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Topic subjectIm gone...
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27673, Im gone...
Posted by Talabrina.. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Recently i started a new job and my times has dropped to almost zero. Grot made me High Priestess despite this fact, as he asked me if my times would be better and i clearly stated no so my position was only temporaly. After i bite the dust today in a way that makes me sick i finally decited to delete, not because i lost my set, but becuase i dont belive that my goal would be reached.... Talabrina was a healer and a priestess of Lord Khasotholas, i dont think many could walk around not knowing that fact. I tried to preach the Lord in anyway i could, speaking his name when ever i could. That is how i see a priest should be played.. I fought tons of paladins and with very few exceptions i didnt knew what patron they followed... After all a "empowered" char should live for their patron, in actions but sertainly also in some way of respect and proudness...

Talabrina meet alot of interesting chars over the past month, and i dont want to mention them here, i think the persons who i interacted with knows who i mean, and they should be welcome to reply.

Khas - As allways i enjoyed every minute i spent with you, you are cool and fun to follow. Keep up the good word!

This is Talabrina signing out for a few month or more...?!

* D-Elf * Zargu the Avatar of the Sheathed Sword, Imperial High Priestess
* D-Elf * Dehieleia the Holy Heroine, Imperial High Priestess
* D-Elf * Raiztelan the Holy Heroine
* Fire * Kelin the Holy of faith
* Human* Ckoebael the spectre
* D-Elf* Zharaluzar DorArzar, Voice of the Raven
* D-Elf* Drakazar the weaver of elements, Imperial Citizen
* Duerg* Zhenzar Krailare, Holy of Faith, Imperial High Priest
* D-Elf* Talabrina Zak'Ardun, the Protector of Faith, Imperial High Priestess

27813, RE: Im gone...
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think my immortals comments said what I felt about this character. Talabrina was a priestess, more than a healer. You preached about your God, constantly, and that's what a priestess should be doing. I wish I saw more of that from empowerment classes, because for many of them, that's what they should be about. You did it in quite a good way, and made others follow your lead. Good character.

27822, RE: Im gone...
Posted by Tala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just one thing to say...


27793, De ja vu again.
Posted by Blitz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Second time you got a council seat after me and you delete and you delete. Going to have to start taking it personally :).

Enjoyed it, take it easy,
27812, RE: De ja vu again.
Posted by Tala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmmm, now you get me curious... ;)


Keep on the good work, and dont take it personally.

27782, Well you were slightly intresting..
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though I didn't get to interact with you much, I did like that one interaction we had... *I hate healers*

You where a skilled healer and managed to get me killed a few times...
Good luck on your next and glad to see I'm not the only one that has a love for darkelves
27792, RE: Well you were slightly intresting..
Posted by Tala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh.. I love drows?? Nah... ;) I just have a crush on them... ;)

Did i tell anyone i hate stunning warriors?

Take care
27769, Good luck
Posted by Laes on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Instead of putting alot of words here, I'll just say, it was fun.

27683, I really don't have a whole lot of sympathy for your death last night.
Posted by Celebrimbor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You couldn't fight us at your inners. What in the world made you think you could fight us out in the open, no Cents, no backup, nothing? You attack a group of people from the Fortress who just took the Codex, with a villager in the area and heading right for you. What did you expect would happen? Everyone would scream "The healer is attacking us! Lets all scatter and run!"?

You didn't need to initiate the pointless attack on the group. There was nothing in it for you, and from a tactical point of view it was the worst thing you could have done. You can feel sick about it all you like, but YOU attacked. You weren't forced to. I've seen you run from lesser fights than that one, so I know it wasn't some role thing. I just honestly don't know what you expected to happen there.

Now, that being said, I liked your character the times when you weren't throwing a temper tantrum over your gear. You were a good, solid Imperial healer when you kept your OOC temper in check. I understand the loss of shinies can be upsetting, but don't let it make you lower yourself. You're a better RPer than that.
27693, RE: I really don't have a whole lot of sympathy for your death last night.
Posted by Talabrina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okay, i hear your words... I knew that i proberly couldnt kill you at the centurions, but its in my line of play that i actually at least try to do something. As far as the villager i saw him only in the end, and im still old fashion in a way that i thought a villager wouldnt jump a single person fighting three others... ?! But thats just me... I wasnt afraid of the three of you, i had faced worse odds, but what can turn the table is if you throw one person, with two axes pinchering your ass.... If you had been with him all along, i wouldnt have been there and attacked...

As far as throwing a temper tantrum over gear? I lost a nice set... About 8 times or so... Most of the times i full looted... Once i got some gear back from the marans, but only because you or someone else asked if i got anything returned.... Other times i lived with it, full looting is part of cf and a part that i think i handle better than 90% of the other cf population... As far as ooc temper, i think the only time my ooc temper went into play was when i deleted... *shrug* As i stated, the deletion would proberly had come anyways... My times has dropped to around 4 hours a week or so, that is no where what should be expected from a leader of a sect....

I will return - maybe...


27696, I can't believe you still buy that village no-ganging story
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Most villagers, including berserkers, will gang if opportunity presents itself. I'm going off first hand experience here. Only a very few will wait until you and they are both alone (by which I mean really alone and not the deathmatch where you fight one solo villager after another until eventually you die).

I expect the same from villagers (including berserkers) that I do from any other cabal, because you get the same. I don't have a problem with it, but it seems, in practice, to be propaganda in the same way that the Empire being an altruistic organisation was when it was starting to come back.
27715, Allright time to answer
Posted by That Rager on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I followed this tribunal warrior .. and if you saw some logs
he aided Empire. so I entered Balator and saw - Tribunal warrior,
healer of Empire, also there was Scion mage in duo, and some goodies, so I decided to join this little battle... ==pincer healer==

only after I killed you I realized that this warrior didnt assisting you, ehe, I pincered him and died :)

yes, when you have adrenalin in veins you cant control yourself :))

appologies anyway - we all do mistakes
27716, RE: Allright time to answer
Posted by Tala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aye, never mind... Would proberly had deleted anyways... ;)

You just hit the spot when pincering a lonely healer against three marans...

27717, just so you know, I've not been killed by villagers
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not basing it on a one-off thing. I'm basing it on having seen attacks again and again by more than one rager at once against a single enemy, when there is no real confusion. I don't even know for certain who you are to be honest. I can guess from your spec, and if you are who you say you are I don't have a problem with you, because you do have guts, even if you sometimes attack with numbers.

I don't care if ragers use numbers these days. I'm just amazed that anyone really believes they won't though. I think Jinroh and Janakt are the only ones I remember -not- doing it. Others use numbers when they are available and don't when they aren't.

The reason I don't have a problem with it is because I've also seen most of those ragers fight alone, and I've seen them die a lot. So as far as I am concerned, they do show courage. However, the fact remains that I think the "berserkers don't use numbers because imms would boot them for it" is nothing more than propaganda in practice.

The only ragers that bother me are the ones that won't bother mages if they are alone but will if they aren't. I can only think of one current one who might be like that, but it is too early to tell.
27718, add Stefanie to my list of those I've never seen use numbers nt
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
27723, That's how I think it should be.
Posted by Graatchman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Others use numbers when they are available and don't when they aren't."

As long as a villager is always happy to fight alone, then I have pretty much no problem if they fight with odds when the situation presents itself.

The only problem I have is with a villager who seeks out odds in his favor before fighting, and does so more often than seeking fights on his own. Or, worse, a villager who sees a fight and runs away because he has no odds.

Now, don't get me wrong, a villager doesn't have to fight every single fight. If he's alone and sees six enemies coming down eastern, I don't expect him to fight alone. But if he's alone and sees one or two coming down eastern, I'd expect him to make a go of it.
27719, sorry, thought of a better way to explain this
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Basically what I'm saying is that if you are in a fight with people and you see a rager enemy coming towards you, you have to be very foolish to stick around in the hope that he won't attack you because of parity. He'd probably attack you anyway if you weren't already fighting, but odds are he'll not leave you alone just because you are fighting. In theory, parity should make you somewhat safe, but that's what I consider to be propaganda. However, it's fine with me as long as the ones using numbers also fight on their own.
27704, Yeah that was me. I wound up taking off my own eq to give you.
Posted by Celebrimbor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It bothered me, as an honorable character, to see you beat down by a group and then left without a single thing on. Honor demanded that I give you my own things, since I didn't have the authority at the time to order your things returned.

You really impressed me a lot of the time with Talabrina, because you could single handedly shift the balance of power with just logging in. And being an Imperial healer, you could shift the balance of power even outside of your range, something I was always irritated by. Great job!
27712, RE: Yeah that was me. I wound up taking off my own eq to give you.
Posted by Talabrina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, a healer can really shift the balance... A healer can influence people out of range as well, making a raid nearly imposibble becuase regaining full potential only takes the three hours a healing sleep takes... ;) That is why i like the healer class... I know, not many people find it "funny" to be a support char, but when you can live with it a new world open to you... ;)

Glad you liked the char, im just pissed at my self and my new job that i couldnt play this char as i wanted to now that i finally had a realistic chance to finaly take the seat of the Emperor... But thats another story...

27680, Impressive
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked what I saw of your charactor and from your impressive list of past charactors, its no wonder. Take a break and nice job there.
27684, Ok, just a quick thing:
Posted by Me on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's character, with an er at the end, not an or. You always make that mistake.

Not a comment on you, your intelligence or anything else for that matter. Just correcting a spelling error you always make.
27678, Since I was part of that..
Posted by Els on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll reply. At first, I wished to answer with 'pot and kettle and black'. You knew what the concequences could have been; even two paladins and a bard can lag the #### out of someone (the warrior came there on his own account; I don't think anyone had warned him; I, at least, didn't; I think you were just unlucky that he was there and decided to join in). You say the way you were killed made you sick ? I can understand that, I sure do, but as I mentioned, it happens on both sides, whether you like it or not. I tend to hunt alone on most occasions, but getting the orb back (or did we plan to take the codex; one of the two) against a healer alone is just suicide (referring to shrouded centurions that is). Anyways, I'll just leave it at that; I do feel kinda .. guilty .. that this was a reason for you to delete. You knew your stuff and sure made things difficult for us, so respect to you (also when looking at the list of your past characters). Anyways, I hope you have no hard feelings. Good luck with your job, and perhaps until later.

27694, RE: Since I was part of that..
Posted by Talabrina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Read my reply to Celeb... I covered most of it there... I liked your char as well... You where one who where not afraid to attempt something even you where alone.... Sometimes i could be on, one healer against two or so marans, and none came to even try take the orb back... I had respect for three kind of characters as a healer... One is a paladin with that insane virtue, and the other is a shaman (not if he is alone though, but with someone who can really put the hurt on you a dispel of sanc and protection can leave you dead in one round, and the third is a skilled transmuter.. Even Lekerly lost some of my respect after i escaped him quite a few times... *blink* ;)

No, i sit here with any hard feelings or anything..

Take care
27698, Lekerly? Me?
Posted by Lekerjey on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yes, not the most skilled transmuter around :) but i am learning. when you and grottimgesh were around, it was exciting. you both just went taking all the items as if you were picking something up.

anyway, good job from what i saw. if you have another healer out there, send him over to fight me again. :)

p.s.thanks for the cloak. Celebrimbor said to thank you.
27713, RE: Lekerly? Me?
Posted by Talabrina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A transmter have a hard time against a healer with some game knowledge.. ;) Paralyzing a healer can be tough and your spells wouldnt do much harm to me, and yes taking the items where our duty... ;)

I dont know when i will play another healer, but i dont think time allows me to play any new char for the next few month, that being the main reason for deletion....

What cloak did you get? Ragged or tattered one?? Hehe

27675, RE: Im gone...
Posted by Lochzan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seems like all of Khas' cronies are deleting; Njaal, Zauttere, you. Despite all following the same god and the same sphere we were all still very different. We had some good discussions but our playing times rarely seemed to match. We need a "move the foreign players to america" fund, or maybe a "move everyone to cancun" fund. Either way there needs to be a fund, and people need to be mobile.

Good luck with your next Imperial High Priest.
27695, RE: Im gone...
Posted by Talabrina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If there will be another high Priest from my hands and mind, i belive it will be in a year or more... Dont have the time for it now, got two children, a new work and much more else to spend time on... ;)

Good luck, and i do hope you get some kind of reward after all those hours you put into Loch... ;)
