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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Kaeldran the Communer of Diseases
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26820, (DELETED) [None] Kaeldran the Communer of Diseases
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon May 3 03:30:42 2004

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of the Sun, 34th of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Kaeldran perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None

26824, Of course
Posted by Surin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
im not going to fight you if you are calling out for me to come fight you! It was fun watching the rock troll spine break you 10 times heh, i thought about attacking you then but i was having too much fun. I liked our brief interactions but calling a ranger a coward because he isnt going to fight a prepped shaman on a challenge, thats not cool. You said you will kill me if I fight you, so not much incentive for me to fight you is there :P

See yah
26832, RE: Of course
Posted by Kaeldran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw you around with the fire giant that same time I fought the spinebreaking troll. I figured I tried to coax you out enough times and this time I was going to sit back and see if you slipped up. You once killed a previous character in Ar'atouldain, so I knew you were evil from that encounter. I used that knowledge to be wary of you from the start with Kaeldran. If you would have attacked me in the forest when I was fighting Rogash, you most likely would have won. Oh well. I liked you, Kaeldran didn't... and I couldn't figure out how to get you to step out.
26875, as a ranger
Posted by Surin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
winning is easy. Landing the kill is the hard part. I could have won against you almost any time, even if i just dueled you. I wanted to kill you, not to just win.

Its kinda like that quote from Die Hard.

"I dont want neutralized. I want dead!"
26821, So Slips Another into Mediocrity
Posted by Kaeldran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah! I didn't want to delete, but work takes me out of town 6 days a week and honestly, one day is just not enough to devote to a storm shaman. I started with the intention to be a little different. I decided to follow Lyristeon, against all reason and valid explanation. The role kinda was made up as I went along. The only problem I had in the beginning was trying to fit the Imp's expectations of me. I hope I succeeded somewhat throughout my career. All in all, not too bad for my first empowered character. I really wanted to see him all the way through to hero, but work... well, sucks. I enjoyed trying to pick fights with Imperials, though I rarely ever got the chance to finish people off. Blindness is simply the most wonderful commune immagineable. I remember defeating a fire giant one time because I blinded him and then ran out of mana. He wandered around and ended up settling in the same room I was in, so I turned off all triggers and hoped he didn't move while I recharged. Then, I pretty much finished him off with ease.

Kaeldran was a grouchy storm giant who was fiercely loyal to his friends. Towards the end, he would only travel with good-aligned people who had no ties with the law. He tried to attack evil people and Imperials on sight, whether it was smart to or not. Though he had more of a Sylvan/Outlander mentality, he chose to be a loner. Heh. That's how I liked him. Anyway...

Lyristeon - Thanks for the massive opportunity to be a storm giant who served you. My plan was going to be to start trying to attack you on sight, being his instinct to destroy evil. But then, he never understood his strange tie with you. Sorry for the slow answers and poor RP on my part. I'm sure you expected more of me.

Rea - You ranked there pretty fast to hero. You were a good friend, even when we couldn't travel together any more.

Alarian - I liked and disliked you. Your character was interesting, although Kaeldran thought him a coward and wanted to free you from civilization.

Ajeghri - Thanks for the help against the necromancer and assassin in the Grove that one time. I wouldn't have survived otherwise.

Anonymous - whatever female shield paladin helped me cut through four or five sets of black-shrouded Centurions and make our way to the outer guardian, that was a blast. I forgot who you were or what happened to you. I don't think I spoke to you again after Zaut worded you home (don't trustall unless an ally is standing right in front of you ready to spell)

Any others whom I forgot, sorry. Just post. Kaeldran was a rather minor character, so I don't expect much of a post turnout.

Aeldermaine, Graeterok, and a few others who didn't cut the mustard.
26837, Um...thanks? :P
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Alarian - I liked and disliked you. Your character was
>interesting, although Kaeldran thought him a coward and wanted
>to free you from civilization.

Thanks, seriously.

I know it must of seemed odd to see this sickly, uncertain paladin who was terrified of insanity at that point in his life, but that's how I wanted him played. Characters need flaws and they need to grow based on ther life experiences, not spring-forth perfect at level 1, I think.

I'm just annoyed we didn't talk more after I grew up a little more. Hell, you even made it into my role. :P
26895, RE: Um...thanks? :P
Posted by Kaeldran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I've played an orderly character maybe... twice? I don't know. They just never seemed "me", so I'm sure some of my own personal bias went toward Kaeldran's like/dislike for you.

Anyway, I'm curious as to what you thought about the good following the evil deity thing? I know you said you had talked to others about it.

I was going to put you in my role, but never got around to it. I tried to write a few paragraphs of role every few days, but started falling behind. Oh well.
26902, RE: Um...thanks? :P
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I think I've played an orderly character maybe... twice? I
>don't know. They just never seemed "me", so I'm sure some of
>my own personal bias went toward Kaeldran's like/dislike for

Wierd, I've never played a chaotic character for the same reasons..

>Anyway, I'm curious as to what you thought about the good
>following the evil deity thing? I know you said you had talked
>to others about it.

OOC: It's perfectly acceptable for even a paladin or other goodie to follow an evil god, get his tattoo, get virtued, ect. I had a pally of Tureanthen a long time ago, LE god of war

IC: Without getting too much into his role, Alarian's got a very theocratic outlook on religion. Because of this, and because of what he saw happen to Lochzan, he hates the very idea and believes corruption is inevitable if you follow an evil god.

>I was going to put you in my role, but never got around to it.
>I tried to write a few paragraphs of role every few days, but
>started falling behind. Oh well.

That's one of the many good things about being a tribby, I can guild-sit on duty and work on my new desc, roles, notes, ect. :)
26873, sigh
Posted by Reazaifr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
sad to see you go, one of the few friends I made before I became a hero.
Asked you a few times if I could help you some, but as always you where out hunting. Or something else. Really liked how you came out, rp wise. Hope to see you in the fields again.

26894, RE: sigh
Posted by Kaeldran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, Kaeldran didn't like accepting help from anyone. He was willing to help, especially if it meant the death of a couple of Imperials, but for the most part, he didn't like anything 'handed to him'. Thanks for the RP compliment. Playing a stoic, seemingly uncaring old grouch is hard to differentiate from someone who has no RP.