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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Njaal Hedingsblot the Holy of Faith, Imperial High Priest
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=26336
26336, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Njaal Hedingsblot the Holy of Faith, Imperial High Priest
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Apr 14 08:03:00 2004

At 6 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 24th of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Njaal perished, never to return.

Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire

26374, Long and spammy......
Posted by Njaal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Njaal was not much of an explorer, he took his pleasure in slaying enemies of the Empire and plotting for the conquest. I showed more patience with this char than i thought was possible, but it was not meant to be. Thanks to all the players i interacted with. The network of spies and allies i had on deletion was very very large.
I will just mention the players still living when i deleted in my goodbyes. I will forget many, so just post if you wish to know my views on plots or chars.

Drudental- I am sorry that i never married you or did nasty things with you in the honeymoonsuite. You get some bad rap, but to me you were always dedicated and took your losses with stride. I enjoyed having you around.
Carrick and Hashok- Travelling with you two made me laugh at times, dirty jokes, casual mood. Good times.
Yanacek- tried to unseat you more than once, but it did not work. You must be transferring dollars every month to your supporters J. I enjoyed hunting with you...it was lethal. Very skilled.
Zauttevre- Loyal and solid priest. You knew what you were doing, and we could face bad
odds together.
Talabrina- The more scheming priestess. I did not quite trust you, but i think you knew that and watched your steps. You are skilled though, i noticed that.

Jinroh- You were alone against us for such a long time. Kudos for taking all your losses so well. Regardless of all the disrespecting talks we had, i knew you were a skilled one. If i were a rager i would be happy to have you as commander.
Ranak – That time on eastern road, when you waited to reghost for attacking me again to prove your point even if you knew it was certain death impressed me most of all. Truly well done. Best of luck to you.

So many fights...
The invoker who i always rotted...you know how you are...it was fun.
Jaegrudai- knew you and fought you from the midranks...respect to you. A well played dwarf and paladin as i see it.

This was my favorite sport..trying to subdue the heralds into an imperial servants..
Props to them all for being good sports about it, and thanks to Verv for the stuff around the last treaty. I am certain Olin is pleased about it.

I had many allies among you, and i wont mention them by name as it can cause some problems. Like the one time a lightwalking tribbie helped me slay a maran in Arkham. Good times.
And Opti..that time at the fortress, i came to your rescue a bit later than i could..you were not as empire friendly as i thought you should be. Punishment comes in many ways.

Woopoga- well done, i have some brutal logs of us slaughtering villagers.
Arthakar- that time in the battlefield, Khas whispered in my ear, so things got taken a little out of hand. Njaal usually preferred to try honey before the whip.

Lyristeon- Thanks for your talks. Having you poofing up was always pleasant.
Severacan- Well done on the promotion. Deserved from a players view. You were always "helpfull" when i had questions about marans and villagers taking the oath, etc.
Khas- I had hoped to see or hear more from you, but being left alone suited me fine as well.

Since i seldom write on forums i will post this here as well.
1. I never checked rot-iceneedles combo after i prayed about it, but it should be fixed.
2. Chars below rank 10 should not need to pay centurions. After many hours standing an centurions i know this is a problem for them. It does not matter how low the amount needed is. If possible always favor the newbies.
3. Redemption hardly works. Tried this with both paladins and shamans now. Almost not worth practising.

300 kobolds cant be wrong, can they?

Nofollow Njaal...Saldradian stops following you.
26375, Good job
Posted by Laes on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done. You were certainly an obstacle in Laes' life. I enjoyed all the political actions which involved both of us. I wonder if you'd anathemized me if you'd succeeded in your plot. Ah, the pleasure of disappointing you when the throne was so close... Damn good. That time on Eastern when you got me... good job. All in all, skilled and ambitious, just a perfect imperial. Good luck with your next.

26376, RE: Long and spammy......
Posted by Zauttevre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Zauttevre- Loyal and solid priest. You knew what you were
>doing, and we could face bad odds together.

It was funny how we had the same sphere, god and tattoos. It was very inconvenient to make plans to unseat you from your position and also I hoped you'd actually succeed with becoming an emperor and name me the new high priest. So I patiently waited not making any plots which could end up pretty bad. I didn't know how Khasotholas would deal with me if I succeed but I knew what may happen to me if I don't :)

Yes we faced bad odds and killed some people together, it was a lot of fun.
26377, What I want to know
Posted by Dryzzel1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thats right, give me the information I want to know. Seriously though, how I got demoted for your scheme and you didn't get jack is seriuosly stupid in my opinion. Whats funny is, I had no intention of letting you take the throne, however, I was more than happy to let you try and remove Yanacek. I was prepared to block you or kill you if you took over quite honestly. Did Dryzzel like Njaal, of course, up until that time in the Battlefield and your questioning his loyalty to you. There never was a loyalty to anyone other than Yanacek and the Empire. THe only reason Dryzzel wanted Yanacek gone was because I don't think he is around enough to be a serious presence in the hard times for Empire. Oh well. If you don't want to post here, then email me at minyar13@aol.com.

Also, I want to know about Laes comment about "getting him" Maybe I've missed something, is Laes Anath?

26380, RE: Long and spammy......
Posted by Vahletharien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The invoker who i always rotted...

Yeah, i'm still carrying around +20con in my sack. :P
26382, RE: Long and spammy......
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you know you are getting old when everyone you killed
elves in Darsylon with is dying all around you.

Had fun ranking up with you, it was very clear you knew what the
hell you were doing. We both seemed to be on a similar arc, gaining
leadership and moving up at similar times. It made for a comfortable
alliance in our hero years. Although I did abuse your trust at times
to get away with things like attacking centurions at times when it
would be my word agaisnt thiers, knowing you would back me.

I thought you were very well played, and don't think it would have
been a stretch of imagination to see you as the Emperor, but alas
it was not to be.

Good luck with your next!

26383, Well done.
Posted by Felar Serpent on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Njaal came a long way from what I saw of him. I think I even remember helping you rank him, which would mean that our characters have known each other for quite a long time indeed considering your hours spend at hero. You always were very consistent about your attitude and your roleplay, and I liked that alot as a player. It's a shame that you never made it to Emperor in all honesty, because I probably would have ended up with a 'Hunted by Empire' title in that case. Or at least, something similar enough.

As for the incident that occurred in the Battlefields - Truth be told, I always could show sympathy for the course of action that Khasotholas took there, from an OOC point of view that is. For Njaal being the High Priest of the Empire you were showing far too much leniency towards my character's attitude. When you look at it, Arthakar kept luring you into cooperating with him by means of endless promises of maybe taking the Oath, he involved Imperials into what sometimes resulted in them indirectly and unknowingly aiding certain specific enemies of the Empire, and last but not least he looked down on Njaal. Did they have several arguments taking place between the two of them because of it all? They certainly did. But at the end of the day, you suddenly just seemed to shrug it all off and continue as if you put it behind you already. Considering the nature of the Empire and Njaal's position within it, I'd say it was obvious that this was a situation that couldn't go on indefinitely. And when you as the High Priest were not doing something about it on your own initiative, I wasn't surprised to finally see you recieve a push in the back.

After that you got your act together however. A true High Priest, that would not allow any of his sheep to stray for so much as an inch. Pretty well done, for sure.

Sorry I ended up talking so much about that one gripe in the much bigger picture that was Njaal. So let me end by saying that I liked the character, alot. And that I'll miss all that bickering between Njaal and him too.

Good luck with your next.

26384, I trusted you more then I lead on.
Posted by Agarah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a character we fought back and forth with ideas and words. Always trying to get the other to say they were wrong, and what not. Basically in the end I found we never changed our own views. I really like your character, and was so pissed about what happened to me, not just because of what happened, but for that fact we wouldn't be able to go forward in our goals together. Best of luck and all that.

26385, RE: Long and spammy......
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very solid job. Wish you'd succeeded in your plans, but thems the breaks. Sorry you wanted more interaction from me... I never want to overdo it and be totally intrusive, and run characters live. Good job all around.

26388, Very well played.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed watching Njaal. And when I enjoy what a player is doing, they tend to get some bonus rp, even if they don't know it is me who is providing it. You were one of those people who got the attention because they deserved it. Good luck with your next.
26389, Nice job
Posted by soucivi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kind of funny you fading away, but if that's how you wanted it, s'okay. You were quite a pain in the backside, and for all that, you put on a darned good show with your Inn-subjegation. Luck.

Soucivi Daneloth
26390, RE: Long and spammy......
Posted by Sevarecan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Severacan- Well done on the promotion. Deserved from a players

Thanks. :7

>You were always "helpfull" when i had questions about
>marans and villagers taking the oath, etc.

I was also trying to "help" you out of your job too, but then
I do that for all you Sect bastards. :P

See you in the Fields!

26392, Already said it..
Posted by Glaubie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry about that one time in Arkham. I honestly didn't know you died. I arrive in Arkham and I see you at the pit, and I'm like 'Hmm'. But you stay there and don't move at all. So I'm like 'Hmm, f*ck it, let's do this ####'. And miracle oh miracle, I'm beating you quite easily. 'Hang ooooon'. I knew you had all this nice eq, and this is one of the only real times the player had the upper hand over the character. Glaubarsto would have never done such a thing at all as a character. Anyways. You pretty much tooled me everytime we fought, until I was able to call light of heaven *wink*. Anyways, we had some nice fights, but a shield paladin with never more than 650 mana is a pretty easy target for a shaman. Still. You had guts and were able to rally Imperials forces, silently I was hoping you'd make it emperor (oh I hate thieves and assassins ;)). See ya in tha fiel's there, mate
26394, Well done
Posted by Jaalek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didnt really fear you too much alone, but whenever 2-3 imperials were on I would expect to get summoned blackjacked spelled up and killed. I think you and your cohorts took 8-9 con atleast with that sort of stuff. I hated you for that so much IC out of char those ambushes at the oasis were perfect. Good luck on the next
26493, Rock on with yer bad self.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, I have been moving and just got the comps back up.
(nicer bigger place too!! :) )

Hrm, so much to say.. let's bring it down to a couple
of insances.

early on, not sure why, Lerrik was passing through
balator (probably after a ring)
you had me stuck at cents, blind and spelled up
in a nasty way. and watched me slowly die.
hehe ooc that was great. ic - you bastard.
:) anyway, had a conjie trying to send me a recall potion
damn servitor went somewhere else.
then i can see again at the last moment of my life
and couldn'y get the teleport potion out before i died.
(likely wouldn't have helped but what the hell.)

The endless summon at the oasis, with thieves waiting etc, was
just.. well irritating, but very functional.
I kept telling myself i needed to go out and practice stun.
my dark-elf that used it could count on it. Lerrik, well
big ol waste of time.
In the end I never felt shame for
getting my a## handed to me time and again by you.
(though i am done playing the overly-brave, and not so bright
guys for a while :) time for a change.)

Njaal was just a damn fine character all around.
Very impressed. I both dread and eagerly anticippate
the next thing you are going to roll up.

26362, Well done
Posted by Calafin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You, above all my very many enemies, were like a real person (duergar) to me. Had fun fighting you and talking afterwards too. I deleted a while ago but I was always happy to see you on the who list, even if I didn't have a reason to talk to you. Not sure what you did wrong but if I had a vote you would have been Super Emperor 10X over. Good luck with whatever, and see you in the fields.
26359, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Njaal Hedingsblot the Holy of Faith, Imperial High Priest
Posted by Carrick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done all around, and you'll be missed. I'll save other comments for when I'm gone.
26356, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Njaal Hedingsblot the Holy of Faith, Imperial High Priest
Posted by Verv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were the single most annoying character I ever encountered. Congratulations and thank you for the harassment you gave me, however. It really put some meat on my character after I got over being pissed enough to want to delete because of your little war on the Heralds.
Verv won't miss you one bit, but it's still a pity you had to go and delete.
26342, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Njaal Hedingsblot the Holy of Faith, Imperial High Priest
Posted by Nhiala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nasty. Just nasty. I liked the fact that you weren't all about rot. Though, your not using it just meant you got the pleasure of kicking my butt the "old fashioned" way. Dispel is overpowered. Har.

One thing that did annoy me about Njaal: sitting at the Oasis on Eastern with a basher and cents south, waiting to summon. Is it an effective tactic? Definitely. Is it good Imperial role-play? Probably so. Something about it just strikes me as repugnant from a player's point of view.

Anyway, well played. The only times I heard about you dying was to icky fortress gangs, usually involving snare and/or neuro disrupt, so you must have been doing something right.
26339, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Njaal Hedingsblot the Holy of Faith, Imperial High Priest
Posted by Dindon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The goodies i've played (pesky Silmareen, and Hykroln especially) saw you as their toughest opponent as we had a lot of the same log in times. You seemed always up to a fight and you killed me countless times. Anyway, I thought you played your role really well, always offering me the oath when I died, plus you didn't always insist on full looting which is always a nice gesture. Sometimes I think that's better roleplay than full looting. The whole attitude of "Your things aren't good enough for the empire" is kind of cool I think. Anyway, good job and I loved having someone I knew I would die to, a real challenge and I learned a lot from our fights. In fact I think I almost scared you with Hykroln once. I just basically flurried till I died but I got you kind of hurt :(
Good luck on your next if there is one.
26413, What a guy.
Posted by Varik - Brulig on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I alluded to it in both of my goodye note, but (to Brulig) you were the nastiest thing this side of the Underdark, up there next to Yanacek. I enjoyed fighting you as Brulig (when I had ample returns/teleports handy), but looking back wish I had spent more time talking to you as Varik. Well, enough foreplay, I've been itching to know the plot behind my comeuppance. I figure it was a mixture of being AWOL for a week coupled with natural Imperial nastiness, but one day when I woke up there you were, all High Priestly. So send an old flame some lovin' at lordexit@hotmail.com and good luck with your next, nasty incarnation which I don't doubt will be fiercer than Njaal's.
26414, Meant for Njaal's farewell. n/t
Posted by Varik - Brulig on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM