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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Pyarima the Fallen, Embraced of the Darkness
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=27527
27527, (DELETED) [None] Pyarima the Fallen, Embraced of the Darkness
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon May 31 13:59:40 2004

At 9 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 32nd of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Pyarima perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None

27541, My original idea for Pyarima...the Leigon of the gnomes
Posted by Kambolik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Leigon of the Gnomes

Leaders dont really have any powers or inducting propertys, members
will be kept track of via notes to the Council.

(leader) Bishop of the Leigon of the Gnomes

(leader) Battlemage of the Leigon of the Gnomes

(leader)Scoutmaster of the Leigon of the Gnomes

(leader) Warlord of the Leigon of the Gnomes

The leigon of the gnomes is a brotherhood of gnomes and svirfneblin come together to fight
and cause inspiration for gnomes everywhere. They are bound by their blood to never cause the
bloodshed of their gnome brethren, else all they work for would be lost. The gnomes and the
svirfneblin have been divided and scattered, abused and homeless for too long. There is no one
leader for the leigon, but rather a council of four that all stand equal and determine the
course of action the leigon will take in their kinsmens best intrest. The bishop of the leigon
will be a healer, a priest to provide diplomacy and spiritual guidance for the leigon. He job is
also to inspire morale and provide holy support in their campaigns. The battlemage of the leigon
will be either a transmuter, shapeshifter, invoker, or conjurer. The Battlemage will be tasked
with the support and guidance of the mages in the leigon. He will research ancient arts of magic
and will inspire young ambitious gnome mages by example to excel in their art, for their own
benefit and the benefit of their kinsmen. The battlemage will also be an asset in campaigns with
his magical powers, using his magic for protection and show of force in the wars in times to
come. The scoutmaster of the leigon will be a thief, crafty and sly. The scoutmasters job will
be to build a network in kinsmen of eyes and ears for the cause. He will be the eyes in the
shadows, watching for betrayers within and outside of the leigon. He will also provide useful
in campaigns to scout out safe passage and enemy troop positions and deployments. The warlord
of the leigon is the battle hardened fist of the leigon. He will be a warrior, and will lead the
battles with tactics and courage. He will be in charge of planning the war campaigns with the
council, and will inspire the young warriors through cunning and courage. In campaigns, he is the
backbone and fist of the leigon in war, mainly stepping up to lead the campaigns from the front
lines with the support of the council. All of these positions can be led by a gnome of svirf,
and each position will only be held by a hero of their guilds. The leigon will have meetings each
and every time three of the four council members are in thera. To be in the council you must have
proven your dedication to the leigon from a young age, and must be dedicated to the cause with
all of your being. Any leigoneer that attacks a gnome or svirfneblin will be cast out and hunted,
known as a betrayer to their kin and must be eliminated for the good of their people. The leigon
will not attack or judge non leigoneer gnomes or svirfs that attck other gnomes or svirfs, but
make note of it in scrolls to the council and they will never join the leigon, but will not be
hunted by them. The council will come to the aid of any other council member in battle at all
times, even against overwhelming odds. The strength of the leigon and their dedication to each
other will be known and respected by all. The council can vote to remove a member of the council
by having a unanimous vote of the other three council members. The removed council member will
not be cast out of the leigon, but will be replaced by another that can serve the councils best
intrests and needs better then the last. The council strives for the best and most dedicated
constantly. If a council member leaves or passes on, remaining council will speak and have a
unanimous vote as to who will succeed the passed council member, judging them by their dedication
and work for the leigon, and their length of time serving the leigon. Any member of the council
or leigon can leave the leigon at any time of their own free will and not be judged by the
council for their future actions, however, they will live out the rest of their lives without
the protection of the leigon, though not without their friendship depending on the lifestyle they
chose. The enemys of the leigon of the gnome will be anybody whom hunts or terrorizes gnomes and
svirfneblins unprovoked, causing distress amung kinsmen. The leigons focus in campaigns will be
hunting out and making an example of these people, showing the unity of the gnomes and svirfs of
thera. The council will also make a vailiant effort to aid any leigoneers, and all gnomes that
are not deemed betrayers for that matter, to help inspire their race. The leigon of the gnomes
will constantly campaign against the empire, as the empire seeks to dominate all of thera, and
to force everyone to follow and bend to their will. The gnomes and svirfs will be known as free
spirits, and will never be enslaved and bent to the will of others. Also, orcs are known to be
savage and bloodthirsty, and often in history have fed on the bones of the gnomes and svirfs,
taking advantage of their general peaceful and harmless nature, and will be hunted and eliminated
from thera for the good of the cause. The council will be just, swift, and cunning, and a bond
will be formed for the good of all gnomes and svirfs alike, never breaking through good times and
bad times, never breaking even at the point of death.

May the Council serve and unite in the best intrest of their kinsmen throught Thera eternally.

Post any input, Id like to know what you all think
27565, How did you go from that to slaughtering Fortress with your Empire/Scion buddies? nt
Posted by Audriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
27566, Sorry. Subject heading was cut off.
Posted by Audriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate truncated subject headings!

How did you go from the Legion of Gnomes idea to slaughtering the Fortress with Empire and Scion?
27530, It was a fun ride while it lasted.
Posted by Kambolik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a blast with Pyarima. I rolled him when i got back from Iraq as my first char to kinda check out cf again. And the game has changed....not too much, but I kinda like it.

Anyways, Pyarimas idea came from my last healer Kambolik. He was gnome also, and I really wanted to get him into scion. Dunno why, just never seen a gnome healer in scion before. For those of you wondering, I did not delete because I lost my prayers and turned evil. I actually prayed to make that happen. I really kinda took him where I wanted him to go, at about the right timeframe too. I think If I tryed and had as much playing time as i did right when I got back I coulda made it work, but the training schedule came out, and my time is very limited now. Role will be on the premium battlefield....i never added in the updated part, but its written...when i dig it up ill post it and you can kinda get the feel of pyarima.


Arvam....just Arvam. Youre a hell of an immortal you know. Every empowered character with the exception of one (gaplemo) has been empowered by you since you could empower. I still havent got your tattoo, though I feel I have a decent grasp of the religion now, i always stray from the goals. Its hard to keep up with the diamonds concepts, dont let anyone tell you its a joke. Its hard work. I think I coulda made it big this time, but time is time, I cant control the god damned army training schedule :P


Neppy...My best friend in game. You always made me feel like i could push us farther than we really could go. You were intellegent and dedicated to the invoker class, and you made me feel like you trusted me a lot, some of the things and stuff we were going after.
(diadem of the order lord at rank 40 :P) We went big or we went home. Good luck buddy.

Phrid...the spikey beast. I like the defensive defensive combo, rattler and spikey beast works pretty good. We did good together. If it wasn't wearing a staff, we would eventually kill it. Hope you do well with phrid, hes a tough cookie.

Gacsoele...Hah, one of the smartest damn thieves ive met in a while. You were also very conservitive when it came to killing...you made the thief in you really shine by staying stealthy and not fighting in pks a lot. Stick with it man, you can really do big things with him...I see a kingpin in the making.

Krithasi...The other thief I traveled with. Not a lot of anathema stick with it like you do man, and you actually made something of yourself after the anathema. Really balls to the wall, fearless, intellegent and gutsy. A bit too bold at times for me, but thats how you made yourself feared by a lot of people. Keep it up.


Zavin.....Jeez we rocked. You really triggered the turn evil gnome switch when we started traveling. It all started when I was like level thirty and you needed help with the spirit of trel-aran...from there, we would always get a bridge and do some wild things, or I would just follow you and we seriously racked up bodys. To this day I never letcha down in a fight that I remember, thats the way I play my healers. Good luck becoming chancellor.

Dralyth (spelling?) Tough transmuter, very sneaky and knowledgeable....how you come across all that superarmor is beyond me, I can never find that ####. Good work buddy.

Juggorath....I see dwoggurd reincarnated with you. Tough as hell, knowledgeable and feared by the people you fight....ive never seen you lose one now that I think of it.

Balrain...Juggorath jr with hands...you guys coulda been brothers as much as I seen you together when you were younger...but....you seemed to grow apart.

Kungkruk....I liked your character. I traveled a ton with you when I played Dralcyme (lowbie necro, I know you remember), and we talked about scion a ton. I like to think i influenced you to join, but maybe you planned it all along. Tough when you were young, tough now.


Waaaaaay to many to name. Theres a certain paladin that I went back and forth with argueing all the time....I think I pissed him off a lot, but thats for him to say. You know who you are :P

Linwe, hated to be on opposite sides of an arvam follower...but, like arvam told me in a talk a while ago...there are no bystanders, weather you like it or not. Pick a side, grab the bull by the horns, and do what you wanna do. Team evil just needed me more I guess.


Really just onaryn, the alligator, who I enjoyed traveling with when I could get away from scions long enough, and Blitzenturt, who I loved traveling with cause hes fun to confuse with my zany antics. I think hes gonna make emporer, if not, he damn sure deserves it. Hes on nomatter what the odds, I admire that in a character. Really shines when theres 7 people at the fortress and you grab a sanc from me and head to retrieve. Wont ever forget chars like that.

Im sure im forgetting tons, But im tired, so post up and Ill post the appropriate thoughts on your char. I feel like I kinda let Arvam down most of all in the long run, after that last great interaction, but Ill be going to the field for a week here and two there, maybe deploying again soon. Whos to say whats gonna happen, its the army. Anyways, I had a blast, and Ill be back, just not as much. Take it easy


AIM name Tweedster82 if you have any questions about healers, gnomes, or arvams religion or something.
27531, You didn't piss her off.
Posted by Audriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
She was just trying to keep you from becoming too entangled. It looks like you actively sought conflict, anyhow. You probably pissed off some marans though.

I remember Gaplemo. He was whacko. :)
27532, RE: It was a fun ride while it lasted.
Posted by Irritated on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Zavin.....Jeez we rocked. You really triggered the turn evil gnome switch when we started traveling. It all started when I was like level thirty and you needed help with the spirit of trel-aran...from there, we would always get a bridge and do some wild things, or I would just follow you and we seriously racked up bodys. To this day I never letcha down in a fight that I remember, thats the way I play my healers. Good luck becoming chancellor."

This will probably just get deleted, but I need to comment.

There was no WE about it. Zavin rocked, and Zavin racked up "bodys" (sic). You were just a little bitch of a pocket healer who stood there keeping him at perfect health. You reaped the benefits, and got some kick ass gear out of the deal, but it's really, really weak to stand around helping like that when you're 15 levels below him and there's no good role reason for you to do it (note you were turned evil eventually, which means the imms agree with me at least somewhat).
27535, Well
Posted by Kambolik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One, I asked to be turned evil, any immortal could verify that with a pray record. Two, I had a good reason for doing it...that was pyarimas business, not yours, and three, If I was a bitch pocket healer that just reaped benifets, why didn't you kill me? Nobody else really found that easy either. Healers are support classes, i did my job damn well I would think...Theyre soul purpose is to HEAL. And last time i checked, nobody was able to kill zavin while I was with him, so, I guess I did something right. Or you did something wrong, dont be bitter he killed you. If you were on the recieving end of the healing you would think different.
27536, Weak
Posted by Roleplayer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All I see when I see this kind of thing is the same old thing.

Duergar anti-paladin marans. Elf Necromancers.

Its just power gaming; being a scion healer with 1300hp is pretty appealing, just the same as duergar who don't have to fear MARANs and Paladins.

Another thing that irks me about this kind of thing, is as an Immortal put it, humans in funny costume syndrome. Everyone wants to make these unique characters and be one of a kind when Carrion Fields is distinctly lacking racial stereo types. Where are the gnomes obsessed with discovering the ends of Thera? Where are the elves who hold themselves high and mighty over the populace? Very few races get played as their helpfile describes them; they almost always end up being some strange kind of human with wings, fur, pointed ears, giant size, ect., ect..
27548, RE: Weak
Posted by Nhiala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Detect hidden might be worth the trouble of turning a duergar good and working to get skills back. But an evil gnome healer? I'm not convinced the extra hp and mana are worth a wrath vuln, blunt vuln and all the effort it takes to regain supps.
27562, Oh, shut it.
Posted by Irritated on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Two, I had a good reason for doing it...that was pyarimas business, not yours, and three, If I was a bitch pocket healer that just reaped benifets, why didn't you kill me? Nobody else really found that easy either."

Maybe you missed my point. In fact, I'm pretty sure you did. You were FIFTEEN LEVELS BELOW HIM. If there was anybody in the game who could harm both you AND Zavin, they make up roughly 3% of the populace, and they're trying their damnedest to get up to hero at that point. If I could have attacked you, believe the hell out of me when I say I would have. Healers who brag about how buff they are need to be pimp slapped. As it was, I just sat around beating on Zavin with grazes and hits, watching him go from covered in bleeding wounds to perfect health over and over, with not a damn thing I could do about it except hope you'd run out of mana or drop dead.

Thankfully, you dropped dead.
27539, Aww, no goodbye.
Posted by Dilerath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So, were you just being a spy and lying the whole time we travelled, or did you decide on going evil later in life? At any rate, the times we travelled were pretty cool, it was awesome rping with a laidback, peppy char like Py. Peace.

27540, Sly spy? why?
Posted by Kambolik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, I had big plans for pyarima, and the gnomes....this whole text file I wrote out. The evil thing really came after i hit about 30ish and i realized it wasn't gonna happen. I loved traveling with you, adgrizn (spelling?) also before I was an enemy. Ill post the idea here in a moment, figure its safe to post now. Fun travels, sorry we had to fight that time, but with aura, shield, sanc and my fly and protective shield up, you knew my death wasn't happening :P

Good travels buddy.
27542, RE: It was a fun ride while it lasted.
Posted by Observer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

If you want to act like an evil bitch, play an evil bitch.
27543, I did
Posted by Kambolik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He just happened to be a gnome. Sometimes people wanna do something different and outside the box.
27545, Not Really
Posted by Observer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

But there wasn't anything particularly special or out of the box about your character, except that it was a gnome with evil tendencies. You did it so that you could exploit the goodies more, either through tells or game specifics like wrath immunity, etc. Anyone who fought you at or around your level saw you for what you were, just some idiot with an empowered character running around with evils to gangbang. That's not "out of the box". That's a duergar pretending to be a gnome.
27546, Har
Posted by Kambolik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did I travel with evils? Yes. Did I gangbang with them? Yes. Did i probably help kill you? Its likely. However, its what I did with the evils, when they were not hunting....the things that I sought to accomplish through the evils that made this char special. No goodie would or could understand it cause i only talked to maybe 6 people about it in game.
27547, Dude, listen.
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nobody is ever going to have love for a gnome-gone-bad...ever. It doesn't matter what kind of role you write, even if it's 900 pages long and worthy of the best seller list. Evilish gnomes that bang with evils are up there in the ranks of the hated with Ryu, That Little Bitch, and air majors when they first came out.

It's not original, it's not cool, and it's a blatant disregard for the ideals of the race, the game, and everything holy and sacred in this world.
27544, That sucks.
Posted by Neppiaobo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dont see why anyone is bitching. I heard that a lot of you tried killing Pyarima and just straight up couldnt. Sad to see you have to resort to bringing it here and bashing a well played char.

Py - At first, when you, Phrid, and I were ranking in Arial city and you guys were talking about some Gnomepire or whatever which would later be called the Legion of Gnomes, I was laughing my ass off, I thought you both were kidding, so I played along. I think it's actually pretty cool you wrote all that out, sounded cool and would have been nice if it ever happened. Anyway, I think it's really bad you had to go and delete, I hadn't even known you changed aligns, havent seen you in awhile. I hope you get up some free time from this schedule of yours and roll something else just as fun to play and be around. I think you bring a lot to the table for a pint-sized gnome and we certainly could use more of it. Hope to see you around again soon. Have fun
27554, Well played char?
Posted by Celebrimbor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Whats so "well played" about someone who plays a neutreal character for the strengths and benefits inherent in it, notably no red aura so no wrath, but who for all intents and purposes acts evil, then deletes the day they are changed for their actions? I call #### on the claims that this was what he wanted for the character, else I highly doubt he'd have deleted the day it came to be.

I think he just wanted to do what he had done all along. Be evil, without any of the drawbacks of being evil, and run with it as long as possible.

27555, You could look at the Immortal comments on the PB...
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Whether you like it or not, little outbursts like this do reflect poorly on your character, especially when it's a character that likely caused you some difficulty.
27557, Not at all.
Posted by Celebrimbor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The immortal comments just bolster my point. It says nothing about asking to be turned, it says he chose to side with evil and was changed for it. I find it incredibly hard to believe if this was something he WANTED, he would delete right after having it done.

The character caused me no problems directly, and so your assumption that was the reason for my comments is wrong. My problem is based entirely on the character being something it should not have been for so long, essentially an "evil" healer who has none of the drawbacks for behaving this way, who then deleted as soon as they are given the appropriate align for how they behave.

If you're going to do something like this, especially if you're going to claim it's what you WANTED, then stick it out afterwards.
27558, Well..
Posted by Vex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Arvam did write something about 'if he can back up his words...' which leads me to believe (with his own comments) that it wasn't the Imms stepping in and smacking him.

You're telling me that an extra 40ish healer for Team Evil didn't cause you any problems as a hero Maran? Riiiight. If he didn't, why get all negative on his Graveyard thread? Even if he did, still, why?

Sure, it's fishy that he deleted 5 hours after getting changed, and Wilhath's definitely right that pretty much *nobody* likes seeing an evil gnome, but why you gotta be so negative in the Graveyard? It's not going to accomplish anything except for the character and his friends thinking you're a jerk.
27559, RE: Well..
Posted by Celebrimbor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
See, it's the lack of staying around to "back up his words" take make me think what probably happened was he was hoping not to lose his empowerment over this. Why even bother talking about it, and saying you want to be evil to your god, just to delete hours after it happens?

as for my negativity, my negativity I have explained several times to you. You seem to be missing some part of what I've said. Allow me to quote my LAST post.

"My problem is based entirely on the character being something it should not have been for so long, essentially an "evil" healer who has none of the drawbacks for behaving this way, who then deleted as soon as they are given the appropriate align for how they behave."

What about this is vague in the slightest? He played an "evil" healer for quite some time, with not one of the drawbacks to being evil. He was never involved in any fights with me, so no, I can honestly say his healing never made a bit of difference to me. People who roll characters then exploit game mechanics in that way really piss me off. Doubly so for empowered characters.

27552, I have to agree with just about everyone else on this one
Posted by Celebrimbor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Also, I have a hard time believing that your entire goal was to be "turned evil", then delete the same day you have it done to you. How retarded would you have to be for that to be your plan? I mean, you worked pretty hard to avoid the "evil" moniker by wheedling and cajoling the Acolytes and Maran, and agreeing (and sticking to at least for a while) not to help the Scions raid the Fortress. I just saw this character for what it was. Someone who was an opportunistic powergamer, who wanted to exploit the lack of a red aura for as long as possible, then deleted when it was given to them.
27553, RE: It was a fun ride while it lasted.
Posted by Kelara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kelara had fun traveling with you those couple times as you rocketed past her. Good luck on your next.
27579, Awwww
Posted by Phrid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Curses, you were an interesting character. Sad about the whole gnomepire thing going awry, but yeah, something like that isn't something that you're going to pull off without 2+ friends "up there". People create chars with an agenda in mind, and ANY constraints of an organization they did not plan for will undoubtedly collide with the preconceived concept of their "character", and everyone knows how people fear change (cabals in my opinion cause character stereotyping limiting originality in the game, and I can't help but think I'm gonna get burned for saying that, I really wish I could have made that an acronym... and go Entropy). About the entire evil kick, good for you, I'd've liked t' have known your reasons, but you're keepin' it all secretivelike so ahh well, and to reassure everyone, yes, he did plan it, and I'm sure everyone knows a heavily enemified (nemesised... I know not words) healer with no communes... just sucks, every time you sign on you're gonna eat deaths from all sides of the playing field, give him a break. I do wish ya had hung on there though, I'd've protected ya from them big meanie maran-types. Anyhoo, fun t' be around ya, good luck with your next, try t' set at least 1 of your goals to something attainable this time :P. *wave*
27528, RE: (DELETED) [None] Pyarima the Fallen, Embraced of the Darkness
Posted by jaynus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the title is well deserved. Just out of curiosity, what drove a gnome to be evil (then delete when he had his powers removed?)