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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [None] Carrick the Hand of the Unseen, Anathema to the Empire
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=26399
26399, (RAGE DELETE) [None] Carrick the Hand of the Unseen, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Apr 19 12:02:40 2004

At 9 o'clock PM, Day of the Sun, 34th of the Month of Futility
on the Theran calendar Carrick perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None

26408, One more thing,
Posted by Carrick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The only two Imperials I ever stood in the same room with and didn't lift some coin from were Khasothalas, and Zulghinlour:)
26401, Well then...
Posted by Carrick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I squeezed just about all the fun out of Carrick that I could.

Its a shame becoming Anath at the end erases the cabal stats. I think I took the Oath around level 18 or so, and when I checked for the last time I had about 12.2 million in donations, and we were still second to the Blades and without even a Sect hall guardian.

I think I saw a total of maybe eight different Shadows in the 280 or so hours I played Carrick, and only half of those advanced past 40. I don't think Shadow Sect powers are too weak, they may ought to be turned up a bit in effectiveness, but I think its pretty obvious that they way they are now isn't bringing the players into the Sect, not that cabal powers should be the draw, especially not in Empire, but they do make a difference, enough on that.

Yanacek, I haven't seen anyone kick that much ass since Sassou/Nastavnic was around. I liked your leadership style, and stealing your kills. Looks like your chances of being the first Emperor to die of old age are fairly strong. Well done.

Njaal, right after I took the Oath you sent me a tell congratulating me on making a fine choice or some rp bs, and I thought to myself, heh a little level 12 duergar probably isn't even empowered, and laughed a little. Some of Carrick's most enjoyable moments were plotting/hunting/exploring with you.

Laes, First, you were always "kind" to Carrick, which was fine and all, but I never got the "Bad Ass in the Shadows" feeling from our interactions. I think you were the first Imperial to ever tell me "Thanks!" and actually mean it. Second, BAH! that wasn't how I had planned it to go down at all, the good part about that is I get to save that plan for later if I need it. The bad part was learning that 50 gold isn't enough to bribe a fire giant with. There was a span of about eight or nine weeks that I played 20+ hours a week, and saw you twice. I was all worked up to take a shot at you and it didn't pan out, so I took a break, haven't been on as much the last three weeks or so, then Njaal went down so I figured what the hell, I might as well. I didn't think you played enough, you made some decisions about Sect governance I didn't agree with, and then there was your cheery disposition to deal with, over all I'm sure you're a great player, I just didn't see Laes as being worthy of the Shadow Lord's seat, and I really, really muffed my shot at you.

Hashok/Drakazar thanks for all the shields and good times. Viv it was always a pleasure to run around with you.

Grurk, I understand why you acted the way you did, I would have acted the same way. When you got me I had just teleported away from a numbskull attempt to blackjack one of a group of four raiding, and landed in Azreth, got out to west darien, hid, did a where, and scrolled back up to see how in the hell I'd just survived that, when I came out of the buffer you'd already walked up on me and gotten me. I was pretty dumbfounded that the only person in PK who could actually see me had just happened to walk by right then. Oh well, I held that gear for a long time, I never would have gotten it myself, thanks Damosek.

Fortress, Amft was the only one to ever give me any trouble at all, I suppose I was lucky to live during a span that had a total lack of goodie assassins/thieves. Waiting for you all to finish raids, then lifting the Codex from you was fun.

So, lessons learned:
if you've got a plan to overthrow someone, stick to the plan
don't blackjack polearm spec giants
don't post on the forum trying to get gold on shoppies to carry over through crashes/reboots, because Graatch'll come back with "don't allow thieves to steal from shoppies at all" and then the Imms will decide to make it alot harder to steal from shoppies

Acrobatics rocks
cheap shot is by far the best melee skill in the game
deft touch/improved hide are great

So, thats that, I'll be back, I always come back it seems.

Garanhwir/Mierin/Griffith/Hilcroft/Voss et al and now Carrick too.
26402, So much to say
Posted by Laes on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I squeezed just about all the fun out of Carrick that I

Yes, you went out with style.

>Its a shame becoming Anath at the end erases the cabal stats.
>I think I took the Oath around level 18 or so, and when I
>checked for the last time I had about 12.2 million in
>donations, and we were still second to the Blades and without
>even a Sect hall guardian.

Good job. Only two of us made the Sect 2nd, all others were not even close. You were surely my best Shadow.

>I think I saw a total of maybe eight different Shadows in the
>280 or so hours I played Carrick, and only half of those
>advanced past 40. I don't think Shadow Sect powers are too
>weak, they may ought to be turned up a bit in effectiveness,
>but I think its pretty obvious that they way they are now
>isn't bringing the players into the Sect, not that cabal
>powers should be the draw, especially not in Empire, but they
>do make a difference, enough on that.

Wholeheartly agree.

>Yanacek, I haven't seen anyone kick that much ass since
>Sassou/Nastavnic was around. I liked your leadership style,
>and stealing your kills. Looks like your chances of being the
>first Emperor to die of old age are fairly strong. Well

Agree on all positions but one. The previous Emperor died of old age.

>Laes, First, you were always "kind" to Carrick, which was fine
>and all, but I never got the "Bad Ass in the Shadows" feeling
>from our interactions. I think you were the first Imperial to
>ever tell me "Thanks!" and actually mean it.

Great. The fact you got this impression means I play my role well :-) I will explain more when I retire.

>Second, BAH!
>that wasn't how I had planned it to go down at all, the good
>part about that is I get to save that plan for later if I need
>it. The bad part was learning that 50 gold isn't enough to
>bribe a fire giant with.

Hint: this part is closely related to your previous statement.

There was a span of about eight or
>nine weeks that I played 20+ hours a week, and saw you twice.
>I was all worked up to take a shot at you and it didn't pan
>out, so I took a break, haven't been on as much the last three
>weeks or so, then Njaal went down so I figured what the hell,
>I might as well. I didn't think you played enough,

Sorry, I can't play more than I do.

> you made
>some decisions about Sect governance I didn't agree with, and
>then there was your cheery disposition to deal with, over all
>I'm sure you're a great player, I just didn't see Laes as
>being worthy of the Shadow Lord's seat, and I really, really
>muffed my shot at you.

Quite a valid position for a skilled imperial. I suspected that you wanted the position enough to risk and waited for you to make a move. A shame it went so clumsy. I am sure you could do better. As I said, you were great.

>Garanhwir/Mierin/Griffith/Hilcroft/Voss et al and now Carrick

Wow. Just plain wow. I wonder what else we will see from you.

26405, Cool character. nt
Posted by The Forsaken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
26406, Bwahahahahahaha! n/t
Posted by graatchman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
26407, well one way to get more shadow oaths..
Posted by venarrath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
dont tell them you want a hundred gold for a bloodoath
26412, It's not that hard to get 100 gold....
Posted by Astillian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
specially as a thief, even as an assassin I wouldn't find it tough.
26419, yawn,
Posted by venarrath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
two char's one wants to be a blade another a shadow. blade tells me to oath and im in. The other asks to be oath'd and must pay 100gold, due to limited numbers of shadow and the hassle of getting oath'd by other sect's or gathering 100gold.....

WHICH sect will have more players? okay? simple? dont complain about small numbers if you actively make it a hassle to get oath'd into that sect..its pretty straight forward
26420, RE: yawn,
Posted by Former Shadow on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If it were me, I'd play whatever class I wanted to play and cope with whatever entrance requirements were asked of me. If you know where to look, 100 gold is fairly easily attained for anyone at a rank where they're likely to be Oathed. Even moreso if your game ethics permit you to die on purpose in order to gather things as a ghost. Not that I support that, mind you.

In my opinion, the difference is due to what classes people tend to play. On a game-wide basis there have been alot more warriors since the various boosts they've received. People want to try out legacies, etc. Thieves, while incredibly potent, often require knowledge of various things (ingredients, scrolls, etc.) that many people don't have and don't want to spend the time to figure out. Also, as Carrick pointed out, some people feel the Shadow sect powers leave something to be desired, compared to what the other sects get. I haven't decided if I'm one of them, but that perception is at least out there.
26422, Everything is easy if
Posted by GEN_Malaise on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>you know where to look, 100 gold is fairly easily attained for
>anyone at a rank where they're likely to be Oathed.

I really don't want to flame you personally, but I can't stand statements like that.

I mean, a Lich quest is easy if you "know where to look". A 5 mile run is easy for a marathon runner who has run his entire life as opposed to some 12-year old who just started track.

Not everyone who plays this game is elite.

I can see a 100,000 requirement for an elite shadow, but for a basic bloodoath that's obnoxiously high and is shooting yourself in the foot numbers-wise I.C. as well as making the game pointlessly intimidating for casual/newer players O.O.C.

I'd go so far as to suggest that a 100 gold requirement for bloodoath goes against the RP of Empire overall, specifically the stress on quantity of citizens who are then promoted based on quality.

Plus, everybody was a white belt before they were a black belt. :P
26423, Err...
Posted by The Forsaken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For an elite anything, I think you have to donate 1,000,000 worth of gold. That's 10x what is required for becoming an Oath. And the Oath's initial donation isn't set in stone, it's just useful in determining who really cares enough to gain entrance into Empire. I can't believe how many folks still do not use the bank for keeping coin. It's crazy.
26424, RE: Everything is easy if
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd say lich quests are difficult regardless of one's skill level.

Gathering 100 gold is no lich quest. Get a nice loot and you can probably sell the gear to heros for 100 gold. Or, spend a day or two gathering/selling things and you'll have it.

I guess if I didn't know my primary source of coin then, yes, it would be hard. But it would encourage me to find other sources of coin, making me that much more knowledgeable about the game. Hell, play a goodie and ask people for advice on how to get gold if you need to. Think of it as an exercise in social engineering.
26425, Yup.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
100 gold isn't going to fall into your lap. Then again, if they told you "Kill 2 paladins for me.", it'd probably take you longer. The nice thing about gold is that it's always logged on and in your range, so to speak. But you're going to have to go out and find some. Lots of shops buy stuff, and lots of players will pay coins for useful objects. A useful tactic for farming cash from players is to barter (*) pricy junk for useful mid-price items like teleport/return potions, curatives, or armor.

As for the roleplay, it's well within Imperial roleplay to demand sizable bribes and such. It's also well within Bloodoath roleplay to cut deals and work the system. A smart Shadow would know that.

(*) Barter has to be the most underappreciated command we have. (Which is why I went out of my way to make sure the Academy "featured" it.) If your current character has not used this command, you deserve any poverty that comes your way. And a punch in the groin.

26426, i agree 100%
Posted by venarrath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but you cannot say (well you can i guess):
"I think I saw a total of maybe eight different Shadows in the 280 or so hours I played Carrick, and only half of those advanced past 40."

1) Not many shadows (very few in fact, 8 in 280 hours) with only 50% moving to hero type ranges
1a)Good indication on how many shadows..wannabe shadows saw

"I don't think Shadow Sect powers are too weak, they may ought to be turned up a bit in effectiveness, but I think its pretty obvious that they way they are now isn't bringing the players into the Sect"

1) Player believes there is a problem getting oaths into the sect (and keeping them to hero), the problem COULD be the powers need adjustments.

Solution? when asked for an oath ask for a 100gold?

Do I believe he should and is fully in his rights to ask for that? of course, its why i love empire! Do I think he has a legitimate complaint about lack of shadows after that is done? in my opinion, no.

BUT i will not post again, as I do not wish to muck up his thread any further, apologies Carrick.

ps I saw your immortal comments, nice job!

26430, Clarification
Posted by Carrick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I probably had about six people ask me for the Oath, obviously not all of them assassins or thieves. I think I oathed four of them. Only one of the six didn't get it because he was in my opinion, too clueless to even be an Oath and I didn't want to see him end up immediately Anath'd and have that reflect on me. The other just never came back with the donations.

I am pretty certain that when asked for the Oath my first response was "How much coin do you have?" from that response I'd guage how much to ask for for the Oath. And I'm very certain that I always made it clear to the one making the query to come back with X amount of coin or its equal in items.

That said, a lowbie could in all seriousness have items worth well over 300k in under a half hour just walking around in areas off Eastern, if the repops hit right.

Oh, and I got the Oath for free.

I suggest any further comments go to the Gameplay board, unless they're about how great I was, or how much you hated my guts.
26429, Hmm, I dont use it.
Posted by Nightgauntish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pretty simple, it's not worth it unless in very rare circumstances.

I want to buy a return potion, I could run around and try and find items he can buy that is worth over 3000, sure they exist I just have not found them. Or you can try and find an item that is worth over 30000(I think) that he would not normally buy. With the reducing of worth(Hah, I did not use nerf) of items due to imperial donations it is a bitch to find one. So then it's much easier to just go and pick up a return potion on the ground or get the money.

Or you just participate in the rat-race after a reboot to get money.

Especially as you cannot barter several items for a thing, how a newbie is supposed to ever be able to get a return potion unless he finds it on the ground or on a mob is beyond me.
26432, Ouch, my nuts! -nt
Posted by Nonbarterer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
26435, RE: Yup.
Posted by Rom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
100 gold isn't going to fall into your lap.

Carrick DID have advanced picklock...
26442, Uh, no advanced pick lock in my skill set bub. nt
Posted by Carrick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
26477, not sure about grottimgesh
Posted by Dryzzel1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I lowered the entry fee because we had plenty of power and we were number one in donations. This almost makes it look like we had no requirement for the blade oath. I can assure you that as War Master I was checking peoples donations constantly. I demoted when necessary for problems, and I promoted for exceptional work with it. To get in you didn't need 100 gold on you, but you did have to donate that much within a few days.

26409, RE: Well then...
Posted by Nhiala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Boy do I hate thieves. Well played.
26428, Carrick vs Laes
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked both of you a lot, would have rather seen Carrick as sect leader because I thoght he was around a lot more. Laes was great to DRyzzel, as was Carrick. Oh well, good work, should be cool ot see what comes next.

26431, Thanks.
Posted by Carrick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Watching you put that Tribunal Shaman after you told him you were going to was pretty damn fun. I learned a little something I didn't know about scrolls from following you out of the Fortress into some quicksand, and Invoker, and a Ranger once. And you started off the most memorable day in Carrick's life with the words, "I want to kill the dying demon" Fun times. Heres hoping we end up on the same side again sometime.
26447, RE: Well then...
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1190/1190hp 101mv> <447> People near you:
(PK) Grurk West Dairein Road
(PK) Carrick West Dairein Road

<1190/1190hp 101mv> <447> w
bash car
West Dairein Road

<1190/1190hp 100mv> <447> w
bash car
They aren't here.

<1190/1190hp 100mv> <447> w
bash car
West Dairein Road

A long white-tipped feather tumbles in the breeze here.

<1190/1190hp 99mv> <447> They aren't here.

<1190/1190hp 99mv> <447> w
bash car
West Dairein Road

A small, leather coin purse.
A long white-tipped feather tumbles in the breeze here.
A sign points north to the Halfling Lands and south to Azreth Woods
(Hide) Carrick is resting here.

<1190/1190hp 98mv> <447> You'll have to let him get back up first.

<1190/1190hp 98mv> <447> West Dairein Road

<1190/1190hp 97mv> <447> They aren't here.

<1190/1190hp 97mv> <447> e
murder car

Galin: *mutter* i must sleep for a bit.
West Dairein Road

A small, leather coin purse.
A long white-tipped feather tumbles in the breeze here.
A sign points north to the Halfling Lands and south to Azreth Woods
(Hide) Carrick is resting here.

<1190/1190hp 96mv> <447> e
the Blood Tribunal executioner: The Blood Tribunal shall remain steadfast in your absence, Galin

<1190/1190hp 96mv> <447> murder car
Carrick yells wildly 'Help! I am being attacked by Grurk!'
----=====TRUE YELL!====----
Carrick dodges your crushing force.
Carrick is convulsing on the ground.

<1190/1190hp 96mv> <447>
Carrick parries your crushing force.
Your crushing force *** DEMOLISHES *** Carrick!
Carrick is stunned, but will probably recover.
Your crushing force *** DEVASTATES *** Carrick!
Carrick is DEAD!!
Carrick splatters blood on your armor.

<1190/1190hp 96mv> <447> exa corpse
West Dairein Road

A long white-tipped feather tumbles in the breeze here.

<1190/1190hp 95mv> <447> They aren't here.

<1190/1190hp 95mv> <447> You do not see that here.

<1190/1190hp 95mv> <447> w
West Dairein Road

The corpse of Carrick lies beside a spray of its teeth, many with flesh attached.
A small, leather coin purse.
A long white-tipped feather tumbles in the breeze here.
A sign points north to the Halfling Lands and south to Azreth Woods

<1190/1190hp 94mv> <447> exa corpse
The corpse of Carrick lies beside a spray of its teeth, many with flesh attached.
The corpse of Carrick contains:
(Glowing) (Humming) a darkened helm
the Seantryn Royal Signet Ring
(Glowing) a brooch set with blue stones
a jeweled lock pick
(Glowing) (Humming) a tiny, iron dagger
( 2) a wide copper bracelet
a pair of darkened mithril gauntlets studded with small spikes
a girdle of giant strength
the girdle of endless space
an Eagle Embroidered Silk Robe
(Glowing) a scroll of triumph
a blackjack
(Glowing) (Humming) the Shadow Dagger
(Glowing) a feather of levitation
(Glowing) (Humming) the sleeves of Harrapia
(Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
(Glowing) (Humming) a suit of darkened platemail
an emerald periapt
a pair of spike-toed boots
a sapphire periapt
some sahuagin gills
a ceramic water jug

a potion of returning
(Glowing) an iron mace
(Glowing) (Humming) the Nacktin-Rah pendant
(Glowing) a fiery ring
(Glowing) (Humming) a mace with the head of a screaming demon
a dark parchment scroll
64 gold coins
223 silver coins
248 copper coins

<1190/1190hp 94mv> <447> get coins corpse
get coins corpse
You get 64 gold coins from the corpse of Carrick.

<1190/1190hp 94mv> <447> get coins corpse
You get 223 silver coins from the corpse of Carrick.

<1190/1190hp 94mv> <447> get coins corpse
You get 248 copper coins from the corpse of Carrick.
The sky is getting cloudy.

Carrick tells you 'should I evern return to my corpse/'

<1190/1190hp 145mv> <447> repl No.
You tell Carrick 'No.'

Funny part is, I could carry 2 things. 2. I was at 27/29 items.
had you just returned anyway, you could have gotten it all. As it
was, it took two trips with a giant merc from Galadon to haul it
all off. :)

I did feel a little bad for it afterwards, but considering you
basically told me to pissoff earlier in Modan, I felt justified in
the kill. Funny commentary on imperials: only one imperial ever said
anything derogatory to me about killing you.

Luck to you in the fields.

26476, Uh, thanks. But I'd have been happier not reading that:P nt.
Posted by Carrick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

26483, Bah..
Posted by Njaal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A shame we could not kick Laes in the balls as we had planned, but i think it was twarted by something bigger...

Anyway, i am certain the whores in Galadon are glad that you are gone. You were such a pimp.