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Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Nagesh Brockelheim the Spectre, Wretched Plunderer
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=27205
27205, (DELETED) [SCION] Nagesh Brockelheim the Spectre, Wretched Plunderer
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon May 17 17:23:06 2004

At 9 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 23rd of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Nagesh perished, never to return.

Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night

27210, And the world became a better place because of it.
Posted by Nagesh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Hello Everyone,

That was fast. I hoped I would last longer but my con just wasn't in it. I learned a lot playing Nagesh and I will try another necro again soon as they are a blast to play. The thing I liked most about the class is that against - almost - anyone I had a decent chance to kill them. The biggest drawback is that necros themselves are so damn easy to die with. This character I felt had a lot of promise and I worked hard to build and play a convincing role. Unfortunatly for all the promise he had I failed to accomplish almost every longterm goal I had with him. Namely I didn't get Tattoo'd, receive a Lich Quest, or have the con/time/capacity to explore anywhere I haven't been before.

To the IMMstaff: Thanks again for providing such a great mud to play I've played several muds over the years and CF is by far the best I've come across and it's free! Despite what I've read on some archaic mud review sites CF areas are kickass. There are few aspects of CF that don't. One suggestion though that I would make is perhaps have a few immortals whose chief responsibility is to interact with the playerbase at large. I've always felt... distanced... from the immortal staff and it is very rare that I have been able to get a hold of any of you ingame. Still it is obvious you do pay attention, as I did receive my last name (first time I ever got that) and a title (whoever that was, I wasn't sure how I lived up to it before I got it but afterwards I sure as hell did my best to plunder!).
It just would be nice to have some interaction to go with the attention from time to time. Even an echo of some sort, 'Rumors of your exploits spread across the land as people whisper of the Wretched Plunderer amongst them' when given a title would be pretty cool.

Beroxxus: I wish I could have gotten a hold of you there were so many things I wanted to talk to you about. I was bitterly disappointed that we never interacted again after that first discussion. But such is the way of things, if I lasted a few more weeks maybe I would have gotten a chance. I hope it was just because you were busy and not because of anything I did or did not do. That one talk we did have was a lot of fun andif I ever make an evil priest the odds are good I'll find myself knocking on your shrine's door again. Scion misses you ;)

Mekantos: I said some stupid things to you and got lucky you didn't tear me a new one. I was just over-eager and trying too hard. If I ever broke role I'm embarassed to say it was with you. From what I saw it seems you don't have that much to say unless some scion says something utterly idiotic. It might be cool if you instigated more stuff from time to time. I imagine playing scions against each other could be a lot of fun?

Valguernera: never saw you, never spoke to you, sure you're busy... thanks for what you do.



Zavin: We had a lot of fun together, thanks for helping me regear after all those miserable deaths. Good luck. I challenge you to play till you con-die or age-die. If you get bored I've found that exploring the Silent Tower is a very fun way to kill hours... if you can find it that is.

Dralyth: It was always good times hanging out with you we could have been very deadly together. Hell we were very deadly together whenever we had the chance.

Nazzryn: A thief who can blackjack... and <insert your paths skills here> what more could a necro want in an ally? I did resent you a little incharacter because you tried to bully me a bit.

Dregvoshan: Never really interacted with you that much but from what I saw you were a standup member of the fold. You went down a fair deal but always kicking.

Diiafd: Seemed to me your hours were pretty thin while I was around. Never the less thanks for the gold and the help ranking. Also watch the quicksand ;)

Sassindar: Wish you were around more.

Mazra: You were a real character, our talks were always interesting and I hope you stick it out.

Ahndak: Man I hoped against hope you'd keep that axe for a good long time but such is the way of things. I bet it was fun while it lasted. From what I saw you were cool and here's too a lot of dead bodies and a happy axe.

Krithasi: I know we started out enemies but seems you've seen the light ;) If I played better we could have nailed a lot more kills both up to now and in the future. You're a good example of Anathema != dead character. Keep it up!


Kak: Man you were my bane. You did a good job of both demoralizing me and making me paranoid. Blackjack was one of my true banes and you delivered it often and never failed. I am still kicking myself for that time you killed me with Grottimgesh that was quite embarassing to say the least. Previously I found thieves to mostly be damned annoying but you were damned annoying and deadly to boot.

Lariya/Nhiala: There never was any point in fighting either of you. Any smart evil gives the two of you a wide berth. Good job.

Rouchevien: I'm not quite exactly clear on how you died that one time but it certainly was amusing to watch the corpses pile up in a watery cavern. ;) Anyway you were always formidable and you always had a good shot at killing me.

Tulvaluthian: You were one of two people who I really wanted to kill but never could. I slept you several times but you always had someone to bail you out. Good job keeping your friends close.

Abbe/Celebrimbor/Glilanthus: You guys have a lot of heart and your consistent presence and effort are commendable. I hope you make scions next ;)

Talabrina: You should have died. Damn Traba. Also good job killing me, I was an idiot and deserved it.

Grottimgesh: good kill.

Blitz/Kuulog: thanks for the gear.

Ragers: Nothing particularly noteworthy about any single one of you guys in Nagesh's life. You were just all utter pains in the ass. Virtually nothing I could do against you except during the rare times I caught one of you alone. Spellbane, truesight, and bloodthirst all annoyed me to no end.

Outlander: You guys give a new definition to the term 'pack'. Remind me to stay the hell away.


Traba: Thanks for the interaction it as definetly worthwhile.

Lemath: We sure had fun with the Enforcer didn't we ;)

Aeval: Where'd you go?

Well that's all folks. I will be back!
See you in the fields.
27219, RE: And the world became a better place because of it.
Posted by Nhiala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Lariya/Nhiala: There never was any point in fighting either of
>you. Any smart evil gives the two of you a wide berth. Good job.

The rumours of my deathfulness are greatly exagerrated. Lariya's, maybe not.

Something to note: you could usually blind me in one or two attempts. It seemed to take around five or six attempts for me to remove it, and my skill at curing blindness is likely higher than most peoples'.

Something else to note: the two chief means at my disposal to avoid being slept were only applicable under certain circumstances. You could probably have engineered a situation where neither would have been any help.

That said, you still might not have landed the sleep, and I still might not have died if you had. But it would have been dicey to say the least. Throw certain allies of yours into the equation and my death, if slept, becomes exponentially more likely.
27223, Woh cowboy.
Posted by Blitz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let's watch the connotation. You make it seem like you killed me countless times and took my gear. Once, with four other Scions. I remember that time Kungkruk saved your ass, though. Do you?
27224, Man I hated your guts. Great job!
Posted by Celebrimbor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I F'ing hated you so much. For some reason I was never once able to summon any of your zombies or mummies away. You also had the uncanniest ability to show up anywhere at absolutely the WORST damn time. I'd come back to the Fort low on hps and mana from ranking/fighting someone, and BOOM there you were. I'd raid for the Scepter or to get back the orb, no you in sight and BAM, there you are. I'd be off in the middle of a norecall area ranking and BAM, there you are. I swore you had some sort of obscene quest skill called Best Time To Strike. I really enjoyed our fights. You never once fought me fairly, and usually had helpers, and I think thats exactly how an evil prick ought to be played.

Very well done, and good luck on the next.
27228, RE: And the world became a better place because of it.
Posted by Lowbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not really one to pick through a free high-level corpse as a lowbie, but when you teleported into the untamed ranger forest and died to a couple of ranger NPCs, I had to delight myself in butchering your corpse. It was interesting to see skinned sacks and water skins of your hide though. How'd you manage that one? Anyway, necromancers are fun to hate.
27282, How I did it.
Posted by Nagesh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I died to a gang of 6-8 Outlanders and they left an empty sack made from my corpse and the waterskin and that was it. I took it as a reminder to be more careful.

That teleport sucked, I still don't know how to get to where I landed. I spent a lot of time looking and hoping that the mob had butchered my corpse rather than a PC.

And yes necros are fun to hate and damn tough to play successfully as everyone hates you :-D. Anyone looking for a good challenge need look no farther than the necromancer class and if you're looking for a real challenge... join scion or empire as both have more than enough enemies a piece.
27379, RE: How I did it.
Posted by Lowbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hint to find that place: Explore near Balator. Also, I don't know how the forests reacts to PCs of different classes/races, so be careful.
27229, RE: And the world became a better place because of it.
Posted by Elijsie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could almost never land a kill on you as a result of someone else doing it or you being able to barely escape. Overall you played your necro fairly well, and when you had those hasted zombies I didnt realize how hard they were hitting me till I was dead. Good luck with the next
27238, RE: And the world became a better place because of it.
Posted by Nazzryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is definitely too bad to see you in the graveyard. It was always nice to sign on and be able to see another Scion around that could give my abilities quite a bit of aid. It was very nice to have you in the chasm and should you roll up another necromancer, I think I may make it for a little longer the con is dwindling but such is the life of being hunted by pretty much everyone, good times. See you in the fields.

27239, RE: And the world became a better place because of it.
Posted by Rouchevien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You seemed like a good foe, but sac 1. left a petty stain on an otherwise would-have-been great character. Whatever the rubbish about "I'm evil, I'm roleplaying evil", let's face it, it was and usually is a mean, player character this to do. In a mud that's already dwindling in player numbers, that sorta thing just adds to it.
27281, thoughts on death and gear in corpses.
Posted by Nagesh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I know it's always nice to come back to your corpse and maybe find something good to give you a bit of a start on regearing. It is nice but I think in no way is it anything you're entitled to. Once you die the gear isn't yours until you pick it up again. Is it mean? Yes. Is it done? By everyone. Is it done in bad taste or is it poor roleplay? Absolutely not. In a fantasy setting characters don't tend to leave bones for their enemies. Also keep in mind it wasn't because it was you I'd have done it to anyone and I expect you as most others would have done and/or did do the same to me.
27291, RE: thoughts on death and gear in corpses.
Posted by Rouchevien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

No sense arguing about this really. But standing by a corpse, destroying it, and spamming sac 1. down to the last practice sword is a petty thing to do. Strip away all the justifications of "fantasy setting" and "everyone does it", It's about player character psychology, your kick out of leaving someone else naked. That's all it is.
27318, RE: thoughts on death and gear in corpses.
Posted by hypocritical on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No sense arguing about this really. But using a hero healer when you're a lowbie to kill everyone down to the last neutral in your range is a petty thing to do. Strip away all the justifications of "fantasy setting" and "everyone does it", It's about player character psychology, your kick out of cheap killing everyone in town/out of town for fun. That's all it is.

27241, Yey !
Posted by Kak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a couple others, you proved a constant source of shinies, so I was constantly looking for you. After a couple of days, I found some patterns in your walking around, so that made it somewhat easier for me. I was kinda careful jacking you, because I didn't practice blackjack on mobs which made that a week ago it was still somewhere around 85ish. Especially when there were other scions about, I just stole (thank you deft touch and warning skill ;)) while you were passing me. One more thing .. even though I know quite a bit about this game, I'm constantly looking for new information, hence my obtrusive offering that one time. See you around, bub.
27280, RE: Yey !
Posted by Nagesh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You made my life miserable end of story. That trade offer was laughable, I thought you were just trying to mock me. I'll be constantly reminding myself to stick to wilderness next time ;)
27248, was impressed the one time we spoke and hunted
Posted by Baendraa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hopefully I'll be back as of this coming week-end.

I know what you mean about ragers though. My spells just don't seem to land any more. Where at 100 hours I could handle groups of them, now I find I can't land anything on a single one. If it wasn't for the RNG, I'd be wondering if stuff got toned down.

Btw, has vamp touch recently been changed so that it can't drain more hp than a mob has, or has it always been like that? I've only started to notice it recently.

Couple of things impressed me about Nagesh:

(1) You didn't whine when I flagged you for your nightwalker attacking in town. That makes you a first (actually, that's not fair on Zavin) amongst scions that I've flagged. Most either whine because I flag them for something the nightwalker did, or because I am evil and therefore expected to be on their side. I was friendly to you because of the way you treated me. Scions who try to be hard-asses should be prepared for people to resent it.

(2) You, alone, held off that group of 3 or 4 fortress members for a hell of a long time. Somewhere around an hour if I recall. I couldn't believe that they kept coming back into town to heal up. They should have taken me up on my offer and backed off for a week to let you turn yourself in.

(3) You gave a real sense of speaking to a Theran, rather than the avatar of a real-life guy.

As far as who looted your corpse after that defense, I didn't know you'd died until you asked me if I knew who'd robbed you. As you know, I walked into Sassmi's briars on eastern before you unghosted and died to hunt + sunray. Kept fleeing and running back into the briars. *grumble* So I didn't have your stuff. Were you serious about turning yourself in with spiritbreaker? That would have given you respect for (un)life from Baendra.

(4) The fight with the porc lion seemed to work well for us, though I wasn't so impressed when Ahndak started fireballing me just before whoever it was took lion form. For some reason I believe his excuse though. Not sure why.

27279, Thank you...
Posted by Nagesh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

(3) You gave a real sense of speaking to a Theran, rather than the avatar of a real-life guy.

Thank you. That was a very big part of my effort with Nagesh. I wanted to be a normal guy who just had a lot of wrong things happen to him. A lot of roles seem to be very extravagant. Everyone is the son/daughter of some king or the greatest warrior or is possesed by an evil spirit supreme etc. You hit the nail right on the head though as to what I wanted to do and apparently did. I am both flattered and extremely pleased at that comment.

As for my death... it was more or less a freak death, I had no intention of dieing to loose the flag etc. I was intending to go get a black sword or something and drop spirit-breaker somewhere else and turn myself in. I found out later that it was a level 21 or so thief who had looted me.

As for the fight with the porc lion... Ahndak was fireballing because he had just been ambushed by a ranger and was trying to smoke him out.
27294, Lion, It's what's for dinner. *groan*
Posted by pokythelion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw you heading through, and thought, he's a tribunal right?
okay, so he isn't with nagesh. get nagesh while i have a shot.
got blinded early and couldn't tell what was where or who was what.
I should have fled, but the giant long string of someone's
made it to where i couldn't tell you came in
(thought it was just nagesh fleeing and returning over and over)
the lion thing was a bad mistake. :) I really just wanted out
of there. (porkies move slower than moss)
hard lesson. :) well learned though.

as for #2 (erased because of the below statements)

That was a bad, hard day for me, but i learned alot.
The rest can wait til after I am dead.

27285, Nagesh
Posted by Tulvaluthian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man honestly, please tell me you just were a split second too slow to loot me that time? I never could understand why you did not, and then to see you get titled like you did, I almost fell out of my chair. Always liked our interactions, and those two times you slept me your friends were the ones who made me almost die. Necro + Sleep + another invoker dispelling in quicksand is a nasty way to go, and I was lucky people bailed me out there. Some of those raids where you and usually one other were defending the chasm were really fun, good luck with the next.
27293, you were eeeevil. :)
Posted by Glilanthis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to apologize for our last fight. I had teleported
into the area, saw you there, shifted and struck. just hoping
to get lucky, but you were so beat up already i felt bad.
So i tried to figure a way to word a tell so thay i could still
be in character and let you know i wasn't taking anything.
by the time i had it figured out you had logged off.
after all the times you caught me with my pants down, i felt
a little vindicated by catching you, but a little crappy because
i wanted a fight that could be remembered.
but after the logging off bit, i took everything and sac'd it.
OOC sorry there.
IC that much easier for someone to strike him down when he next wakes.

(the only time i have ever done that. 1 part well you were a scary
fella, 1 part hrmpf. logged off?!?! *grumble*, later i thought
you know i have done that if i had a long string of crappy deaths.
but it was too late.)

other than that, damn well played evil bastard.
one of these days i want to know how you were able to move
and cast sleep at the same instant! :) it is probably
perception on my part as i don't have a great connect.
but it always 'appeared' as if you entered the room and
had already cast the spell. (never played a necro so I
don't know how it works.)

Worst thing will be addressed shortly, next worst was
being in hare form when you slept,forget etc..
that was nasty. oh wait and the artouldain, damn how many times did
you kill me??
:) Roll up another one. ummm.. wait.. let me think about that first.

27297, RE: And the world became a better place because of it.
Posted by Talabrina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, i should have died... There was one reason i survived and that was because of a sertain staff that healed me... When the forget spell lifted i had 6 hp left, then did a quick rej and a cleanse, and i was ready to face you again... Back at the centurions when i killed you (when the centurions got the last hit on you) i knew i had you when i cursed you.... There was no way you could escape but why not use barrier/shield/aura before rather than the round before you died? And why not vampiric touch a bit more? Where you drained of mana?

Anyways, good sport, great fun!
27298, Rest well and let me deal with all those pesky enemies.
Posted by Zavin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Towards the end I just told you to stay away from chasm when around 3 marans raided. Especially if one or two was those perky paladins. I knew 3 people had a low chance of taking the scepter from me, but a decently high chance of killing you with a summon/eyes of flame combo. I loved having a quick on the sleep necro around. I especially remember those times we totally slaughtered people with zombies. Very good work, a shame you could not die less and get that lich quest. Good luck on your next.

27312, RE: Blargh.
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have no idea why I haven't posted on your farewell yet...but uh,
better late than never!

The way I understand it, your character died a lot, but seemed to
always get back in there and chop it up again. In that way, you
reminded me of Dregvoshan a bit, so congrats on that. Lots of people
throw in the towel long before you did. You did seem a bit on the
goofball side at times, but I just interpreted it as you having a
good time. You did nothing (that I saw) to ever warrant Da Boot being
sent your way, so congrats again.

As far as not having "much to say", well, I like to let people dig
their own graves. I just put them in ;). Also, if I were saying nice
things all the time, I just wouldn't be a very good Scion Imm. I am
letting the cabal run itself for the most part, with the mortals
pulling most of the strings.

Come back to us sometime, and good luck!

27324, RE: And the world became a better place because of it.
Posted by Traba on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Traba: Thanks for the interaction it as definetly worthwhile.

I'm glad to hear it, I wanted to make peace with you because I don't like not knowing where I stand with people especially a Necromancer. We never got to hunt together like I'd hoped we would eventually but no matter. For some reason I thought you were a fairly recent Spectre... I guess not.
27412, .
Posted by Cabre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were fun to travel with. Trying to PWK me for travelling with Imperials didn't deter me at all from grouping with you when Cabre had the chance.
27449, RE: And the world became a better place because of it.
Posted by Beroxxus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Beroxxus: I wish I could have gotten a hold of you there were so many things I wanted to talk to you about. I was bitterly disappointed that we never interacted again after that first discussion. But such is the way of things, if I lasted a few more weeks maybe I would have gotten a chance. I hope it was just because you were busy and not because of anything I did or did not do. That one talk we did have was a lot of fun andif I ever make an evil priest the odds are good I'll find myself knocking on your shrine's door again. Scion misses you.

Sorry things didn't fully work out and glad you enjoyed our brief interactions. Just bad timing all in all. Hard to say rather you would have gotten my tattoo, but there are some things you really shouldn't have done and you know (hopefully) what I am refering too. You did a few good things, but all in all it wasn't looking up for you (at least until I disappeared for a while). I think you would prefer my honest assement instead of a sugar coated one. So please take it for what it is and good luck on your next character (or current character by now!).