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Topic subject(DELETED) [BATTLE] Betraal the Field Marshall
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=25847
25847, (DELETED) [BATTLE] Betraal the Field Marshall
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Mar 29 21:34:42 2004

At 9 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 31st of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Betraal perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic

25913, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Betraal the Field Marshall
Posted by Rahno on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good job on being a tough duergar, not to mention talking like a human. I liked being a big mouth, especially with a duergar, the ignorant, arrogant duergar rp. That's always fun. Keep on trucking.

Aim: Whosyourdaddy906
25860, No love for your mentor?
Posted by Laearrist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I haven't seen you in action much lately (kinda been taking a CF break) but I'm glad you had fun with the char, and I definitely thought you were going to be a force. Getting turned neutral for grouping with a goodie just sucks, and I'd have done the same thing. Not getting my specs back right away? screw it this isn't fun. I'm not sure why you would have your align turned anyway. Besides the village ties, why would an evil give two ####s who they learn with so long as they learn? I guess others don't see it what way, but whatever. I hope to see you back in the village... Warriors can be fun ya know, don't give up on them yet.

25861, RE: No love for your mentor?
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I KNEW I forgot someone.

Marballa - When I first rolled Betraal, you were on ALL the time. And since you were a hiding char I figured there were a whole lot fewer people who would bother ou about village apps since they couldn't see you. Plus, I always seemed to like you sneaky types.

My thoughts exactly on the evil thing. I'm trying to get some villagers into hero range so that they can protect my ass in raids, and I get blasted for it. good/neutral/evil, I don't care, as long as there's some people able to help against large groups of Imperials.

Love the warriors now with specs/legacies, etc... now, to roll one that's a little less brute force, a little more tactics...
25854, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Betraal the Field Marshall
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not one for big goodbyes, so I'll keep this pretty short and sweet. I loved playing Betraal. Trying to powerrank to hero just so I could help our (very few) hero's against the horde of Imperial. Well, I never got to hero, but I was fairly successful in the whole PK thing (up until very recently).

I really like how the cabal is going (especially for berserkers) with Ordasen taking over and clearing house. I'm not sure what his criteria was for reinducting members, so I'm not going to say it was based on PK ratio, like others are saying. I know that I woke up, found myself booted (and a ghost with minimal eq), saw Ordasen on, went to village to speak with him, and was told to fight Jinroh. Once I unghosted, I took a terrible beating from Jinroh, died, talked to Ordasen for a few minutes about my choices, and allowed back into Battle.

Now to turning grey/losing specs. Once I joined battle I had decided that I would do whatever I could to help the Cabal. So after logging in for about a month with no hero villagers to rank with, I went learning for about an hour with Stefanie (good rager) and another villager. She was warned that if we continued to join, she'd regret it. So we broke up. About 20 minutes later I was made grey. No IMM-intereaction with me or anything and it pissed me off. Still, I didn't delete for a few weeks afterwards until I talked to Ordasen, and he pretty much told me to go f' off and talk to a dark lord. And on top of that, he told me i was whining, when all i did was tell him the specifics of what made me grey in the first place and tell him that I was hamstrung as a berserker without many viable tactics. Since to me the entire turning grey/losing specs thing was all about the Village, I had no desire to talk to a dark lord. Plus, just about every dark lord is a magi-type, and I wouldn't associate with them anyways. And with Ordasen telling me to scram, I went and deleted.

As a player, I thought it was great that for much of my log time there were more Imperial than I could count. Plenty of fights. And I learned alot.

Chose axe/dagger specs with Balance and Ward, and never regretted it for a minute except when getting attacked by every Paladin in Thera daily for about a month straight... then that anti-wrath one would have been great.

Goodbyes -

Jinroh - IC, I never really thought our two characters got along well. I didn't like dying to you and after that, thought you were arrogant and I knew I could give you a good beat down if given the chance. OOC - I think you're a very well played character and very good for the Cabal. I hope to interact with you as another villager soon.

Ranak - I learned a ton from you. Thanks for all the help gearing and showing me where some things were. Though I'm far from a newbie, I rarely play warriors, and had alot to learn. Where'd you go?

Vex - Again, I learned plenty of tactics from you. Your bandages saved my hide more than once. I loved seeing you on - I always knew there'd be some good raiding/retrieving going on.

Rahno - Big mouth, plenty of bluster - flashes of brilliance... and flashes of "WTF". Liked you because you talked big, but think you used the CB way too much to discuss your exploits.

Jaegrudai - Strong paladin. Well played and well fleshed out. I never killed you, but I did do pretty well some of the time. Got my ass handed to me plenty as well. Unbreakable wrathing weapons that unless I got lucky with every dagger spec skill, I couldn't get you to drop.

Stefanie - Great char. Wish things didn't work out the way they did.

There are plenty of you that I'm missing... and I'm sorry. I'll respond to any/all posts with my thoughts.

25859, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Betraal the Field Marshall
Posted by ordasen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll just make a few comments since I only came into this situation at the end. For starters while I wasn't the one who made you neutral for the actios, I do fully agree with it. While the village blurs the lines slightly with aligns, it does not mean you can just ignore the lines and play a duergar like a neutral human in a duergar skin. Yes, you were aiding a villager, however you as well were ignoring that this villager was good and you were getting around the grouping restrictions via a neutral bridge.

Now, yes it was a villager, however it was the dark gods you upset by such actions. You came to me to complain about how it was not fair and that is where I told you to seek out the dark gods since it was them who did such. You then continued about how it was going to handicap the village and how it shouldn't be allowed, hence when I told you to quit whining to me and go do something about it. Was it harsh? Perhaps, but this is from a warlord god to a villager. I'm not the cute cuddly lord like Floofi

I was hopeing you would have picked yourself up, think "well #### perhaps I've been too nice, or should be more evil" and go at it and be a harder pipe hitting mother plucker. As for no evil gods... when it comes to gods they transend that of "mage god" as even I will tattoo a mage. You had Zulg, Beroxxus or the generic "dark gods"
25862, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Betraal the Field Marshall
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can understand all that. But then when at warning was made, the group broke up immediately. About twenty minutes later, a penalty was assessed anyways. That was annoying.

And honestly, I didn't come to complain. I came to tell you the situation, but before I even started to explain, you told me to bugger off. Either way, I wasn't expecting OR asking for an easy way out of the situation. But there was no way I was going to pray to some generic "dark gods" when I could justify my actions to myself, and knew that would never be able to justify it to them.

And if they transend it of mage god to you, that's fine. To Betraal, I would't associate with a god who has an association with another Cabal. That's just me.

I'm not blaming you for anything, or your response. I can see how it was justified on your end. But then, I'm not going to do something that I felt was a waste of my playing time just to appease some gods that took my specs away even after I heeded their warnings.

I'll be back. Maybe this time as a neutral human in a neutral human suit. But a duergar with a soft side for Villagers who have helped save his ass before is not bad duergar RP. Not to me at least.
25864, Quick point
Posted by Phaelim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're right, the group did break up in a manner of speaking. You left it, Krodren joined it. Then you continued to help from outside the group. So why bother even leaving the group, you didn't even have the excuse of 'whatever you need to do to learn' this way.
25865, RE: Quick point
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, I stayed on the outside and continued to talk with them. I did not attack mobs from the outside.
25866, And the reason for that...
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
is because i was replacing her once she ranked.
25867, I'm not sure what he did wrong
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Isn't a big aspect of being evil largely about doing whatever benefits you, without regard to others? If it benefits Betraal to rank with a good, I don't see why he wouldn't do it. I can see why dark gods would get angry and lay some smack down, potentially, but I don't see how it makes him neutral.

The good aligned person, on the other hand, seems to me to be the one who should be restricting themselves according to such principles. To a good aligned person the ends would usually be less likely to justify the means.

To give an example. Would a serial killer share a taxi with someone he knew to be a nun in order to give him cover? Would a nun share a taxi with someone she knew to be a serial killer in order to save money to use for good causes? Seems to me that that even if a serial killer had no reason to use the nun, he'd not have an issue with it necessarily. However, the nun would have an issue. I know this doesn't hold true in every case but my evils have traveled with goods before to rank, and I see nothing wrong with that (although I admit me trying to rescue one with an ap of mine, when he got lost afterwards was bad rp).
25871, re: Diet Coke
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He was spending quite a bit of time helping a group he wasn't a member of. He wasn't getting anything for it, nor was he particularly demanding it. The internal conversation expressed a lot of concern for their growth, and making sure the Village was happy, and other fru-fru helpful duergar stuff.

Betraal wasn't made neutral for a single incident, but rather for a long string of neutral-human-in-funny-suit syndrome. Had he caught on to that and dome something to prove otherwise, he could have been changed back to his original alignment easily enough.

Otherwise, pick neutral and roll a dwarf.

25903, Was not getting anything from it?
Posted by Random on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One, it was furthering the cause of the village. Of which he is a part of, and he does not have detect good/evil.

Two, if he can get them high enough in their guild, they can take some of the heat from the massive imperial hordes and therefore HE CAN STOP DYING.

Three, what is he supposed to demand? Should he get paid for his time? Should someone give him pieces of equipment? How quickly would Ordasen boot him for trying to extort his fellow ragers for his help.

All those things are viable reasons for an EVIL to help a GOOD align. I have no idea why this pushed you over the edge to put him neutral, seeing that his actions were extremely viable for a selfish, evil duergar. You cannot expect evils in the village to be evils of Scion. They can be assholes, fine, but when it comes down to it, they have to work together to kill the real EVIL, mages, and if they can't, why even have them in the village if they are going to sulk around doing purely evil and selfish things all the time and not giving two shats about the village and its goals of regrowth?
25909, RE: re: Diet Coke
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What upsets me the most about this entire thread is that I don't think I ever acted as a human in a funny suit. Neutral to my cabal, yes, sure. We have the same goals for the most part. I respected and supported anyone who fought bravely and honorably. There were certainly some in the village, good/neutral/evil that I wouldn't assist because I didn't think that they could help me (or stick around in rough times) but at the same time even some Paladins who were always out to hunt me I didn't consider "enemies", so much as powerful foe.

I don't think that being a duergar has to mean hating everyone who's not me. Am I out for myself, no doubt. Am I willing to assist some people who I think can help me back? Why not?
25872, RE: I'm not sure what he did wrong
Posted by Phaelim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't really want to get into a long discussion over this on someone's death thread, so I'm going to try and keep this as short and to the point as possible. There's alignment here for a reason. Good and evil members of the same cabal retrieving/raiding together, sure. Happily beating down on people together and ranking, not so good. Yes, the good guy should especially be uninterested in being with evil guy. Evil guy however shouldn't want to be with the good guy either. He should pretty much not like the smiling idiot with the rosey colored view. He's evil. And he sure shouldn't be interested in helping someone he has every reason to despise get stronger. As for your example, sorry, it doesn't apply. Yes, evil does things for for their own needs, to an extent. However, unlike in the real world, sadistic bastards aren't 'the quiet nice boy from next door'. Most are pretty evident they are evil in one way or another.
25882, RE: I'm not sure what he did wrong
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> Evil
>guy however shouldn't want to be with the good guy either. He
>should pretty much not like the smiling idiot with the rosey
>colored view. He's evil. And he sure shouldn't be interested
>in helping someone he has every reason to despise get
>stronger. As for your example, sorry, it doesn't apply. Yes,
>evil does things for for their own needs, to an extent.
>However, unlike in the real world, sadistic bastards aren't
>'the quiet nice boy from next door'. Most are pretty evident
>they are evil in one way or another.

Ah, imm-promulgated 1-dimensional rp. Joy!
25883, Ummm...no.
Posted by Phaelim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is no rule of 1-dimensional roleplay. However, alignment exists for more than just to determine what eq you can/cannot wear and which cabals you can join. Just like races are more than humans with different benefits/drawbacks. Sorry, I didn't see anything evil about him.
25884, 2 cents
Posted by Hysh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You really need to drop the blah blah in a human suit banter, it sounds like a catch all cover your rear for any decision you make. If he was always being nice and sun shiney then fine, he wasn't a very evil duergar so his alignment shifted to reflect that. I agree with Evil's post concerning one dimensional evil, (ie. Imm's take on evil vrs anyone elses). The imms have made evil characters learn fair enough from killing evil mobs, and you could easily argue that an evil would very much like to get a goodie to group with them just to see if they could taint them. But according to what you're telling us, even in as close knit a cabal as battle is supposed to be, ie. a military type group where personal issues fall to the wayside as a sacrifice to discipline and so forth, an evil race type should be snarling, spitting on goodies and doing all the cliche things you can think of... Very much like the phrase for chaotic stupid, concerning entropy, you're all putting your stamp of approval on stupid evil.

I'm sure you'll argue that you're all for more elaborate evil types, as long as their role supports it, which is why the role command has become more a hindrance in some ways than a help. Previously, you might have actually had to watch the player to see why they did this uncharacteristic thing. For the most part though while I could see the goodie getting in trouble over this I have to agree that it seems more like someone was snooping and didn't think that the duergar measured up to their idea of evil and so took steps. I likewise understand that I don't have the whole story, but based on what I've read from you guys so far I'd stand by my summary.
25885, Re:
Posted by Phaelim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The race comment wasn't the point. I was saying "Just like you're expected to roleplay your race, you're expected to roleplay your alignment." No, I'm not saying they have to be cliche', what I am saying is that if 'personal issues fall to the wayside as a sacrafice to discipline and so forth' then you should probably be neutral in the first place. He wasn't evil, he was anti-mage. As a rager, sure, he roleplayed that well.
25886, RE: Re:
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The race comment wasn't the point. I was saying "Just like
>you're expected to roleplay your race, you're expected to
>roleplay your alignment." No, I'm not saying they have to be
>cliche', what I am saying is that if 'personal issues fall to
>the wayside as a sacrafice to discipline and so forth' then
>you should probably be neutral in the first place. He wasn't
>evil, he was anti-mage. As a rager, sure, he roleplayed that

Evil don't actually have to have "evil" as a personal issue. I hope you follow that point. Unsavoury individuals can be good guys.

What mobs did the group kill? Did the duergar take a certain vicious pleasure in it, did this attitude affect his more saintly colleagues? Did the evil d00d hurl stronger insults at mages than the good guy?

Just because he killed mobs without getting exp doesn't mean much. Evil people don't have to be spiteful, cursing, sons-of-female-dogs every waking moment on the day. I -certainly- wouldn't like to be playing any sort of long-game character with you watching over me.
25889, RE: Re:
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What bothers me the most is that after the good warrior was warned (and we all saw the echo), I parted from the group. I did not really assist in the killing (even though I could have been justified in doing so because the good warrior was going to leave the group so i could rejoin after they ranked).

Either way, I still had fun with the char. Didn't regret my decision to stay in Ahirdol and wait. And didn't regret my decision to delete once I didn't think I was going to get specs back anytime soon (and at 49th rank, there's little I could do without them)
25900, How come no immortal comments in your premium bfield? :)
Posted by Stef on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
25905, RE: How come no immortal comments in your premium bfield? :)
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm a bit disappointed by that as well. I figured there had to be SOME comment on why I was made neutral (or even on me in general). I guess not.

25908, RE: How come no immortal comments in your premium bfield? :)
Posted by Stef on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea, I'm hoping I have some various comments for all the good and horribly bad stuff I've done in my chars life
25902, That's right, Betraal didnt continue to help kill, he just stood there watching. What gives? nt
Posted by Angiressa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
25901, Scions, Empire, do this all the time.
Posted by Random on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have seen Scions assist younger Scions in gaining hero levels by assisting out of group. They are gaining exactly what Betraal was gaining, people closer to his rank so he would stop getting massively ganged at hero levels. That was most likely his motivation, both selfish and for the village. Most likely just wanted to stop dying.

The Empire does this as well, especially healers, who not only assist other Divine sects, but also help other Empires outside their sect. I have seen the whole gambit of Empires helping Empires rank when they are not in the group, and I see none of them being turned neutral. To suddenly pick on a duergar warrior in Battle, which is, in respects, the most close knit cabal about there where most evils see mages as EVIL and the rest as just neutral parties. This roleplay battle actually encourages because all warriors get neutrality to evil. An evil just really go and start smacking down anyone he wants or he will get booted quickly. Does truesight offer detect good/evil, no. Do you know why? Because there is a damn good reason for it, because they ultimately don't care much about it.

I see no problem in him going out and helping a good aligned mage fighter get levels, just like the immortals have let Empire/Scion bitch ranking go on forever. You are enforcing a one dimensional evil roleplay, and punish when this is not followed, although the cabal he is in encourages what you saw as a "fatal flaw" in his roleplaying, and he would be punished by not following that "fatal flaw" because the Battle cabal requires it. He is screwed from both directions.

As for the role command, you cannot expect anyone on this mud to put in the role every detail and decision they make as a character. And I doubt you want every evil rager putting into their role right when they get inducted, "I'm helpful to all of the village no matter what because in the long run, those people will keep me from getting killed." Because that is what you are expecting evil ragers to do so they don't get burned by the one dimensional roleplay Enforcer.

The interaction between Good/Neutral/Evil in Battle has to be a brotherly/sisterly one for the cabal to work. Because if it was always evil ragers spitting and cursing and snarling at good ragers, and good ragers being all righteous and trying to keep evil ragers down, the cabal would have more infighting than outfighting, and ultimately fall apart. Fine, roleplay your race, also roleplay your alignment, but also roleplay your CABAL, which, in this situation, requires him to get along with good cabal members.

Did any immortal attempt to get out of him the reasons he was helping them? Not being ganged at hero level is a pretty strong reason to do it, and a selfish evil one. In addition, why was the EVIL one penalized for this when most likely the good aligned one should of. He is the one who is supposed to have a conscience here, and the one who should have issues with this, and should have had misgivings about doing it.

I have to utterly disagree with this punishment. You are enforcing your understanding of evil, and not taking into consideration the place this evil lives, the village. You then further punished him without attempting to get out of him the evil reason for his assistance, which would have taken a moment of your time, and is as basic as, "I want to stop being ganged, I need others to fight with, these guys can do that, I'm helping them". You flew off the handle and jacked him with the harshest punishment next to crippling. I find that distasteful and unfortunate.

If you are going to continue to enforce this, then make the village either good/neutral or neutral/evil only. Because if you don't and enforce this way of evil and good, there are going to be corpses piling up in the circle of rites and no mages are going to get killed.
25899, Actually:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, imm-promulgated 1-dimensional rp. Joy!

Actually, it was an episode of imm-promulgated one-dimensional RP punishment.

Betraal had any number of roleplaying "outs", but as he admitted that seemed hard. He hadn't put much effort into it in the past or any time during the incident in question. Rather than change his ways and put some effort into it in the future, he deleted.

Let's not pretend that Betraal had a 2357-dimensional role (*) that he was carefully acting out. Hypotheticals aren't worth our time.

(*) I'm not talking about the role command, before someone points out that it isn't mandatory.

25906, My out...
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The only viable "out" that Betraal felt he had, was to speak with the Immortals of Battle. The Immortals of Battle told him to talk to someone he felt he shouldn't have to talk to to get vindication, the dark gods.

So I sent up a quick couple of prays to the dark gods saying that Ordasen told me to speak with them, but then I really didn't feel like I wanted to sell myself out to them to get back what I didn't feel should have been taken in the first place. (Usually with the dark gods you have to pay some penance, sell your soul, etc) So I said to myself, "well if the IMM's of my Cabal tell me that they're not interested in me, then why would anyone else be."
25887, RE: I'm not sure what he did wrong
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>However, unlike in the real world, sadistic bastards aren't
>'the quiet nice boy from next door'. Most are pretty evident
>they are evil in one way or another.


-serial killers are complete losers who cannot function in society

Actually, this is the exception with serial killers and the reason why so many serial killers are successful in their endeavor to get away with multiple murders. Ted Bundy is a perfect example of such a serial killer. He was considered to be very charming, quite the lady's man. He seemed to lead a very normal life, being someone that no one would have suspected to be the monster that he was.

25888, think you missed the "unlike in the real world" bit
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though generally I agree with your arguement.
25912, RE: think you missed the
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Read it but probably interpreted it in the wrong manner.
25881, I'm confused.
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Yes, you were aiding a
>villager, however you as well were ignoring that this villager
>was good and you were getting around the grouping restrictions
>via a neutral bridge.

But why the #### should an evil care about the align of one he groups with?
25904, Going to miss you man...
Posted by Angiressa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From the first time I met you at the Maus to the ranking, to the running around shooting ####, it was fun the little time we had. Im not sorry one bit that you, Stef, and I ranked up and I think it was a hell of a time. You did what you should have done when we all got the warning and I dont understand why even as you just stood by and didnt help, you lost your specs. I guess as the Imms here are saying you had some sort of low-duerg RP or something, so I'll just forget ever finding out. Hope you have fun with your next char, as for me, I think I've pretty much exhausted all the fun I might have had with Angiressa.

Sorry for even trying Jinroh.
25907, RE: Going to miss you man...
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed having a bard's company too. Especially a chatty one :)

Since too many duergars seem to just be PK fiends, I did try and talk with others as much as I can, and do as much "exploring" as a non-defensive warrior could. Having you around made those aggro mobs just a tiny bit easier to deal with.

I'll always have fun here at CF... and when I don't, I try something else so that I'll have fun again. That's the best thing about CF, you can always try something new. (And since I really don't care all that much about getting noticed by IMM's, other chars, etc, for being an uber-player, I can usually just play at my own pace).
25914, RE: Going to miss you man...
Posted by Angiressa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Same here, those fields were totally unexpected, and Im suprised 'come hither' worked so much. Anyway, I agree with you there... I gave up on the Imm attention awhile back, the ones who are good, have lost interest or deleted or are just too busy with other things to devote time to morts, and the new flock, IMO, aint looking so hot, save a few. Hope you enjoy your new char to it's full potential
25948, RE: Going to miss you man...
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really haven't interacted with the new IMM's all that much to know if they're "not so hot", but I intend to try for some interaction with my new char idea, so we'll see how it goes.
25920, Out last battle, and a great {LOG}
Posted by Jaegrudai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
******This is after 20 minutes (real time) of skirmishes. He’d flee and run into the Village, and return after we were both healed. I’m in a champ’s stand.*****
Betraal has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

<1004hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl>
You react quickly and avoid Betraal's attack.

<1004hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl>
You parry Betraal's slash.
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal is in perfect health.

<1004hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl> templar mid hiltsmash
Stepping across, you block Betraal's attack and quickly try to smash his mouth with the hilt of your weapon, but you miss!
Betraal dodges your searing light.
Betraal is in perfect health.

<1004hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry Betraal's slash.
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal's slash MUTILATES you!
Betraal is in perfect health.

<967hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl> templar mid hiltsmash

Betraal thrusts his dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
Blood gushes out of your severed artery!
Betraal's deep gash devastates you!
Betraal is in perfect health.

<938hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl> Stepping across, you block Betraal's attack and quickly smash his face with the hilt of your weapon.
Your searing light MASSACRES Betraal!
Betraal has a few scratches.

<938hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal's slash devastates you!
Betraal's slash maims you!
You parry Betraal's slash.
You dodge Betraal's slash.
Betraal has a few scratches.

<874hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl>
You react quickly and avoid Betraal's attack.
Betraal has a few scratches.

<874hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal dodges your searing light.
Betraal dodges your searing light.
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal's slash mauls you.
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal has a few scratches.

<850hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl> templar high deflect
Stepping in, you push Betraal's weapon out, leaving him open for a crush to his ribs, but you miss!
Betraal dodges your searing light.
Betraal has a few scratches.

<850hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal dodges your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal's slash decimates you!
Betraal's slash decimates you!
You dodge Betraal's slash.
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal has a few scratches.

<795hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal whirls Mahn-Tor's Great Axe impressively, but fails to hit you.
Betraal's whirling axe misses you.
Betraal has a few scratches.

<795hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal dodges your searing light.
Your searing light DISMEMBERS Betraal!
Betraal's slash decimates you!
Betraal's slash maims you!
You react quickly and avoid Betraal's attack.
Betraal's slash decimates you!
Betraal has some small but disgusting cuts.

<705hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl> templar high deflect
Stepping in, you push Betraal's weapon out, leaving him open for a crush to his ribs.
Your searing light MANGLES Betraal!
Betraal has some small but disgusting cuts.

<705hp 480m 785mv 28750tnl>
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery devastates you!
Betraal has some small but disgusting cuts.

<695hp 492m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
You react quickly and avoid Betraal's attack.
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal's slash devastates you!
Betraal has some small but disgusting cuts.

<665hp 492m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal's slash devastates you!
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal delivers a blow of deadly force!
You react quickly and avoid Betraal's attack.
Betraal delivers a blow of deadly force!
You react quickly and avoid Betraal's attack.
Betraal has some small but disgusting cuts.

<634hp 492m 785mv 28750tnl>
You react quickly and avoid Betraal's attack.
Betraal has some small but disgusting cuts.

<634hp 492m 785mv 28750tnl> templar high deflect
Stepping in, you push Betraal's weapon out, leaving him open for a crush to his ribs.
Your searing light MANGLES Betraal!
Betraal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<634hp 492m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal dodges your searing light.
You parry Betraal's slash.
You dodge Betraal's slash.
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal's slash mauls you.
Betraal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<611hp 492m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
You react quickly and avoid Betraal's attack.
Betraal's slash MUTILATES you!
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal's slash decimates you!
Betraal's slash decimates you!
Betraal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<517hp 492m 785mv 28750tnl> strikeof
You bring a huge runed mace covered with spikes named 'Order's Star' up and across at Betraal!
Your strike of faith MANGLES Betraal!
Completing your upper slash, you step forward and bring a huge runed mace covered with spikes named 'Order's Star' down in an opposite arc!
Your strike of purity MANGLES Betraal!
Completing your maneuver, you bring a huge runed mace covered with spikes named 'Order's Star' down onto Betraal's head!
Your strike of deliverance MANGLES Betraal!
You can no longer find the strength to wield a huge runed mace covered with spikes named 'Order's Star'.
Betraal hurls a throwing dagger at you, striking you square in the chest!
Betraal's hurled dagger hits you.
Betraal is gushing blood.

<505hp 492m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal parries your punch.
Betraal parries your punch.
Betraal parries your punch.
Betraal's slash decimates you!
Betraal's slash maims you!
Betraal is gushing blood.

<444hp 492m 785mv 28750tnl> hold shield

Betraal parries your punch.
Betraal parries your punch.
Betraal's slash mauls you.
Betraal's slash maims you!
Betraal's slash decimates you!
Betraal's slash maims you!
Betraal is gushing blood.

<323hp 492m 785mv 28750tnl> You wear a razor-edged shield as a shield.
Betraal leaves west.
Betraal has fled!

<323hp 492m 785mv 28750tnl> wield quickness
You wield the short sword of quickness.
The short sword of quickness feels like a part of you!

<323hp 492m 785mv 28750tnl> co heal
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<423hp 452m 785mv 28750tnl>
The clouds disappear.

<423hp 452m 785mv 28750tnl>
Stefanie looks at you.

<423hp 452m 785mv 28750tnl> co heal
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<523hp 412m 785mv 28750tnl> co heal

You are hungry.
You feel ready to stand fast against the darkness again.
The white aura around your body fades.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding EVISCERATES you!
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery DISMEMBERS you!

<423hp 422m 785mv 28750tnl> You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<523hp 382m 785mv 28750tnl> co sanc
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

<523hp 307m 785mv 28750tnl> co heal
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<623hp 267m 785mv 28750tnl> People near you:
(PK) Jaegrudai Before a fortified hillock
Stefanie Before a fortified hillock
(PK) Betraal Among the barbaric huts

<623hp 267m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

<623hp 267m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal drives his axes into both sides of your body, stunning you.
Betraal's brutal attack devastates you!
Betraal's brutal attack maims you!
You yell 'Help! Betraal is trying to hack me to pieces!'
Betraal is gushing blood.

<559hp 267m 785mv 28750tnl> co wrath betraal

Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal delivers a blow of deadly force!
Betraal's slash *** DEVASTATES *** you!
You react quickly and avoid Betraal's attack.
Betraal's slash devastates you!
Betraal is gushing blood.

<396hp 267m 785mv 28750tnl>
Stefanie looks at you.
Betraal is gushing blood.

<396hp 267m 785mv 28750tnl>
Someone glances at Betraal.
Betraal is gushing blood.

<396hp 267m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal parries your searing light.
Your searing light maims Betraal!
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal's slash decimates you!
Betraal's slash maims you!
Betraal's slash decimates you!
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal is gushing blood.

<309hp 267m 785mv 28750tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Betraal's direction.
Betraal looks very uncomfortable.
Betraal trembles under the force of your wrath as you tear deeply into the soul of the wicked.
Your heavenly wrath MASSACRES Betraal!
Betraal is gushing blood.

<309hp 247m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal dodges your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
You dodge Betraal's slash.
Betraal's slash devastates you!
Betraal's slash mauls you.
Betraal is gushing blood.

<258hp 247m 785mv 28750tnl>
Stefanie looks at you.
Betraal is gushing blood.

<258hp 247m 785mv 28750tnl> co heal
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
A warm feeling fills your body.
Betraal is gushing blood.

<358hp 207m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
You react quickly and avoid Betraal's attack.
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal's slash devastates you!
Betraal is gushing blood.

<326hp 207m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal tries some fancy axe-work, but is only partially successful.
Betraal's brutal attack maims you!
Betraal's brutal attack misses you.
Betraal is gushing blood.

<293hp 207m 785mv 28750tnl> co wrath betraal

Aedan: I seek my rest. Light keep you all safe.
Betraal is gushing blood.

<293hp 207m 785mv 28750tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Betraal's direction.
Your heavenly wrath MASSACRES Betraal!
Betraal is writhing in agony.

<293hp 187m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal dodges your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal's slash decimates you!
You parry Betraal's slash.
Betraal is writhing in agony.

<265hp 187m 785mv 28750tnl>
Stefanie looks at you.
Betraal is writhing in agony.

<265hp 187m 785mv 28750tnl> co wrath betraal
You narrow your eyes and glare in Betraal's direction.
Betraal trembles under the force of your wrath as you tear deeply into the soul of the wicked.
Your heavenly wrath *** DEVASTATES *** Betraal!
Betraal is writhing in agony.

<265hp 167m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal parries your searing light.
Betraal's slash decimates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your shield blocks Betraal's slash.
Betraal's slash devastates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Betraal is writhing in agony.

<208hp 167m 785mv 28750tnl>
You react quickly and avoid Betraal's attack.
Betraal is writhing in agony.

<208hp 167m 785mv 28750tnl> co wrath betraal

Stefanie looks at Betraal.
Betraal is writhing in agony.

<208hp 167m 785mv 28750tnl>
Manethrall: Farewell good sir.
Betraal is writhing in agony.

<208hp 167m 785mv 28750tnl>
Vahletharien: Fair winds, Master Aedan.
Betraal is writhing in agony.

<208hp 167m 785mv 28750tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Betraal's direction.
Betraal trembles under the force of your wrath as you tear deeply into the soul of the wicked.
Your heavenly wrath *** DEVASTATES *** Betraal!
Betraal is convulsing on the ground.

<208hp 147m 785mv 28750tnl>
Stefanie looks at you.
Betraal is convulsing on the ground.

<208hp 147m 785mv 28750tnl>
Betraal parries your searing light.
Your searing light maims Betraal!
Betraal is DEAD!!
Betraal's heart is torn from his chest.
25922, You react quickly and avoid Betraal's attack....
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That last one was you avoiding my disembowel. Bastard!
25921, Some comments.
Posted by Jaegrudai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Always had fun fighting you. You had the misfourtune of being the only evil on on more than one occasion, and the only villager. I definatly give you props for that. I never had a problem camping out in front of the Village if you were the only evil on. Jae thinks that if he can tie you up in a verbal battle while you stay in a safe spot he guards he's keeping you from going out and doing something evil.

I'll post the log of one such occasion where you did pretty well.
25923, RE: Some comments.
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Avoiding you alone would have been possible... but like you said, when I'm the only evil on and there are a good dozen lightwalkers (and a handful of them from the Fortress), it was sometimes easier to just regroup in the Village.

One thing about me fighting, was that since I was sitting in the Village, I would not log off until one of us died. It happened to be me. I would never log off if someone was waiting for me outside. That would have been too cowardly for my RP, hence me sometimes running out on a suicide mission before i logged out.

From our conversations I knew that you weren't going to call in the Fortress gang (though I'd say I usually did better against them then I did you)
25852, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Betraal the Field Marshall
Posted by Stef on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll miss you.
I noticed I hadn't seen you in awhile, I guess the tidings with your lord didn't go over such as well?

You were a great warrior, excellent berserker, and great villager and friend, you'll certainly be missed.

25856, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Betraal the Field Marshall
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never did follow the god of my sphere. So I didn't really have one to talk to. I tried talking with Ordasen to no avail, and really didn't want to spend 100 hours trying to figure out how to get specs back... it just didn't seem fun to me.

If Ordasen would have given me even the slightest bit of hope, I would have stuck it out. Not his fault. But I play CF for fun, but having to run from shifters/imperials/any other char that I know I could beat handily just wasn't in Betraal's style.

Rather than embarass myself further. Delete delete.
25851, How did you become neutral?
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't know anything of that, granted we played at different times. How did it happen? I guess that is why you lost your specs. Granted, if you are a warrior who lost their specs, a berserker warriors duergar, who is neutral (and now immune to wrath from paladins) is by far the best damn thing you can be to weather the time without the specs. Its a rough road, a berserker, and as you know, berserkers are rare because of that. What I find interesting is that more berserkers are deleting in the face of the Imperial horde than non-berserkers. I'll leave the reasons I think that to myself. Good luck with your next Betraal, and when I die, or whatever, I'll have more to say.
25857, RE: How did you become neutral?
Posted by Betraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Berserkers are great. I loved the Imperial Horde - I knew I was always going to get a ready-made fight.