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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Blyne the Baron of Meteors
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=25840
25840, (DELETED) [None] Blyne the Baron of Meteors
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Mar 29 17:17:21 2004

At 4 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 16th of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Blyne perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None

25841, Well that was a waste.
Posted by Blyne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First pole spec, wasnt very happy with it..

Tried to get back into outlander after Thorogarn, misinterpeted and area to be wild and spent a good deal of time there, found out I was wrong so go me on the wilderness ratio... Not to mention the leader was on vacation, but It was fun running with them.

I have a few quams with some of the new members though..
A leader type calling my character a coward for not wanting
to raid the tribunal as an uncabaled warrior with the at least
three tribunals that happen to be in galadon at the time..
Not to mention while you were busy saying I was chicken, were the one who was hiding, and didnt even partake in the raid, while I was killing a conjurer on top of a successful raid.. You need to be a little more perceptive. I felt I proven myself a few times, and didnt need some titled character that never even met me to start throwing insults. At least i put your foot in your mouth and you took it back but still... got no respect from me.

Fhinsdry... All I can say is.. welcoming me to a fight, in galadon
with justiciar in town as well isnt much balls. And to call me a bitch and log out... really showed that rager courage, i shouldve multikilled you. Weak.

Well, yoilern, ajeghr, cereil, i love the healer types, thanks for putting up with the insane hp mobs and the danger factor of the areas.

I don't have much good to say about this character, mob died like crazy, and couldnt pk for #### as i ranked up. Just wasnt very fun.

Lyristeon, thanks for the heads up, but man you really #### on my day when i found out i didnt have the wild time. Thanks for taking the time to let me know.

Anyone else.. I probably didnt like you or agree with something or other. Too much late night drinking/smoking/mudding.

Blyne just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Later.

25843, Darn
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A shame. I really like Blyne. I gave you the heads up so that you could work it out. I was watching you and you weren't too old for a turn around. In fact, between the time I told you and the time you deleted, you almost made it. That's how close you were. I have been known to induct when no one else does if I find the person worthy enough and the leader isn't available. Good luck with the next.
25846, Nothing but good things to say for you
Posted by Blyne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I was mob dying ridiculously often, and just wasnt cutting it with pk, sure id charge in bravery balls to the wall trying, just wasnt cutting it.

Regearing several times per login was just too much.
Besides, ic blyne was already an outlander, even others
considered it so, and that was enough for me.

Thanks again, I just didnt have it in me to keep picking myself
up as often as i was falling down.

Still think I did better than with Thorogarn though
25848, Liked you from our little interaction
Posted by Stormgiant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To bad you didn't stick with it, you were solid from what I saw..
But yes I agree giant polearm is hard to kill with sometimes
Just be more careful about choosing fights.
Good luck on your next
25849, Route i was going, id con die before 40
Posted by Blyne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and if your talkin about the muters, yeah that was kinda cool.

Not everyday you get to be a selfless hero if thats the case.
But such was Blynes intentions.. anyhow, thanks.
25853, I'm curious on why you were hell-bent on attacking me.
Posted by Oeretai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After all, I wasn't a defiler and really had nothing against you. The first time I didn't even loot. The second time, I took a few things and tried speaking with you, but you had already quit/dropped link.
25855, It is my understanding
Posted by Blyne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As an outlander wanna be, I am to have a different aspect on races and classes. Just as I said with Thorogarn, simply because you are
a high elf, storm giant.. etc. doesnt mean that my nuetral race
is friendly towards you. I'm not sure where people get the idea because your good aligned I have no reason to attack you.

In the beginning inciddent you were someone I didnt know, someone
who traveled with and aided dwarf races, and I just didnt like you.

Nothing personal, it's not like I could beat you anyways,
Blyne just didnt always trust goodly races as much as he wouldnt
trust a thief or something of that sort.

In his mind, you were self-rightous, you in general of good races, and were blind to some of the things I felt were harmful to the world in my characters eyes. I see you with a dwarf helping him then you
are helping one of my sworn enemies, making yourself one.

I'm not saying this is how Outlander feels, but that is how my character percieved things.
25870, Organic Disaster
Posted by Kaeldran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I traveled with you once to Organia when my character was a little younger. A paladin came with us too. I was willing to try to stick it out, and was writing help missives to goodly heroes (didn't realize I sent one to a Tribunal.. ugh!) in between fights. However, I think what drove you away was the paladin whining and wanting to kill one another because we couldn't get out. Then you left us, the land went black, whatever, and someone came along to help us, but you had since died. A shame. While I didn't like you, I did respect the 'balls to the wall' attitude and the Outlander outlook (even though the paladin was a tribunal, heh). You inspired a little. Good luck next character, and maybe make a giant with a different spec.
25879, I didnt find out he was a tribunal until later, but thanks for the compliments mt
Posted by Blyne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
26086, Roleplaying Despair
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm really disappointed you saw that as whining. My character would have reasons to almost go mad in a place of inescapable insanity.

I even did a role entry about it as "a lesson in faith", and had even mentioned your name to a few others of the faith in reguards as to how we should treat lightwalkers who follow the Imp.

I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of my charater.
26087, RE: Roleplaying Despair
Posted by Kaeldran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its just comparison wise, Blyne and I were fine. There were ways to calm oneself and think clearly. It seemed unbecoming for a paladin to want to start killing each other because we were stuck in a land of dreams. Whether a role entry was added later or not, it was a drastic change in personality from whom you were when I met you... Or maybe I just didn't know whom Alarian really was. I'm sure you've addressed this, so I won't dwell.

Blyne, can't wait to see what you come up with next.
26088, RE: Roleplaying Despair
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It seemed unbecoming
>for a paladin to want to start killing each other because we
>were stuck in a land of dreams.

26098, My distaste
Posted by Blyne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

In general, ooc I hate most paladin characters, I try not to
let it show in game, but i never travel with them if I can help it.

It was in Blynes rp to dislike or at least distrust full goods,
because he saw without even knowing each other they would go out
of their way to do whatever for them and almost expect as much.

The elf mob enroute to where we were going, had to die for what
we were doing, yet without even taking area perspective and our/your
groupmates lives into persepective.. You walk to the next room to wait for us to do it.

If you were against it.. you shouldve left the group instead of
turn your head while we primitive wild men (outlander app) were
slaughtering an elf.

You then noted it would have been different if you knew
you couldnt get out.. from an ooc standpoint, yeah no ####, but
from your ic standpoint, you just changed opinion so easily in
hopes of self preservation... not very paladin like.

Within seconds of figuring out what was what, you are ready for
us to slay 'Ourselves' rather than die fighting an evil beast or something because instead of rp, you think ooc outside the box and
dont want the exp loss. At this point im already disliking you.

You continued to whine and go from paladin to thief in a matter
of minutes. Thief ie not for stealing, just the shady greedy thinks about himself type.

I later left the group, found my way out and just tried to not
talk with you again.

Thats why.