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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Dryzzel IronClaws, the Weaponsmaster, Anathema to the Empire
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=25539
25539, (DELETED) [None] Dryzzel IronClaws, the Weaponsmaster, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Mar 19 17:56:00 2004

At 12 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 26th of the Month of the Great Evil
on the Theran calendar Dryzzel perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None

25668, RE: (DELETED) [None] Dryzzel IronClaws, the Weaponsmaster, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Nimuweh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You really kicked my butt that one time. Well done. Good luck on the next.

25607, Good warmaster, very much in a rager style
Posted by Zauttevre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From the first time I saw you go take some crazy risks I thought you're a hardcore rager player. So I was right about you. You were a good warmaster I think though we didn't meet a lot in the game.

You were deposed for politics, I cannot say more. Your suggestion for me is appreciated but you don't know all the factors.

Yes empire in american time is very weak, I played in that time as well. Always alone and raided.
25611, I hope I find it all out eventually. nt
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
25543, It was a good run, wish I had deleted an hour sooner.
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, thats that. I wanted to see if I could make another felar not in battle that could be as productive as Guenrayn was in battle with the same specs, different legacies. I think it worked out pretty well as I tried my best to fight hard, evenly, and no matter what. A bunch of people are probably wondering what happenend, and I suppose some of those things won't get found out til later. I will say a couple of things.

I decided to Anathema myself because no way in hell was I going to end my life as an Imperial after getting what I think was the "shaft." Grottimgesh said Yanacek wanted it because I had become stagnant. Funny how I can become stagnant to an Emperor who is never seen when he is probably needed the most. Same with a few other people. Oh well, such is life. My life got a bit busier, and I was trying to log in as much as possible, for at least 8 - 10 hours a week when the times were a bit rougher in real life. Anyway, I had been thinking of deleting Dryzzel anyway, when it appeared that Yanacek would never leavea the throne ,and we couldn't force him out. I had tried without success to get him to leave the throne, and I believe that had a bigger part to play than my "stagnation." Though, he knew I always served the "Empire" so thats probably why I was only demoted to Elite. Oh well, lets get on with some words.

Khasotholas - what little interaction we had was cool, I had a blast with you as Haaslett, til you stopped showing yourself. Dryzzel got the idea, as he should have, that he was tolerated even perhaps liked sligthly by you, but since he wasn't divine, you wouldn't give him much. Thats cool, wish the blades had an imm who was there.

Zulgh - never saw you, expect for the last little talk. I know you are great though and yer right "Welcome to the Empire" said it best.

Sevarecan - Not much to say, saw you around, but didn't see much.

Lorhan - What can I say, I expected too much or, you couldn't control life and I got the shaft a little bit, heh. You had given me a task, which I completed, but never got to talk ot you about. Then "BAM" you were dead. I almost deleted that day because I didn't feel like I could go anywhere with Dryzzel because the Empire imms didn't seem that into the blades. Oh well Thanks for the tat, hope I performed well, and that you will say something if you had any thoughts.

Yanacek - Strongest thief fighter I know, smart and tough as nails. However, Emperor, hardly showed yourself in the busiest times of the day. NEver at night, which is probably because of where you live. However, thats two Emperors now that were both on that schedule and hmm, look at the times on "users" or whatever the command is. Peak time, no Imperials. Including all the other sect leaders with the exception of Gulthruck, but he is more sporadic than you. Do the empire a favor, abdicate the throne. Step down, delete, Immort. Do something. You shafted me when I honestly believe the Empire is where it is now because of my inductions and leadership of the sect. I wish I could see the stat about my demotions promotions. I demoted quite a few people, anathed a few and such. Oh well, I was "stagnant." heh, bs

Njaal - Like you a lot til you got older and thought you were better than everyone. We had some fun times though, thanks for those. I'll post more when yer gone. Always willing to fight though, when it was needed.

Laes - Good friend, though I'm not sure how good after this last little bit. I'll find out more later I'm sure, and I'll say more later.

Gulthruck - Another tough one, and at least somewhat willing to fight. Though, I've always been a rush in there regardless type, and to be as successful as you, you can't be.

Kardok - Best warrior friend to Dryzzel. He trusted you and thought you might try for the spot. You were very strong and the blades missed you when you left. Great Leader among the sect and I could always count on you to fight with me. We had some crazy ones against pretty big odds didn't we?

Carrick - You rock man, thats all I'm gonna say. You are a good shadow, and not completely worried about your things. I know you will bounce back and get it all back anyway, if you haven't already.

Keem - liked ya, though I had to put you down when you messed up that one time. I wanted you to be Dread Lord.

Grottimgesh - Honestly, I wanted the throne, and you were gonna be my war master. You got the spot, but not the way I wanted. My oath if i remember right, good job, keep it up. Perhaps log on when no one else is though, and prove yourself in that arena. I honestly think there are a lot of Imperials who haven't.

Aiekooso - Good friend, and fun to travel with.

Vivinxa - Same as Aiekooso, could trust you.

Zauttevre - I'd have probably removed Njaal and made you Sect leader. After some things that went down between Njaal and I.

Overall empire experience, fun, but shove sucks. Maybe I didn't know how to use it, but I tried to figure it out. Worked great with your own friends, but never against the enemy hitting you three to one. They were always "too smart" for that. Tactics is awesome, you'll love it Grottimgesh.

As for enemies, if you want ot post something about me, and want a response, I'll gladly give one. For the other friends I missed, same goes for you. I'm too spent right now to think more.

Aaron aka Minyar, Dryzzel, Haaslett, Verisla (Taking a break from Empire though, my record stands to reason I should try for Dread Lord! :))

25546, Great job
Posted by Lariya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one hell of a fighter. I don't think we had very many fights that weren't stupidly lopsided for one side though. We had a couple good one on one fights, but I sort of saw your big strength as turning from deadly alone, to super deadly if it was a group on group scenario.

I saw you at all times, when Empire was huge, and at times when it was you against a slew of Fort people. Mad respect, and good luck with whatever is next.
25548, Thanks. You were one of two foes Dryzzel hated to fight. n/t
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I cringed when you would log in. Now, honestly, and I don't mean this to put you down. I typically only saw you when you were in power, or there were few of us. Now, if we were in power and you were about an in power, you would fight a slew of us. I know that would have been the same if you weren't. What I'm saying is that basically I usually only saw you with other heros about from the fortress. Thanks for noticing my desire to protect the Empire either way. Apparently, people didn't keep seeing this for some reason. hence my being pissed about the "stagnant" comment.

Anyway, you would beat me up in one round if I wasn't completely ready. So Dryzzel just didn't really have a love for fighting you, then again, that love was only bested by those damn porcupine combos. Oh, I hated those even more. Anyway, you are the tops of Paladins, good job. (though I think yer overpowered :))

25552, I know I age died early after you heroed...
Posted by Jaedren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I kinda regret that. I know the few fights we did have were action packed, and I know that the conversing afterwards was solid as well. From my perspective you did a kick ass job. But really Aaron, you need to get off this empire kick and try a paladin or something. Maran all the way baby.

25574, Was glad to have some relief though.
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I heroed into a paladin rich hero pk. I loved it, but you were scary to fight as well. I was glad when a few of you died off, though you were just replaced by others. However, at least I could beat them up fairly quickly in the lower ranks. Don't worry about Empire, I'm out of there for awhile. I need to make something and kill them off. Yanacek needs to die for one *wink Yanacek* The perfect set needs to be dismantled and parted out.

25577, I do need to die
Posted by Yanacek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's coming soon enough, don't worry. But it certainly isn't going to come from the Fortress quitting out immediately or only raiding when its 7 on 2 or not defending or hiding in shrines all the time when I'm around.


25582, Heh
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, seeing as I never did that with an Imperial when the odds were against me, I doubt that wouldn't translate to a maran character. However, doesn't matter, never played a maran, and I'm probably not going to be playing anything seriously for awhile til I get inspiration for a new character.

25553, Didn't interact with you at all, but just a quick comme...
Posted by Kazadan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... you will never be able to shove one player into another. I
learned this real quick with my old Empire warriors. You can
shove a player into any non-pc though, and it works well, and
you can spam it with zero lag so unless you're getting tripped
or bashed, you'll get them

Ideal uses for shove:
1) You're ranking, people come to attack you, shove them into
the mob.
2) You're fighting a druid, push them into their cotw pet and
3) You're fighting a conjurer, nuff said.
4) Necro's, to some extent, though they got a lot of less
damaging creatures so it takes awhile to get them tanking their
entire flock.

And probably the best use for shove, which I used to do
4) You're raiding, shove 'villager'. Then he has to deal with
all the flurries and crap from the destructor.

Dunno if the conjurer and fighting the inner guardians still
worked, but if they do, its awesome.

I'm extremely surprised you hadn't figured this out, because
shove is nice.

- Kazadan
25568, I'm sure that was nice but
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can't shove people into inner guardians anymore. So, the only possible uses then were against druids, which i did once, or against conjurers, which I didn't need to do typically cause I hit fast enough. However, against a necro, well, I usually didn't fight them for obvious reasons. Oh well, it doesn't work like it used to.

25555, RE: It was a good run, wish I had deleted an hour sooner.
Posted by Vorondel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, good job dude. You were a pain to deal with, the kind of warrior I feared most. Nasty specs, and played with finesse. Poor Vorondel hates hand and whip specs :( Anyway, I'll post some logs if I find any.

Good luck with whatever comes next

25557, RE: It was a good run, wish I had deleted an hour sooner.
Posted by Nhiala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were fairly scary. Curse, entwine, iron flails and all that jazz. We didn't speak to each other that much, but from what I can tell you were pretty gung ho. I always have to admire that sort of stance.
25573, Curse was such a bonus.
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had no idea that my tattoo would be able to do that. I wanted to be a courageous follower in Empire because people always think it "can't be done." "They all gangbang." "They all full loot." I was basically out there to prove them wrong. A friend pointed out a funny thing to me though. When I follow a Lord, with the exception of Khas, they die out. *If I was tattooed*

Followed Nimbus - gone
Followed Bria - gone
Followed Uller - gone
Followed Intronan - gone
Followed Lorhan - gone

hmm, who should I target next?

Anyway, I wanted to fight you more. I was sometimes put off by the fact that you weren't more aggressive as a follower and paladin of the Clarion. Once you hit hero though, you were a bit moreso.

Thanks for the good times though.
25560, Well you know I loved ya to pieces
Posted by Yoshifesd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a great leader in my mind, firm when you needed to be and touch as nails. It's been a while since we saw each other so I won't make this to long, other than to say I think you did a fantastic job and the Empire was MUCH better for your being there.
25569, Thanks
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew you were kinda new to the bard class, if I'm thinking right, and I respected your desire to play hard. Thats always been my way though, I like those who try hard, regardless of their ability. There is a current blade I think that about. He is fairly new to the game I think, but he sures tries hard, nad gives his life for the Empire. Anyway, you were great. It was you me and Xygarthon a lot of the time, and we had some fun with it. Great Work.

25564, RE: It was a good run, wish I had deleted an hour soone...
Posted by Felar Serpent on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dryzzel, I wanted to have that one fight between our felar characters which I promised you. Seems I missed out on it now. Quite a shame - could have been alot of fun and would have opened up some good moments of RP between them regardless of who would have come out on top at the end.

Being able to interact with another felar player at the hero level is always something different. It's regrettable he is gone now. Guess I'll have to go and spike Ekoker instead for the time being.

See you around, 'hunter of Empire'.

25570, Loved it when you called me that.
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hated it when I had to kill you. I thought that was a load of crap and I was dissappointed that we were "forced" to do it. Oh well, I would have enjoyed further RP, but the current situation just left a sour taste in my mouth, not that being knocked down is ever fun. There were other things though, but thats alright.

25640, RE: Loved it when you called me that.
Posted by Felar Serpent on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
' hated it when I had to kill you. I thought that was a load of crap and I was dissappointed that we were "forced" to do it. '

Don't worry about this. Fact is that his behavior did turn into something of a mockery of the Empire and parts of what it stood for as time passed. When it became obvious that the high priest was not terribly motivated to do something about this either, for whatever the reason, it really was not a surprise to me when I heard that Khasotholas had decided to make him motivated for it right there on the spot. It was starting to get a little humiliating and embarrassing for most of the Imperial folks in all honesty, and thus the only true surprise was that I was able to maintain this attitude of my character without any consequences for as long as I did. I knew very well where this was going to end when I started with it, the only thing I couldn't seem to figure out was when.

What I do wonder however, is how things would have turned out back there had I begun to constrict you instead of attempting to go for defense in order to try and wait out the effects of the aristaeia. But now, we may never know.

Events like those are how a character's ongoing story is forged, Dryzzel.
25565, Pretty good job there
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked you for the most part as War Master. You made the sect grow, and fought very well. I would have liked to have seen more politics from you. If you wanted to get rid of Yanacek, you should have tried a little harder. Glad you enjoyed our interactions... I'm still there, just not as visible now. You deserved your last name, glad you reminded me to give it to you. Good luck on your next, you're putting together a quality string of characters.

25572, Thanks
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, the way I saw it was like this. The Blade Sect is about serving the Empire first, and I didn't want to disrupt that. Yes, i know that the second law is to "wrest the seat from any non blade" but at the same time, law one is to serve the "Empire, Sect, Self" Well, I think I always did that. I was working on the whole politics thing, and I had some supporters, but I've never been one to "protect my set." For some odd reason, the game is like life in that way, people will give respect to those who have what they want. Which in my opinion is retarded. However, we do see it in game. Some people have such and such a set, and guess what, they never get in fights where they might lose it. They won't stand up and fight for their beliefs when its really tough. Just my two cents, and I had tried to lead by example and I had hoped that to be enough, but I was wrong.


ps I did what you wanted though, so I felt good about that.
25567, Stagnation
Posted by Yanacek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It had nothing to do with stagnation and everything to do with politics. All I will say on the matter for now.
25571, Yeah, I figured. That was the reason Grottimgesh told m...
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I look forward to hearing what you have to say about it. Funny thing was, I believe I was honestly one of your biggest supporters for a long long time. I didn't get involved in things often, but I'll let you know, that when I did, I did it for my reasons, regardless of what others think.

25575, RE: Respect
Posted by Yanacek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Understood. Which is why I wanted demotion, not anathema. I thought you did a good job for a long time, but certain instances led to the demotion. It wasn't just one thing. When I croak soon, I'll answer anything necessary.

-Nowhere near Zorszaul or Istendil or whoever else some crazy-ass is comparing me to
25576, RE: It was a good run, wish I had deleted an hour sooner.
Posted by Vahletharien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I respected you for logging in and staying around to pick a fight when the odds were against you. I felt almost everytime we fought I was outmatched...which is odd considering the race/class matchup, I think.

25583, good times
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, we had some good ones. I respected that you would fight me regardless. That log I put on dio's was classic and I loved those kinds of things. anyway, I like to fight, and it doesn't really matter the odds. If I have a snowballs chance in hell I'll probably try.

25588, oh yeah and that one time...
Posted by Vahletharien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
..you had me convulsing and the squad came in a killed you, I think I had 5hp :P Thought you would appreciate that.
25578, RE: It was a good run, wish I had deleted an hour sooner.
Posted by Njaal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dryzzel always came off as a bit impatient to me. And i am certain you could have avoided many of your deaths with thinking ahead a little. On the other side you were a gung ho soldier, running in without fear...so i guess its part of the deal. Regardless of this you always knew what to do, and handled yourself well in combat. I always thought you were a skilled warrior. The last month you seemed to loose some of your trademark dedication, being a bit grumpy, and often entering the realm naked. I know understand why...

We knew each other for several hundred hours, and i got to know you quite well. I will write more when Njaal is dead, as i cant say all here.
Anyway i liked your char, and would not have summoned the felar chief all those times if i had not :).

25584, Yeah, nakedness happens when its you against 10.
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but I wouldn't trade those fights. I started logging in less when you guys were around and more when no one was just because that was more fun for me. Logging on to seven hero imperials who have nothing to do but go gather "nice" equipment is boring for me. Granted, I love having the things, but I can do well enough with a set of dragon gear and basic felar things. THe biggest headache is gathering money for potions and stuff. Maybe I'll play a rager next. :) Anyway, liked Njaal toward the end, and thats probably because your view of Dryzzel went down only because you didn't see him as much. So, its a funny thing how fake life can be sometimes.

25580, RE: It was a good run, wish I had deleted an hour soone...
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, having interacted with Haaslett, and Dryzzel, both with
various incarnations, I will say... well done. A class act.

Shame we never got to fight, as It seemed we wanted to see who
would fair better. Would have been a good fight.

Good luck with the next.

25585, Fairly sure you would have tooled me 8 out of 10 times.
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That one time on eastern I was ticked that you protected Jaegrudai. So yeah, I dirted you and it was great cause you didn't have weapons up. You always had cursed weapons, so thats the bane of a felar who relies heavily on strip. Strip is such an awesome skill that I won many fights with just one. Add tactics to that, and I destroyed a few people after stripping the first and entwining them. Oh well, it was a great set up for me, and add my tattoo to that and you get why I did so well. Thought you were strong, was getting ready to take you on outside of town, especially after Carrick was slaughtered and full looted.

25586, Good job
Posted by Grottimgesh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Grottimgesh said Yanacek wanted it because I had become stagnant.

That is inaccurate translation of what I actually said.
After all I said to you only one sentence on this whole matter.
Nor I mentioned any of Yanacek's reasoning.
But I don't want to go into details now.

Overall I think you were a decent war master. You were at that position for more than 5 months (almost half of year) and the fact you weren't anathemed should tell you as much :P.
I respected you. Also I found you to be a bit ragerish (but it is not a drawback). Now I see why.

>Grottimgesh - Honestly, I wanted the throne, and you were
>gonna be my war master. You got the spot, but not the way I
>wanted. My oath if i remember right, good job, keep it up.
>Perhaps log on when no one else is though, and prove yourself
>in that arena. I honestly think there are a lot of Imperials
>who haven't.

I can't control my playing time as well as you ask.
My logging hours are very the same through my whole life span.
Somewhat stricted through week and more flexible at weekend.
25587, Part of the reason I wanted more power...
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
was to make Empire strong at those harder times as well. Sometimes after I'd log in a few others would log in, but most of those have deleted by now. I wish I had more time for playing, but married life, a new puppy, work all keep me from here obviously, and they are definately more important. Though sometimes my wife and puppy probably don't think so.

25589, I guess I will add my stuff, too..
Posted by Glaubarst on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I must say I really liked fighting you, whatever the outcome. I didn't know throwdown (or was that your tattoo, as Nhiala suggests?° could curse. That really stinks. Anyways, as a shield paladin I had to really on wrath and flamestrike, since you seemed to parry my every attack. And before I had my retribution virtue, wrath and flamestrike never really got passed massacres. Anyways, I enjoyed our fights, and will remember you as one of the only to return things, after you killed them. I tried to do the same as good as I could. Appart from Haaslett I interacted with all your former characters. They were all pretty solid. Well done, and good luck with your next.

25590, Curse was from the tattoo
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't mind revealing it because he is gone. Otherwise, I think most people knew that. It had some cool affects.

25598, Good job there.
Posted by Jinroh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always heard good things about you. Never did get our one on one fight although, which was unfortunate. Granted that fight would have involved a lot of stunning and waiting.

I was disappointed that you didn't give me the one on one fight in the Palace that one time after you killed Rahno (and me showing you upmost respect, because you know that if we ganged you, you would have died) and instead ganged me 6 on one, but I honestly thought it would be one of those CF cool moments, but I guessed wrong (and was prepared for it). Granted it would have required you to stand up to Yanacek, which could have been done in a respectable way, but, oh well, you didn't, chalk that one up to yet another imperial ganging.

All in all, good stuff. Speaking as a fellow Lorhan follower, at least you got his tattoo. He would appear to me and send me on a suicide quest against three or four people, I would go, make a damn good show, but finally die, I would get full looted, he would then vis to me and said, "You are doing very well.", re-invis, and then a couple days later, he deletes. Left a terrible taste in my mouth, but, oh well. So I know how you feel.
25600, That time in the palace
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm fairly sure it was only Yanacek and I that killed ya. But granted, you did show respect, though I thought it fairly foolish as you were "raiding" us.

Props though of course.

25624, RE: It was a good run, wish I had deleted an hour sooner.
Posted by Zargu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done...

Mind if i post the interaction i had with Khas about him ordering to kill you, and the battle?! ;)

Zhenzar and a few others that you know/knew
25632, Yes, feel free to show it.
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeha, thats fine with the log. I want to see it honestly. I also liked your char a lot, but I think you knew that.

25641, Very well done
Posted by Laes on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Dryzzel. Looks like our characters had much in common. A shame our playing times were so much different. Liked that incident with a young assassin who looted you (care to clarify what happened now?). You did a very good job as a leader of the Blade sect. However, if you are a sect leader in the Empire, you just can't avoid politics. If you don't play by yourself, you will end up being a pawn in other player's game. I won't reveal more for now, as it might affect the current events. One more thing... I never lied to you.

25649, Thanks
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man, its alright. I was beginning to get bored with Dryzzel anyway. Evil politics just aren't my thing apparently, and I did get involved a little bit, and I guess thats what got me the demotion. I'll say more when I see your name up here, or when I think its ok in the future. Always liked you, thought you were a good player, and a friend to Dryzzel. Hard to trust anyone in Empire though, even your own oath *poke grottimgesh*

25669, RE: Very well done
Posted by that assassin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In your previous post you said you did not care about losing gear
but you cryed and cryed till I got the boot. The funny thing is I gave all you gear to other imperials half being members of the counsil.
25675, Maybe you missed the whole point
Posted by Dryzzel1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were part of the Empire. You steal others gear, they feel a bit betrayed. I didn't even know you had done it til I was informed. THen I was pissed, not because of the gear...because of your lack of respect and desire to the see the Empire grow. Well, at least your admitting it now.

25680, RE: Maybe you missed the whole point
Posted by Well.... on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played an asshole of an assassin(role). I did not care for others
I only looked out for me and what every would benifit me I did I
guess the empire did not like that, ahh well live and learn
25687, A good try
Posted by Dryzzel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a descent try, and you would have gotten away with it if I didn't have others looking out for me. I'd say you were fine in your rp, but you have to choose more carefully who you try and backstab. Dryzzel had friends in high places, because he was in a high place, though that didn't matter later :), Oh well. I'm not saying its not a great angle to play, I think you just chose poorly who to keep doing it to.


PS if you had done it to one of my blades, I'd have just let him kill you. Which is a lot less than Anathema.
25654, The weird thing about Dryzzel
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The weird thing about Dryzzel is that he was very much an IC enemy of Tcatama, but OOC I never really once thought of you as someone to 'hate.' In fact, I always felt a kinship with Dryzzel, as it seemed to me we both had very much the same style of play and similar obstacles to overcome (ie goodie horde vs you, imperial horde vs me).

Another reason I like Dryzzel was that you exemplified what I felt a 'war master' should be all about...leading the war. I never saw you around just hiding, guild sitting, etc. You were out there actively bringing the war to anyone who opposed the empire. One last thing I liked about Dryzzel was you went out and represented for the felars in Thera. Felar imho are one of the deadliest races if played right.

Anyway, extremely well done. I'd also be interested to hear your thoughts on legacy picks. Post them here, or if you like email them to me at sam_goffinet@prenhall.com.

25655, My thoughts and legacy picks.
Posted by Dryzzel1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, thanks for the comments. I think I said somewhere above that I would always try to lead by example. yes, some saw this as "impatient" or it cost me my life a few times, but I didn't care. Empire was number one and my life was secondary. The only annoying thing about dieing isn't the eq ,its the preps and all that dang gold you have to get to stay healthy against the "horde." Anyway, I should have addressed my legacies in my main post, as I was dissappointed with one of them.

My first legacy was dance upon the southern wind. If you fought me when I was in defensive stance, you could see the legacy along with it worked out well. I could parry and dodge a lot of blows. Loved that legacy.

Second legacy was "Surrounding the Sunrise." Now, granted, I remember seeing this in action in the old days when it was awesome. However, they've toned it down so much now that it rarely works. It seemed to work better against individual attackers jumping in, but not agaisnt gruops. As in, the group members would automatically jump me right away. That really ticked me off, because I think if it had worked more, I would have lived a bit more, had more opportunites to stun, what not.

Last, Tcatama was always one of my favorite people to fight because I knew itw ould be good. The problem is, neither of us could rely on others to stay out of battles. Either we would fight near the Imperial city and one of them would jump you, or I'd fight you near the streambed and they would jump me. This happened a few tiems to me, ie Vahletherian's comment above. anyway, we did have a lot of good ones, and I love felars. They are very deadly, and I probably like their health the most. I love arials too, but its hard to get past that stinking crappy con.

later man,
25656, Surrounding the sunrise
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've had this both before and after it was tweaked downwards, it wasn't really changed that much, probably not nearly as much as you think. HOWEVER, I have observed that terrain plays a huge factor in how well it works (i.e read the helpfile on it and it mentions the elves getting massacred because there hallowed technique didn't work in a battle). So, I would grant that surrounding probably didn't help you in many of the situations an imperial would find himself in.
25700, Yea, it was a blast.
Posted by Aiekooso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was really suprised with what you could do with a felar warrior. I've been gone a few months now with computer problems, but you should see me again soon enough.
