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Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Delrami Tolengard the Avenger of the Righteous, Provincial Magistrate
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=28232
28232, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Delrami Tolengard the Avenger of the Righteous, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Jun 18 20:49:33 2004

At 1 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 35th of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Delrami perished, never to return.

Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal

28263, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Delrami Tolengard the Avenger of the Righteous, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Delrami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, where to begin. I decided to delete about a week ago, when I was on and my body gave out to old age. Didn't die that time, but new it was coming soon, so figured why put up some efforts, when I can just get going. The spire has changed to much really since I was last in it. Use to play Arbiters a bunch with several leaders, and I enjoyed it, but now, its just not the same. I realize that the Imm's can't be watching the players of Tribunal all the time, but some of the stuff I personally witnessed was just going crazy. Tribs breaking the laws, getting slaps on the wrist for it, and keeping in. I liked the old method, where if you screwed up, you were out. No well, its not that big a deal, we'll let you stay in. The "two" sets of punishments is what really started to unnerve me near the end. I did get to meet a great many people, who all did roleplay well, and for the most part, I enjoyed playing Delrami. I have always liked empowered characters, especially paladins, and decided that I've had enough storm paladins, to give a two hander dwarf one a try. And let me say, they are powerful. Good gains, decent Mana, and you can get a nice suit of armor for a dwarf. Overall a great character, and I liked the limits I set upon myself. I would not use my communes on evil in the spire, even if they asked for it, which did upset a couple of you. Also didn't associate with them in the spire. If they got in trouble outside of town, then that was there own fault and I was not about to go rescue them or aid them in their personal struggles or consequences. Didn't make me too popular in the spire, but as a Paladin, I tried my best to combine the code and laws. And trust me, a paladin tribunal is difficult, specially if you follow a god of war :). I did start Delrami though, cause every tribunal I saw, was either evil or neutral, and I enjoyed the challenge of a down on its luck cabal. So rolled up a good tribunal and got in. Little did I know, 2 weeks later, we'd have 2 other paladins joins, and two goodie shamans :)


Vynmylak: Thank you for the virtue and Tattoo. Not sure if you were happy with me or not in the end, since I did not wage the war that so many others of your religion do, but I did my best to uphold the religions believfs and talk to others about it when I could. I would like to know though, if at the end, we were just missing each other, or you just did not have time to speak to me! All I wanted to do was get the title you promised me when I was in the 40's. Told me to come back once I reach the top and you'd title me properly cause the Trib and your Sounders titles didn't mesh well! Still, was my second tattoo since I was tattooed by Bria :) Don't usually ask for them, and you made it easier then I would have thought to get it.

Velkurah: I am guessing your the one who made me Provincial magistrate all those years ago. I did enjoy the talk, and the idea of how to seperate the spire from the Empire was a real goal of mine to accomplish. Shame we never got back to my idea though. If you wouldn't mind me asking, what was the reason I was declined the Justiciar position? From what the leaders were telling me, I was being watched and considered for it, but never heard anything else about it.

Grurk: Oh did I hate you as a mortal with a Passion. It all started with that time you told me to report to Seantryn cause the Empire was in the palace. I came, saw what was going on, and saw you and that necromancer standing right there. I wasn't going to stop evil fighting evil, especially when we were specifically told that the Empresses laws were not our own and not to be obeyed. After that, it was that time you got off with striking at that group of the fortress, cause they summoned a member of your groups mobs and were striking at it in town. Good bit of roleplay there, but you got off easy on that one again :) But, as an Immortal, I have to give you credit. You are doing a good job of leading the tribunal and watching it. Hope you have the best of luck with getting higher up there.


Daemar: You have to be first, cause out of all the tribunals, I was closest to you. I still feel sorry about what happened to you, but you were fortunate only to get demoted the first time. The booting for sending that scroll to another cabal was stupid though in my opinion, considering what they've let others get away with. It was you who actually manaaged to get me to the hero status, cause you'd always be willing to fight with me on the mountain, whenever we were about. Hope your still playing, and thanks for all the good roleplay we had.

Lemath: Another great leader. We began out as good friends, but as you started to get other hero's about, noticed we started to slide apart. You did a great job building the spire back up after Daemar left and the wars. You've done a good job leading as well, and are very active for a leader, which is always good. I wish you the best of luck, but get tougher on those beneath you! You let so many get away with things they shouldn't, just so the spire can be strong :)

Nilki: Well, saw you deleted, and its a shame. Another of my favorites. Always asking for me to forge you your weapons :) I enjoyed the times we spent, and you did a good job as a mino.

Lochzan: I remembered, one day, we were ranking together on the mountain, then the next, after I heroed, you were neutral. I was like what is going on! He's a decent rp'er and a good paladin, then after watching it, I figured it out. Was still hoping to turn you back to the path of the light, but you did a good job even as evil. Course, you died a bunch, but thats life :)

Opti: I knew you'd go far when we first met. Thanks for that Vigiliance blade you gave me. It really did help a lot out. I'm glad your back, and I will miss you. Always funny to be around. *pokes you just one last time*

Odrirg: Well, what to say. As a character, I had mixed feelings about you. They all started to go down hill that one day you asked me to come to Tar Valon, then went off on me for killing Ludan, when I hadn't. Didn't even ask how, just assumed I slew him. Then it was all the lightbringers you would hunt, just cause they were chaotic, well, that just did not sit will with Delrami. I know you try to rolepaly hard, and good job on becoming a Vindicator again, but I feel as a player that your role swings to often, depending on what you need. Our little conversation about the rings, then that note you sent, well let us just say, I've lost most of my respect for you. Once your gone, I'll explain it more, but for now, good luck.

Felar Warrior and Healer: Well, not sure what became of you two, but was fun. We three were always going together, and it was funny how the healer fell in love for the felar, but you didn't want to have a thing to do with her. :) I did enjoy trying to get the romance between you two to spring up, but oh well, thats life. Just wish I could remember yoru two names, but after... 6 months, that sort of stuff just slips :).

Jinroh: I did have some good fights with you, and that one sup, you are right, is insane damage against you. That was the second most damage I've seen it do, besides when I used it on a necromancer! Just be glad you can only use it to open a fight :) Good luck and all with Battle, cause I see you doing good things with it.

To everyone else I might have forgotten, thanks for the good times, the bad times, and the fights! Time to try something different again!

Delrami Tolengard
28273, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Delrami Tolengard the Avenger of the Righteous, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All I have to say is this...

I *HATE* 3lb no-remove 2-handed drowning swords, and I also severely dislike being summoned as a rager into that damned locked room.

Had a few fights, can't say I really enjoyed them considering how little I could do against you while taking ugly damage from those strikes, but you seemed to be doing a good job as a Tribunal. See you in the Fields!
28278, Hasn't been 3 lbs in a while
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Assuming it's the sword I'm thinking of
28279, The felar warrior..i think
Posted by Izhan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was fun ranking up with you, with you dealing damage + giving me sanc we were a ranking powerhouse..my favorite time with you was when we were ranking with Oblain in Aridhol..AP and transmuter show up..killed the healer..Oblain tells us to take off..but we stay and guard the corpse..then finish off the transmuter and AP (wel i had to retreat ;)..good stuff..good stuff

anyway..cant believe you lasted this long...

good job

28282, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Delrami Tolengard the Avenger of the Righteous, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Velkurah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, sorry to see you go, and I'm sorry the Spire wasn't what you wanted it to be. Your name came up multiple times for promotion, but it seemed like every time it did, you would stop playing for days at a time, and we would end up giving the promotion to someone else that was active.

Good luck with your next one.

28286, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Delrami Tolengard the Avenger of the Righteous, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Agarah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you did an excellent job, of being a paladin in a Spire that was clearly filled with evils. Of all people, if I liched I thought you would be the first to jump ship, and hunt me.

I never played an arbitor, but I heard it was more easy in easier out. Agarah was my first tribunal, and I always thought of tribunal as a newbie cabal, so in my mind I would allow a mistake or two, it's easy to move someone to modan, instead of booting some newbie. with no chance, and remove any interest in cabals or the character again. Sometimes learning from the mistakes allows alot of rp to come.

And in the case of Grurk here.
"After that, it was that time you got off with striking at that group of the fortress, cause they summoned a member of your groups mobs and were striking at it in town. Good bit of roleplay there, but you got off easy on that one again :) "

I agreed with you, but by the time I figured what had happened, we had already been called into the Spire, and then the whole rp happened, and the Imms took over. I was told to guide the talks, which I did, and Really I know you saw it how I did. I thought he was wrong, but after the talks, and my report I think the imms let it go cause it was a very odd and hard case. If I had more time before the imms called us, I might have done more.

Best of luck
28289, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Delrami Tolengard the Avenger of the Righteous, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Lemath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, gonna really miss Delrami. I enjoyed having you around a lot, it was unfortunate that when we got close they changed the paladin sanctuary. We made a good time all around really. Yea, it wasn't due to the fact there were others, just do to the fact I like to 'mingle' and it just seemed we had different ideas and different goals at the same time. Or I would travel with an evil and knew your RP well enough to know you wouldn't want in the group with a darkie. As for toughining up, yea I sorta realized that, took me a bit, though I think Paleras figured out I wasn't playin around with the stuff anymore, as for any others, I'm not sure which you may speak of....Tralin was a mistake that I'm aware of, and dealt with...and that healer that always called you a fool was dealt with, though other than that, I'm not sure who else may of screwed up to actually deserve the 'big boot'. Anyhow, you'll be missed, and sorry you don't like Tribunal that much anymore :'(
