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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) <None> Khrun the Novice of Owaza, Ungrateful Outcast of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=2778
2778, (DEL) Khrun the Novice of Owaza, Ungrateful Outcast of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Sep 11 14:41:06 2001

10 o''clock PM, Day of Thunder, 31st of the Month of the Dark Shades on the Theran calendar Khrun perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None

2779, Game Over
Posted by Graham (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was getting irritated with the negativity in Khruns personality and well 9/11 seemed to be the perfect day to end his run (otherwise the intention was to get back into the village and -then- delete).

Khrun was supposed to be a sneaky stealthy assassin, contrasted ith his personality which was straightforward warriorish (and arrogant). He didn't mince words and expressed his opinions about people easily. It was basically an attempt at an EVIL person in the -new- village.

Khrun was cool - then i power ranked from 30-40 and he became less cool. It became even worse when i couldn't get a ranking group other than guys like 9 ranks below me. (Special mention goes out to the duergar warrior who's name i've forgotten already but was the only person i grouped with for exp in about 2-3 weeks)

I had a personal little thing with Khrun where i basically just tried to go about with a ~20 dam roll and see how well i could do.(i broke that a couple of times when i was just gifted a lovely suit - Khrun proved to be a good "eq means nothing" character for me)

Battle -
Intronan you rocked. The first interview with you before you were leader set me on my course because you were accepting of less than friendly people.

Then you sucked when i spoke to you next because it appears you were OOC drunk at the first interview.

You then proceeded to make me jump through a series of crappy hoops (during which i almost deleted in annoyance). After i was inducted you went back up to excellent. You brilliantly handled the ##### that was thrown at you (by myself for example. I wasn't trying to piss you off, just playing to a role) and led fantastically well.

Special mention to Mahkhan though for letting my character just verbally unleash whenever he felt pissed off and not holding it against me.

Uh the rest of battle sucked almightily - which contributed to me deleting. Nerylana urgh, Loborguz (wolverine wannabe) urgh.

The rest of the mud, uh you suck
Kareza, chuffing hell ("You are an assassin and have red aura i don't like") however he's about the only person that i can say truly honestly "beat me".

Special mention to the fucking idiot of an imm that i'd never spoken to in the 112 hours of my character who then presumed to tell me how my character acts. ##### you.

Halisstra you win the prize of most amusing kill ever. After i'd assassinated the necro, killed the conjurer then the shaman - you killed me with a single spell on the eastern road, i could only laugh) Halisstra tells you "ouch"

One successfully assassination.
2781, little text within
Posted by uhm guys cousin (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Uh the rest of battle sucked
>almightily - which contributed to
>me deleting. Nerylana urgh, Loborguz
>(wolverine wannabe) urgh.

You mean the rest of battle, that didn't get kicked out? Yeah, they are the ones who must really suck.

2782, RE: little text within
Posted by Graham (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You mean the rest of battle,
>that didn't get kicked out?
> Yeah, they are the
>ones who must really suck.

Amusing, but i'll lay odds that you don't know why i was kicked out...(ie true/false: i asked to be kicked out?)

2780, RE: Game Over
Posted by Intronan (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was not drunk at the first interview. Probably. I always appreciated those who were evil, made no bones about it, and felt free to be nasty. You did that well, and I liked it. Yes, I made you jump through hoops... I did it to plenty of others, as well. I never took offense when you got a little surly... I knew it was part of your character, and I respected you sticking to your guns, no matter what.