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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectI'm gone!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=26510
26510, I'm gone!
Posted by Jyslin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had fun at times and was bored out of my mind at times.
For about a month I swear to god it was me alone holding off
and killing massive parties of marans and villagers and whatnot.
I've only died twice recently *shrug* I think i had a fairly
decent pk ratio with a healer. Though i don't know if forsaken portals count. Though without them it was still decent.

Beroxxus: Thank you so much for all this. Sorry I deleted I was just bored and had ideas I wanted to try out. I got almost all my goals completed. I was titled tattooed leader as well got Imm attention and rebuilt Scion from nothing into a Force of fairly elite peoples. Though some of them I thought would do well when i inducted turned out to be saps *shrug* Can't always tell by interviews.
Mekantos: Your cool thanks for our "lesson"

Pombe: my little slave thanks we had fun times.

Drokk: We had fun together

Etarekoth: You didn't stay around long enough bah! But good leader
and very smart.

Diiafd: Your a little punk i won't get into that here but ohh well

I had a number of slaves I can't remember all there names. I would take there souls break them into begging me to order them and then give there soul to Beroxxus. I had fun doing such things.

Anyhoo I forget anyone just post I'm sorry i'll get back to you
26734, Sorry it toook so long
Posted by Beroxxus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry it took so long for me to reply, but I've been sick this week. Darn you evil pollen!

Any way, I think you did well with Jyslin, which should be obvious since you got my tattoo. You also did very well in combat I might add from watching you fight many times. I'm glad you understood the whole last name thing when I talked to you. In the future, if you feel people are living up to a cabal standard and you are the leader, boot them. That's what leaders do. Sorry you didn't have an Advisor to roll with, but someone quit showing up that I was going to make. Ah well. Best of luck to you.

26698, RE: I'm gone!
Posted by Kazadan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
God it's been awhile since I was alive but I liked seeing
you around on Scion when I was about. I remember you helping
me a few times and vice versa.

Good luck with the next. Maybe I should try a healer sometime.
Seems like it would be my style.

Then again i'm sorta weaning off CF and every time I create a
character I ditch them before level 3 b/c of my same gripes.

Good job though, I still <3 Scion. They my homies :P

- Kazadan
26695, I didn't notice this!
Posted by Pombe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a lot of fun with you but we didn't fight or explore enough since most of the time we would gather things there and then other things there etc.

You seemed to be doing a nice job as the Chancellor, a shame you are gone.

See you in the fields

26543, RE: I'm gone!
Posted by Nhiala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought it was humorous when you retrieved against me in only two passes while I sat there beating on you with a high-avg mithril sword the entire time. Boy did I feel impotent. Think I might have been hasted during one of the passes too. Good job.
26514, RE: I'm gone!
Posted by Rom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had fun at times and was bored out of my mind at times. For about a month I swear to god it was me alone holding off and killing massive parties of marans and villagers and whatnot.

Yea, I can relate ;)

I was titled tattooed leader as well got Imm attention and rebuilt Scion from nothing into a Force of fairly elite peoples.

I thought I did that, but hey, could be wrong ;) Least I left the Cabal with more than two mortal members for you.

Etarekoth: You didn't stay around long enough bah! But good leader and very smart.

Thanks, I liked Jyslin a lot ooc though as a character I was quite the bastard and made sure to put you in your place early on, ie: under my boot. Anyway, I thought about sticking around after we had that talk, I think we could have had some fun as the Dark-Elven Duo heh. But deletion was for the best, I think. Well, nicely done from what I saw.


26513, That went rather fast.
Posted by Felar Serpent on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It feels as if our characters had only recently begun to interact with one another. This is probably due to these interactions being a bit far and inbetween most of the time though.

Jyslin was a bit enigmatic, for sure. That time when we went into the whitecloak encampment and slaughtered what must have been a total of over forty whitecloak soldiers was plenty of fun. Something of a psychological barrier that was broken in a sense - up til that point the whitecloak encampment always stood symbol for the most unlucky of teleports to me.

' I had a number of slaves I can't remember all there names. I would take there souls break them into begging me to order them and then give there soul to Beroxxus. '

I remember Jyslin attempting to tame Arthakar in this fashion. For being a high-ranking Scion however, I thought you were rather quick to change the tone of your voice after my character's admittedly very unpleasant reactions to this attempt. Still, stick to it a bit longer next time - things like this typically break out very interesting roleplay sessions.

Thank you for all the fun we had Jyslin.


26512, Good battles, strange interactions, learned much
Posted by Jin roh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
as always. Fighting you was always difficult, especially the flee/blade barrier over and over and over again. I still don't understand how a blade barriered healer can sit there and heal those around him who are in battle, nor do I understand how you can just keep putting it up. But those are the breaks. You used what you had well and was a pleasure fighting you and trying to find new and more effective ways of doing so. Good Luck.

P.S. I never knew a Scion healer and an Empire healer could be so friendly to each other, especially judging the Gods each one follows. Wish I could have heard the conversations you two had. Know this is not a slight, since I am obviously looking in from the outside, just thought it was strange indeed.
26535, RE: Good battles, strange interactions, learned much
Posted by Jyslin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well we were discussing cabal politics and you interupted basically i wasn't defending her I was defending me because i was trying to get something from her didn't want her dead:P