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Topic subject(DELETED) [BATTLE] Paktoouf the Master of Bronze
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=26520
26520, (DELETED) [BATTLE] Paktoouf the Master of Bronze
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Apr 26 14:47:51 2004

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 14th of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Paktoouf perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic

26521, Bye bye
Posted by Paktoouf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll probably rant at various times during this farewell, sorry about that.

To the village

Jinroh, Ranak and Lhaedhek come to mind as those who seemed to show up regardless of the odds. I heard the village is in power in the evening. As I'm not an evening player, I never saw that. What I mainly saw was almost nobody with any consistency who would show up to fight. That's pretty awful. I'm sure some of you are primarily evening players, but I'm sure quite a few of you just don't have the desire to show up when the odds are against you. That makes me sad.

To the Empire

I actually liked most of the Blades I met and fought. I saw more guts from them than I did from most the villagers I saw. Galakonosis, liked fighting you when you were in my range. Dandern, always liked picking on you. You never got me asleep, which I'm very thankful for.

To the Scions

Glad to see you're on the upswing. It's an interesting cabal, and makes an interesting enemy for the village.

Here's the thing that made me delete. I've always been pretty much anti-ganging. I like nice one on one fights. That's why I play. They've become really, really scarce lately. I also hate full looting. It drives me crazy. I hate the fact that full looting is encouraged in a sense. I realized I was turning into an ic whiner about it, however. It's one thing to hate full looting, it's another to whine for your equipment back. I did that a few times, and felt dirty. Because equipment never really was that important to me.

Felar spear/hand to hand is still a great combo. Did pretty well, considering the nasty odds I usually faced.

To all those I had great fights with, thank you. Along with dashes of good roleplay (hello, where's the village roleplay? does anyone do anything but accents in the village anymore? yes, I know I'm guilty as well) that's what makes the game worthwhile. It's been a few years since I had a villager. Defender powers are great, very cool all around.

26528, The Whining
Posted by Human_Shifter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now as a shifter I know how much of a pain it is
to fight a strong rager. Me('goose), a thief and an
assassin combined had trouble doing it. The thing
is, fighting a Felar rager, I knew you used spears,
so I knew I'd be Impaled, which is what happened.
I also knew I couldn't hit you hardly at all, so
my only chance was to fight with the other two.
Even so, it was damned hard to kill you, and since
you put up such a good fight, I was going to give
you all the gear back that I and my group didn't
use. But then you had to whine about it. Then I
just dropped it all in an attic, told my group
where and left. It was the whining that did it.
Disregarding that, you were a good fight, and I'm
sorry you're gone now.
26530, RE: The Whining
Posted by Paktoouf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was a very fun fight. That was one of three instances that drove me to delete, because I was so ticked at myself for whining afterwards. I mean, after all, I was the one who came out to fight, so I really only had myself to blame. Good fight though. You distracted so damn quickly I could never really land a knockout punch on the assassin or thief.
26640, RE: The Whining
Posted by Human_Shifter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a fun fight, but I think if any of us had
not been there, you'd have killed all of us. I
was half-dead from the impale and the subsequent
bleeding alone. But I was surprised that even
when you knew the odds, you still came out to
fight, and I was considering running, because I
couldn't afford to be hit any more than like 3
times or the Impale would have killed me. I kinda
figured that this was one of the causes of your
deletion, after reading your post. Even though
IC we were brutal enemies, OOC I'm always a little
disappointed to lose someone like you, someone who
isn't afraid to come out and fight. I mean, I've
fought some ragers who, after a minute or so of
fighting and no hitting of me, ran like hell, and
then I see them around but they run before I can
attack them. Paktoouf, even knowing about the
pain in the *rear* fight he was about to have,
still came out of the Village, and that earns my
respect. A worthy foe that will be missed.
26627, RE: Bye bye
Posted by Glilanthis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never stood a chance against you, did try several times
but you villagers are just plain hard to stand up against
for a lil ol mage alone :)
Had fun though. After a conversation or two I couldn't figure out if you were crazy or a rager. I assume the times you passed me by were
from other prey near you were already after or you just didn't notice
me at the time, but the being passed by then specifically hunted part was what made me think you were just nuts not a rager.
(until in a battle ou filled the air with your hatred of magic)
best of luck with your next one.
26633, RE: Bye bye
Posted by Paktoouf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Paktoouf had some nutty moments. I enjoyed talking to you, however... I could sense that you thought I was a bit bonkers.
26643, RE: Bye bye
Posted by Wojif on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Always thought you were ballsy fighter.
More than most.
Great battle four on four on eastern that day, even with Baldar to show up.

luck on next
26644, you seemed ok to me
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Despite all the posts about you whining, I came after you alone, and when I came back for you you had disappeared. I therefore ganked you next time I saw you (about 10 minutes later). You didn't whine at all. I, personally, thought you played your character well, and out of all the villagers, you probably made number 2 or 3 on my list of those I respected (after Jinroh, and possibly Frumpledunk).