is gone
Posted by Elijsie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, I had a feeling you were going to delete soon enough. I remember when Elijsie was younger I had Lhaedhek, and Janakt aswell as a few others help me rank, and when you get 500/600 exp a kill it helps alot and boosts your morale. When you asked me that first time I gladly did it. Yet, we lost the head and you seemingly quit out seeing as how we didnt have the head, and travelling looked like it was over. Then later while we were being raided you asked me to travel. I almost slapped you in the face, but I realized you were just being impatient (which I can understand). I hope you keep faith in the Village, at some point itll get better. Good luck with the next.
28510, Thanks for the travels
Posted by Zlychai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Being my chars freinds generally just consisted of outlander sympathizers and a few villagers, we ran a few times an had some
nice exp'ing together, I could see the frustration coming out ic too, but not in a broken character way. I liked you, keep truckin
28459, RE: Dyzsim is gone
Posted by Deshael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just to let you know, Dzsm, you were badmouthed probably as much in game as you were out of it. I know of one such time from the Destructor when he was angry about the fact that you first, ran, and then signed off because you had a Vindicator and Lemath chasing you with guards when we were there standing next to you fighting them. Personally, if you're going to have a cause, be ready to fight for it and die for it. That's what the Village is all about. So wether you saw us in the other hours, and yes, I know there hasn't been many, there are others who are probably much more worthwhile than you think, though I do not speak of myself because I certainly know I suck. Good luck and have fun, remember, it's just a game. You can quit at any time.
28465, RE: Dyzsim is gone
Posted by SandDemon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If the Destructor really did that, it was complete and udder #### - I prayed about it saying I had to go, as I said in my goodbye. Not my fault the Tribunals won't leave me alone for 30 minutes straight then I have to get back to work. I told both Odrirg and Lemath I had to go and they didn't stop - sorry my job is worth more than some IC pride. That's just low that some Imm, despite what I did to try and alleviate the situation, had to bad mouth me. Typical.
28450, RE: Dyzsim is gone
Posted by Merari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to hear that your experience with this character was so bitter. I do have to agree that there seems to be a lack of Villagers recently, however I do have to admit I myself am partially to blame. I just don't get the time to play like I used to.

Actually Jinroh is around fairly often at least when I am(late nights central). Recently he has had some internet trouble(which he posted explaining on at least the other forums).

I think you did a good job with Dyzsim. Have hope, there are some high level flails that are out there that I think most people just haven't found yet. I think checking newer areas would be a good place to start. Imms seem to be noticing the imbalance in numbers of certain weapons and been adding them to newer areas(I think).

Take a deep breathe. Relax. Take some time off. Its just one type of game to have fun with. Maybe take some time and go frag some people in UT2004 or something. Return with a new idea and a fresh start if you want.

Good luck and Good hunting.
28445, I am moving, I have a real life, I do not live by my computer
Posted by Jin roh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am moving and the cable modem they said would be installed right when I moved in won't be in until Monday because my signal strength on my cable is not strong enough. So now they have to send in a crew to fix it. Sometimes things are out of my control.

As for you Dyzm, or whoever you were. I found your character to be one of the most difficult individuals to deal with. Between you telling me everything you were doing from eating berry pies to almost killing this individual or that individual or continually yelping for bandages. It was endless talk talk talk to the point I wanted to put on quiet. I told you many times IC to stop talking and start doing, but you never got the hint. It was extremely annoying.

Beyond that, you were an okay berserker. I think you finally understand how difficult it is to play a berserker villager. Its not a cake walk and the powers are warranted for what they have to deal with. I had the sense you created this character to "mop up" and show the world how "over" powered they were.

Now for my playing times. I play quite a bit. Last Sunday I played for almost 8 and half hours straight. But I have to do things, like live my life in real life and can't be wired to it constantly. I could not believe you are complaining to me about me having to move and the issues I am having with my cable company. What do you expect me to do? Pospone my move until I age die so that there is no interruption in your experience in battle, or anyone elses'? As for your statement that I hardly saw you, that is a straight out lie. There were times where you and I would be on for five or six hours straight, on multiple occasions (to my dismay sometimes).

Sorry you could not cut it, but you didn't seem interested in ranking at all, just killing at low ranks. There is a reason you did not get past 35, its because you didn't look for groups. Every time I was on with you, you were pking on eastern road, thats about it.

I hope you have a better understanding of the village, take care and good luck with your next.
28448, RE: I am moving, I have a real life, I do not live by my computer
Posted by SandDemon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I am moving and the cable modem they said would be installed
>right when I moved in won't be in until Monday because my
>signal strength on my cable is not strong enough. So now they
>have to send in a crew to fix it. Sometimes things are out of
>my control.
>As for you Dyzm, or whoever you were. I found your character
>to be one of the most difficult individuals to deal with.
>Between you telling me everything you were doing from eating
>berry pies to almost killing this individual or that
>individual or continually yelping for bandages. It was endless
>talk talk talk to the point I wanted to put on quiet. I told
>you many times IC to stop talking and start doing, but you
>never got the hint. It was extremely annoying.

That's a bit over the top - our hours just didn't meet and when they finally did I wanted to get inducted. You had your way though of "testing through patience" which I think is granted sometimes, but you obviously knew that when we met up that I was at odd times and always having to leave. There's a difference between patience and just waiting when you knew I had to leave - maybe if you would actually induct instead of die on the eastern road, we wouldn't have 20 notes on people wanting in or people just leaving the village because of lonliness.

>Beyond that, you were an okay berserker. I think you finally
>understand how difficult it is to play a berserker villager.
>Its not a cake walk and the powers are warranted for what they
>have to deal with. I had the sense you created this character
>to "mop up" and show the world how "over" powered they were.

Actually, just wanted to try something new like a flail giant spec.

>Now for my playing times. I play quite a bit. Last Sunday I
>played for almost 8 and half hours straight. But I have to do
>things, like live my life in real life and can't be wired to
>it constantly. I could not believe you are complaining to me
>about me having to move and the issues I am having with my
>cable company. What do you expect me to do? Pospone my move
>until I age die so that there is no interruption in your
>experience in battle, or anyone elses'? As for your statement
>that I hardly saw you, that is a straight out lie. There were
>times where you and I would be on for five or six hours
>straight, on multiple occasions (to my dismay sometimes).

Not complaining how little time we met up, complaining how you handled that time - instead of telling me to suck it up, wanting proof, that I'm going to delete before hero and all the other ways you can verbally beat down someone how about you actually help them? Elijsie is the pure idea of what a villager should be like - he wasn't always around but when he was he helped me rank, sometimes helped me regear and even helped me pk by scouting. That's a true villager - not some lone wolf who runs out to die.

>Sorry you could not cut it, but you didn't seem interested in
>ranking at all, just killing at low ranks. There is a reason
>you did not get past 35, its because you didn't look for
>groups. Every time I was on with you, you were pking on
>eastern road, thats about it.

Quite honestly you've got no place to stand here, I ranked ALL the time. I helped applicants rank just so I could try leveling with getting 50 exp a kill. When it takes 13k to rank as a neutral and you have hoardes of people chasing you down, you get interrupted. Better yet, sometimes you die and get exp penalities (I swear I hate the Tribunal guards). Everytime I was on, I asked every single person in my group range to rank and got nothing most of the time. Even came desperate sometimes and that's when Elijsie would help me rank. Also when the village is completely void of people, you can't exactly find groups easily - or better yet (this happened twice), I asked villagers to rank and they said they were busy (just wanted to yell at them for being idiots). I tried man, I really did.

>I hope you have a better understanding of the village, take
>care and good luck with your next.

I knew what the village was like before I came into it - I've had a villager before and heck, one of my best buddies used to be a Battle immortal. As he's said it and now I completely agree, the village is dead - without the support of the Immortals or dedicated players (or hell, even the undedicated players), it has been and will continue to rot away. I always enjoyed the village but just cant alone.

28486, Concepts you do not understand
Posted by Jin roh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are concepts here you do not understand, but I will explain quickly to you.

One, berserkers are to be tested harshly, because the path is one that is frustrating. So that is how my testing is for berserkers, because a lot of people just try for them for pure powers and nothing else. I want a RP reason for them to do it and to have them stick it out. As for my comments as Jin roh to you about Strength and such, that is what he talks about and how he approaches berserkers. They have to be as strong as he is and in his old age, he is very jaded, because he has met so many village applicants that are all talk and nothing else. Its a RP and IC thing, I'm not dissing you.

Second, its a simple request is to prove your dedication and should be a moment for some unique roleplay, instead you could not grasp the concept and kept asking me, "How do I do it?". Use your imagination. Roleplay with it, do something unique and interesting. That is one thing that shows through with Jin roh, I get tired of seeing the same thing over and over and over.

Third, I told you to suck it up and toughen up. I'm not going to induct someone offhand. Again, you will understand this simple point. I AM EVIL. I am not your daddy, I'm not going to hold your damn hand, I'm not going to help you out with every little thing. ITS EVIL, most people don't roleplay their alignment when it comes to other cabal mates, I do. Jinroh sees it very simple, if he could do it, so can you, so suck it up and do it and stop complaining every time you die, or get ganged, or whatever. You see it as "Lone wolf" because you see everyone as neutral or good and they should always be available to help your ass when things go wrong. That is not Jinroh's style, sorry you could not handle a leader who forced you to stand on your own two feet.

Lastly, I'm glad you were in battle before. And I'm glad one of your buddies used to be a Battle Immortal. You are right on most of the accounts there, Battle is not going to survive without some level of dedicated players. The reason I don't play is not because I don't want to, or don't have the time, is that I am unable to until, most likely, tonight when cable modem is finally installed. What is your reason? You deleted, and then you have the gall to say that Battle is dead because of no dedicated players or Battle immortals. Talk about hypocracy. Put up or shut up. You didn't put up, so be quiet.

Take care.
28498, RE: Concepts you do not understand
Posted by Hutto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Much better to have a couple of really good characters than to be chock-full of crappy ones.

Hutto, the Sleepy Nitpicker

'Sorry, I'm not 72323slhlst. Or however you say Elite'


28499, I LIVE AGAIN!!!!!! n/t
Posted by Jin roh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
28509, about Jinroh...
Posted by Abernyteehee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He is and will always be a class act in CF and to me he is like an untouchable. I know he will do a better job than I did as an Imm and I know that he will help bring the cabal around. Battle is about to be a great cabal once more. The standard of players had dipped quite a bit and I found it frustrating to say the least that I never saw them on in my playing times but I know Jinroh will catch the playerbase better with his and I hope he continues with the same hard line he has had up till now. I dont care if your buddy had a battle heroimm and I dont care if you did either. You can take your side of things and twist them any way you want but the fact remains that Jinroh in battle is only ever gonna mean good things for the cabal. I for one have been trying to catch him about for about 3 weeks and have not seen him yet but I am not pissin and moaning as I am realistic and not an Impatient child. It will happen eventually and it will mean more when it does. I also interacted with you a little here and there and found you to be a pain and as a cabal leader I would not have put up with your constant ropey utterings but that is just me and I now I feel I am rambling so I will stop and go back to my 6th form class.


P.S. Many congrats Jinroh.
28443, RE: Dyzsim is gone
Posted by Diblazdien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, despite the name making me mad (for some reason it bothered me to no end, I was like what is that??) You were a pretty awesome berserker. Others might say otherwise, but they didn't fight you alone like I did. Despite the title of Imperial next to me name, my main point was to get my kills solo. I believe in the end I ganged two people, out of the others I got. You were an awesome flail spec, that's for sure. You stripped my weapons on a constant basis which is so annoying when I enjoyed my favorite pair of battleaxes so much. We had a good number of fights and it was fun. Anyway, just take some time to chill over the ganging issue and come back, with a vengence :). Good luck with the next. See you in the fields.
28455, RE: Dyzsim is gone
Posted by SandDemon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks man, really. It's comments like this and players like you that actually make this game fun.